Meeting 1 of The Board of Supervisors Page 2

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JuanTun6: I'vebeengoingto the water slidesinceit opened,andI'm gladthe test came

out negativefor chlorine. But just to makesure,I decidedto do a biologicaltest for
chlorineby checkingfor tiny animalsthat are calledwater fleas,also known as daphnia.

Ken Unballe:Whatl! We've alreadyheardfrom a chemist.We donlt needanymore

proof-especially not from a kid with fleas!

f uan Tun6: Water fleas,sir. They'redifferentfrom regularfleas.The water fleasmight

tell us somethingthe chemistcan't. For example,coal minersusedto take canariesinto
the mines. lf the sensitivecanarysuddenlydied,the minersknew that there must be
poisonousgasin the mine,and they'dbetter get out. The canarywas a bioindicator-
a livingthing usedto test for somethingthat was hard for humansto detect.

Ken Unballe: Birdsand fleasare besidethe point.

JuanTun6: Anyway,I usedwater fleasas bioindicatorsto test for chlorine. (Holdsup the
diagromof o woterfleo.)Water fleascan't live well in water with chlorine in it. lf there's
no chlorineproblemdownstreamfrom the water slide,there shouldbe just as many
water fleasdownstreamas there are upstream.My resultsare right in this file. I'vealso
beenclippingsome newspaperarticlesabout chlorinethat I'veincluded.Also,some
other documentswere left on my front porch in an envelope...

Ken Unballe: (GeaingongryondinterruptingJuonTuno.) | reallymust object! The Board

knows how muchgood the water slidedoes.This is unnecessary! This isn'taWatertate
orWhitewater scandal!This is a harmlesswater slide!

Chairperson: Order! Order! The Boardneedstime to reviewthe evidenceand make

pleasejust leaveyour test resultsand other informa-
a responsible
tion,and we'll get backto you. Thankyou. Meetingadjourned.

. z.

Actiaity2 37

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