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Research Paper Proposal

Create a proposal for the Final Research Paper which is due in Week Six. This proposal will
help you develop a comprehensive guideline for your Research Paper.
The framework for the paper should include the following
a. ! clear thesis statement
". !n annotated "i"liography for at least #$ scholarly or professional %ournal articles
c. ! summary that expresses the overall plan of the paper& including su"titles and topic
sentences for each su"title provided.
Sample Research Paper ideas could include The politics of ur"an planning& an analysis of a
specific area of ur"an planning 'for example& transportation planning(& a comparative analysis
of several areas of ur"an planning 'for example& transportation planning vs. housing
planning(& a historical analysis of ur"an planning in the )nited States& or a comparative
analysis of ur"an planning on the international scale. The topics should "e su"stantive and
The proposal should "e "etween four to five pages in length& not including the title and
reference pages. *e sure to follow the !P! documentation and writing guidelines when
completing this assignment.

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