The Langauge

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Shakespeare Words Modern English

Alack Alas; oh no!

Anon Soon
Art Are
Assay To test
Attend Go along with
Aught Should
Avaunt Go away; leave
Ay/aye Yes
Behold Look
Betimes Early; in time
Borne Carried
By your leave If you please
Charged Burdened with; ask
Commend Congratulated; thank for
Countenance Face
Cousin Literally kinsman or, more widely, friend
Disposition Frame of mind; ones nature
Doth Does
Ere Before
Exeunt To exist (More than one person)
Fair Good; ample; attractive
Fare thee well Goodbye and good luck to you
Fie For shame! (ridiculing)
For your pains For your effort/help/work
Hail A respectful greeting
Hark Listen
Hath Has
Hence From here
Hither To here
How now Informal greeting
Ifaith In good faith, truly, honestly
Knell Sounding of the death bell, funeral bell
Kinsman Family member; relative
Lo To draw attention to; to point out
May it please Please
Mark Notice
Morrow Morning
Prithee Please; I would like you to
Shall Will
Sirrah Sir (forcefully)
Sooth In truth; truthfully
Thane Landowner above common men
Thee You
Thence To there
Thither There
Thou You (are)
Thy Your
Whence From where
Wilt Will
Worthy Deserving; good
Ye You
Yield Surrender; give in to

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