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Tune Up Turning Point #5

Will Power and Action Is The Key!

By Michelle Lange
Founder, Conscious Connections Learning Center, and Certifed
Master Life Coach
Strength does not come from physical capacity, it comes from
indomitable will. - Mahatma Gandhi
"What you have to do and the way you have to do it is incredibly
simple. Whether you are willing to do it, that's another matter." -
Peter F. Drucker
We hae s!ent the "ast fe# "essons "a$ing the foundation for right
thinking in order to achiee success in an$ area of $our "ife. %our #i""
!o#er is #hat #i"" kee! $our thoughts focused on right thought and
right action. &he 'uotes a(oe are er$ a!!ro!riate regarding the
use of #i"" to accom!"ish our desires and goa"s. %ou don)t hae to
hae s!ecia" ta"ents, (e !h$sica""$ su!erior or !ossess an$ t$!e of
e*traordinar$ a(i"it$ too achiee $our goa"s+ (ut $ou M,-& hae the
#i"" to do it.
.s !reious"$ stated, thoughts hae creatie !o#er+ ho#eer, to re"$
u!on thought a"one #ithout taking action is sure to (ring a(out
fai"ure. /n fact, this is #here most !eo!"e fai". &he$ get discouraged
and 0ust gie u!. /t is not enough to think !ositie thoughts and then
sit around and #ait for something to ha!!en. &hat)s 0ust #ishfu"
thinking at (est. 1othing #i"" ha!!en for $ou #ithout !utting in the
#ork it takes to manifest $our goa"s into rea"it$.
&o accom!"ish an$ goa", $ou must !"ace $our #ho"e mind into !resent
action. Do not
sit around and think $ou must !ost!one action (ecause $our current
situation isn)t 'uite right $et. Do not te"" $ourse"f /)m #aiting for
the right time..., or /)m in the #rong to#n for #hat / #ant to do, or
an$ other e*cuse #hich #i"" kee! $ou from taking action on $our
goa"s. 2*cuses are a sure #a$ to ki"" accom!"ishment.
/f $ou "ack !articu"ar ski""s or education #hich $ou fee" $ou #i"" need
to accom!"ish $our goa", take action toda$ to "earn #hat $ou need to
"earn. /n man$ instances, $ou can "earn as $ou #ork to#ards $our
goa". 1eer !ass u! an o!!ortunit$ sim!"$ (ecause $ou aren)t a
master at something3 /f $ou fee" $ou aren)t in the right "ocation,
(egin taking ste!s to#ards moing #here $ou #ish to (e instead of
#asting energ$ com!"aining a(out $our current situation.

