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Thomas Jefferson High School

Mr. Fouts -

ha!ter " #ntroduction to Law and the Legal System
I. What is Law? Pages 3-7
II. Kinds of Laws Pages 7-8
III. Lawmaking Pages 8-35
IV. Settling Dis!tes o!t of "o!#t Pages 35-3$
V. %he &d'e#sa#( S(stem Pages 3$-)3
VI. Law(e#s Pages )3-5*
ha!ter $ riminal Law and Ju%enile Justice
I. "#iminal Law and +!'enile +!sti,e Pages 5*-53
II. -at!#e and "a!ses of "#ime Pages 53-5.
III. Vi,tims of "#ime Pages 57-.*
IV. /ene#al "onside#ations Pages .*-.3
V. P#elimina#( "#imes Pages .)-.5
VI. "#imes &gainst the Pe#son Pages .5-77
0IV. +!'enile +!sti,e Pages 138-151
ha!ter & #ndi%idual 'ights and Liberties
I. Indi'id!al 2ights and Li3e#ties Pages )**-)*5
II. 4#eedom of See,h Pages )*5-)51
III. 4#eedom of the P#ess Pages )51-)5.
IV. 4#eedom of &sso,iation and 4#eedom of &ssem3l( Pages )57-)5$
V. 67#ession in Se,ial Pla,es Pages )5$-)3)
(rading )olicy for the Social Studies *e!artment
1. 8omewo#k. 8omewo#k will 3e assigned fo# ea,h So,ial St!dies
,o!#se a minim!m of 5 to 3 times a week. 8omewo#k will 3e
,olle,ted and g#aded on a oints 3asis. -o late homewo#k will 3e
a,,eted. %he onl( e7,etion will 3e fo# e7,!sed a3sen,es. (One
bonus point for typing/printing/e-mailing. Half-credit for one week
after assignment is COLLECTE. !o credit after one week from
assignment date. "t is t#e student$s responsibility to secure
assignments following absences.%
5. -ote3ooks9 -ote3ooks m!st 3e ket fo# ea,h So,ial St!dies ,o!#se.
-ote3ooks m!st 3e t!#ned in at the end of a ,o!#se. Se,ifi,
g!idelines and g#ading standa#ds will 3e dete#mined 3( the
indi'id!al tea,he#. (&ailure to turn in notebook may result in '
letter grade drop. E(eryt#ing from entire semester must be kept in
3. %ests9 & minim!m of 3 ma:o# tests will 3e gi'en in ea,h $ weeks
g#ading e#iod. %he dea#tment will attemt to follow Dist#i,t
g!idelines fo# testing da(s ;%!esda(<%h!#sda(=. ()tudents are
responsible for making up missed tests/*ui++es wit#in , weeks of
original test date- after w#ic# a . will be gi(en. /ll make-up tests
will be fill-in.%
). 4inal 67am9 Pe#,entage g#ading will 3e emlo(ed on final e7ams
a,,o#ding to S,hool >oa#d Poli,(.
5. P#o:e,t ? Pae#9 6a,h indi'id!al tea,he# ma( #e@!i#e st!dents to do
a #o:e,t and ? o# ae# fo# a So,ial St!dies ,o!#se.

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