Centre For Digital Storytelling, Joe Lambert

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Assignment Specification

During the lectures you have been shown examples of Digital Stories. Some of the
best stories are those that include an emotive aspect. Through viewing these stories it
should be kept in mind that the viewer will learn or gain knowledge of a specific nature
associated with the content/context of the story.

You are expected to develop a Digital Story (maximum length approx. 5 minutes) that
will reflect an aspect of your life (or as if it is your life). You should try to make the story
as believable as possible and make use of appropriate media. In order to portray some
features of the story it will be expected that you indicate any research sources that are
appropriate in developing your storys theme.

Previously you were all sent the below email following on from the lecture on Digital
Storytelling (see below)

Dear all
Those of you who were in the lecture this afternoon are now aware of the
second coursework that will be issued in Digital Storytelling for this

As promised here are the seven guidelines for Digital Stories:
1. Point of View 2. A Dramatic Question 3. Emotional Content 4. Gift of
Your Voice 5. Power of the Soundtrack 6. Economy (range of content) 7.
Pacing .. (Centre for Digital Storytelling, Joe Lambert)

Also I mentioned that your coursework should be told from the 'I'
Others will learn from your story
It should be emotive (often a soundtrack - or lack of one may be helpful)
Include academic type sources to support any information as required.
Some of the areas that I mentioned that have impact are: fear, tragedy,
disability, care, illness and personal life incidents

As requested please provide me with your topic area to
ascertain the suitability of it within the next couple of

Also please ensure that the file type of your digital story
is readily available for viewing.

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