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As reflexes (Palmar,
Babinksi) begin to fade,
development of large
motor skills (crawling,
walking) can take place.

Small motor skills such as
grasping and stroking
also begins.

Object Concept: Children
develop and
understanding of an
object disappearing
versus hiding.
Imitation: Learning to
imitate becomes vital to
language and physical

Gestures: Babies develop
ability to use and
reciprocate gestures
(gazing, pointing)
Sound Production: Begins
with babbling, leads to
forming of words
(protowords), and the
first word.

Trust vs Mistrust: Child
learns to trust himself,
parents, and the world.
Autonomy vs Shame:
The challenge is for the
child to be able to assert
their will.
SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
In developing countries, SIDS has become the most common cause of
death in infants between 3 and 9 months of age. How can you prevent
SIDS from occurringin your home?

Common Characteristics of SIDS Victim
Between 2 and 4 months of age
Sleeping Prone (on the belly)
Have parents who smoke
Premature Infants
Have a history of heart and respiratory problems
Had low birth weight.

SIDS is a common tragedy that happens in the home as well as
in childcare centers around the world. SIDS is a silent killer and
the most important factor to keep in mind is the importance of a
parents role, even when a child is sleeping.

Breast-Feeding: Not a
Strategy, but a Necessity
The breast-fed infants
increased immunity is
apparent in greater
resistance to a variety of
diseases, including cancer
and respiratory diseases.
And, not least important,
human milk contains
nutrients that are essential
components of tissues such
as the brain and retina.
(LeFrancois 2012)
Infant/Toddler Development
Young children need
parents who will be
responsive to their signals
and constantly and
consistently meet the
needs expressed by those
signals. (Windell 2012)

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