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A81 6

Mllan Mlddle School

2014-2015 Fall Semester
!"#$%!$ ' ()*"+$%#$ (#,"+)%$("#
lleose cootoct me ooytlme!
(734) 439-3260
This syllabus

Ms. Gessert
welcome stoJeots! l'm so exclLed Lo be your new MMS ArL 1eacher ! l hope you had
an en[oyable summer and are ready for some exclLlng, yeL challenglng, arL pro[ecLs.
l'm looklng forward Lo worklng wlLh you Lhls semesLer.
l've been hard aL work creaLlng a currlculum LhaL wlll be lnLeresLlng, exclLlng, and lun
for each of you, helplng you develop as young arLlsLs.

ln order Lo make Lhls class a successful, safe, creaLlve learnlng envlronmenL, l musL ask
for your help and cooperaLlon. uon'L heslLaLe Lo glve your lnpuL or lf you have any
ldeas, feel free Lo share Lhem aL any Llme! l care abouL you and your success and am
here Lo help you achleve amazlng Lhlngs.

lease read Lhe resL of Lhe expecLaLlons and procedures carefully and share lL wlLh
your parenLs.
!"#$% '()" ( *+"(# %","%#"+-
-./0 12 (34 /567809
lf you are absenL for any reason, lL ls
your responslblllLy Lo make up any
mlssed work. lf you need Lo seL up a
meeLlng wlLh me, please do so Lhe
day you reLurn or before Lhe
absence. CLherwlse, reach ouL Lo a
peer Lo obLaln any lnformaLlon or
asslgnmenLs. SLudenLs are 100
responslble for Laklng ownershlp of
maklng up mlsslng work.
MMS SLudenL: (name) ______________________(slgnaLure) _______________________________

(name) ______________________________ (slgnaLure) ___________________________________

Lmall Address: ________________________________________________________________
1elephone number:
lleose flll oot tbe followloq cootoct lofotmotloo. kemembet to clkcl yoot ptefetteJ moJe of commoolcotloo!
-./0 12 ( 877: .7;<9
Cne of my maln goals ls Lo help
prepare you for hlgh school and
beyond. 1wo of Lhe mosL lmporLanL
skllls you wlll need are self-advocacy and
problem solvlng. 1hese mean belng able
Lo ldenLlfy when you need help and
seeklng ouL whaL you need. lf you ever
have a quesLlon or need furLher help wlLh
someLhlng, please ASk! l welcome you Lo ask
quesLlons durlng class (aL approprlaLe Llmes),
before or afLer class, durlng lunch, durlng
LnrlchmenL, before
school or afLer
school. lf none of
Lhose Llmes work,
please wrlLe me a
noLe or emall so l
can provlde you
feedback and

Pere aL MMS, we look aL ower SLandards,
rubrlcs, consLrucLlve feedback, and consLanL
lmprovemenL ln undersLandlng our sLudenL's
developmenL. Lach ower SLandard ls assessed
Lhrough a rubrlc, helplng Lo ldenLlfy a sLudenL's
proflclency ln a speclflc area. uslng Lhe ower
SLandard rubrlcs, you wlll be able Lo see exacLly
whaL level you are proflclenL aL, along wlLh whaL
skllls need Lo be furLher developed. A sLudenL
may have a low proflclency of a sklll ln Lhe
beglnnlng, buL as more learnlng happens, you
wlll be able Lo see Lhe level of proflclency rlse.
SLudenLs wlll know ln class whaL level Lhey are
worklng aL and how Lhey can demonsLraLe
proflclency aL each level.

Crades ln owerSchool wlll be updaLed aL leasL
once a week (by lrlday aL noon).
=>? ?1;; ( 57 @A/:7:9
?ou are worklng on ?Cu8 educaLlon. l encourage you Lo
have a volce & lnpuL ln your grades, ln all Lhree areas -
parLlclpaLlon, pracLlce, and ower SLandard assessmenL.
?ou wlll recelve feedback weekly from Ms. CesserL offerlng
suggesLlons and supporL.
*>?7A B0/8:/A:
8oseJ oo ott ptoject &
osslqomeots, lofotmol &
fotmol ossessmeots of
8oseJ oo btolostotmloq
octlvltles, weekly sketcbbook
evolootloos, ooJ ptoctlce.
8oseJ oo Jlscossloo
coottlbotloos, lo-closs
octlvltles, self-
ossessmeots, &
qeoetol closstoom
er MMS pollcy,
sLudenLs' phones
should be Lurned off
& puL away durlng
class! l wlll hold onLo
your phone
lf you cannoL
adhere Lo
Lhls pollcy.
-./0 /5>G0 18 %+$9H
lnsLead of headphones, wrlLe
down your muslcal suggesLlons
ln your skeLchbook &
Ms. CesserL wlll play Lhem
on Lhe speakers!

