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1) To email your registration: email the following information

to . You may also contact us through the

contact page.

2) Please supply us with the:
1) lass !"T# you want to attend$
2) "ll "ttendee%s) name%s)$
&) Phone num'er for each attendee( unless family( li)ing in same
*) #mail address for each attendee( unless family( li)ing in same
+) To reser)e a spot you may pay 'y check %, 2- deposit or
,.+.--.-- full for each person) to:
astle !efense /irearms Training 00 12 3effrey "dkins
44*4 3ohnson 5oad
6orth 0ewis'urg( 2hio *&-4-
4) Pay Pal is ,7-.-- on the we'site.

&) To call for information: all 7&898*89-8*8.

*) :i)e us time to get 'ack to you. ;e understand you want to know
if you are a'le to get into the <0 lass you registered for. ;e
appreciate your 'usiness( 'ut we need your help so that we can run
an orderly process of registration. ;e will email your attendance
email with class information and class directions as soon as we
can. You should recei)e your email within 2* hours. ;e send out
attendance emails in priority of the classes that occur first. You can
always get the information a'out our <0 lasses from our we'site.
0"== >6/25?"T>26

;<"T !2 > 6##! T2 @5>6: ;>T< ?# T2 0"==A:

When you arrive, please leave
all weapons and ammunition in
your locked vehicle.
Where is the training? West Mansfeld Conservation Club
Directions to West Mansfeld Conservation Club
701 South Main Street, West Mansfeld, OH 4335
13 !iles "ast on St# $t# 47 out o% &elle%ontaine
'1 !iles (W o% Mar)sville o* o% St# $t# 33#
701 S# Main Street
,#O# &o- 14
West Mansfeld, OH 4335
The only things you need to 'ring is:
1. Your ,.+..-- class fee per person %check( cash or money
order). ,7-.-- if you utiliBe Pay Pal. >t is preferred that you
register and send at least a ,2-.-- good faith deposit to reser)e
a seat.
2. Your 2hio !ri)ers 0icense or 2hio =tate >! ard to show
>nstructors during registration
&. lothing appropriate for the weather outdoors. !ress for cool 1
cold( rainy 1 snowy weather. You will only 'e outside at the range
for approCimately 2 hours.
*. =ome attendees 'ring a note'ook to take notes as well. There
is space to take notes in the 2-- page 65" 'ook we gi)e to you(
'ut it is not a lot of space. Taking notes is not reDuired.
+. =nacks to eat during class time if you want. You may snack
during class time. ;e pro)ide coffee all day.
4. " 'ag lunch if you want. ;e do 'reak for lunch prior to the
5ange /ire Portion.

The shooting of handguns is reDuired in this class. You may
'ring your own safety eDuipment$ =afety glasses and hearing
<2; 026: >= T<# 0"==A:

The class is an eight (8) hour course that occasionally will run
slightly over with large classes. It starts at 8:00am %arri)e at
8:*+am) and ends at 8:00pm.

<2; ?"6Y "TT#6!##= "5# >6 #"< 0"==A

There are 1 openings in each class. !ost class si"es range
#etween and 10 attendees per class.

"6 > T"P# 5#25! 25 E>!#2 T"P# T<# 0"==A

;e do not allow the recording (audio or visual) o$ our %&' %lasses.

;<"T >= 2E#5#! >6 T<# 0"==A

a. The sa$e storage( use and handling o$ a pistol.
'. "mmunition knowledge and the fundamentals of pistol shooting.
c. Pistol shooting positions.
d. /irearms and the law( including ci)il lia'ility issues and the use of
deadly force.
e. ")oiding criminal attack and controlling a )iolent confrontation.
f. "ll laws that apply to carrying a concealed pistol in this state
g. /irearm selection and finishes %you are a'le to handle and hold se)eral
more handguns)
h. <olsters and carry method and selection.
i. "t least 1- hours of instruction and 2 hours of range time that reDuires
firing at least 1-- rounds of ammunition.

>F? >6 0"== "00 !"Y 9 ;<"T "@2GT /22!A

We provide coo)ies and co$$ee all day. There is a 1 hour lunch
#rea) where attendees can leave and eat at a local restaurant or
a $ast $ood esta#lishment. (There are a $ew places near#y) *ou
may also #ring a #ag lunch. +eel $ree to #ring snac)s or $ood to
eat throughout the class i$ needed (some people need to eat
$re,uently $or medical reasons) or i$ you -ust want to. There is a 10
minute #rea) every hour as well.

;<#6 !2 > :#T ?Y #5T>/>"T# 2/ 0"==

*ou will receive a .00 page /01 #oo) when you arrive to class
and a %erti$icate o$ %ompletion that is needed in order to apply $or
a 2hio %oncealed &andgun 'icense when you leave on the day
o$ the class. There is no need to return to us. This class is
completed in 1 day.

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