Typical TV Crime Drama Fan

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Typical TV Crime Drama Fan

Male and Female, young adults (16 25), Un-Employed and

Employed, all ethnicity.

It is on the evenings so most people who work during the day will
relax and watch it later on in the day when they come back from
their job.

3 TV Crime Dramas

1. Gotham
Who does it appeal to?
Gotham is a crime show about the stories of Gothams people before
the days of Batman. I think it would appeal to younger audiences
who have grown up with batman and also middle aged adults who
are big fans of batmen, all ethnicity .

2. Gracepoint
Gracepoint is about a dead child who has been found washed up
on the beach, its not as violent as other crime drama.
It would appeal much more to older audiences such as adults in
their 40+ of all ethnicity.

3. Stalker
Stalker is about detectives looking for these stalkers in Los
It is not as violent as other TV crimes so it would appeal to a mix
range of audiences from around 18 30. ethnicity.

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