Player's Guide To Eberron

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Based on the ori gi nal DUNGEONS & DRAGONS* rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and the
new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonat han Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Ri chard Baker,
and Peter Adki son.
Thi s product uses updated material from the v.3.5 revision.
The Red Gaunt l et Regiment was created by David Noonan.
Thi s Wizards of the Coast* game product contains no Open Game Cont ent . No port i on of this work may
be reproduced in any form without written permi ssi on. To learn more about the Open Gami ng License
and the d20 System License, please visit
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. D&D, EBERRON, WIZARDS OF THE COAST, Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, Monster Manual. Player's Guide to Eberron, all other
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620-95368720-001-EN 9876 5 4 3 2 1 First Pr i nt i ng: Januar y 2006 1SBN-10: 0-7869-3912-5 ISBN-13: 978-0-7869-3912-1
Chapter 1:
Bui l di ng an Eberron Character. . . 7
Chr oni c l e r 7
Devot ee of t he Host 8
House Renegade 8
House Sci on 9
I nnoc e nt Vi ct i m 9
I nqui si t i ve 10
Out l a nde r 10
Restless Wander er 11
Schol ar - Advent ur er 12
St reet wi se Scoundr el 12
War - Tor n He r o 13
Chapter 2:
A Gui de to Eberron 15
What Do You Know? 15
Exot i c Cl asses and Races 15
PC Or gani zat i ons 15
Advent uri ng 16
Dunge ons of Ebe r r on 16
Epi c-Level Advent ur es 17
Aerenal 18
Land of t he Dead 18
Th e De a t hgua r d 20
Dead, Deat hl ess,
and Hal f - Li vi ng 21
The Bl ood of Vol 22
Hei r s ofVol 22
Th e Bl oodt ouched Ri t e 23
Changel i ngs 2 4
Mast ers of Di sgui se 24
How to Spot a Changel i ng .............25
Church of the Silver Fl ame 26
Th e Gl or y of Li ght 26
Templ ar s of t he Silver Fl ame .............26
Creati on Myths 30
Th e Fi rst Ages of t he Wor l d .............. 30
The Dark Six 32
Powers of Dar kness 32
The Demon Wastes 34
Anci ent Rui n 34
Th e Rakshasa Rajahs 34
Th e Sakah 35
The Ghaas h' kal a 36
Hor r or s of t he Wastes 37
The Labyr i nt h 37
Document s 38
Rul es and Regul at i ons 38
Dragons 42
Scaled Mast ers of
Ar gonnes s en 42
The Pr ophecy 42
The Cha mbe r 44
Seren 44
Hei r s of t he Dr agons 44
Dragonmarks 46
Hei r s to Power 46
Power and Pr ophecy 46
Th e Kor t h Edi ct s 47
Th e Twelve 47
Dr a gonma r k Tal ent s 48
Abe r r a nt Dr a gonma r ks 48
Dragonshards 50
Fr agment s of t he
Fi rst Dr agons 50
Droaam 52
Monst er s of Ci vi l i zat i on 52
Graywal l :
Gateway to Dr oa a m 53
Dwarves 54
Gol d Fuel s Ol d Feuds 54
El deen Reaches 56
Th e Woods of t he West 56
Th e Dr ui d Sects 57
Everyday Magic 62
A Land St eeped i n Magi c 62
Th e Many Faces
of t he Ar t i f i cer 63
The Five Nat i ons 64
Hei r s of Gal i f ar 64
Frostfel l and Everice 66
Nor t h and Sout h 66
Gnomes 68
Th e Home of t he Wise 68
Th e Tr us t 68
Th e Li br ar y of
Kor r a nbe r g 69
Gobl i noi ds 70
Fal l en f r om Domi na nc e 70
Hal f - El ves & Urban Elves 72
Ol d Tr adi t i ons Seen
Th r o u g h New Eyes 72
Ur ba n Elves 72
Hal f l i ngs 74
Life on t he Pl ai ns 74
Hi story 76
Th e Sweep of Worl d Events................76
Hi st or y beyond Khor vai r e .............77
Humans 78
A Hi st or y of Expl or at i on
and Bl ood 78
Int ri gue and Espi onage 80
No Secret s 80
Kalashtar 82
Th e Mount a i ns of Refuge 82
Th e Pat h of Li ght 82
Psi oni cs beyond Sar l ona 83
Khyber 84
Th e Dar kness Wi t hi n 84
Gateways to Khyber 84
Th e Dael kyr 85
Aber r at i ons 86
Th e Cul t s of t he
Dr agon Below 87
Gat ekeeper Myst agogue 88
The Last War 92
A Ce nt ur y of Conf l i ct 92
Th e Day of Mo u r n i n g 93
Thr one hol d 93
Red Gaunt l et Regi ment 94
Lhazaar Pri nci pal i t i es 98
Ti des of Bl ood and Gol d 98
Th e Heavenl y Fl eet 99
Isles of Myst ery 99
Magical Tradi ti ons 100
Modes of Power 100
Th e Passage I nst i t ut e
for t he Ar c a ne Ar t s 102
At ur Academy 103
Hi gh El ement al Bi nder 104
Monasti c Tradi ti ons 108
Per f ect i on of t he Body 108
Morgrave University 110
Schol ar s and Adventurers..................110
Th e Campus 111
Morgrave Out r e a c h
Associ at i on 112
The Mournl and 116
Devast at i on Everywhere 116
Orcs 118
Th e Land of t he Shadows 118
Th e Or cs of t he Mar ches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Life on t he Fr ont i er 118
Pl anes of Exi stence 120
Worl ds beyond t he Worl d 120
Mani fest Zones 122
Races of t he Pl anes 123
Mani fest Spel l shaper 124
Q'barra 128
Th e Fr ont i er 128
Riedra 130
Th e Land Acr oss t he Sea 130
Quor i and t he Inspired...................130
Wor s hi pi ng t he I ns pi r ed .............. 131
Seas of Eberron 132
The Ten Seas 132
Races of t he Seas 133
Shi fters 134
Touched by t he Beast 134
Society and Status 136
How t he Worl d Works 136
The Place of Advent ur er s ............ 137
The Soverei gn Host 138
Powers of Li ght 138
Val enar 140
War r i or s of Gl or y 140
Travel i n Val enar 141
Revenant Bl ade 142
Vi l l ai nous Organi zati ons 146
Forces of Dar kness 146
The Au r u m 146
Th e Dr e a mi ng Dar k 146
Th e Lor ds of Dust 147
Th e Or d e r of t he
Emer al d Claw 148
Warforged 150
Li vi ng Cons t r uct s 150
No New War f or ged 151
Xen' dri k 152
Cont i ne nt of Myst eri es 152
Index 156
The EBERRON Campaign Setting provides all the rules
necessary for creat i ng a charact er to play in
Ebe r r on. Key r ul es el ement s i nt r oduced i n
t hat book for new char act er s i ncl ude four
new raceschangel i ngs, kal asht ar, shi ft ers,
and warforgedand one new class, t he ar t i f i cer , as well
as a numbe r of feats, pr est i ge classes, and spel l s. It also
offers gui dance i n choosi ng race, class, feats, and pr es-
tige class based on a char act er ' s r egi on of or i gi n, so you
can make a Br el i sh char act er feel mor e Brel i sh t han one
from Aundai r .
What t he EBERRON Campaign Setting doesn' t tell you is
how to make your char act er feel like he or she bel ongs
in the world of Ebe r r on. That ' s what t hi s sect i on does. It
out l i nes a dozen char act er archet ypesbasi c per sonal i t y
and backgr ound packages t hat can hel p you make a char -
acter who feels like a coher ent par t of t he set t i ng. Some
of t hese ar chet ypes are fairly gener i c: Any set t i ng coul d
feat ure out l ander s , for exampl e, or rest l ess wander er s .
Ot her s are ui t e specific to Eber r on, i ncl udi ng chr oni cl er s
and i nqui si t i ves.
Most archetypes work j ust fine for charact ers of any
class and race. An out l ander, for example, could be a half-
ling bar bar i an from the Talenta Plains or a hal f-orc warlock
from the Shadow Marches. Not every combi nat i on of race,
class, regi on of or i gi n, and archet ype will make sense to
you, t hough. Try to find a combi nat i on that appeals to you
and work from t here.
The r e is no game- mechani cal benefi t to choosi ng a
character archet ype. Rat her, each archet ype consists solely
of suggestions for developing the backgr ound, personality,
and manner i sms of your charact er.
'What a story!"
-Kalva Dannor , gnome bard
When you can sell a story to a publ i cat i on such as the
Korranberg Chronicle or t he Sharn Inquisitive, ever yt hi ng t hat
happens a r ound you st art s to look like a story t hat needs
to be wr i t t en. You seek out advent ur e wherever you can
find itbut you somet i mes act mor e like an observer t han
a par t i ci pant .
Advent uri ng: You grew up r eadi ng about the Last
War i n the pages of the Korranberg Chronicle, and t hought that
it sounded exci t i ng. You i magi ned yoursel f huddl ed in a
tent near t he front l i nes, scrawl i ng a di spat ch t hat you
would send back to Kor r anber g to be read across the Five
Nat i ons. Of course, once you finally got a j ob wri t i ng for a
small local chroni cl e, you spent more t i me t al ki ng to farm-
ers about t hei r crops t han you did doi ng anyt hi ng remotely
r esembl i ng advent ur i ng. Now you' ve made it: You travel
with a gr oup of advent urers, write about your experi ences,
and sell the stories to any chroni cl e that buys t hem. At least,
somet i mes you sell the stories.
The pr i mar y cri t eri on by which you j udge whether
to under t ake an advent ure is whet her or not you t hi nk it
will make a good story. By "good story,' ' you mi ght mean
one that' s dr amat i c and exciting, or you mi ght mean one
that will sell. Ot her factors are less i mpor t ant : Will your
part i ci pat i on make a difference in the world? Are i nnocent
lives at stake? Does the advent ure itself pay well? It doesn' t
matteras long as it makes a good story.
If not hi ng else, an advent ure could at least get you close
to a big story that' s ot herwi se unr el at ed to the advent ure
itself. If someone wants to hi re a group of bodyguards for an
airship j ourney, you might not show any interest at alluntil
you l ear n that an i mpor t ant noble or famous di pl omat will
be on the same ai rshi p, on a mysterious mi ssi on. Now that' s
a good story!
Personal i ty: Young chr oni cl er s appr oach t hei r task
with exuberant ent husi asm, excited at the prospect of t ur n-
ing t hei r experi ences i nt o gr i ppi ng tales that will t hr i l l a
new generat i on of readers. Is that you, or has your attitude
devolved i nt o a bitter cynicism? It's easy to fall i nt o the jaded
view that chr oni cl i ng is a pretty word for lying, t ryi ng to
make the hor r or s of war or the t er r or s of the world sound
exciting. But hey, excitement sells stories, so you' ll make the
story as l uri d as possible to make the sale.
Behavi or: Take notes about ever yt hi ng your com-
pani ons do. You mi ght even be t empt ed to hang back out
of combat for a moment or two while you finish scri bbl i ng
your notes about the events that led to the combat. (Don' t
take this to the poi nt where your allies become angry at your
i nact i on. Fi ni sh j ot t i ng down notes instead of movi ng in
between spells or ot her helpful actions. ) Most i mpor t ant ,
act as t hough you were a charact er in an exciting story that
will be told ar ound the worldbe dramat i c, be dynami c,
take risks, and live large.
Language: Words are your l i vel i hood, so talk a lot.
Describe your own actions as if you were wri t i ng t hem for a
popul ar audi ence. You might refer to yourself in the t hi rd
per son, ei t her by name or as "your i nt r epi d chr oni cl er "
or "your humbl e scr i be. " Descr i be t he act i ons of your
compani ons and your enemi es in the same way. When your
compani ons do somet hi ng dramat i c or memorabl e, narrat e
what happened, even as you cont i nue fighting.
Vari ants: You could be an aspi r i ng st oryt el l er hopi ng
to gain experi ence so you can "write what you know." You
might write for the chronicles, but with a focus on exposing
cor r upt i on or scandal r at her t han t el l i ng t hr i l l i ng tales.
Or you mi ght simply enjoy bei ng where t hi ngs are happen-
ing, or bei ng ar ound famous and i mpor t ant peopl e, and
wri t i ng for a chr oni cl e is an effective way of accompl i shi ng
that goal.
"Sovereigns preserve us."
Kuduth, half-elf cleric
Even if you' re not a cleric, the deities of the Sovereign Host
are i mpor t ant to you. You were brought up to show t hem
pr oper reverence, and devotion to the ideals they represent
guides your every step.
Advent uri ng: You have been profoundl y i nfl uenced
by a par t i cul ar cycle of myths rel at i ng to the Sovereign Host
and the Dark Sixmyths t hat are no l onger widely told, but
that have i nspi red count l ess generat i ons of heroes to take
up arms against the forces of evil in the world. These myths
are collectively called the Rebel l i on Saga, and they speak of
the or i gi nal and ongoi ng rebel l i on of the Dark Six against
the r ul e of t he Sover ei gns. Accor di ng to t hese anci ent
tales, it is the work of the devout to br i ng the Dark Six back
into the fold, which will be accomplished by quel l i ng t hei r
rebel l i ous followers.
Naturally, r euni t i ng the
Dark Sixwith the rest of the
pant heon is not likely
a house renegade
to happen any t i me soon, al t hough cer t ai n apocal ypt i c
groups believe in its inevitability. Thus, for most advent ur-
i ng devotees, quel l i ng the r ebel l i on by slaying monst er s,
i mpr i soni ng necr omancer s, and prosel yt i zi ng changel i ngs
is little more t han a good l ong- t er m justification for actions
that also make sense in the short t erm, by maki ng the world
safer for the civilized races of Khor vai r e.
Personality: Your devotion to the Host shines t hr ough
ever yt hi ng you doat least, you hope it does. When you
ent er bat t l e, you try to refl ect t he s t r engt h of Dol Dor n
and the honor of Dol Ar r ah. You offer prayers to Ol l adra,
Arawai , and Bal i nor before eat i ng, to Ona t a r before
usi ng your cr af t i ng skills, and to Aur eon every t i me you
cast a spel l . You pr ot ect fami l i es and villages i n i mi t at i on
of Bol drei , and you guard caravans and mer chant s for Kol
Kor r an' s sake.
Behavi or: Your devot i on is your def i ni ng char ac-
t eri st i c, but it descri bes little about your personal i t y. You
are not necessarily a pr ude, a pacifist, or a phi l ant hr opi s t ,
t hough you mi ght be any of those t hi ngs. You try to wrap
everyt hi ng you do in a shr oud of rel i gi ous devot i on. You
probably don' t do it consciously to try to i mpress ot her s;
r at her , you do it because t hat ' s how you' ve l ear ned to do
t hi ngs. You mi ght feel t hat ever yt hi ng you make shoul d
be dedi cat ed to Onat ar , but t he prayers you reci t e out of
habit while craft i ng are only the out ward expression of that
i nt r i nsi c belief.
Language: Prayers, oat hs, and i nvocat i ons pepper
your speech. Gener i c invocations of the Sovereigns serve
many purposes, such as "Sovereigns preserve us! " or simply
"Soverei gns!" used as an expression of surpri se or frust ra-
t i on. Curses often use the names of the Dark Six: "Aureon' s
Shadow!" or "Keeper take you!" are common ones. Feel
free to improvise short prayers to Dol Dor n for wading i nt o
battle, to Ol l adra before eating, and so on.
Vari ants: You mi ght be devoted to a par t i cul ar deity of
the Sovereign Host rat her t han the ent i r e pant heon. If you
worship the Silver Fl ame, look at the Templ ar of the Silver
Fl ame prestige class i nst ead. If you follow the Path of Light
or revere the Undyi ng Cour t , your specific motivations and
oaths will vary, but your basic personal i t y could resemble
ei t her this archet ype or the Silver Fl ame t empl ar.
"I prefer not to use my family name, thank you."
-Gaven, half-elf ranger
Somet i mes bei ng a member of a dr a gonma r ke d house
means power, prestige, and i nfl uence. Somet i mes it means
l i vi ng fi rml y unde r the t humb of a cont r ol l i ng relative
unt i l you can find a way to escape. Congratulationsyou' ve
found a way.
Adventuri ng: You advent ure because it's bet t er t han
the alternative, a tightly cont rol l ed life as part of a dr agon-
marked house. Your family t hi nks you shoul d be home,
put t i ng your t al ent s to use in the service of your house.
Your mot her wants you where she can keep an eye on you
and make sure you don' t get i nt o any t r oubl e. Your father
wants to find you someone appropri at e to marry and keep
your chi l dr en close at hand.
Fundament al l y, you advent ure because you know your
family hates it. You mi ght not know yet what you want to do
with your lifeadventuring might j ust be somet hi ng you' re
doing to kill t i me unt i l you figure it outbut you know it
won't involve the work of your house.
Personal i t y: Clearly, you' ve got a r ebel l i ous st reak.
You don' t necessarily reject all authority, but you cert ai nl y
don' t like to be under anyone' s t humb. You can be sardoni c,
cynical, and harsh somet i mes, especially when the people
around you start soundi ng like they t hi nk they own you. But
you' re not bad at hear t . Is it so wr ong to want to shape your
own destiny?
Behavi or: Even t hough you' ve probabl y been di s-
owned, you' re used to a life of relative l uxury, and your
habits and manner i s ms reflect t hat . You prefer to stay i n
upper - cl ass hot el s r at her t han common i nns , and to feast
in a private di ni ng r oom rat her t han squeeze in to a spot at
the board to get your share of stew with the peasant s. That
said, you have a lot more respect for the working classes t han
most people of your st at i on, and you' re not i ncl i ned to boss
people ar ound or expect dot i ng service. These people have
aspi rat i ons and dr eams of t hei r ownyou can' t followyours
without encour agi ng t hem to follow t hei rs.
Language: You were brought up well, and your manner
of speaki ng reflects t hat . You have an educated vocabulary
and a solid grasp of correct gr ammar . You avoid sl ang and
vul gar l anguage, unl ess you i nt end to shock or provoke.
Of course, house renegades live to shock and provoke,
especially when they know t hat ot her s have preconcei ved
not i ons of how they ought to behave and want to shake up
those opi ni ons.
Vari ant s: You mi ght be a younger chi l d of a noble
family r at her t han a dr agonmar ked house, or even a former
ri si ng star in a chur ch hi erarchy fleeing from the cont r ol -
l i ng i nfl uence of a rel i gi ous ment or . In addi t i on, your
reasons for fleeing your family mi ght vary: Perhaps you
commi t t ed a cr i me, or a change in power i n your house left
you out of favor.
"Yes, father, I realize this reflects poorly on our house. I apologize."
Ural d' Or i en, human sorcerer
Forget the nobl e families of Galifarthe real power lies in
the hands of the dr agonmar ked houses. You are a member
of one of those houses, and t hough power comes with any
number of r esponsi bi l i t i es, you welcome your fami l i al
duties as a reasonable price to pay for the social, political,
economi c, and magical power to which you are heir.
Adventuri ng: Advent ur i ng has to fit in with the duties
that come to you by vi rt ue of your house member shi p. With
luck, the two coi nci de perfectly: You under t ake adventures
at the behest of the head of your house or some ot her pr omi -
nent figure (perhaps a par ent ) , per f or mi ng missions that
advance the aims of the house or simply br i ng t reasures into
its coffers. When you' re not so lucky, you still need to bear
your house' s i nt erest s in mi ndl ooki ng for oppor t uni t i es
to advance your own house or deal a setback to a compet i ng
one. Any secrets you une a r t h or t r easur es you claim can
benefit your house, and anyt hi ng that hur t s anot her house
helps yours.
Personality: You were bor n to power and have come to
view it as your bi r t hr i ght . You can be i mper i ous, ar r ogant ,
and spoiled at times, and at the best of times you are smugly
super i or . You can also be cal cul at i ng, di spassi onat e, and
even amoral , dependi ng on your al i gnment t he demands
of your house somet i mes do not coincide with the expecta-
tions of t radi t i onal morality. You are comfortable in ri gi d,
wel l -defi ned st ruct ures of authority, as long as you know
your place in t hem.
Behavi or: You are used to a life of comfort , and take
pai ns to keep up to t hat st andar d while advent ur i ng, per -
haps even to the poi nt of usi ng Leomund's secure shelter while
traveling t hrough the j ungl e so that you can rest comfortably
at ni ght . Dependi ng on who your advent ur i ng compani ons
are, you might see t hei r company as a necessary evil for the
work you must do, pr ef er r i ng the company of ot hers while
you are in cities between advent ures. You mi ght even spend
the eveni ngs, while your compani ons are s har i ng tales
ar ound the campfi re, wri t i ng letters to your t r ue friends
and dear family members back home.
Language: You were brought up well, and your manner
of speaki ng refl ect s it. You have an educat ed vocabul ary
and a solid grasp of correct gr ammar . Avoid slang, vulgar
l anguage, and even cont ract i ons.
Vari ants: Rat her t han a member of a dr agonmar ked
house, you could be part of a noble family, such as one of the
noble houses of Galifar or a pr omi nent family of Aer enal .
Alternatively, you could be par t of the ri si ng mi ddl e class
in one of Khorvai re' s splendid met ropol i ses, bor n to wealth
without any privilege of name or title.
"Why is all this happening to me?"
-Lira Raevan, human bard
Bad t hi ngs happen to you all the t i me, but t hr ough a com-
bi nat i on of amazi ng luck, phenomenal r esour cef ul ness,
and maybe a dash of a great er destiny, you always seem to
come t hr ough.
Advent uri ng: Most peopl e advent ur e because they
choose to, for one reason or anot her . Not you. If you had
a choice in t he mat t er, you' d be back home l i vi ng a qui et
life where not hi ng ext r aor di nar y ever happens. But ever
since the day when the Emeral d Claw agents burst i nt o your
home l ooki ng for you, or you woke up and found yourself
in a st range forest with a dragon saying you were par t of the
Prophecy, or you manifested psi oni c or magical powers you
never knew you hadever since t hen, this l i ght ni ng- r ai l
ride of a life has been moving so quickly that you don' t know
how to j ump off and get t hi ngs back to nor mal .
Maybe t her e is s omet hi ng speci al about you. You
could have unusual powers, or play a key role in a prophecy
( dr aconi c or ot her wi se) , or maybe a shar d of an anci ent
art i fact is embedded in your flesh. For whatever reason,
ot her people are far more i nt erest ed in your life t han you
yourself used to be. You've managed to keep one step ahead
of t hem so faror maybe you haven' t, and "they" are your
advent ur i ng compani ons.
Personality: You are somewhat bewildered about all
the events that have brought you to this poi nt in your life.
You don' t under st and why people are so i nt erest ed in you,
and you often wish they' d j ust leave you al one. You' d rat her
not go t hr ough all these har r owi ng advent ures, but some
greater force in the world seems to have decreed that adven-
t ur i ng is your lot in life, so you've had to figure out how to
make the best of it.
Take care not to degenerat e i nt o const ant whi ni ng and
compl ai ni ng, or your compani ons will quickly tire of bot h it
and you. You' ve been t hr ust i nt o the spotlight against your
will; if you speak softly and try to deflect t hat at t ent i on,
maybe t hi ngs will quiet down soon. Also, don' t assume that
every advent ure shoul d be about you and the people who are
after you. Don' t ever believe that you are as i mpor t ant as
people seem to t hi nk you are.
Behavi or: Cl i ng to t he i l l usi on of bei ng an or di nar y
per son yanked unwi l l i ngl y i nt o a life of advent ur e for as
l ong as possi bl e. Pr act i ce your cr af t i ng, pr of essi on, or
per f or mi ng skills as if you i nt end to make a l i vi ng with
t hem someday. Rely on your advent ur i ng compani ons for
some degree of pr ot ect i on, while l ooki ng for ways to con-
t r i but e mat eri al l y to any si t uat i on wi t hout i nt ent i onal l y
meani ng t o.
Language: You are soft -spoken and unas s umi ng.
Downpl ay your own i mpor t ance and any successes you
accomplish. If you kill a grick with your swordwell, that
sure was lucky, wasn' t it? And those agents of the Chamber ,
they coul dn' t possibly be l ooki ng for you.
Vari ant s: You mi ght suffer from amnesi a, and your
advent ur i ng career is an at t empt to recover the knowledge
and abilities you have lost. If ot hers are i nt erest ed i n you,
it's because of who you were before losing your memoryin
which case your enemies might hold the secret to uncoveri ng
your own past.
"If you're the ambassador, I'm the Lord of Blades. Now, how about the truth? "
Creilath Movanek, half-elf master inquisitive
As a resi dent of one of Khorvai re' s great cities, you've spent
far too much time i mmer sed in its shadows. You've seen it
all, and not hi ng fazes you anymore.
Adventuri ng: Advent uri ng, to you, is all about investi-
gating crimes and maki ng sure the cri mi nal s get what they' re
due. You probe mur der s, find mi ssi ng peopl e, stop black-
mailers, and break up smuggling ri ngs. Your investigations
are not necessarily limited to such mundane probl ems: You
might unmask a rakshasa posi ng as a city councilor, find the
possessed anci ent mask that forced the professor to commi t
all those grisly mur der s, or dispel the magic keepi ng the
house scion' s son i n his comatose sl umber.
Thi s ar chet ype is best sui t ed for a campai gn wi t h a
l i mi t ed geogr aphi cal scope, whet her it takes place i n a
si ngl e met r opol i s (such as Shar n) or hops from city to
city. Occasi onal advent ur es mi ght take you out i nt o the
wi l der ness, but you' re most at home i n dark alleys and
bus t l i ng roadways.
Personality: The city's underbel l y can be a bleak place,
and that fact has cert ai nl y had an effect on your di sposi -
t i on. You' re so used to cor r upt i on and cri me t hat you don' t
expect to meet honest people, and you' re surpri sed at acts of
selflessness and sacrifice. "Jaded" doesn' t begin to describe
how cynical and bi t t er you can be in your worst moment s.
You've been cheated so many times that you always ask for
money up front . You've seen so much hat red and deat h that
not hi ng shocks you at this pointor at least that' s the image
you project.
Deep inside, there might be a part ofyou that still mourns
over every corpseyou find sprawled in an alley, still grieVes for
the lost soul of humani t y and its kin, and still believers there
might be some hope and goodness left in the world. But you
know full well that if anyone sees that tiny part of you, they' ll
exploit itor at least mock it mercilessly.
Behavi or: Cultivate behavi or that conveys j ust how
tough you are. Shar pen your sword or fiddle with a dagger
dur i ng down t i me. Never open a door when you can kick it
i n. You might be able to talk your way out of tricky situa-
tions, but you shoul d also be pr epar ed to fight your way out:
The ki nds of people you deal with usually prefer to fight.
Language: The wisecrack is like an off-hand weapon
for you. In every battle, you can attack with your pr i mar y
weapon and get in a verbal barb or two as well. Even when
you' re not in combat, your speech reflects your cynicism.
Variants: You might be a freelance investigator or work
for a l aw-enforcement organi zat i on. For a slightly different
take on this archet ype, you could work in espionage, focus-
ing on i nt r i gue among nat i ons or dr agonmar ked houses
rat her t han cri me on a local scale.
"Your cities have made you soft and weak!"
Corrash, hal fl i ng bar bar i an
Like a wolf cut off from its pack, you are a member of a
bar bar i an cul t ur e (not necessari l y an act ual bar bar i an)
away from your t r i be. You wander t hr ough t he civilized
world bewi l dered and i sol at ed, l ooki ng for compani ons
you can rely on.
Adventuri ng: Your goals and approach to advent ur -
ing are probably closely l i nked to the reason you left your
homel and and family. You mi ght be on a quest to find some
There' s a fi ne l i ne between playing an archetype and
parodyi ng a stereotype, and the i nqui si ti ve might be the
most prone to crossing that lineif only because the fine
prose of Raymond Chandl er (The Big Sleep) has itself been
subjected to so much parody and unflattering i mi tati on.
Playing an Eberron inquisitive as a bad Phi l i p Marlowe
i mi tati on can drive the whole world into parody. If you
drink Zil brandy, wait for a call on the speaking stone, and
talk like Humphrey Bogart on a bad day, then Eberron starts
to look like a ridiculous parody of the modern world, with
magic simply duplicating all the technological wizardry of
Earth's 1930s.
You can be hard-bitten and tough as nails and still
fit i nto the magi cal / medi eval world of Eberron. Thi nk
about the essence of your charactera tough nut who
has seen the worst the world has to offer but refuses to
be corrupted by itand strip away the el ements that have
become stereotypical. You don't need to rely on old cliches
of behavior and language.
item or piece of knowledge of significance to your peoplea
relic that can cure the plague ravagi ngyour clan, a tome that
will reveal the nat ur e of the demon that hunt s t hem, or an
artifact that explains your people' s history or some aspect of
it. Alternatively, you mi ght be seeki ng to prove yourselfto
exonerate yourself of a cri me, to win the hand of the chief-
tain, or simply to secure your posi t i on as an adult in your
communi t y. Or you mi ght have been bani shed from your
clan for a cr i me you actually did commi t , and are forever
unabl e to r et ur n.
You might eventually grow so accustomed to life among
more civilized peopl e t hat you don' t want to r e t ur n, or
become restless and uneasy among your own peopl e when
you see t hem again.
Personal i ty: Your at t i t ude toward civilization is your
defi ni ng charact eri st i c. Decide how you view the civilized
society ar ound you as well as your sophisticated allies, and
try to see everyt hi ng ar ound you t hr ough that l ens. Do you
mai nt ai n a superi or cont empt for t hei r soft and weak ways,
or do you find those ways al l ur i ng? Do you wander wide-
eyed t hr ough the magni fi cent towers of Shar n, marvel i ng
at the achievements of magic and technology, or do you feel
t rapped any t i me you' re forced to r emai n i ndoor s?
When you r et ur n to lands t hat are more comfortable
and fami l i ar to you, change your behavi or drasticallytake
on more of a l eadershi p role, or revert to a role like the one
you have in your homel and, whatever that role mi ght be.
Behavi or: Most out l anders make some effort to prac-
tice the t radi t i ons and ri t ual s of t hei r homel and no mat t er
how far they travel. You mi ght do this simply out of habit,
even if you repudi at e the beliefs and mores of your people.
These mi nor ri t ual s mi ght i ncl ude hangi ng charms ar ound
a sleeping place, pour i ng out wine to the cardi nal di rect i ons
before dr i nki ng, t aki ng souveni r body part s from slain
foes, or i nvoki ng the names of pat r on spirits or totems at
frequent i nt erval s.
Language: Even if you are not ent i rel y comfort abl e
speaki ng Common, you are j ust as capable as anyone of
expr essi ng compl ex t hought s and sophi st i cat ed ideas in
your own l anguage. Scatter phrases of your native l anguage
i nt o your speech. St ruggl e for words somet i mes, as if
t r yi ng to find the ri ght way to express somet hi ng complex
or i di omat i c t hat comes nat ur al l y to you in your native
t ongue. Avoid accents unl ess you can pul l one off wi t hout
s oundi ng goofy.
Variants: Warforged as a race are si mi l ar to out l anders
in that human society can seem st range and alien to t hem,
but they have not hi ng to compare it to, except perhaps a life
in the mi l i t ary dur i ng the Last War. As an alternative, your
backgr ound mi ght be consi derabl y mor e exotic: Perhaps
you were raised by wolves or a l ammasu, or brought up on a
different pl ane of existence.
"It's time to stretch my legs, flex my sword arm, and give this quill something
worthwhile to record."
Thunvarch, hal f-orc bard
The world is a big place, and you have no desire to settle
down unt i l you've seen it all. You move from place to place
as freely as the wi ndbl owi ng t hr ough the bor i ng spot s,
l i nger i ng for a while in mor e i nt er es t i ng l ocat i ons, and
somet i mes ki cki ng up a st orm.
Advent uri ng: Advent ur es are what happens to you
while you travel. If you seek out advent ur e, it's because a
place sounds i nt erest i ng, not because there' s anyt hi ng in
par t i cul ar you want to accomplish t her e. You are eager to
visit new places, try new modes of t r anspor t at i on, see crea-
t ures you've never seen before, and (at least to some extent)
do t hi ngs you've never done. If you can also l earn new abi l i -
ties, acqui re more t reasure, and otherwise improve yourself
along the way, that' s even better.
Personal i ty: You've always had t roubl e si t t i ng still.
Perhaps you grew up i n a tiny village where t her e was
not hi ng to do, and yearned for a taste of the wider world.
Some experi ence of the world beyond your village might
have sparked your wanderl ust : Perhaps a traveling t r oupe of
actors or musi ci ans came t hr ough, or a party of advent ur-
ers stayed i n the village for a couple of weeks while expl or-
i ng nearby r ui ns . That experi ence gave substance to your
dreams of a different lifeyou might even have followed
the travelers out of town, l aunchi ng your life of wander i ng
in a dramat i c way. You still r et ai n some of that youthful,
wide-eyed dr eami ness and a sense t hat the world is full of
wonders j ust waiting to be expl ored. You are not necessar-
ily naive about life's har sh realities, but you ret ai n a sense
a restless wanderer
of wonder that no amount of bi t t er experi ence has yet been
able to quash.
You mi ght have a par t i cul ar i nt erest that gives a focus
to your wanderi ng. Perhaps you are part i cul arl y drawn to
spectacular nat ur al wonders such as the Gor adr a Gap or the
Guar di an Trees. Or maybe you' re fascinated with anci ent
r ui ns, great monument s, or exotic cul t ures.
Behavi or: Stay on the move. Whenever you feel that a
dungeon room, a site, a nat i on, or even a cont i nent has shown
you all it has to reveal, it's time to move on. You can spend all
the time you want searchi ng the rooms of a dungeonas long
as t here are i nt erest i ng t hi ngs to find. But you should be the
first member of your party to call a halt to t edi um whenever
it arises and get t hi ngs movi ng again.
Language: Your mi nd wanders even faster t han your
body, maki ng your speech seem di sconnect ed at t i mes.
Pepper your conver sat i on with wi de-eyed obser vat i ons
about t he sights, s ounds , and smel l s of what ever place
you' re expl or i ng now and compar i sons to places you' ve
been bef or e.
Vari ants: Not all wanderers are motivated by wander-
lust. Inst ead, you mi ght be on the runa fugitive hunt ed
by agents of a widespread organi zat i on, such as the Dr eam-
i ng Dark, t he Au r u m, the Chamber , t he Lor ds of Dust ,
or a dr agonmar ked house. If you stay in any one place too
long, t hey' re cer t ai n to find you. So you keep movi ng, you
try to avoid at t r act i ng not i ce, and you don' t talk much
about your past.
"What I haven't figured out yet is whether there's any connection between the
Tablet of Shummarak and the Place of Imprisonment mentioned in the Se r -
pe n t e s F r a g me n t s . If there is, that could explain a lot."
Janik Mart el l , human ext reme expl orer
Eber r on is ri ch in history, and equally rich in peopl e who
study hi st or y. Not cont ent to sit i n a l i br ar y s ur r ounde d
by dusty t omes and c r umbl i ng pot s her ds , you do your
r esear ch i n t he fi el dwhet her i n t he cycl opean r ui ns of
Xen' dr i k or the anci ent t unnel s of Dor ashar n beneat h the
City of Towers.
Advent uri ng: For you, hi st ory is about di scoveri ng
the mysteries of Eber r on' s anci ent empi r es by expl or i ng
the r ui ns of Xen' dr i k' s lost ki ngdoms and the r emnant s
of gobl i n civilization in Khor vai r e. You yearn to discover
mighty artifacts and lost magi cal secret s. You hunger for
knowledge about the past, and you have never been cont ent
to gai n your knowl edge from ot her peopl e or t he books
they wr i t e. You want to dr i nk from t he sour ce, and t hat
means advent ur e.
Personal i ty: You combi ne a solid gr oundi ng in aca-
demic research and established knowledge with a t hi rst for
action and advent ure. You have an inquisitive mi nd and are
always wonder i ng about the reasons why t hi ngs happen and
possible connect i ons between apparent l y unr el at ed events.
Your col l ect i on of schol arl y t omes is like a gr oup of old
friendsyou don' t necessarily see t hem every day, but you' re
happy to spend hour s in t hei r company whenever you can.
Your name is well known in academic circles: Some of your
fellow scholars praise you to the skies, while ot hers dismiss
you as a hack.
Behavi or: Take not es on ever yt hi ng. Copy di agr ams
and i nscri pt i ons i nt o your not ebooks. Collect samples of
body par t s from unus ual monst ersor even ent i r e mon-
sters, if you can t r ans por t t hem. Tr eat shat t ered cerami cs
and magical relics as equally i nt erest i ng, even as you recog-
nize that magic items are more valuable and far more useful.
You mi ght be hesitant to use anyt hi ng or go anywhere unt i l
you have properl y researched it, or you mi ght rush in to do
your research on-si t e.
Look for oppor t uni t i es to use your vari ous areas of
knowl edge. They mi ght not happen very oft en, but t hat
j ust makes it all t he mor e memor abl e when you do glean
some useful i nf or mat i on from your studies of ar chi t ect ur e
and engi neer i ng!
Language: Dr op the names of scholars bot h renowned
and obscure i nt o your conversations. I nt r oduce t heori es
and observat i ons by ci t i ng t angent i al l y relevant research.
When you encount er a monster, try to come up with a useful
r emi nder about its capabilities to share with your compan-
ions, gleaned from the knowledge you've accumul at ed.
Variants: You need not be obsessed with ancient history
and long-lost secretsthe world has its share of cont empo-
rary secrets as well. What caused the Mour ni ng? What is the
t r ut h behi nd the Blood of Vol? What lies i n the i nt er i or of
Ar gonnessen? Who are the mysterious rul ers of Ri edr a?
These quest i ons are out t here, waiting for you to explore
t hem and pl umb t hei r dept hs.
"Don't ask how I know this guy, I just know this guy who can help us out,
all right?"
R' kash, shifter rogue
Not every her o is bor n to pri vi l ege i n a nobl e family or a
dr agonmar ked house. You cert ai nl y weren' t , t hough you
might hesitate to call yourself a her o. The streets are your
homet he gut t er s, t r ut h be toldand you know t he back
alleys and the cr i mi nal s of your home city as well as you
know your own gear.
Advent uri ng: If t here' s a bet t er way t han advent ur -
i ng to ear n a quick f or t une, you haven' t found it yet. It's
a perfect deal : You can make use of the survival skills you
l earned gr owi ngup on the streets, you gain some measure of
respectability, and you occasionally find bags of gold pieces,
which hold more money t han you can i magi ne anyone actu-
ally using. ( Though you' re more t han wi l l i ng to try.)
The driving force in your advent ur i ng life is, whet her
you admi t it or not, a bur ni ng desi re to escape the ci r cum-
stances you grew up i n. You want to make a life for yourself
that' s bet t er t han the poverty and cri me t hat defined your
yout h. You want money, certainly, but more t han that you
want respect, dignity, a sense of meani ng and pur pose, and
a shr ed of hope. You defi ni t el y do not want to di e, al one
and f r i endl ess, and be left to rot i n an abandoned sewer
t unne l . In your advent ur i ng career, t hat ' s one risk you
would j ust as soon not t ake. You want to live to enjoy your
har d- ear ned wealth.
Personal i ty: You know the ways of the st reet . You' re
acquai nt ed with unsavory char act er s, you know how to get
cert ai n t hi ngs done even if they' re not quite legal, and you
have more t han a passing familiarity with the slang, signals,
and met hods used by cr i mi nal s. You mi ght not be an outlaw
yourselfat least, not nowbut the cr i mi nal underworl d is
your world, for bet t er or worse. You have a sense of ethics
and honor, pri mari l y focused on the idea that you don' t t ur n
on your f r i ends. But act i ons that mi ght make a pal adi n of
the Silver Fl ame cr i nge are j ust the way t hi ngs get done to
your mi ndact i ons such as paying bri bes, fenci ng valuable
goods, or st eal i ng magic tomes from your enemi es. You' re
wary of officers of the law, even if you have commi t t ed no
crimes. You've had too many bad experi ences with the town
watch arrest i ng you or your friends for no good reason ot her
than your poverty.
Behavi or: You' re fidgety. You pick t hi ngs up and put
them back down, fiddle with movi ng part s, or pace if you
have not hi ng i nt erest i ng to hold i n your hands. When you' re
in a small r oom, you stay on your feet near the dooryou
don' t want to be t rapped. When your compani ons are talk-
ing to t he city watch, you stay i n t he back of t he gr oup or
out of sight completely. But when they need to find the lost
goblin shr i ne i n the dept hs of Shar n, you step right up and
lead the way. That ' s your chance to shi ne.
Language: You speak the l anguage of the street. Slang
is your native l anguage, and your gr ammar is probably poor
by the st andards of a noble or otherwise well-educated i ndi -
vidual. You talk tough to back up your swagger and wisecrack
to deflect any pr obi ng quest i ons about your backgr ound.
You probably know words and expressions that would make
a sai l or bl ush, and you mi ght forget not to use t hem in
respectable companyespecially when you' re very angry.
Vari ants: Perhaps you were not bor n poor, but fell
into poverty at a young age. Your par ent s mi ght have been
disowned by t hei r dr agonmar ked house, or they staked all
their money on a business vent ure that failed. Perhaps they
were natives of Cyre who lost ever yt hi ng they had on the
Day of Mour ni ng. In t hi s case, your dr i vi ng ambi t i on is
not so much a mat t er of want i ng what you could never have
as a child, but of r egai ni ng the status that shoul d have been
yours by bi rt hri ght t he wealth and power you deserve.
"After a hundred years of fighting, any idiot could see that the whole war
was pointless."
Dania i r ' Vr an, - human fighter
Khorvai re is largely defined by the travails of the LastWar,
and that is j ust as t rue of its advent urers. You fought on the
front lines of the Last War. You killed a great many enemy
soldiers, and you carry plenty of scarson your body and
on your soul.
Advent uri ng: You advent ur e because you can' t t hi nk
of anyt hi ng else to do. You j oi ned the army as soon as you
were old enough and never l ear ned a peacet i me t rade.
Alter years spent in war, you can' t j ust go back to your place
of bi r t h and l ear n to be a bl acksmi t h. Your home mi ght
not even be t her e anymor e. Adve nt ur i ng seems like the
only opt i on left to you, and it offers t he oppor t uni t y to
cont i nue usi ng t he skills you l ear ned on t he bat t l efi el d.
In some cases, it mi ght even be a l i t er al cont i nuat i on of
your war t i me activitiessuch as chasi ng Val enar r ai der s
across the Tal ent a Pl ai ns or r aci ng Emer al d Claw agents
to Xen' dr i k r ui ns .
As a member of an advent ur i ng party, you have a sense
of bel ongi ng and compani onshi p. You have a steady source
of wealth, more t han enough to live comfortably. You have
some sense of pur pos e and meani ng in your life. You' ve
made a reasonable approxi mat i on of the one t hi ngyou really
want and can never again have: a home where you belong.
Personal i t y: The war savaged your soul far worse
t han it could ever hur t your body, and you r emai n bitterly
wounded. Your life is a cont radi ct i on. Violence sickens you.
You saw so much death and mut i l at i on in the course of the
war t hat you had to steel yoursel f to it; still, you can never
shake t he waves of di sgust t hat course t hr ough you when
vi ol ence is necessary. But you live by vi ol ence, and you' re
not sure you know how to give it up.
Behavi or: You cling to the di sci pl i ne of mi l i t ary life
because it is comfortable and familiar. You rise early in the
mor ni ng and practice weapon or spell r out i nes. You like to
know the chai n of command in your advent ur i ng party and
prefer clear or der s about st andar d oper at i ng pr ocedur e.
Even if some chaot i c par t of your bel i ef system chafes at
these disciplines, a larger par t of you relies on t hem to give
meani ng and st ruct ure to every day. Wi t hout t hem, your life
might j ust fall apart.
Language: Yours is the language of combat. You have a
rich vocabulary to describe the maneuvers of the battlefield
and various aspects of your daily life. You speak of base camps
and rations, of reconnaissance and sabotage. To some extent,
j ust like your practice of mi l i t ary di sci pl i ne, usi ng mi l i t ary
t ermi nol ogy helps to keep your life ordered in your mi nd.
Variants: The warforged as a race are almost by defi ni -
tion war - t or n heroes. However, t hei r emot i onal response
to the t r ans i t i on from war t i me to peace varies widely,
and warforged are less bi t t er and wounded t han war - t or n
humanoi ds. Awarforged has no memory of a life before the
war to idealize and at t empt to r ecr eat e. Warforged find it
ext remel y difficult to shake mi l i t ar y pract i ces and j ar gon
that are part of t hei r earliest formative experi ences.
he r emai nder of this book, st art i ng on the fol-
lowing page, is organized i nt o entries similar
to those you mi ght find in an encyclopedia.
