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oFTHE AnuaBoano
GRAv or SuppnvrsoRs

Mandy Lyfbotes: (toJuonlunri) Well,"whizkid,"you'reout of your league.We all know

oil in the water isn'tgood for fish. But how do you know the oil you found is from oil
tankersl Cars drip motor oil on the streetsall the time. On top of that,some people
changetheir own car oil and dump it into the gutter or into storm drains.When it rains,all
this car oil drainsinto rivers,bays,and oceans.How do you know that'snot how the oil got

Don f uan Tun6: Juan, what kindof oil wosfoundwashedup on the beachlWas it car oil?
Refineryoill Or was it oil from the oil tankerl

Juan Tun6: I'm gladyou asked.I tested the oil with a gaschromatograph(crow-mot-o-grof)
machine.When substances are put into the machine,theyreactwith the gasinsideand the
machinemakesdifferentpatterns.Eachtype of oil hasits own pattern,like a fingerprint.
First,here is the patternfor the oil found in Gray Bay.Transparency

puts the Oil ChromotogrophyTest

(Teocher on the overheodprojector.Onlythe
Doto tronsporency
left.sideis reveoled,showingthe chromotogromof oil foundin GroyBoy.The rightsideof the
tronsporency-with tonker,refinery,ond cor oil--is coveredup.)

f uan Tun6: Okay,now let'sseethe patternsfor tankeroil, refineryoil,and car oil.

the restof the tronsporency,
the chromotogroms
for tonkeroil,refinery
oil,ond cor oil.)
ii Juan Tun6: I think it shouldbe obviousto everyonein this room whichoil chromatogram

ilu matchesthe oil found in Gray Bay.

osksclossto chimein to soywhichmotches.fhey shouldsoy,"coroil.")

Juan Tuno: Now that all the datais in,I chinkit's time to solvethis mysteryonce and for
all. The evidenceshowsthat some of our originalsuspectsare clearlynot guilty.But who is
guilty? | don't know aboutyou,but I think it's more than one of the suspectsin this room,
and of these,one in particularis most guilty.

(Ihe suspects Theybeginpointingoccusing

oll lookot eachothersuspiciously. fingersot eoch

Juan Tu n 6: lt's now time for the classout there (pointsot closs)
to decidewho is guilty,and
who is not.

. 4,t.

L88 Actiaity7
& ,i i

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