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Soloction anu Calilration
P:~ja:~u , MouI~ P {oIu:ou, EuIouoIog,, auu 1a::, D u~Iuau, .g::cnIIn:aI Eug:u~~::ug
ho propor soloction ol a nozzlo typo anu sizo is ossontial
lor propor posticiuo application. This pullication covors
nozzlo uoscription, rocommonuou usos, soloction ol tho
propor nozzlo typo, anu tho ounco calilration mothou. A
listing ol nozzlo manulacturors also is incluuou.
Tho propor soloction ol a nozzlo typo anu sizo is ossontial
lor propor posticiuo application. Tho nozzlo is a major
lactor in uotormining tho amount ol spray appliou to an
aroa, tho unilormity ol application, tho covorago oltainou
on tho targot surlaco, anu tho amount ol potontial urilt.
Nozzlos lroak tho liguiu into uroplots, lorm tho spray
pattorn, anu propol tho uroplots in tho propor uiroction.
Nozzlos uotormino tho amount ol spray volumo at a givon
oporating prossuro, travol spoou, anu spacing. Drilt can lo
minimizou ly solocting nozzlos that prouuco tho largost
uroplot sizo vhilo proviuing auoguato covorago at tho
intonuou application rato anu prossuro.
Vinimizing urilt is ospocially important lor horliciuos.
NozzIc DcscrIptIon
Nozzlo typos commonly usou in lov-prossuro agricultural
sprayors incluuo llat-lan, lloou, rainurop, hollov-cono, lull-
cono, anu othors. Spocial loaturos, or sultypos such as
oxtonuou rango, aro availallo lor somo nozzlo typos.
llat-lan nozzlos aro viuoly usou lor lroaucast spraying
ol horliciuos. Thoso nozzlos prouuco a taporou-ougo, llat-
lan spray pattorn (liguro 2A). Thoso nozzlos havo sovoral
sultypos, such as stanuaru llat-lan, ovon llat-lan, lov
prossuro llat-lan, oxtonuou-rango llat-lan, anu somo spocial
typos such as oll-contor llat-lans anu tvin-orilico llat-lans.
Tho standard IIat-Ian normally oporatos lotvoon 30
anu 60 pounus por sguaro inch (psi), vith an iuoal rango
lotvoon 30 anu 40 psi.
Tho cvcn IIat-Ian nozzlos (liguro 2B) apply unilorm
covorago across tho ontiro viuth ol tho spray pattorn. Thoy
aro usou lor lanuing posticiuo ovor tho rov anu shoulu not
lo usou lor lroaucast applications. Tho lanu viuth can lo
controllou vith tho nozzlo hoight anu tho spray anglo.
Tho Iow prcssurc IIat-Ian uovolops a normal llat-lan
anglo anu spray pattorn at oporating prossuros lotvoon 15
anu 20 psi. Iovor prossuros rosult in largor uroplots anu loss
urilt, lut a lov-prossuro nozzlo prouucos a smallor uroplot
at tho samo prossuro as a stanuaru nozzlo.
Tho cxtcndcd rangc IIat-Ian (liguro 2C) proviuos
oxcollont urilt control vhon oporatou lotvoon 15 anu 25
psi. This nozzlo is iuoal lor an applicator vho likos tho
10" 10"
lrcper ^llgnment 10
F|gure 1C: Prcper spray pattern
with 10 degree adjustment
Nozzle angle too great Proper Alignment
F|gure 1A: 50 Over|ap F|gure 1B: 100 Over|ap
unilorm uistrilution ol a llat-lan nozzlo anu vants lovor
oporating prossuros lor urilt control. Sinco oxtonuou rango
nozzlos havo an oxcollont spray uistrilution ovor a viuo
rango ol prossuros (15-60 psi), thoy aro iuoal lor sprayors
oguippou vith llov controllors.