You' ll find extensive entries on topics rangi ng
from Advent ur i ng to Xen' dr i k. Each ent ry
contains the most i mpor t ant t hi ngs you need to know in an
EBERRON campai gn: where the dungeons are, who pulls the
strings, what organizations you can j oi n, and what new feats
you can l earn. Tucked among these entries are a few new pres-
tige classes, rules for playing some nonst andard races, and
new i nformat i on about some of Eberron' s remot er regions.
Each ent ry i ncl udes a section titled "What Do You Know?"
This i nf or mat i on gives you an oppor t uni t y to put your
Knowledge skills to use. It notes appropri at e skills (with
check DCs) that allow your charact er to share the i nf or ma-
tion you gain from r eadi ng these ent ri es.
If you j ust want a general idea of how much your charac-
ter knows about the mat eri al i n an entry, assume your char-
acter takes 10 on all appropri at e Knowl edge checks. Thus,
any fact with a DC of 10 or lower is consi dered common
knowledge and is accessible to every charact er with average
or better Int el l i gence, regardless of whet her the charact er
has any ranks in Knowl edge skills. If you have a Knowledge
(religion) modi fi er of +5, you know every fact associated
with that skill that has a DC of 15 or lower.
The EBERRON Campaign Setting discusses the role that each character
class presented in the Player's Handbook plays in Eberron, and also
addresses psionic classes. Complete Warrior, Complete Divine, Complete
Arcane, Complete Adventurer, and the Miniatures Handbook all present new
standard classes (as well as a wealth of prestige classes). Since
the rule of t humb is "If it exists in D&D, then it has a place in
Eberron," characters of all these new classes exist in Eberron.
Similarly, new races designed to be played as characters
have appeared in books such as Races of Stone, Races of Destiny,
Races of the Wild, Frostburn, Sandstorm, and Stormwrack.
Scattered t hr oughout these ent ri es, you' ll find sidebars
det ai l i ng the roles that specific new classes and races play in
Eber r on. Somet i mes, i nf or mat i on on new races appears in
the r unni ng textfor example, in the discussion of the races
of Xen' dr i k on page 154. Occasionally, sidebars discuss the
use of ot her new rul es i nt r oduced in D&D supplements
such as the Heroes of Battle i nf or mat i on in the Red Gaunt l et
Regiment ent ry on page 95.
Several ent ri es in this book describe some of the organi za-
tions of Eber r on, from the wor l d- spanni ng Chur ch of the
Silver Fl ame to the elite Revenant Bl ades. A few of these
organi zat i ons are so broad that they would make excellent
frameworks to bui l d a campai gn ar ound. These work best
if every charact er i n an advent ur i ng party is a member of
the same organi zat i on, allowing the goals of the party to be
shaped by the goals of the organi zat i on. These organizations
are t he Templ ar s of the Silver Fl ame, t he Morgrave Out -
reach Associ at i on, and the Red Gaunt l et Regi ment . The
t empl ars can br i ng the PCs t oget her based on a common
religious tie, the Red Gaunt l et s have a mi l i t ary t heme, and
the Morgrave Out r each Associ at i on focuses on expl orat i on
and advent ure in keepi ng with the t r adi t i onal emphasis of
the D&D game: dungeon del vi ng. Large-scal e or gani za-
tions such as these are discussed i n mor e detail i n Dungeon
Master's Guide II, but in general , these organi zat i ons i mprove
the sense of cohesion in the player party, i mmer se the PCs
in the game world, and make the DM' s life easier by hel pi ng
get advent ures rol l i ng.
From mi l l i on- year - ol d r ui ns i n the Demon Wastes to the secret magical
chamber s j ust completed beneat h the Li brary of Kor r anber g, Eber r on is
a world strewn with dungeons. Count l ess anci ent r ui ns dot the landscape,
and the Last War creat ed a si gni fi cant numbe r of r ui ns of much mor e
recent provenance. At the same t i me, the widespread use of magic makes
unde r gr ound spacesand ext r adi mens i onal l ocat i onsbot h relatively
easy to const r uct and remarkabl y safe for st or i ng preci ous goods. These
sites represent pr i me locations for advent uri ng.
Rui ns from the Age of Demons are rarely found intact, but some do
r emai n, kept relatively undamaged by the powerful anci ent magic of the
fiends. In some cases, the preservat i on of the r ui ns can be t raced to the
influence of a rakshasa rajah i mpr i soned beneat h the r ui ns, so advent ur-
ers expl ori ng such a site are well advised to be wary of rel easi ng a t erri bl e
foe. Rui ns of such incredibly anci ent date are most common in the Demon
Wastes, t hough several exist in Q' bar r a and Xen' dr i k as well, such as the
lizardfolk city of Ka' r hashan in Q' bar r a.
The Age of Gi ant s left numer ous r ui ns strewn across the landscape of
Xen' dr i k, causing the word "cyclopean" to be inextricably associated with
that cont i nent in popul ar i magi nat i on. ( Consul t the ent r y on Xen' dr i k
begi nni ng on page 152 for mor e i nf or mat i on about t hose r ui ns . ) The
anci ent gi ant s of Xen' dr i k bui l t out post s i n ot her l ands as well, so r ui ns
from t hi s era can also be f ound in t he Shadow Mar ches and i n par t s
of Sar l ona.
The Age of Monst er s mi ght mor e pr oper l y be cal l ed t he Age of
Dhakaan, and this goblinoid empi re left the most numer ous anci ent r ui ns
across Khor vai r e. These r ui ns are most common i n t he sout hwest er n
part of Khor vai r e, in moder n Dr oaam, Brel and, Zi l argo, and Dar guun.
However, Val enar cont ai ns bot h elf and gobl i n r ui ns from this peri od,
and before the Day of Mour ni ng, scholars performed extensive excavation
of Dhakaani r ui ns wi t hi n Cyre.
Much mor e recent l y, t he Last War left r ui ns scat t ered across the
cont i nent . The Mour nl a nd is a vast, devast at ed nat i on r i pe for expl o-
r at i on, al t hough t he condi t i ons are qui t e host i l e to l i vi ng advent ur er s.
The war also left r ui ns i n Br el and ( par t i cul ar l y i n t he nor t heas t and
al ong t he f or mer Cyr an bor der ) , bet ween Aunda i r and Th r a n e , and
in t he Tal ent a Pl ai ns. Any numbe r of fami l i es woul d like to recover
hei r l ooms lost i n razed ci t i es, but t hese areas have become home to
danger ous mons t er s .
Not every r ui n and dungeon i n Eber r on is connect ed to one of its
great anci ent civilizations or more recent catastrophic events. Abandoned
set t l ement s such as Desolate (in the Demon Wastes) and Nol dr unhol d (in
the Mr or Holds) are the victims of isolated ci rcumst ances. Somewhere in
the Blade Desert , a small shr i ne lies mostly covered with blowing sand,
the last r emai ns of a civilization now otherwise completely forgot t en. A
castle in the Shadow Marches is a rare r emi nder of the first wave of human
set t l ement i n that regi on. In the heart of the El deen Reaches stands an
anci ent tower, not cr umbl i ng to r ui n despite its evidently very anci ent
ori gi n, its bui l ders unknown and its secrets as yet unpl umbed.
Finally, t he vast expanses of Khyber , unt ouched by any mor t al
i nt r us i on, pr ovi de a fert i l e gr ound for expl or at i on and advent ur e. In
places, the t unnel s of Khyber r esembl e the munda ne l i mest one caves
and ot her caverns f ound near t he surface. El sewhere, l ong t unnel s ,
strangely smoot h and even, extend for miles wi t hout br anchi ng, perhaps
shaped by t he dael kyr and t hei r mi ni ons i n anci ent eons. Khyber is an
al i en envi r onment , host i l e to surface life but full of anci ent secrets to
unear t h, magical and monet ar y t reasures to acqui re, and alien monst ers
to overcome.
Knowl edge (arcana)
DC 30: It is possi bl e t hat magi c mor e
power f ul t han any cur r ent l y known
flourished i n the ancient giant empi re
of Xen' dri k, learned from the dragons.
The r ui ns of Xen' dr i k mi ght provi de
clues to t hi s t rul y epic magic, and the
elves of Aer enal may also hold keys to
t hi s lost knowledge.
Knowl edge ( dungeoneeri ng)
DC 10: The Last War left dozens of towns
and cities across Khor vai r e lying i n
r ui ns , to say not hi ng of t he Mour n-
l and. These r ui ns are now i nhabi t ed
by monst r ous creat ures.
DC 15: Gobl i noi d r ui ns bui l t dur i ng
t he Dhakaani Empi r e dot t he l and-
scape of Khor vai r e, par t i cul ar l y i n
the southwest. Xen' dri k, meanwhile, is
sometimes called the Rui ned Land for
the number of gi ant - bui l t st ruct ures
t hat now lie i n r ui ns t her e. Bot h the
Dhakaani and gi ant r ui ns are l ucra-
tive pr ospect s for advent ur er s and
archaeologists l ooki ng for knowledge,
advent ure, and t r easur e.
DC 20: A handf ul of r ui ns f r om t he
Age of Demons are scattered ar ound
Khorvai re, part i cul arl y i n the Demon
Wastes. These areas are typically very
danger ous.
DC 25: The dept hs of Khyber are an
al i en, subt er r anean l andscape, r ang-
i ng from nat ur al - seemi ng caverns to
bi zarre, smoot h t unnel s shaped by no
known force of nat ur e.
Knowl edge (history)
DC 10: If you are interested in the history
of Xen' dri k, r ui ns lie scattered across
the continent. The rui ns on the nor t h-
er n peni ns ul a are t he best known,
but few have been fully expl or ed.
Much r emai ns to be l earned about the
anci ent gi ant civilizations.
Rui ns from t he gobl i noi d empi r e of
Dhakaan can be found across Khor -
vaire, part i cul arl y in t he sout h.
DC 15: Before the start of recorded hi s-
tory, fiends rul ed the world unt i l they
were overt hrown by dragons and t hei r
couatl allies. Remnant s of this i ncred-
ibly anci ent era can still be found i n
the Demon Wastes, Q' barra, Xen' dri k,
and ot her remot e locations.
The Dungeon Master's Guide provides basic rul es for advanci ng
characters beyond 20th level, with more details appear i ng
in the Epic Level Handbook. (All the cr eat ur es and t empl at es
mentioned in this section can be found in that book.) Eberron,
however, is not an epic worldat least, not as it st ands
now. If your charact ers advance to 21st level, the campai gn
is going to need a few adjustments.
First, it's probably best to assume that player characters
who reach epic levels are among the first peopl e to accom-
plish such a feat, at least i n r ecent memor y. Cer t ai nl y the
great her oes of ages pastthe mi ght i est champi ons of the
Dhakaani Empi r e, not to ment i on t he gi ant and dr agon
heroes of even ear l i er erasreached epic levels. In the
current age, it is possible that no one has ever exceeded 20th
level, which means no member of the common humanoi d
races has ever done so before.
That fact means, among ot her t hi ngs, t hat the world
of the cur r ent age has little to chal l enge epic-level charac-
ters. The dr agons of Ar gonnes s en, the I nspi r ed l ords of
Riedra, and the few daelkyr that lurk in Khyber are possible
exceptions. If the PCs have advanced to epic levels without
previously facing Vol the l i ch- queen or the Lord of Blades,
these powerful NPCs mi ght be of epic level t hemsel ves.
Alternatively, Vol mi ght have become a demi l i ch.
It is probably best, however, to i nt r oduce a new t hreat
to Eber r on to mat ch the epic heroes who have ari sen to
defend it. Perhaps the work of the anci ent Gatekeepers is
finally undone and Xori at spills forth ont o Eber r on once
more, as the daelkyr l aunch a new full-scale invasion. The
daelkyr statistics present ed in the EBERRON Campaign Setting
could be consi dered to depict a weak example of t hei r ki nd,
with paragon daelkyr (using the paragon template from Epic
Level Handbook) act ual l y i n h a b i t i n g Xo r i a t . Epic Level Handbook
also presents several aberrat i ons that could accompany the
daelkyr i n a new invasion of Eber r on, as well as the uvuu
daum and creat ures with the pseudonat ur al t empl at e.
A si mi l ar t hr eat could arise from a pl ane ot her t han
Xori at . The quor i mi ght di scover a way to r eopen con-
nections bet ween Dal Quor and Ebe r r on, or Thel ani s
might unl eash a wild hunt led by the leShay. I n Eber r on,
abomi nat i ons arise from the planes themselves rat her t han
from deities, and they could come from almost any ot her
pl aneanaxi ms from Daanvi , at r opal s from Mabar, chi
chimecs from Lamanni a, hecat onchei res from Shavarath,
phaetons from Ferni a, xixecals from Risia, and so on. Every
plane holds creat ures hostile to life on the Mat eri al Plane,
so the openi ng of a si gni fi cant number of por t al s to any
plane could invite a new invasion like the ones that brought
the great civilizations of the past to an end.
Of course, a new t hreat to Eber r on need not come from
the planes beyond. Perhaps the egg of a force dragon or a
prismatic dragon that was laid on Ar gonnessen dur i ng the
Age of Dragons has at last hatched, st i rri ng a flurry of activity
among the dragons. Or a mighty dragon of a more ordi nary
sort might seek divine ascension (adopting the dragon ascen-
dant prest i ge class from Draconomicon). Worl dwi de t hreat s
could even arise from far mor e mundane sources. What if
the mi ght y weal t h of t he Au r u m, t he r esour ces of House
Canni t h, or the madness of the Lord of Blades was put to use
in const r uct i ng an epic golem or colossus? A new out break
of hostilities among the nat i ons of Khor vai r e, l aunchi ng a
second great war, could also provi de a fi t t i ng backgr ound
to an epic campaign, especially if this war escalated beyond
Khorvai re to include Riedra, Aerenal , or Argonnessen.
An epic campai gn set in Eber r on strays far afield from
the way the campai gn set t i ng has been described previously,
but is cert ai nl y rife with i nt er est i ng opt i ons. It present s an
exci t i ng oppor t uni t y for PCs to break new gr ound in epic
t erri t ory, and the campai gn can take on a majestic scope,
with the fate of the world hangi ng in the bal ance.
The Epic Ar t i f i cer
The epic artificer r emai ns a master of item creat i on, gai n-
i ng an i ncreasi ng craft reserve and plenty of bonus feats to
l earn the craft of epic item creat i on.
Hi t Di e: d6.
Ski l l Poi nt s at Each Addi t i onal Level : 4 + Int
modi f i er .
Inf usi ons: An epic artificer' s caster level is equal to
hi s class level. The artificer' s number of i nfusi ons per day
does not increase after 20t h level.
An epic artificer doesn' t automatically gain i nfusi on
slots above 6t h level, t hough he can select t he I mpr oved
Spel l Capaci t y feat to gai n i nf usi on slots above 6t h level
(which can be used to hol d lower-level i nfusi ons or i nf u-
sions whose level has been i ncreased above 6th by the use of
metamagic feats).
Craft Reserve: An epic artificer' s craft reserve increases
by 1,000 poi nt s per level beyond 20th (6, 000 poi nt s at 21st
level. 7,000 poi nt s at 22nd level, and so on) .
Ar t i f i cer Knowl edge: Add the artificer' s class level +
Int modi fi er to artificer knowledge checks, as nor mal .
Bonus Feats: An epic ar t i f i cer does not aut omat i -
cally gai n epic item creat i on feats as bonus feats. He does.
however, gai n a bonus feat for every t hr ee levels beyond
20t h ( 23r d, 26t h, and so on) , and he can choose epic i t em
creat i on feats for which he meets the prerequi si t es.
The cities of Aer enal are ol der t han human civilization. On this island,
the boundar i es between life and death have worn t hi n, and the dead wield
more influence t han the living. The Aer eni elves preserve t hei r greatest
heroes t hr ough magic and devotion, and these deathless elves have pr o-
vided prot ect i on and gui dance for t housands of years.
The civilization of the elves began on Xen' dr i k. For tens of t housands
of years, the elves were slaves of the mighty giants of that cont i nent . In time
the elves rose up against t hei r masters, but this was a war that no one would
win. At the height of the conflict, a visionary named Aer en foresaw the
comi ng cataclysm. He gat hered a host of elves and convinced t hem to flee
the comi ng st or m. As dragonfi re and t erri bl e magic shattered Xen' dr i k,
the elf fleet landed on the island that would become t hei r homebut t hei r
prophet did not survive the j our ney. Aer en was i nt er r ed wi t hi n the island,
and the elves named t hei r new home Aer enal , or "Aeren' s Rest."
Though they had j oi ned t oget her beneat h Aeren' s banner , the elf
refugees came from many different tribes and had many different beliefs
and t radi t i ons. However, they shared a common reverence for t hei r ances-
tors and the heroes who had died in the cause of freedom. Some believed
that cont i nui ng to perfect the arts of war was the only way to honor these
heroes; these war r i or s eventually settled i n the nor t h, evolving i nt o the
cul t ur e now known as t he Tai r nadal . But Aer en had said t hat ar cane
knowledge was the greatest weapon of all, and the majority of the elves pr e-
ferred to set aside the sword for the book. Cal l i ng themselves the Aer eni ,
these elves dedicated themselves to the study of magic and mysticism. In
t hei r reverence for t hei r ancest ors, the Aer eni were det er mi ned to find
a way to preserve t hei r heroes t hr ough t hei r i nt erest in the art of necr o-
mancy. Thi s research followed two pat hs: t he negative necromancy of the
line of Vol, which many blame for the spread of vampirism i nt o Khorvai re,
and the positive energy of the Priests of Tr ansi t i on. Ultimately it was the
positive path that took root in the l and, and the lines uni t ed behi nd the
cult of t he deat hl ess. The Undyi ng Cour t has rul ed t he l and for mor e
than twenty t housand years, and today the deathless are inextricably linked
to Aer eni society.
Aerenal wears its past like a shr oud. Beyond the deathless guar di ans
and guides that can be found i n any major city, Aerenal is a land of monu-
ment s and anci ent bui l di ngs, and its people spend more t i me l ooki ng to
the past t han the fut ure. The Aer eni elves place t radi t i on above all else:
Art i st s and bards are expected to perfect the t echni ques of the past rat her
t han developing new styles. The elves apply themselves to t hei r work with
uncanny devotion; an elf bowyer mi ght spend cent uri es honi ng his skills,
and make bows the like of which a human bowyer could only dream of. But
the elf still follows the t radi t i ons of the past, and the bow he makes today
is a replica of one that could be found in a five-thousand-year-old t omb.
I nnovat i on is encour aged solely in the study of magic, since t he Aer eni
believe t hat t here is no such t hi ng as per f ect i on when it comes to magi c.
Even here the elves are often bl i nded by t hei r t r adi t i ons, which expl ai ns
why the magical talents of the younger races are quickly becomi ng a match
for the Aer eni .
Al t hough peopl e from all nat i ons come to do busi ness at the por t
of Pylas Tal aear, f or ei gner s are rarel y welcome elsewhere i n Aer enal .
Unl i ke in Ri edr a, no r est r i ct i ons on travel are enforced across Aer enal ,
and advent ur er s can travel freely t hr ough the l and. St i l l , t he elves have
little pat i ence for member s of the younger races. Elf wizards and sages are
devoted to t hei r studies, while Aer eni art i sans are devoted to t hei r crafts.
Even farmers and ot her l aborers pursue t hei r duties with ext reme devo-
tion, seeking perfect i on in all they do. Out l ander s are a distractionthey
are l oud, r ude, or simply i gnor ant ; t hei r quest i ons are i r r el evant ; and
they have no place in the or der of Aer enal . Advent ur er s are allowed to
Knowl edge (arcana)
DC 15: The elves of Aerenal are masters of
necromancy, but they despise undead.
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 10: Aer enal is t he home of the elves.
Out l ander s are rarely welcome on this
i sl and, and stories say t hat t he dead
walk among the living.
DC 15: Two major elf cul t ures live on
Aer enal . The Tai r nadal are nomadi c
warri ors, and many have mi grat ed to
the new nat i on of Valenar. The major-
ity Aer eni are devoted to spi ri t ual and
arcane research. The Aer eni are rul ed
by a pai r of monar chs who are advised
and protected by a council of deathless
elvesthe Undyi ng Cour t .
DC 20: Th e Ae r e n i pr es er ve t he i r
great est her oes as deat hl ess. Some
l i vi ng elves di sf i gur e t hemsel ves to
appear undead.
Knowl edge (history)
DC 15: A t er r i bl e war drove t he elves
from Xen' dr i k to Aer enal some forty
t housand years ago.
DC 20: Dragons from Argonnessen have
attacked Aer enal many t i mes, but t he
power of t he Undyi ng Cour t hol ds
t he dr agons at bay.
Knowl edge (nature)
DC 15: The j ungl es of Aerenal are home
to exotic pl ant s and t rees.
Knowl edge ( nobi l i t y and royalty)
DC 10: The Mark of Shadow first appeared
i n Aerenal, but those carrying the mark
mi grat ed to Khor vai r e t housands of
years ago.
DC 15: The Undyi ng Cour t selects t he
r ul i ng Si bl i ng Ki ngs from the nobl e
families of Aer enal .
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 10: The Aer eni worship the Undyi ng
Cour t , a counci l of "undead" elves.
DC 15 : The Undyi ng Cour t are the hon-
ored ancestors of the Aereni , sustained
by positive energy and devotion. They
despise undead.
DC 20: The deat hl ess are resi st ant to
physical i nj ury, but t hey are par -
t i cul arl y vul ner abl e to damage from
weapons forged from t ar gat h, a soft
met al found i n Ar gonnessen.
travel unhi nder ed t hr ough the landbut they are rarely
made welcome or cat ered to i n any way. Fur t her mor e,
the laws of t he l and are swift and har s h. Cr i me is a r ar e
occurrence among the Aer eni , and they have no patience
for those who di sr upt the peace. A magi st rat e typically uses
magic to conf i r m the facts of a cr i me, quest i oni ng accused
cri mi nal s with zone of truth or usi ng di vi nat i on to explore the
events s ur r oundi ng the issue. Cr i mi nal s in Aer enal have
no ri ght s. Exile is a frequent puni s hment , but execut i on is
not uncommon; the wise cr i mi nal plies his trade i n a more
lenient l and.
Non-elves who have heard of the line of Jhael i an assume
that an elf l i ne is si mi l ar to a nobl e family. The t r ut h
is mor e compl i cat ed, and not di ssi mi l ar to t he way t he
dr agonmar ked houses have devel oped. A l i ne is mor e like
a city-state with bl ood ties that bi nd its member s together.
Each l i ne is descended from one of the tribes that followed
Aer en from Xen' dr i k, and each l i ne i ncl udes a dozen or
more separate families. Thus , an elf can be part of the line
of Jhael i an while havi ng the family name Dol or ent hi .
Each l i ne is r ul ed by a nobl e house from whi ch the
line takes its name: Mel i det h, J hael i an, Mendyr i an, and
Tolaen, to name but a few. Onl y the member s of this noble
house can ascend to t he Undyi ng Cour t . Member s hi p in
a nobl e house is not a her edi t ar y giftmembers of a noble
house are chosen, not bor n. The cur r ent member s of the
house select t hei r successors from among the most remarkable member s of t hei r l i ne. The member s of a noble house
do not even breed among t hei r house; i nst ead, they breed
with ot her members of the l i ne, keepi ng noble blood spread
t hr oughout the communi t y.
As a r esul t , every me mbe r of an elf communi t y has
the pot ent i al to rise to t he nobi l i t y, and from t her e to the
Undyi ng Cour t . Normal l y, nobles are chosen based on the
skills they display, and this is why the elves spend cent uri es
honi ng t hei r t al ent s. In recent years, younger elves have
sought to prove t hei r wort h t hr ough exploits i n foreign
l ands, bat t l i ng t he Or de r of t he Emer al d
Claw or seeking the magi cal secrets
of Xe n ' d r i k . As an Ae r e n i
advent ur er , you are likely to have chosen t hi s pat h: Your
her oi c deeds could be your ticket to i mmort al i t y!
In a world where the gods r emai n among the greatest mys-
t eri es, t he elves al one have a pant heon they can t ouch: the
Undyi ng Cour t , the assembled council of the greatest mi nds
of Aer enal . Individually, an undyi ng counci l or is a force to
be reckoned wi t h, but he doesn' t have the power of a deity.
However, when the cour t assembl esbr i ngi ng t oget her
t housands of the greatest mi nds in elven historyit is one
of the mi ght i est forces i n Eber r on.
The Undyi ng Cour t can lend power to its priests across
the l engt h of Eber r on, but its direct influence is closely tied
to the island of Aer enal . Aer enal cont ai ns manifest zones
l i nked to t he pl ane of I r i an, t he Et er nal Day, and many
believe that this energy is r equi r ed to sustain the Undyi ng
Cour t . Thus , t he Undyi ng Cour t has been able to defend
the elves from dragon attack on numer ous occasionsbut
the court does not have the ability to launch an attack against
Ar gonnessen itself. As a resul t , t he elves are very caut i ous
about t hei r i sl and and its r esour ces. Ther ef or e, only the
great est her oes of t he l and are chosen to become deat h-
less. The Aer eni keep a close eye on the popul at i on of t hei r
homel and, because they know it can only support so many
elvesliving or deathless.
All elves see life as a passage to death, and not every elf
can achieve deathless i mmort al i t y. The priests of the Undy-
ing Cour t guide the elves t hrough life and care for them after
deat h. Not every elf becomes deathless, but any honor ed elf
is properl y embal med and carefully i nt er r ed.
As a cleric of the Undying Court , you might travel beyond
Aerenal for a number of reasons. The priests are the ambas-
sadors of the court itself, and a councilor might send you to
serve as his eyes in the land beyond, or to fulfill a prophecy
only the deathless under st and. You might be sent i n service
to your l i ne, to recover the r emai ns of a long-lost her o or
relic. Or you could j oi n the Deat hguar d (see the next page)
and go forth to battle the forces of evil and death!
The elves of Aerenal embrace
death as a necessary part
of the spiritual journey
"Unending life is for heroesnot for the likes of you, vampire!"
Marai Jhael i an, hunt er of the dead
The priests of the Undyi ng Cour t believe that all negative
undead are anat hema to lifeeven t hose t hat do not prey
di rect l y on the l i vi ng to survive nevert hel ess cor r upt the
world' s own life force merel y by exi st i ng. The Deat hguar d
is an elite order of priests and warri ors sworn to destroy all
undead having a bond to Mabar, along with any necr oman-
cer who defiles the bodi es and souls of the dead.
Members of the Deat hguar d are the most out goi ng of
Aerenal elves, with a great number of Aer eni advent urers
ari si ng from the gr oup. They despise followers of the Blood
of Vol and the Or der of the Emeral d Claw. They believe that
they are par t of a great crusade against the darkness, and
they take t hei r par t in that crusade quite seriously.
"Your pathetic crusade will not stop us, idiot elf!"
Krael Kavarat, vampi re captain
of the Emeral d Claw
The Deat hguar d is a small religious or der cl ai mi ng some
four hundr ed members, almost all of t hem elves of Aer -
enal. A handful of ur ban elves from Khor vai r e have been
accepted as members of the order, but they must work very
hard to prove themselves. The Deat hguar d' s out l ook is
fiercely good and generally lawful.
Organization: The Deathguard maintains its headquarters
in Shae Mordai in Aer enal . Its members police
the wilds of Aer enal , paying par t i cul ar at t ent i on to the
manifest zones tied to Mabar, which draw necromancers
and undead. Its members operate outside Aerenal , however,
where undead are more prevalent.
Cial J hael i an ( NG mal e undyi ng counci l or ) is the
Hi gh Warden of the Deat hguar d. He fought against House
Vol when that line was shat t ered and cont i nues to lead the
Deat hguard after his own demise. He has a gentle demeanor,
even in battle; he feels pity for undead, not hat red.
Beneath the High Warden are four Wardens, each bear-
ing nomi nal responsibility for one of the other four inhabited
continents: Khorvaire, Sarlona, Xen' dri k, and Argonnessen.
The Warden of Ar gonnessen resides in Aer enal , since elves
are not welcome i n the dragon homel and.
The ot her member s of the Deat hguar d find that they
are most effective when they disperse themselves as widely
as possible ar ound the world. At the same t i me, they know
the value of staunch allies in t hei r unendi ng battles, so they
associate with l i ke-mi nded advent urers, even non-elves, to
better pursue t hei r order' s goals. They send frequent report s
to the Warden who has aut hori t y over the cont i nent where
they operate, and they can appeal to the Warden for assistance
from ot her Deat hguard members when needed.
Caskal Dul aen ( NG mal e elf cleric 8 Undyi ng Cour t )
is a Cyr an who fought Ka r r na t hi undead i n t he war. As an
ur ban elf, he const ant l y strives to prove his wor t h to the
or der over and above his usual dut i es. Marai J hael i an (LG
female elf pal adi n 5/ hunt er of the dead 3) is a gr i m warri or
who under went the ri t ual di sf i gur ement common in the
J hael i an l i ne before she j oi ned the Deat hguar d, maki ng
her appear undead t hough she is in t he pr i me of life. ( The
hunt er of the dead prestige class is in Complete Warrior.)
Members of the Deat hguard, as the Aerenal elves perhaps
most commonly encount ered outside Aerenal , strive to pres-
ent a positive image of t hei r homel and despite t hei r del i ber-
ately shocking appearance. Even so, they observe customs and
fashions peculiar to Aerenal and often meet with puzzlement
or prejudice when they travel the world. Most non- el f NPCs
have an initial reaction of indifferent (puzzled and bemused,
but indifferent nonetheless), while elves who have no objec-
tion to the Deat hguard' s mission have a friendly attitude.
Followers of the Blood of Vol rightly see the Deat hguard
as hostile to t hei r deepest convi ct i ons. Common followers
have an unfriendly initial reaction to Deat hguard members,
Aereni Focus
Whi l e humans value versatility, the Aer eni prefer to hone a
single skill to absolute perfect i on. From chi l dhood you have
studied one par t i cul ar pat h, and these decades of devotion
result in remarkabl e skill.
Prerequisite: Elf, region of origin Aerenal, 1st level only.
Benefit: A single skill of your choice is now a class skill
for you, and you gain a +3 bonus on checks using that skill.
Speci al : Aer eni Focus count s as Skill Focus for the
purpose of meet i ng any r equi r ement or pr er equi si t e.
Aerenal Arcani st
Your family has studied wizardry for t housands of years.
You spent your chi l dhood i n arcane l i brari es, and t hi s early
education gives you a great breadt h of knowledge.
Prerequi si te: Elf, regi on of or i gi n Aer enal .
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Knowledge (arcana)
checks. Every t i me you gain a wizard level after t aki ng this
feat ( i ncl udi ng 1st level), you can add one addi t i onal spell
to your spellbook.
Aerenal Hal f-Li fe
The Priests of Tr ansi t i on have gui ded you t hr ough st range
ri t ual s t hat left you poised between the world of the living
and the dead.
Prerequi si te: Elf, regi on of ori gi n Aer enal .
Benef i t : Your ski n becomes sallow and pi nched,
gi vi ng you t he appear ance of a zombi e or l i ch. Your bond
to the world of the dead provides you with two benefi t s.
When you cast a necr omancy spel l , your effective
caster level is increased by one.
When you spend an action poi nt on an attempt to t ur n
or rebuke undead, it applies to bot h the t ur ni ng check and
the subsequent t ur ni ng damage check.
while true followers of Vol (i ncl udi ng hi gh- r anki ng members
of the Or der of the Emeral d Claw) have a hostile react i on.
Undead of any sort have a hostile react i on.
The Aer eni elves care for t hei r dead. They have perfected
the art of embal mi ng, and some of t hem practice this trade
in the great cities of Khor vai r e. As an elf's body is prepared
for buri al , two chroni cl es of his life are made. One copy is
buried with his body, and one is kept i n the great l i brary of
Shae Mor dai ; t hus, he will never be forgot t en, and anyone
who finds his body in a fut ure age will l ear n of his deeds.
The bodies of the fallen are preserved in catacombs deep
beneath the cities of Aer enal , filled with the assembled dead
of tens of t housands of years. Grave r obbi ng is consi dered a
heinous cri me in Aer enal , and a repeat offender might be
killed and cremat ed, with no record made of his deat h.
The elves reserve the gift of undyi ng i mmor t al i t y for
their greatest heroessages and art i sans as well as warri ors
and wizards. Most elves are consigned to the catacombs after
death. An elf who shows great promi se might be raised from
the dead if he was cut down in his pr i me. But traditionally,
an elf can only become deat hl ess after he has lived t hr ee
centuries. The Priests of Tr ansi t i on view life as a j our ney on
the path to deathlessness; even the worthy must experi ence
a full life to appreciate what comes next.
A deathless elf does not automatically gain membershi p
in the Undying Cour t . Military heroes usually become undy-
ing soldiers. They cont i nue to defend the nat i on, and can be
found in the catacombs and all the major cities of Aerenal .
Newly raised undyi ng councilors serve as sages and admi ni s-
tratorsalthough the living perform the most vital tasks, so
that they can complete the j ourney of life and avoid becomi ng
dependent on the dead. After a t housand years, a councilor
is considered for admi t t ance to the court , where he tends the
ascendant councilors and studies with the elders. What hap-
pens next is a mystery the uni ni t i at ed cannot underst and;
the ascendant councilors are truly alien beings, t housands
of years old and charged with the energy of Iri an.
The Aer eni mai nt ai n the distinctive t radi t i on of half-
life. Some followers of the Undyi ng Courtespecially those
of the line of Jhael i anundergo al chemi cal and spiritual
treatments that result in flesh that seems to be decompos-
ing, as if the l i vi ng elf was a zombi e. Non-el ves often see
this as a hor r or , and cannot i magi ne a reason for it. For
the elves, it serves two pur poses. It gives one a closer bond
to the world of the dead, s t r engt heni ng his necr omant i c
gifts. Fur t her mor e, the Aer eni believe t hat life is the least
part of the path of existence. By giving up physical beauty
and acknowledging that appearance is t ransi t ory and insig-
nificant, an elf prepares for the pat h he hopes to follow and
serves as an example to those ar ound hi m.
One more stage lies between the living and the deathless:
the spirit idol. The Priests of Transi t i on hold a great respon-
sibility. They believe that Aerenal can only support a cert ai n
number of undyi ng counci l ors. Somet i mes the priests feel
that a fallen elf has not earned a place among the undying, but
that it would be a great loss to let his soul slip away to Dol urrh.
In these cases, they use the create spirit idol spell to bi nd his spirit
to his corpse. The spell keeps hi m away from Dol ur r h and
allows necromancers to call on his wisdom i n the fut ure.
Level: Cl eri c 4
Component s: V, S, M, XP
Casti ng Ti me: 1 hour
Ra nge : Touch
Target: Corpse touched
Durat i on: I nst ant aneous
Savi ng Throw: None
Spell Resi stance: No
Creat e Spi ri t Idol
Light seems to coalesce around the corpse before you, gleaming in its eyes for a
moment before it fades.
Thi s ritual binds the subject's soul to his physical remai ns,
preventing its passage to Dolurrh. Thi s is a voluntary effect; the
subject's spirit must be willing (see Bringing Back the Dead, page
171 of the Player's Handbook), or the spell automatically fails. Once
bound to the body, the spirit remai ns i n a state of t orpor.
If a speak with dead spell is cast upon a spirit idol by a caster
whose al i gnment matches the al i gnment of the spirit in life,
the spirit is woken to consciousness for 1 mi nut e per caster
level of the speak with dead effect. In this state, it can perceive its
sur r oundi ngs and communi cat e verbally (in any languages
it knew in life) with the caster of speak with dead. (Thi s effect
occurs instead of the normal effect of speak with dead.) The spirit
idol's communi cat i on is typically brief, cryptic, or repetitive,
but it does not intentionally give false answers.
A spi ri t idol can be r est or ed to life by raise dead or
si mi l ar means. The spell preserves bot h the body and spirit
perfectly, allowing such magic to be cast after the usual time
limit has expi red. If the body is destroyed or di smember ed,
the spell effect is broken and the soul passes to Dol ur r h.
Material Component: A clay pot filled with grave di rt and
anot her filled with pur e water.
XP Cost: 100 XP.
"The Blood flows, the Blood gives life. The Blood is life, even after the grave."
Mudren Fai n, priest of the Blood of Vol
The Blood of Vol flows from t he di st ant past, when the first st i r r i ngs of
faith in blood as the source of life, and undeat h as a pat h to divinity, arose
wi t hi n the elf tribes of ancient Xen' dr i k. The r udi ment ar y faith developed
along with the elves, following t hem to Aer enal and eventually spreadi ng
to ot her races. (Rumors persist t hat a version of the faith is still practiced
by cert ai n drow societies in Xen' dr i k. ) Thr ee t housand years ago, House
Vol took cont rol of the anci ent faith due to the powers grant ed by the Mark
of Deat h. When House Vol was dest royed four hundr ed years later, the
faith was shattered and faded away with the passage of t i me.
The faith appeared again after the War of the Mark, reachi ng new
heights as a popul ar cult among the peopl e of Galifar and cul mi nat i ng
with its adopt i on as the nat i onal rel i gi on of Kar r nat h in 895 YK.
Fol l owers of t he Bl ood can be
found t hroughout the Five Nations
and the Lhazaar Principalities, with a
small presence i n Q' bar r a, Val enar,
and Dr o a a m. Wi t h i n t he Five
Nations, the cult has its strongest
ties in Ka r r na t h, despite t he fact
that the crown r enounced it as t he
national religion in 964 YK (duri ng
Ki ng Jaron' s rei gn). Followers and
shrines devoted to the Blood can be
found in Brel and and Aundai r, where
the religion is tolerated. (Persecution of
the faith occurred t hr oughout the course
of the Last War, when Brelish and Aundairian
followers of the Blood were suspected of
col l aborat i on with Ka r r na t h. ) Th r a n e has
the smallest numbe r of followers, and most
of t hem keep a low profile to avoid attracting
the at t ent i on of the Chur ch of t he Silver Fl ame.
To those outside the faith, and even to most within it, the Blood of Vol
doesn't appear to have an overarching organization as the Church of the Silver
Flame does. The faith has leaders and priests, and a hierarchy of sorts can be
found among the clergy in Kar r nat h. Beyond the Kar r nat hi borders, how-
ever, each sect and cult cell operates independentlyat least on the surface.
Behi nd the scenes, Vol and her chief l i eut enant s carefully orchestrate
the activities of specific cells t hr oughout Khor vai r e. Much of the work of
the various cells is beni gn, since it benefits Vol to have active cells i n as
many places as possible. She leaves the more radical and aggressive opera-
tions to the Or der of the Emeral d Claw, an organi zat i on that mai nt ai ns
an identity unconnect ed to the followers of the Blood.
Followers conduct pri vat e wor shi p cer emoni es i n t hei r homes,
maki ng small offeri ngs of bl ood on smal l househol d al t ars, never to be
tasted by any act ual undead. They do not r epor t to any hi gher aut hor i t y
and only rarel y have cont act with ot her s of t he fai t h. The t r adi t i ons are
passed from parent s to chi l dr en, t hough many chi l dr en are rej ect i ng the
teachings in favor of the doct ri nes of the Sovereign Host .
The Blood remai ns powerful within Kar r nat h, l urki ng in the shadows.
The Cr i mson Monastery in At ur cont i nues to operat e in the open as the
Symbol of the
Blood of Vol
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 15: Kar r ns practice a rel i gi on t hat
involves worshi p of t he undead, the
Blood of Vol.
DC 25 : The Cr i mson Monastery i n At ur
is the most i mpor t ant center of wor-
ship for the Blood of Vol.
DC 30: A great center of worship devoted
to Vol is r umor ed to exist somewhere
i n t he Lhazaar Pri ci pal i t i es.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 10: The Bl ood of Vol is a r el a-
tively common rel i gi on i n Kar r nat h,
t hough the faith of the Sovereign Host
r emai ns domi nant .
DC 15: At various times i n Kar r nat h' s
hi st ory, t he faith of t he Bl ood of Vol
has waxed and waned i n popul ar i t y
and accept ance. The pr esent t i me is
a wani ng per i od.
DC 20: The fundament al belief of the
Blood of Vol is that death must be con-
quered, not endur ed. The undead are
revered as champi ons i n the struggle
to conquer death and show mortals the
pat h to godhood.
DC 25: A number of undead take active
roles i n the rites and l eadershi p of the
Blood of Vol. The greatest cent er of
worship is the Cr i mson Monastery, i n
the Kar r nat hi city of At ur .
DC 30: Vol the lich is the active t hough
hi dden leader of the faith.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 25: The Nightclaw is a relic sacred to
the Blood of Vol, said to be the sev-
ered hand of a lich.
DC 30: The Nightclaw is kept in a shr i ne
beneat h t he city of At ur , where it
is r egul ar l y visited by pri est s of t he
Blood of Vol.
Knowl edge (arcana)
DC 30: Some legends claim t hat great er
powers of t he Nightclaw can onl y be
unl ocked by one who is wi l l i ng to
replace his own ri ght hand with it.
largest center of worship for the Blood of Vol i n the
world. Its high priest, the undead cleric Malevanor,
is the nomi nal leader of all temples and shrines, and
hundreds of priests ultimately report to hi m.
The teachings of the Blood of Vol squarely face the gr i m
reality of deat h: Al l that mort al s have to look forward to is
death, followed by an et erni t y spent i n the bleak oblivion
of Dol ur r h, the Real m of the Dead. Deat h, t herefore, must
be conquer ed by undeat ht he pat h t hat leads to et er nal
existence and, for some, to divinity.
The only champi ons that fight against death on behalf
of mortals are the undead. Vampire lords and powerful liches
seek to open the path of godhood to all mort al s. Followers
offer their blood in praise of these i mmor t al champi ons who
battle death on t hei r behalf. In doi ng so, they adhere to t ra-
ditions that ori gi nat ed among the elves of Xen' dr i k, when
the giants rul ed the world.
At t he hear t of t he wor shi p st ands t he supposedl y
symbolic and mythic figure of Vol, Queen of the Undead.
Unlike t he gods of t he Soverei gn Host , Vol plays a di r ect
role in t he advancement of the fai t h. She walks t he l and,
hi dden in shadows, pul l i ng st r i ngs and set t i ng events in
motion to advance her pl ans.
The people of Aundai r and Brel and look upon the Blood
of Vol as a st range and exotic cult and are i ndi fferent to its
followers. Onl y dur i ng ext reme peri ods of stress between
these nat i ons and Kar r nat h in the Last War were followers
of the Blood seen as suspicious or even danger ous, receiv-
ing a hostile react i on. Indi vi dual s from bot h nat i ons mi ght
harbor ei t her hostile or friendly at t i t udes, dependi ng on
their past experi ences with Kar r nat h and the Blood.
In Thr ane, because of the st rong presence of the Silver
Flame and the long history of conflict with Kar r nat h, the
followers of the Blood have long been seen as members of an
outlawed rel i gi on. The aut hori t i es don' t go out of t hei r way
to arrest those who practice the faith, but they can exercise
the opt i on if they choose to. People in Thr a ne demonst rat e
hostile react i ons to the Blood of Vol and its followers.
In Kar r nat h, despite the procl amat i ons of the crown,
the common folk have an i ndi f f er ent to fri endl y at t i t ude
toward the Blood of Vol and its followers.
The Nightclaw
In a shri ne deep beneat h the city of At ur in Kar r nat h, priests
of the Blood of Vol pay homage to a relic of t hei r faith: the
hand of an anci ent lich, called the Nightclaw.
Descri pti on: Thi s grisly item seems to be a mummi -
fied hand, severed a little above the wrist. The flesh is dry
and smoot h, dead gray in color. The hand has a warm smell
of embal mi ng spices about it, but is cold to the t ouch. When
its powers are activated, the fingers gesticulate slightly.
Acti vati on: Usi ng ei t her of the spell abilities of the
Nightclaw r equi r es speaki ng a c omma nd word, whi ch is a
standard act i on.
Effect: Like a hand of glory (see Dungeon Master's Guide page
258). the Nightclaw allows you to benefi t from the effects of
a ri ng worn on one of the Nightclaw's fingers, if you wear the
Nightclaw as an amul et ar ound your neck. If you hol d it in
one hand, you can use deeper darkness t hr ee times per day and
enervation once per day.
A cleric puts the
Nightclaw to use
Aura/ Cast er Level: St r ong necromancy; CL 20l h.
Cons t r uc t i on: Not appl i cabl e. Th e Nightclaw is a
uni que artifact.
Weight: 2 lb.
Pri ce: n/a.
When an i ndi vi dual (usual l y an ar cane spel l cast er or a
cleric) proves herself to be of part i cul ar worth to the undead
l eadershi p of the Blood of Vol, she is rewarded with par -
t i ci pat i on i n the Bl oodt ouched ri t e. Typically a charact er
must be at least 3rd level to be so rewarded, t hough excep-
tions exist.
The ceremony requi res a chalice br i mmi ng with blood
donat ed by wi l l i ng followers of the Blood of Vol. Thi s chal -
ice is the focus of extensive prayers, cul mi nat i ng when the
officiating cleric channel s negative energy i nt o it. Once the
chalice is prepared, it is passed ar ound to the part i ci pant s,
who dr i nk deeply from it.