Course Objectives & Power Standards
!F%BB+"") *+"!EIJ+EB
I7/A */A7806K LG/A:1/86K ' ))B ,/41;176K
lease use Lhe conLacL lnformaLlon on Lhe fronL of Lhls bookleL Lo conLacL me for any reason.
ln order for me Lo besL communlcaLe wlLh you, please leave your conLacL lnformaLlon on Lhe
fllp slde of Lhls page. lease Cl8CLL, whlch ls your preferred meLhod. LasLly, please provlde
your slgnaLure so l know you and your MMS ArLlsL have looked over and undersLand Lhe
expecLaLlons & procedures.
$./8M N>G 2>A 6G<<>A018@ ))B %A0H
$>@70.7A ?7 C/8 4/M7 0.16 / 07AA121C 7O<7A178C7P

AL Lhe sLarL of Lhe school year, sLudenLs wlll each be
glven an %A0 BM70C.5>>M. 1hese books have
mulLlple purposes, buL Lhey wlll be used dally for
sLudenLs Lo compleLe Lhelr MloJ & nooJ wotm
up. 1hls ls elLher a drawlng prompL or wrlLlng
exerclse LhaL l wlll evaluaLe each week, provldlng
feedback and suggesLlons! SLudenLs wlll also use
Lhelr skeLchbooks for btolostotmloq, sketcbloq, ooJ
Jeveloploq vlsool ldeas LhaL sLudenLs en[oy worklng
wlLh. uue Lo lLs slgnlflcance ln Lhe ArL room, lL ls
EBBE#$(%F 60G:7806 ./Q7 0.71A 6M70C.5>>M E%!=
:/NH l provlde sLudenLs sLorage ln Lhe classroom,
buL lf Lhey would llke Lo Lake Lhelr books home Lo
work ln, LhaL ls also an opLlon.
BM70C.5>>M6 /A7 0GA87: 18 ERE+S ,+(I%S
B> 0.7N C/8 A7C71Q7 277:5/CM 5N )>8:/N !
1he above are all expecLaLlons l have for you, buL ( /;6>
?/80 N>G 0> .>;: 7O<7C0/01>86 2>A 47P l wanL you Lo
expecL coosttoctlve feeJbock, coostoot ooJ wlllloq
commoolcotloo, oo otqoolzeJ wotkloq spoce, foltoess,
ooJ o luN closstoom eovltoomeot ftom me as your arL
Leacher. lease come Lalk aL an approprlaLe Llme lf you
feel l am noL meeLlng Lhese expecLaLlons for you!
./0123/. 45!! 62 76!2 /89:
1 2 3
4 5
TE +EB*E!$,JF Lo
ClassmaLes, Leachers, maLerlals,
and yourself! 1hls looks llke
followlng dlrecLlons, ralslng your
hand, belng respecLful of peer's
arLwork, and recognlzlng your
own ablllLles.
8elng dlsrespecLful ln any form
wlll resulL ln a parenL conLacL.
1hls classroom ls a safe
envlronmenL for everyone Lo
en[oy - l wlll noL LoleraLe
TEF(ERE (# S"J+BEF,H ?ou
are LalenLed ArLlsLs, l belleve lo
Classroom Website :
Cur webslLe has many purposes, / 5;>@K /8
7O.15101>8 >2 N>GA /A0?>AMK /8 1861@.0 180>
>GA C;/66A>>4 2>A N>GA </A7806 ' @G/A:1/86K
/8: /6 / ?/N 0> C>80/C0 47!
lleose vlslt.
MloJ & nooJ wotm-up: As you enLer Lhe class quleLly, please grab your skeLchbook from your class bln. llndlng
your seaL, Lhe warm-up prompL wlll be on Lhe board. 1hls warm-up Llme should be 61;780, Lhls way sLudenLs wlll have Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo concenLraLe, warmlng up Lhe hands and mlnds. lf you can hear muslc, you know lL's B(FE#$ warm-up Llme. 1he
warm-up wlll lasL 21Q7 mlnuLes each day - lf you happen Lo flnlsh early, keep golng! l wlll slgnal LhaL Lhe flve mlnuLes ls up. When
Lhe flve mlnuLes ls compleLe, please pass noLebooks Lo Lhe edges of Lhe row. l wlll come around and collecL afLer day's lnLro.

uoy's lottoJoctloo, Cools, & xpectotloos. AfLer Lhe flve-mlnuLe warm-up, l wlll lnLroduce Lhe goals and
expecLaLlons l have for Lhe class perlod. SLudenLs should glve Lhelr full aLLenLlon Lo Lhese lmporLanL deLalls! 1hls ls when
pro[ecLs, due daLes, arL hlsLory, and furLher asslgnmenLs wlll be lnLroduced.

