Meeting 1 of The Board of Supervisors Page 1

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MuurrnooFruu GnnvAnpaBoantor SuppRVrsoRS

F o u r S p e a k e r s : T h e C h a i r p e r s o nK
, en Unballe,
A C h e m i s t ,a n d J u a nT u n 6

Chairperson: The whole GrayAreais talkingaboutthe mysteryof the dyingfish.
I go,peopletell me what they think is causingthe fishto die. lt's gettingout
of control,and itl time we got to the bottom of this. Somepeoplethink it's suspicious
that the fish begandyingaroundthe time the water slideopenedfiveyearsago. Leti
beginby hearingfrom the owner of the water slide.

Ken Unballe: Membersof the Board,our water slidehasbeengreatfor this area.We

bring in tourists,which helpsthe economy,and we keepkidsoff rhe screecs. We puc
chlorinein the water to kill germsso our water is safefor kids.We're surethat the
chlorinefrom our water slideisn'tkillingthe fish,and here'swhy:We collecteda sample
of the water in the river downstreamfrom the water slide,and we had it chemically
testedfor chlorine.Our chemistis herewith the results. ,,

Chemist: As most of you know,usedwater is releasedfrom pipesat the water slide,

then flows downstreamin the Fo River,towardGray Bay.I tested the water down-
streamfrom the water slide. I did the test on Tuesdayat 3:00p.m.The resultswere
negative.There was NO CHLORINEin the river downstreamfrom the water slide.

Ken Unballe: Excuseme but couldyou pleaserepeatthatl How much chlorinedid

you saywas in the Fo River?

Chemist: None! Zilch! Nada! Gooseegg!

Ken Unballe:Thank you. As the Boardcan see,we'rea responsible business and we

careaboutthe environment.We wish you good luck in findingout what is killingrhe fish,
but we'veprovenclearlythat iti not us.


36 Acfiztity

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