Customer Engagement Quiz 2013

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Customer Training Quiz

Store Number
Score =
First Name Last Name -1 92%
Trainee -2 85%
-3 Retake
1. What are the 5 Dions !a"ues#
a. $reat Foo%& Fast Frien%"' Ser(ice& )"ean )om*ortab"e Stores& +,ce-tiona" .eo-"e&
Share% $ro/th
b. $oo% Foo%& Fast Ser(ice& )"ean"iness& .eo-"e& $ro/th
c. $reat Foo%& $reat Ser(ice& $reat Stores& $reat .eo-"e& $reat Sharin0
d. Foo%& Ser(ice& )"ean"iness& Work& Share
2. Wh' are the !a"ues im-ortant#
a. +m-o/er em-"o'ees to make 0oo% %ecisions
b. 1he' arent& on"' the o**ice ta"ks about them2
c. 3t "ets our customers kno/ /hat /e are a"" about2
d. 1he state re4uires e(er' business to ha(e them2
3. What are the 5 3s o* 5e"-in0 a )ustomer at Dions#
4. What are the thin0s to %o be*ore /orkin0 the station#
a. Stock tickets an% -ens
b. Re*i"" a"" the 67 buckets
c. 8r0ani9e the station
d. 8n"' 7 an% ) are correct
5. 1he -hone shou"% ne(er rin0 more than time:s;2
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. <
6. What is the -ro-er /a' to ans/er the -hones#
a. Dions at =store location >
b. Dions at =store location > ho/ can 3 he"- 'ou#
c. 5o/ can 3 he"- 'ou#
d. 1his is Dions2
7. What /ou"% be a -ro-er 0reetin0 /hen -ickin0 u- the -hone at 'our store#
. 3t is im-ortant to re-eat or echo back a"" or%ers to ensure accurac'2
a. 1rue
b. Fa"se
!. 3t is (er' im-ortant to smi"e /hi"e takin0 a customers or%er o(er the -hone2
a. 1rue
b. Fa"se
1". 5o/ %o 'ou kno/ /hen an 8n"ine 8r%er has come in#
a. 1he mana0er 0i(es 'ou an on"ine or%er ticket
b. ?ou must check the com-uter e(er' so o*ten
c. 7 ticket is -rinte% on the 8n"ine 8r%er recei-t -rinter
11. +,-"ain the -rocess o* /hat to %o /hen an 8n"ine 8r%er recei-t is -rinte%#

12. When a customer has a com-"aint /hat shou"% 'ou %o#
a. 5an0 u- the -hone
b. Wa"k a/a' *rom the counter
c. 1e"" them to han0 on
d. 7-o"o0i9e an% in*orm them that 'ou are 0oin0 to 0et a mana0er to assist them
e. 7-o"o0i9e an% tr' to *i, the -rob"em
13. 1he -ro-er /a' to en% a -hone ca"" /ith a customer is =1hank 'ou that /i"" be rea%' *or 'ou in
@@ minutes2>
a. 1rue
b. Fa"se
14. What actions /i"" 'ou -er*orm on this station to ins-ire customers#

#ion$s %tation Training &e'ie(
+m-"o'ee name @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@ Date @@@@@@@@@@@@@
1rainer name @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Store A @@@@@@@@@
1his section is *or the emp)o*ee to *i"" out2 ."ease han% to the $B /hen 'ou are *inishe%2 We a--reciate 'our
o-inion2 ?ou re(ie/ he"-s us im-ro(e ho/ /e trainC
Was 'our +,-ert a 0reat teacher# 1 2 3 < 5
.oor $reat
Wou"% 'ou "ike to be traine% b' this +,-ert in the *uture# 1 2 3 < 5
.oor $reat

5o/ much time %i% 'ou /ork /ith an e,-ert on this station# )irc"e the c"osest time*rame2
25hr 1hr 125hrs 2hrs 225hrs 3hrsD
$i(e one e,am-"e o* ho/ 'ou u-ho"% each Dions !a"ue at the station 'ou "earne%E
$reat Foo%
Fast Frien%"' Ser(ice
)"ean )om*ortab"e Stores
+,ce-tiona" .eo-"e
Share% $ro/th
1his section is *or the ,enera) -anager to *i"" out2 Sen% sheet to the o**ice in 'our /eek"' tote2
Watch em-"o'ee -er*orm at that station2 :1F minutes; Di% the' -er*orm the correct o-erationa" habits#
+m-"o'ee !erba" 6ui9E
:1; +,-"ain ho/ the 5 3s a--"' to this station in -articu"ar#
Di% em-"o'ee -ass (erba" 4ui9# . /
Di% this +,-ert teach the Dions !a"ues an% 0reat o-erationa" habits an% ro"e mo%e" the correct beha(iors&
resu"tin0 in a hi0h -er*ormin0 em-"o'ee# 1 2 3 < 5
Not at a"" !er' much
Notes *or trainerE
$B Si0nature
Date ___________________

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