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Amr Mohammed Sayed

Da Vinci. The Lost Treasure

Documentary Summery

The video talked about Leonardo Da Vinci and the discovery of one of his lost master
pieces, it is considered the discovery of a lifetime for what Leonardo represent as the
greatest art master of all and the fact that there are only 15 paintings of Leonardo
scattered around the world. The new discovered painting is presented in New York and
could worth more than 125 Million pounds. It is a painting of Jesus known as Salvator
Mundi (the savior of the world). The painting had great details, as the speaker pointed
out, Leonardo even draw the faults in the glass sphere that Jesus was holding, this made
the painting more realistic and powerful.
Leonardo wasnt only a painter, he had great passion on knowing more and discovering,
this is shown on his works on the secrets of flight, the motion of the moon. Lenardo also
studied the hidden architecture of human body, whish made him unique, because in this
era it was highly forbidden to cut human bodies even if seeking knowledge. In addition
to the fact that Leonardo didnt draw holy characters with halo but just like ordinary
people, which was also new and kind of disrespectful at that time, and the doubts about
Leonardos sexual orientation that the video presented, all of these might lead us to the
conclusion that Leonardo rejected many of his times norms and values, he might even
be an Atheist.
Leonardo was born in the Maldivian town of Vinci in Tuscany in Northern Italy, on the
of April 1452. Leonardo got his sure name from the city he was born, Da Vinci
literally mean from the town of Vinci. His father come from a respect local family and his
mother was a poor peasant girl, his fathers mistress that is why he didnt inherit any of
his fathers wealth. Leonardos schooling was basic and he always call himself an
uneducated man. It was in his school when he began drawing, he drew animal, plants
and natural forms. In addition to his obvious skill, his paintings showed great sympathy
in the figures drawn. At the age of 13 Leonardo left Vinci to Florence to work as an
apprentice to master artist and craftsman Andrea Del Verrocchio. When Leonardo was
23 years old, his master allowed him to take a brush and participate in Verrocchios
Christ and John the Baptist, Leonardos job was to paint the two angles on the right of

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