Tune Up Turning Point Coaching 7

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Tune Up Turning Point #7

Fine Tuning: Goals Alignment

By Michelle Lange
Founder, Conscious Connections Learning Center, and Certifed
Master Life Coach
All successful people, men and women, are big dreamers. They
imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then
they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal, or
purpose. - Brian Tracy
We have been working on building a strong foundation of personal
skill you need to get unstuck and oving forward in life! "opefully,
you have anaged to uncover any liiting beliefs, and have been
working to release any negativity which could prevent you fro
eeting your goals! #n this weeks lesson # want you to ake sure
the goal$s% you have already set for yourself are actually the goals
you really want to achieve!
#n order for you to achieve the life you desire, it&s critical that you
create goals which align with who you truly are and what your values
are! 'oeties, we only think we want soething because it
sounded like a good idea at the tie, and now it no longer fts our life
vision! (ossibly you never really wanted it at all! )r aybe, you *ust
went along with soeone&s vision of what they thought you should do
or becoe! There are a nuber of reasons a goal ay not be working
for your beneft!
Life is constantly changing and circustances can often arise which
ake us feel that we have to hurry to accoplish soething!
+eeber, there is no reason to rush or hurry towards anything!
Choosing goals which are not in alignent with your deepest self sets
the stage for disappointent and failure! ,ou owe it to yourself to
take a big step back and reevaluate your goals to ensure they are
relevant for you now at your current stage in life!
"ere are soe -uestions designed to will help you dig deeper into
what you really want, and also why you believe you want it!
#dentifying why you want soething will ensure you are truly
coitted to achieving it! .n*oy/
Tune 0p Turning (oint 12
Checking or Congruency ! Alignment
"ow iportant is this goal to ,)0 personally on a scale fro
"ow serious are you about this goal6
Why do you want to achieve this goal6
"ow will this goal beneft you6
"ow does this goal align with your values6
.nvision yourself achieving this goal! What does you life look
like now6 What do you feel6 What are you saying to yourself
about your achieveent6
Une"pecte# Personal $mpacts
What other areas of your life ight be a7ected by this
What is the price of aking this change6 8re you willing to
pay the price6
"ow ight your life be better with this goal6 "ow ight it be
worse with this goal6
Where does this goal ft in with your priorities and current
9o you need help eeting this goal6 #f so, who can help you6
What needs to change so you can achieve your goal6
"ow will taking action towards this goal a7ect the other
people in your life6
"ow does what others think and feel a7ect how you feel about
your goal6
Who ight be upset if you achieved this goal6
Creating %MA&T Goals
%pecifc' The ore specifc you are the easier your goal is to
Measurable : 'o you will know when you have achieved your
Actionable4 The actions you have control over to reach your
&ealistic : 'et a goal which is challenging enough to inspire
you as well as be realistic so as not to set yourself up for
Tie4bound : 'et tie4lines for taking action towards the goal
as well as a deadline to eet your goal!
&e(ning %MA&T Goals
Can you give e your goal in one sentence6
.;actly what do you want to achieve fro this goal6
#s achieving this goal e;clusively under your control6
"ow will you know when you have achieved your goal6
"ow could you break down your overall goal into saller,
easier to anage sub4goals6
What is the tie frae for eeting your goal6
What criteria will you use for easuring your success6
,ou now have powerful goal setting tools at your disposal to help
propel you ore -uickly in the direction of your dreas! Take action
<)W, you have a lot of work to do/ =%
Wishing you continued success/
A)out Michelle
M#C".LL. L8<>. is the founder of Conscious Connections Learning
Center for personal and spiritual developent! 'he is a Certifed
Master Life Coach, speaker, author, spiritual teacher, and artist!

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