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English 8 Ms.

Welcome to English 8! English 8 students are encouraged to develop an understanding and
appreciation of novels, short stories, non-fiction, poetry and drama. Within these forms of
literature, students will study main ideas, plot, themes, characters, literacy techniques, figurative
language, sound devices, and explore personal, societal and cultural differences. In addition,
students will develop their narrative, descriptive, persuasive and expository writing skills.

Students will be assessed in the following areas, as outlined in the BC IRP:
Oral language (Speaking/Listening)
Reading and Viewing
Writing and Representing

For specific learning outcomes for this course, click on the link to the Ministry of Education
website at

At KLO each student will have opportunities to develop and demonstrate their skills as
century learners through project-based learning and the Critical Thinking

A Learner a person who is engaged, resilient and seeks to understand
A Thinker
a person who analyzes, makes connections, inferences, asks
questions, and transfers knowledge
An Innovator a person who sees possibilities and generates original ideas with
A Collaborator a person who excels at working with others to create new
A Contributor a person who participates in the local and global community

Assessment and Evaluation:
Daily classroom participation and homework completion
Written: paragraphing, short stories, 5 paragraph essay, poetry, variety of writing styles:
descriptive, narrative, expository, and persuasive
Public speaking: formal and informal, speech writing

cole KLO Middle School
Attitude Is Everything
3130 Gordon Drive
Kelowna, BC V1W 3M4
(250) 870-5106
S.D. #23 (Central Okanagan)

Reading comprehension, elements of literature, grammar, poetry, short stories, novel
Tests, quizzes, projects, paragraphing assignments, speeches, reading assignments.

Assessment will be ongoing and will be based on a 4 point scale.
4 : A - Exceeds Expectations
3 : B - Fully Meets Expectations
2+ : C+ - Meets Expectations (moderately)
2 : C - Meets Expectations (minimally)
2- : C- - Does Not Yet Meet Expectations (but is within reach)
1 : I/F - Not Yet Within Reach Of Expectations

KLO Middle School encourages parent involvement in their childs education.
I am available to help students with their studies before school, at lunch, and after school. Please
check in with me via phone or e-mail from time to time or if you have concerns regarding your
son/daughters progress. I will attempt to contact you if I have concerns. Please provide a parent
email address so I can post information about your students letter grade, missing assignments,
and overall progress or concerns to you directly. You can check out missing assignment,
classwork due, and test dates on my website.

If you would like to contact me, e-mail works well:
Please visit my website:
You can also:
1. Stop by the class by appointment.
2. First Class Voice Messaging- (250) 870-5000, ext. 8139

Thank you,
Ms. M. Goutier
Assessment for
formative assessment
teacher assessment,
student self
assessment and/or peer
involves both teacher
and student in a
process of continual
reflection and review
about progress
Assessment as Learning
formative assessment
provides students with
information on their
own achievement and
prompts them to
consider how they can
continue to improve
their learning
criteria based on
previous learning and
personal goals
Assessment of Learning
summative assessment
teacher assessment
criterion-referenced or
norm referenced

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