0914 Invalidpetitions

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For Release: Monday, September 15, 2014

Contact: Eileen Miller (518) 669-9702

Today, a judge of the Supreme Court of the State of New York ordered the invalidation of the
independent nominating petitions submitted by State Senator Cecilia Tkaczyk. The order was based on
the determination of a hearing officer of the bi-partisan Board of Elections which found that of 4,444
signatures submitted, 3,160 were invalid, leaving her with only 1,284 signatures, well short of the
required 3,000.
"Cecilia Tkaczyk's petitions were carried and signed by out-of district voters, who have no ties to the
46th Senate District, including pages upon pages from Brooklyn and the Bronx," said Eileen Miller,
spokeswoman for the George Amedore campaign. "Just because she votes like she represents the
residents of New York City does not mean the residents of New York City can legally sign her nominating
petitions. It's shameful that she has such disregard for state election law and the people of her district."

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