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Spelling Words

cat Dad
nap lap
mad hat
had at
sat map
Tricky Words: the, on, is
Our Class Mission
We are leaders who work as a team
to love each other, help each other
learn, and work to achieve goals so
we can be ready or college!
"pcoming #vents
$%&'%&( McTeacher )ight at
Celebration Station Si* +orks
$%-,%&( Teacher Workday
$%./%&( 0eading 0everie
&/%-(%&( School Dance

1 your child2s transportation
changes, we need it in writing
3appy 4irthday
5drianna 6aschall
#dgar 4onilla
Contact Ms. Waldroup
School: 7$&$8 (.&%'&(& #%mail: awaldroup-9wcpss!net Website: http:::leadersinirst!blogspot!com
The Week 5head
Reading: We will launch 0ead To Someone as a part o our
Daily ,! Students will be envisioning, anticipating
vocabulary, and making predictions and connections with
noniction te*ts! They will use their 0eading 0esponse
;ournal to record their work with comprehension!
Letterland: We will begin our irst <etterland unit with =
at and =ap words! 6lease see the amily <etterland paper!
Writing: Students will start to use conventions like capital
letters and periods! We will also start conerring!
Math: We will continue to use the >Counting On? strategy
and we will solve word problems with unknown partners! 7(@
Science: We will continue working with >lippers? to
measure distances! Students will be able to discuss why it
is important to use a common starting line when making
Social Studies: Students will know and ollow our
classroom rules that we created together!
1 hope to see you all at McTeacher )ight this
ThursdayB We have so much un and it is a wonderul
undraiser or our school!
This week we will begin writing in our 0eading
0esponse ;ournals! We are beginning with the end in mind
and are preparing our students or the written
comprehension that is reCuired o them to pass reading
levels + and higher!

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