Writing A Background Research Essay

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Writing a Background Research Essay

You should now have all of your research complete and cornell style notes. The next step in
our project is to create an outline of our paper. The easiest way to take content from your notes
and put it into your paper is to color code the notes. Your paper should be outlined as shown
below. Please use the color coding shown below to organize your notes.

Introduction: A clear description of the question the researcher is answering.

History: Similar experiments or inventions, and historical data.

Definitions: All important words or concepts that describe the experiment
Testing Parameters
Example: I will be testing the structural integrity of my new technology
by.. Structural integrity is defined as the quality of an item to hold
together under a load, including its own weight, resisting breakage
or bending. It assures that the construction will perform its designed
function, during reasonable use, for as long as the designed life of
the structure

Answers to all background research plan questions:

Data Analysis- Mathematical formulas: How you plan to analyze your data.
Example/ I will use the data I collect from plant growth over the course of two weeks to
create a scatterplot. Analyzing this data will allow me to find the slope and predict future

Brainstorming* (ONLY FOR ENGINEERING): How you plan to create a new technology or
improve a technology. You should include all information from you engineering design plan.
This can be in list format or illustrations with labels.

Conclusion: Summarize your paper and restate your question.

Works Cited: Please copy your works cited from your Research Notes

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