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September 2014

Dear Parent/Carer,

I wish to invite you to attend an information evening in respect of:

1. Academic expectations for Year 7 students
2. The forthcoming PGL residential trip

The evening will be held on Tuesday 23
September, commencing at 6.00pm in the
Main Hall. It will last for approximately 45 minutes.

We hope that all parent/carers can attend. Those few parent/carers of students not
attending the PGL trip may leave after part one of the evening.

With regards to the PGL trip, parent/carers will be provided with detailed information
and staff will be available to answer any queries you may have after a brief

Please confirm your attendance by completing the online form below. Due to our limited
hall space places are restricted to 2 per family.

I very much look forward to seeing you.

Yours faithfully,

Mr M Dargan
Assistant Headteacher

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