Beta Lambda Legend Sept 2014 1

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The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Texas State Organization

Beta Lambda, Chapter 59
Area 17, Hunt County TX
September, 2014
Volume 79 Issue 1
The Beta Lambda Legend
Kay Loehr-Editor,
Dear Beta Lambda Sisters,
From my view point, regardless if we are em-
ployed full time, part time or retired, life seems
to have less hours in the day as demands on
our time increase. This year several of our
members have new job assignments and/or
added responsibilities. It is easy for Beta
Lambda to fall to the bottom of the list. Oprah
Winfrey says "Everyone wants to ride with
you in the limo, but what you want is someone
who will take the bus with you when the limo
breaks down." How can Beta Lambda be the
someone who will ride the bus with the Early
-career Educators in our area and with each
other? Our meeting September 16
will in-
clude a brain storming session to plan our
year accomplishing what is important to our
chapter without adding more demands to our
already busy schedules. Please bring your ide-
as about meeting times, dates, projects and
programs and doable ways to carry out our
purposes. Putting all our heads together to
make a plan that fits our chapter will insure a
successful 2014-15 year as we Educate, Inspire
& Encourage.
See you September 16
at the Alumni Center.

Presidents Message
September Meeting September Meeting September Meeting
Tuesday September16, 2014
5:30 PM
TAMU-C Alumni Center

Annual Salad Supper
Members with last names beginning with M
through Z please bring a salad.

Looking Forward to a
New Year!

Purposes: #1
Dues Are Due!
Please see form on page 2. Bring completed form
and check to September meeting or mail per in-
structions on form.
Betty Block installs the 2014-2016 Beta Lambda officers


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