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FCCLA Poster

Virginia FCCLA State Fair Entry

Criteria: A poster that promotes ANY FCCLA program or activity: judged on originality, creativity, and
neatness. Posters must e created digitally and printed on an ! "# y $$# sheet o% paper &cardstoc' is
encouraged(. Posters should e put into a page protector )ith this %orm attached to the ac'.
Participant: Age group: Chec' one
School: grade *+,
&no areviations, please( grade $-+$.
Contest Entry %ee: /$.-- per participant, payale on %air day. (receipts will not be written).
&Each chapter may have an unlimited numer o% entries in this event. 0o)ever, one student may only enter one event.(
Entries will not be accepted unless this form is attached to the back of the participants entry.
FCCLA 1ear2Accessories
Virginia FCCLA State Fair Entry
Criteria: Any one item that can e used as an accessory to an out%it that promotes FCCLA: judged on
originality, creativity, and neatness. 34oing 4reen# is encouraged5 Special consideration )ill e given
to those accessories that are made o% material that )as recycled or reused.
Participant: Age group: Chec' one
School: grade *+,
&no areviations, please( grade $-+$.
Contest Entry %ee: /$.-- per participant, payale on %air day (receipts will not be written).
&Each chapter may have an unlimited numer o% entries in this event. 0o)ever, one student may only enter one event.(
Entries will not be accepted unless this form is attached to the back of the participants entry.
FCCLA 1ear2Clothing
Virginia FCCLA State Fair Entry
Criteria: Any one item that can e )orn that promotes FCCLA: judged on originality, creativity, and
neatness. Clothing items must e rought on a hanger, in the event there is space to hang items %or
display. 34oing 4reen# is encouraged5 Special consideration )ill given to those clothing items that
are made o% material that )as recycled and reused.
Participant: Age group: Chec' one
School: grade *+,
&no areviations, please( grade $-+$.
Contest Entry %ee: /$.-- per participant, payale on %air day (receipts will not be written).
&Each chapter may have an unlimited numer o% entries in this event. 0o)ever, one student may only enter one event.(
Entries will not be accepted unless this form is attached to the back of the participants entry.

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