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Health Careers Time Line

Nicole Johnson

Age 4: I wanted to be a
princess. I got this idea
from all the princess
movies I watched.
Age 6: I wanted to be
a doctor. I played with
my little brother,
pretending he was
Age 8: I wanted to be
a vet. I wanted to
know what was going
on with my dog.
Age 10: I wanted to be
a nurse. I thought it
would be fun to help
people. Although am
not a fan of needles.
Age 12: I wanted to be a
dental hygienist. My
dentist showed me all
the tools he used and I
wanted to do his job.
Age 14: I wanted to be a
forensic scientist. This
idea popped in my head
when I watched NCIS.
Age 15: I am currently thinking
about being an orthodontist or
an orthodontist technician. I
thought this was an Idea when I
went through braces the
previous year.

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