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Describe yourself

Of course I would like to think that I am wonderful and naturally, I would like
others to see me as wonderful too. But I think I would be kidding myself and certainly
dont think anyone else would be fooled very long. All right so Im not wonderful. So
what am I then
I stand five feet eight inches tall and Im not !articularly of heavy build. Im not
very handsome but I dont think I give !eo!le nightmares either. So now my !hysical
a!!earance is out of the way, lets look at the intellect. Im not in the to! ten of my class,
but then neither in the bottom ten. So you think Im mediocre. "erha!s you are right but I
would like to think there is a little more to me than that.
I love doing things things that matter. #rom little, I had decided that I was going
to make a difference to my world. It may seem that Im indulging in some romantic
fantasy but I would like to assure you that Im not. I may not be a fairy godmother but in
my on way, I know I can make a difference.
$hen I was in !rimary school, I %oined the Scout &ovement. In a way it satisfied
my desire to serve others. In secondary school, I %oin the Interact 'lub. (he 'lubs
activities suited me fine, considering that they were service)oriented. It !leased me to
hel! the handica!!ed children. #ridays were s!ecial when I could go to the 'entre for
the Blind and read to them. I found it very satisfying.
$hen I finish my secondary education, I would like to give serious thought to my
future career. I want it to be meaningful to me and hel! me achieve my target of serving
!eo!le. I am not doing this with the ho!e of getting some awards or monetary rewards.
(hat is *uite the last thing on my mind.
In case someone thinks that because my ambition is to serve others, I must lead
a lonely and miserable life+ !erish the thought. I en%oy my life. I love !laying hockey and
football. I love com!any and my interest is learning scuba)diving. In fact I have this great
thirst to learn a new skill every year.
I would like a chance to !rove to this world that one can lead a fairly average life
and still hel! others. ,oodness must come out of ordinary lives and this I believe is
something I can do. So world, here I come-

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