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Who: Words that give identity e.g. Kristy, the duckling, my Mum, the dog, the stepsisters
What doing + is: Words that describe an action e.g. jumped, drinking. Includes: am, is, are, had, have (Verbs
What: Words that name an object or event e.g. the ball, !ome and "#ay, the bike ($ouns
Where: Words that describe a position e.g. under the table, Melbourne, at school
When: Words relating to time e.g. yesterday, last year, at %hristmas, at &pm, Monday
What like: 'escribing #ords e.g. so(t, scary, #indy ("djectives
Ho doing: Words that describe ho# an action is per(ormed e.g so(tly, )uickly, like a monkey ("dverbs
!oining ords: Words that join #ords and phrases e.g. and, because, be(ore, then (%onjunctions
Who to: *he recipient
Negation: " transparent card that is placed over another card to indicate +not, e.g. not playing, e-cept .ess
Wh": Indicates a )uestion and/ or ans#er
What #ho$: *his card is not used very o(ten. 0epresents nouns that have an identity e.g. 1am played #ith the

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