A charact er who dr i nks from this chalice per manent l y
loses 2 poi nt s of Const i t ut i on, but gai ns four benefits:
Bonus hp equal to Char i sma bonus (if any).
+2 pr of ane bonus on saves agai nst poi son, s t unni ng,
disease, death effects, and energy dr ai n.
+1 caster level on all necromancy spells.
If the character is capable of rebuki ng undead, her effec-
tive cleric level for this ability is increased by 1.
The Const i t ut i on loss can' t be prevent ed or reversed by
any means. A creat ure wi t hout a Const i t ut i on score gains
no benefit from the Bl oodt ouched ri t e.
Changel i ngs are gray-ski nned creat ures with fair hair, long l i mbs, and
i ndi st i nct facial features. They were originally bor n out of uni ons between
humanoi ds and doppel gangers, but over the years they have evolved i nt o a
humanoi d race di st i nct from t hei r pr ogeni t or s.
Like t hei r humanoi d ancest ors, changel i ngs have di st i nct , uni que
count enancesr ecogni zabl e facesalthough t hei r faces are much less
detailed t han a huma noi ds . Some observers have described changel i ngs
as l ooki ng like humans with an extra, gauzy gray layer of skin coveri ng
t hei r bodi es, while ot hers say that they look like humans that haven' t been
fully formed. Both descr i pt i ons are apt. When in her nat ur al shape, a
changel i ng' s nose is appar ent but cont ai ns no nost r i l s, and her mout h
is framed by t hi n, gray lips. A changel i ng' s eyes are blank pools of milky
white. A changel i ng has wispy, fair hai r and a di st i nct gender, i n contrast
to ful l -bl ooded doppel gangers.
From t hei r doppel ganger ancestors, changel i ngs gained the ability
to alter t hei r forms. They are nat ur al shapechangers capable of t aki ng on
the appear ance of any humanoi d race, changi ng t hei r hei ght by as much
a foot i n hei ght and t hei r weight by upward of one hundr e d pounds .
A changel i ng has preci se cont r ol over t hi s change, sel ect i ng whatever
physical features (eye and hai r color, size of nose, bi r t hmar ks, and ot her
di st i ngui shi ng characteristics) she prefers. Oft en a changel i ng creates a
favorite appearance for each race she frequently mi mi cs, and these guises
mi ght have a common t rai t hai r color, a mol e, or a bi rt hmarkso t hat
small si mi l ari t i es persist between her various forms.
Al t hough changel i ngs have lived for cent uri es in virtually all part s of
Khor vai r e, ot her humanoi ds r emai n wary of t hem. It is a generally held
belief t hat changel i ngs are sneaky, dupl i ci t ous, and unt r ust wor t hy. The
t r ut h is t hat , as with any ot her race, i ndi vi dual changel i ngs can be good
or evil, honest or di shonest , vi r t uous or depraved. Whi l e it is t r ue t hat a
changeling' s abilities make her well suited for cr i mi nal ent erpri ses such as
fraud, espionage, and assassination, it is a mistake to t hi nk that a majority
of i ndi vi dual s engage in these practices.
All changel i ngs adopt one of t hr ee phi l osophi cal out l ooks r egar d-
i ng t hei r mut abl e i dent i t y. Passers try to avoid the wi despread mi st r ust
of t hei r race by l i vi ng in a pe r ma ne nt state of di sgui se, adopt i ng a
par t i cul ar appear ance and wear i ng it as t hei r "nat ur al st at e. " They
keep t hei r heads down and stay out of t r oubl e. The changel i ngs known
as becomer s i mmer s e t hemsel ves in many di f f er ent i dent i t i es. They
believe t hat they are si mul t aneousl y who they are and who they appear
to be, enj oyi ng t he paradox and ambi gui t y of mul t i pl e per sonas. The
changel i ngs called reality seekers believe in an abstract not i on of per -
fection and prefer to seek it in t hei r nat ur al forms and in t he company
of ot her changel i ngs.
Changel i ngs have a nat ur al gift for l e a r ni ng l anguages and cul -
t ur al ma nne r i s ms . Li ke any ot her race, changel i ngs i n gener al simply
want to live t hei r lives i n peace, and t oward t hat end they are sensi t i ve
to t he par t i cul ar mor es and bel i efs of t he communi t y i n whi ch they
live. Toget her with t hei r s hapechangi ng abi l i t i es, t hese qual i t i es make
t hem ext r aor di nar i l y effective di pl omat s, e nt e r t a i ne r s , r acont eur s ,
and negot i at or s.
Still, more t han a few of the most i nfamous spies and thieves in the
history of the Five Nat i ons have been changel i ngs. Members of this race
hold key posi t i ons in most organi zed cr i mi nal endeavors. Popul ar fiction
and bardi c tales feature changel i ngs as assassins who ent er i nt o a home in
the guise of a fri end, t hen t ransform i nt o a monst r ous form before st ri k-
ing down t hei r victims. However, cr i mi nal changel i ngs are much more
likely to be confidence artists or dealers of stolen and fraudul ent mat eri al
t han out ri ght mur der er s .
Knowl edge (l ocal )
DC 10: Changel i ngs are a hybri d of
huma noi ds and doppel ganger s t hat
are not general l y accept ed i n ei t her
communi t y. They have a l i mi t ed abil-
ity to shapechange.
A check against this DC is also sufficient
to l earn if a local set t l ement hosts a
changel i ng communi t y and whet her
any not abl e r ecent i nci dent s have
occur r ed involving changel i ngs.
DC 15: Changel i ngs can al t er t hei r
physical form to pass as member s of
anot her race or t he opposi t e gender.
They can even masquerade as specific
i ndi vi dual s.
A check against this DC is also sufficient
to l ear n r oughl y how many change-
l i ngs live i n a local communi t y and
where they can be found.
DC 25: Cha nge l i ngs follow one of
t hr ee gener al phi l os ophi es . Passers
adopt a si ngl e huma noi d i dent i t y
and stick wi t h it, j us t t r yi ng to get
by i n nor mal society. Becomers live
mul t i pl e lives, somet i mes si mul t ane-
ously, i n di fferent di sgui ses. Reality
seekers pr ef er t hei r nat ur al f or m
and t he society of t hei r own ki nd,
phi l osophi cal l y seeki ng t he form of
perfect reality.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 15: More t han any ot her peopl e of
Khor vai r e, changel i ngs are drawn to
the worship of the Traveler, one of the
gods of t he Dar k Six. The Travel er
is bot h t he least mal evol ent and t he
most eni gmat i c of the Dark Six.
DC 20: Changel i ngs often revere the
Traveler, but to say they worship this
mysterious deity is hardl y accurat e.
They seem to view the Traveler as a
compani on on the road of lifeand
not always a trustworthy one. However,
they often use tales of the Traveler' s
actions i n the world as j ust i fi cat i on
for t hei r pecul i ar phi l osophi es.
Common folk believe that when a changel i ng adopts a
disguise, the facade is perfect and nearly impossible to
penetrate. In fact, because people are wi l l i ng to believe
their eyes wi t hout quest i on, clues to a changel i ng' s
true nat ure often go overlooked.
Specific Cl ot hi ng: A changel i ng' s cl ot hi ng
and ot her bel ongi ngs r emai n unal t er ed no mat t er
what form she takes. If a per son observes t hat an
elf in the room is wearing the same outfit and gear
as a dwarf who left the room a few mi nut es earlier,
it may be a clue t hat bot h of t he i ndi vi dual s are
the same changel i ng. Of course, it would be wise
to ascert ai n t hat t he cl ot hi ng in quest i on is not
some kind of uni f or m or t r adi t i onal garb associ-
ated with a par t i cul ar gr oup or r el i gi ous or der
before maki ng an accusation.
Tricks of the Trade: Al t hough a change-
ling can out war dl y mi mi c a me mbe r of j ust
about any t r ade or pr of essi on, she oft en will
not have the skills and abilities of even a novice
member of the gr oup. Be wary of people who look
like typical pract i t i oners of t hei r profession but
show no ability for the jobsuch as a bl acksmi t h
who has trouble hefting a hammer or a cleric who
cannot heal the i nj ured.
Unf ami l i ar i t y wi t h "Own Cul t ure":
Al t hough a changel i ng can become t al l and
willowy with l ong, t aper i ng ears, she does not
thereby gain any great insight i nt o the attitudes
and opi ni ons of elves. Anyone who has spent
a significant amount of t i me among t he mem-
bers of a specific race might notice a changel i ng
in disguise act i ng st rangel y, br eaki ng common
taboos, bei ng unf ami l i ar with raci al l anguages,
and having unusual likes or dislikes.
Trust No One: Most changel i ngs are t oo clever to
be t r i pped up by si mpl e clues such as t hese. The fact is,
anyone you meet coul d be a changel i ngeven your cl os-
est fri end.
Perfect Refl ect i on [ Changel i ng]
You are particularly skilled at mi mi cki ng the forms and
mannerisms of others. The better you know a specific
individual, the more able you are to look and act just like
that person. Some changel i ngs attribute this ability to a
trace of their doppelganger ancestors' ability to peer into
the minds of others.
Prerequi si te: Changeling, Cha 15, Wis 13.
Races of Destiny presents a monster class progression that could
allow you (with your DM's permission) to play a doppelganger
as a character. These shapechangers are common in urban
areas, as suggested by the very existence of the changeling
race. They are an important part of such organizations as the
Tyrants (described in Sharn: City of Towers) and the secretive
Cabinet of Faces.
A changeling puts on a new face
Benefi t: When using your mi nor shapechange ability
to disguise yourself, you get a competence bonus on your
Disguise check and on Bluff checks made to impersonate
that person. The bonus is based on how well you know the
person you are imitating. While these categories are simitar
to the categories that determine a character's bonus on Spot
checks to see through a disguise, the amount of the bonus is
not the same.
Fami l i ari ty Bl uf f / Di sgui se Bonus
Recognize on sight +2
Friend or associate +4
Individual is present +6
Close friend +8
Intimate +10
The Chur ch of the Silver Fl ame i l l umi nat es a way of life for mi l l i ons of
people across Khor vai r e, represent s the force t hat governs the nat i on of
Thr a ne , and i nspi res bands of crusaders dedicated to ext er mi nat i ng evil
from the face of Eber r on. If mere member shi p in the chur ch grant s a
comfort i ng degree of faith and security, life as a crusader in its order of
kni ght s t empl ar guarant ees a career of excitement, vi rt ue, and honor.
"As a refiner burns away all impurity from the ore, so shall the Silver Flame purify the world
and its inhabitants."
Davienne of Sigilstar, hal fl i ng exorcist of the Silver Fl ame
Evil is everywhere, but that only st rengt hens your resolve to fight against it.
Your faith in the Silver Fl ame drives you to wage unendi ng war against the
evil in the world, wherever it mi ght be foundeven if it lies
within your advent uri ng party, your church, or yourself.
Joi ni ng the Chur ch of the Silver Flame is a relatively
simple mat t er. As a prospective member, you meet
with a member of the clergysometimes one on one,
sometimes in a small group with ot her worshipersto
learn the basics of the faith. When this t eachi ng is
complete, you are initiated into membershi p with a
simple ri t ual , sometimes but not always scheduled
to coincide with a major holy day of the chur ch,
such as the Ascensi on (1 Sypheros).
Joi ni ng the knights templar is more difficult.
You must already be a member of t he chur ch,
and you must secure a l et t er of r ecommenda-
t i on from one member of each of t he chur ch' s
t hree ordersmi ni st ers, t empl ars, and fri ars. The
Counci l of Car di nal s votes on which applications to
approve. The process can be t i me- consumi ng, even
if it is not especially ri gorous.
Ent r y Re q u i r e me n t s : Any good al i gnment ,
Knowl edge ( r el i gi on) 5 r anks.
Members of all classes can gain admi t t ance to the order of knights t em-
plar, t hough fighters, pal adi ns, and clerics are most common. The order' s
pri mary duty is to meet evil head-on in combat, which practically serves as a
definition for a good-al i gned advent urer. Rogues, barbari ans, monks, and
rangers also combat evil with a clash of ar ms. Wizards, sorcerers, bards,
and dr ui ds similarly use t hei r magic to furt her the mission of the order.
Once accepted as a templar, you can expect to spend a week in a templar
monastery, usually i n Thr ane, receiving your initial t rai ni ng. Thi s t r ai n-
ing assumes that you have at least a basic gr oundi ng in the doct ri nes of the
faith, and instead focuses on practical techniques for fighting evil creatures
and di scerni ng the influence of such creat ures on ot her people.
Kni ght s t empl ar share a common goal: the eradi cat i on of evil from the
world. Since most members of the order are not i nt erest ed in self-aggran-
di zement , they willingly help t hei r fellow member s achieve t hei r common
goals to the fullest extent possible. At the same t i me, they have few enough
resources for t hei r own pursui t s, and not much to share.
Goods: Upon acceptance into the order, you receive a small wooden
case cont ai ni ng essential supplies for your work. Thi s case holds four flasks
Symbol of the
Silver Flame
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 10: Thr a ne is a theocracy rul ed by
the Chur ch of the Silver Fl ame.
DC 15: The head of bot h chur ch and
state is t he Keeper of t he Fl ame, cur -
rently a young girl named Jaela Dar an.
A Counci l of Car di nal s does the work
of gover nment i n her name.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 10: The Chur ch of the Silver Fl ame
reveres a holy fire wi t hi n the cathedral
in Fl amekeep, t he capital of Thr a ne .
The church teaches a life of puri t y and
struggle against evil i n all its forms.
DC 12: The chur ch i ncl udes a l arge
numbe r of pal adi ns and exorci st s
devoted to waging war on super nat u-
ral evil.
DC 15: The head of bot h chur ch and
state is the Keeper of the Fl ame, cur -
rently a young girl named Jaela Dar an.
A Counci l of Car di nal s does the work
of gover nment i n her name.
DC 18: The church has been responsible
for bot h great good and great evil
t hroughout its relatively short history.
It l aunched a crusade agai nst lycan
thropes t hat , by a cent ur y ago, had
nearl y el i mi nat ed all l ycant hr opes
f r om Kh o r v a i r e . Unf or t una t e l y,
many i nnocent s also died as a result
of that i nqui si t i on.
Kni ght s Templ ar
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 10: The Chur ch of the Silver Fl ame
sponsors champi ons who go i nt o the
world to fight evil.
DC 15: The Chur ch of the Silver Fl ame
includes t hr ee orders of clergy: mi n-
isters who t end congregat i ons, friars
who spread the faith, and templars who
fight evil i n the flesh. These t empl ars
wear distinctive silver t abards.
DC 20: The si l ver - cl ad t empl ar s are
dedi cat ed to hunt i ng undead and
fiends, as well as exposi ng cor r upt i on
wherever it is foundeven wi t hi n the
chur ch itself.
DC 30: Car di nal Baer dr en ir' Davik is
the cur r ent head of the kni ght s t em-
plar. Hi s seneschal Ofejjaia of Kor t h
mi ght have her eye on the cardi nal ' s
posi t i on.
of holy water, a silver holy symbol, a small prayer book con-
taining rites and prayers rel at i ng to exorcism and prot ect i on
(no game effect), two shar pened wooden stakes, and fifteen
arrowsfive with silvered heads, five with cold i ron heads,
and five with fl amet ouched i r on heads. As you use these
supplies, you are responsi bl e for rest ocki ng t hem.
I nf ormat i on: The basic t r a i ni ng you receive upon
acceptance i nt o the order of knights t empl ar grant s you a +2
circumstance bonus on Knowl edge (the planes) or Knowl -
edge (rel i gi on) checks you make to identify monst ers and
learn t hei r capabilities and weaknesses. Ot her members of
the order are expert s on creat ures of super nat ur al evil, with
Knowledge skill modi fi ers r angi ng from +10 to +18.
Status: As a member of the order, you have the pri vi -
lege of i dent i fyi ng yourself as a kni ght t empl ar of the Silver
Flame. You can properl y be addressed with "Sir" or "Lady"
preceding your given name, and you can wear a silver tabard
identifying you as a member of the order. Thi s status carries
the most weight in Thr ane, where it guarant ees the good will
of most citizens. Out si de Thr a ne , it may provoke different
responses. (See NPC React i ons, below.)
You are not necessarily si ngl e-mi nded, but your faith domi -
nates your personal i t y. You strive for an ideal of personal
purity appropri at e to the puri t y you would like to see in the
world. The sins you strive to avoid include greed, exploiting
other people for your own gai n, the abuse of power in any
form, and the cor r upt i on of absolute evil, as embodi ed in
fiends. By cultivating vi rt ue in yourself, you help to tip the
balance between good and evil in the world, ever so slightly,
in good' s favor. Thus , you strive to be honest, j ust , moder -
ate in all t hi ngs but vi rt ue, compassi onat e, pat i ent , and
faithful. When you fail to live up to your own ideals, you
chastise yourself but do not necessarily puni sh yourself, for
puni shment can somet i mes become its own evil.
As a kni ght templar, you are ultimately responsible to
the head of your order. Car di nal Baer dr en i r' Davi k sits on
the Counci l of Car di nal s and thus helps to steer the policy
of not j ust your order, but of the ent i r e church and the
nation of Thr a ne . Of the t hree orders of the church, yours
allows its members the most freedom to pursue the causes
they find most pressing. Mi ni st ers must tend to the faithful,
and friars must concent rat e on the expansion of the church,
but templars are free to wander as they pleaseor where the
Flame leads themto battle evil wherever it rears its head.
You are part of an elaborate chai n of command, but much
of the time that chai n has little or no impact on your life.
Combat: Gr ant no quar t er to fiends or undead, and
hope for none in r et ur n. In battle against more mundane
foes, you show mercy when it is asked of you, and you might
ask it as well, t hough it is foolish to request quar t er when
you have no expectation of receiving it. You should always be
willing to sacrifice your own life to save the lives of ot hers.
You have a great er dr eam t han living to old age: You hope to
be j oi ned with the Silver Fl ame in perfect puri t y after your
death. But the Flame does not wish you to forfeit your life if
your sacrifice will not win a great er victory or save ot hers.
Advancement: Even if you are not a cleric or paladin,
you can choose feats and abilities that make you more effective
against undead, fiends, and si mi l ar creatures of monst rous,
supernatural evil. (Libris Mortis presents a number of feats that
aid your ability to fight undead, such as Ghost Scarred, Endur -
ing Life, Necropotent, Vampire Hunt er, and Unquenchable
Flame of Life.) You might also take ranks in Knowledge (reli-
gion) and Knowledge (the planes), even if those are cross-class
skills for you, to reflect the ongoing t rai ni ng you receive in
techniques to fight these creatures.
As you advance in levels, you might also want to consider a
prestige class related to the Church of the Silver Flame, such as
exorcist of the Silver Flame (from the EBERRON Campaign Setting) or
silver pyromancer (from Five Nations). You might also consider
related classes that are not specific to the church, i ncl udi ng
hunt er of the dead or knight of the Chalice (from Complete
Warrior), divine crusader or pious templar (from Complete Divine),
shadowbane i nqui si t or or shadowbane stalker (from Complete
Adventurer), or sacred puri fi er (from Libris Mortis).
Mi ssi ons: You don' t under t ake trivial advent ures for
base purposes such as sel f - enr i chment . An advent ure, for
you, is a mi ssi on: an oppor t uni t y to make a difference in
the world, to advance the cause of the chur ch or hi nder the
progress of evil, or preferably bot h. You have been i den-
tified as an agent the church can use in the world, so you
might be sent on missions by the chur ch, ei t her with an
explicitly spi ri t ual goal or to advance the agenda of Thr a ne
among the ot her nat i ons of Khor vai r e. Even if no one sends
you, however, you go regardlesslike a kni ght - er r ant , you
seek out any oppor t uni t y to do battle with evil.
Super nat ur al evil is your t rue foe. The undead, pos-
sessing devils, r ampagi ng demonsyou can slay these foes
wi t hout hesi t at i on or qual ms. By t hei r mere existence, they
cor r upt the world; by el i mi nat i ng t hem, you help to make
the world a bet t er place.
"The templars are extraneous in this day and age. They are relics of a bygone
era, when good and evil were conceived of in simplistic terms.''
Archi erophant Yt hana Mor r of Shar n
The Chur ch of the Silver Flame is one of the great powers of
Khorvai re. Thanks to its cont rol over one of the Five Nations
and its significant presence in three others, it has exerted con-
siderable influence over the shape of the modern world in the
wake of the Last War. Characters who serve the church as knights
templar are part of a significant and vital world power.
Or gani zat i on: The basic organi zat i on of the church is
described in t he EBERRON Campaign Setting. The Keeper of the
Flame is the head of bot h church and state, and immediately
beneat h her sits the Counci l of Car di nal s. Thi r t een Hi gh
Car di nal s form this counci l , consi st i ng of two delegates
chosen from each of the four smaller groups of cardi nal s
that govern the four great cities of Thr a ne (Fl amekeep,
Thal i ost , Sigilstar, and Ar ul dusk) and the s ur r oundi ng
regi ons. Thr ee more Hi gh Car di nal s represent the t hree
orders of the chur ch (mi ni st ers, friars, and t empl ars), and
the last two are represent at i ves of the archbi shops. One of
the most influential High Cardi nal s is a representative from
Fl amekeep, a graspi ng man named Kr ozen.
The order of knights t empl ar is current l y represent ed
on the council by Car di nal Baerdren ir' Davik (LG male
human pal adi n 5/exorcist of the Silver Fl ame 5), who also
holds the rank of Gr and Master of the order. Baer dr en is an
exemplary templar, utterly dedicated to the mission of the
order and often chafing at the political and bureaucrat i c
responsibilities his position on the council demands of hi m.
However, he considers the role a sacrifice wort h maki ng,
for he fears that if he were to give up his seat on the council,
it might go to his seneschal and rival, Ofejjaia of Kor t h.
Ofejjaia (LN female human cleric 8 Silver Flame) has ot her
issues on her personal agenda besides advancing the cause
of the knights templar, and Baerdren fears she would drive
the order i nt o obsolescence or bani shment if she were placed
in charge. He keeps her at his side as a deputy and advisor,
primarily to keep an eye on herthough he admits she is wise
and has made many good decisions on behalf of the order.
Beneath Car di nal Baerdren, seven commanders govern
the kni ght s of the order. These commander s carry the fol-
lowing titles: Comma nde r of Aundai r , Comma nde r of
Brel and, Commander of Cyre, Commander of Kar r nat h,
Commander of Thr a ne , Commander of Forei gn Lands,
and Commander of the Seas. The positions were established
before the Last War, so they reflect the divisions wi t hi n the
Ki ngdom of Galifar rat her t han the moder n nat i ons of
Khor vai r e. The Commander of Kar r nat h still has j ur i s -
di ct i on over t empl ars in the Mr or Hol ds, for example. The
assistants to these commander s carry the title of marshal ,
but no real rank exists beneat h t hem ot her t han kni ght
templar, held by the majority of the member shi p.
Kni ght s templar are free to wander the world in pursui t
of the order' s aims. When leaving the j uri sdi ct i on of one com-
mander and ent eri ng that of another, it is a knight' s respon-
sibility to promptly report to the commander of the new area,
in case that commander has a pressi ng need for a kni ght to
perform a mission. The commander s try to keep each ot her
i nformed about where knights are oper at i ng and what they
are doing, but this system works bet t er in some placesand
between some commandersthan others.
The Puri t ans sect is disproportionately well represented
among the kni ght s t empl ar. These fervent followers of the
Silver Flame cl i ng to l i t eral i nt er pr et at i ons of every word
ut t ered by the Voice of the Fl ame and believe in the radical
social and political t r ansf or mat i on of t he world, r emaki ng
it as a theocracy in the image of Thr a ne . Though they are a
small segment of the overall church, they make up somewhere
between a quarter and a t hi rd of the knights templar, including
three commanders.
All citizens of Thr a ne recogni ze the distinctive silver t ab-
ards of the knights templar, and most have friendly attitudes
toward these highly visible champi ons of the faith. Out si de
Thr ane, recogni zi ng the t abard as a symbol of the Chur ch
of the Silver Flame requi res a DC 10 Knowledge (rel i -
gion) check, while a DC 15 check identifies the wearer as
a member of the kni ght s t empl ar. General l y good- hear t ed
people who are not prej udi ced against the Chur ch of the
Silver Fl ame are initially friendly to kni ght s they recogni ze
by means of these checks, while i ndi vi dual s who carry such
prejudices (which i ncl ude shifters and goblinoids) are more
often unfri endl y or at best i ndi fferent .
Since the order of knights templar is sworn to exterminate
supernatural evil, including undead and fiends, such creatures
are always hostile when they recognize a knight templar. Lycan-
t hropes of all types and al i gnment s have a part i cul ar hatred
for the Church of the Silver Flame, thanks to the crusade that
nearly exterminated their kind over a century ago. Shifters are
uncomfort abl e with the t empl ars of the church for the same
reason. The Or der of the Emeral d Claw, tied as it is to the
Blood of Vol and the worship of the undead, is also hostile
to the church and its agents i n the world.
1. Trust i n the Si l ver Fl ame . Th e Voice of t he We must also r emai n vigilant, for the one t hi ng evil does
Silver Fl ame never l i es. It will light your way to glory well is hide i n pl ai n sight.
and sal vat i on. 4. Lead a nobl e l i f e, and encourage ot hers to do
2. Heed the words of the Keeper. The Keeper of the the same. Tempt at i ons abound, but t he wisest of us can
Fl ame is your emi ssary. Thr ough the Keeper , t he Silver recogni ze and avoid t hem. If you die with a pur e spi ri t , you
Fl ame speaks. will be forever bound with the Silver Fl ame.
3. Fight evil i n al l its forms. Not everyone can have 5. Share the fai th. The Silver Fl ame can puri fy t he
the st rengt h or conviction of a pal adi n, but t here are many darkest spi ri t . Share the power of the Flame with those who
ways to fight evil t hat don' t r equi r e one to draw a sword. have not yet embraced it.
Templars of the Silver Flame are quite narrow in t hei r focus,
but the organization is appropri at e for good-al i gned charac-
ters who can agree on worshi p of the Silver Fl ame.
Keeping templar PCs happy in the organization is rela-
tively easy: Simply ensure that they have no shortage of identi-
fiably evil creatures to fight. In no way does this di mi ni sh the
moral ambiguity that pervades the world of Eber r on. Shades
of gray exist in abundant opport uni t y in the form of corrupt
church officials ( i ncl udi ng Seneschal Ofejjaia of Kor t h) ,
unwi t t i ng agents of devils, and domi nat ed victims of vam-
pires. But the PCs and their chosen foes are like pi npoi nt s of
bright light and ut t er darkness in a much larger sea of murky
gray, fighting an unendi ng crusade that can easily become a
tool in someone' s play for power wi t hi n the church.
Encounters: NPC templars look a lot like PCs, and they
are most likely to be encount ered as allies. They are devoted
to fighting against evil, and when the PCs are fighting evil, a
templar is always a pot ent i al ally. On the ot her hand, if the
PCs are col l udi ng with evil, whether they are aware of it or
not, an NPC templar can be a powerful and implacable foe.
Different sects within the church relate to the Silver Flame in
different ways. The Pur i t ans are only the most pr omi nent of
these sects, br i ngi ng a literal r eadi ng of sacred pr onounce-
ments and a rigidly moral i st i c view of society to t hei r wor-
ship of the Fl ame.
At the DM' s opt i on, different sects of the Silver Flame
can gain access to different domai ns. Some sects might grant
access to new domai ns presented in Complete Divine (marked with
an asterisk below) or Book of Exalted Deeds (marked with a dagger).
If your campaign uses this opt i on, Pur i t ans can choose from
the domai ns of Inquisition*, Law, and Purification*.
The Or der of the Radiant Flame is a sect that emphasizes
contemplation as a path to spi ri t ual uni on with the Silver
Flame in t hi s life, as opposed to a physical uni on with the
Flame after death. The order includes monks among its ranks,
as well as paladins and clerics. It is not a distinct order like the
mi ni st ers, friars, and t empl ars, but rat her a movement that
includes members from all three orders. If you use the option
of alternate domai ns. Radiant Flame clerics can choose from
the domai ns of Glory*, Good, Mysticism*, and Protection.
The Kni ght s Mi l i t ant are anot her sect that spans the
t hr ee or der s. Thi s gr oup holds ext reme st andards of puri t y
and morality, and it exhort s its member s to heroi c acts of
valor and self-sacrifice in the battle agai nst evil. Cl eri cs
of t hi s sect can choose from t he domai ns of Endur ance! ,
Exorcism, Good, Wrat h!, and War.
Siberys danced t hr ough the void, set t i ng the stars in t hei r places. Khyber
prowled behi nd, cons umi ng stars nearly as fast as Siberys placed t hem.
Eber r on sang, apart from the ot hers, and life sprout ed i n the void.
Finally Siberys t ur ned to confront Khyber, to stop the dragon from
devouri ng the stars. The two fought, t ear i ng at each ot her in t hei r hat red.
At last Khyber arose vi ct ori ous as Siberys was shat t ered i nt o a mi l l i on
fragment s. Now thirsty for bl ood, Khyber wheeled upon Eber r on.
Wher e Khyber l unged, Eber r on snaked aside and ar ound. No more
bl ood was spi l l ed, but t he bat t l e cont i nued on and on. Khyber grew
t i red, and finally Eber r on enfolded and i mpr i soned Khyber, and the two
dragons ceased t hei r struggles.
And so the world was bor n, Eber r on f or mi ng its surface and Khyber
the world beneat h. Bot h dragons sl umbered after t hei r l ong battle, and
har dened i nt o ear t h. The fragment s of Siberys' s broken body enci rcl ed
Eber r on. These t hree became known as the Dragon Above, the Dragon
Below, and the Dr agon Between.
The drops of Siberys' s bl ood scattered upon the eart h below. Ther e
they sprout ed i nt o life, becomi ng the dragons of the ear t h: red and gold,
silver and white, blue and bronze, copper and green, brass and black. They
found that Eber r on had formed t hem a paradi se in which to dwell, and
they lived in peace for long ages.
Wi t hi n the i mpr i soni ng folds of Eber r on, the bl ood of Khyber fes-
tered and ferment ed, t aki ng on its own dark life. Shaped by the dreams
of the sl umber i ng dragon, Khyber' s bl ood became the fiends: rakshasas,
night hags, and ot her monst rosi t i es. Slowly, the fiends made t hei r way
t hr ough Eber r on' s enci r cl i ng body, seepi ng t hr ough cracks and holes
in the eart h, ri si ng with the mol t en rock in the er upt i on of volcanoes,
bubbl i ng up from the dept hs of the sea. Gradually, they began to t hr eat en
the peace of the dr agons. And so eventually began the first war between
the dragons and the fiends.
As Khyber first t r i umphed over Siberys, so did the fiends at first
t r i umph over the dr agons. The dragons ret reat ed to the l and of Ar gon-
nessen, while the fiends divided Khor vai r e, Sarlona, and Xen' dr i k among
themselves. So began the Age of Demons.
The fi ends r ul ed t he world for mi l l i ons of years. Whenever the
dragons dared vent ure from Ar gonnessen, the fiends struck hard, dri vi ng
t hem back to t hei r ret reat .
Thi ngs began to change when the dr agons redi scovered the Pr oph-
ecy and found al l i es. Dur i ng Eber r on' s pr i mor di al dance, as life sprang
from the danci ng dragons, the couatls were bor n, addi ng t hei r wingbeats
to the dance. Like the dr agons, they had r et r eat ed i nt o hi di ng from the
fi ends t hat r ul ed t he worl d. Toget her , however, t he dr agons and t he
couatls were able at last to l aunch an assault on the anci ent empi r es of
the fiends.
For t hous ands upon t hous ands of years, war raged bet ween the
dr agons (and t hei r couat l allies) and the fiends of Khyber . The battles
ended at last when the couatls discovered a means to i mpr i son the mi ght i -
est fiends in the deep eart h from which they had emerged. The couatls
paid a high price for this victory; only bonds of pur e spi ri t could hold
the mighty fiends, and the greatest of the couatls sacrificed t hei r physical
forms to trap the fiends wi t hi n t hei r spi ri t ual coils. With the r ul i ng fiends
i mpr i soned, the r emai ni ng couatls and the dragons were easily able to
drive the lesser fiends i nt o hi di ng.
The dragons were so weakened by t hei r long years of fighting that they
were unabl e to enjoy t he frui t s of t hei r victory. Most dr agons r et ur ned
to Argonnessen to study the Prophecy, leaving Sarlona, Khor vai r e, and
Xen' dr i k wasted and empty.
Knowl edge (the pl anes)
DC 10: Long before t he rise of the gi ant
ci vi l i zat i on, fi ends r ul ed t he worl d,
unoppos ed by t he dr agons who cow-
ered i n Ar gonnes s en. Thes e fi ends
i ncl uded rakshasas and ni ght hags,
t hough these forebears of the moder n
fiends were much more powerful t han
t hei r descendant s.
DC 15: Whe n t he dr agons at last rose
up agai nst t he fiends t hat r ul ed t he
world, couatls fought besi de t hem.
The resul t i ng war lasted for a mi l l i on
years. Some say t hat t he pl anes came
i nt o bei ng as debris t hr own off dur i ng
this legendary conflict.
DC 20: The most powerful rakshasa
r ul er s, called rajahs, r emai n i mpr i s -
oned deep wi t hi n Khyber, held i n the
et ernal spi ri t ual coils of the greatest
of t he couatls. Thei r weaker mi ni ons
still hope to see t hem freed.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 10: A vari et y of tales descr i be t he
cr eat i on of t he worl d, but t he most
c ommon myt hs i nvol ve t he t hr e e
great dr agons : Si berys t he Dr agon
Above, Khyber t he Dr agon Below,
and Eber r on the Dr agon Between.
DC 15: An e ons - l ong war bet ween
dragons and fiends ended when the
couatl allies of the dragons sacrificed
t hemsel ves to i mpr i s on t he fi ends
i n t he dept hs of Khyber . Some r el i -
gi ons, i ncl udi ng t he Chur c h of t he
Silver Fl ame, revere t he couat l s for
this sacrifice.
DC 20: The tales of the t hr ee creat i ng
dragons are not the only myths about
t he bi r t h of t he worl d. Ot h e r tales
at t ri but e creat i on to Aur eon, Onat ar ,
and even the Traveler.
DC 25: Th e Serpentes Fragments is an
anci ent col l ect i on of wr i t i ngs con-
t a i ni ng t he bel i efs of a numbe r of
s er pent cul t s from Xe n' dr i k, all of
which highly esteem the couatls t hat
sacri fi ced t hemsel ves to bi nd t he
fiends wi t hi n Khyber.
DC 30: Legends tell of t hr ee great ar t i -
facts the dragons used i n t hei r war
against the fiends, and t hr ee si mi l ar
items used by the fiends. Each set con-
sists of a crown, a scepter, and an orb,
like the regalia of an earthly king.
The tale of t he t hr ee dr agons and the Age of Demons is
widely retold and generally accepted as an expl anat i on for
the bi r t h of the world. It is not the only such expl anat i on,
however. Several al t ernat i ve myt hs exist, even wi t hi n the
major churches of Khor vai r e, with none havi ng a dogmat i c
claim to absolute aut hori t y. These tales give the gods of the
Sovereign Host (and the Dark Six) a role i n the creat i on of
the cosmos.
For example, devotees of the Traveler tell a great many
tales about that mysterious deity creat i ng thingssometimes
the eart h itself, mor e often specific ki nds of creat ures or
geographical features. Lakes and canyons ar ound the world
carry names such as " The Travel er' s Foot pr i nt " i n local
languages, and at least two myt hs popul ar among dop-
pelgangers speak of the Traveler creat i ng the world out of
pieces scavenged from anot her creat i onei t her an earl i er
one that was r ui ned or a parallel one that the Traveler sought
to imitate.
Aur eon is somet i mes i dent i f i ed as a cr eat or who
spoke t he world i nt o bei ng, e mbe ddi ng all t he secret s
of cr eat i on i n t he l anguage of ar cane magi c. Fol l owers
of Ona t a r cr edi t hi m wi t h t he cr eat i on of t he worl d,
r ecount i ng how he shaped it i n hi s forge and ha mme r e d
it on his anvi l .
Most tales of t he gods have l i t t l e or not hi ng to do
with cr eat i on, however. Tales such as t he Devour er ' s rape
of Arawai and Aur eon' s accidental creat i on of the Shadow
explain the bi r t h of various gods (theogony) r at her t han
the creat i on of t he uni ver se (cosmogony). The di f f er i ng
depictions of the gods can be traced to myths that describe
them in different ways, ari si ng in various part s of the world.
These tales i ncl ude descri pt i ons of each deity as a dragon
that ascended to divinity dur i ng the first ages of the world,
but these myths are not widely believed.
The anci ent legend of the couatls sacrificing themselves to
i mpri son the fiends wi t hi n the eart h is depicted in the earl i -
est r ui ns and i nscri pt i ons discovered in Xen' dr i k. Thr ough
the mi l l enni a, this tale has formed the foundat i on of many
rel i gi ons among the native races of that cont i nent . These
so-called serpent cults took root among the gi ant s, t hei r elf
and drow servitors, ot her under gr ound races, the goliaths
of the Ti t an' s Teet h mount ai ns, the r apt or ans, and the
catfolk. (Gol i at hs are described i n Races of Stone, r apt or ans
and catfolk in Races of the Wild.)
Most of these serpent cults espoused high ethical ideals,
often much loftier t han those prevai l i ng i n the domi nant
cul t ur e. The cults typically deny t he di vi ni t y of cont em-
por ar y gods, cl ai mi ng t hat t he pr i mor di al couat l s are t he
only t r ul y di vi ne bei ngs. Thes e factors have combi ned to
ens ur e t hat ser pent cul t s r e ma i n smal l , count er cul t ur al
movement s with little l ast i ng power or i nfl uence.
About t hree t housand years ago, an unknown researcher
compiled a number of wri t i ngs related to the sacrifice of the
couatls and assembl ed t hem i nt o a loose col l ect i on now
known as the Serpentes Fragments. These fragment s are t hought
to represent the beliefs of a variety of serpent cults, widely
scattered geographi cal l y and hi st ori cal l y. They are also an
i mpor t ant source of i nf or mat i on about the sites and civi-
l i zat i ons of anci ent Xen' dr i k, maki ng the Serpentes Fragments
ext remel y i mpor t ant to Xen' dr i k archeol ogy. Copi es and
t ransl at i ons of the fragment s are rare because the bulk of
t hei r subject mat t er is so obscure.
Some, however, would argue that the fragments are not
obscure in the least. Perhaps he is j ust bei ng i nt ent i onal l y
provocat i ve, but Provost Da nna d Mour a i n of Morgrave
Uni versi t y recent l y publ i shed a paper ar gui ng t hat t he
Chur ch of the Silver Fl ame is itself the cont empor ar y form
of a Xen' dr i k serpent cult.
In the Age of Demons, the dragons rose up against the fiends
that ruled Eber r on, waging a war that lasted for more t han
a million years. Some legends claim t hat bot h sides forged
mighty weapons to be wielded by their greatest champi ons. At
some point in the war, both a fiendish champion and a dragon
champion wore a crown and carri ed a scepter and an orb that
embodied the powers of the cosmos. It is not clear which were
forged firstthe fiendish or the draconic regalia.
These mi ght y art i fact s were first wi el ded by single
champions, but soon were divided so that t hr ee heroes of
each side could carry t hei r power i nt o bat t l e. They have
not been reuni t ed since that time, and it is entirely possible
that they no longer exist. Thr ough countless ages of demons,
dragons, and mortals, tales have continually surfaced of great
artifactscrowns, orbs, and scepters. The most recent records
of these items, still hundr eds of years old, give t hem names
connected to the mortals who wielded and were ultimately
destroyed by the ancient power they tried to harness.
The draconi c Crown of Sondar Thaj is said to lie buri ed in a
shrine in the midst of the Marsh of Desolation in Xen' dr i k.
The draconic scepter, called the Silver Rod or the Mithral Scepter,
is believed to be in Ar gonnessen, hi dden i n a shr i ne in the
Wyrmsperch Mount ai ns on the western coast. Expl orers
who survived a j our ney to the l and of dragons r epor t ed
that the shr i ne was bur i ed cent uri es ago by a massive ava-
l anche or volcanic er upt i on. The draconi c orb, called the
Orb of Kevrik the Crusader, is the most recently seen of the t hr ee
draconi c items, but its last owner (who fancied herself a
spi ri t ual descendant of Kevri k the Cr usader ) di sappeared
in the Demon Wastes.
The fiendish crown is called the Crown of the Black Fire or
the Crown of the Frozen Hammer, after a mighty frost gi ant ki ng
who wore it i nt o battle against the daelkyr. It is believed to
still lie in Icehammer Palace, a skyberg that floats above Ice-
white Island between the Frostfell and the Demon Wastes.
The Scepter of Fell Khadash is the poetic name for the fiendish
scepter, which is believed to lie in a vault in Xen' drik
t hough recent r umor s suggest that bot h the Or de r of the
Emeral d Claw and agents of the ogre mage warlord Tzaryan
Rrac (see page 52) have l earned of the scepter' s location and
are actively seeki ng it. The fiendish orb, called the Sphere of
Iron Fire, is believed to lie in the dept hs of Khyber. Legend
says that it sank i nt o the ear t h when it fell to the gr ound on
a Xen' dr i k battlefield.
Six dark deities stand in opposi t i on to the Sovereign Host : the severed
shadow of the god of magic; the evil brot her of the nat ure deities, who raped
his sister; the mad child of that unholy uni on; the brot her of the war deities,
who betrayed his siblings and was flayed as puni shment ; the l urki ng brot her
of the god of wealth, hoar di ng the souls of the dead; and a mysterious shape-
shifter whose motivations and goals are beyond mort al comprehensi on.
These are the Dark Sixthe wret ched underbel l y of the Sovereign
Host, puni shed and made pari ahs for t hei r cri mes. Worshi ped by cr i mi -
nals, villains, outcasts, and monst ers, the Dark Six are the enemi es of the
Sovereign Host, and thus the enemi es of everyt hi ng that lives.
With the exception of the Traveler (in speaki ng about the Dark Six,
the Traveler is often an except i on), the deities of the Dark Six are evil,
corrupt , monst r ous, and hostileeven to t hei r worshi pers. I n the legends
told of t hem, they somet i mes seem barely sent i ent , little more t han divine
beasts preyi ng on mort al souls. Of course, such stories are told in fearful
whispers by the devout followers of the Sovereign Host . Those who devote
t hei r lives to the Dark Six tell different stories, and pai nt very different
pi ct ures of the deities they serve.
In much the same way that clerics of the Sovereign Host convinced
different humanoi d groups t hat the war gods they served were simply
aspects of Dol Dor n or Dol Ar r ah (see The Sovereign Host , page 138),
clerics of the Dark Six i nt er pr et the deities revered by the monst ers of the
world as aspects of t hei r dark gods. Thi s r ei nt er pr et at i on of monst r ous
mythology has had an impact on the beliefs of the monst ers themselves,
t hough somet i mes with quest i onabl e resul t s. In ages past, troglodytes and
kuo-t oa might have warred against each ot her in the names of t hei r dif-
ferent gods. Now, some voices among those races argue that they are all
servants of the Devourer, and that they shoul d uni t e against the followers
of the Sovereign Host.
A few mons t r ous clerics take t hat phi l osophy one step f ar t her .
Pr ocl ai mi ng themselves clerics of the Dark Six as if it were one unified
pant heon, they now at t empt to uni t e the followers of all evil deities i nt o
one massive horde to sweep across humanoi d l ands, leaving death and
devastation in t hei r wake. Clerics of the Dark Six as a pant heon are quite
rare, but they seem to be increasingly common i n Dr oaam.
The following text expands the domai ns available to clerics of the
Dark Six by i ncl udi ng domai ns from Compl et e Di vi ne. Domai ns from
that book are marked with an asterisk (*).
Cent ur i es after the fall of the Dhakaani Empi r e, a coal i t i on of t ri bal
leaders formed a loose confederacy called the Ghaal ' dar , br i ngi ng the
savage gobl i noi d tribes t oget her in the worshi p of a uni fi ed pant heon of
sixteen gobl i noi d gods. When human mi ssi onari es appropri at ed ni ne of
these gods i nt o t hei r Sovereign Host, many of the Ghaal ' dar rejected the
gods who sided with the humans and embraced the Dark Six with fervent
devot i on. The gods known as the Shadow and the Mockery are among the
most i mpor t ant of these gobl i noi d gods. In the last hundr ed years, more
of the Ghaal ' dar have r et ur ned to worshi p of the Sovereign Host , while
some gobl i noi ds have become obsessed with the lost si xt eent h god of t hei r
ancient pant heon, whose face and name were stricken from all wr i t i ng
and art (see "The Al l -i ncl usi ve Host " on page 139). They call this lost
god the Over t hr own.
