Early Childhood

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Early Childhood

1. Two physical developmental milestones that typically developing children should attain
during this period of development.
One specific developmental milestone of youngsters who are in this age group would be that
they should be able to balance on one foot while jumping and or hopping up and down.
Secondly, they should be able to commence riding a bicycle (Nlm.nih.gov, 2013).
2. Two language developmental milestones that typically developing children should achieve in
this period of development.
In the area of language a youngster who is of early childhood age should be starting to
rhyme words. Secondly, they enjoy participating in activities that incorporates using
word play (Nlm.nih.gov, 2013).
2. Two cognitive developmental milestones that typically developing children should
achieve in this period of development.
3. As for cognitive development youngsters in this phase of development should be
competent enough to know what size is. Additionally, they should also be aware of what
time is (Nlm.nih.gov, 2013).
4. Social Emotional Milestones. One very significant milestone in this area of development
would be that they enjoy partaking in such things as singing, dancing, even acting.
Furthermore, they exhibit independence by doing things all on their own such as going to
spend time with someone they are familiar with.
5. Moral reasoning/self- regulation. The first sign of moral reasoning that a child in this
phase of development illustrates is that they are capable of illustrate mannerisms that are
appropriate to the situation in question. Secondly, they able to use their judgment to
determine what are acceptable and what is unacceptable.
6. Social & cultural Influences. The way in which social factors influence a child in this
stage of development would be that children have a tendency to mimic what they observe
other people around them doing.as for cultural factors the way in which they influence
children in this development stage is that depending on how much interaction they are
getting from their parents their self esteem starts to become affected possibly in a
negative way
7. One sign that may signal atypical development during this period of development.
Youngsters of this age who are experiencing a problem with being able to interact or be
around their classmates without experiencing complications as well as expand on their
play could have a more significant problem that causes them to fall behind the others of
their age. Another indication that there is a problem with the childs development would
be that they are experiencing a hindrance with their fine motor skills (Florida health,
8. One strategy that families can use to influence their childrens learning and development
during this period of development.
A particular strategy that a parent could utilize to influence their childs learning as well as
their development would be that they could teach their child songs and replicate nursery
rhymes to illustrate the pattern of speech and convey how phrases rhyme. Secondly, the

childs family members could have their child add a new word into their vocabulary on a
weekly or maybe even a daily bases (Asha.Org, 1997-

American Speech and Hearing Association (1997-2014) Activities to encourage Speech and
Language Development Pp. 1 -3 retrieved from http://www.asha.org.
Floridahealth.gov. (2009).Signals of Possible Developmental Delays Pp. 1 -3 retrieved from
Microsoft (2010) Office, home, and student. [Computer software]. Retrieved from
National Library of Medicine (Nov 13, 2013). Developmental milestones record Pp. 1 3
retrieved from http://www.nlm.nih.gov.

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