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Art Lesson Plan

Title: Family Portrait Contour Unit: African Art

Grade level (s): 4-5 Medium: ra!in"
#u""ested Time: $ Class %eriods
Instructional Objectives (2-3):
T&e student demonstrates and a%%lies t&e safe use' control and maintenance of art
T&e student creates art!or) t&at reflects ima"es from ot&er sources(
Elements of Art (*-+) line' color' s&a%e' form' s%ace' te,ture' value
-ine' #&a%e' #%ace
Principles of Desin (*-+) re%etition' %attern' movement' .alance' em%&asis' contrast' unity
/alance' Unity(
!aterials an" E#uipment:
* Color of 0*1$ , ** construction %a%er' * 0*1$ , ** re"ular %a%er' scissors' "lue' %encil'
statues' s&ar%ie(
$ocabular% (&-'):
Contour' Portrait' Com%osition' /lind Contour' 2.servational
Art Pro"uction (.ased on Madeline 3unter model)
*(antici%atory set $( state o.4ectives +( 5n%ut: art &istory' instructions 4(demonstration' modelin"
5( c&ec) for understandin" 6( "uided %ractice 7( inde%endent %ractice 0( closure
*( #&o! %icture of !&at !e are "oin" to .e !or)in" out t&at you %reviously did(
$( Tell !&at 5 e,%ect of t&em(
+( #&e in a %o!er %oint out e,am%les of !&at !e are doin" and &istory of !&at !e are
4( emonstrate contour and /lind contour(
5( 3ave t&e )ids %ractice contour and .lind contour(
6( 3ave )ids loo) at statues and contour or .lind contour t&em(
7( Ma)e class s!itc& ta.les to loo) at ot&er statues to contour and .lind contour t&ose
ones' t&en outline !&en done dra!in" &ave t&em "o over %encil line !it& s&ar%ie' .ut
out t&e %ictures' "lue t&em in a !ay t&at loo)s li)e a family %ortrait(
0( #&o! everyone in t&e classroom eac& ot&er8s %ictures(

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