Tune Up Turning Point Coaching 3

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Tune Up Turning Point #3

The Power of Forgiveness

By Michelle Lange
Founder, Conscious Connections Learning Center, and Certifed
Master Life Coach
Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can't build on it; it's
only good for wallowing in. - Katherine Mansfeld
Pain is the fst that knocks you down. Forgieness is the hand that
helps you back up again. - Doe Zantamata
In last weeks lesson, we talked about uncoering !our negatie belief
"atterns and how to go about releasing those so !ou can moe
forward in the direction of !our dreams# $his week we will begin to
uncoer another challenge which could be a huge obstacle on !our
"ath to success - unresoled anger and "ain from "ast#
It%s a fact that at some "oint in !our life !ou will e&"erience anger,
"ain, and disa""ointment# 'ou ma! beliee it doesn%t reall! matter if
!ou are angr! that someone who wronged !ou# 'ou ma! beliee !ou
are com"letel! (ustifed in !our anger towards someone# )ut sto"
and ask !ourself this *uestion+ Is it more im"ortant to !ou###to be
(ustifed and ,right-, or to be ha""! and free of the burden of anger
and resentment# Forgieness is the ke!#
.s !ou will soon learn, forgieness ma! literall! mean the di/erence
between life and death# Let%s begin, shall we0
The Power of Forgiveness
$he *uote at the beginning of this lesson is "rofound, and er!
truthful# 1egret reall! is a waste of time, and it kee"s us from full!
liing in the moment# It is im"ossible to change an!thing in the "ast2
!et we still carr! the emotional baggage of anger, resentment, and
"ain with us#
1emember in our last lesson, we talked about what !ou think !ou
become0 $houghts are er! "owerful creatie forces# 3ur thoughts
become our emotions 4energ! in motion5 which eentuall! manifest
into the "h!sical world# 6hen we hold onto negatie thoughts, our
bodies will eentuall! manifest disease in man! forms such as
an&iet!, de"ression, heart "roblems, ulcers###and !es, eentuall!
cancer7 $he word disease can be thought of as the bod! is in a dis-
ease condition#
1egardless of how di8cult or im"ossible we beliee it ma! be to
forgie ourseles and others, we sim"l! must "ut forth eer! e/ort
to release these e&tremel! harmful thoughts before the! harm !our
mind, bod! and s"irit# Forgieness is for !our own health and well-
being# Forgieness is loing !ourself unconditionall!, and !ou must
do this before !ou can gie loe to others# Forgieness frees us, and
allows us to moe on with our lies#
Tune Up Turning Point # 3
I hae two e&ercises from Louise 9a! which are designed to hel" !ou
learn to release negatie feelings and be able to forgie so !ou can
moe forward#
1. Find a *uiet "lace to be still with !our thoughts and let !our
bod! rela&# )egin to imagine the "erson !ou resent in front of
!ou, and when !ou see them clearl!, imagine him ha""! and
smiling and seeing good things ha""ening for him# Do this for
a few moments and then let the image fade awa!# 1e"eat
this "rocess, but imagine seeing !ourself ha""! and smiling,
and all the good things coming !our wa!# Do this e&ercise as
often as necessar! until !ou are able to release !our
!. Find a *uiet "lace, and with !our e!es closed sa! out loud
,$he "erson I need to forgie is :::::::::::::, and I forgie
!ou for :::::::::#- 1e"eat this "hrase a few times and then
imagine the "erson !ou are thinking of sa!ing ,$hank !ou, I
release !ou now#- Continue to re"eat this "rocess for as
man! "eo"le as !ou need to forgie, and re"eat it oer and
oer as man! times as !ou need to until !ou feel !ou hae let
go of the feeling of resentment#
Don%t become discouraged and gie u" if !ou e&"erience di8cult!
when tr!ing to forgie others2 be "ersistent, kee" "racticing and
eentuall! it will ha""en# $he willingness to forgie others is the
most critical "art of this "rocess# ;ometimes it can be as eas! as
acce"ting that !ou were wronged, but releasing the need to hold
onto the "ain associated with the "erceied wrong doing# If
necessar!, we hae to gie ourseles the a"olog! we neer got so
we can get on with our lies#
1emember, !ou must loe !ourself frst before !ou can e&tend loe,
which is unconditional acce"tance, to others# )e kind and gentle
with !ourself as !ou moe through this er! necessar! and life
transforming "rocess# 'ou%ll be glad !ou did7
)est wishes for !our continued growth and success7
About Michelle
MIC9<LL< L.=>< is the founder of Conscious Connections Learning
Center for "ersonal and s"iritual deelo"ment# ;he is a Certifed
Master Life Coach, s"eaker, author, s"iritual teacher, and artist#

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