Classroom Management Policy

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Classroom Management Policies

1. Come into class quickly and quietly.
2. Make sure to get your assigned folder from the cabinets.
3. Sit in your assigned seat.
4. Be attentive to when the teacher is ready to begin.
5. Actively participate the entire length of the class (Participation
6. Class is not over until the bell rings and I dismiss the class.

1. Be respectful. Treat others how you wish to be treated.
2. NO GUM!
3. Only leave your seat when asked to do so, or given permission from
the teacher.
4. Be on time to class and in your seat. Students not in their seats by
the time the bell rings, they will be counted tardy.
5. Have all of your materials ready for class.
6. Participate and show leadership in every aspect of the classroom.

REMEMBER: CARE: Expectations with rewards and Consequences

Attendance Policy:
1. All students are required to attend all performances.
2. If there is a conflict, the student should notify me at least 3 weeks in
advance. Emergencies are an exception, but try to contact me if at all

Disciplinary Actions:
First Offense
The student will be given a verbal warning in class.

Second Offense
The students will be asked to stay after class and discuss with the
teacher his or her infractions.

Third Offense
The student will be sent to the office for further disciplinary actions.

Fourth Offense
A parent of the student will be contacted to discuss the students
disciplinary problems.

Concert Dress
All Ensembles have specific concert attire. Students are responsible for
their attire and should place their name in each piece of their uniform.
Students are required to wear concert dress before, during, and after all
performances. (You are performing from the time you walk into the
building to the time you leave.) All members must have the official choir
shirt for casual performances and traveling. If you are new to choir,
bring your $15 dollars for your shirt ASAP. *** Students not dressed
appropriately (See Below) will not be able to perform in the concert***

Choral Union
Black Pants or skirt below the knee with black tights
Black crew neck top with sleeves. NO tank tops!
Black dress shoes with minimal ornaments
Minimal jewelry- Silver only (See Miss Schuley if you have
question on appropriateness of jewelry)

Black button up dress shirt with red tie
Black dress pants
Black Dress shoes and BLACK SOCKS

Concert Choir
Concert Choir will have the same dress code as Choral Union (See
above) unless performing and wearing the Choral robes provided to
each student at the beginning of the year.

Madrigal/Show Choir
Madrigal/Show Choir singers will be required to select from the choral
closet (Madrigal outfit) or purchase their outfits. The group and Miss
Schuley will decide on all outfits.
All students participating in the Fall/Spring Musical will be responsible to
get their own outfit as decided upon by Miss Schuley and the Musical
that is being performed. All costumes must be approved by Miss Schuley
a week before dress rehearsal in case of a change needed. If costumes
need to be rented, Miss Schuley will arrange to do so, but all students
are responsible for damage done to costumes.

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