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Individual Perceptions Modifying Factors Likelihood of Action

Age Perceived Benefits:

Sex - Practice safe sex
Knowledge - Get to know your partner
Socioeconomic - Be in a monogamous relationship
Personality - Sexually active individuals should
Peer get periodic check-ups
Perceived susceptibility/ Reference group Perceived Barriers:
Perceived severity - se of condoms are not necessary
- !ollege students are the group since they already esta"lished a
of individuals that carries the relationship w# the partner
notion that they are least likely - Sex for money
to have S$% since their level of - %n a person not experiencing s#sx of
knowledge is high S$%& he#she continue to have sexual
- %ncreasing incidence of S$% intercourse w#o knowing he#she is
- 'isconceptions on the s#sx infected
of the disease - Social stigma of "eing treated w#
the disease hinders the patients from
going to medical facility
Perceived threat(
Likelihood of Behavior:
Ac)uisition of S$% - Practice safe sex
- Be in a monogamous relationship
- Su"mit yourself for check-ups
- Read articles#pamphlets
distri"uted* ask R+ workers
regarding S$%
!ues to Action(
- Posters#pamphlets from
+ealth care facilities
- Ads on Social media
- %llness of ac)uaintances

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