SORBOGEM® Crystalline Sorbitol Fact Sheet

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What is it?

Crystalline Sorbitol is one of the most widely

used polyols in the food, confectionery, pharmaceutical,
and industrial markets. Typical functionality is as a cryo-
protectant, crystallization inhibitor, freeze point depres-
sant, plasticizer, humectant, and excipient. It is 60% as
sweet as sucrose with a pleasant cooling efect.
Why should I use it?
At 60% as sweet as sucrose, sorbitol is often used in
conjunction with high intensity sweeteners, to replace
sucrose. In addition, Sorbitol is an excellent humectant,
freeze point depressant, crystallization inhibitor, plasticizer
and cryoprotectant for bakery, confectionery, food and
industrial applications. End uses include cereal coatings,
chewing gum, cream centers, deposited hard candy, dried
Excellent humectant
60% as sweet as sugar
Cool, pleasant taste
2.6 calories/gram
fruit, icings and fllings, fondants, frozen desserts, jellies,
sauces, sausage, shredded coconut, and soft confections,
joint compound, and wall board.
How do I use it?
Sorbitol is afrmed GRAS under 21CFR: 184.1835. Sorbitol
can be used on a 1:1 basis as a replacement for sucrose as a
bulking agent in food applications. Where additional sweet-
ness is desired, high intensity sweeteners can be added.

Crystalline Sorbitol

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