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Task 1
Treatment - A film treatment (or treatment) is a piece of prose, typically the step between scene cards and the first draft of a screenplay for
a motion picture, television program, or radio play. t is generally longer and more detailed than an outline, and it may include details of
directorial style that an outline omits. Treatments read like a short story, e!cept they are told in the present tense and describe events as
they happen.
Linear - tending along a straight or nearly straight line.
-consisting of or predominantly formed using lines or outlines.
-progresing from one stage to another in a single series of steps" se#uential.
Non-Linear - not arranged in a straight line.
-not se#uential or straightforward.
Flashback - a scene in a film, novel, etc. set in a time earlier than the main story
-a flame moving rapidly back through a combustible vapour.
Realist - a person who tends to view or represent things as they really are. an artist or a writer whose work is characteri$ed by realism.
Anti-realist - n analytic philosophy, the term anti-realism is used to describe any position involving either the denial of an ob%ective reality or
the denial that verification-transcendent statements are either true or false.
Task &
Treatment - 'ecause my shots will show emotion of change and a nostalgic feeling of the past will have to
include dark lightning because want to create a sad mood atmosphere which if use bright lights and such it will
create a happy emotion. The shots will be in most cases taken from eye level to create a feeling of you being there
and e!epirencing the change from our point of view. f add music will add one that makes you feel slightly sad.
Linear & Non-Linear - As will be trying to tell a story, making the images in a non-linear se#uence will not make
sense. Therefore will be setting the images in a linear way to make it easier for the audience to understand.
Flashback - will include flashbacks from the past to show the changes that are currently happening in the images
being taken to show the feeling of nostalgia.
Realist & Anti-realists - (y work will not include any anti-realist shots in it because will be trying to tell a story
based on facts therefore can not include fiction in it.
Task )
-n my first shot will have a half cropped image of the new friendship and of the old friendship to show the change
that has happened from secondary school to *ollege.
-+e!t i will have shots of me and my friends walking to college to show the edifferences between ,t.Augustines
and college. e.g not wearing a uniform, diffrent friends and the different surroundings
- will have moving images of me and my friends walking into college and being in different rooms in college
- will have shots of my reaction and emotions towards all the changes of emotions because at some points will
have a feeling like this happened before already therefore will feel nostalgic about my past due to me missing
some moments and people may never see again.
Task -./
As the movie created is about changes to do with the previous college attended and the college am at now,
will use an appropriate pace in the movie which shows the emotions of a typical teenager having to start their
education again in a different college. The images being used will show the audience what emotion my friends and
were feeling on the first day. The pace and background music will show e!citement on both leaving the previous
college and attending the current college.
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