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Questions Forum to The Mayor and Assistant Mayors

Bristol City Council - from Labour councillors

Questions to the Mayor from Cllr Mike Wollacott
Living Wage

1) Given the growing consensus around the economic benefits of the
introduction of the Living Wage in the UK, that has drawn widespread political
support, and the growing evidence of the economic benefits of substantial
increases in the Minimum Wage in the US, combined with the
recommendations of Bristols own Fairness Commission, does the Mayor feel
that the Council should be moving away from the commitment to obtain Living
Wage Accreditation?

2) With widespread support in Government for the Living Wage, and the
economic savings that will flow with a broader take up of the Living Wage in
the public and private sectors, will the Mayor seek to enter into discussions
with the appropriate central government departments to ensure that
progressive local authorities capture these saving to invest in the local
community, and make representations to central government that when they
support a top rate of tax of 45p, it is somewhat perverse to expect the lowest
paid workers to see a marginal rate of taxation of 60p+ on the benefits they
receive if they are brought up to a Living Wage income?

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