wotk-1lme< Cnce Lhe day's lnLroducLlon & goals have been dlscussed, please reLrleve your arL porLfollo, gaLher
pro[ecL supplles, and begln quleL work Llme. Work-Llme should be calm, lnsplrlng, and moLlvaLlng for all sLudenLs, wlLh llghL Lalklng
and llghL muslc from Lhe speakers. unless oLherwlse noLed durlng Lhe day's lnLroducLlon, pro[ecL work Llme wlll lasL 30-33 mlnuLes!
kootloe woolJ cbooqe fot ctltlpoe Joys, ptoject lottoJoctloo Joys, ott blstoty Joys, etc.

llolsbeJ otly? AL Lhe compleLlon of your asslgnmenL, please place lL ln Lhe deslgnaLed 6
grade 1urn-ln" area.
Cnce your pro[ecL ls Lurned lL, lL's your responslblllLy Lo clean up your work area and reLurn all arL supplles used, quleLly and wlLhouL
dlsLracLlng Lhose worklng around you! AfLer you have approprlaLely organlzed your workspace, you have a Lwo opLlons, lree uraw
ln your skeLchbook quleLly aL your seaL or llnlsh Larly SLaLlon: choose a game, drawlng prompL, or book Lo read! 8eLurn Lo seaL wlLh
Lhe acLlvlLy. uC #"$ dlsLracL Lhose around you, sLlll focused and worklng Lo compleLe Lhelr own pro[ecLs.

cleoo up & lossloq. WlLh Lhree-flve mlnuLes lefL ln class (dependlng on how messy Lhe room ls !), please reLurn all
maLerlals, C;7/87:, Lo Lhe maLerlals Lable and your porLfollo Lo Lhe approprlaLe class shelf. ?ou musL be ln your seaL Lo be dlsmlssed!
%+$ #>167 %;7A06
AfLer Lwo prevlous
warnlngs, lf
sLudenLs sLlll cannoL
follow Lhe work
Llme dlrecLlons, Lhe
8ed A wlll be
removed and Lhe
remalnder of Lhe
class wlll be SlLLn1
work Llme.
lf Lhe nolse
conLlnues aL an
level, Lhe
?ellow 8 wlll be
glvlng sLudenLs
flve mlnuLes of
sllenL work
lf sLudenLs are noL
dlrecLlons or
Lalklng aL an
lnapproprlaLe level,
durlng any parL of
Lhe class, l'll Lake
down Lhe Creen 1
as a warnlng!
Student Sketchbooks
)%$E+(%FB needed EQ7AN:/N:
SkeLchbook, encll, lanner, Lraser, CreaLlvlLy!
% +7@G;/A I/N 18 %A0W
how Lhey use
observaLlon and
lnqulry Lo creaLe

effecLlve drafLs,
express self
freely, and
form and apply
soluLlons Lo
Lhelr arLwork
Lo solve vlsual
uslng 1he
LlemenLs of
ArL and 1he
of ueslgn.

meanlng ln

arLwork LhaL
ldeas uslng
varled arL
medla and

how facLors of
Llme (hlsLory)
and place

$%XE +(BXB %#I )%XE
U)(B$%EXBV (# S"J+ %+$,
Lhese are whaL make you grow
and develop as an arLlsL.
1rylng new Lhlngs ln your arL
maklng process and LrusLlng
your ablllLy ls whaL l expecL!
noL wllllng Lo be
Challenged, advenLurous, or
lnnovaLlve ln your arL wlll
resulL ln lower pro[ecL
TE(#L +E%IS $" FE%+# ls
only posslble when you come
Lo class wlLh all requlred
maLerlals, on Llme, and
moLlvaLed! SLudenLs should be
ln Lhelr seaLs wlLh everyday
maLerlals when clock slgnals
class has begun.
1hree or more Lardles over
Lhree weeks, resulLs ln a parenL
conLacL. lurLher Lardles wlll
resulL ln a meeLlng & poLenLlal
loss of passlng Llme.
lf maLerlals are belng dlsrespecLed, you'll spend your lunch ln Lhe arL room
helplng Ms. CesserL clean ! - Lhere's always a loL Lo do!
-"+X =%+I and you wlll be
successful ln Lhls class! 1aklng your
Llme on pro[ecLs, belng perslsLenL,
bralnsLormlng, flndlng soluLlons Lo
varlous problems, and dlsplaylng
moLlvaLlon ls whaL worklng hard
looks llke ln Lhls class.
Lazy, half-efforL, or rushed pro[ecLs
wlll resulL ln lower pro[ecL
assessmenLs. lf Lhe work does noL
lmprove, parenLs wlll be conLacLed
and conference wlll Lake place lf

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