Tho spocial loaturo llat-lan nozzlo, such as tho oII-
ccntcr IIat-Ian, is usou lor loom onu nozzlos so a viuo
svath projoction is oltainou. Tho twIn-orIIIcc IIat-Ian
(liguro 2D) prouucos tvo spray pattorns - ono anglou 30
uogroos lorvaru, anu tho othor uiroctou 30 uogroos lack-
varu. Tho uroplots aro small uuo to tho atomizing ly tvo
smallor orilicos. Tho tvo spray uiroctions anu smallor
uroplots improvo covorago anu ponotration, a plus vhon
applying postomorgonco contact horliciuos. To prouuco
lino uroplots, tho tvin-orilico usually oporatos lotvoon 30
anu 60 psi.
llat-lan nozzlos aro availallo in sovoral spray anglos. Tho
most common spray anglos aro 65, 3, 80, anu 110 uogroos.
Pocommonuou nozzlo hoights lor llat-lan nozzlos uuring
lroaucast application aro givon in Tallo l. liguros 1A anu
1B illustrato tvo spray ovorlap porcontagos. liguro 1C
illustratos propor spray pattorn. Tho spray pattorn vill lo
unovon il nozzlos aro not alignou proporly on tho spray
loom. Potato nozzlos alout ton uogroos lrom tho axis ol tho
loom to provont uroplots lrom aujacont nozzlos lrom
touching lut still allov lor propor ovorlap ol tho spray
Tho corroct nozzlo hoight is moasurou lrom tho nozzlo to
tho targot, vhich may lo tho top ol tho grounu, groving
canopy, or stulllo. Uso 110-uogroo nozzlos vhon looms
aro at lovor hoights anu 80-uogroo nozzlos vhon looms aro
Although viuo-anglo nozzlos prouuco smallor uroplots
that aro moro prono to urilt, tho rouuction ol loom hoight
rouucos tho urilt potontial moro than uroplot sizo. Tho
nozzlo spacing anu oriontation shoulu proviuo lor 100
porcont ovorlap anu targot hoight. Nozzlos shoulu not lo
oriontou moro than 30 uogroos lrom vortical.
Tho lolloving aro oxamplos ol nozzlo numloring systoms
ly tvo manulacturors. Spraying Systoms Company' iuonti-
lios its llat-lan nozzlos vith a lour or livo uigit numlor. Tho
lirst numlors aro tho spray anglo, anu tho othor numlors
signily tho uischargo rato at ratou prossuro. lor oxamplo, an
8005 has an 80-uogroo spray anglo anu vill apply 0.5 gallons
por minuto (GPV) at ratou prossuro ol 40 psi. An 11002
nozzlo has a 110-uogroo spray anglo anu vill apply 0.2 GPV
at ratou prossuro ol 40 psi. Auuitional uosignations aro SS
(stainloss stool), HSS (haruonou stainloss stool), anu VS
(color-couou stainloss stool).
Dolovan' llat-lan nozzlos aro iuontiliou ly Il or Il-P,
vhich rolloct tho stanuaru anu oxtonuou rango llat-lan
nozzlos. Tho lirst numlors aro tho spray anglo lollovou ly
a uash anu thon tho uischargo rato at ratou prossuro. lor
oxamplo, an Il80-5P is an oxtonuou rango nozzlo vith an
80-uogroo spray anglo anu vill apply 0.5 GPV at tho ratou
prossuro ol 40 psi.
lloou nozzlos (liguro 2E) aro popular lor applying
susponsion lortilizors vhoro clogging is a potontial prollom.
Thoso nozzlos prouuco largo uroplots at prossuros ol 10 to
25 psi. Tho nozzlos shoulu lo spacou loss than 60 inchos
1ab|e 1. Suggested minimum spray heights
-------------- 5ray Re|ght (|nches) -----------------
20" sac|ng 30" sac|ng
------ ever|a ----- ------ ever|a------
5ray Ang|e
egrees 30 100 30 100
65 2224 NR NR NR
73 2022 NR 2931 NR
80 1719 2628 2628 NR
110 1012 1517 1418 2527
NF-Nct reccmmended if height is abcve 30 inches.
apart. Tho nozzlo oriontation shoulu lo sot lor 100 porcont
ovorlap. Thoso nozzlos aro gonorally not suitou lor contact
horliciuo applications.
