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Tune Up Turning Point #4

Focus On The Positive

By Michelle Lange
Founder, Conscious Connections Learning Center, and Certifed
Master Life Coach
One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our
focus; we never concentrate our power. - Tony Robbins
The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things
we fear. - Brian Tracy

In our last few lessons, we have been discussing the necessity of
releasing negative thought atterns! In this wee"#s lesson, we will
begin wor"ing on how to shift your attention to what it is you want in
$s we established in a rior lesson, our thoughts create our
e%eriences here in the hysical world! If you send your ti&e
critici'ing yourself and believing that you aren#t good enough, the
universe will bring you e%eriences that re(ect that &indset!
Re&e&ber that I said before you need to love yourself frst) Let &e
reeat that again!!! *+, -../ T+ L+0. *+,R1.LF FIR1T) *ou can#t
achieve a fulflling and hay life if you continue to critici'e yourself!
1elf-doubt is the "iller of all drea&s and the soul! The roble& is not
outside of you, it is inside of you! $lbert .instein#s 2uote 3*ou can#t
solve a roble& with the sa&e &ind that created it!4 is very
aroriate and truthful here! In acceting this truth, you &ust focus
your attention on the ositive asects of your life and yourself!
In order to begin &a"ing this owerful shift it is necessary for you to
beco&e consciously aware of your thoughts! By &a"ing this shift,
you reali'e you have the power to choose what you think instead of
unconsciously allowing your rerecorded negative &essages to lay
over and over again in your &ind! -otice that I e&hasi'ed 3you
have the power4 over your thoughts5 thoughts do not have ower
over you unless you give the& ower over you! Thoughts only have
&eaning when we assign &eaning to the&! Isn#t it ti&e that we
begin to thin" in a ositive way that suorts our vision of our ideal
life6 Let#s begin the shift, now)
Tune Up Turning Point #4
Re&e&ber I said you need to 3retrain4 your &ind to thin" thoughts
that suort whatever it is you wish to achieve! 7ere is a short list of
e%ercises you can do to begin &a"ing the shift to ositive thin"ing!
Meditation / Relaxation
Be still and Breathe) 8e need to be able to function with a
clear and cal& &ind which is necessary for living a eaceful
and successful life! 1cience is now roving &editation has
healing and life transfor&ing benefts! If you aren#t already
racticing &editation, or so&e for& of rela%ation e%ercise
daily, begin today and add it into your daily routine for at least
9: ; <= &inutes!
Practice Positive !r"ations
8rite down a list of things you erceive as your wea"nesses,
shortco&ings, or whatever you believe to be 3wrong4 about
yourself or you can also list things you believe you should be
doing! 1elect a few fro& your list and turn the& into ositive
a>r&ative state&ents! For e%a&le, a negative thought such
as 3I hate &y ?ob)4 can be stated in the a>r&ative as 3I a&
creating a fulflling and well aying ?ob for &yself!4
Practice #ratitude
The &ore consistent and strong your gratitude is for the good
things that co&e your way, the less li"ely it is that thoughts of
dissatisfaction with your current situation will occur!
Re&e&ber, what you thin", you beco&e! $ grateful heart and
&ind e%ects the best in all things, and receives the best of all
things fro& the ,niverse!
In order for us to receive what we want to have, do or beco&e,
we &ust consistently hold a clear &ental i&age in your
thoughts! I can#t stress enough the i&ortance of thin"ing of
this i&age as often as you can! This is how your thoughts will
create what it is you wish in the hysical world! 1o&e eole
fnd that creating a vision board is very helful5 be sure to
lace it so&ewhere you will see it fre2uently throughout the
*ou have everything you need for your best life already inside you in
e%isting in a state of otential! Trust and believe in yourself! 1to
waiting for so&eone else to give you er&ission to &ove forward with
your life! *ou deserve all the good things life has to o@er you, now
get busy and create it)
$ll the best to you,
%out Michelle
MIC7.LL. L$-A. is the founder of Conscious Connections Learning
Center for ersonal and siritual develo&ent! 1he is a Certifed
Master Life Coach, sea"er, author, siritual teacher, and artist!

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