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Geographical Poster Design

Student Name______________________________________________


Title can be read from 6
ft. away and is quite
Title can be rad from 6 ft.
away and describes
content well.
Title can be read from 4
ft. away and describes the
content well.

Title can be read from 4
ft. away and is mostly

Title is too small and/or
does not describe the
content of the poster
Graphics clarity and

Graphics are all in focus
and are easily viewed. All
graphics are related to
the topic.
Most graphics are in focus
and easily viewed from 6
ft. away. All graphics are
related to the topic.
Most graphics can be
viewed from 4 ft. away.
Graphics relate mostly to
the topic.
Graphics are not easily
viewed from 4 ft. Minimal
graphics related to the
Graphics are not clear or
too small. Graphics do not
relate to the topic.
Content accuracy and
required elements
At least 5 accurate facts
are displayed and the
poster includes all
required elements as well
as additional information.
5-6 accurate facts are
displayed and all required
elements are included.
3-4 accurate facts are
displayed and most
required elements are
Less than 3 accurate facts
are displayed and all but 1
of the required elements
are included.
1 accurate fact is
displayed and several of
the required elements are
There are no grammatical
mistakes on the poster
There is 1 grammatical
mistake on the poster
There are 2 grammatical
mistakes on the poster.
There are more than 3
grammatical mistakes on
the poster.
There are more than 5
grammatical mistakes on
the poster.
Knowledge Gained
Student can accurately
answer all questions
related to facts in the
poster and processes
used to create the poster
Students can accurately
answer most questions
related to facts in the
poster and processes
used to create the poster.
Student can answer about
75% of questions related
to the facts in the poster
and processes used to
create the poster.
Student can answer 50%
of questions related to
facts in the poster and
processes used to create
the poster.
Student appears to have
insufficient knowledge
about the facts or
processes used in the

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