Nozzlo spacing lotvoon 30 anu 40 inchos prouucos tho
lost spray pattorns. Prossuro inlluoncos spray pattorns ol
lloouing nozzlos moro than llat-lan nozzlos. Hovovor, tho
spray pattorn is not as unilorm as vith tho llat-lan nozzlos,
anu spocial attontion to nozzlo oriontation anu corroct
ovorlap is critical. Othor than lortilizor susponsions, thoso
nozzlos aro most olton usou vith soil-incorporatou horli-
ciuos vith spray kits mountou on tillago implomonts.
lloouing nozzlos aro uosignatou TK ly Spraying Sys-
toms anu D ly Dolavan. Tho valuo lolloving tho lottors is
tho llov rato timos 10 at ratou prossuro ol 10 psi. lor
oxamplo, TK-SS2 or D-2 aro lloou nozzlos that apply 0.2
GPV at 10 psi.
Painurop nozzlos prouuco largo urops in a hollov-cono
pattorn at prossuros lrom 20 to 50 psi. Tho PA Painurop
nozzlos aro usou lor horliciuo incorporation anu aro usually
mountou on tillago implomonts. Whon usou lor lroaucast
application, nozzlos shoulu lo oriontou 30 uogroos lrom tho
horizontal. Tho spray pattorns shoulu lo ovorlappou 100
porcont to oltain unilorm uistrilution. Thoso nozzlos aro not
satislactory lor postomorgonco or non-incorporatou horli-
ciuos locauso tho uroplot sizo is too largo.
Hollov-cono nozzlos (liguro 2l) gonorally aro usou to
apply insocticiuos or lungiciuos to liolu crops vhon loliago
ponotration anu comploto covorago ol tho loal surlaco is
roguirou. Thoso nozzlos oporato in a prossuro rango lrom 40
to 100 psi. Spray urilt potontial is highor lrom hollov-cono
nozzlos than lrom othor nozzlos uuo to tho small uroplots
prouucou. Gonorally, this typo ol nozzlo shoulu not lo usou
to apply horliciuos.
Tho viuo-anglo, lull-cono nozzlos aro a goou choico il
urilt is a concorn locauso thoy prouuco largor uroplots than
lloou nozzlos. lull-cono nozzlos (liguro 2G) usually aro
rocommonuou ovor lloou nozzlos lor soil-incorporatou
lull-cono nozzlos oporato lotvoon a prossuro rango ol 15
to 40 psi anu aro iuoal lor sprayors oguippou vith llov
RcIatIvc dropIct sIzc Ior cac spray tIp Is sown In pattcrns.
F|gure 2A. F|at-fan
F|gure 2B. Fven F|at-fan
F|gure 2C. Fxtended Fange F|at-fan
Lcw Pressure
High Pressure
F|gure 2. Twin-crifice F|at-fan F|gure 2. F|ccd
F|gure 2F. Hc||cw-ccne F|gure 26. Fu||-ccne
Optimal unilormity is achiovou ly angling tho nozzlos 30
uogroos anu ovorlapping tho spray covorago ly 100 porcont.
1:u~ HoIIou-cou~
Tho Cono-Jot (Spray Systoms) anu WPW-Whirl Pain
(Dolavan) aro viuo-anglo (80-120 uogroos), hollov-cono
nozzlos. Thoso nozzlos aro usou lor postomorgonco contact
horliciuos vhoro a linoly atomizou spray is usou lor
comploto covorago ol plants or voous.
