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This is an example of what your research notes should look like.

Please note the

document title in the upper left corner Strawberry Growth Background Research Notes.
Also, notes are written Cornell Style, paraphrased, and the full source is cited above. All
websites need to be .edu, .gov, and .org. YOU MAY ONLY USE A .com if it comes
from a reliable source such as a news station (ex/ A minimum of half of your
required sources must be from text.. meaning you have taken notes from that source.
One of those text sources is required to be a book. WIKIPEDIA IS NOT ALLOWED. The
other half of your sources may be photos or graphs. PHOTOS and GRAPHS must also
be sourced properly! Please use Easybib or the handout you received in class to cite
your sources.

Gracie Pillons
Period 2
"Growing Strawberries." - Strawberries and More. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.
Growing Strawberries
3 types
Spring Bearing:
Day neutral

"Insects and Diseases." - Strawberries and More. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.
Root-feeding Pests
strawberry crown bore
Tyloderma fragariae,
the strawberry root weevil
Otiorhynchus ovatus,
white grubs in the genus Phyllophaga
Foliage-feeding Pests
leafrollers (strawberry leafroller and others),
strawberry rootworm
two mite species
two-spotted spider mite
the cyclamen mite

Works Cited
"Growing Strawberries." - Strawberries and More. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.
"Insects and Diseases." - Strawberries and More. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.

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