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1. Physical developmental milestones that typically developing children should attain

during this period of development. First off Females who are experiencing this phase of
development reach their sexual maturity. On the other hand, the males experience an
alteration to their vocalization (, 2013).

2. Language developmental milestones that a typically developing children should
achieve in this period of development Meanwhile, youngsters who go through this stage
of development have a library of 40,000 phrases they are capable of utilizing.
Furthermore, youngsters in this phase are able to improve as well as expand on their
grammatical skills (Oswalt, 2005 2014)
3. Cognitive developmental milestones that typically developing children should
achieve in this period of development.
By the way, one cognitive skill associated with this phase of development is that
youngsters who are in this age range are capable of illustrating that they can distinguish
the difference between what is acceptable as well as what is
inappropriate(,2014). Another, cognitive skill that youngsters this age are
capable is that they are competent enough to be able to remember a massive amount of
complex facts such as extensive, elaborate, driving guidance.(Oswalt, 2005 2014). An
example of this would be if the adolescent were being tested by a parent and asked to
duplicate driving instructions on how to get to a shopping mall that was located outside
of their hometown that they wanted to go on a shopping trip to.
4. Social Emotional Developmental milestones. The first milestone associated with this
area of development would be that they experience such emotions as unhappiness, even
depression which can result in other problems such as bad grades at school, or drug and
alcohol abuse, and possibly unsafe sex and other issues. Secondly, they from time to time
they appear to be either impolite or they even exhibit their temper ( n.d).
5. One sign that may signal atypical development during this period of development.
One thing that would be a sign that a youngster of this age may be experiencing an
atypical development would be if they were experiencing an issue with being able to
recover facts they have stored away in their memory. An example of this would be if
someone were to ask an adolescent to describe an event that they experienced back
when they were in the fifth grade and the adolescent was unable to do so. Another
such indication that there could be a developmental problem would be that they are
experiencing issue with maturing in the way that they should be (
6. Moral reasoning- self regulation. The first milestone that teenagers in the phase of
development achieve is that they are able to illustrate the fact that they are
mindful of the moral connection of social meetings and matters of intimate choices.
Secondly, they are capable of accentuating ideal interaction as the foundation for
interpersonal affiliations and societal rules (Berk, 2013).
7. Social & cultural influences First off one particular social factor that influences this
stage of development would be that of peer pressure. Children at this age enjoy
hanging around with their friends and want to partake in whatever it is that their
friends are doing (Berk, 2013). However, as for the cultural influences on this stage
of development cultures act as a critical component in being able to comprehend
another persons experience of misfortune, anguish, bereavement, and the stages
of grief. Realizing that there are a variety of ways in which to grieve offers distinctive
challenges to kind hearted assistance in comprehending what is common and
adequate mannerisms for someone who is in the grieving process (lopez, 2011).
8. One strategy that families can use to influence their childrens learning and
development during this period of development.
One very specific strategy that families could utilize in order to influence their childs
learning as well as development would be that they could set aside a specific time, and
utilize various types of settings where their child could work on the things they are
having difficulties with as well as acquire new found skills so they can associate them
with real life instances and know what to do when they experience identical situations
later on in their own life. The second thing that families could do to influence their
childs learning would be to utilize beneficial strategies while giving out punishment
only if the inappropriate mannerism calls for such measures (, 2002).
Florida (2009). Signals of Possible developmental Delays Pg., 1 retrieved
Lopez, S.A. (September, 2011). Culture as an influence factor in adolescent Grief and
bereavement 18 (30 Pp. 1- 4 retrieved from
Microsoft (2010).office, home & Student [Computer software]. Retrieved from (2002). Social skills: Promoting Positive Behavior, Academic Success,
and School safety Pp. 1 -3 retrieved from

National Library of Medicine (Nov 13, 2013). Developmental Milestones record Pp.1 -3
retrieved from

Oswalt, A. (2005 -2014).The Maturing Adolescent Brain Pg. 1 retrieved from

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