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 20: Shargon' s Teeth are named after
the sahuagin name for the Devourer.
DC 25: The Tr avel er is descr i bed as
t he cr eat or , somet i mes of t he whol e
worl d, but mor e oft en of l ocal geo-
gr aphi cal f eat ur es. Par t i cul ar l y i n
s hi f t er - popul at ed areas wi t hi n t he
El deen Reaches, smal l l akes and
basins carry names such as "Traveler' s
Foot pr i nt . "
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 10: Th e Dar k Six are mal evol ent
dei t i es who were cast out from t he
pa nt he on of t he Sover ei gn Hos t .
They are t he pat r ons of cr i mi nal s ,
outcasts, vi l l ai ns, and monst er s.
DC 15: Myt hs of t he Sover ei gn Host
uni f or ml y por t r ay t he gods of t he
Dark Six schemi ng against the Host
at every t ur n, j ust as t hei r mi ni ons i n
the world cont i nue to plot against t he
followers of the Host .
DC 18: Most peopl e offer pr ayer s to
appease or war d off t he Dar k Six,
but onl y mons t er s and peopl e wi t h
crazed mi nds or mur der ous di sposi -
t i ons actively worshi p these evil gods.
Th e one except i on is t he Tr avel er ,
a sor t of t r i cks t er dei t y who is not
actively mal evol ent .
DC 20: You know det ai l s about t he
al i gnment , por t f ol i o, symbol , r e p-
resent at i on, and family rel at i onshi ps
of each deity.
DC 22: Var i ous gods of t he Dar k Six
are actively wor shi ped i n Dr oaam
and Dar guun. The drow of Xen' dr i k
worship the Mockery, t hough they call
hi m Vul koor, the Scor pi on.
DC 30: As huma ns expanded across
Khor vai r e, they br ought t he faith of
t he Soverei gn Host wi t h t hem. They
absorbed local dei t i es, as well as t he
gods of the gobl i n empi r e, i nt o t hei r
own beliefs. Gods of t hei r enemi es
became identified with t he Dark Six.
Schol ars of t he Soverei gn Host still
di smi ss or assi mi l at e t he r el i gi ous
beliefs of foreign races and l ands by
i dent i fyi ng t hei r gods with the Dark
Six or the Sovereign Host .
DC 35: Monst r ous clerics are t r yi ng to
uni t e all t he worshi pers of the Dark
Six against the servants of the Host .
Neutral Evil
The ravenous deity of st orm and
sea, the Devourer represent s the
destructive side of nat ur e. Br ot her
to Arawai and Bal i nor, he shares his
siblings' i nfl uence over the nat ural
worldbut if Arawai represents nat ure
tamed to human will, the Devourer is the
opposite. When storms sink ships at sea, eart h-
quakes swallow whole towns, or rivers overflow t hei r banks,
mortals see the Devourer at work. Sailors appease hi m with
sacrifices t hrown overboard when storms approach and at the
start of long voyages. The sahuagin worship hi m as Shargon,
whose teeth j ut from the sea between Khorvai re and Xen' dri k
to snare passing ships. The clerics of the Sovereign Host asso-
ciate other monst rous deities with the Devourer, i ncl udi ng
the gods of the kuo-t oa, troglodytes, and yuan-t i .
Domai ns : Gold*, Des t r uct i on, Evil, Pest i l ence*,
Water, Weather.
Favored Weapon: Tr i dent .
Domai ns : Deat h, Decay, Evil, Pact*.
Favored Weapon: Scythe.
Neutral Evil
The divine embodi ment of
madness and passion, the
Fury is said to be the offspring
of Arawai and her br ot her ,
the Devour er . Mor t al s see her
hand in any i ns t ance of unus ual
behaviorespecially ext reme violence in
people or ani mal s. She is revered only by
those who are i nsane, and by cul t ures that
accept random violence as an or di nar y part of life. Clerics of
the Sovereign Host identify the god of the der r o as an aspect
of the Fury, as well as the pat rons of several degenerate cults
found among drow, mi nd flayers, and giants.
Domai ns: Evil, Li berat i on*, Madness, Passion.
Favored Weapon: Rapier.
Neutral Evil
The people of Khor vai r e recogni ze deat h as a
natural part of the cycle of life. The Keeper,
however, embodies the violation of that natural
order. Said to be the twin brot her of Kol Korran,
he feeds on the souls of the dead and hoards them in
his domain the way that his brot her hoards material
wealth. He is said to inspire the depredations of the
undead, unexpl ai ned occurrences in graveyards,
and plagues and similar afflictions.
Hexblades (described in Complete Warrior) appear randoml y
among the various peoples of Eberron, as if singled out by a dark
power. Some say that hexblades are the chosen minions of the
Shadow, though hexblades believe the Traveler to be the source
of their power. As with the legend that sorcerers are descended
from dragons, the full truth will probably never be known,
Neut ral Evil
The crows and jackals that l urk
ar ound battlefields to feast on
car r i on are said to be emi ssar-
ies of the Mockery. Cowardly,
t r eacher ous , and mur de r ous ,
the br ot her of Dol Ar r ah and
Dol Dor n is everyt hi ng his noble
siblings are not . The faithful of the
Sovereign Host believe that the Mock-
ery tempts people into acts of betrayal by promi si ng t hem vic-
tory and power, and they do not offer hi m prayers. The drow
of Xen' dr i k worship the Mockery as Vul koor the Scorpi on.
Scholars of the Host identify monst rous deities of war with
the Mockery, i ncl udi ng gods of the giants and troglodytes.
Domai ns : Dest r uct i on, Domi nat i on*, Evil, Trickery,
Favored Weapon: Kama.
Chaotic Evil
Often described as the literal shadow of Aur eon,
the Shadow is the figurative dark side of the god of
magic as well. Whenever magic seems to take on a
life of its own to plague mortals, people poi nt to the
influence of the Shadow. The Shadow is revered by
anyone who uses magic for evil ends. The t r adi -
tional deities of magic-using and psionic monsters
are often identified as aspects of the Shadow,
particularly if their portfolios include secrecy or
darkness. In addi t i on, monst ers in Dr oaam and
elsewhere revere the Shadow as t hei r creator.
Do ma i ns : Chaos , Evil, Magi c, Mi nd*,
Favored Weapon: Quart erst aff.
Chaotic Neutral
If not actively benevol ent , t he
Tr avel er is c e r t a i nl y t he least
mal evol ent of the Dark Six.
With no apparent connect i on
to the ot her member s of the
Six or the Soverei gn Host , the
Traveler seems willfully i ndepen-
dent or even blissfully i gnor ant of
ot her deities. A shapeshi ft er who is
said to walk the eart h in a t housand disguises, the Traveler
is at times a creator, a giver of knowledge, a divine prankster,
and always an eni gma. People ascribe anyt hi ng they cannot
readily underst and to the work of the Traveler, but only dop-
pelgangers and l ycant hropes rout i nel y revere the Traveler.
Shifters, lycanthropes, wanderers, and rogues sometimes ask
the Traveler' s blessing on t hei r endeavors, but rarely expect
or receive anyt hi ng i n response. The Traveler is said to smile
on those who use t hei r wits and resourcefulness, and to scorn
those who ask for coddl i ng or gifts they have not earned.
Domai ns: Art i fi ce, Celerity*, Chaos, Creation*, Li b-
eration*, Travel, Trickery.
Favored Weapon: Sci mi t ar.
The blasted land of the Demon Wastes is the last bastion of the evil powers
that rul ed Khor vai r e dur i ng the Age of Demons, and the most dangerous
place on the cont i nent . Nevert hel ess, advent ur er s j our ney here for the
r ui ns scattered across the desolate l andscape, some so old that only t hei r
foundat i ons r emai n. Though the bar r en l and cont ai ns hi dden artifacts
and forgotten magic, few advent urers r et ur n with these t reasures, for the
dangers of the Wastes are l egi on. Fi ends still hold sway hererakshasas
and lesser bei ngs whose reach is long and subt l e. Night hags cont rol small
patches of land and r emnant s of civilization. Humanoi d tribes serve the
whims of t hei r demoni c mast ers.
When the dragons and t hei r couatl allies defeated the fiends at the end
of the Age of Demons, they i mpri soned the godlike leaders of the rakshasas
deep beneat h the surface of the world. The fiendish followers of those rak-
shasa rajahs fled to the land that had been t hei r empi re' s capital Fah' l r r g
in the Infernal language, called the Demon Wastes on moder n maps. Many
of the rajahs lie beneat h the Wastes, while some r emai n t rapped elsewhere
in Khor vai r e and t he cont i nent s beyond. Her e mor e t han anywhere,
however, they left t hei r st amp on t he surface worl d. The i r pr esence (as
well as the heavy concent rat i on of t hei r followers) t ai nt s the land and the
living t hi ngs upon it. The gr ound is cracked and dry, the life leached away.
Beyond the twisted network of canyons called the Labyr i nt h, the Demon
Wastes present a blasted pl ai n of blackened sand and volcanic glass.
The imprisoned fiends are openly worshiped here. The Carri on Tribes,
a handf ul of bar bar i an human clans descended from a wave of Sarl onan
refugees t rapped in this land more t han fifteen cent uri es ago, pay homage
to the rakshasa l ords t r apped beneat h t he Demon Wastes. Led by half-
fiends and possessed warri ors, each of these clans gives its allegiance to a
different rajah, and the nat ur e of that pat r on influences everyt hi ng from
customs and t radi t i ons to iconography and the clan' s magical abilities. The
Pl aguebearers clan reveres a fi end-l ord of filth and pest i l ence, while the
Deat hbr i nger s worship a lord of death and the undead. The Enshr ouded
worship a fiend of darkness, and the Car r i on Hounds revere rot and eat
car r i on like the vul t ur es they hold sacred. Perhaps most unusual l y, the
Moon Reavers clan worships the ni ght hags of the Wastes r at her t han the
ent ombed lords of the rakshasas.
The Car r i on Tri bes are diverse in t hei r beliefs and practices, but they
mai nt ai n a common reverence for the barbari an ideal and the state of rage.
They believe that a ragi ng bar bar i an is briefly possessed by a fiendish spirit
that empowers his body and har dens his mi nd. For this reason, barbari ans
hold almost all posi t i ons of aut hori t y i n the Car r i on Tri bes, al t hough the
Moon Reavers also exalt the art of the roguestealthy guer r i l l a tactics,
assassination, and shadowy t error.
Though most barbari ans in the Demon Wastes serve the fiends eagerly,
a few escape, are abandoned, or rebel . These individuals might fall i n with
the Ghaash' kal a (the ghost -guardi ans who prevent the evil in the Wastes
from spreading), or they might j oi n one of the few communities that manage
to survive in the Wastes. Some become advent urers, and if they are sakah
(see page 35), they use t hei r gifts to furt her t hei r own ends.
The Lor ds of Dust (see page 147) are per haps t he most i mpor t ant
power gr oup in t he Demon Wastes. Devot ed servant s of t he i mpr i soned
fiends, the Lor ds are di st i ngui shed from the Ca r r i on Tr i bes by bei ng
fiends themselves. Whi l e some among the Lords of Dust seek to channel
the i mpri soned rajahs' power to enhance t hei r own, most strive to break
the bonds of the fi end-l ords and usher in a new Age of Demons.
The fiends i mpr i soned i n Khyber at the end of the Age of Demons were
evil outsiders with godlike power. Beyond that description, their t rue nat ur e
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 10: The Demon Wastes is a blasted
l and where ba r ba r i a n t r i bes bat t l e
each ot he r . Rakshasas and ot he r
fiends cont rol t he l and.
DC 15: To ent er t he Demon Wastes by
l and, you have to pass t hr ough t he
Labyr i nt ha convol ut ed seri es of
canyons full of bar bar i ans , l ur ki ng
monst ers, and t unnel s to Khyber.
DC 18: The strongest and most uni fi ed
gr oup of fiends is the Lords of Dust .
The Car r i on Tr i bes are humanoi d
bar bar i ans who follow various fiends.
Th e Gh a a s h ' k a l a ar e f i er ce orc
warri ors who keep the Car r i on Tri bes
i n check by prevent i ng anyt hi ng from
leaving the Wastes.
DC 20: Ni ne ni ght hags wield power i n
the Wastes, r ul i ng i ndependent l y.
Knowl edge (l ocal )
DC 10: J us t a few s et t l ement s exist
wi t hi n the Demon Wastes, and none
are t rul y civilized.
DC 20: The only wort hwhi l e set t l ement
is Fest eri ng Hol t , a haml et of huma n-
oids i n t he nor t heast .
Knowl edge (the pl anes)
DC 10: Fi ends rul e t he Demon Wastes.
DC 15: Rakshasa raj ahs are t r apped
beneat h t he Demon Wastes.
DC 20: Some fiends work with each other,
but most have t hei r own agendas. Some
seek to free t hei r i mpri soned rajahs or
draw power from t hem.
DC 25: I n t he nor t h is a chasm called
t he Lai r of t he Keeper , a mani f est
zone l i nked to Dol ur r h.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 15: The pr i mi t i ve huma ns i n t he
Demon Wastes worship the rakshasas,
ni ght hags, and ot her fiends.
DC 20: The Ghaash' kal a revere Kal ok
Shash, also called the bi ndi ng flame.
Kal ok Shash mi ght be i dent i cal to the
Silver Fl ame. Several Ghaas h' kal a
clans exist, and they share a common
pr i est hood.
DC 25: The fiends and bar bar i an priests
draw power from ent i t i es t r apped
i n Khyber, al l owi ng t hem access to
spells and ot her abilities.
DC 30: Some believe that the Keeper
dwells wi t hi n a chasm i n the nor t h.
remai ns uncl ear . The i r closest paral l el i n the D& D rul es
are the archdevi l s and demon pr i nces descri bed in Book of
Vile Darkness. Few are known by name, but onenow called
Levistus - is famous for havi ng briefly slipped the bonds of
his i mpr i sonment (see Frostfell Gods and Fi ends, page 67).
It is possible that the fiendish pat r on of the Pl aguebearers is
a creature si mi l ar to Demogor gon or Jui bl ex, while the lord
of the Deat hbr i nger s mi ght be si mi l ar to Or cus . The dark-
ness fiend worshi ped by t he Ens hr ouded coul d be Graz' zt,
and the car r i on lord of the Car r i on Hounds (sometimes
called the Lord of Flies) could be Baalzebul - before or after
his t ransformat i on i nt o a sl ugl i ke monst er . Whe t he r the
rakshasa rajahs actually bear any physical si mi l ari t y to
these archfi ends, t hei r abilities and characteristics are on
a par with t hem.
Strange bi r t hs are common wi t hi n the bar bar i an t r i bes;
newborns may exhibit the sign of one of the rajahs. Such a
sign might be subtle, but could i ncl ude hor ns, shar p teeth
or claws, red eyes, rough gray skin, bul gi ng knuckles, bony
spikes, l eat hery wi ngs, or some ot her sign of the rajahs'
dark i nfl uence. Some i ndi vi dual s display t hese fi endi sh
features at bi r t h, while ot hers develop t hem as they mat ure
physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The Car r i on Tribes
believe that these individuals are blessed and call t hem sakah
("touched ones") . They oft en ri se to become i nf l uent i al
members of t hei r t ri bes.
Sakah may also have subtle powers that manifest as they
age, such as a captivating gaze, a talent for sorcery, or a preter
naturally char mi ng voice. These abilities and the reputation
of all sakah let them rise in rank within the Car r i on Tribes,
grant t hem the st r engt h to survive on t hei r own, or allow
them to flee the Wastes. The following feats represent a few
of the fiendish powers a sakah might possess as a result of her
fiendish taint. A character with any of these feats bears some
physical manifestation of it, described in the feat entry.
Since most denizens of the Demon Wastes are evil, most
sakah are evilbut they do not have to be. The fiends' sign
steers sakah toward evil alignments, but some resist this t emp-
tation and flee or combat the fiends. Others simply ignore their
powers' origin and use them to furt her their adventures.
Presented below are t hr ee feats designed to simulate
some of the special abilities that sakah exhibit.
Touch of Capt i vat i on
You are sakah, and your fiendish gift allows you to captivate
people ar ound you. Your eyes have an unnat ur al appear-
ance, such as slitted or strangely colored pupi l s.
Prerequi si te: Region of or i gi n Demon Wastes.
Benefit: Your t ai nt ed ori gi n grant s you the following
spell-like abilities as a 1st-level caster: 1/daycharm person,
A sakah hunts in the Demon Wastes
daze, prestidigitation. The save DC for these effects is equal to
10 + spell level + your Cha modi fi er.
Touch of Decept i on
You are sakah, and your fiendish gift allows you to alter your
appearance and trick ot her s. When you are not disguised,
you are marked by unusual hai rfl ami ng red or blue black,
somet i mes streaked with a l i ght er color.
Prerequi si te: Region of ori gi n Demon Wastes.
Benefi t: Your t ai nt ed or i gi n gr ant s you the following
spell-like abilities as a 1st-level caster: 1/daydisguise self, ghost
sound, open/close. The save DC for these effects is equal to 10 +
spell level + your Cha modi fi er.
Touch of Summoni ng
You are sakah, and your fiendish gift allows you to s ummon
fell creat ures to do your bi ddi ng. You have high and sharply
angled cheekbones, sunken eyes, or a heavy brow ri dge.
Prerequi si te: Region of or i gi n Demon Wastes.
Benefi t: Your t ai nt ed or i gi n gr ant s you t he follow-
ing spel l -l i ke abilities as a 1st-level caster: 1/dayacid splash,
mage hand, and summon monster [ (fiendish creat ures onl y). The
save DC for these effects is equal to 10 + spell level + your
Cha modi fi er.
Warlocks ( i nt r oduced in Complete Arcane) derive t hei r st range
arcane powers from unsavory and somet i mes evil forces.
In Eberron, warlocks seem to have close ties to the various
fiends that i nhabi t the Material Pl ane, i ncl udi ng night hags
and part i cul arl y rakshasas. I n fact, some warlocks believe
that they si phon power from the rakshasa rajahs i mpri soned
i n t he dept hs of Khyber to mani fest t hei r eldritch blast and
ot her magical abilities. Such i ndi vi dual s are sought out by
t he Lords of Dust to serve as agents. Oft en these warlocks do
not know the t r ue nat ur e of the masters they serve.
Thos e who at t empt to leave t he De mon Wastes, whet her
natives or vi si t ors, i nevi t abl y conf r ont t he Ghaas h' kal a.
These fierce bar bar i ans revere Kal ok Shash, t he bi ndi ng
f l ame, t he same ent i t y wor shi ped by t he Chur c h of t he
Silver Fl ame. The Ghaas h' kal a bel i eve t hat any cr eat ur e
or object t hat has passed t hr ough t he Demon Wastes is
unal t er abl y t ai nt ed, and they pr event anyt hi ng from
l eavi ng t he Wastes for fear of t hat evil s pr eadi ng to t he
rest of Eber r on. Most Ghaash' kal a are satisfied with t hei r
roles, but some seek to expand t hei r hor i zons, becomi ng
advent ur er s as a way to exper i ence t he rest of t he world.
However, they must cont end wi t h t hei r t r i be, whi ch pr e-
fers t hat they r e ma i n in t he Wastesfor even t he most
r i ght eous i ndi vi dual s among t he ghos t - guar di ans carry
t he f i ends' c or r upt i on.
The Ghaash' kal a are mi l i t ari st i c and spi r i t ual . Thei r
lives revolve ar ound worship and t hei r mar t i al duties. Four
Ghaash' kal a cl ans exist, and cust oms vary slightly among
t hem. Each clan has two l eaders. The ki zshmi t , or chief-
t ai n, leads the clan in its mi l i t ary dut i es. The sar' mal aan,
the high priest who gui des the clan' s spi ri t ual wel l -bei ng,
appoi nt s and assists t he ki zshmi t . Though t he ki zshmi t
focuses on mar t i al aspects, she also rul es the clan i n most
munda ne mat t er s. The sar ' mal aan steps in when medi t a-
tion or enl i ght enment demand it. The ki zshmi t defers to
the sar' mal aan.
The Ghaash' kal a are a powerful and noble peopl e, and
of all the i nhabi t ant s of the Demon Wastes, they are the most
likely to interact with Outlanders on a peaceful basis. They
are enemi es of the fiends, and t hough they seek to prevent
travelers from ent er i ng or exi t i ng the Wastes, some among
t hem mi ght be per suaded to aid advent ur er s. Some clan
member s leave t he Demon Wastes, despi t e t hei r el ders'
admoni t i ons , to advent ur e in Khor vai r e and beyond. In
ext r eme ci r cumst ances, a Ghaash' kal a sar ' mal aan mi ght
look outside the Wastes for assistance.
Descri bi ng the Ghaash' kal a groups as clans is perhaps
mi sl eadi ng, si nce they are not necessari l y bound by any
familial ties. At the core of each clan is a family of related
orcs, but the clans have only survived this long by welcoming
new members, even outcasts from the Car r i on Tri bes who
have heard the call of the bi ndi ng flame. As a result, each
clan includes a small number of humans, hal f-orcs, and
even members of ot her races as well as its domi nant orcs.
Each of the four clans concent rat es its efforts on a different
part of the Labyri nt h and the s ur r oundi ng l ands. St rong
di pl omat i c ties and a common pri est hood help the clans
accomplish t hei r duties.
The Jaasakah ("Deadl y") cl an i nhabi t s t he east er n
Labyri nt h and the lands east of the Labyr i nt h. The clan is
led by kizshmit Svash Ramaal ( NG male hal f-ore bar bar i an
8) and sar' mal aan Gan' dal Homm (LG male human cleric
10 Kalok Shash).
The Kast ar ("Swift") clan i nhabi t s the west ern Laby-
r i nt h and t he l ands west of t he Labyr i nt h. Its ki zshmi t
is Maal o Sahai ( CG femal e orc fi ght er 4/ r ogue 5), and
its sar ' mal aan is Naakah Shahar ( NG female orc cl eri c 8
Kal ok Shash) .
The Mar uk ("Mi ght y") cl an i nhabi t s t he cent r al
Labyri nt h. Its kizshmit is Torgaan Shashaarat (LG male orc
fighter 3/paladin 6), and its sar' mal aan is Lharc Suusha (LG
female orc cleric 9 Kalok Shash).
The Vaanka ("Fi nal ") clan i nhabi t s the nor t hwest er n
Labyr i nt h, where it connect s to the rest of the Wastes. Its
ki zshmi t is Dal kal Mal ' f onn (LG female huma n cleric 3
Kalok Shash/ pal adi n 7), and its sar' mal aan is Silvik Raam
( NG male orc cleric 11 Kal ok Shash).
All Ghaash' kal a revere Kal ok Shash, t he bi ndi ng fl ame,
and t he cl ans shar e a c ommon pr i es t hood. Kal ok Shash
is a di vi ne beacon t hat draws new her oes to r est or e the
Ghaash' kala' s ranks and replace the fallen. The Ghaash' kala
welcome these souls.
Thos e who follow t he bi ndi ng fl ame live t hei r lives
by t he sword. Th e i r exi st ence is vi ol ent and mar t i al ;
t hei r sworn duty, to combat demoni c t er r or s wi t h muscl e
and bl ade. By cont r ast , adher ent s of t he Silver Fl ame are
always ready to take up ar ms i n defense of t hei r fai t h, but
t hei r overal l exi st ence is peaceabl e. Th e Chur c h of t he
Silver Fl ame focuses on bui l di ng communi t y, i ns t r uct -
i ng its lay member s about t he worl d' s danger s , and pr o-
t ect i ng life and goodnes s . The average fol l ower of the
Silver Fl ame is a si mpl e f ar mer or cr af t er who respect s
what t he Silver Fl ame r epr es ent s , whi l e t he average fol-
lower of t he bi ndi ng fl ame is a l e a t he r - a r mor e d war r i or
wi el di ng spear and bow agai nst f i endi sh mons t er s i n a
di smal l andscape.
Cl er i cs who revere Kal ok Shash can select from
t he Exor ci s m, Good, Pr ot ect i on, and War doma i ns .
The favored weapon of Kal ok Shash' s pr i es t hood is t he
l ongswor d.
To hel p f end off d e mo n i c pos s es s i on, Gha a s h' ka l a
war r i or s mar k t hei r bodi es wi t h t he br a nd of t he bi nd-
i ng f l ame. The br and' s shape depends on t he t r i be and,
somet i mes, t he i ndi vi dual mal aan (pri est ) who bur ns t he
symbol ont o t he guar di an' s ski n. The Mar uk cl an (whose
member s are t he most nume r ous ) uses a si mpl e symbol
of a smal l fl ame wi t h t hr ee t endr i l s . The Kas t ar clan' s
symbol r esembl es a s unbur s t wi t h wavy, r adi at i ng rays,
while war r i or s of t he Jaasakah cl an unde r go a l engt hy
r i t ual in whi ch t hei r ent i r e backs are covered wi t h com-
pl i cat ed scars, bur ns , and var i col or ed t at t oos. Vaanka
war r i or s use a wide variety of symbol s, largely dependent
on t he mal aan. By dedi cat i ng his mi nd to t he br and that
the mal aan has i mbued with his fai t h, a war r i or can gai n
t empor ar y i mmuni t y to possessi on and ot her benefi t s in
his bat t l e agai nst t he f i ends. The Bi ndi ng Br and feat,
below, r epr esent s t hi s ability.
A player charact er can obt ai n this feat in a number of
ways. He might have been a Ghaash' kal a clan member who
escaped the Wastes. He might have j oi ned the Ghaash' kal a
and accepted t hei r ways, if only briefly. Perhaps a malaan has
left the Wastes to battle the rakshasas elsewhere in Eber r on,
and she is wi l l i ng to i nscri be the br and on those who swear
the pr oper oat hs.
Bi ndi ng Br and
You carry the brand of the bi ndi ng flame, mar ki ng you as a
warri or of the Ghaash' kal a cl ans.
Benef i t : You can use t he fol l owi ng spel l - l i ke abi l i -
ties as a 1st-level cast er: 1/dayguidance, protection from evil,
The Ghaash' kal a believe t hat all cr eat ur es and relics of
the Demon Wastes are t ai nt ed by eviland if you are using
the Heroes of Horror suppl ement , that mi ght be literally t r ue.
The Demon Wastes is a t ai nt ed regi on, and a charact er who
enters the Wastes must i mmedi at el y make a DC 20 Will save
or have his depravity score increased by 1. Thi s saving throw
must be repeated after every 24 hour s spent in the Wastes.
Cer t ai n regions of the Wastes are more intensely suf-
fused with the evil of the rakshasa lords i mpr i soned t here.
Characters ent er i ng these regi ons must i mmedi at el y make
anot her Wi l l save ( DC 25 to 30) to avoid f ur t her i ncr eas-
ing t hei r depravi t y scores. In addi t i on, cer t ai n sites in
the Wastes i ncrease cor r upt i on r at her t han depravity. See
Tai nt ed Local es in Chapt er 4 of Heroes of Horror for mor e
information about these sites.
In addi t i on to the dangers of t ai nt , the Demon Wastes
are also dotted with ot her horri fi c t er r ai n features. Abyssal
blackgrass grows nat ural l y in the Wastes, blood rock and
night stone j ut from the eart h i n the Labyri nt h, and charnel
bogs are common near the coasts. These t er r ai n features are
described in Chapt er 4 of Heroes of Horror.
Many of the new monst ers described in Heroes of Horror
are likewise native to the Demon Wastes. Cor r upt i on eaters
haunt the Labyr i nt h, uni nt ent i onal l y hel pi ng cont ai n the
taint of evil within the Wastes (a few of the Ghaash' kal a actu-
ally believe that cor r upt i on eaters are agents of the bi ndi ng
flame). Phant asmal slayers are part i cul arl y common in the
region s ur r oundi ng Asht akal a, and are said by some to be
psychic echoes of the i mpr i soned rakshasa l ords. Tai nt ed
minions and t ai nt ed raversthe r emnant s of bot h Car r i on
Tribe bar bar i ans and Ghaash' kal a orcs who have been lost
to the evil of the Wastesare all too common t hr ough-
out the r egi on. The Ghaash' kal a
particularly loathe these
mons t r os i t i es , while t he Ca r r i on Tr i bes t reat t hem as
fi gures of mystical power and aut hor i t y. Unhol y sci ons
are commonl y bor n to t he nat i ves of t he Wastes, orc and
huma n al i ke.
Characters native to the Demon Wastes or who adventure
t here extensively mi ght find many of the opt i ons in Heroes of
Horror useful. Among the new classes described in that book,
archivists and dread necr omancer s are not part i cul arl y
common in the Wastes, al t hough archivists might be drawn
to the Wastes in the course of t hei r research. The Chur ch
of the Silver Flame' s Pur i t ans sect serves as the pat r on orga-
ni zat i on for charact ers with the puri fi er of the Hallowed
Doct ri ne prestige class. These characters seek to cont ai n the
evil t hreat wi t hi n the Wastes, striving to forge alliances with
the Ghaash' kal a and even commi t t i ng themselves to remai n
forever in the Labyrinth alongside the orcs. Cor r upt avengers
are also common among the Ghaash' kal a, t hough they are
loathed by the puri t y-obsessed t ri bes.
The many and varied dangers of the Labyri nt h ensur e that
few who vent ur e far i nt o it manage to survi ve, and only a
handf ul of t hose survi vors ever r et ur n to ci vi l i zat i on to
report t hei r success. The fragment of map below was discov-
ered in an abandoned backpack in the library at Morgrave
University, along with a grot esque, headless statuepossibly
the i t em ment i oned on the map. The statue is now on di s-
play in the Dezina Museum of Ant i qui t i es on the Morgrave
University campus.
Several recent i nci dent s at the Museum, dismissed as
failed r obber y at t empt s, are al most cert ai nl y unr el at ed to
the statue' s arrival t here.
Wr i t t en document s play a si gni fi cant role i n t he Five Nat i ons. Because
t he Not ar i es Gui l d of House Sivis makes it possible to create certificates
whose aut hent i ci t y is vi rt ual l y uni mpeachabl e, t he peopl e of Khor vai r e
have come to rely upon cont ract s, licenses, and ot her official document s
to hel p commerce and gover nment r un as quickly and smoot hl y as pos-
sible. Of the many types of document s that facilitate society funct i ons,
the following are among those most likely to be encount er ed or needed
by advent ur er s.
Ar c a ne Si gnet Ri ng: The dr agonmar ked houses of Khor vai r e use
these ri ngs extensively for i dent i fi cat i on pur poses. They resemble or di -
nary signet ri ngs, but are set with gemstones like decorative ri ngs. Inside
a l arge cent r al gemst one, an i nt r i cat e r uni c pat t ernact ual l y an arcane
markbecomes visible when wor n by t he per son for whom t he r i ng was
const ruct ed. These ri ngs are only given to member s of a dr agonmar ked
house or one of its most t rust ed ret ai ners.
If you are a member of a dr agonmar ked house ( par t i cul ar l y if you
have the Favored in House feat), you can buy an ar cane si gnet r i ng with
no difficulty from any house enclave at a cost of 150 gp. If you are not a
member of a house, you mi ght be able to acqui re an arcane signet r i ng that
identifies you at a cost of 200 gp or more, but it requi res bot h working with
a jeweler to build the ri ng, then persuadi ng House Sivis to impress its mark
i nt o the st one. Acqui r i ng an arcane signet r i ng that would identify you as
someone else is extremely difficult, if not i mpossi bl e. As a first step, you
would need false i dent i fi cat i on papers to "prove" your identity to a house
enclave or House Sivis.
Bus i nes s Li c e ns e : Each count r y in Khor vai r e takes a slightly dif-
ferent at t i t ude toward commerce and i ndust ry. Some gover nment s, such
as Br el and' s , r equi r e all busi ness owner s to buy a busi ness l i cense of
some sort , wi t h the cost and difficulty of obt ai ni ng t he l i cense i ncr eas-
i ng de pe ndi ng on t he value of t he busi ness and what danger it mi ght
pose to near by peopl e and pr oper t y. Ot h e r nat i ons , such as Zi l ar go,
take a mor e hands - of f at t i t ude and allow most busi nesses to oper at e
with mi ni mal r est r i ct i ons and i nt er f er ence. A busi ness license consists
of a si mpl e pa r c hme nt t hat must be di spl ayed somewhere i n t he place
of busi ness.
Typically, a town or city has a l i censi ng office t hat issues busi ness
licenses. Smal l er set t l ement s rarely have offices devoted to this activity,
but magistrates issue licenses in addi t i on to t hei r ot her duties. It can take
considerable t i me to process a business license, t hough the cost is usually
less t han 1 gp ( dependi ng on location and the type of business).
I d e n t i f i c a t i o n Pa pe r s : Most peopl e of t he mi ddl e and upper
classes, at least i n cent r al Khor va i r e , car r y i dent i f i cat i on paper s wi t h
t hem at all t i mes. Issued by nat i onal gover nment s and not ar i zed by
House Sivis, t hese paper s pr esent a det ai l ed physical des cr i pt i on of a
per son (somet i mes with an accompanyi ng small por t r ai t ) , the person' s
name and residence, and some addi t i onal i nf or mat i on about the person' s
affiliations (part i cul arl y i ncl udi ng any connect i on to a dr agonmar ked
house, royal or noble family, or a large i nst i t ut i on) . The papers are usu-
ally kept i n a durabl e cont ai ner of some kinda l eat her folder, met al l i c
case, or ot her decorative hol der.
In some areas, i ndi vi dual s must car r y i dent i f i cat i on paper s with
t hem at all times and be pr epar ed to show those papers to officials at a
moment' s notice. Thi s is particularly t rue in bor der areas (especially when
the bor der s are not qui t e clear or some di sput e persists about the l i nes
established i n the Treat y of Thr onehol d) , and also in Thr one por t itself,
which is governed by an i nt er nat i onal counci l of representatives from the
Five Nat i ons.
Knowl edge (arcana)
DC 15: Th e arcane mark spel l is widely
used, part i cul arl y by House Sivis, to
aut hent i cat e i mpor t ant document s .
A special form of arcane mark can be
embedded i n a si gnet r i ng i n such a
way t hat it is only visible when a spe-
cific per son wears the ri ng.
Knowl edge (l ocal )
DC 10: Most people of the mi ddl e and
uppe r classes car r y i dent i f i cat i on
papers with t hem at all t i mes. I n cer-
t ai n areas, everyone must carry such
papers and be pr epar ed to show t hem
to officers of the law when request ed.
Anyone cr ossi ng nat i onal bor der s
must carry t ravel i ng papers.
DC 15: Let t er s and cert i fi cat es ar e
sometimes r equi r ed to operate a busi -
ness (a busi ness l i cense) or even to
pl unde r t he r ui ns of Xe n' dr i k (a
letter of mar que) . Properl y not ari zed
document s are essential to establish
owner shi p of si gni f i cant pieces of
pr oper t y (a title deed) and to est ab-
lish a person' s ri ght to act i n someone
else's place (a letter of proxy).
DC 20: The r i ght doc ume nt can get
you money f r om t he bank (a l et t er
of cr edi t ) , a pa r don for a cr i me you
c o mmi t t e d (a l et t er of p a r d o n ) ,
or even a pa r don for a cr i me you
haven' t commi t t ed yet (a l et t er of
di s pens at i on) .
A check against this DC is also suffi-
cient to det er mi ne where to acqui re
a document needed for a par t i cul ar
pur pose.
Knowl edge (nobi l i ty and royalty)
DC 10: House Sivis not ar i zes official
document s. The house uses the arcane
mark spell to establish the authenticity
of particularly i mpor t ant document s.
DC 15: House Kunda r a k issues l et t ers
of cr edi t ( not ar i zed by House Sivis)
to allow account hol der s to access
t hei r funds from any Kundar ak bank.
Thes e l et t er s can al so be used as
payment for services, specifying t he
amount the bear er can withdraw.
DC 20: Members of the dr agonmar ked
houses use special signet r i ngs t hat
cont ai n arcane marks to establish t hei r
i dent i t y and member shi p in a house.
Identification papers are issued by the same facilities
that process business licenses: dedicated l i censi ng offices
in larger set t l ement s, or local magi st rat es in smal l er ones
affiliated wi t h or oper at ed i n conj unct i on with House
Sivis. It is only possible to obt ai n i dent i fi cat i on papers i n
the nat i ons recogni zed by the Treat y of Thr one hol d, and
it becomes i ncreasi ngl y difficult out si de the Five Nat i ons.
The Mror Holds and Zilargo readily issue papers, but appli-
cants elsewhere mi ght have to travel some distance to find
a magistrate or House Sivis enclave t hat is wi l l i ng and able
to assemble such document s.
St andar d i dent i f i cat i on paper s t ypi cal l y cost 2 gp,
while a por t r ai t raises the pri ce to 5 gp. Forged papers cost
around 10 gp.
Letter of Credi t: House Kundar ak, t he house t hat
carries the Mark of War di ng, operat es banks t hr oughout
central Khor vai r e. A charact er who has funds on deposit
in a Kundar ak bank can request from the bank a letter of
credit, which allows her to withdraw funds from a different
branch. For many char act er s, t hi s system is a conveni ent
alternative to car r yi ng weal t h ar ound i n the form of pr e-
cious gems, j ewel ry, or coi ns. House Kundar ak does not
charge a fee for i ssui ng letters of credi t .
House Kundar ak is t he only or gani zat i on t hat issues
letters of credi t . Occasionally, an employer secures a letter
of credit for an employeesuch as an advent urerwho is
expected to i ncur large debts i n the course of his work
for the employer. The letter specifies a maxi mum amount
available to the bearer, and any sum up to that total amount
can be drawn from the issuer' s bank account . When funds
are wi t hdrawn, the clerks at the bank updat e the l et t er to
reflect the new available bal ance, not ar i zi ng the change to
the letter or i ssui ng a new letter.
Let t ers of credi t are always not ari zed with arcane marks,
maki ng t hem difficult to forge. Even if a document can be
successfully r epr oduced, however, it is nearly impossible to
acqui re funds from House Kundar ak usi ng a forged letter
of credit, since the house keeps records of every such letter
it issues and makes those records available to all its banks.
If a clerk at a bank has any reason to suspect that a letter of
credi t is forged, it can be checked against house records to
verify its authenticity.
Letter of Di s pens at i on: Each nat i on i n Khor vai r e
has its own set of laws and r egul at i ons . In some cases,
however, t he l eader of t he nat i on mi ght want to gr ant spe-
cific i ndi vi dual s the ri ght to act out si de t he law. I n these
i nst ances, t he gover nment issues a l et t er of di spensat i on.
Such l et t ers always closely det ai l exactly what per mi ssi ons
t he bear er is givenfor exampl e, t he r i ght to seize and
destroy pr oper t y bel ongi ng to suspect ed sedi t i oni st s, or
t he ri ght to kill any monst er s found wi t hi n cer t ai n geo-
graphi cal boundar i es . Let t er s of di spensat i on cannot be
bought . They are issued by a hi gh- r a nki ng gover nment
official only to select and t r ust ed par t i es . The l et t er
always bear s t he seal of t he nat i on al ong wi t h an arcane
mark, and it specifies to whom the di spensat i on is gr ant ed.
( The document is not consi der ed valid wi t hout mat chi ng
i dent i f i cat i on papers. )
Letter of Marque: The concept of l et t ers of mar que
or i gi nat ed dur i ng t he Last War, when t he r ul er s of t he
war r i ng nat i ons gr ant ed advent ur er s per mi ssi on to attack
shi ps and assets bel ongi ng to ot her nat i ons . The Treat y
of Thr one hol d decl ar ed void all l et t ers of mar que t hat
exi st ed at t he t i me, but t he idea survi ves, t hough i n a
r at her al t er ed f or m. The Ki ng of Br el and now issues
paper s gr ant i ng advent ur er s per mi s s i on to expl ore and
pl under t he r ui ns of Xe n' dr i k. Though such per mi s s i on
is not t echni cal l y necessary, wise advent ur er s secure a
l et t er before usi ng Shar n as a l a unc hi ng poi nt for expe-
di t i ons to Xen' dr i k. Thos e who try to sell t r easur es from
Xen' dr i k on t he open mar ket i n Br el and must pr oduce a
l et t er of mar que or face stiff fineson t op of f or f ei t i ng
the t r easur e i n quest i on.
When advent ur er s are hi r ed to expl or e Xe n' dr i k as
par t of an expedi t i on (such as one s pons or ed by Mor -
grave Uni ver si t y or t he Wayf i nder Founda t i on) , it is
c ommon pr act i ce for t he empl oyer to secur e a l et t er of
mar que for t he expedi t i on, so t hat char act er s don' t need
to worry about t he expense or t he f r equent l y cons i der -
able di ffi cul t y. Char act er s who must secur e a l et t er for
t hemsel ves most likely do so at t he Bur eau of Ant i qui t i es
in Shar n' s Hi ghest Towers di st r i ct . Fi l i ng an appl i cat i on
can take the bet t er par t of a day and involves bot h answer-
i ng extensive quest i ons from t he staff at t he bur eau and
e ndur i ng t hei r l ong, mus i ng r ecol l ect i ons of t hei r own
expedi t i ons to Xe n' dr i k years bef or e. A l et t er of mar que
costs 500 gp.
It is not par t i cul ar l y di ffi cul t to forge a l et t er of
mar que, and it is cer t ai nl y possi bl e to sell goods from
Xen' dri k on the black market or outside Brel and to avoid the
need for one. A forged letter of mar que can be purchased
for about 25 gp.
Letter of Proxy: On occasi on, i l l ness, di st ance, or
schedul i ng confl i ct s keep a pol i t i cal , mi l i t ar y, or i ndus -
t ri al l eader from at t endi ng an i mpor t a nt event . I n t hese
cases, he mi ght want to send a r epr esent at i ve to speak for
his i nt erest s at one or more occasions or gat heri ngs. Thi s
person receives a letter of proxy to verify that she does, in
fact, have official sanct i on to speak for the leader in ques-
t i on. Tr adi t i onal l y, a l et t er of proxy is draft ed by House
Sivis on the issuer' s personal l et t erhead, not ari zed with an
arcane mark, and car r i ed in a l eat her billfold bear i ng some
sign associated with the issuer. The letter clearly identifies
the name and physical descri pt i on of the i nt ended bearer. If
t here is any uncert ai nt y, these details are compared to that
person' s identification papers for cor r obor at i on. A letter of
proxy costs 8 gp.
Securi ng a letter of proxy is usually a simple mat t er
of cont act i ng House Sivis and ar r angi ng the service. The
sorts of people who have need of such a document have ready
access to the means of acqui r i ng it. Shoul d a per son want
to acqui re a l et t er of proxy unde r false pret enseshavi ng
assassinated or ot herwi se removed a designated proxy and
want i ng to take her place, for examplethe process is much
more compl i cat ed. Professi onal forgers are l oat h to ven-
t ure i nt o the real ms of high politics, so they make sure the
reward is commensur at e with the risk, chargi ng ar ound 100
gp for the service.
Pardon: Just as every nat i on has regul at i ons and st ri c-
t ur es def i ni ng cer t ai n acts as c r i mi na l , each nat i on also
has pr es cr i bed penal t i es for br eaki ng its laws. However,
a gover nment mi ght deci de to forgive even a l i f et i me of
cr i mi nal activities when ext enuat i ng ci rcumst ances can be
proven or when the cr i mi nal performs some ot her mi t i gat -
i ng act. ( Thi s happened mor e frequent l y dur i ng the Last
War, when a convicted cr i mi nal could earn his freedom with
mer i t or i ous service on t he bat t l ef i el d. ) Such forgiveness
comes in the form of a pardona par chment that describes
the acts commi t t ed, the or i gi nal sent ence i mposed, and a
st at ement of clemency, which is affixed with t he seal of the
gover nment and an arcane mark. A par don is usually carri ed
with or attached to the i ndi vi dual ' s i dent i fi cat i on papers in
case word of his mi sdeeds carri ed more widely t han word of
his reprieve.
A wri t t en par don is issued by the governmentusually
by the law enforcement system that is releasing the pardoned
person, but somet i mes by hi gher aut hori t i es (even the king
of a nat i on, or at least in the ruler' s name) . Forgi ng a pardon
is di ffi cul t , but many peopl e woul d pay well for a clean
forgery t hat cl ears t hei r names . The best ki nd of forged
par don is one t hat pur por t s to be issued i n one of the Five
Nat i ons, but not where t he char act er lives and oper at es.
In cases where the cr i me and supposed par don took place
some years ago, a par don from t he Que e n of Cyre is the
best bet because its aut hent i ci t y cannot be veri fi ed. Any
forged par don r uns t he ri sk of bei ng i nvest i gat ed if an
i ndi vi dual is t aken i nt o custody for a new cr i me. When the
par don is reveal ed as a forgery ( pr esumabl y by checki ng
against t he records of the i ssui ng cour t ) , two more cri mes
are added to t he charges agai nst t he captiveforgery or
possession of a forged document , as well as whatever cri me
is supposed to have been par doned. A forged par don costs
at least 100 gp.
