Game 2

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ChessBase 10 Printout, Mike , 9/16/2014 1

MikeKoplitz 1571
Jersey Bob 1491
Grouped Random (1) 29.07.2014
1.Nf3 d5 2.e4 dxe4 3.Ng5 Nf6 4.Nc3
Nc6 5.Bc4 e6 6.Ngxe4 Nxe4 7.Nxe4
Be7 8.d4 h6 9.Be3 e5 Bringing the
queen out early is not good strategically.
So why do it? I ask myself every time I do
it. 10.Qf3? 0-0 11.Qg3? Pushing for an
attack on g7 is not correct on my part. It
is too early to start attacking.
Development has not been completed
and the d4 pawn is hanging. Bh4 12.Qf3
Be6 13.Bd3 Nb4 Black is now fully
developed and has the initiative. Why?
Because of the early queen move. 14.0-0
Nxd3 15.cxd3 So now in order to get the
king over to the corner white has to give
up his king's bishop, double pawns and
the lose of the d4 pawn causing a passed
pawn. Black should win easily exd4
16.Bd2 b6 17.Qh5 Bf6 18.f4?!
White has to try something in a lost
Bd5 19.Rf3 Bxe4 20.dxe4 White just
keeps giving advantages to black.
Hooking the rook is nice but not at the
expense. d3 21.e5 Be7 22.f5?
[ 22.Kh1 Get the king secure before
starting an attack. This was definitely
not my best game. So many mistakes.
But looking at it afterwards I should
learn something! Sometimes we play
22...Qd4+ 23.Be3 Qxe5 An attack
started by white is broken up by another
mistake. 24.Rg3 Bc5 25.Bxc5 Qxc5+
26.Kh1 Qd4 27.Rf1 Kh7 28.b3 Rad8
29.Rd1 If the pawn on d3 wasn't there
white did build up an attack. But the d3
pawn is there and is a threat. Qc3
30.Qf3 a5 31.Rxd3?? Let's finish the
game on an extremely POOR move
which game black checkmate. Qe1+

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