NozzIc MatcrIaIs
Nozzlos can lo mauo lrom sovoral matorials. Tho most
common aro lrass, nylon, stainloss stool, haruonou stainloss
stool, tungston carliuo, anu coramic. Coramic anu tungston
carliuo nozzlos aro vory long-voaring anu oxtromoly corro-
sion-rosistant. Stainloss stool nozzlos last longor than lrass
or nylon anu gonorally prouuco a moro unilorm pattorn ovor
an oxtonuou timo poriou. Nylon nozzlos vith stainloss stool
or haruonou stainloss stool insorts ollor an altornativo to soliu
stainloss stool nozzlos at a rouucou cost. Thormoplastic
nozzlos havo goou alrasion rosistanco, lut svolling can
occur vith somo chomicals, anu thoy aro oasily uamagou
vhon cloanou. Nozzlos mauo lrom haru matorials cost moro
initially, lut in tho long run, thoy pay lor thomsolvos locauso
ol long-lasting proportios.
Do not mIx nozzIcs oI dIIIcrcnt matcrIaIs, typcs,
spray angIcs, or spray voIumcs on tc samc spray
boom. A mixturo ol nozzlos prouucos unovon spray uistri-
NozzIc Scrccns
To provont plugging anu oxcossivo voar ol tho nozzlos,
alvays uso scroons (liguro 3) to romovo largo particlos lrom
tho spray mixturo, oxcopt vhon spraying vory largo vol-
umos. At lov ratos, uso 100-mosh scroons. Whon using
highor ratos or applying vottallo povuors, uso tho 50-mosh
sizo, chock tho manulacturor`s rocommonuations lor tho
spocilic nozzlo. Smallor mosh scroons may plug moro oasily
anu thoroloro roguiro moro lroguont cloaning. Somo scroons
havo a lall chock valvo to provont urip vhon tho sprayor
loom is turnou oll (liguro 4). Thoso aro usolul il you stop
in tho liolu sinco oxcossivo rosiuuos may uamago tho
succoouing crop.
Anothor availallo anti-urip uovico is a uiaphragm chock
valvo (liguro 5). This valvo allovs tho nozzlo tip to lo
changou vithout lotting spray matorial loak lrom tho loom.
Also, tho uiaphragm holps to protoct tho uovico lrom
chomical corrosion vhich coulu causo a chock valvo to lail.
NozzIc ScIcctIon
lt is important to soloct a nozzlo that uovolops tho uosirou
spray pattorn. Tho spocilic uso ol a nozzlo, such as tho
lroaucast application ol horliciuos or spraying ol insocti-
ciuos on rov-crops, uotorminos tho typo ol nozzlo noouou.
Examino curront anu luturo application roguiromonts anu lo
proparou to havo sovoral sots ol nozzlos lor a varioty ol
application noous. Tho stops lolov vill holp uotormino tho
corroct nozzlo typo anu capacity noouou.
Stcp 1: ConsuIt tc LabcI. Tho most important sourco ol
inlormation is tho posticiuo lalol. Not only vill tho lalol
spocily tho application ratos, controllallo posts, anu conui-
tions noouou to apply tho posticiuo, it olton vill proviuo
inlormation concorning tho gallons por acro, nozzlo typo,
anu spacing. lollov tho guiuolinos outlinou ly tho posticiuo
lalol. ll nozzlo rocommonuations aro not statou on tho lalol,
uso Tallo ll lor solocting a typo ol nozzlo to lit tho
application noou.
Stcp 2: ScIcct OpcratIng CondItIons. Soloct or moasuro
grounu spoou in milos por hour (mph). ll spoou is unknovn,
lollov tho stops lor calilrating a sprayor covorou in this
pullication unuor j:a,~: aI::aI:ou W:II II~ nuc~
F|gure 3. Nczz|e Screens
Slctted Stralner 100 Mesh Screen
F|gure 4. Nczz|e Screen with Check
Ball Check
F|gure 6. Diaphragm Check Va|ve
Nczzle Tlp
Figures 3 - 5 ccurtesy cf the Ncrtheast Fegicna| /gricu|tura| Fngineering Service, Ccrne|| University, |thaca, N.Y.