Royal Decree: When the head of a royal family or r ul er
of a nat i on makes an official pr ocl amat i on, word is spread
by di ssemi nat i ng a royal decree. Thi s is a l arge, ornat el y
decorated par chment det ai l i ng the announcement in clear,
easy-t o-read script. Royal decrees are read in town squares,
reproduced in pr i nt ed chroni cl es, and hung on the walls of
government bui l di ngs and ot her places where people gather.
Dur i ng t he Last War, royal decrees were issued whenever
a decisive bat t l e was fought, when al l egi ances shi ft ed, and
when t he Thr one hol d Accor ds were si gned. Thes e days,
royal decrees are used to a nnounc e bi r t hs and deat hs in
t he royal family, changes in tax pol i ci es, or ot her mat t er s
of st at e. Al t hough t her e is no monet ar y value at t ached to
the document s, some people save royal decrees of hi st ori c
or personal i mpor t ance.
Royal decrees cannot be purchased and are difficult to
forge for any useful pur pose. The issuance of a royal decree
is typically a mat t er of such public not i ce t hat it would be
har d to present a forged decree as aut hent i c wi t hout the
accompanyi ng gossip, r umor s , ant i ci pat i on, and officious
goi ngs- on.
Ti tl e Deed: Possession might be ni ne- t ent hs of the law
in t he wi l der par t s of the world, but t hr oughout the Five
Nat i ons a deed is r equi r ed to prove owner shi p of bui l d-
ings, l and, ai rshi ps, and ot her pr oper t y of si gni fi cant size
and value. Ti t l e deeds are not car r i ed by the owner, but
are r at her kept under lock and key in a safe l ocat i on. They
are large document s pr epar ed by House Sivis on oversized
sheets of par chment , bear i ng a detailed descri pt i on of bot h
propert y (particularly i dent i fyi ng marks or measurement s)
and owner, a hi st or y of t he pr oper t y' s pr evi ous owner -
ship, plus a pai r of arcane marks. Ti t l e deeds are considered
extremely difficult document s to forge.
Ti t l e deeds are i ssued by nat i onal gover nment s
somet i mes t hr ough local or regi onal offices, somet i mes by
cour i er from the nat i onal capi t al . The cost is 15 gp, plus
any appr opr i at e cour i er fees.
Tr a v e l i n g P a p e r s : An y o n e who t r avel s acr oss
national bor der s is usual l y r equi r ed to car r y t r avel i ng
papers i dent i f yi ng t hem, t hei r r esi dence, t hei r des t i na-
tion, and t hei r reason for t ravel . Tr avel i ng papers consist
of a par chment sheet wi t h t he appr opr i at e i nf or mat i on
and an arcane mark, car r i ed in a l eat her folder. House Sivis,
House Or i e n, House Denei t h, and House Lyr andar all
offer t r avel i ng paper s t hat are r ecogni zed t hr oughout
central Khor vai r e.
A set of traveling papers typically costs 2 sp, and can
be purchased at Sivis and Denei t h enclaves, l i ght ni ng rail
stations, and Lyrandar offices located in the por t s of major
cities. A forged set costs about 5 gp.
War r ant : In civilized Khor vai r e, the city guar d, mi l i -
tia, constabulary, and all ot hers charged with keepi ng the
peace have the power to det ai n those they suspect of wr ong-
doing. However, this power is somewhat di mi ni shed if the
suspect is a member of a royal family or a dr agonmar ked
house, or is sufficiently wealthy. Thi s is especially a probl em
for r ur al officials and deput i zed ci t i zens, whose aut hori t y
could be quest i oned. A war r ant is an official document
stating that the bear er has the aut hori t y to arrest a specific
individual or i mpound a specific i t em. A warrant includes
identifying details of the person or item it covers, the reason
it was issued, the si gnat ure of the local lord or magi st rat e,
plus both an arcane mark and a wax or pr i nt ed seal.
Warrant s are issued by law enforcement aut hori t i es and
cannot be purchased.
Beni t h (N female gnome bard 3/ rogue 1) was once an up-
and- comi ng member of House Sivis working in the Notaries
Gui l d offices in Shar n. Though she was gifted at scribing,
her t r ue talents seemed to lie in politics, and she navigated
the complicated bureaucracy of House Sivis as deftly as an
acrobat on a t i ght r ope.
Al t hough she is a di st ant cousi n of Lysse Lyr r i man
d' Si vi s, no member of Beni t h' s family has ever bor ne a
dr agonmar k, and t hat t ur ned out to be an unavoi dabl e
obstacle in her career pat h. She grew frustrated as posi t i ons
of i mpor t ance and transfers to the mai n enclave i n Zilargo
were repeatedly given to lesser scribes who happened to have
dr agonmar ked relatives. Eventually she resi gned from the
gui l d and r enounced all ties to House Sivis.
Less t han a week later, Beni t h opened Deni t hki and
Associ at es, a pri vat e l i censi ng office t hat took advant age
of her knowledge of Sharn' s bureaucracy and connect i ons
wi t hi n the Not ari es Gui l d to help clients secure even the
most di ffi cul t -t o-obt ai n document s and licenses. The vast
majority of the work done by Deni t hki and Associates is
legitimate and completely legal. However, Beni t h occasion-
ally takes commi ssi ons to create falsified document s, usi ng
her i nt i mat e fami l i ari t y with House Sivis's pract i ces and
mat eri al s to make almost perfect forgeries.
Before the world, dragons r ul ed.
Al most every story told about the cr eat i on of Eber r on begi ns with
dragons. The most common legend involves the struggle between the t hree
pr ogeni t or dr agons: Siberys, Eber r on, and Khyber (see Cr eat i on Myths,
page 30). Even cont r ast i ng tales of t he world' s bi r t h speak of dr agons:
the Travel er pul l i ng the world from a dragon' s gut , Onat ar ha mme r i ng
it out of dr agon scales, or Aur eon speaki ng the world i nt o bei ng in the
Dr aconi c t ongue. Dr agons are cr eat ur es of anci ent power whose root s
seem to extend back to the bi r t h of the world.
Once the world was formed, dragons struggled for domi ni on over it.
Ther e may be no wri t t en hi st ori cal records of this age, but the legends are
more t han mythology: Rui ns from the Age of Demons still stand in the
Shadow Marches, i n Q' bar r a, i n Xen' dr i k, and (presumably) in Ar gon-
nessen. These l ands still bear physical signs of the war that raged for a
mi l l i on years between the first dragons and the fiends of Khyber. In the
end, t hanks to the sacrifice of the couatls, the dragons were victorious.
However, instead of cl ai mi ng r ul er shi p of the world as the fiends had
done, the dragons ret reat ed to Ar gonnessen to cont empl at e the Prophecy,
leaving a vacuum that would be filled by the lesser racesfirst the giants
of Xen' dr i k, t hen the humanoi d races in all t hei r diversity.
Dragons are hardl y a monol i t hi c force in the world, t hough human-
oids view t hem that way. It is easy to speak of "the dragons" and i magi ne
t hem living in a unified society in di st ant Argonnessenparticularly since
few humanoi ds have ever been far i nt o the dragon homel and and r et ur ned
to tell the tale. The few tales that have reached Khor vai r e ( i ncl udi ng some
told by rogue dragons) pai nt a pi ct ure of a much less monol i t hi c society,
if society is even the ri ght word to describe it.
Argonnessen is sometimes described as "the dragon nation," and in some
ways it seems like a nation. When Aerenal went to war against Argonnessen, the
elves fought against a unified force of dragons, much like the army a humanoid
nation might field. Ther e seemed to be chains of command, officers and sol-
diers, possibly even conscripts. When agents of the Chamber overstep their
bounds or dragons t urn rogue and hide themselves away in Khorvaire, they risk
puni shment by something resembling a police forcea cadre of dragon agents
armed with detailed knowledge and deadly tactical coordination. What is not
fully understood is whether that structure and order applies within Argonnes-
sen or only when the dragons must deal with a threat beyond their borders.
As far as humanoi ds are concerned, dragons are simply fearsome crea-
tures of legend. Still, speculation abounds about dragon society. Dragons
seem to prefer the company of ot her dragons of phi l osophi cal and ethical
views regardless of color. Each type of metallic and chromatic dragon might
be considered a different species, but i ndi vi dual dragons follow t hei r own
personal moral and ethical codes. Also, age apparently equals status in
dragon society. Dragons are incredibly long-livedpossibly immortaland
the oldest dragons are treated with the greatest respect. Unl i ke humanoi ds,
a dragon' s physical capabilities improve along with its ment al faculties as it
ages, maki ng the oldest dragons the strongest, smartest, and most magi-
cally powerful of t hei r ki nd. Al ong the same l i nes, dragons of the same age
but different species mai nt ai n a definite hi erarchy based on power: A red
dragon always out ranks a white dragon of the same age, for example. The
t rue dragons (the chromat i c and metallic dragons described in the Monster
Manual) share hi gher status as a group t han ot her types of dragons. Finally,
dragons that have made t hei r homes outside Argonnessen hold lower status
t han dragons that r emai n in the draconi c homel and.
Accordi ng to those who claim to know the draconi c mi nd, the power that
lifted these creatures from t hei r ori gi nal primitive state was knowledge
Knowl edge (arcana)
DC 10: Though occasionally dismissed as
cr eat ur es of l egend, dr agons are real
and still exist. The r e are t en ki nds
of "t r ue" dragonblack, bl ue, brass,
br onze, copper , gol d, gr een, r ed,
silver, and whiteas well as numer ous
ot her vari et i es t hat are consi der ed
lesser dr agons or dr agonki nd. Most
dragons live on t he di st ant cont i nent
of Ar gonnessen and are rarely seen
by humanoi ds.
DC 15: Al l t r ue dr agons and some
r el at ed cr eat ur es grow i ncr easi ngl y
l arge and power f ul as they age, t he -
oret i cal l y wi t hout any upper l i mi t .
They are ext r emel y l ong- l i ved, and
one t hat is 500 years old is consi der -
ably mor e capabl e t ha n one t hat is
only a cent ury old.
DC 20: Dragons believe i n a mysterious
Prophecy, which they see unfol di ng in
all sorts of events i n the nat ural world
as well as among the "lesser races" of
humanoi ds. Everything from stellar
al i gnment s to myst eri ous r unes i n
mount a i n caverns to t he dr a gon-
marks carri ed by member s of Khor
vaire's great houses plays a par t in this
Prophecy, i n t hei r view.
DC 30 : A few dr agons believe t hat t he
f ul f i l l ment of t he Pr ophecy is close
at hand, and dr agons must actively
part i ci pat e i n br i ngi ng it to f r ui t i on.
These dragons often come to Khor -
vaire and mi ght even hi de themselves
among humanoi ds for t he pur pose of
car r yi ng out t hei r pl ans.
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 15: Most of Ar gonnessen is unex-
pl ored by humanoi ds. The nort hwest
part of the cont i nent is the exception.
The island of Seren and the nearby
coast is i nhabi t ed by bar bar i ans who
revere t he dr agons , and they come
to t he shor e of Ar gonnes s en to pay
homage to t hei r r ept i l i an mast ers.
DC 20: The nort hwest coast of Ar gon-
nessen is called Tot em Beach i n ref-
erence to the massive, carved dr agon
heads that l i ne the shore. The or i gi n
of these scul pt ures is a mysterythey
seem t oo advanced for t he bar bar i c
Se r e n, but it seems unl i kel y t he
dragons themselves carved t hem.
specifically, knowledge of the Prophecy. When dragons learned
of the Prophecy, they knew they were destined to become more
than mere ani mal s of scaled fury and el ement al savagery.
They served a great er pur pose in the uni verse.
Thi s knowledge caused them to rise up against the fiends
that rul ed the world i n the aft ermat h of creat i on. When the
fiends at last were defeated, t hi s same knowledge led the
dragons to retreat to Argonnessen, contemplating the Proph-
ecy and i gnor i ng the lesser races that spread over the world
to fill the void left by the i mpri soned fiends. However, it was
the Prophecy that at last drew the dragons out of t hei r self-
imposed exile when they saw it begin to unfold on the flesh of
humanoids with the first appearance of dragonmarks.
What is the Prophecy? No humanoi d knows. It mi ght
be a t r anscr i pt i on of the words of the pr ogeni t or dragons,
spoken before the bi r t h of the world and wri t t en t hr ough
all creat i on. It mi ght be the ut t erances of Chr onepsi s, the
dragon god of fate, giving clues to the fut ure to those with
ears to hear. It mi ght simply be the expression of pat t erns in
nature that poi nt to the inevitable unf ol di ng of those pat-
terns in the fut ure. Even the dr agons do not know for sure,
but each dragon has a theorya personal under s t andi ng of
what the Prophecy is and what its significance mi ght be, for
dragonki nd and for the world.
Dragons watch for the unf ol di ng of the Prophecy in
every part of the nat ur al world. Enor mous r unes appear
in mount ai n caves and on sheer cliff faces. Stars, moons,
and planets take the shape of dr agonmar ks in the ni ght sky.
The swirls of color in the heart of every dr agonshar d form
words and signs. Most startlingly, dr agonmar ks appear on
the flesh of humanoi dst o the great chagr i n of those who
consider such creat ures to be the lesser races.
Cer t ai n al i gnment s of celestial bodies and pl anes of
existence reveal marks where they did not previously exist, and
movements of the landearthquakes and volcanic er upt i ons -
uncover runes that have long been hi dden. For this reason, the
dragons most interested in the unfol di ng of the future watch
actively, searching the world for newly revealed elements of the
Prophecy. Ot her dragons have been known to refer to such
active watchers as koto'zhak"carrion birds"because of t hei r
tendency to fly quickly after any report of nat ural disaster.
I nt er pr et at i on of the Prophecy is a cont ent i ous poi nt
among all dr agons. Many acknowledge cert ai n social taboos
Not every dragon you meet is an agent of the Chamber
some are just hungry
r egar di ng its di scussi on, much as humans shy away from
cont ent i ous poi nt s of r el i gi ous doc t r i ne . At pr esent ,
t her e is a shar p rift bet ween t hose dr agons who view t he
relatively r ecent emergence of dr agonmar ks on humanoi d
flesh as a si gn of the i mpe ndi ng ful fi l l ment of t he Pr oph-
ecy, and t hose wi t h a mor e conservat i ve view, who see t hi s
devel opment as one mor e stage of a very l ong j our ney.
Al t hough t he l at t er gr oup often di smi sses t he f or mer
as " i mpet uous yout hs, " many anci ent and respect abl e
dr agons believe t he Prophecy is bui l di ng t oward some
ki nd of cl i mact i c event.
Dragons play an important role in Eberron, as figures
of power and mystery. They appear throughout history,
teaching magic to the giants, warring against the elves,
founding the Gatekeepers among the orcs, and worshiped
as scaled gods in Q'barra. They watch the unfol di ng of the
Prophecy and (through the Chamber) sometimes meddle
in humanoid affairs, manipulating history to fulfill their
own understanding.
Does this mean that all encounters with dragons in an
EBERRON campaign involve the Prophecy, and are linked to
obscure oracles and grand machinations?
In a word, no.
Someti mes a dragon is just a dragon. Cut off from
their more advanced ki n, barbaric dragons who know
nothi ng of the Prophecy spawn, live, and die in the remote
depths of Khyber, the di smal swamps of the Shadow
Marches, the highest peaks of the Ironroot Mountains, the
hidden wastes of Xen'drik, and the frigid barrens of the
Frostfell. Young dragons caring nothi ng for the Prophecy
come to Khorvaire to see what humanoi ds are like, enjoy
their societies, or taste their flesh. Some come to amass
great hoards, some to be revered. Wherever you go in the
vast world of Eberron, there will be dragons.
So it's all right. Perhaps that scaly horror you've
encountered doesn't have any secret agenda or hi dden
interests. It might not be entangled in a plot encompassing
a mi l l i on-and-a-hal f years of history.
It might just be hungry. Good luck with it.
Many dragons are not cont ent to sit in Ar gonnessen and
watch as the Prophecy unfol ds in the world ar ound t hem.
Some, i mpet uous with yout h and r ebel l i ng agai nst an
anci ent cul t ur e t hat pri zes cont empl at i on over act i on,
believe that the fulfillment of the draconi c Prophecy is close
at hand, and that dragons must act now if they are to receive
whatever glorious t r ansf or mat i on it promi ses. Ot her s, not
subscri bi ng to such ext remes, nevertheless believe that the
emergence of dr agonmar ks on the lesser races signals a
change that requi res closer study (if not di rect i nt er ven-
t i on). These dragons, bot h the i mpet uous activists and the
more rest rai ned observers, t oget her form the Chamber .
The dragons of the Chamber operate within Khorvaire.
The chromatic dragons' natural powers of shapechanging allow
them to move freely among the lesser races. Ot her s use t hei r
innate sorcerous abilities or magic items to disguise themselves,
while a few retain their natural forms and simply remai n well
hidden, using humanoi d agents to carry out their plans. What-
ever their form, all members of the Chamber make extensive
use of humanoi d agents, for t hei r own number s are few and
the assistance of agents grants them much greater reach in the
world. With the treasure hoards they have at their disposal, they
typically have little difficulty r ecr ui t i ng such aid.
The Chamber is a l oose-kni t cabal at best, a gr oup of
unconnect ed i ndi vi dual s with si mi l ar ideas and agendas.
Dragons are a fiercely i ndependent lot by nat ur e, and even
those who share a sense of urgency about the fulfillment of the
Prophecy do not like to work together. They freely share infor-
mation and resources (including their agents) among t hem-
selves, but rarely assist other Chamber members directly.
The ori gi ns of the Chamber almost certainly lie in the
appearance of dragonmarks on the i nhabi t ant s of Khorvai re
some t hi rt y-t wo hundr ed years ago. Pri or to that t i me, the
Prophecy seemed to be unf ol di ng slowly but regularly in the
nat ural world, and the dragons were cont ent to watch it and
collect its revelations at a leisurely pace. With the appearance
of dr agonmar ks, dragons suddenly saw the Prophecy writ-
ten on a canvas that mi ght only exist for a mat t er of decades
before passing from the world forever. The very t ransi ence
of the humanoi d races gave these dragons a sense of urgency
about the Prophecy that they had never felt before. The War
of the Mark i ncreased this urgency, for dur i ng that peri od
some dr agonmar ked lineages di sappeared forever, and the
Chamber feels that pieces of the Prophecy mi ght have van-
ished with t hem.
Agents of the Chamber have a part i cul ar interest in
dragonmarks, and they keep a close eye on the dragonmarked
houses. In addi t i on, they pay at t ent i on to the world' s most
ancient secrets, such as artifacts created dur i ng the war
between the dragons and the fiends at the begi nni ng of history
(see Remnant s of Creat i on, page 31). With r umor s circulat-
ing that the Scepter of Fell Khadash has been discovered, members
of the Chamber are get t i ng involvedsome encouragi ng
the search for the related artifacts, others t ryi ng to prevent
them from being found. If members of the Chamber become
involved in other affairs, it is always because they believe that
such events are relevant to the Prophecy.
The large island at the northwest end of Argonnessen is Seren,
home of the barbarian tribes that bear the same name. Claim-
ing descent from humans gathered from around the world to
serve as the guardi ans of Argonnessen, the Seren barbarians
are a wild and fierce people. Some thirty tribes, each paying
allegiance to a different dragon founder, make their homes
on the island, the two smaller islands nearby, and the jungle
on the coast of Argonnessen. The coast itself is called Totem
Beach, and it is considered neutral ground by the Seren tribes,
which often war with each other. At Totem Beach they set aside
their differences to give their worship to the dragons.
All the Seren tribes have a si mi l ar social st ruct ure. The
warlord is the mightiest warri or, but this posi t i on is based
purely on skill, and any member of the t ri be can challenge
a weak warl ord. The warlord oversees all mi l i t ary actions,
such as pat r ol l i ng the l and, organi zi ng rai ds, and t r ai ni ng
young soldiers. Spi ri t ual and domestic matters are overseen
by a council of dragonspeakers - mystics who use wisdom and
magic to guide the t ri be. Dragonspeaker is a lifelong post,
and aut hori t y wi t hi n the counci l is based on age. Despite
the warlike nat ur e of the Serens, dragonspeakers hold the
final aut hori t y and can overrul e the decisions of a warlord,
or even force a warlord to step down.
The tribes described below are a represent at i ve sample
of the variety found among the Seren bar bar i ans.
The Bri ngers of Fire were founded by a chaotic evil red
dragon. One of the largest and most dangerous t ri bes, the
Bri ngers have been known to completely ext ermi nat e Seren
clans they view as unworthy. The Bri ngers of Fire pai nt their
skin red before battle and make use of fl ami ng oil, and they
have volatile t emper ament s.
The Whi t e Wanderers were founded by a neut ral white
dragon. It is a nomadic tribe that has been charged with pr o-
tecting a series of shrines. The Wanderers believe in the power
of knowledge and magic, and they have a high percentage of lit-
eracy and dragonspeakers among them. As such, many explor-
ers find this the safest tribe to approach. White Wanderers have
a cold, chilly demeanor, and never let t hei r emotions show.
The St ormwal kers were founded by a lawful evil blue
dragon. One of the smallest t ri bes, it is nonet hel ess deadly
in combat and t herefore highly respected. The St ormwal k-
ers have developed a monast i c t radi t i on that emulates the
nat ural attacks of the dragon.
The Frostblades were founded by a lawful good white
dragon. Whi l e they ruthlessly defend the l and from i nt er -
lopers, they seek to preserve the weaker tribes from the more
violent clans, such as the Bri ngers of Fi re. The Frostblade
dragonspeakers have l earned the secret of alchemist' s frost
and use it as a weapon in battle.
The Tot em Guar di ans are not a t r i be, but an al l i ance
of elite sol di ers drawn from many t ri bes. These warri ors
defend Tot em Beach and the Great Barri er of Argonnessen.
Typically, a dr agonspeaker pri est receives a dr eam- vi si on
or der i ng her to send a par t i cul ar war r i or to Tot em Beach
to j oi n the order, but in a few cases dragons have personally
visited a t ri be to call a Seren to the guar di ans.
Seren advent ur er s (who do exist, al t hough they are
ext remel y rare) can make use of exotic rul es and prest i ge
classes such as those i n Draconomicon.
Hal f-dragons are rare in the world of Eber r on. Since the
first at t empt by the House of Vol to reconcile the war r i ng
races of elves and dragons by creat i ng a hal f - dr agon, such
i nt er mi ngl i ng has been viewed as an abomi nat i on against
all that is noble and pur e. Dragons do not breed with non-
dragons by choice, and they go out of t hei r way to ext er mi -
nate any hal f-dragon they encount er.
That said, half-dragons and draconic creatures (descen-
dants of hal f-dragons whose blood has been diluted t hrough
generations) do exist. Legends speak of a tribe of half-dragon
orcs spawned by a wild bronze dragon in the Shadow Marches,
and of numer ous hal f-dragon aberrat i ons in Khyber pr o-
duced by a mad red dragon devoted to a Cult of the Dragon
Below. Conf i r med tales from Q'barra describe hal f-dragon
lizardfolk and dinosaurs created to guard Haka' torvhak, "the
throne of the holy dragons. " Some tales (dismissed as base-
less speculation) even claim that the hal f - dr agon, half-elf
lich Erandi s d' Vol is creat i ng new hal f-dragons as part of
her at t empt to regenerat e her lost bl oodl i ne and recover the
Mark of Deat h.
Sorcerers in Eber r on do not claim blood descent from
dragons, but they speak of mystical ties to the t hree pr ogeni -
tor dragonsSiberys, Eber r on, and Khyber. Some sorcerers
cultivate abilities remi ni scent of dragons and adopt prestige
classes such as the dragon disciple, but they are simply emu-
lating the dragons they admi r e, rat her t han mani fest i ng
latent qualities of hi dden dragon bl oodl i nes.
Introduced in Oriental Adventures and Complete Divine, shugen-
jas are the priests of a relatively new rel i gi ous movement
that reveres the dragons of Argonnessen. Di scount i ng
the traditional gods of the Soverei gn Host, shugenjas
believe that dragons are nearly di vi ne, and that by emu-
lating them, members of other races can approach di vi n-
ity themselves. Thei rs is not the totemic dragon worship
of the Seren barbarians (al though some shugenjas live
and work among the Serens, hopi ng to wi n converts), but
a sophisticated set of phi l osophi cal teachings and precise
rituals desi gned to increase one's harmony with those
elements at the heart of the dragons' power. Though this
Path of the El emental Masters is still a young movement,
its practitioners divide themselves i nto eight mystical
orders, each focused on one of the four el ements (air,
earth, fire, and water).
In Eberron, each of the eight orders has a kind of
dragon as its emblem and ideal, as shown below.
Shugenja Order Dragon
Order of the Al l - Seei ng Eye Green
Order of the Spring Zephyr Silver
Order of the Impenetrable Crucible Blue
Order of the Perfect Sculpture Copper
Order of the Consumi ng Flame Red
Order of the Forbidding Wasteland Black
Order of the Gentle Rain Bronze
Order of the Ineffable Mystery Gold
Dr agonmar ks are bound by bl oodl i nes, and behave i n myst eri ous ways.
Onl y half-elves can carry the Mark of St orm, for example. Ei t her a human
or a hal f-orc can have the Mark of Fi ndi ng, but a full orc cannot . One fact
is cer t ai n: If you possess a dr agonmar k, you must have a blood tie to one
of the families that ori gi nal l y manifested that mark.
However, car r yi ng the bl ood of a dr agonmar ked family does not
automatically make you a member of that family' s house or guar ant ee that
you will manifest a dr agonmar k. By the edicts of Kor t h (see the next page),
a member of a dr agonmar ked house who mar r i es i nt o one of the noble
families of Galifar must sever ties to his or her house. Fur t her mor e, it is
possible for a member of a dragonmarked family to be stripped of rank and
di si nheri t ed by the house itself, as a result of some cri me he has commi t t ed
or di shonor he has brought to the house. People bani shed from a house
are called excoriates. In the past, the house l ords would actually cut away
the dr agonmar k of an excoriate, an act t hat often resulted in the death
of the victim. Today, excori at i on is a symbolic gest ure, but an excoriate
cannot hold house rank or make use of the house name, and member s of
the dr agonmar ked houses are forbi dden to aid or associate with one.
Because of the practice of excori at i on, it is possible to have dr agon-
marked blood in your family tree and never know it, allowing you to spon-
taneously and unexpectedly manifest a dragonmark. Such unat t ached heirs
are known as foundl i ngs. As a general rule, the dragonmarked houses gladly
bri ng foundlings back into the fold. The sins of the parent are not visited on
the child, and the interests of the house demands consolidation of dragon-
marks when it can. If you possess a part i cul arl y powerful mark, you might
receive pressure to j oi n a houseand should you be seen as t hr eat eni ng its
reput at i on or business, the house might seek to el i mi nat e you.
Wi t hi n the house, possession of a dr agonmar k does not automatically
equate to authority. The Favored in House feat represent s influence based
on family connect i ons, history, or personal accompl i shment s. Unless you
possess this feat, how the house treats you depends on what you do for it
in r et ur n.
In general , if you are an accepted hei r to a house, you can get room
and board at any house enclave (al t hough you mi ght have to put in a few
hour s work i n exchange for your di nne r ) . Member s of t he house share
r umor s with you and discuss local news. If you' re short on gold, you can
always find work at one of the house businessesthough you have to earn
your wage like anyone else.
For access to the great er services or resources of the housewhether
arcane workshops, free tickets on the l i ght ni ng rail, or free heal i ng from
House Jorasco - you need to earn your i nfl uence. If you have the Favored
in House feat, you can use this influence to curry favor. Ot herwi se, the
lords of the house (t radi t i onal l y known as barons) might approach you
with proposi t i ons of t hei r own. As an adventurer, you are likely to be more
capable t han many ot her members of the house. A bar on might want you
to recover a lost t reasure, or to cripple a trade rival. In exchange for these
services, you can call in favors from the house (within reason).
Whi l e you might become Favored in House, as an advent urer you are
unl i kel y to hol d any si gni fi cant aut hor i t y i n your house. The dr agon-
marked houses are businesses. The barons earn t hei r ascension t hrough the
ranks with years of dedi cat i on and management , and they spend t hei r days
balancing budgets and moni t or i ng house operat i ons. Unless you' re willing
to set aside your sword for an account i ng ledger, you should be content with
the influence you can gain from serving the house in the field.
Symbols of power and mystery, dragonmarks manifest on certain members of
select bloodlines. Over the course of the last two thousand years, the families
Knowl edge (arcana)
DC 5: Dr agonmar ks are magical marks
t hat appear on t he ski n and gr ant
powers to t hei r bear er s.
DC 10: Dr agonmar ks are tied to spe-
cific bl oodl i nes. The people bear i ng
these dr agonmar ks j oi ned t oget her to
create houses, which use the powers of
the mark for economi c gai n.
DC 15: You know the names of the t hi r -
t een dr agonmar ked houses and t he
mar k associated with each one. You
can identify t he t rade symbols and
seals of each house.
Knowl edge (history)
DC 15: Th e War of t he Mar k was
an at t empt to e xt e r mi na t e a be r -
r ant dr agonmar ks . I n t he cur r ent
era, aber r ant mar ks are gr udgi ngl y
accepted, but the houses forbid i nt er -
br e e di ng, and a be r r a nt s ar e st i l l
viewed wi t h suspi ci on.
DC 20: Account s of the War of the Mark
imply t hat i n t he past peopl e pos-
sessed aber r ant marks with far greater
powers t han those seen today.
Knowl edge (nobi l i ty and royalty)
DC 10: You know the names of the t hi r -
t een dr agonmar ked houses and t he
mar k associated wi t h each one. You
can i dent i fy t he t r ade symbol s and
seals of each house.
DC 15: You are fami l i ar with t he busi -
nesses and gui l ds of each house.
DC 20: You know the names of the lead-
ers and key figures wi t hi n a part i cul ar
house. You are fami l i ar with t he cus-
toms and t r adi t i ons of a house.
You can r ecogni ze a speci fi c dr a gon-
ma r k a nd t he powe r it bes t ows
t hr ough vi sual exami nat i on. If you
are a member of a dr agonmar ked
house, you can identify the marks of
your house wi t hout a check.
Aber r ant mark DC 18
Least mark DC 15
Lesser mark DC 20
Great er mark DC 25
Siberys mark DC 30
carrying these marks established themselves as mercant i l e
dynasties known as dragonmarked houses. Today, these houses
are a vital part of post war Khorvai re. House Sivis mai nt ai ns
the message stations that allow swift l ong-di st ance commu-
nication. House Lyrandar and House Or i en provide quick,
safe travel by land, air, or sea. House Jorasco holds the keys to
medicine and heal i ng, bot h magical and mundane.
However, dragonmarks are only one aspect of the power
of the houses. Bei ng able to use cure light wounds or per f or m
whispering wind once per day is useful, but hardl y enough to
build a monopoly on medi ci ne or communi cat i ons. Over
the centuries, the houses exper i ment ed with dr agonshar d
focus itemsmagic items t hat enhance the i nher ent powers
of a dragonmark. From the speaking stones of House Sivis to the
lightning rail of House Or i en, these items t ransform the powers
of a dragonmark i nt o the keys to commerce and i ndust ry.
Beyond this, the houses spent hundreds of years perfect-
ing their skills and absorbing smaller traders, creating vast
guilds that the people of Khorvai re now know and t rust . An
innkeeper doesn' t need the Mark of Hospitality to do his j ob
(though it might make that j ob easier), but if he has the sign
of Ghallanda over his door, travelers know that he has been
licensed by the Hostelers Gui l d and they can expect good-
quality service and food. The reputation and influence of the
guilds is almost as significant as the power of the dragonmarks
themselves. Given the choice, a soldier buys his arms and
armor from a smi t h sanct i oned by the Fabricators Gui l d.
When Gal i far I was bui l di ng hi s ki ngdom, he called
together the leaders of the dr agonmar ked houses and swore
to provide t hem with a safe haven and special status. In
return, the houses agreed to a set of rest ri ct i ons t hat pr e-
vented them from posi ng a t hreat to the rul e of Galifar or
that of his descendant s, while allowing t hem to cont i nue as
mercantile powers. The so-called edicts of Kor t h forbid any
member of a dr agonmar ked house from hol di ng a gr ant of
land, and place l i mi t s on the size of house enclaves and the
armed forces that can be garri soned at an enclave. Special
provisions are made for House Denei t h, which has the right
to assemble mi l i t ary forces for mer cenar y service. The
edicts furt her specify t hat no member of the aristocracy of
Galifar can be bound to a member of a dragonmarked house
in marriage without one of the two giving up all heritage and
rights. Since the houses do not own l and, the edicts dictate
a system of rent s to be paid to the crown.
In the wake of the Last War, the houses continue to oper-
ate under the edicts of Kor t h, t r eat i ng the local r ul er as the
crown for purposes of the law. Thi s authority allowed the lead-
ers of the Five Nations to demand that House Canni t h destroy
the creat i on forges and cease pr oduct i on of the warforged.
However, some of the dr agonmar ked bar ons are begi nni ng
to quest i on the edicts. These rebel l i ous leaders say that the
houses are more powerful t han the fract ured r emnant s of
Galifarand that it is t i me to reconsi der the r el at i onshi p
between bar on and ki ng.
The War of the Mark was a defi ni ng moment in the history
of the dragonmarked houses. Many of the houses came i nt o
existence as a result of the war, as the families carryi ng the
pure marks j oi ned together to face the aberrant s and discov-
ered the power such an alliance could wield. At the end of
the war, Lord Hadr an d' Canni t h suggested that the houses
formally cement t hei r alliance by creat i ng a citadela center
for research and study of both arcane magic and the potential
of the dr agonmar ks. Though t here were only t en dr agon-
marked houses at the t i me, the architect and artificer Al der
d' Ca nni t h convinced the commi t t ee to name the i nst i t ut e
the Twelve, based on his belief that t here were twelve pur e
dr agonmar ks in addi t i on to the shat t ered Mark of Deat h.
Al der was a bri l l i ant man whose works had played a critical
role i n the War of the Mark, and the members of the com-
mittee humor ed himthough few actually expected a twelfth
mark to appear. ( The r emai ni ng two marks, War di ng and
Fi ndi ng, weren' t "di scovered" unt i l after the creat i on of
the Ki ngdom of Gal i far. )
Over the cent uri es, the Twelve has remai ned one of the
premi er centers for magical research in Khorvai re, and only
the Arcane Congress can match its resources. The pri mary
focus of the Twelve is the study of dragonmarks and dragon-
mark focus items, and the development of new magical items
that can benefit society (and t ur n a profit for the houses). In
combi ni ng the skills and powers of the different marks, the
wizards and artificers of the Twelve have crafted remarkable
items. It took the combi ned skills of Houses Or i en, Can-
ni t h, and Kundar ak to create the spacious vaults that allow
Kundar ak cust omer s to deposi t goods at one bank and
withdraw t hem across the cont i nent . Ai r shi ps, the lightning
rail, even the warforgedthese t hi ngs would not exist without
the spirit of cooperat i on found among the Twelve.
Should you rise hi gh i n the favor of a dr agonmar ked
house, you mi ght be able to call upon the resources of the
Twelve. Thi s institute possesses impressive arcane workshops
and vast libraries, and it draws upon the talents of some of the
most gifted artificers and wizards in Khorvaireall of which
could prove quite useful to an advent urer. After all, the
Twelve can always use someone to test new inventionsmagic
weapons, dr agonshar d focus items, or ot her creat i ons that
aren' t quite stable enough for public use.
The dwarf, elf, gnome, and hal fl i ng subraces detailed in
the Monster Manual, as well as new subraces i ntroduced in
Races of Stone and Races of Destiny, are all considered members
of the dragonmarked races. However, the bloodlines of the
dragonmarked houses only manifest in the most common
subraces. For example, only high elves who are members of
the House Thuranni or House Phiarlan bloodlines display
the Mark of Shadow, and only hill dwarves from House
Kundarak display the Mark of Warding. A member of a
variant subrace - any character whose type is humanoid and
whose subtype is human, dwarf, elf, gnome, or halfling
does qualify for the Aberrant Dragonmark feat, however,
since aberrant dragonmarks occasionally manifest among
these subraces.
Dr agonmar ks have existed for t housands of years. Over the
cent uri es, the houses have honed t hei r skills, adapt i ng the
power of the dr agonmar ks to aid with specific tasks.
Dragon's Insight
You can call on the power of your dr agonmar k to enhance
your nat ur al abilities.
Pr e r e q u i s i t e : Leas t Dr a g o n ma r k or Si be r ys
Dr a gonma r k.
Benefi t: As a free action, you can expend one of the
daily uses of one of your dr agonmar k powers to gai n a + 4
insight bonus on checks usi ng a part i cul ar skill for a l i mi t ed
t i me. The skill affected by this feat is det er mi ned by the
nat ur e of your mark:
Det ect i on: Spot
Fi ndi ng: Search
Handl i ng: Handl e Ani mal
Heal i ng: Heal
Hospitality: Diplomacy
Maki ng: Craft (any)
Passage: Survival
Scri bi ng: Deci pher Script
Sent i nel : Sense Motive
Shadow: Gat her I nf or mat i on
St or m: Balance
Wardi ng: Search
The dur at i on of the bonus depends on the potency of the
dr agonmar k whose power you expend. The bonus grant ed
by this feat always applies to at least one check (regardless of
how long it takes to make such a check), as l ong as you begi n
the check before the dur at i on elapses. For example, if you
have the Least Mark of Shadow, the bonus applies to at least
one Gat her I nf or mat i on check begun wi t hi n 1 mi nut e of
activating the ability, even t hough a typical Gat her I nf or -
mat i on check takes much l onger t han 1 mi nut e.
Mark Durat i on
Least mark 1 mi nut e
Lesser mark 10 minutes
Great er mar k 1 hour
Siberys mark 24 hour s
Shield of Deneith
You can channel the power of your Denei t h dr agonmar k to
defend yourself in bat t l e.
Prerequi si te: Least mark of Sent i nel or Siberys Mark
of Sent i nel .
Benefi t: As an i mmedi at e action, you can expend one
of your daily uses of your Mark of Sent i nel dr agonmar k to
gain a dodge bonus to AC. Thi s benefit lasts for a number
of r ounds equal to your Wisdom bonus (if any) + 1/2 your
charact er level ( mi ni mum 1 r ound) . The value depends on
the level of the mark charge that you expend.
Mark Dodge Bonus
Least mark +1
Lesser mark +2
Great er mark +3
Siberys mark +4
Swiftness of Orien
You can draw on the power of your Mark of Passage to tem-
porari l y enhance your speed or the speed of your mount .
Prerequi si te: Least Mark of Passage or Siberys Mark
of Passage.
Benef i t : As a swift act i on, you can expend one of
your daily uses of your Mark of Passage dr agonmar k to
gai n an enhancement bonus to any of your speeds for 1
r ound. Al t ernat i vel y, you can gr ant t hi s bonus to a crea-
t ur e you are cur r ent l y r i di ng. The cr eat ur e affected must
have a speed i n the form of movement to be i ncr eased (for
exampl e, you can' t gai n a bonus to fly speed if you don' t
have a fly speed) .
The increase to speed depends on the level of the mark
charge t hat you expend.
Mark Speed I ncr eas e
Least mark +20 ft.
Lesser mark +40 ft.
Great er mark +60 ft.
Siberys mark +90 ft.
Common super st i t i on hol ds t hat aber r ant marks are a
t ai nt on t he soulthat the bear er of one of these marks
will invariably fall ill or go mad. Fur t he r mor e , aber r ant
marks can hold powers mor e danger ous t han t he pure
marksabilities such as burning hands, charm person, chilling touch,
inflict light wounds, and produce flame. Between the stories of mad-
ness and the clear t hreat posed by these deadly marks, people
view the bearers of aber r ant dr agonmar ks with a mix of fear
and suspi ci on.
It's difficult to say if there is any foundation to these fears.
People with aberrant marks tend toward evil alignmentsbut
this could reflect either the sinister influence of the mark or
the abuse and distrust they suffer as a result of t hei r marks.
The nami ng conventions of the dragonmarked houses can be
mystifying to those outside the houses. The first key to under -
st andi ng is that the dr agonmar ked houses are compri sed of
multiple but related families. House Phi arl an consists of the
Phi arl an, Ti al aen, Shol, and El l or ent hi lines, while House
Canni t h includes the Vown and Tellic l i nes.
Typically, member s of a house use t he house name
when deal i ng wi t h ot her s , savi ng t hei r family names for
formal occasionsso El aydren Vown d' Ca nni t h usually
refers to herself as "Elaydren d' Canni t h" when deal i ng with
people outside of her house.
The d' prefix, added after the War of the Mark, identi-
fies blood families tied to recognized dr agonmar ked houses
and sets those bor n of dr agonmar ked bl ood apart from the
rest of Khor vai r e.
Not all of these marks are danger ous; some gr ant harml ess
powers such as feather fall or jump. Shoul d you chose to play a
character with an aber r ant mark, t here are no rul es forcing
you to become mad.
These superst i t i ons are drawn from the past. Account s
of the War of the Mark make clear that t here was a time when
aberrant marks could channel powers far great er t han the
pure marks. Two aber r ant l ords - Hal as Ta r ka na n and his
consort, a woman known only as t he Lady of t he Pl ague
destroyed an ent i r e city wi t h t hei r aber r ant marks, and
legends say t hat the deat h- cur s e of the Lady of t he Plague
still l i ngers in the dept hs of Shar n. The stories of madness
might also be drawn from this timeimplying that while the
first aberrant s could channel great er powers, these abilities
took a t erri bl e toll on body and mi nd.
No one knows where the first aber r ant marks came
from. Some say t hat the pur e marks are gifts of Siberys,
while the aber r ant marks reflect the t ouch of Khyber. It
is a known fact that if two people of di fferent dr agonmar k
bloodlines have a chi l d, the offspri ng is more likely to
manifest an aber r ant dr agonmar k t han the pur e mark of
either house. Such marks are known as mixed marks, and
as a result of t hi s phenomenon the houses have forbi dden
breeding bet ween dr agonmar ked l i nes. But somet i mes
aberrant marks manifest randoml y, in bl oodl i nes with
no tie to any dr agonmar k house. Recently, aber r ant
marks have been r umor ed to grant great er abilities
than have been seen in cent ur i es. (These abilities
are reflected i n the feats present ed on this page.)
No one has an expl anat i on for this surge in
aberrant powerbut some fear that it is a
precursor to the r et ur n of the Chi l dr en of
Khyber and the t erri bl e powers last seen in
the War of the Mark.
Whi l e a b e r r a n t d r a g o n ma r k s can
be i dent i f i ed usi ng Spel l cr af t , they can
never be mi st aken for pur e dr agonmar ks .
Aber r ant dr a gonma r ks come i n a wild
range of colors and shapes, and two t hat
grant the same power mi ght look ent i rel y
different. Aber r ant marks are often sur -
r ounded by welts, boi l s, or ot her wi se
di scol ored fl esh.
Handbook), or use a warlock i nvocat i on (see Complete Arcane),
you can sacrifice a daily use of the spell-like ability grant ed
by your aber r ant dr agonmar k as a free act i on to i ncrease
the caster level of the spell, i nfusi on, power, or i nvocat i on
by +1.
Aber r ant Dr agonmar k Vi gor
You can channel t he ener gy of your a be r r a nt mar k to
enhance your heal t h.
Prerequi si te: Aber r ant Dr agonmar k.
Benefit: As an i mmedi at e act i on, you can sacrifice a
daily use of the spell-like ability grant ed by your aber r ant
dr agonmar k to gain t emporary hit poi nt s equal to your Hi t
Dice. These hit poi nt s last for a maxi mum of 1 hour .
Heirs of Mouse Thuranni,
Tharashk, and Deneith
Abe r r a nt
Dr agonmar k Gift
Your aber r ant dr agonmar k is especially
Prerequi si t e: Aber r ant Dr agon-
Benefi t: You can use the spell-like
ability grant ed by your Aber r ant Dr agon-
mark t hr ee t i mes per day.
Abe r r a nt
Dr agonmar k Mystery
You can use the power of your aber -
rant mark to enhance your magical
Prerequisite Aber r ant Dragon-
mark, Concent rat i on 6 ranks.
Be ne f i t : Wh e n you cast a
spell, i mbue an i nf us i on, mani f est
a psionic power (see Expanded Psionics
Cryst al l i ne objects with t r emendous magical pot ent i al , dr agonshar ds are
one of the most i mpor t ant nat ur al resources found i n Eber r on. As i ron
shapes the t echnol ogy of warfare, so do dr agonshar ds shape the t echnol -
ogy of magi c. Spel l cas t er and psi oni c mani fest ers use Eber r on shards
to increase t hei r powers. The dr agonmar ked houses find Siberys shards
essential for enhanci ng and expandi ng the powers gr ant ed by t hei r magi -
cal marks, while the great el ement al vessels rely on Khyber shards to bi nd
the el ement al s that give t hem t hei r power.
