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How can Shakti make a contribution to HLL's bottom line?

HLL introduced Project Shakti with both business as well as social objectives. HLL is facing tough
competition in urban market and further growth opportunities are limited. Project Shakti was launched
with an aim to penetrate into potential rural market and also to empower rural Indian women. Shakti
can contribute to HLLs bottom line in following ways
There is a potential market in rural area which consists of a population of over 740 million.
The direct coverage, indirect coverage and streamline together enable HLL to reach a
population of 220 million in rural area. Still there is a potential market of a population of over
500 million which provides space for Shakti to operate. Tapping this market with the help of
Shakti will provide considerable advantage in the competition.
Shakti has the advantage of a highly committed women entrepreneur base at the rural area as
sellers. This is a value addition to the company, considering the market they are targeting. As
women are the target consumers for the bulk of HLLs product, the Shakti led by women has
greater access to the potential consumers and can bring substantial increase in sales.
Shakti Vani is creating awareness among the rural population about personal and community
health and hygiene. The direct interaction from this program will add loyal consumers to HLL
in long run at a lower cost and will help in growing new market for its products.
iShakti extends the benefit of IT to rural India and provide them access to information. In the
absence of other electronic media, this portal can work as a powerful communication channel
between the company and consumers which can be used to inform benefit of its products and
to create brand awareness.

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