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Letter #1Mother's Death

Dear (name),
All of us at (school) were saddened to learn of your mother's death.
Although there is little anyone can do to lessen your grief, we want you
to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
I am sure you will hear from many of our teachers individually, but, in
addition, and on behalf of the (school) sta, let me e!tend our deepest
"incerely, #rincipal
Letter #2Death of a School Employee
Dear #arents,
"chool, as well as (school district), lost a dear friend with the loss of
(name). $e will be missed by all. As a tribute to his memory, students
and sta at (school) have been contributing to the fund organi%ed by
the community. &inal tabulation is not complete, however collections
have e!ceeded ' (amount). (e will continue to report to parents
)$appenings At (school) with events and news items of the school in
the form of a newsletter on *hursday. *his may seem repetitious, but it
is our attempt to keep you informed in a systematic way.
(e are well into our school year and activities. I continue to be
impressed with the caliber of our students.
"incerely, #rincipal
Letter #3Loss of Teacher's Parent
Dear (teacher's name),
I was so sorry to hear of your (parent)'s death. *hough words of
sympathy are from the heart and sincere, they are of little comfort in
the loss of one so dear as your (parent). (hat is much more
meaningful is to reali%e that the memories you have of your (parent)
will keep (him+her) forever close to you.
,ay your memories sustain you during this time of sorrow.
If you need anything at all, please let me know.
"incerely, #rincipal
Letter #4Loss of Parent
Dear (name),
At a time like this all we can really oer is our sympathy and our
prayers. I would like to share with you the contents of a note I received
from a friend when I lost my father. It was my friend's personal
perspective on death and it was of comfort to me.
)*o me death must be like a child's going home after two weeks at
summer camp. As time draws near to go home, we become a little sad
as we think of the friends we're leaving behind. (e think of the good
times and bad. -ut then we see our &ather walking down the road
toward us and we run to him with open arms and tears of .oy. (ith
perhaps only a /uick backward look, we rela! in the .oyful knowledge
that we are going home.)
,ay 0od bless you and be your strength at this time.
"incerely, #rincipal
Letter #5Teacher Wth !osptal"e# $hl#
Dear (teacher's name),
(e were all sorry to hear of 's (name) hospitali%ation, but we are
pleased that the problem is a relatively simple one like (ailment).
"imple or not, hospital stays are never much fun.
I'm sure you are having problems with 1nding people to watch your
two smaller children while you visit the hospital. (e would be happy to
watch them for you. 2ou could drop them o anytime, or if you think it
better, we could watch them in your home.
#lease let me know if you would like us to do this.
"incerely, #rincipal

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