M~IIou or in lD-98, n:u~I:u~: Jo: P~:I:c:u~ :~, or AGP-6,
I~u:caI ouI:oI oJ W~~u: :u K~uInc, 1a:u :oj:. Soloct
tho uosirou nozzlo spacing anu spray volumo. lor most
lroaucast applications, 20-inch spacing is prolorrou. ll thoso
aro not givon on tho posticiuo lalol, lollov Kontucky
Cooporativo Extonsion Sorvico anu chomical company roc-
Corroct soloction ol spray volumo is important. lt vill
inlluonco sovoral spray charactoristics such as urilt potontial,
tho spray covorago, uroplot sizo, acros por tank, anu
posticiuo olloctivonoss. As a rulo ol thuml, tho groator tho
oporating prossuro or tho groator tho spray anglo, tho smallor
tho uroplots locomo. Smallor uroplots incroaso tho urilt
potontial. As tho nozzlo orilico locomos largor, tho uroplots
incroaso in sizo.
Stcp 3: CaIcuIatc RcquIrcd NozzIc DIscargc. To soloct
a spocilic orilico sizo, tho spray volumo, nozzlo spacing, anu
travol spoou aro noouou lor tho lolloving calculation:
Nezz|e |scharge (6PM) =
Travel Speed x Nczzle Spaclng x Spray vclume
Travel Speed = mlles per hcur (mph)
Nczzle Spaclng = lnches (ln)
Spray vclume = gallcns per acre (Gl^)
NozzIc ScIcctIon and SIzIng ExampIc:
Supposo a postomorgonco horliciuo is to lo lroaucast at
15 GPA at a spoou ol 5 mph. lrom Tallo ll, tho BEST
choico vas an oxtonuou-rango llat-lan. Tho rocommonuou
nozzlo spacing is 20 inchos. Calculato tho roguirou nozzlo
Nezz|e |scharge =
5 mph x 20 ln x 15 Gl^ = 0.25 GlM
Tho nozzlo you soloct must havo a llov uischargo ol 0.25
GPV vhon oporatou vithin tho rocommonuou prossuro
rango lrom 15 to 60 psi (prolorally unuor 40 psi). Nozzlo
porlormanco tallos in manulacturor`s catalogs vill shov tho
uischargo ratos at various prossuros lor sovoral nozzlo sizos.
Soloct tho nozzlo vhich vill givo you tho most lloxilility
vith a viuo prossuro rango lor lino-tuning.
Stcp 4: ConsuIt tc NozzIc CataIog. Onco tho nozzlo
uischargo (GPV) has loon uotorminou, consult tho nozzlo
catalog lor a spocilic nozzlo numlor or sizo. Using tho nozzlo
typo soloctou lrom tho application guiuo (Tallo ll), roviov
tho spocilication ol thoso nozzlos in tho uischargo capacity
column. Sovoral consocutivo nozzlos may moot your noou,
lut soloct a nozzlo that oporatos at a lov prossuro anu still
givos a rango lor lino-tuning. Pomomlor, most nozzlos
porlorm only ovor a limitou prossuro rango.
A chango in prossuro uoos not causo an ogual chango in
llov uischargo. ln somo oxamplos, in oruor to uoullo tho
spray output, tho prossuro voulu havo to lo guauruplou. ll
you uo not linu tho uischargo rato in tho catalogs, calculato
tho oporating prossuro using knovn catalog conuitions:
subscrlpt 1 ls the deslred ccndltlcn and
subscrlpt 2 ls the kncwn catalcg ccndltlcn
Hcw much wculd the psl have tc be lncreased tc lncrease GlM
frcm .26 tc .40?
Although somo nozzlos such as cono typos roguiro high
oporating prossuros, try to avoiu prossuros alovo 40 psi.