Dragonshards appear as t ransl ucent rock or crystal, with opaque veins
of swirling color embedded wi t hi n t hem. These colorful veins move and
pulse as if the shard were a living t hi ng. Most dr agonshar ds are less t han
1 i nch in di amet er, while some are as large as a human fist.
Siberys shards (also called sunst ones or st armot es, and somet i mes
j ust dr agonshar ds) are golden crystals that are part i cul arl y valuable to the
dr agonmar ked houses, and they are also coveted by the quori of Ri edra.
They fall from the Ri ng of Siberys that encircles the world, and t hus are
found in equat ori al regi ons from Xen' dr i k to Sarl ona. Most prospect ors
of Siberys shards work in Xen' dr i k, since the dangers t here are at least
less organi zed t han t hose found i n Ri edra or Ar gonnessen. Scions of the
dr agonmar ked houses can at t une Siberys shards to t hei r own dr agon-
marks, fashi oni ng t hem i nt o focus i t ems t hat enhance t hei r spell-like
abilities. The Inspi red of Sarlona use t hem to enhance t hei r psionic abili-
ties, actually embeddi ng the shards i nt o t hei r bodi es to gai n t he powers
they cont ai n.
Eber r on shar ds (often called bl oodst ones or bl oodshar ds) are red
or pi nk, with vivid scarlet veins. They usually appear in geodes bur i ed in
soil (often i n large clusters), and are found exclusively i n Khor vai r e and
Aer enal . They have a broad affinity for magic: Spellcasters can at t une an
Eber r on shard to a specific spell to enhance the effect of t hat spell when
it is cast on the shar d. Wi zards can also encode t hei r spells in Eber r on
shar ds, usi ng the shar ds i n place of a spel l book. Psi oni c char act er s can
use Eber r on shar ds to creat e power st ones, and these shar ds are ideally
suited for use in the creat i on of di fferent ki nds of magic items that store,
absorb, or enhance spells.
Khyber shar ds (also called ni ght shar ds or demonst ones) are smoky
in color, wi t h veins of mi dni ght blue or oily black. They appear deep
unde r gr ound i n vol cani c r egi ons, usual l y near magma pool s or sul fur
vents. They are most common in areas with extensive fiendish or elemental
activity, such as the Demon Wastes. Khyber shards have a marked affin-
ity for the magic of bi ndi ng, and as such they are par t i cul ar l y useful in
connect i on with the el ement al bi ndi ng t echni ques that have developed in
Zi l argo. They are also common component s of bi ndi ng di agrams, trap the
soul spells, and si mi l ar magic.
Shard Value Range Average Value
Small 4d4 X 25gp 250 gp
Large 4d4 X 200gp 2,000 gp
Greater 2d4 X l , 000gp 5, 000gp
Eber r on
Small ld8 gp 4 gp, 5 sp
Greater 4d4 X 10gp 100 gp
Small 4d4 X 75gp 750 gp
Greater 4d4 X 500 gp 5,000 gp
Knowl edge (arcana)
DC 10: Ther e are t hree kinds of dragon-
s har ds , named after t he t hr ee p r o -
geni t or dr agons : Ebe r r on, Si berys,
and Khyber shards.
DC 15: Si ber ys d r a g o n s h a r d s can
enhance t he power of a dr agonmar k
i n vari ous ways, from appl yi ng met a-
magic effects to t he spell-like abilities
grant ed by a dr agonshar d to gr ant i ng
ent i r el y new abi l i t i es to a dr agon-
mar ked char act er . Ebe r r on shar ds
hold magicwhether used as a wizard' s
spellbook or as a component of a spell
storing item. Khyber shards are used i n
the magic of bi ndi ng: t r appi ng souls
or bi ndi ng el ement al s.
DC 20 : Siberys dr agonshar ds fall from
t he Ri ng of Si ber ys and t hus ar e
most c o mmo n a r o u n d t he wor l d' s
equat or par t i cul ar l y i n Xen' dr i k.
Eber r on shards are found in t he soil
of Eber r on and Aer enal . Most Eber -
r on shards on the market come from
the Shadow Marches. Khyber shards
are excavated from deep under gr ound
i n volcanic r egi ons, par t i cul ar l y t he
Demon Wastes.
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 20: The Shadow Marches are part i cu-
larly known for t hei r fields of Eber r on
dr agonshar ds. Siberys dr agonshar ds
fall in great showers from the Ri ng of
Siberys, coming to ground in Xen' dri k,
Sarlona, and (presumably) Ar gonnes-
sen. Khyber shards are found under -
ground in the Demon Wastes and other
volcanic areas.
Knowl edge (nobi l i ty and royalty)
DC 15: The dragonmarked houses have a
keen interest in Siberys shards because
they can enhance the magical abilities
of marked i ndi vi dual s. House Tha r -
ashk is deeply involved i n prospect i ng
for all ki nds of dr agonshar ds.
Knowl edge (psi oni cs)
DC 15: Si berys dr agons har ds can be
crafted into universal items that can be
i mpl ant ed i nt o the body of a kalashtar
or I nspi r ed to gr ant unusual powers.
Eber r on shards can be used to create
power stones, hol di ng a single psionic
power for later use. Khyber shards have
no known psionic use.
The weapons described here i ncorporat e dragonshards i nt o
their const r uct i on, and use the affinities of the shards to
generate par t i cul ar magical effects.
Bl oodst one Bl ade
A bloodstone blade is a +1 longsword (or occasionally a different kind
of weapon) cont ai ni ng an Eber r on dragonshard at t uned to
the vampiric touch spell, allowing that spell to be delivered by
the blade repeatedly wi t hout r echar gi ng, and in an empow-
ered form.
Descri pti on: Thi s sword is forged of the finest steel,
with powdered red dr agonshar d carefully i nl ai d into i nt r i -
cate designs along the bl ade.
Activation: When you strike a creat ure with a bloodstone
blade and the cr eat ur e takes damage from the weapon, the
weapon can deliver the effect of a vampiric touch spell as a free
action if you desi re.
Effect: A bl oodst one blade can hold a vampiric touch spell
as if it were a spell storing weapon. Any such spell is aut omat i -
cally empowered by the blade, even if the ori gi nal caster does
not have the Empower Spell feat. As with a normal spell stor-
ing weapon, the vampiric touch effect uses the ori gi nal caster' s
caster level. No more t han one such spell can be held by a
bloodstone blade at any t i me, and no spell ot her t han vampiric
touch can be stored wi t hi n the weapon.
Aura/ Cast er Level: St r ong evocation and necr o-
mancy; CL 12th.
Constructi on: Craft Magic Ar ms and Ar mor , vampiric
touch. 12th-level caster. 6,315 gp, 480 XP, 12 days. Cr eat -
ing a bl oodst one blade requi res first at t uni ng the Eber r on
dragonshard to the spell it will hold (see page 265 of the
EBERRON Campaign Setting for details).
Weight: 4 lb.
Pri ce: 12, 315gp.
Ni ght shar d Maul
Thi s +1 greatclub is st udded wi t h Khyber dr agons har ds
mi ned from areas near where couatl spirits hold the ancient
f i end- l or ds of Khyber i mpr i s oned i n t hei r coi l s. The
dragonshards cont ai n fragments of bot h powerful essences,
maki ng a nightshard maul a danger ous weaponto bot h t he
wielder and his foes.
Des cri pt i on: Several smoky cryst al s c ont a i ni ng
inky black veins of color stud the hi t t i ng end of t hi s heavy
great cl ub. Bands of dark i ron r i ng the club, and the handl e
is carefully wrapped in mi dni ght - bl ue leather. When it is
wielded in combat, energy crackles ar ound the dr agon-
shards, flashing bot h light and dark.
Acti vati on: By cl ut chi ng the handl e of the maul and
concent r at i ng (a st andar d action that does not provoke
attacks of oppor t uni t y) , you can use detect thoughts, t ur n et he-
real, or polymorph.
All ot her powers of a nightshard maul activate a ut o-
mat i cal l y when you swi ng it at a foe, as the cr ackl i ng
ener gy a r ound its head deal s ext ra damage to good and
evil oppone nt s .
Effect: In addi t i on to its +1 enhancement bonus, a
nightshard maul deals an extra Id6 poi nt s of damage to crea-
tures that are ei t her good or evil, and it overcomes damage
reduct i on as if it were bot h a good- al i gned weapon and an
evi l -al i gned weapon.
While the maul is in your possession, you can use detect
thoughts at will (DC 13), Once per day, you can t ur n et hereal
for 5 r ounds (as ethereal jaunt, except that you can' t end the
dur at i on premat urel y). Also once per day, you can use poly-
morph, but only to change your own shape (you cannot target
anot her creat ure with this ability).
If you are ei t her good or evil, you take a -1 penal t y
on saving t hrows while you carry a nightshard maul. The
war r i ng spi ri t s of good and evil held wi t hi n
t he dr agons har ds take t hei r toll on
your own soul .
Aura/ Cast er Level: Moder -
ate necromancy and t r ansmut a-
t i on. CL 7th.
Construction: Craft Magic
Arms and Armor, 26,305 gp,
2.080 XP, 52 days.
Weight: 10 1b.
Price: 52,305 gp.
Those who use
dragonshard weapons
wield the power of the
forces of creation
Most i nhabi t ant s of Dr oaam would be consi dered monst ers i n any ot her
nat i on, but i n t hei r own l and they mai nt ai n a sembl ance of civilization,
and some even become advent urers. The table on the following page sum-
mari zes favored class, Hi t Dice, level adj ust ment , and st ar t i ng effective
character level (ECL) for the most common races of Dr oaam. The Monster
Manual provides more i nf or mat i on.
Gnol l s live and fight among all of Dr oaam' s var i ous power gr oups.
Thi s neut r al st ance ami d t he chaos of fact i ons j ockeyi ng for power
makes t hem s omet hi ng of a st abi l i zi ng i nf l uence. They are i ncreasi ngl y
common as mer cenar i es and even meni al l abor er s out si de Dr oaam,
t hanks to t he effort s of Hous e Tha r a s hk. Peopl e r egar d t hem with
unease, but t hei r wi despread pr esence is bui l di ng accept ance for t hem
in t he wi der worl d. Races of the Wild has mor e i nf or mat i on about pl ayi ng
gnol l char act er s.
Gobl i ns live i n Dr oaam pr i mar i l y as the slaves of ogres, orcs, and
ot her races. Bei ng the weakest race in a society t hat concent rat es power
among the st r ong makes life difficult, and few Dr oaami t e gobl i ns ever
rise to posi t i ons of power ( i ncl udi ng advent ur i ng) . Gobl i ns are common
in the cities of Khor vai r e, par t i cul ar l y in t he west, so the presence of a
gobl i n in a gr oup rarely raises eyebrows. A gobl i n who asserts his rights
and speaks his mi nd is a different matter, however, and such creat ures are
rare i ndeed.
While not exactly common, hal f-ogres appear with some regularity in
Dr oaam, where ogres are among the most powerful and respected figures
of aut hori t y. They are not as st r ong as t hei r ogre par ent s, nor as smar t
as humans or the more i nt el l i gent monst ers that r un affairs i n Dr oaam,
so they work as cheap sellswords or l aborers, somet i mes traveling beyond
Dr oaam under t he auspices of House Thar as hk. Races of Destiny has more
i nformat i on about playing hal f-ogre charact ers.
Har pi es are one of the most i mpor t ant power gr oups in Dr oaam.
Harpy flights have i nhabi t ed the Byeshk Mount ai ns since anci ent times.
A number of t hem have recently mi grat ed to the Great Crag to serve the
Daught ers of Sora Kell, but six flights r emai n in the nor t h.
Hi l l giants are the most physically powerful of Droaam' s common
i nhabi t ant s, but t hei r slow mi nds and chaotic t empers make t hem pot ent
followers r at her t han war l or ds i n t hei r own r i ght . Hi l l gi ant s live in
almost compl et e i ndependence in the foot hi l l s of the Graywall Moun-
t ai ns. Hi l l gi ant player charact ers are liable to draw stares or screams in
most humanoi d set t l ement s (with the possible exception of St ormreach,
in Xen' dr i k) .
Medusas are per haps the most monst r ous resi dent s of the monst er
nat i on. They appear in greatest number s in the anci ent city of Cazhaak
Draal, under the rul ershi p of the Queen of St one. They are greatly feared,
bot h in Dr oaam and beyond. A medusa t ravel i ng out si de Dr oaam must
hi de her t r ue nat ur e or be attacked as a t hr eat to publ i c safety.
Fi ercer and more bestial t han ogres, mi not aur s do not live i n orga-
nized communi t i es i n any l arge numbe r s . Most mi not aur s i n Dr oaam
reside i n isolated wi l derness areas, but i ndi vi dual s are frequent l y seen
in t he Great Crag and Graywal l , del i ght i ng t he crowds as pit fi ght ers.
Mi not aurs traveling beyond Dr oaam have a har der t i me fitting in t han
ogres, but are not usually attacked on sight.
Ogres form the backbone of several power groups in Dr oaam. Just
smar t enough to t hr ow t hei r weight behi nd powerful warl ords such as
Gor odan Ashl ord or Tzaryan Rrac, ogre enforcers keep hordes of diverse
humanoi ds and rebel l i ous slaves in l i ne. Ogres are respected in Dr oaam
and reasonably well accepted i n the world beyond.
Orcs live in a few scattered tribes in Dr oaam, nei t her as popul ous as
gobl i noi ds nor as common as they are in the Shadow Marches. Most orcs
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 10: On c e of f i ci al l y a p a r t of
Br el and, Dr oaam is now t he nat i on
of monst er s. Its popul at i on consists
of gnol l s, orcs, gobl i noi ds, gi ant s,
and monst r ous humanoi ds .
DC 15: Dr oaam is gover ned by t hr ee
hags called t he Daught er s of Sora
Kel l , who hol d cour t i n a met r opol i s
called The Gr eat Crag. It is a nat i on
i n only t he loosest sense of t he word.
Though t he hags pet i t i oned to be
i ncl uded i n t he talks l eadi ng to t he
Tr eat y of Th r o n e h o l d , t hey were
rej ect ed and are not officially r ec-
ogni zed as a nat i on. The r ul er s hi p
of the hags is fragile, with a system of
t r i but e servi ng as t he only real gov-
e r nme nt keepi ng t he vari ous clans
and warl ords i n l i ne.
DC 20: Ot h e r power f ul gr oups i n
Dr oaam i ncl ude the Dark Pack (were-
wolves and worgs that roam the sout h),
a fire gi ant named Gor odan Ashl or d,
a communi t y of medusas led by t he
Queen of St one, and the followers of
an ogre mage named Tzaryan Rrac.
Knowl edge (history)
DC 10: Numerous rui ns from the ancient
hobgobl i n empi r e of Dhakaan dot
Droaam' s l andscape.
Knowl edge (l ocal )
DC 15: Laws are loose i n Dr oaam. The
st rong get what they want, but the ri ch
can buy t hei r way. Bribery, slavery, and
arena combat are common.
Knowl edge (nature)
DC 10: Gi ant s and monst r ous huma n-
oi ds, par t i cul ar l y ogr es, har pi es ,
mi not aur s , ogres, and t r ol l s, live i n
the monst er nat i on of Dr oaam.
Knowl edge ( nobi l i t y and royalty)
DC 15: House Thar ashk acts as a broker
for t he services of Dr oaami t e me r -
cenar i es across Khor va i r e . Hous e
Denei t h resents this i nt r usi on i nt o a
field t radi t i onal l y its own.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 10: Most i nhabi t ant s of Dr oaam
hate the Chur ch of t he Silver Fl ame.
DC 15: Priests of the Mockery and the
Shadow are found i n communi t i es i n
Dr oaam, along with a few cults dedi -
cated to t he Dr agon Below.
in Dr o a a m l i ve u n d e r t h e r u l e of t h e o g r e ma g e wa r l o r d
Tzaryan Rr a c i n t he s out hwes t of t he n a t i o n , a n d west t owa r d
the Sha dow Ma r c h e s . Or c s find wi d e s p r e a d a c c e pt a nc e i n
the out s i de wor l d.
Tr o l l s a r e u n c o m m o n i n D r o a a m, mo s t l y l i v i n g i n
smal l b a n d s i n t h e mo u n t a i n s . Li k e h i l l g i a n t s , t he y a r e
r ecr ui t ed as mus c l e f or mo r e o r d e r - mi n d e d war l or ds a r ol e
they fill a d mi r a b l y wel l . Th e y a r e not we l c ome i n h u ma n o i d
s et t l ement s b e y o n d Dr o a a m' s b o r d e r s .
Fa vor e d Ra c i a l Level S t a r t i n g
Race Cl a s s H D Ad j . E C L
Gobl i n Rogue +0 1st
Orc Ba r ba r i a n +0 1st
Hal f - ogr e Ba r ba r i a n +2 3r d
Gnol l Ra nge r 2d8 +1 3r d
Ogre Ba r ba r i a n 4d8 +2 6t h
Mi not aur Ba r b a r i a n 6d8 +2 8t h
Harpy No n e 7d8 +3 10t h
Medusa No n e 6d8 + 4 10t h
Trol l Fi ght er 6d8 +5 11th
Hi l l gi ant Ba r ba r i a n 12d8 +4 16th
The small city of Graywall (popul at i on 6,300) lies near the
border with Brel and to the east, and it houses the greatest
population of humans and ot her common humanoi ds in all
of Droaam. It is as far as most visitors ever vent ure i nt o the
monster nat i on. A mi nd flayer named Xor' chylic serves as
governor on the hags' behalf, enforci ng or der with r ut h-
less efficiency.
Graywall consists of roughly formed bui l di ngs hewn by the
st rengt h of ogres i nt o alien shapes pleasing to Xor' chylic but
di st ur bi ng to most visitors. Most of the bui l di ngs are scaled
to accommodat e large creat ures.
The east er n quar t er of t he city houses huma ns and
member s of the ot her common races. Thi s area, called
Tha j na r r (from an i ns ul t i ng Gi ant word for humans ) ,
boasts a handful of i nns and taverns that provide human-
sized accommodat i ons and serve meals palatable to human
tastes. The city has a small temple to the Sovereign Host, but
no open worshi p of the Host exists. Many resi dent s of the
east ern quar t er are at least as unsavory as the monst ers that
i nhabi t the rest of the city, but House Thar ashk mai nt ai ns a
semblance of justice and order t here under the leadership of
Lord Khundr a n d' Tor r n, a hal f-ore dr agonmar k hei r with
the Lesser Mark of Fi ndi ng.
Mer chant s from across Dr oaam come to Graywall to
pur chase goods br ought in from the rest of Khor vai r e.
Woul d- be mer cenar i es hopi ng to find empl oyment also
crowd t he mar ket pl aces. In addi t i on to House Thar as hk,
House Sivis has a smal l out post in Graywal l , while House
Or i e n mai nt ai ns t he t rade road t hat connect s t he city to
Br el and and r uns on to t he Gr eat Crag. House Denei t h
offers protection services to caravans headed for the i nt eri or
of the count ry. Humans t ravel i ng beyond Graywall are well
advised to br i ng such prot ect i on.
Xor' chylic mai nt ai ns order in Graywall with the assis-
tance of a security force consi st i ng of gnol l s rei nforced
by mi not aur , t rol l , medusa, and harpy officers. The elite
agents of this security force are rightly feared in the city, but
none so much as the mi nd flayer itself.
Droaam is a fine place to win a f or t une i n anci ent t reasure
or to make your name as t he surveyor of Dhakaani r ui ns .
But you' d best be careful t ravel i ng t hr ough the l and of
monstersespecially if you wear the Silver Fl ame.
Cazhaak Draal is the most famous r ui ned hobgobl i n
city in Dr oaam. It's cert ai n that t reasures and ot her items
of historical i nt erest lie wi t hi n its anci ent walls, but a band
of medusas has cont rol of the place, and ot her pet r i f yi ng
creatures wander freely t her e. The Kech Volaar clan of
Darguun also has an i nt erest i n the place. Nearby Sut har
Draal is slightly safer.
Everyone pays at t ent i on to the big r ui ned cities, but
few peopl e and onl y slightly mor e gobl i noi ds care about
the isolated s hr i nes , t empl es, pal aces, and necr opol i ses
that dot t he Dr oaam count r ys i de. Many of t hem sit at op
ent r ances to Khyber ' s dept hs or , mor e accur at el y,
er upt i ons from Khyber ' s dept hs emer ge beneat h t hese
small r ui ns , t hr ough passages opened by t he dael kyr
as pat hs of at t ack. Thus , like t he r ui ne d ci t i es, t hese
ancient sites ar e i nfest ed wi t h aber r at i ons , and some
sites are still cent er s of wor shi p for t he Cul t s of t he
Dr agon Below.
The Byeshk and Graywall Mount ai ns hol d abundant
resources of byeshk, a pur pl e metal widely used in j ewel ry
as well as for bl udge oni ng weapons. Such weapons are
par t i cul ar l y effective agai nst dael kyr and some aber r a-
t i ons. The Dhakaani hobgobl i ns mi ned byeshk for use
agai nst the dael kyr, and some of t hose mi nes still exi st .
Many of t hem, however, r emai n i nhabi t ed by t he descen-
dant s of the hor r i bl e cr eat ur es t he dael kyr sent i n to shut
the mi nes down.
Some of t he most i nt er es t i ng sites i n Dr oaam are
literally dungeons. Beneat h the lairs of Droaam' s surface-
dwel l ers, ext ensi ve pr i s ons , l abor camps, and slave pens
ext end deep i nt o the ear t h. Some find themselves in these
dungeons unwillingly, some attempt rescue missions t here,
and some st umbl e i nt o these places upon emer gi ng from a
trek i nt o Khyber, Whatever bri ngs you i nt o such a place,
get t i ng out is often even more of a chal l enge.
The Mr or Hol ds are home to twelve great dwarf cl ans. Each clan has its
own stories, cust oms, and t er r i t or y (which the dwarves call hol ds). Many
years have passed since the dwarves fought each ot her in the mount ai ns,
but t hei r memor i es are long, and the clans nei t her forget nor forgive the
feuds they have with one anot her . These feuds were once bloody affairs
settled with axe and shi el d, but i n these enl i ght ened t i mes, dwarves use
more sophisticated tactics. They battle over business contracts or games of
skill; they support different athletes and under cut each other' s mercant i l e
ent erpri ses. Some dwarves still t ur n to blades to settle t hei r di sput es, but
the weapons are now wielded in shadow and gleam with poi son.
Mr or anon is one of the most powerful clans in the holds, and it lends
its founder' s name to the nat i on as a whole. Its mi nes pr oduce the best
i r on ore i n Khor vai r e, al l owi ng Mr or a non to bui l d st r ong di pl omat i c
and mercant i l e ties with Brel and. Mr or anon seeks the dest ruct i on of the
Jhor ash' t ar orcs, who hi de i n the I r onr oot Mount ai ns. The clan has feuds
with Kol kar an, which uses its mi ner al wealth to under cut Mr or anon' s
i ron t rade; with Sor anat h, whose founder quarrel ed with Mr or in times
of l egend; and wi t h Tol dor at h and Tor da nnon, who seek to gr ant the
Jhor ash' t ar the full political power of a Mr or i an clan.
Dol darun is wealthy, with a large number of gold and silver mines within
its hold. Dol darun has also discovered deposits of mithral and adamant i ne in
its territory, and it is deeply embroiled in foreign affairs. Dol dar un dwarves
are master ent r epr eneur s, playing t hei r customers against each ot her and
always fi ndi ng the right market and highest prices for their goods. Hi st ori -
cally neut ral in the dwarven wars, Dol dar un has no feuds with individual
clans, but no firm allies either. Dol darun seeks to use its wealth to outmuscle
the ot her clans and emerge as the de facto r ul er of the Mr or Hol ds.
Dr or anat h is a throwback to earlier t i mes. Its warri ors are t emper a-
mental and t rai n to enhance t hei r nat ur al rage; naturally, the clan boasts a
large number of bar bar i ans. It battles the j hor as h' t ar continuously, which
puts it at odds with Tol dorat h and Tor dannon. Dr or anat h has a lesser
concent rat i on of nat ur al resources t han most ot her holds, but it cont ai ns
enough to make it a decent power and a worthwhile ally. Dr or anat h mer -
cenaries command hi gh prices t hr oughout Khor vai r e.
Kol kar un shifts allegiance constantly. Its hi st ory i ncl udes feuds
with each of the ot her clans at one poi nt or anot her, and its allies change
Accor di ng to one legend, the duergar (detailed in Expanded Psionics Handbook)
are the debased r emnant s of an anci ent dwarf ki ngdom that was destroyed
dur i ng the Daelkyr War. Anot her legend ties them to the vanished Clan Nold-
r un, and they do seem to be most common in the depths of Khyber beneath
the southern peaks of the Ironroot Mountainsnear both Nol drunhol d and
the Goradra Gap. Some say their exposure to the mi nd-t wi st i ng magic of the
daelkyr gave t hem psionic power si mi l ar to that of the mi nd flayers, while
others blame interference by the quori . The duergar believe themselves to be
the most ancient race of dwarves (certainly not the descendants of a clan that
vanished only four centuries ago), but the t rut h is impossible to ascertain.
Dr eam dwarves (descri bed in Races of Stone) are found in t he Mr or
Holds, bl endi ng in with t hei r cousins. They are most commonl y seen near
Mi r r or Lake, but even t here they are r ar e.
Duer gar and dr eam dwarves occasionally possess aber r ant dr agon-
marks. (See Subraces and Dr agonmar ks, page 47.)
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 10: Once part of Kar r nat h, the Mror
Holds is now a nation composed of sev-
eral semi - i ndependent dwarf cl ans.
DC 15 : The gover ni ng body is the I r on
Counci l , which rul es on mat t ers t hat
affect all the clans i n the Mr or Hol ds.
The clans do not cooperat e especially
well; many have l ongst andi ng feuds.
DC 20: The Aur um has a st r ong pr es-
ence i n t he Mr or Hol ds.
Knowl edge (history)
DC 15: The dwarves fought each ot her
for t housands of years before Ka r r n
subjugated t hem and forced t hem to
swear fealty to Galifar. The dwarves
broke from the Five Nat i ons dur i ng
the Last War.
DC 25: The dwarves' ancestors came to
the Mr or Hol ds about twelve t hou-
sand years ago. The cur r ent clans are
t he descendant s of exiles; not hi ng
r e ma i ns of t he dwar ves' or i gi na l
homel and i n Khyber.
Knowl edge (l ocal )
DC 10: The dwarves are renowned bank-
ers and entrepreneurs. They place
great stock i n personal appearance.
DC 15: A t r i be of or cs cal l ed t he
Jhor ash' t ar shares the mount ai ns with
the dwarves. The two races have battled
repeatedly over t housands of years.
DC 20: Mrori an dwarves like to stand out
on the battlefield. They wear enam-
eled armor, name t hei r weapons, and
develop distinctive battle cries.
Knowl edge (nobi l i ty and royalty)
DC 10: House Kundar ak, the dwarven
dr agonmar ked house, has its head-
quar t er sand wi el ds consi der abl e
influencein the Mr or Hol ds. House
Sivis assists Kundar ak i n its banki ng
DC 15: The r ul i ng family of each clan
has the same family name as the clan.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 15: The Sovereign Host is the r el i -
gi on of choice i n t he Mr or Hol ds.
Most dwarves revere Kol Kar an.
DC 25: An active vol cano called t he
Fist of Onat ar stands i n the sout her n
Mr or Hol ds. The dwarves believe it is
sacred to Onat ar .
as rapidly as its enemi es. Nevertheless,
Kolkarun dwarves are shrewd ent r e-
preneurs and charismatic negotiators,
and their wealth allows t hem to supply
potential allies with gifts. The ot her
clans view Kol kar un as oppor t uni st s,
while Kol kar un dwarves see t hem-
selves as smart enough to always pick
the wi nni ng side. Current l y, Kol ka-
run has di pl omat i c ties to Aundai r ,
Karrnat h, Zi l argo, the Tal ent a half-
lings, and the Emeral d Claw. It counts
Mroranon and Sol darak among its
allies in the holds, and for the last
couple of decades it has mai nt ai ned a
growing feud with Dol dar un, which
seeks to discredit Kol kar un.
Cl an Ku n d a r a k has become
House Kundar ak. It has no voice on
the Iron Counci l , t he Mr or Hol ds'
ruling body, and cl ai ms to be neu-
tral. Despite t hat cl ai m, Kundar ak
has great i nfl uence, and t he ot her
clans const ant l y vie for its favor.
Laranak' s feud with Londur ak
is legendary. All dwarves know of the
mutual enmity these two clans possess,
and it was only with reluctance and gifts
from the other clans that the two agreed
to work t oget her to present a unified
front at Thr onehol d. Thei r councilors
disagree with each ot her out of habit
and ancestral hatred more than reason.
Now, the two clans wage t hei r private
war in whatever socially acceptable ways
they can, each shifting alliances with
the other clans to outplay the ot her.
Narathunhold contains mines of
precious gemstones, and Narat hun jew-
elers are among the best in the world.
They work with Mr or anon to create
ceremonial weapons and with Doldarun
to create fine jewelry. Nar at hun feuds
with Dr or anat h, which it says reneged
on a business deal long ago, and with
Toldorath and Tor dannon, which it
believes robbed it in ancient times.
Nol dr un di sappeared about four
hundr ed years ago. Rumor s abound
as to the cause, and most consi der
its l ands haunt ed and avoid t hem. I
Mr or anon, Tol dor at h, and Tor da n-
non (all of which feuded with Nol d-
run) were not unhappy to see it go.
Sol dorak is wealthy, and it envies House Kundar ak' s
power and prest i ge. It at t empt s to di scredi t and under cut
the dr agonmar ked house whenever possible and uses its
wealth as a weapon against the ot her clans. Its uncompr o-
mising business dealings have put it at odds with most ot her
clans, part i cul arl y Mr or anon and Dol dar un, but it works
with Soranat h to find markets for t hei r mut ual goods.
Sor anat h possesses excel l ent craft ers, who work with
other clans to pr oduce fi ni shed goods from t hei r raw
materials. As such, they are fri end to all, t hough the ot her
clans resent bei ng unable to match Soranat h' s skill. Sor, the
clan' s founder, quar r el ed with Mr or in anci ent times, and
t hei r clans cont i nue the feud today.
Tol dor at h and Tor da nnon are l ongt i me allies and
persuasi ve di pl omat s. They cur r ent l y lobby to gr ant the
Jhor ash' t ar orcs full clan status, a pr oposi t i on that Mr or a-
non finds reprehensi bl e but that the ot her clans are willing
to consider. Tol dorat h and Tor dannon are the most adept
at using t hei r wealth as weapons, and many members of the
Aur um hail from these clans. They have l ongst andi ng feuds
with Dr or anat h and Nar at hun.
Stories abound of the mysteries that lurk i n the dept hs of the El deen
Reaches. The Toweri ng Wood is vast and anci ent , and humani t y barely has
a foothold in t hat fortress of nat ur e. Fey dance i n unt ouched groves, and
di r e ani mal s sl umber in the deep woods. But where danger l urks in this
pri meval wi l derness, much of it is far from nat ur al . Thous ands of years
before humans came to Khor vai r e, the forces of Xori at fought the orc
Gat ekeepers in the El deen Reaches, and the scars of that t erri bl e war still
r emai n. For every dryad, t here is a dol gr i m; for every uni cor n, t here is a
r unehound. These hor r i bl e aberrat i ons have no place in nat ur e.
The forests of the El deen Reaches hold endless possibilities for excit-
i ng advent ur e. Pl anar por t al s lead to Thel ani s , the Faeri e Cour t , and
manifest zones l i nk to the Twilight Forest of Lamanni a and the Endless
Night of Mabar as well. Anci ent r ui ns hol d orc art i fact s lost in the war
against the daelkyr, al ong wi t h sealed por t al s l eadi ng i nt o the dept hs of
Khyber. Legendar y beasts r oam the deep woods al ongsi de wild fey, feral
shi ft ers, nomadi c cent aur s, and ot her creat uressome hel pf ul , some
hostile, some merely xenophobi c.
On the ot her hand, ordi nary folk call the Reaches home as well. These
people fall into two distinct cul t ures: the farmi ng folk of the eastern plains
and the people of the woods.
The farmers live on the east ern edge of the Tower i ng Wood. The i r
ancest ors were ci t i zens of Aundai r , but t hei r gr andpar ent s and gr eat -
gr andpar ent s t ur ned against the lords of Aundai r dur i ng the Last War,
when the pri nces of Galifar abandoned t hem. The pl ai ns folk live simple
lives, but they are rugged and pr oud. Most have taken up the beliefs of the
dr ui ds, and villages have dr ui d advisors. Thei r placid life was shattered
dur i ng the Last War: Family hol di ngs were obliterated, and society t ur ned
upside down as the young people left the quiet towns of the Reaches for
the bri ght lights of the di st ant cities.
The peopl e of t he woods hi d from the eyes of Gal i far, and most
prefer the solitude of the Toweri ng Wood to the bustle of the Five Nat i ons.
Shifters and cent aurs somet i mes live i n t hei r own isolated t ri bes, but the
forest folk prefer to live i n smal l mi xed communi t i eshuman, elf, and
shifter living side by side. They follow the faith of one of the dr ui d sects,
but only the most exceptional actually become dr ui ds or rangers, j oi ni ng
the patrols that guar d woods and pl ai ns alike.
More t han any ot her factor, t he dr ui d sects of t he El deen Reaches
define the charact er of the nat i on and its peopl e. A communi t y' s nat ur e
can be best under st ood by l ear ni ng its rel at i onshi p to these sects.
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 10: The El deen Reaches are a vast
regi on of forest and pl ai ns in nor t h-
west Khor vai r e. The popul at i on of
t hi s area is sparse, and much of t he
Toweri ng Wood r emai ns unt ouched
by humani t y. The soil is fertile, and
the area is a cent er for agr i cul t ur e.
DC 15: The El deen Reaches were only
recogni zed as a nat i on at t he Treaty of
Thr onehol d. The woods are still wild
and unt a me d, occupi ed by shi f t er
t r i bes and bands of dr ui ds . St or i es
say t hat t he deep woods are fi l l ed
wi t h mons t er s .
Knowl edge (history)
DC 10: The east ern pl ai ns of the El deen
Reaches were once par t of Aundai r .
Dur i ng the Last War, Aundai r left the
regi on to fend for itself. After dr ui ds
and rangers from the Toweri ng Wood
hel ped the farmers fight off bandi t s
and i nvadi ng forces, the people of the
regi on seceded and j oi ned t hei r l and
to the El deen Reaches.
Knowl edge (l ocal )
DC 15: Th e law i n t he Reaches is
enforced by the Wardens of the Wood,
who follow "nat ur al law" as opposed
to the Code of Galifar.
Knowl edge (nature)
DC 10: The El deen Reaches are t he
center of dr ui d activity i n Khor vai r e.
DC 15: Unusual pl ant s and ani mal s
can be found t her e, i ncl udi ng dark-
wood and reat h leaves. However, the
dr ui ds and rangers of the land despise
poachers and pi l l agers.
Knowl edge (nobi l i ty and royalty)
DC 10: Hous e Vadal i s has a s t r ong
presence i n the El deen Reaches. The
pat r i ar ch of House Vadalis conducts
business from the city of Var na.
DC 15: House Vadalis is on good t erms
wi t h most of t he dr ui d sects, but has
been f i ght i ng wi t h t he As hbound
for cent ur i es .
Knowl edge (the pl anes)
DC 15: The El deen Reaches i ncl ude
mani f es t zones. Zones connect ed
to La ma nni a are oft en popul at ed by
di r e ani mal s , while t he fey flock to
regi ons t ouched by Thel ani s.
Cent aur s are most common in t he west ern forests near t he Twi l i ght
Demesne, and they mai nt ai n good rel at i ons with the Fey t her e. They also
range widely t hr oughout the El deen Reaches. See Races of the Wild for more
i nformat i on about playing a cent aur as a charact er.
Gol i at hs are mount ai n- dwel l i ng nomads who form scattered com-
muni t i es in r emot e mount ai n areas, i ncl udi ng t he Shadowcrags in the
El deen Reaches and several r anges in Xen' dr i k. They or i gi nat ed in
Xen' dr i k, but most abandoned t hat cont i nent with the ri se of t he gi ant
civilization. Gol i at h wanderers are occasionally seen across Khorvai re and
Xen' dr i k. Thei r barbari c cousi ns, the feral garguns, live in frigid regi ons,
i ncl udi ng the Frostfell and the Icehorn Mount ai ns in the Eldeen Reaches.
Gol i at hs and feral gar guns are descri bed in Races of Stone.
When human explorers first ent ered the Eldeen Reaches, a
handful felt a call that drew them deep into the Towering Wood.
They were led to the Great Drui d Oalian - a mighty greatpine
that spoke with a human voice. The ancient tree called upon the
newcomers to mai nt ai n the balance between wood and world,
and slowly taught the explorers the skills and duties of drui ds
and rangers. From these ori gi nal teachings, a number of sects
soon took form. Despite t hei r differences i n belief, Oal i an
supports all the druids, since each sect embraces an aspect of
the natural world. In ret urn, most druids respect Oal i an as the
ultimate spiritual authority in the region, and they gather at
Greenheart for i mport ant conclaves and rituals.
Among the El deen dr ui ds , hi erarchy is defi ned by
seniority, although a youth who displays ext raordi nary talent
receives respect beyond her years. The young are expected to
follow the dictates of the old; the elders debate major issues
that face t hei r communi t y unt i l a consensus is reached. As a
rule, rangers and hunt er s are expected to defer to the j udg-
ment of the elder dr ui ds, but seni or rangers can part i ci pat e
in the moot s of the elders.
The dr ui ds revere the power of nat ur e. Dr ui ds equate
the nat ural world with the pr ogeni t or dragon Eber r on, who
is seen as the maker of all nat ur al t hi ngs. They do not wor-
ship Eber r on as a god or believe that the Dragon Between
actively watches the world, but they view Eber r on as the
source of life and the bi nder of unnat ur al t hi ngs.
NPCs in the El deen Reaches begi n with a friendly attitude
toward a recognizable member of any dr ui d sect except the
Ashbound and the Chi l dr en of Wi nt er. The dr ui ds and
rangers have a very positive reput at i on as guardi ans and pr o-
tectors of the Reaches, and they represent the highest ideals
that its people strive to at t ai n. Folk of the Reaches greet the
Ashbound with an indifferent to unfri endl y attitude and are
unfriendly toward the Chi l dr en of Winter.
A few groups mai nt ai n active hostility toward the dr ui d
sects. These i ncl ude the Cults of the Dr agon Below and the
Blood of Vol (along with the Or der of the Emeral d Claw),
both of which revere forces t hat the dr ui d sects abhor.
Members of these organi zat i ons have unfri endl y st art i ng
attitudes toward any El deen dr ui d or ranger.
"The earth is scarred; we are its healers."
Faena Gr aymor n, Warden of the Wood
The Wardens of the Wood are the largest of the modern druid
sects. They are the eyes and ears of the Great Druid Oalian, and
at Oalian' s behest they mai nt ai n the balance between the wilds
and the civilized world. The daelkyr left deep scars on the land,
and older horrors date back to the Age of Demons. The Wardens
hunt unnat ural creatures and strive to destroy fiends, undead,
and aber r at i ons. When it comes to nat ural dangersdi re
animals or ot her deadly predatorsthe Wardens keep humans
away from these creatures, allowing each to live in peace.
War den dr ui ds work with the peopl e of the pl ai ns,
teaching t hem met hods of agr i cul t ur e and ani mal hus-
bandry that work in har mony with nat ur e. When the pl ai ns
folk seceded from Aundai r , the War dens t r ai ned t hei r
militias and fought at t hei r sides. In t hei r gr at i t ude, the
folk t ur ned to the study of the dr ui di c mysteries, and this
helped make the l and remarkabl y fertile. Today, Warden
rangers pat rol the ent i ret y of the Reaches, fighting bandi t s,
poachers, and ot her i nt er l oper s.
The primary goal of the Wardens of the Wood is to pr o-
tect the innocentwhether that means protecting nat ure from
humani t y or vice versa. Some seek to educate the people they
encounter, but others use sword or spell to battle greed and evil.
All Wardens strive to act with wisdom and compassion, however,
and to aid all of Eberron' s chi l dr en as well as they can.
Wardens of t he Wood i n t he World
"Since Moselin taught us to recognize its territory, we haven't had any trouble
with the dire bear."
Vhaja Dumi k, resi dent of Cree
The War dens of the Wood cl ai m some t en t housand active
member sr oughl y one i n fifty of t he Reaches' ci t i zens.
Though the organi zat i on' s member shi p is mostly human,
elves, half-elves, shifters, orcs, and members of more exotic
races are also r epr esent ed. Wardens are generally neut ral
good and are concerned above all with the wel l -bei ng of
every nat ur al creat ure that lives i n the Reaches.
Unl i ke the ot her dr ui d sects, the Wardens have a fixed
base of operat i ons: Gr eenhear t , a town i n the midst of the
Toweri ng Wood. Built ar ound a sacred grove and a manifest
zone l i nked to Lamanni a, Gr eenhear t is the spi ri t ual and
t emporal heart of the El deen Reacheshome to the Great
Dr ui d Oal i an and the loose gover nment of the Reaches.
The member shi p of the sect i ncl udes sedent ary dr ui d
advisors who offer t hei r wi sdom and mi nor spel l cast i ng
services to villages t hr oughout the Reaches, as well as more
advent ur ous dr ui ds and r anger s who pat r ol t he woods,
pl ai ns, and foot hi l l s of t he l and to mai nt ai n peace and
protect the i nnocent . Some members actively seek out aber-
rat i ons and ot her unnat ur al forces to drive t hem from the
Reaches (or the world). Al l strive to mai nt ai n the balance
between nat ur e and civilization in ways that pr omot e health
and wel l -bei ng at a physical and spi ri t ual level.
Great Dr ui d Oal i an (N awakened gr eat pi ne dr ui d 20) is
the unquest i oned l eader of t he War dens. Br ought to sen-
tience a t housand years before humans set foot on Khor -
vaire, Oal i an possesses a dept h of wisdom and a sensitivity
to all living beings that are difficult for anyone who has not
met the dr ui d to i magi ne. Oal i an rarely moves, and much of
the hands - on work of gover ni ng the Wardens is carri ed out
by Faena Gr aymor n ( NG female half-elf dr ui d 13). Faena
was bor n with impressive gifts, and she played a critical role
in the secession of the Reaches from Aundai r . Old age has
sapped her st r engt h, but her wisdom r emai ns.
Ot her not abl e member s of the war dens i ncl ude Root
( NG mal e per sonal i t y warforged fighter 2/ dr ui d 4), a
spiritual soldier searchi ng for his place in the nat ural world;
Mosel i n ( NG male huma n dr ui d 7), advisor to the town of
Cree and also an active hunt er of aber r at i ons; and Feralyn
Wolf-tail ( NG female gnome r anger 5/ El deen r anger 1), a
clever gnome who hunt s poachers and bandi t s.
"Cities will crumble and trees take root in their streets once more. Anything]
can do to hasten that day's coming, I swear I will do."
Tasia, Ashbound El deen ranger
For most drui ds, nat ure and civilization are forces that must
be kept i n bal ance. For t he As hbound, ci vi l i zat i on is the
enemy: a cor r upt i ng force t hat must be dri ven back or destroyed before
it deals i r r epar abl e damage to the t r ue world. Ini t i at es of the or der are
daubed with the ashes of trees destroyed i n the name of "progress. " They
swear to be bound to the service of Eber r on and to fight the unnat ur al
unt i l the world is rest ored to its pr i mal state.
To the Ashbound, many t hi ngs violate the nat ur al order, with arcane
magic at the top of the list. The Ashbound see such magic as the epitome of
the unnat ur al , usi ng formul as and ri t ual s to twist the laws of nat ur e and
create deadly effects that were never meant to exist. Cities and ot her physi-
cal manifestations of civilization are next on the list, along with st ruct ured
agri cul t ure and the magebreedi ng of animalstwisted attempts to reshape
the world. Ashbound have no more love for clerics t han for wizards, and
believe that any nondr ui di c faith involves trafficking with otherworldly
(and t herefore unnat ur al ) spirits.
The Ashbound are i nfamous for t hei r use of violence, and they fight
with the fury of the wild. However, moderat es among the sect seek to con-
vince ot hers of t hei r misdeeds t hr ough discussion instead of dest ruct i on.
These Ashbound believe that people can be shown the er r or of t hei r ways
and encour aged to slowly change over t i me. As an As hbound, you can
travel in the company of a wizardas long as you warn your compani on
of the dangers of his art and make cer t ai n he does not ha r m i nnocent s.
If you seek out the greatest t hreat s, you set an example to ot hers t hr ough
your act i ons. The Ashbound mi ght despise wizards and hate cities, but
undead and aberrat i ons are j ust as unnat ur al , and must be dealt with.
