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Philippines Trade

Export and Import

The Philippines normally trade with these countries:
China 23%|Japan 13%|U.S.A 12%|HongKong 9.8%|Singapore 5.4%
These countries import to them: Circuits | Petroleum | Machine
Parts | Cars. The Philippines
almost spend $71, 8139 just to
trade with other countries.
Main resources
The sea is a very important
resource for the Philippines, The
Philippines have a lot of natural resources they are: Timber|
Petroleum | Silver | Gold | Copper if the Philippines dont trade
these resources with anyone the Philippines will be broke nothing to
import or export to other countries.
Trading Partners
The Philippines trade with some countries but there best trading
partner is China. China trades all most 23% of exports and imports,
the Philippines dont trade much with Australia the percentage of
what they trade is only 4.3% of export and import.

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