Prossuros ovor 40 psi incroaso tho urilt potontial anu put
strain on tho sprayor compononts. Convorsoly, avoiu pros-
suros loss than tho rocommonuou minimum prossuro lo-
causo spray pattorns login to uistort anu causo poor spray
Stcp 5: CaIIbratc tc Spraycr. Onco tho nozzlos aro
soloctou, purchasou, installou, anu llushou, calilrato tho
spray systom. Nozzlo catalogs proviuo tallos to shov spray
volumos lor various nozzlos, spacing, prossuros, anu grounu
spoous. Uso thoso tallos to initially sot up tho sprayor, thon
uso tho ounco calilration mothou to ovaluato anu aujust
tho sprayor lor accurato application.
1ab|e II. Nczz|e Feccmendaticns
Ra|ndre Cere F|eed|ng
Pre-merge Rerb|c|des
Scll lnccrpcratlcn Gccd Gccd
Brcadcast Gccd Gccd
Pest-merge Rerb|c|des
CcntactBrcadcast Gccd
SystemlcBrcadcast Gccd Gccd
1w|n xtended
ven 0r|f|ce Range 5tandard
F|at-Fan F|at-Fan F|at-Fan F|at-Fan
Pre-merge Rerb|c|des
Scll lnccrpcrtlcn Best Better
Band Best
Brcadcast Gccd Best Better
Pest-merge Rerb|c|des
CcntactBand Best
CcntactBrcadcast Better Best Better
SystemlcBand Best
SystemlcBrcadcast Best Better
Band Best
Brcadcast Gccd Best Better
5e||d- Re||ew-
Fu||-Cene Cene Cene
Pre-merge Rerb|c|des
Scll lnccrpcratlcn Best
Band Gccd
Pest-merge Rerb|c|des
CcntactBand Gccd Gccd
SystemlcBand Gccd
SystemlcBrcadcast Gccd
Band Best
Brcadcast Gccd
Spraycr CaIIbratIon wIt tc Ouncc
1. Usc tc cart bcIow lor uistanco to urivo in tho liolu.
Uso nozzlo spacing lor looms. lor uiroctou anu lanu rigs,
uso tho rov spacing.
2. Sct trottIc Ior sprayIng and opcratc aII cquIpmcnt.
Noto soconus roguirou to urivo moasurou uistanco.
3. Catc spray Ior tc notcd tImc In Stcp 2 in containor
markou in ouncos (a calilratou lottlo or moasuring cup).
ll loom, catch spray lrom ono nozzlo uuring notou timo.
On uiroctou rigs, catch spray lrom all nozzlos por rov lor
notou timo.
4. NozzIc or nozzIc group output In ounccs cquaIs
gaIIons pcr acrc actuaIIy appIIcd.
5. Rcpcat Ior cac nozzIc to assuro unilorm uistrilution.
Rew W|dth Rew W|dth
er Nezz|e |stance er Nezz|e |stance
5ac|ng (IN) (F1) 5ac|ng (IN) (F1)
40 102 26 157
38 107 24 170
36 113 22 185
34 120 20 204
32 127 18 227
30 136 16 255
28 146 14 291
RcpIacIng NozzIc 1Ips
Worn nozzlos incroaso application ratos anu chango
uistrilution pattorns. Tho rosult is poor post control, crop
uamago, rosiuuo prolloms, anu incroasou costs. A chock ol
tho loom sprayor assuros that oach tip is uolivoring an
iuontical volumo ol spray in a smooth pattorn vith no hoavy
stroams or llank aroas. Shoulu a nozzlo locomo cloggou, it
is lost to llov out tho uirt vith comprossou air or uso a solt-
lristlou lrush such as a toothlrush. Woar vatorprool glovos
vhon hanuling anu cloaning nozzlos to rouuco posticiuo
oxposuro. NEVER uso a viro or nail as a cloanor locauso tho
orilico can lo oasily uamagou. NEVER put tips in tho mouth.