Ashbound shun armor, but most are wi l l i ng to use forged weapons.
Shifters are drawn to the Ashbound cause, bel i evi ng that they are closer
to nat ur e t han most humans.
The Ashbound i n the World
"They're extreme fanatics. I'm not unsympathetic to their cause, mind you, but they're not making
any friends by resorting to violence to get their point across."
Feralyn Wolf-Tail, Warden of the Wood
Compared to the Wardens of the Wood, the Ashbound are a tiny sect, claim-
ing no more t han seventeen hundr ed members. Of these, the vast major-
ity are humans and shifters. The overall al i gnment of the sect is neut ral ,
though individual members more often lean toward evil t han good.
The Ashbound wander in small bands along the eastern edge of the
Toweri ng Wood, vent ur i ng out from the shelter of the forest to raid the
settlements along the lakes and across the Aundai r border. For all t hei r
hostile r eput at i on, the Ashbound have been i nst r ument al in foiling dan-
gerous schemes, part i cul arl y in i nst ances when the Or der of the Emeral d
Claw and ot her vi l l ai nous mast er mi nds have attempted to use the manifest
zone i n the Gl oami ng to create hor r i bl e el dri t ch machi nes.
The chari smat i c head of the Ashbound is Ghar ul l (N male shifter
dr ui d 10). A fiery and passionate i ndi vi dual , Ghar ul l firmly believes he
speaks with nat ure' s voice. No small number of drui ds have j oi ned the sect
primarily because of Gharul l ' s magnetic presence; he has an uncanny ability
to convince anyone who hears hi m speak of the Tightness of his cause.
Ot her not abl e member s of the As hbound i ncl ude Col l as (N male
human dr ui d 4), a moder at e who preaches the As hbound message i n the
east ern pl ai ns; St ormcl aw (NE mal e shi ft er bar bar i an 12), a fierce and
ruthless shifter who is infamous across the Reaches for his deadly st rengt h;
and Tasia (NE female human r anger 6/ El deen r anger 5), a cautious and
cunni ng r anger who hunt s wizards in the cities of Aundai r .
"Even now, the fell wind blows from the north, a biting harbinger of the long winter to comea
messenger of plague, of doom, and of new birth."
Forlorn, Chi l d of Winter
The Chi l dr en of Wi nt er is the most mi sunder st ood of the dr ui d sects
t hough this makes members no less danger ous. Many outside observers
believe the sect worships deat h and decay, and that its members hope to
Wardens of the Wood
Knowl edge (nature)
DC 10: The Wardens of the Wood is a
large sect of dr ui ds and rangers based
i n the El deen Reaches. The Wardens
mai nt ai n the bal ance between civili-
zation and nat ur e.
DC 15: The Wardens are noble peopl e
who hel p the i nnocent and needy.
Knowl edge (nature)
DC 10: Th e As hbound is a fanat i cal
dr ui d sect feared across the Eldeen
Aundai r bor der . Its member s despise
civilization and arcane magic.
DC 15: The Ashbound view themselves
as nat ure' s avengers. They believe that
nondr ui d magic, large-scale agri cul -
t ure, urbani zat i on, and domestication
of ani mal s violate the nat ur al order.
DC 20: Al t hough the Ashbound believe
i n vi ol ence and t er r or as a t ool for
change, they are also implacable ene-
mies of aberrat i ons and undead.
Chi l dren of Winter
Knowl edge (nature)
DC 10: The Chi l dr e n of Wi nt er is an
apocalyptic dr ui d sect that worships
death and decay.
DC 15 : The Chi l dr en respect deat h as a
part of the nat ural cycle. They have an
affinity for ver mi n and disease.
DC 20: The sect believes that a series of
terrible disasters will cleanse the world
to make way for a new golden age.
The Gatekeepers
Knowl edge (nature)
DC 10: The Gatekeepers is a small dr ui d
sect found i n the El deen Reaches and
the Shadow Marches.
DC 15: The Gatekeepers dedicate t hem-
selves to pr ot ect i ng t he world from
aber r at i ons and out si der s. The sect
includes many orcs.
DC 20: The or i gi nal Gat ekeepers were
the first dr ui ds of Khor vai r e, taught
by a dr agon. They played a major role
in repel l i ng the daelkyr invasion.
The Greensingers
Knowl edge (nature)
DC 15 : The Greensi ngers is a dr ui d sect
i n the El deen Reaches. Its members
are chaotic folk with ties to the fey.
DC 20: The Gr eensi nger s are said to
have a rel at i onshi p with the lords of
Thel ani s.
destroy the world. Little could be fart her from the t r ut h.
The Chi l dr en do not worshi p death, but simply embrace
it as part of the nat ur al order. They believe that disease,
storm, and blight all play a vital role i n the cycle of life,
weeding out the weak and i nf i r m. The Chi l dr en of Wi nt er
say that civilization has drawn people away from this nat ural
cycle, allowing the weak to survive, and that nat ur e will not
allow this to cont i nue. For ages, they have been waiting for
a great cataclysm to scourge the world with plague and catas-
trophe, but despite what ot hers t hi nk, the sect does not see
this event as the end of t hi ngs. It is simply the dark wi nt er
that paves the way for the new spri ng. Wi nt er is harsh but
necessary, and the st r ong shall survive and prosper.
For most of t hei r history, the Chi l dr en of Wi nt er have
been cont ent to wait for the end of the cur r ent age, studying
the spread of the Gl oami ng and doi ng t hei r part to mai n-
tain the nat ur al or der . In the wake of the Day of Mour n-
ing, the dr ui ds have come to the concl usi on t hat wi nt er is
finally risingand t hat it is the duty of its chi l dr en to aid
the appr oachi ng apocal ypse. Now the Chi l dr en of Wi nt er
are movi ng out from the Gl oami ng, pr epar i ng to spread
plague and despairall for the good of the world.
All member s of the sect t rust that the long wi nt er will
come, but some believe the t i me is not yet ni gh. A handful
of these have left the El deen Reaches i n search of proof that
the elders have misread the signsthat the Day of Mour ni ng
was the work of human hands, not of the forces of nat ur e.
Due to t hei r close bond with disease, the Chi l dr en of
Winter have remarkabl e skill as heal ers. Though they prefer
to let plagues r un t hei r nat ur al course, member s of the sect
can be convinced to use this knowledge to aid ot hers.
The Chi l dren of Winter i n the World
"They embrace the whole of nature, which is more than most of us can say.
Sometimes we need to be reminded of the things we would prefer to ignore."
The Great Dr ui d Oal i an
The Chi l dr en of Wi nt er count s some eleven hundr ed mem-
bers across the El deen Reaches and beyond. Its members are
mostly human, and shifters make up the largest part of the
remai nder. The sect t ends toward evil al i gnment , embrac-
ing the nat ur al forces that are i ni mi cal to life and heal t h.
The Chi l dr en of Wi nt er congregate in the Gl oami ng in
the sout her n part of the Toweri ng Wood, but since the Day
of Mour ni ng they have been mor e active outside that area.
They do not have any fixed meet i ng places or headquart ers,
but roam in almost feral bands led by elders and charismatic
druids or rangers.
The sect has no single leader, but its member s gravitate
around those who have the st rengt h of personal i t y to gather
followers and the st r engt h of arms to keep t hei r posi t i ons.
The Chi l dr en of Wi nt er believe only the st rong will survive
the wi nt er to come, so they respect those who demonst rat e
s t r engt h. For emost among these is Raven ( NE female
human dr ui d 9/warlock 3). A sinister figure clearly touched
by darkness, she walks the woods s ur r ounded by ver mi n and
presages the comi ng devastation t hrough her violent actions.
Raven rejects the common association between warlocks and
the fiends of Khyber (see Warlocks, page 35), bel i evi ng that
her powers come from the power of the Gl oami ng and the
force that will cleanse the l and. Forl orn (N male half-elf
dr ui d 11) is the spi ri t ual count er par t to Raven' s aggressive
st r engt h. He is wi t hdrawn, emer gi ng from seclusion only
to pr ocl ai m his latest apocalyptic vision.
Ot he r not abl e Chi l dr e n of Wi nt er i ncl ude Frost (N
femal e h u ma n dr ui d 4), who i nt ends to prove t hat t he
omens about the i mmi nent comi ng of the wi nt er have been
mi sr ead; Angui s h (NE mal e orc r anger 6/ El deen r anger
3), who is det er mi ned to see the wi nt er come; Cai nan (NE
male human dr ui d 9), who spends his t i me in Shar n inves-
t i gat i ng legends of an anci ent Lady of the Pl ague; and Fell
(NE female shifter dr ui d 7), an al chemi st who has a morbi d
fascination with disease.
"If not for the Gatekeepers, human, your race would never have smelted bronze."
Koruun, orc Gat ekeeper
Most of the dr ui d sects evolved from the teachings of Oal i an,
but not so for the Gat ekeepers. Thous ands of years ago, the
black dragon Vvaraak came to Khorvai re following the path
of the Prophecy. The orcs of the western shore had always
had a st rong bond to nat ur e, and Vvaraak called upon t hem
to serve as Eberron' s champi ons. A gri m disaster loomed in
the futurea force from the Out er Planes that could destroy
the nat ural world. Those who studied under Vvaraak became
the first drui ds of Khorvai re. For thousands of years they fol-
lowed the dragon' s teachingsand t hen the daelkyr arrived.
These lords of madness sought to shatter the world, and they
twisted the creatures of nat ure to serve t hei r needs. The war
that followed crippled the hobgobl i n empi re, but ultimately
the st udent s of Vvaraak prevai l ed. The gates to Xori at were
sealed, and those daelkyr who r emai ned i n Khor vai r e were
driven down i nt o the dept hs of Khyber. But the question
remai ned: Was this the cataclysm Vvaraak had predictedor
simply the prelude to somet hi ng even worse?
Despite t hei r t r i umph, the Gatekeepers were devastated
by the war. The orcs t ur ned away from the anci ent faith,
following the Cul t s of the Dr agon Below. Today, the sect is
a shadow of its former selfclinging to its duties and doi ng
Wu j en, descri bed in Complete Arcane, are her mi t s who com-
mune with nat ur e to power t hei r arcane spells. Thei r spells
revolve ar ound five el ement s closely tied to the forces and
substances of nat ur e; ear t h, fire, met al , water, and wood.
Wu j en are par t i cul ar l y c ommon in t he El deen Reaches,
and they seek out mani fest zones to Lamanni a to per f or m
t hei r ri t es and medi t at i ons . They do not congr egat e i nt o
school s and col l eges, but pass t hei r t r adi t i ons on from
ment or to s t udent . A numbe r of conf l i ct i ng l egends
revolve a r ound t he first ment or . Some say t hi s myt hi c
f i gur e was an exi l ed dr ui d, while some cl ai m it was an
awakened a ni ma l . St i l l ot her s cl ai m t he fi rst wu j e n was a
dj i nni , who omi t t ed ai r from the wu jen' s r eper t oi r e for
sel f-prot ect i ve pur pos es .
its best to mai nt ai n the ancient seals. The orcs of the Shadow
Marches support the t radi t i ons, but only a few fully embrace
the mysteries.
The Gat ekeepers seek to defend nat ur e against the
unnat ur al . They part i cul arl y abhor aberrat i ons, which r ep-
resent nat ur e t ur ned against itself. The next greatest t hreat
comes from out si ders, which have no place i n the nat ural
or der of Eber r on. The Gat ekeepers also battle undead and
similar hor r or s. However, they have no trouble with magical
beasts, which have nat ural l y developed wi t hi n the world; a
Gat ekeeper will try to prevent a conflict between humans
and displacer beasts, for example.
Gat ekeepers are always sear chi ng for signs of aber r a-
t i ons, pl anar instability, or monst ers ri si ng from Khyber.
In the past, they have i gnored the actions of the human
nat i ons, but after the dest ruct i on of Cyre and the creation
of the Mour nl and, they fear that this decision mi ght have
been a t erri bl e mi st ake. Over the last two years, a number
of Gat ekeepers have traveled bot h to the Mour nl and and to
the cities of the old ki ngdoms, seeking to under st and what
happenedand how to prevent it from happeni ng again.
The Gat ekeepers i n t he World
"They do not bow to my authorityor, indeed, to any authority. But their
tradition is one with ours; they are indeed our brothers and sisters."
The Great Dr ui d Oal i an
The Gatekeepers are one of the smallest dr ui d sects, claim-
ing less t han a t housand members, r angi ng mostly t hrough
the Shadow Marches with less t han a hundr ed active in the
Eldeen Reaches. Well over half of these are orcs or half-ores,
with shifters much less common t han they are in the Eldeen
sects. In terms of influence, however, the Gatekeepers exceed
even the Wardens of the Wood, for t hei r activities extend well
beyond the boundari es of the Eldeen forests. Across all of
Khorvai re and indeed the world, they combat the l i ngeri ng
influence of the daelkyr and those who pay them homage.
The Gatekeepers are strongest among the orc tribes of the
Shadow Marches. Gatekeeper drui ds act as spiritual and tem-
poral leaders of some tribes, while Gatekeeper rangers serve as
guides, scouts, and protectors. Beyond the Shadow Marches, the
Gatekeepers are few and widespread. They seek out extraplanar
and unnat ural threats wherever these appear, working alone or
Any charact er can take part in a dr ui di c puri fi cat i on ri t ual ,
t hough such a r i t ual can only be per f or med by a dr ui d of at
least 5t h level who belongs to the appropri at e sect. A dr u-
idic puri fi cat i on ri t ual r equi r es one uni nt er r upt ed hour
of medi t at i on by all those par t i ci pat i ng i n the ri t ual . If
anyt hi ng i nt er r upt s the concent r at i on of any part i ci pant ,
the ri t ual is di sr upt ed and no benefits are bestowed.
When the ritual is completed, each participant who meets
the prerequi si t e must attempt a DC 15 Concent rat i on check
(you can't take 10 on this roll). If he succeeds, he gains the ben-
efit for the ri t ual . Thi s benefit lasts for a number of days equal
to that participant' s character level, unless noted otherwise. If
he fails the check (or doesn' t meet the prerequi si t e), he gains
no benefit and cannot repeat the ri t ual for 30 days.
Dr ui di c puri fi cat i on ri t ual s have no cost, but dr ui ds
refuse to per f or m t hi s ri t ual on anyone who does not share
t hei r beliefs. A dr ui d can' t be compel l ed (magically or ot h-
erwise) to per f or m a ri t ual against her will, and any dr ui d
who performs a ri t ual on an unwort hy charact er loses all
dr ui d spellcasting abilities, along with the ability to per -
form puri fi cat i on ri t ual s, unt i l she under goes atonement.
Ri t ual of Ar cane Opposi t i on
You have been i nur ed against the effects of arcane magic by
a ri t ual of the Ashbound sect.
Prerequi si te: Must not be capable of casting arcane
Benefi t: You gain a +1 bonus on saving throws against
arcane spells.
If you vol unt ari l y fail a save against an arcane spell,
t hi s benefit ends i mmedi at el y.
Ri t ual of Blight' s Embr ace
You have been warded from t he effects of poison and disease
by a ri t ual of the Chi l dr en of Wi nt er, solidifying your bond
with ver mi n.
Prerequi si te: Non- good al i gnment .
Benefi t: You gain a +1 bonus on saving throws against
poi son and disease.
If you deal damage to a ver mi n t hat has not already
dealt damage to you or to one of your allies, t hi s benefit
ends immediately.
Ri t ual of t he Ti mel ess Soul
You have been blessed by the faerie lords of Thel ani s i n a
r i t ual of the Gr eens i nger sect, and you t empor ar i l y slip
from time' s grasp.
Prerequi si te: Chaot i c al i gnment .
Benefi t: You are i mmune to any har mf ul effects
of flowing time due to pl anar travel (such as a j our ney to
The l a ni s , t he Faeri e Cour t ) . Ti me "l ost " due to pl anar
effects never catches up with you. (If the dur at i on of this
effect expires while you are still on a pl ane that experi ences
flowing t i me, any f ur t her time spent on that pl ane has the
nor mal effect upon you. )
If you deal damage to a fey t hat has not already dealt
damage to you or to one of your allies, this benefit ends
Ri t ual of t he Woodl and Bond
You have formed a bond with the growt h of the woods
t hr ough a ri t ual of the Wardens of the Wood.
Prerequi si te: Non-evi l al i gnment .
Benef i t : You don' t take any penal t y on Tumbl e or
Move Silently checks made in areas of under gr owt h, and you
treat such squares as if they were nor mal t er r ai n rat her t han
di ffi cul t t er r ai n (see page 87 of t he Dungeon Master's Guide).
Heavy under gr owt h, as well as ot her f or ms of di ffi cul t
t er r ai n, affects your movement nor mal l y.
If you deal damage to an ani mal or pl ant that has not
already dealt damage to you or to one of your allies, this
benefit ends i mmedi at el y.
in small groups, and have little contact with each other. In
many ways, the Gatekeepers are more of a t radi t i on t han an
actual organization. Only when a great threat manifests do Gate-
keepers attempt to forge alliances with other members of their
sect, pool i ng t hei r resources to drive back the i ncursi on.
The majority of the sect's members carry the title of
hunter. These are bar bar i ans (part i cul arl y in the Shadow
Marches), rangers (especially in the El deen Reaches), and
members of ot her mar t i al classes who take up arms against
the horrors left by the daelkyr. For every t hr ee or four hunt -
ers, an aspi rant (low-level dr ui d) acts as leader. Aspi rant s
who excel gain the title of i ni t i at e, and the most senior
initiates are called Gat ekeepers proper.
Saala Tor r n ( NG female hal f - or c dr ui d 14) is the elder
Gatekeeper of the Shadow Marches and the nomi nal leader
of the sect. She has little di rect influence or aut hori t y over
the scattered Gat ekeepers, but all respect her wisdom. In
the Eldeen Reaches, Kor uun ( NG male orc dr ui d 11), an
old and wi t hered orc, guides the Gat ekeepers.
Ot h e r not a bl e Ga t e ke e pe r s i nc l ude Ma a g r i m
d' Tharashk (N female hal f-ore dr ui d 7/expert 5/ hei r of
Siberys 1), one of the Thar ashk t ri umvi rat e, who does her
best to direct resources to the Gat ekeepers; Or r ash (N male
orc ranger 6/ El deen ranger 4), a master archer and hunt er
of aberrat i ons in the Reaches; and Kor r i n' dal (N male orc
barbarian 7), a fierce guar di an of the Shadow Marches.
"You say you love me? You love me as you love the spring rainbut can you
still love the torrent? Can you love the hurricane?"
Kaelyn Wi ndsong, Gr eensi nger
In the Towering Wood stands a region known as the Twilight
Demesnea place of fey magic, where dryads watch from the
trees and satyrs dance i n moonl i t groves. Her e, the borders
between Eber r on and the faerie real m are t hi n; step i nt o a
shadow, and you mi ght slip t hr ough to the ot her side.
If the Twilight Demesne is the marri age of Eberron and
Thelanis, the Gr eensi nger s are the fruit of this uni on. The
members of this sect are filled with the vi brant energy of the
fey, and chaos is in t hei r very essence. To Greensi ngers, life
is a wild dance and a celebration to be embraced, but they
are not buffoons or j est ers. Gr eensi nger s are always willing
to pull st ri ngs to make the dance more i nt erest i ng. Though
some try to spread joy and laughter, the fey can be cruel, and
the Greensi ngers mi r r or this capriciousness.
While some Greensi ngers l earn the t radi t i ons of the
sect in Eber r on, many have a closer bond to Thel ani s, the
Faerie Cour t . The lords of Thel ani s draw court i ers and
entertainers from Eber r on, and many Greensi ngers spend
time in the halls of the Faerie Cour t before r et ur ni ng to
Eberron to act as ambassadors, servants, and spies for the fey
lords. These individuals can serve as guides to Thel ani s (and
perhaps ot her pl anes), but they cannot always be t rust ed;
t hei r motives are as mysterious as the fey themselves.
The Gr eensi nger s i n t he World
"Ah, the Greensingers. Often overlooked, but never wisely."
The Great Dr ui d Oal i an
The Gr eensi nger s are unusual i n t hat the sect consists
largely of half-elves (nearly one- hal f t hei r number ) , elves,
and humans , with few shifters among t hem. They are con-
cent rat ed in the Twilight Demesne, t hr i vi ng in the woods
linked to Thel ani s by the mani fest zone t here.
The Gr eensi nger s have no leader and no fixed com-
muni t i es. They may seem flighty and unr el i abl e, but they
consider themselves unfet t ered by the rigid ways of t hi nki ng
that bi nd ot hers so tightly. Al l member s have an equal voice
whenever they gather.
Among the more influential and colorful Greensi ngers
is Si l vert ongue (CN male elf dr ui d 12). A master of decep-
tion and a lover of ri ddl es, he is the oldest living member of
the sect, his or i gi nal name long forgot t en. Kaelyn Wi nd-
song (CN female half-elf dr ui d 7/ bard 3) is renowned for
her beautiful voice and her cruel jests. Dori as Brightblade
(NG male half-elf r anger 4/ dr ui d 1) is a handsome i ndi -
vidual held in high favor in the Faerie Cour t . Thor n Dancer
(CN female shifter r anger 5/ El deen r anger 3) is one of the
few shifters in the sect, a wild and unt amed spirit.
Described in Complete Divine, spirit shamans are divine Spell-
casters with a close connection to the spirits of the natural
world. In the Eldeen Reaches, they are viewed as closely
related to druids, and they belong to the same sects as the
druids and rangers of the Reaches. Spirit shamans are most
likely to joi n the Gat ekeepers, the Gr eensi nger s, or the
Wardens of the Wood.
A spi ri t shaman can effectively spontaneously cast
summon nature's ally spells for the purpose of meeting feat and
prestige class prerequisites.
Magic breat hes life i nt o Khor vai r e. It moves t he wheels of i ndust r y and
serves as an aid to t he common folk, a tool of the wealthy, a weapon for
soldiers, and a source of power for advent urers.
Everyone on Eber r on knows what magic is and recognizes it on sight.
Indeed, magic is par t of t he everyday lives of Khor vai r e' s peopl e. It sup-
plies t hem with t r anspor t at i on, with heal i ng, with light, and for some,
a way to make a living. Eber r on is suffused with magic more t horoughl y
t han most worlds, with all the at t endant rami fi cat i ons.
Low-level Spellcasters are pl ent i ful in Khor vai r e. An i ndi vi dual
seeking a 0-level or 1st-level spell mi ght not have to look har d to find it. In
some places, compet i t i on i n spellcasting mi ght allow a buyer to purchase
a spell more cheaply t han nor mal .
The abundance of mi n o r Spel l cast ers also leads to a great deal
of exper i ment at i on. Magewr i ght s and ot her casters t i nker wi t h t hei r
spells, devi si ng new and var i ant forms for specific uses. Mul t i pl e var i -
ant s of prestidigitation have been devi sed, usual l y mor e focused t han the
basic spell from whi ch they are der i ved. Chefs use it to flavor t hei r
di shes, weavers to coax i mpossi bl e desi gns i nt o t hei r cl ot h, and nobl es
to i mpr ess or seduce t he unwary. Rumor s tell of magewr i ght s who have
devel oped speci al i zed magecraft spel l s, gr a nt i ng gr eat er benef i t s on
specific Craft checks.
The peopl e of Khor vai r e see magi c as anot her form of knowl edge
or scholastic disciplinea wondr ous and powerful di sci pl i ne, cert ai nl y,
but still one t hat can be under s t ood and ut i l i zed by peopl e maki ng t hei r
way i n t he worl d. Buddi ng magewri ght s, wi zards, and art i fi cers at t end
schools to hone t hei r nat ur al t al ent s. Art i fi cers in par t i cul ar under st and
the f undament al workings of magic, and the world' s best artificers strive
to uncover more of its secrets. They t rap power in items, create ani mat ed
guar di ans, and f ur t her i ncrease t hei r own abilities.
Mi nor magic helps cities keep peace on t hei r streets. The everbright
l ant er ns that l i ne most boul evards keep the ni ght at bay and help prevent
cri me. Squads of city guard have member s with access to prestidigitation or
ghost sound, who use those spells in lieu of a whistle to alert t hei r comrades.
Such spells allow for a wide r ange of sounds and t ones, and some cities
develop sound codes t hat allow the watch to i nst ant l y under s t and a given
si t uat i on. Ar t i f i cer s creat e watch whistles to f ur t her ut i l i ze t hi s concept .
These magic items resemble nor mal whistles but have several mouthpieces,
each of which produces a different sound.
Some brave magewri ght s and low-level sorcerers, wi zards, art i fi -
cers, and bar ds make a living by hi r i ng themselves out to advent ur er s to
serve as mi nor magical suppor t . They r emai n at the r ear of an adven-
t ur i ng gr oup, usi ng t hei r spells to light the way, check for t raps, set up
ambushes, and st aunch bl eedi ng, so that the advent ur i ng Spellcasters can
focus on combat magi c. These hi r el i ngs congregat e i n areas t hat draw
advent ur er spar t i cul ar l y Shar n, t he set t l ement s ar ound t he Mour n-
l and, and St or mr each. They make it par t of t hei r busi ness to know about
the dungeons to whi ch advent ur er s are likely to j our ney.
Shar n is more amazi ng t han I ever t hought ! The towers are so tall
t hat even when you lie on your back you can' t see t hei r tops. People
walk from tower to tower on bridges or take coaches t hat fly t hr ough
the air! Men of metal and wood wander aroundwarforged from the
Last Warand act like they' re real peopl e. Lant er ns that never go
out light the st reet s. Rich men and women have clothes that shi m-
mer. Gr andma, t he city is full of magic! Oh, what tales I'll have to
tell when I get back!
Knowl edge (arcana)
DC 5: Magi c per meat es t he society of
Khor vai r e. Any settlement has at least
a few mi nor casters. Ar t i sans study as
magewrights to enhance t hei r skills.
DC 10: Magewr i ght s i mpr ove t hei r
prowess with the magecraft spell. They
produce hi gher - qual i t y wares i n less
t i me t han art i sans wi t hout access to
the spell. Art i fi cers focus on magic' s
f undament al nat ur e and are adept at
creat i ng and usi ng magic i t ems.
DC 15: Magic enhances t r anspor t at i on
and has produced the l i ght ni ng rail,
el ement al gal l eons, and ai r shi ps. It
also allows peopl e to send messages
over l ong di st ances.
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 15 : Shar n is the most magically spec-
tacular city i n Khorvai re, with mi l e-
high towers held aloft usi ng magic.
DC 20: The most famous schools of magic
are the Ar cane Congress i n Aundai r
and the Twelve i n Ka r r na t h.
Knowl edge (nobi l i ty and royalty)
DC 10: Dragonmarks enable t hei r bear -
ers to use mi nor spells. These abilities
explain why the dragonmarked houses
hold such power in Eber r on.
DC 15: Several types of dr agonmar ks
exist, and they vary in power. Dr agon-
mar ks evolve over t i me, be c omi ng
mor e power f ul and gr a nt i ng new
abilities to t hei r bear er s.
Knowl edge (the pl anes)
DC 10: In some places, artificers, mage-
wri ght s, and ot her casters use l i nks to
the planes to enhance t hei r spells and
create works ot herwi se i mpossi bl e.
DC 15 : An example of this phenomenon
is Shar n, whose towers could not rise
to t hei r majestic heights if the city was
not linked to Syrania, the Azure Sky.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 10: Aur eon of the Sovereign Host is
the pat r on of knowledge and ar cane
magi c. Spel l cast er s wor s hi p hi m.
Aur eon' s evil half, t he Shadow, also
commands followers among ar cane
Spellcasters. Onat ar of the Sovereign
Host is the god of artifice. Those who
creat e magi c i t ems or use magi c to
creat e obj ect s, especi al l y ar t i f i cer s
and magewr i ght s, wor shi p hi m.
Artificers have many s t r engt hs , and per haps t he great est
is their versat i l i t y. If you are pl ayi ng an art i fi cer, you can
fill any one of nume r ous rol es i n an advent ur i ng part y,
allowing you a great degr ee of fl exi bi l i t y and enabl i ng
you to fill i n t he gaps if your par t y lacks member s of
certain classes.
You can be a pot ent mel ee combat ant , par t i cul ar l y
when fighting const ruct s. Your base attack bonus increases
as the same rate as a cleric' s, and you can f ur t her increase
your damage- deal i ng pot ent i al with i nfusi ons such as magic
weapon, personal weapon augmentation, and bull's strength. The various
inflict damage spells make you mor e effective t han a fighter
against const ruct s.
Every party can use a charact er to draw attacks and soak
up damage, and in the right ci rcumst ances you can do j ust
thatfor i nst ance, if you are a warforged and can cast stone
construct on yourself, or if you can send i n a homuncul us with
the same pr ot ect i on. Ot her wi se, you don' t have a lot of hit
points, so make sure the enemy can' t hit you. Wear ar mor
and improve it with armor enhancement and magic vestment.
When the cleric is down or otherwise busy, you can play
healer for a while, using your wand of cure moderate wounds. If the
party includes warforged or const ruct allies (like your own
homunculi), patch t hem up with repair construct.
If your party is mi ssi ng a rogue, you can take his place
at least, you can seek out and disable magic traps, which is
one of the rogue' s pr i mar y responsi bi l i t i es. Be sure to put
a lot of ranks i nt o Search and Disable Device. If you want to
sneak ar ound like a rogue, find, buy, or craft magic items
that grant you invisibility and silence.
Is your part y lacking a sorcerer or wi zard? Never fear;
with you ar ound, the party has a wi zard-i n-a-st i ck. Tur n to
magic items to replace arcane Spellcasters. Wands, staves,
scrolls, rodsthey' re all yours to command.
Ar t i f i cer s also pr ovi de a variety of mi scel l aneous
magical support . They can identify magic items and create
weapons, armor, and ot her items for themselves and t hei r
compani ons. Wi t h your r et ai n essence ability, you' l l
never find an item you can' t use. Even if you don' t
take one of the pr i mar y roles not ed above, you
can serve as a val uabl e backup combat ant ,
healer, t rapfi nder, and spellcaster.
Explorers have discovered a number of old
magic items in Xen' dr i k. Some of these items
hint t hat bei ngs si mi l ar to art i fi cers existed
in the anci ent past, since the i t ems i mprove
an art i fi cer' s di st i nct i ve abi l i t i es. Si mi l arl y,
artificers are an inventive lot and develop magi c
items to f ur t her capitalize on t hei r capabi l i t i es.
One of the most useful, t he art i fi cer' s monocl e, An artificer's
is described her e. monocle
Ar t i f i cer ' s Monocl e
An artificer's monocle allows you to identify the functions of a
magic item simply by looking at it through this device.
Descri pt i on: An artificer's monocle is a glass lens rimmed
in gold with a fine gold chain attached to an ear clip. When it
is used, the monocle flashes gold and a huge blue eye blinks
open, scanni ng the item before it.
Prerequi si t e: You must have the artificer knowledge
class feature to use an artificer's monocle.
Activation: Putting on a monocle is a standard action.
Once you have it on, the monocle activates whenever
you use your artificer knowledge class feature.
Effect: While you wear an artificer's monocle,
whenever you successfully use your artifi-
cer knowledge ability to detect an item's
magical aura, you can spend I additional
mi nute studying the item. If you do, you
can identify the powers of that item as if
you had cast identify upon it.
Aura/ Cas t er Level : Faint di vi nati on.
CL5t h.
Constructi on: Craft Wondrous Item, iden-
tify, creator must have the artificer knowledge
class feature, 9,500 gp, 760 XP. 19 days.
Pri ce: 19,000 gp.
Al t hough Khor vai r e now cont ai ns no fewer t han fourt een different coun-
t ri es, pri nci pal i t i es, and t erri t ori es (not to ment i on the desolate Mour n-
l and and the Demon Wastes), the vast cent ral r egi on of the cont i nent is
still referred to as t he Five Nat i ons by a great many peopl e. For most of
the last t housand years, t hi s name was not a conf usi ng moni ker but the
literal t r ut h. Five nat i ons held sway over the majority of the landthe five
nat i ons t hat made up the Ki ngdom of Galifar.
The cal endar used t hr oughout Khor vai r e count s years from the date
1 YK (the first Year of the Ki ngdom) , when Gal i far I uni t ed five di spa-
rate nat i ons i nt o a single ki ngdom t hat carri ed his name. Even as Galifar
ascended t he t hr one of t he Ki ngdom of Gal i far, he set his five chi l dr en
up as the gover nor - pr i nces of the Five Nat i ons, each of which r et ai ned
much of its uni que cul t ur e and nat i onal i dent i t y t hr ough the life of the
uni t ed ki ngdom. Today, they r emai n t he hear t of Khor vai r e, car r yi ng
the names of Gal i far' s chi l dr en despite conquest , uni f i cat i on, and the
devast at i ng effects of t he Last War. The hi st ory of the Five Nat i ons is
covered i n mor e det ai l i n t he ent r i es on Hi st ory (page 76) and the Last
War (page 92).
In t heor y at least, t he Five Nat i ons once covered all of Khor -
vai re. I n real i t y, t he Demon Wast es, t he Shadow Mar ches, Dr oaam,
Q' ba r r a , t he Lhazaar Pr i nci pal i t i es , and Val enaral l t he l ands t hat
lie far beyond t he cent r al core of Khorvai rewere never solidly under
Gal i far' s cont r ol . Maps of t he uni t ed Gal i far from ar ound 500 YK (see
the facing page) show these l ands as part s of t he Five Nat i ons, but the
reality is t hat Cyre never had a st r ong presence i n what is now Val enar,
for exampl e. Some of the f r ont i er areas had scat t ered set t l ement s (such
as what is now pr esent - day Val enar and t he Shadow Mar ches) , while
ot hers were home to monst r ous races unt i l relatively recently ( i ncl udi ng
Q' bar r a and Dr oaam) .
Aundai r lies in the nort hwest ern part of Khorvai re' s cent ral core.
Today, it is the most sparsely popul at ed of the r emai ni ng four nat i ons,
with much of its l and occupied by farms and vi neyards. Fairhaven, its
capital and largest city, is less t han half the size of Shar n, and Aundai r in
general is far less ur bani zed and i ndust r i al t han Brel and and the ot her
nat i ons. As a cent er of l ear ni ng, it export s books and scholars alongside
its wines, cheeses, and grai ns.
Breland, the largest surviving nation in popul at i on as well as land area,
has a highly i ndust r i al i zed economy, rel yi ng on mi ni ng and met al work
I nt r oduced i n Complete Warrior, samurai are devotees of a mart i al t radi t i on
t hat emphasizes honor and loyalty. In the final decades of the Last War, a
movement grew upparticularly among cert ai n mercenary companiesto
abandon nat i onal loyalty and any pret ense of allegiance to a uni t ed Gal i -
far. Advocates of t he movement devoted themselves instead to individual
member s of Galifar' s anci ent noble families, whom they consi der to be
the only legitimate hei rs to the empi r e. Thi s movement , called the Code
of Honorabl e Devot i on, is said to have its root s in the political philosophy
of the dwarves of the Mr or Hol ds. Followers of the Code, called samurai ,
are most common among the di spl aced r emnant s of Cyre, and they can
also be found among the mi l i t ary or der s of Aundai r , Br el and, Thr a ne ,
and Kar r nat h, as well as among the people of Q' bar r a. Dwarves from the
Mr or Hol ds also devote themselves to the samurai t r adi t i on.
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 10: " The Five Nat i ons " refers to
Aundai r , Br el and, Cyre, Ka r r na t h,
and Thr anet he five provi nces that
became the Ki ngdom of Galifar.
DC 15: Th e Last War changed t he
b o u n d a r i e s of n a t i o n s a nd c r e -
ated f our t een di s t i nct t er r i t or i es :
Aunda i r , Br el and, Th r a n e , Ka r r -
nat h, Zi l ar go, t he Mr or Hol ds , t he
Lhazaar Pr i nci pal i t i es, t he Tal ent a
Pl ai ns, Q' bar r a, Val enar, Dar guun,
Dr oaam, the El deen Reaches, and the
Shadow Marches.
Knowl edge (history)
DC 10: Ki ng Gal i f ar I uni t ed t he five
huma n nat i ons t hat had previ ousl y
domi nat ed cent ral Khor vai r e, giving
rise to the Ki ngdom of Galifar i n the
year 1 YK.
DC 15: In theory, the Ki ngdom of Gal -
ifar encompassed the cont i nent , but
i n pract i ce it had little cont r ol over
t he r emot est r egi ons . Th e De mon
Wastes was never u n d e r Gal i f ar ' s
cont r ol , and t he r egi ons t hat now
const i t ut e t he Shadow Mar ches, t he
El deen Reaches, Dar guun, Val enar,
Q' b a r r a , and Lha z a a r were onl y
nomi nal l y r ul ed by t he monar chs of
Gal i far. The cent ral regi on is most
properl y known as the Five Nat i ons,
and it const i t ut ed the power base of
t he ki ngdom.
Knowl edge (l ocal )
DC 10: Most ci t i zens of Au n d a i r ,
Brel and, Kar r nat h, and Thr a ne look
back on the t i me of a uni t ed Galifar
as somet hi ng of a golden age, and to
speak of the Five Nat i ons is to evoke a
nostalgia for t hat t i me.
Knowl edge (nobi l i ty and royalty)
DC 10 : The royal l i ne of Ki ng Galifar I
is the Wynar n family.
DC 15: The cur r ent monar chs of Aun-
dai r, Br el and, and Ka r r na t h are all
member s of t he Wynar n family, as
are Di ani of Thr a ne and Oargev, t he
leader of New Cyre.
DC 20: Di ani of Th r a n e and Oar gev
of New Cyr e are t he hei r s of t he
r oyal b l o o d l i n e s of T h r a n e and
Cyr e, respect i vel y.
of various ki nds. Despi t e t he ur ba n i mage it present s
primarily because of Shar n ( Khor vai r e' s l argest city) and
the bustling met ropol i s of its capital, Wroat - Breland covers
large tracts of land that include tilled fields as well as mi nes,
quarries, and forests.
Ka r r na t h rivals Br el and i n sheer size, but can hardl y
compete in number s of peopl e. Ka r r na t h suffered under
plague and f ami ne at t he st ar t of t he Last War and has
never qui t e recovered. It is best known for its mi l i t ar i st i c
mindset and extensive use of undead t r oops . For all t hat ,
it is not a nat i on of necr omancer s . Because t he nat i on
is heavily forest ed, Ka r r na t h' s economy is based on its
l umber i ndust r y, and it also expor t s ale, l i vest ock, and
dairy pr oduct s .
Thr ane, the smallest of the Five Nat i ons i n l and area,
boasts a popul at i on l arger t han that of Aundai r . Thr ane
is a theocracy, no l onger rul ed by a descendant of Galifar
but cont rol l ed by the Chur ch of the Silver Fl ame. Out si de
the great cities of Fl amekeep and Thal i ost , or char ds and
ranches help suppor t the nat i on' s economy, while textile
production and ot her fine crafts drive its i ndust ry.
Cyre, t he fifth nat i on t hat car r i ed t he name of a
scion of Gal i far, no l onger exists. The out l yi ng l ands that
once bel onged to Cyre have been di vi ded among Dar -
guun, Val enar, and t he Tal ent a Pl ai ns, while t he f or mer
heart of t he nat i on has become t he bl ast ed waste called
the Mour nl a nd (see page 116). Cr eat ed by a magi cal
cat ast rophe near t he end of t he Last War, t he Mour nl a nd
remai ns host i l e to all life. The r e mna nt s of t he Cyr an
popul at i on live in its old t er r i t or i es , as well as i n east er n
Breland and Q' ba r r a .
Al t hough only four nat i ons r emai n of the ori gi nal five
(and with some of those par t i t i oned i nt o smaller ki ngdoms
now), the name still carri es a powerful emot i onal weight.
Few living people have any memory of a uni t ed Galifar, but
"the Five Nat i ons" evokes images of a bet t er t i me, when the
diverse cul t ures of Khorvai re lived i n harmony and cooper-
ated to t hei r mut ual benefit. "By the Five Nat i ons! " remai ns
a common exclamation of surpri se or i ndi gnat i on, and the
people who once lived under the rul e of Galifar' s heirs still
consider themselves resi dent s of the Five Nat i ons.
Ki ng Galifar I established a royal line that cont i nues to rul e
parts of Khor vai r e to the present day. When Galifar uni t ed
the Five Nat i ons, he gave each of his five eldest chi l dr en
regency over one of t hose nat i ons, and t hi r t y years l at er
the nat i ons adopted the names of those r ul er s as t hei r own.
Whi l e the Ki ngdom of Galifar endur ed, the rul e of succes-
sion was that the five chi l dr en of the ki ng of Galifar would
serve as the gover nor - pr i nces of the Five Nat i ons, with the
oldest t aki ng t he t hr one of the uni t ed ki ngdom when the
monar ch st epped aside or passed away. I n t hi s way, every
r ul er of the uni t ed ki ngdom would l earn l eadershi p at the
hel m of one of the Five Nat i ons.
Wi t h the shat t er i ng of the ki ngdom, each gover nor -
pr i nce decl ared hi msel f or hersel f to be a monar ch, and
today the monar chi es of Aundai r , Brel and, and Kar r nat h
are held by specific branches of the Galifar family. Thr ane,
now a theocracy, still has a royal family that traces its lineage
to the last monar ch of the nat i on, and the bl oodl i ne of Cyre
operates in exile wi t hi n the borders of Brel and.
The nor t he r n cont i nent called the Frostfell sits ast ri de the top of the
world like a br oodi ng st orm cl oud. The peopl e of Khor vai r e, in addi t i on
to usi ng its descri pt i ve pr oper name, call it Wi nt er' s Home, the Source
of Wi nds, and t he Icy Hear t of Wi nt er . Onl y one expedi t i on has made
landfall on the Frostfell and r et ur ned to Khor vai r e to tell the tale. The
j our ney was led by Lord Bor oman i r' Dayne of the Wayfinder Foundat i on,
who is said to be very i nt erest ed i n mount i ng a second expedi t i on to the
frozen l and he visited long ago.
The Frost fel l is a cont i nent al l andmas s , wi t h a vari et y of t er r ai n
feat ures pr ovi di ng di versi t y despi t e t he u n e n d i n g col d. The Iceworm
Peaks, a mount a i n r ange cl oaked i n gr eat gl aci ers, bi sect s t he cont i -
nent . Bar r en pl ai ns of ever frost nest l e i n mount a i n valleys where snow
rarel y falls, whi l e ice sheet s cover hundr e ds of mi l es on ei t her side of
t he mount a i ns . Near t he coast, t undr a pr evai l s, and i n t he s umme r -
t i me, l i chens grow as t he gr ound thaws bri efl y before pl ungi ng back
i nt o fri gi d wi nt er .
The frost -covered l ands cl oser to Khor vai r e are slightly mor e
accessible, par t i cul ar l y i n t he s ummer . The nor t he r nmos t i sl ands of
the Lhazaar Pri nci pal i t i es at the east ern end of Khor vai r e are dr aped in
per pet ual wi nt er. Similarly, off the northwest coast of Khor vai r e lies Ice-
white Island with its t hr ee chi l dr en - Tl al usk (the sout her nmost , nearest
the Demon Wastes), Qpr r ashi , and Icegaunt (the nor t her nmos t , between
Icewhite and t he Frost fel l pr oper ) . Mapmaker s consi der these i sl ands
par t of the Frostfell r at her t han Khor vai r e. All are t undr a, t hough more
vegetation grows on Tl al usk and the sout her n end of Icewhite.
Little is known of the opposite end of the world, but it is believed to be
just as cold as the Frostfell. The Icemaw Sea sout h of the Xen' dr i k mai n-
land is dotted with snow-covered islands and floating icebergs. Accor di ng
to the report s of those few sailors who have braved the Icemaw, the fart her
sout h one sails, t he mor e t he sea begi ns to solidify i nt o one great sheet
of ice. It is believed that islands are scattered across the sout her n ocean,
some of t hem possibly qui t e l arge, but they are all swallowed i n the sheet
of et er nal ice t hat lies t her e. Thi s regi on is known as Everice, or simply
the Frozen Sea.
Magical snow effectsincluding bl ood snow, ebony ice, faerie frost,
and razor ice (all described in Frostburn)appear occasionally i n the Frost-
fell but seem mor e common in Everi ce. Bot h r egi ons cont ai n mani fest
zones l i nked to Risia, the Pl ai n of Ice.
Frostburn i nt r oduces a numbe r of new char act er races, i ncl udi ng arct i c
vari at i ons on dwarves, elves, gnomes, hal fl i ngs, and humans ( neander -
thals as well as four moder n human peoples native to cold l ands). Each of
these new races can be found in Eber r on' s coldest regi ons.
Hu ma n s : The sea r ai der s of t he Lhazaar Pr i nci pal i t i es are cold
seafarers like those described in Frostburn. They are known to replace t hei r
ships with i cer unner s dur i ng the wi nt er mont hs, part i cul arl y in the far-
thest nor t her n reaches of the Bi t t er Sea.
