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Tune Up Turning Point #1

Are You Moving Forward or Stuck In

B Mic!elle "ange
Founder, CCLC, and Certifed Master Life Coach
We settle for living in misery because were afraid of change. !
"li#abeth $ilbert from Eat, Pray, Love
%he &uote above is so very true for most of us in life' we go
through each day on cruise control either because we are in fear
of ma(ing changes or we are )araly#ed in ho)es that something
*ust magically ha))ens to ma(e our lives better. We get stuc( in
lives that don+t serve us well' we settle for less than fulflling
relationshi)s, careers we don+t really want, and fall into habits
that crush our inner s)irit. ,t+s easy to see why there are so
many )eo)le out there who are stressed out to the ma- and end
u) e-)eriencing an-iety attac(s, de)ression and )oor health.
,t+s a di.cult thing to face when you wa(e u) and reali#e you
are not anywhere near the life you had once envisioned for your
, want you to loo( at honest loo( at your life as it is right now,
and as( these sim)le &uestions
/m , closer to the life of my dreams this year than , was
last year0
1ave , been forging ahead in life, standing still, or falling
/m , !one#tl moving forward toward my goals, or am ,
fooling myself into believing that ,m *ust waiting for the
right time, right circumstance, etc. to ha))en0
,n the last &uestion, , want you to be absolutely certain that you
are being com)letely honest with yourself about your )rogress.
2ou can try to fool yourself by saying ,+m trying meanwhile
(nowing you really aren+t doing all you could be. %he word try
im)lies failure. %here are no worthwhile half!attem)ts when you
are trying to actuali#e your goals and dreams. %rying doesn+t
cut it' instead of try, you must 34. 2ou will always remain stuc(
where you are if you aren+t fully charged, fully )resent, and
ta(ing every action you can to move forward.
$ead Tune Up Turning Point #1 again% /re you moving
forward, or are you stuc( in neutral0 1ow do you feel when you
read that0 ,f you feel good about your life, are moving forward,
and are ma(ing real, measurable )rogress towards the life you
envisioned then , am glad to (now you are headed in the right
1owever, maybe you read the &uestion and felt a little disturbed
inside because you (now you haven+t been doing everything
)ossible to get yourself unstuc( and )rogressing towards your
dreams. ,f so, then it+s time to sto) now, ta(e a giant ste) bac(
and begin ta(ing a serious loo( at what needs to change right
now in your life.
%ruthfully, no matter where we are in our life+s *ourney, there is
always something more we could be doing to move us more
swiftly in the direction of our goals and dreams. 5erha)s you
now reali#e you+ve *ust been ma(ing e-cuses all this time0 ,f so,
it is never too late to ma(e a change6
%his is usually when most )eo)le will say , can+t fgure out why
,+m stuc(, and , don+t (now what to do to get moving forward
again. 2ou really 34 have all the answers inside you' you *ust
don+t reali#e it yet. %he *ob of a good life coach is not to give
you the answers, but to empower you to fnd the answers for
yourself. 7o, let+s get started shall we0
,n a coaching session what , would normally do would be to as(
my client to com)lete certain sentences such as8 To begin
moving forward in my life the frst thing I have to do is
______________. ,t+s enlightening to hear how &uic(ly most
)eo)le can fll in the blan( with answers such as ...sto)
)rocrastinating., for the )romotion at wor(., ...sto)
letting other )eo)le+s o)inions matter more than my own., for hel)., or ...sto) mentally beating myself u) over the
)ast.. ,t+s e-traordinarily em)owering when )eo)le reali#e
they really do have all the answers inside themselves.
5ositive transformations can only begin to ta(e )lace in your life
and in the lives of those around you when you face your
challenges head on without fear of the un(nown.
4ver the ne-t eight wee(s we will be doing more e-ercises
designed to bring about )ersonal transformational change and ,
call them %une 9) %urning 5oints. %his wee( , would li(e for you
to com)lete the )oints below.
Tune Up Turning Point #1
%he main areas in my life where , seem to stay stuc( in
neutral are...
%he baggage ,+ve been carrying around that , need to let
go of is...
%he main goal or dream that , must begin moving
towards is...
%he frst ste) , am fully committed to ta(ing right now
,+ll be in touch ne-t wee( with your ne-t %une 9) %urning 5oint
email. /s you begin the *ourney towards your dreams, may the
universe su))ort you in all your endeavors6
:est ;egards,
A&out Mic!elle
M,C1"LL" L/<$" is the founder of Conscious Connections
Learning Center for )ersonal and s)iritual develo)ment. 7he is
a Certifed Master Life Coach, s)ea(er, author, s)iritual teacher,
and artist.

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