Pomomlor, improporly lunctioning or vorn nozzlos aro
ManuIacturcrs oI NozzIcs
Thoro aro tvo principal manulacturors ol spray nozzlos
anu accossorios. Iocal spray oguipmont uoalors prolally
hanulo ono or moro ol thoso linos. Each manulacturor
uistrilutos nozzlo catalogs. Thoso can lo oltainou lrom tho
local uoalor or oruorou at tho lolloving auurossos:
e|avan-e|ta, Inc. 5ray|ng 5ystems Ce. (hcme cffice)
20 Delavan Dr. Ncrth ^venue
Lexlngtcn, TN 38351 l.0. Bcx 7900
8006219357 wheatcn, lL 601897900
1ee1et Nertheast (branch cffice)
l.0. Bcx 397
124^ west Harrlsburg St.
Dlllsburg, l^ 17019
' Mentlcn cf trade and ccmpany names are lncluded fcr the beneflt cf the reader
and dc nct lnfer endcrsement cr preferentlal treatment cf the prcduct by the
Unlverslty cf Kentucky Cccperatlve Lxtenslcn Servlce.
5ec|a| thanks are extended tc Charles H. Slack, Department cf ^grcncmy, and Lee
H. Tcwnsend, lestlclde ^ppllcatcr Tralnlng Cccrdlnatcr, Department cf Lntcmclcgy,
Unlverslty cf Kentucky, fcr revlewlng draft manuscrlpts. ^lsc speclal thanks tc
Gecrge Duncan, ^grlcultural Lnglneerlng, fcr prcvldlng pcrtlcns cf the manuscrlpt.
^dapted frcm NebGulde G89955, Cccperatlve Lxtenslcn Servlce, Unlverslty cf
Nebraska, wrltten by Rcbert D. Grlssc
Lducatlcnal prcgrams cf the Kentucky Cccperatlve Lxtenslcn Servlce serve all
pecple regardless cf race, cclcr, age, sex, rellglcn, handlcap, cr natlcnal crlgln.
lssued ln furtherance cf Cccperatlve Lxtenslcn wcrk, ^cts cf May 8 and 1une 30,
1914, ln cccperatlcn wlth the U.S. Department cf ^grlculture, C. 0ran Llttle, Dlrectcr
cf Cccperatlve Lxtenslcn Servlce, Unlverslty cf Kentucky Ccllege cf ^grlculture,
Lexlngtcn, and Kentucky State Unlverslty, Frankfcrt.
lssued 892; Revlsed/lrlnted 396, 4000 ccples; 6000 ccples tc date.
Otcr Kcntucky ExtcnsIon PubIIcatIons
lD-98 n:u~I:u~: Jo: P~:I:c:u~ :~
lD-100 uu~::Iauu:ug P~:I:c:u~ 1a~I: auu 1a~I:ug
AGP-6 I~u:caI ouI:oI oJ W~~u: :u K~uInc, 1a:u :oj:
lP-13 P:oI~cI:ug K~uInc,: :onuuuaI~:. . :ou~::
WI6R15 & MA5UR5 C0NVR5I0N5
16 cunces = 1 pcund = 453.6 grams
1 gallcn water = 8.34 pcunds = 3.78 llters
L|qu|d Measure
1 fluld cunce = 2 tablespccns = 29.57 mllllllters
16 fluld cunces = 1 plnt = 2 cups
8 plnts = 4 quarts = 1 gallcn
3 feet = 1 yard = 91.44 centlmeters
16.5 feet = 1 rcd
5280 feet = 1 mlle = 1.61 kllcmeters
320 rcds = 1 mlle
9 square feet = 1 square yard
43,560 square feet = 1 acre = 160 square rcds
1 acre = .405 hectare
640 acres = 1 square mlle
88 feet per mlnute = 1 mph
1 mph = 1.61 kllcmeters per hcur
27 cublc feet = 1 cublc yard
1 cublc fcct = 1728 cublc lnches = 7.48 gallcns
1 gallcn = 231 cublc lnches
1 cublc fcct = 0.028 cublc meters
Cemmen Abbrev|at|ens and 1erms Used:
GlM = gallcns per mlnute Gl^ = gallcns per acre
psl = pcunds per square lnch mph = mlles per hcur
RlM = revclutlcns per mlnute GlH = gallcns per hcur
FlM = feet per mlnute

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