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Tune Up Turning Point #8

In Conclusion...
By Michelle Lange
Founder, Conscious Connections Learning Center, and Certifed
Master Life Coach
I've come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that's as
unique as a fngerprintand that the best way to succeed is to
discover what you love and then fnd a way to ofer it to others in the
form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the
universe to lead you! " #prah $infrey
If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into
someone else's plan %nd guess what they have planned for you&
'ot much! " (im )ohn
Here it is...the last newsletter in my Free Life Coaching Course! I hope
you found the articles easy to understand and that you have egun
putting the !urning "oints into practice. !he !une #p My Life
Coaching program was created with the aim of helping as many
people as possile create and live a more fulflling and aundant life.
If you found our course helpful, we would love to hear from you.
"lease share your e$perience with us on our Faceoo% page, and e
sure to chec% our wesite often for more learning opportunities. If
you have friends that could eneft from our Free Life Coaching,
please send them this lin%&
In our last lesson, I want to give you some closing tips to help %eep
you on trac% as well as a few more powerful transformational
'uestions for you to wor% on.
Following Up:
If you haven(t ought a )ournal already, ma%e it a priority to
get one as soon as possile. *tart recording your goals, action
plans, and progress notes in a )ournal which can e hard copy
or a digital )ournal. #se whichever is easier and more
convenient for you.
*et a time every wee% for you to review your progress. +ive
yourself at least an hour to review your plans and revise where
necessary. !he wee%ly review process helps to hold you
accountale for your actions or non,actions.
Important Points aout hol!ing your wee"ly re#iew
-llow at least one hour for your wee%ly review sessions
when you are frst starting out with goal setting. -s
you progress towards your goal, you may fnd you don(t
need as much time to complete your review. !he
important thing is to ensure you ma%e the time you are
spending e.cient and productive.
/egin each session with a review of your action steps
from the past wee%.
0id you get everything done on your list1 If not, what
stopped you1 2hat else can you do now to get it done1
!he action items we don't accomplish can e a valuale
discovery tool to help you uncover any remaining inner
or outer ostacles which need to e addressed and
wor%ed through.
3ememer! 0o not to fall ac% into ad haits y
critici4ing yourself if you didn(t accomplish all of your
action items. /e %ind and gentle with yourself as you
move through the process.
/e proud of what you did accomplish and celerate
each success as a victory!
-s you complete each short,term goal set a new one
which will propel you closer to your end goal.
3ememer to hold the vision of what you are trying to
achieve in your mind, practice gratitude daily, have
faith in your vision, and continue to ta%e e.cient
actions every day in order to manifest your goals into
-fter each wee%ly review, set a date and time for the
ne$t wee%ly review.
$!!itional Power%ul &uestions
If you could only change one thing in your life, what would it e1
2hat is the decision you have een avoiding1
How can you ring more creativity, fun and )oy into your life1
If you were to consider what(s possile instead of what(s proale,
how does that change things for you1
2here do you add stress to your life1
2hat are you tolerating that needs to change in order for you to move
2hat do you need to say (5o( to1
2hat do you need to stop saying (6es( to1
2ho in your life drains you1
How do you teach people to treat you1
2hat limiting eliefs have you let go of aout life, yourself, and
2hat positive eliefs do you have aout life, yourself, and others1
How is your life di7erent as a result of what you(ve learned through
life coaching1
2hat have you learned that you will carry forward in your life1
!han% you for allowing me the opportunity to e a guide on your
)ourney to creating a more peaceful, )oyful and successful life. May
the universe continue to ring all good things into your life and of
those you love and cherish!
/est wishes!
P.'. If for some reason you are still having troule putting it all
together we also o7er a7ordale coaching y email pac%ages
designed to address your specifc needs. "lease visit our wesite to
view our current Coaching /y 8mail pac%ages.
"erhaps you feel you are in need of a more intensive coaching
program. !o meet this need, I o7er e$clusive one on one coaching
sessions with me y phone. I can only accept a very limited numer
of clients each month due to a very full schedule. "lease contact me
y email for more information.

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