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Aim: Our aim is to investigate which type of football collects more dirt a leather or a

Hypothesis: Our hypothesis is that the synthetic footy will be dirtier because it has
more groves in the plastic.

Materials: petri dish, leather footy, synthetic footy, swabs

1. First gathered two footballs one leather and one synthetic.
2. Then take swabs from each footy
3. Then with the swabs rubbed them in a zig zag pattern across agar jelly
4. Place the lids back on the dishes being careful not to contaminate the agar.
5. Then tape up the dishes so they are air tight.
6. mark the dishes with a texta
7. Place dishes in incubator for a few day
8. Once the is enough cloisters of bacteria turn the incubator to room

Both leather and synthetic bacteria were roughly the same. With the leather footy
having larger yeast mould but as predicted the synthetic footy is has more of a
range of bacteria and more bacteria.

Synthetic Footy day 1
Synthetic Footy day 7
Leather Footy day 1
Leather Footy day 7

I think that the synthetic footy had more bacteria for it had small groves in it which
could of collected more dirt. The leather footy could of being cleaner because it
might of had less groves. Or the synthetic footy could of had been in more dirt and
mud than the leather footy.

The experiment could of been more accurate by having two new footballs of the
same brand, and the use the ball for the same amount of time in the same area. In
conclusion the experiment turned out pretty much like we predicted.

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