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Technology Integration Organization Flow Chart


Associate Superintendent of Technology

Direct and manage the information systems and computer Area Superintendents
services for the district. Evaluate and provide leadership for district
instructional programs.

District and
Campus Technicians
Provide technical support
throughout the district.

Instructional Principals
Direct and manage instructional
Technology Director program and supervise operations
Assist in the development and and personnel at campus level.
implementation of the district Provide leadership to ensure high
curriculum as it relates to standards of instructional service.
instructional technology. Works Oversee compliance with district
with principals to provide relevant policies, success of instructional
instructional technology support at programs, and operation of all
the campus level. campus activities.

Role of the Principal. The principal is responsible

for making sure that teachers integrate
technology into the curriculum; teacher
evaluations provide evidence that they are
carrying this out. Principals also plan relevant
staff development and work with SBDM as they
focus on the inclusion of educational technology
for the campus.

Instructional Technology Teachers

Provide students with appropriate learning
Specialists activities and experiences designed to help them
Assist faculty and staff in the use of new fulfill their potential for intellectual, emotional,
and current technologies for instruction. physical, and social growth.
Assist in staff development focusing on
educational applications of technology.


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