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International Journal on Integrating Technology in Education (IJITE)

ISSN : 2320 - 1886(nline! 2320 - 3"3#($rint)

Sco%e + To%ic':
This journal is an interdisciplinary form for educators who wish to improve the quality of instruction
through the use of computers and how to implement it effectively into instruction. This forum also aims
to provide a platform for exchanging ideas in new emerging trends that needs more focus and
exposureand will attempt to publish proposals that strengthen our goals.
To%ic' o, intere't include- .ut are not li*ited to- the ,ollo/ing
Integrating technology in curriculum: Challenges & trategies
Collaborative & Interactive !earning
Tools for "#st Century learning
!earning $nalysis
%ducation &anagement ystems
%ducation 'olicy and !eadership
(usiness %ducation
)irtual and remote laboratories
'edagogy %nhancement with %*!earning
Course &anagement ystems
%ducating the educators
'rofessional +evelopment for teachers in ICT
Teacher %valuation
,eb*based tools for education
-ames and simulations in %ducation
!earning . Teaching &ethodologies and $ssessment
Curriculum/ 0esearch and +evelopment
Counselor %ducation
tudent election Criteria in Interdisciplinary tudies
-lobal Issues in %ducation and 0esearch
Technology upport for 'ervasive !earning
$rtificial Intelligence/ 0obotics and 1uman computer Interaction in %ducation
&obile.ubiquitous computing in education
,eb ".2/ ocial 3etwor4ing/ (logs and ,i4is
&ultimedia in %ducation
$a%er Su.*i''ion
$uthors are invited to submit papers for this journal through %*mail: or .ubmissions must be original and should not have been published previously or
be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this 6ournal.
I*%ortant 0ate'
ubmission +eadline : eptember "7/ "2#8
$cceptance notification : 9ctober "7/ "2#8
:inal &anuscript +ue : 9ctober ;2/ "2#8
'ublication +ate : 0eter*ined .y the Editor-in-1hie,
:or other details please visit

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