4emem(er, nothing can (e done in the !ast, and the future is not
here $et. /f $ou are s!ending $our time #orr$ing in the !resent a(out
#hat $ou are going to do in the future then $ou are diiding $our
mind, diiding $our !ur!ose, and diiding $our !o#er of #i"". 1othing
can (e accom!"ished #ith diided attention. %ou must hae faith that
$ou #i"" kno# ho# to act #hen the future does arrie. %ou must take
action in the !resent moment, 15W.
/f $ou are an em!"o$ee and fee" $ou aren)t satisfed #ith $our current
0o(, then $ou must ho"d a ision of $ourse"f in the 0o( $ou do #ant
#hi"e $ou act #ith !ur!ose on the 0o( $ou a"read$ hae. ,se $our
!resent 0o( as a means of getting a (etter one. /f $ou)re not #here
$ou #ant to "ie, ho"d a ision of #here $ou #ant to "ie, hae faith
$ou #i"" eentua""$ (e in the "ocation $ou desire, and act #ith !ur!ose
to moe $ou to#ards the !"ace $ou #ant to (e. What $ou can 15& do
is think and project into s!ace and #ait for resu"ts.
%ou must ho"d a c"ear 6/-/51 #ith a Defnite Pur!ose7/ntention,
com(ined #ith F./&8 the unierse is (ringing it to#ards $ou, and then
.C& 15W u!on the !eo!"e and things in $our P42-21&
/t shou"d (e noted that there is ine9cient action, and e9cient action.
2er$ act is either a success or a fai"ure. &he more ine9cient"$ $ou
act, the more fai"ures #i"" occur+ the more e9cient"$ $ou act, the
more success #i"" occur. &o ensure $ou are successfu" $ou must
com(ine menta" !o#er and !ersona" action. /f $ou are using $our
mind at one time, and $ou are acting at another time then $ou are
diiding $our #i"" !o#er. 5nce again, $ou must ho"d $our c"ear ision,
hae faith in it, and act no# #ith defnite !ur!ose to#ards $our goa".
&ake eer$ e9cient action $ou can eer$ da$ to#ards $our goa".
2er$ success o!ens doors to more success. &rust that #hat $ou
need and desire is on its) #a$ to $ou.
Tune Up Turning Point # 5
&uning ,! $our Wi"" Po#er is necessar$ if $ou are to accom!"ish an$
goa". /t shou"d (e noted that to dee"o! the Wi"", $ou must train mind,
(od$, and s!irit to #ork together. 4ight Fee"ing and 4ight &hought
create 4ight .ction. &o hae a strong #i"" re'uires disci!"ine. &he
(est #a$ to accom!"ish this is ($ taking contro" of $our time,
dee"o!ing good ha(its for the mind and (od$. &he suggestions (e"o#
are designed to he"! $ou. 2n0o$3
Tae control o! your ti"e
-it do#n and "ist $our !riorities, commitments and things $ou
#ou"d "ike to accom!"ish and diide them into dai"$, #eek"$
and month"$ tasks as a!!ro!riate. .oid the tem!tation to
make e*cuses such as / don)t hae enough time for this or
that. /nstead ask $ourse"f What can / do to make the time:.
Whether $ou #ant to go (ack to schoo", or fnd more time for
$ou and $our !artner, then $ou need to !"an for it, and stick to
#et up a syste" to eep you on trac$
Gra( a ca"endar and schedu"e $our actiities from a(oe so
$ou dee"o! a routine #hich (ecomes ha(itua". /f une*!ected
circumstances occur, and the$ #i"", don)t "et $ourse"f
!rocrastinate to "ong (efore $ou get (ack on track.
%&ercise! ;Did / hear an ,ghh:<
/f $ou aren)t e*ercising routine"$ as of $et, this is a must for
$ou3 /n order to (ring $our dreams to fruition $ou need to
maintain a hea"th$ (od$. %ou #ou"d (e sur!rised ho# man$
!eo!"e sh$ a#a$ from their !otentia" oer their a!!earance.
2*ercise he"!s im!roe $our a!!earance, so #h$ #ou"d $ou
not fnd the time to fee" (etter a(out $ourse"f: Pick actiities
$ou en0o$ doing (ecause this #i"" he"! !reent $ou from
making e*cuses. Penci" it into $our ca"endar at "east = times a
#eek, and do not miss this a!!ointment #ith $ourse"f. %ou
desere good hea"th3
#chedule ti"e 'ust !or (ou
Make a(so"ute"$ certain $ou !enci" in some me time on $our
2er$one needs some time eer$ da$ to recharge and refresh
($ doing something the$ en0o$, or ma$(e doing a(so"ute"$
nothing and 0ust >2. /t)s a"" a(out fnding (a"ance3
#tri)e !or Balance
Don)t tr$ to oerdo things or ft too much on $our
ca"endar. &r$ing to do too man$ things causes $ou to (ecome
oer#he"med and discouraged #hen $ou can)t meet $our
o("igations. 4emem(er, diided attention e'ua"s certain
/f $ou #ork to#ards dee"o!ing good ha(its for the mind, (od$ and
s!irit, a good "ife is sure to (e $ours.
Wishing $ou continued success in a"" $ou do3
A*out Michelle
M/C82LL2 L.1G2 is the founder of Conscious Connections Learning
Center for !ersona" and s!iritua" dee"o!ment. -he is a Certifed
Master Life Coach, s!eaker, author, s!iritua" teacher, and artist.

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