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1. What is your favorite bread? put the numbers from 1 (I love) to 8 (I dislike/hate) .

pia bread
fried bread
pita bread
!hite bread
bro!n bread
". #omplete !ith missin$ letters kinds of bread .
%ult% % ra % n br% % %
c % i%p% rea %
!% it % % re% d
ho%e & % ad% %rea%
ye%s% c%ke
!h% l % me %l br% %d
% %o!n b%ea%
'. What kind of bread is it?
(. Work in pairs ask and ans!er the )uestions.
What kind of bread do you like?
What is your favorite sand!ich ?
*o you sometimes eat stale bread?
#an you make bread (!ith mom+s/$randma+s help)?
,o! often do you eat bread?
-. Write the names of the crops .
....... ..... .... .......
/. Write !hat you see in the picture and dra! other thin$s you can find in a bakery.
Word list for the lesson (0olish translation)
Useful words Przydatne sowa:
stale& nie1!ie2y3 cerst!y
fresh & 1!ie2y
crusty & chrupi4cy
a loaf ( loaves) of bread & bochenek chleba
a slice of bread & kromka chleba
crust of bread & sk6rka chleba
Bread types - Rodzaje pieczywa i chleba:
roll & bu7ka
bun & s7odka bu7ka
yeast cake & dro2d26!ka
croissant & ro$al francuski
ba$uette & ba$ietka
bro!n bread & ciemny chleb
!hite bread & bia7y chleb
home&made bread & chleb domo!e$o !ypieku
crispbread & chleb chrupki (np. W898)
!holemeal bread & chleb pe7noiarnisty3 rao!y
multi$rain bread & chleb !ieloiarnisty
!heat bread & chleb psenny
rye bread & chleb 2ytni
oat bread & chleb o!siany
corn bread & chleb kukurydiany
toast & chleb tosto!y

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