Tri bes of everfrost bar bar i ans live on the Tashana Tundr a at the
nor t he r n end of Sarl ona, on Icewhite Isl and off t he nort hwest coast of
Khor vai r e, and on the i sl ands in Xen' dr i k' s Icemaw Sea. The Sar l onan
tribes are t r ue nomads, t rai l i ng herds of cari bou on t hei r seasonal mi gra-
t i ons. The i sl and- dwel l er s are s emi nomadi c, bui l di ng set t l ement s in
different sites as the seasons change.
Mount a i n folk live in t he nor t he r n Hoar f r ost Mount ai ns , where
they coexist i n relative peace with t he dwarves of the Mr or Hol ds. They
also live i n the mount ai ns of Adar in Sarl ona, under the pr ot ect i on of
the kal asht ar.
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 10: Th e n o r t h e r n mo s t r eaches
of t he worl d cont ai n a gr eat snow-
s h r o u d e d c o n t i n e n t cal l ed t he
Fr ost f el l .
DC 15 : A few groups of humans live on
t hi s ba r r e n l and, with slightly l arger
popul at i ons on the out l yi ng frozen
islands and the cold reaches of Khor -
vaire and Sarl ona.
DC 17: The sout her nmost reaches of the
world, no less cold t han the nor t h,
hol d a great sea choked with ice called
Everice, or the Frozen Sea.
DC 20 : The Frost fel l i ncl udes a variety
of t e r r a i n, i ncl udi ng a great mo u n -
t ai n r ange ( t he I cewor m Peaks), ice
sheets, glaciers, and t undr a.
Knowl edge (history)
DC 20: Some hi st or i ans cl ai m t hat t he
race of dwarves mi gr at ed from t he
Frost fel l to Khor vai r e some twelve
t h o u s a n d year s ago, e s t a bl i s hi ng
st r onghol ds i n Khyber before l at er
movi ng to t he surface i n what is now
the Mr or Hol ds.
Knowl edge (nature)
DC 15: The t undr a areas of the Frostfell
exper i ence some seasonal change,
t hawi ng i n the summer , whereas most
of the area is cold year - r ound.
DC 20: A race of smal l fey known as
ul dr as live i n t he far nor t h, pa r -
ticularly i n the cold mount ai ns of t he
El deen Reaches and the cold islands
nort hwest of Khor vai r e.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 15: The savage peopl e of t he frozen
nor t h give t hei r own names to the
Sovereign Host and the Dark Six.
DC 20: They call Dol Ar r ah by the name
Aengr i st and pi ct ur e her as a mal e
warrior. They call Ol l adra by the name
of Hl ei d, and her son the Keeper they
call her br ot her I bor i ghu.
DC 25: Some resi dent s of t he Frostfell
revere an anci ent rakshasa who is said
to have been i mpr i soned in a block of
ice at t he end of t he Age of Demons .
Now cal l ed Levi st us, t hi s anci ent
fiend supposedly once broke his bonds
and wreaked havoc on the settlements
of the Frostfell before r e t ur ni ng to
his icy pr i son.
Ice folk dwell i n the Frost fel l and on Everice, subsi st -
ing on t he fish, seals, and whales they hunt on t he frozen
coasts and ice sheets. Many groups of ice folk have no contact
whatsoever wi t h t he natives of war mer cl i mes, while a few
clans t rade with the peoples of Khor vai r e or Sarl ona.
Dwarves: The race of dwarves is somet i mes said to
have ori gi nat ed in the Frostfell and mi grat ed to Khor vai r e
some twelve t housand years ago. Some dwarves r emai ned
behi nd i n t he Fr ost f el l , however. Thes e gl aci er dwarves
are cal l ed Tol dun Nor dor t ha k, " Thos e Who St ayed, "
since they cont i nue to i nhabi t t he frozen keeps and gla-
cial s t r onghol ds .
Elves: The gl i mmer i ng cities of the snow elves seem
now to be all fallen. On the islands of the Icemaw Sea, the
rui ns of these ice cities r emai n, suggest i ng t hat some elves
fled to the freezing sout h to escape t hei r gi ant mast ers, but
did not survive to the present day. Snow elves may yet exist
in Everi ce, but no expl or er has r e t ur ne d wi t h evi dence
of t hem.
Gnomes: The gnomes of Eber r on are most at home in
the t ropi cal climate of Zi l argo. It is possible that small vil-
lages of ice gnomes dwell in remot e regions of the Frostfell,
but they r emai n unknown to the rest of the world.
Hal f l i ngs : Smal l communi t i es of t undr a hal f l i ngs
are known to exist i n par t s of t he Lhazaar Pr i nci pal i t i es,
part i cul arl y t he r egi on ar ound Skai r n i n t he nor t he r n
mai nl and. These hal fl i ngs are more closely related to those
of the Tal ent a Pl ai ns in t hei r cul t ures and attitudes t han to
the more ur ban halflings of Khor vai r e, and are known to
ride fastieths and whi t e-feat hered clawfoots.
Neanderthal s: These primitive humans coexist uneas-
ily with the everfrost bar bar i ans of Icewhite Island and the
folk of the Frostfell.
Ul dras: Thes e smal l fey dwell i n cold wi l der ness
areas, mai nl y t he I cehor n Mount a i ns and t he smal l er
islands near Icewhi t e I sl and. Ul dr as reject t he i den-
t i fi cat i on of Hl ei d and I bor i ghu wi t h Ol l adr a and the
Keeper . They bel i eve t hese dei t i es have objective real i t y
and t hei r own hi st or i es, whi ch are vitally i mpor t a nt i n
t he ul dr as ' society.
Some of the deities described in Chapter 2 of Frostburn are
revered in the frozen regi ons of Eberron, but people from
the civilized lands of Khorvaire believe that the "savages"
of the north (and the distant south) have simply given their
own names to the deities of the Soverei gn Host. Thus,
Aengrist is said to be a name for Dol Arrah in a masculine
aspect. Hleid and Iborighu are identified as Olladra and the
Keeper, with the motherson relationship distorted into a
sibling relationship.
Levistus is not an i mpri soned archdevil, but rather
one of the great rakshasa rajahs defeated at the end of
the Age of Demons. The war between dragons and fiends
raged over the enti re surface of Eberron, and Levistus
(as he is now known) was i mpri soned beneath the surface
of the Frostfell. Levistus is served by a particularly active
sect of the Lords of Dust. Legend tells that this powerful
fiend actually did once slip his bonds, briefly wreaking
havoc on the Frostfell before bei ng i mpri soned agai n.
That brief taste of freedom makes him loathe his i mpri s-
onment all the more, and encourages his followersif
Levistus was freed once, he can be agai n. It was duri ng
this brief peri od of freedom that the rajah acquired hi s
modern name. Hi s ori gi nal name is lost to historyor a
closely guarded secret.
The iceberg city of Icerazer, described in Chapter 7
of Frostburn, is governed by followers of Levistus. Its popula-
tion includes a number of rakshasas rather than devils, but
the city is otherwise as described in the book. Azediel. the
half-fiend Matriarch of Icerazer, seeks tirelessly to find the
Crown of the Black Fire, a mighty artifact dating from the great
war between the dragons and the fiends. (See Remnants of
Creation, page 31, for more information. )
A beaut i ful nat i on lies between the east ern bor der s of Brel and and the
west ern edge of t he Seawall Mount a i ns . The r e , l ush forests are i nt er -
spersed with verdant f ar ml ands. The cities are bri ght and colorful, and
the citizens always have t i me to help a st ranger or lend a friendly ear. Thi s
land is Zi l argo, the homel and of the gnomes.
Zil gnomes are dr i ven by an unquenchabl e t hi r st for knowl edge,
from ar cane secret s to t he most munda ne gossi p. As a r esul t , Zi l ar go
pr oduces many famed sages and phi l os opher s . The Li br ar y of Kor -
r anber g is r enowned as t he great est reposi t ory of general knowledge in
Khor vai r e, and t he associ at ed uni versi t y at t ract s st udent s from across
the cont i nent . Whi l e Ar cani x and t he Twelve mi ght exceed Zi l argo when
it comes to mat t er s of mystical r esear ch, t he gnomes have no equal s i n
the fields of al chemy and el ement al bi ndi ng. The gnomes also have a
l ong hi st or y of expl or at i on, and sea capt ai ns rely on t he maps of Zil
car t ogr apher s . However, t hi s love of knowl edge has a dark si de. To the
gnomes, any secret is a weapon, no mat t er how i nnocent it mi ght seem.
Physically weak, t he gnomes have always r el i ed on knowl edge and cun-
ni ng to overcome t hei r foes, and t he compassi onat e gnome who stops to
listen to your woes is likely doi ng so i n the hope t hat your secrets mi ght
be of use to hi m.
Two di st i nct forces shape Zil society: family loyalty and t he Tr us t .
The bond of blood is intensely i mpor t ant to a gnome. In a nat i on where
mani pul at i on and duplicity are consi dered to be fine art s, gnomes t rust
only t hei r blood relatives implicitly (and the betrayal of a close relative is
considered a truly hei nous cr i me) . These ext ended families st ret ch across
Zilargo and i nt o the major cities of Khor vai r e. As a Zil player character,
t hi nk about your connect i on to your family. If you are an out cast , what
did you do? If you are a loyal member, you can expect to be approached by
ot her member s of your family and drawn i nt o i nt ri guest hough as you
begin to earn favors, you can also call on your family for aid.
To t he casual observer, a Zil city is a par adi se, wi t h vi r t ual l y no cr i me,
no vi ol ence, and no sign of fear among t he i nhabi t ant s . The city watch
is far smal l er t han one woul d fi nd in ot her cities i n Khor vai r e, but it
is rarel y seen t aki ng act i on. Ruffi ans and cr i mi nal s who make t hei r
pr esence known are removed from t he popul ace by means bot h subt l e
and effective.
Thi s uni que mode of law and order is the work of the Trust , a network
of spies and assassins that has operat ed for more t han eight hundr ed years.
The Trust serves Zi l argo, but even the r ul i ng Tr i umvi r at e does not know
all its secrets. Agent s of the Tr ust hold the full power of law in Zi l argo,
and t hei r met hods are rut hl ess: A woul d-be thief might be poi soned in a
tavern even while pl anni ng a robbery. The Tr ust , and in t r ut h the gov-
er nment and popul ace of Zi l argo, decided that the moral concerns about
such practices are offset by the societal benefit they pr oduce. It can be
difficultnot to ment i on unwiseto argue the poi nt .
Most members of the Trust work ent i rel y wi t hi n Zi l argo. The orga-
nization focuses on mai nt ai ni ng or der wi t hi n Zil society, and it exerts
little influence or effort beyond Zilargo' s bor der s. However, a br anch of
the Trust consists of agents called corliganos, or "rovi ng ears, " who t ra-
verse Khor vai r e in search of anyt hi ng that could prove useful to Zi l argo.
Usually, this means gat her i ng i nf or mat i on, but corliganos also acqui re
powerful magic items, secure key allies, r ecr ui t new agents, and use t hei r
cunni ng to find a benefit for Zi l argo in everyt hi ng they come across.
By and large, the Tr ust seems to be free of the cor r upt i on often seen
when power is concent r at ed i n so few hands . To dat e, no scandal s have
rocked the Trust , and no large-scale atrocities have been ascribed to it.
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 10: Zilargo is the peaceful homel and
of t he gnomes, who prefer diplomacy
to war. It is a cent er for phi l osophy
and t he pur s ui t of knowl edge. The
gnomes ar e r enowned as mi ne r s ,
shi pwri ght s, and car t ogr apher s.
DC 15: Vi l l ages and smal l t owns are
scat t ered across t he l and, but t hr ee
major cities domi nat e Zi l argo. Zol an-
berg is t he heart of the mi ni ng t rade.
Kor r anber g is the home of the great
Li brary of Kor r anber g. Tr ol anpor t is
the capital and a cent er of sea t r ade.
DC 20: Zi l argo is governed by a t r i um-
vi rat e wi t h one r epr esent at i ve from
each of t he great ci t i es. It is said t hat
t he Tr i umvi r at e has a secret pol i ce
force that mai nt ai ns or der t hr ough-
out t he l and and mi ght have spies
across Khor vai r e.
Knowl edge (l ocal )
DC 10: Zi l ar go has a r emar kabl y low
cri me rate, despite havi ng no cr i mi -
nal cour t s. Cr i mi nal s and t r oubl e-
makers simply di sappear.
DC 15: The Tr ust is a secret police force
t hat mai nt ai ns order i n Zi l argo usi ng
spies scattered among the popul ace.
It has t he aut hori t y to take any act i on
necessary to preserve the peace.
Knowl edge (nature)
DC 15: The gem mi nes of Zi l argo are
the greatest source of preci ous stones
in Khor vai r e. However, the monst er -
i nf est ed Seawall Mount a i ns make
mi ni ng per i l ous.
Knowl edge (nobi l i ty and royalty)
DC 10: House Sivis has its seat of power
in Kor r anber g. Due to the st rong ties
between the houses and t he mi ner al
wealth of the l and, House Kundar ak
also has a st rong presence in Zi l argo.
DC 15: The gnomes have a l ong t r adi -
t i on of hospi t al i t y, and a raci al gift
for pr est i di gi t at i on magi c t hat they
have adapt ed to cul i nar y and social
ends. As a resul t , House Ghal l anda
has little presence i n Zi l argo.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 10: All major religions can be found
in Zilargo, along with a few cults based
on gnome phi l osophi es. Gnomes take
religion quite seriously.
"Knowledge is power. Dorius Alyre ir'Korran knew this, though he sought
mythic power beyond mortal reach. I am content with the power my knowledge
has brought me."
Alina Al r ene i r ' Kor r an,
high counci l or of the Li brary of Kor r anber g
Founded by a gnome so obsessed with l earni ng that he believed
he could supplant the god of knowledge, the Library of Korran-
berg is one of Khorvaire' s most i mport ant centers of learning.
Lacking the arcane focus of the Twelve or the Arcane Congress
and the educat i onal emphasis of the great universities, the
Library of Kor r anber g is nevertheless a repository, a treasury,
and a living collection of everything that can be knownat least
as far as the gnomes have been able to assemble it.
Like the uni versi t i es, the Li brary of Kor r anber g edu-
cates st udent s, and it is well respected as a place of l earni ng.
Like the arcane i nst i t ut es, much of its knowledge is magical
in nat ure, but the library i nst r uct or s are dedicated to the
study of every possible field of knowledge, and they do not
treat a subject with less respect or explore it with less ent hu-
siasm because it seems mundane.
The Li b r a r y i n t he Wor l d
"There is no more likely home for a long-forgotten stray piece of knowledge
than the Library of Korranberg."
Raulo i r ' Tr anni ck, Lord Mayor of Arcani x
The Li brary of Kor r anber g is more t han a site i n a gnome
city: It is an organi zat i on with t housands of member s, con-
stantly working to mai nt ai n the knowledge already contained
in the library and to expand on it.
The l i brary is gr ouped i nt o eight colleges, each of
which has a specialized field, and the eight share an i nt ense
rivalry in academic, arcane, and athletic compet i t i ons. The
eight colleges (and t hei r specialties) are Soladas (history),
Balinor' s Hor n (nat ural sciences), Bl ackdragon (alchemy),
the Tabernacle (religion and philosophy), Mor r i dan (mat h-
ematics), Aur eon' s Holt (law and oratory), Lyrris (art and
literature), and Dryst one ( engi neer i ng) .
Each college has a faculty of professors and researchers,
some located in Kor r anber g and others abroad in Zilargo and
elsewhere. The head of the faculty of a college is the doyen,
and the eight doyens sit on a central council that manages the
library' s affairs. The head of the council is an appointee of
the Kor r an family, descendants of the library' s founder. The
current high councilor is Al i na Al rene i r ' Kor r an, a cunni ng
schemer. To the det ri ment of the library, she has heightened
the compet i t i on among the colleges i n order to weaken the
power of the counci l and solidify her cont rol .
The library' s field researchers are the public face of the
library beyond Zi l argo. They engage in the sorts of pursui t s
typical of advent ur er s, but are not i mmune to the i nt er -
college ri val ri es t hat pl ague the l i brary.
Members of all gnome subraces occasionally possess aberrant
dragonmarks (see Subraces and Dragonmarks, page 47).
Chaos Gnomes: Thi s gnome subrace (described in
Races of Stone) forms small communi t i es near other gnomes,
most often in Zilargo. Chaos gnomes are not welcome within
the well-ordered Zil society, but the Zil gnomes prefer that
their chaotic cousins stay where they can be seen rather than
wander out in the world where they might do harm to the
reputation of the race. The most common complaint against
chaos gnomes seems to be that they can't keep secrets.
Deep Gnomes : The reclusive race of deep gnomes
(described in the Monster Manual) is little known beyond
Zilargo, and not all gnomes believe in the existence of their
subterranean kin. Accordi ng to legend, the deep gnomes
were subjugated by the daelkyr and their mi ni ons during
their invasion of Eberron nine thousand years ago. Forced
into slavery, deep gnomes committed crimes they consider
heinous and unforgivable. After the defeat of the daelkyr.
the deep gnomes continued to live underground, primarily
concentrated beneath Zilargo. To this day, they believe that
their history makes them unworthy to look on the light of
day or mi ngl e with their surface cousi ns, and they live i n
seclusion. Some among them hope to redeem themselves or
their race through heroic deeds in battle.
Whi sper Gnomes: Unlike chaos gnomes, whisper
gnomes (also from Races of Stone) do not form their own com-
munities. They live among other gnomes, but less often in
Zilargo than in other lands. Rumors say that whisper gnomes
were magically bred by the Trust to serve as spies and assassins
among other gnomes, but these tales are not widely believed.
Si xt een mi l l enni a ago, t he hobgobl i n Empi r e of Dhakaan st r et ched
across Khor vai r e. Th e n t he dael kyr ar r i ved, and despi t e t he s t r engt h
of t he hobgobl i ns and t hei r al l i es, they were no mat ch for t he l ords of
Xor i at . The Gat ekeeper s event ual l y bani shed the daelkyr, but Dhakaan
was left cr i ppl ed. By t he t i me huma n set t l ers ar r i ved from Sar l ona,
t he r ui ne d empi r e was easy prey for t hem. For l ong years, t he only
r e mna nt s of t he gobl i noi ds' f or mer mi ght were i sol at ed cl ans hi di ng
in caves and wild pl aces. Recent l y, a numbe r of cl ans have resurfaced
to take cont r ol of Da r guun. Tha t l and is popul at ed mostly by gobl i ns,
hobgobl i ns , and bugbear s , and it hol ds its own agai nst Khor vai r e' s
ot her power s.
Darguun' s gobl i noi d society is organi zed i nt o t hree pr i mar y tribes,
each of which includes numer ous clans. Tradi t i onal roles still hold, for the
most par t . Hobgobl i ns rul e the clans, since they are the most di sci pl i ned
in war as well as pol i t i cs. Bugbears serve as the cl ans' st rongest fighters
and shock t r oops. Though they possess the physical mi ght that gobl i noi ds
respect, most bugbears have no desire to usur p cont rol from t hei r hobgob-
lin leaders. They are cont ent in t hei r roles as honor ed warri ors, t hough
some bugbears leave t hei r clans and Dar guun to become mercenari es or
advent urers in far-off l ands. Gobl i ns are l aborers, peasants, and crafters,
maki ng sure t hei r clans are fed and ar med. Many clans also keep kobolds
as slaves for the most meni al tasks.
The clans encourage advent urers among t hei r number . Gobl i noi d
advent urers spread Dar guun' s reput at i on, find relics from the t i me of the
Dhakaani Empi r e, and br i ng word of outside events back to Dar guun.
The Ghaal ' dar t r i be rul es Dar guun, and its clans answer to Dar -
guun' s founder, the Lhesh Har uuc. Racial roles are rigid in the t ri be, with
males and females enjoying si mi l ar status and roles, part i cul arl y among
the bugbear s and gobl i ns. In the hobgobl i n subcul t ur e, a vestige of the
Dhakaani t radi t i on sees males usually handl e the warmaki ng while females
deal with heal i ng, magi c, and diplomacy. In gener al , however, t i me and
the Lhesh Har uuc' s di pl omat i c power have er oded the t ri be' s Dhakaani
roots, t hough they still ret ai n the pri de of t hei r old empi r e.
The Marguul t ri be is led by bugbears who have t hrown off the yoke of
t hei r former hobgobl i n oppressors. They are fiercer t han t hei r ki n i n the
other two tribes, t hough most pay homage to Har uuc. The Marguul are not
as powerful or numer ous as the Ghaal ' dar or Dhakaani , but they represent
a mart i al and political force that l ends st rengt h to its allies.
Hi dden unt i l recent l y, t he Dhakaani cl ans hol d t hemsel ves apart
from t hei r ki n and consi der themselves the t r ue hei rs of the anci ent gob-
l i noi d empi r e. Desi r i ng to revive once-great Dhakaan and celebrate the
emergence of a gobl i noi d nat i on across Khor vai r e, they see Dar guun as
a good place to begi n. They would like to take cont rol of the nat i on, but
first must settle t hei r own differences. The clans cannot decide who among
t hem shoul d r ul e, but they are sur e t hat when they finally uni t e, Lhesh
Har uuc will not be able to stand against t hem.
Unl i ke Dar guun' s t ri bes, city gobl i noi ds possess nei t her uni t y nor
political power. They are descended from the slaves kept by the Sarl onan
invaders who first colonized Khor vai r e, and for the most par t occupy
si mi l ar roles today. Pr i mar i l y member s of society' s lower class (t hough a
fair number of adepts and expert s exist among t hem) , these gobl i noi ds
dwell in Khorvai re' s major cities. Gobl i ns are the most numer ous among
t hem, while hobgobl i ns and bugbears are found in the cities as well. The
ot her common races are accustomed to these creat ures, and city goblinoids
blend seamlessly i nt o Khorvai re' s ur ban civilization. Many use t hei r fear-
some appearance and nat ural toughness to become bodyguards, bouncers,
mercenari es, and advent urers. Though oppressed, they underst and society
and have excellent contacts t hr ough which to sell loot.
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 10: Once a par t of Cyr e, Da r guun
is now an i n d e p e n d e n t nat i on of
gobl i noi ds.
DC 15: The Lhesh Har uuc Shaarat ' kor
rules Dar guun. Hi s chari sma, di pl o-
macy, and mar t i al domi nance allow
hi m to keep the clans under cont rol ,
t hough some chafe at hi s hand.
DC 20: Ghaal ' dar is t he most popul ous
t ri be i n Dar guun and owes fealty to
Har uuc. Two ot her tribes hold power:
the Dhakaani , which hol d to the t r a-
di t i ons of the past, and the Mar guul ,
which is composed of bugbears.
Knowl edge (history)
DC 15: Rui ns from Cyre and the Dha-
kaani Empi r e are scat t ered across
Dar guun.
Knowl edge (l ocal )
DC 10: Dar guun is a gobl i noi d nat i on.
DC 15: Activities t hat would be cri mes
elsewhere are legal in Dar guun, and
illicit goods are i n ready supply i n the
rough bazaars.
DC 25: Gobl i ns, hobgobl i ns, and bug-
bear s are by far t he most c ommon
gobl i noi ds i n t he r egi on, but ot her
gobl i noi ds l urk i n its hi dden places.
Knowl edge (nobi l i ty and royalty)
DC 15: House Denei t h uses gobl i noi ds
as mer cenar i es , s hi ppi ng t hem to
various places across Khor vai r e.
DC 20: House Tha r a s hk at t empt s to
parley with Dar guun for access to the
mi ner al wealth i n the Seawall Moun-
t ai ns, but racial ani mosi t y keeps the
factions from r eachi ng agreement .
DC 25: The Lhesh Har uuc is cur r ent l y
l ooki ng for a successor to t ake t he
t hr one when he dies or is forced to
step down.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 10: Gobl i noi ds t radi t i onal l y revere
the Shadow and the Mockery.
DC 15: Dur i ng t he last cent ur y, mi s -
si onar i es i nt r oduced t he Sover ei gn
Host to Da r guun, and it is gai ni ng
l i mi t ed acceptance.
DC 20: Lhesh Har uuc follows Dol Dor n
and spreads the god' s teachings among
his peopl e. Ot her popul ar Sovereign
Host deities among t he gobl i noi ds
i ncl ude Dol Ar r ah and Bal i nor.
Goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears offer legitimate and fresh
choices for player charact ers. Eber r on' s general popul ace
does not see gobl i noi ds as invariably evil, and t hough t hei r
cultural history breeds distrust, goblinoids mingle with other
races without excessive comment . Playing a kobold PC is also
possible; t hough they possess low social status i n Dar guun,
some kobolds manage to escape slavery and flee i nt o the rest
of Khorvai re. Rumors speak of organized groups of emanci -
pated kobolds that make a unified effort to search for wealth
and magic to help free t hei r br et hr en from captivity.
Goblinoids have a national and historical identity that
unites t hem and offers t hem mot i vat i ons for advent ur i ng.
A goblin, hobgobl i n, or bugbear might advent ure i n search
of rui ns and relics from the Empi re of Dhakaan. He might
seek to battle his ancient foes, the daelkyr, or to improve the
social status of his people in Khorvaire' s cities. His clan might
have tasked hi m with exploring the world and r et ur ni ng with
information on its customs and people. Indeed, advent uri ng
parties composed entirely of goblinoids are not unhear d of.
Though gobl i ns, hobgobl i ns, and bugbears are Dar
guun's most common gobl i noi ds, ot her ki nds lurk in secret
in its dark places. These st range gobl i noi ds are rare sights,
and viewing one causes most advent urers puzzl ement over
the creature' s ori gi ns. Like ot her gobl i noi ds, these uncom-
mon creat ures leave t hei r caves to seek t hei r own places in
their nat i on and t hei r world.
Da r guun' s gobl i noi ds , pa r t i c ul a r l y t hose of t he
Dhakaani t ri be, have a st r ong mar t i al t r adi t i on. Most hob-
goblin advent urers are fighters, while gobl i ns and kobolds
are r ogues, and bugbear s are fi ght ers or bar bar i ans . The
gobl i noi ds' hi st or y of mar t i al prowess makes t hem ideal
candidates for exotic prestige classes such as the kensai and
bladesinger (see Complete Warrior for details of these classes
and ot her possibilities).
If you would like to play a gobl i noi d or kobold, the fol-
lowing table summari zes favored class, racial Hi t Dice, level
adj ust ment , and s t ar t i ng effective char act er level ( ECL)
A Dhakaani adventurer
for each race. Savage Species offers suggestions for playing any
monst er race from 1st level.
Favored Raci al Level St ar t i ng
Race Class HD Adj. ECL
Blue1 Psion - +1 2nd
Goblin Rogue +0 1st
Goblin, forestkith2 Barbarian +1 2nd
Hobgoblin Fighter +1 2nd
Kobold Sorcerer +0 1st
Bugbear Rogue
3d8 +1 4th
1 See Expanded Psionics Handbook.
2 See Monster Manual III.
3 Dhakaani bugbears have barbarian as a favored class.
One clan of Dhakaani goblinoids is the Kech Shaarat, which
means "bl ade bear er s. " The clan takes its name from an
artifact in its possession: t he Skai Shaarat, or "Great Blade."
The Skai Shaarat is a relic from the days of the Empi r e of
Dhakaan when, legend has it, the empi re' s or dai ned cham-
pion wielded the blade agai nst all foes. Gener at i ons of
goblinoid mystics i mbued the sword with t hei r power, and
its dull and chi pped appearance belies its potency. The Skai
Shaarat carri es great cul t ur al and hi st ori cal si gni fi cance
among gobl i noi ds in general and the Dhakaani clans in
part i cul ar; possessing it grant s the Kech Shaarat political
clout they would not have ot herwi se. Cur r ent l y t hei r chief-
tain, Ruus Dhakaan, wields the sword.
The Skai Shaar at
The Skai Shaarat is an anci ent Dhakaani hei r l oom. Its power
s t r engt hens your ar m and s har pens your i ns t i nct s . You
feel a fai nt but i r r epr essi bl e desi r e to cr ush all enemi es
of the gobl i noi ds.
Descri pti on; The Skai Shaarat is a weathered greatsword
with a dul l , not ched blade. Its handl e is wrapped in leather.
It is unr emar kabl e but for t he symbol of t he Dhakaani
Empi re upon its hi l t . When it is wielded in battle, tiny r unes
burst i nt o orange light along its edges.
Act i vat i on: Th e Skai Shaarat is activated by simply
wi el di ng it.
Effect; The Skai Shaarat is a +6 axiomatic greatsword of speed.
Thr e e times per day, you can use the sword to make a smite
attack, gai ni ng a +4 bonus on your attack rol l and a +20
bonus on your damage roll if you hi t . Once per day, when
you make a successful attack roll with the blade, after deal -
ing damage you can use harm on the target (DC 19).
Aura/ Cast er Level: St r ong necromancy; CL 20th.
Const ruct i on: The Skai Shaarat is a uni que artifact.
Weight: 8 lb.
Pri ce: n/a.
Bor n from t he earl i est commi ngl i ng of Aer enal elves and Khor vai r e' s
huma n set t l ers, hal f-el ves have l ong si nce emer ged as a uni que and
di st i nct race, separat e from ei t her of its or i gi nal bl oodl i nes. Though
comparat i vel y few i n number , t hei r ambi t i on, racial pr i de, and mem-
ber shi p i n two dr agonmar ked houses l end half-elves clout i n the world.
With no homel and to call t hei r own, hal f-el ves are t r ul y chi l dr en of
Khor vai r e. Many t ur n to t he dr agonmar ked houses of Medani and
Lyr andar for l eader shi p and a sense of bel ongi ng, while t he rest of
the race gat hers in hal f-el f communi t i es t hr oughout t he Five Nat i ons
as well as in places as far off as t he El deen Reaches, Q' ba r r a , and the
Lhazaar Pr i nci pal i t i es.
The half-elves' di st i nct racial identity has engendered a wholly ori gi -
nal set of customs and cul t ur e. The half-elf families connect ed to House
Lyrandar, for example, tend to follow t radi t i ons that are as wild and free
as the wind and st orms that the house cont rol s. They have a love for open
spaces, the air, and the sea, and an affinity for nat ur e and the land itself.
Those of House Medani , on the ot her hand, embrace a cul t ure of cur i os-
ity and possess a fearlessness that gives member s of ot her races pause. All
half-elves have a love of advent ure and a dar i ng spirit that has served t hem
well in t hei r efforts to become a force in Khor vai r i an society.
Some half-elves cont i nue to arise t hr ough the uni on of humans and
elves. These i ndi vi dual s, with bot h a human and an elf par ent , can appear
among any of the human or elf dr agonmar ked houses, and thus mi ght have
ei t her a human or elf dr agonmar k of the appropri at e bl oodl i ne.
Half-elves call themselves Khoravar, or "Chi l dr en of Khor vai r e. "
They see themselves as the progeny of the cont i nent , since bot h humans
and elves were mi gr ant s to the l and, but the first half-elves were bor n on
its shores. Half-elves are loyal to each ot her and seek out t hei r fellows to
share i nf or mat i on, to build connect i ons, and for compani onshi p.
Half-elves see half-elf advent urers as a source of part i cul ar pri de and
go out of t hei r way to provide such i ndi vi dual s with aid and good wishes.
They expect t hat t hei r advent uri ng kin will r emember t hem in t ur n, and
many half-elf advent urers donat e por t i ons of t hei r t reasure to improve
half-elf communi t i es. These individuals become heroes; those who do not
share t hei r wealth engender suspicion and animosity.
Hal f-el ves look upon t hei r dr agonmar ked housesLyr andar and
Medani - with pri de, and most consider themselves to be members or allies
of one house or the ot her.
After the vi ol ent events t hat rocked Aer enal twenty-six hundr ed years
ago, the elves of House Phi ar l an moved to Khor vai r e and j oi ned human
society. Thi s event hel ped form the Five Nat i ons, led to t he ri se of the
hal f-el f race, and fi rml y est abl i shed an elven pr esence on t he cont i -
nent . Cul t ur al l y, the elves of House Phi ar l an and Th u r a n n i , havi ng
lived side by side with t he ot her common races for so l ong, have devel-
oped cust oms and t r adi t i ons di st i nct l y di f f er ent from t hei r Aer enal
count er par t s . They have i nt egr at ed i nt o t he life of the Five Nat i ons
while still mai nt ai ni ng cust oms and at t i t udes that make t hem di st i nct l y
ur ban elves. Some cust oms and hol i days refl ect anci ent bl ood ties to
the elves of Aer enal , but they bear onl y t he fai nt whi sper of memor y
compared to the pageant ry and deep i mmer si on t hat takes place on the
elven cont i nent . Whi l e some ur ban elves exper i ment with t he deathless
t r adi t i ons of Aer enal , most have little or no connect i on to the old ways
of t hei r ancest ors.
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 10: Nei t her half-elves nor ur ban elves
possess lands of t hei r own. Instead,
they are spread t hroughout civilized
Khorvai re, appeari ng mostly i n major
cities and towns.
Knowl edge (history)
DC 15: The first hal f-el ves appear ed
over two t hous and years ago, after
elves mi grat ed to Khor vai r e and i nt e-
grated i nt o human society.
Knowl edge (l ocal )
DC 5: Hal f-el ves are a di st i nct race,
possessing t hei r own racial identity.
DC 10: While a few first-generation half-
elves are bor n every year as a result of
rare marri ages between humans and
elves, t he vast majority of half-elves
have two hal f-el f par ent s.
DC 15: Hal f - el ves cal l t hems el ves
Khor avar , or " Chi l dr e n of Kh o r -
vai re. " The i r huma n and elf ances-
tors were i mmi gr a nt s i n Khor vai r e,
but half-elves see themselves as native
to t hat cont i nent .
DC 20: The mor e st rongl y t r adi t i onal
Aer eni and Val enar elves have low
opi ni ons of half-elves and ur ban elves.
They see the half-elf race as a mistake,
a symbol of the weakeni ng of elf blood
and a r e mi nde r t hat t he ot her races,
while they have t hei r uses, must be
kept at a distance. They see ur ban elves
as elves who strayed from the pat h and
broke with the anci ent t radi t i ons for
profit and mat eri al gai n.
Knowl edge ( nobi l i t y and royalty)
DC 10: Hal f-el ves cont r ol t he Mark
of St or m (House Lyrandar) and the
Mark of Det ect i on (House Medani ) .
DC 15 : Ur ban elves cont rol the Mark of
Shadow, which is split between two elf
families, House Phi ar l an and House
Th u r a n n i .
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 10: Most hal f - el ves and u r b a n
elves adopt t he rel i gi ous pract i ces of
gr eat er Khor vai r e, payi ng respect s
to the Soverei gn Host and, to a lesser
extent, the Silver Fl ame.
DC 15: Some hal f-el ves and ur ba n
elves dabbl e i n elven t r adi t i ons and
revere ei t her t hei r ancest or s or t he
Undyi ng Cour t .
From a Play by Hi or us Br i ght mane. Act II, Scene 3.
Scene: A street corner. The half-elf Cullaris and the House Phiarlan elf
Mahlla engage in conversation.
Cul l ari s : Ah, my f r i end! Of cour se I enjoy bei ng a
half-elf! I say to you t hat t her e is no ot her race I woul d
rather be. Th e bl ood of lost elves r uns i n my vei ns, some
say, lost among t he dead, lost in war. The bl ood of shor t -
lived, hot - t emper ed huma ns also cour ses t hr ough me,
some say, but what do I know of t hat ? My mot he r and
father were hal f-el ves, as were t hei r par ent s before t hem.
If anyt hi ng, I possess t he best qual i t i es of bot h. Do you
not agree?
Mahl l a: Yes, but I t hi nk I' d rat her do away with the
human part entirely.
Cul l ari s: Ha! Ther e' s a lark! If I could change the
circumstances of my bi r t h, why would I want to?
Mahl l a: I am full elf, not half, yet nei t her Aer eni
nor Valenar. I am myself. I respect my ancestors, and my
t radi t i ons give me st r engt h, yet I have advanced along with
society. My life is long, allowing me to see a great many
changes in civilizationand perhaps to effect some myself. I
am slower to change t han a human, but they are too rash.
Cul l ari s: You have a poi nt . Very well, let us agree: It
is bet t er to be half-elf or ur ban elf t han anyt hi ng else!
Mahl l a: Agreed!
Cul l ari s: We half-elves, and ur ban elves, of course,
know what is i mpor t ant : We are proud of ourselves and
eagerly lend aid to each other. We are loyal to our own, unlike
those humans and feuding dwarves. Yet we are free to make
our own way in the world. Our culture does not drag us down;
it enhances us. Tell me, what vi rt ue do we not possess?
Mahl l a: Humi l i t y?
Cul l ari s: Yes, perhaps.
Half-elves serve fine food and drink at weekly unity meals
that celebrate the harmony of the half-elf people. Seven-
teen years ago, in a town at the front lines of the Last War,
a half-elf priest of Boldrei developed the spell described
below to lend the meals' wine extra potency. It has since
become a custom to share the blessed wine in many half-
elf communities throughout Khorvaire. Hal f-el f cleric
adventurers sometimes use this spell while toasting their
allies before a battle.
Unity Wine
Level: Cleric 1
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Ti me: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: One pint of wine in touched container
Durat i on: ! hour/level
Savi ng Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spel l Resi stance: Yes (harmless)
With your holy symbol in one hand, you hold your other hand over a container of
wine, invoking the spirit of community and blessing on all who drink from it.
You infuse up to 1 pint of wine in a single container with
energy. Up to four living creatures can partake of the wine.
Drinking a glass takes at least a standard action, though diners
usually imbibe the wine over the course of a meal. Creatures
that drink unity wine feel uplifted and inspired, gaining a +1
morale bonus on skill checks for the spell's duration.
From the eastern shores of Lake Cyre, the Talenta Plains stretch away in a sea
of grass that goes on as far as the eye can see. The majority of this t erri t ory is
covered with grasslands t eemi ng with a surpri si ng array of wildlife, i ncl ud-
ing dinosaurs that range in size from as small as dogs to as large as elephants.
Whi l e not the most fertile l and, the Tal ent a Plains supply everyt hi ng the
halfling tribes need to live and thrive. To the south, the grass t hi ns and gives
way to the barren, sandy Blade Desert (named for its sharp, elongated shape)
that r uns to the I r onr oot and Endworl d Mount ai ns in the east.
Nomadi c tribes of halflings have lived, hunt ed, and wandered these
plains since before humans first set foot on Khorvai re. Then, halflings and
dinosaurs alike roamed as far nor t h as the Iceflow River and Lake Dark in
modern-day Kar r nat h, and west as far as the Seawall Mount ai ns and Lake
Brey. As humans expanded across Khorvaire, the halflings' range diminished
to its current extent. Nevertheless, the halflings continued to roam the plains
as they had before, doing their best to avoid the encroaching cities and towns.
Certainly, occasional confrontations eruptedthe halflings were hunt ers by
nat ure, and would not allow the l onger-l i mbed races to bully t hem or push
them off their land. But for the most part, the tribes were happy to peacefully
coexist with their tall neighbors. Even when Galifar united the other nations
of Khorvai re into one ki ngdom, it had little impact on this situation.
With the start of the Last War, however, it became nearly impossible
for the halfling tribes to avoid the politics of the Five Nat i ons. The Talenta
Plains offered perfect battlefieldswide open and flat, without any settle-
ments or civilian towns to get in the way. Of course, these battles had a
severe impact on the herds of di nosaurs and cattle that roamed and grazed
on the pl ai ns. Because those ani mal s were cent ral to the hal fl i ngs' way of
life, the tribes found themselves drawn i nt o the conflict.
Different tribes aligned with different sides, giving some the sense that
the halflings did not honor treaties and were not to be t rust ed. Event u-
ally, for t hei r own prot ect i on (and that of t hei r beloved pl ai ns), the tribes
began to work more closely together, and when the ot her nat i ons gathered
at Thr onehol d to negotiate a lasting peace (see page 93), the halflings sent
a single represent at i ve to look out for t hei r i nt erest s.
Today, the Talenta Plains are considered a single nat i on, but halfling
society still revolves ar ound the t ri be. The only per manent communi t y in
the territory is Gatherhold, which all tribes visit from time to time but none
occupy permanently. The settlement is mai nt ai ned by the members of House
Ghallanda, one of the two halfling dragonmarked houses. The other dragon-
marked houses mai nt ai n a few way stations in the plains, and the halflings have
allowed Kar r nat h to construct a number of military outposts and mai nt ai n a
standing garrison in the south, along the Valenar border. For the most part,
though, the plains remai n as they have been for thousands of years.
Halfling tribes range in size from fifty to a t housand or more individu-
als. They mai nt ai n t hei r nomadi c t radi t i ons and eschew material posses-
sions, keeping only what they need for their survival and that of the creatures
they herd and ri de. Even the largest tribes can strike camp, load up t hei r
mount s, and move out in no more t han 10 mi nut es, dri vi ng t hei r herds
of cattle, t ri bex, and herbi vorous di nosaurs ahead of t hem.
The t ri bes have an egal i t ari an st r uct ur e. In theory, every i ndi vi dual
in the t ri be is equal, and the t ri be as a whole elects a leader (called a lath)
who guides the t ri be for as long as he or she ret ai ns the tribe' s confidence.
Onl y occasionally do t ri bes j oi n t oget her under the l eadershi p of a l at hon
(a leader of mul t i pl e t ri bes). Lat hon Hal pum is the only hal fl i ng to cur -
rently hold that title, t hough he carries it only as an honori fi c, commemo-
r at i ng his rol e at Thr one hol d negot i at i ng for the hal fl i ng nat i on. Hi s
own t ri be is one of t he largest i n t he pl ai ns, but he no l onger commands
any ot her. Still, he is well respect ed by t he Tal ent a hal fl i ngs, and could
probably uni t e many or all of the t ri bes again if the need arose.
Knowl edge (history)
DC 10: Hal f l i ngs lived i n Khor vai r e
l ong before humans arri ved.
DC 15: Before the appearance of humans,
halflings roamed with t hei r di nosaurs
over a l arger area t han the Tal ent a
Plainsup i nt o Ka r r na t h and west-
ward i nt o Brel and and Dar guun.
DC 20: Fr om the f or mat i on of Gal i -
far to t he st art of the Last War, the
hal fl i ngs of t he Tal ent a Pl ai ns were
consi dered part of Kar r nat h, t hough
they r emai ned quite i ndependent and
never gave up t hei r old ways. With the
start of the Last War, different tribes
al i gned wi t h di fferent sides i n t he
conflict. The end of the war meant the
bi r t h of a di st i nct halfling nat i on.
DC 25: Hal fl i ng leader Lat hon Hal pum
r epr es ent ed t he Tal ent a Pl ai ns at
Thr onehol d and hel ped negotiate the
creat i on of a separate nat i on.
Knowl edge (l ocal )
DC 10: Hal f l i ngs live i n every city i n
Khor vai r e, and appear across t he
count rysi de as well. The city halflings
have left the t ri bal ways of the Tal ent a
Pl ai ns far behi nd.
DC 15: Tal ent a halflings have an egali-
t ari an t ri bal society. All members of a
t ri be have a voice i n choosi ng a leader
and i n del i berat i ons about t he move-
ment s and actions of t he t r i be.
Knowl edge (nobi l i ty and royalty)
DC 10: Two dr agonmar ked houses
Ghal l anda and Jorasco - are made up
of hal f l i ngs. Ghal l anda car r i es t he
Mark of Hospitality, while Jorasco has
the Mark of Heal i ng.
DC 15: House Ghal l anda has a st r ong
presence i n the Tal ent a Pl ai ns as well
as i n communi t i es across Khor vai r e.
House Jorasco, on the ot her hand, has
few r emai ni ng ties i n the Plainsits
headquar t er s is i n Ka r r na t h.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 20: The halflings combi ne a rever-
ence for the spirits of t hei r ancestors
and t hei r l i vi ng di nos aur mount s
with a bel i ef i n Bal i nor, the Sover-
ei gn Lor d of Beasts and t he Hunt .
They believe t hei r spi ri t s are uni t ed
with those of t hei r mount s t hr ough
the hunt i ng masks they wear.
Life is har d on the pl ai ns, and the halflings fight every
day just to survi ve. They are hunt er s , r i di ng and fi ght i ng
from the backs of t hei r di nos aur mount s from a very early
age. The hal fl i ngs t reat t hei r mount s with ki ndness and
protectiveness, more like chi l dr en t han t r ai ned ani mal s.
Halflings honor the spirits of t hei r ancestors and the
spirits of t hei r di nosaur mount s, pr ompt i ng some compari -
sons to the beliefs of the Val enar elves. However, the half-
lings do not believe that t hei r ancestral spirits i nhabi t t hei r
mounts. Rather, every hal fl i ng warri or hopes to uni t e his
spirit with his mount ' s i n the heat of battle, so that his spirit
might be as worthy of reverence after deat h as his di nosaur' s
spirit already is. The hunt i ng mask worn by halfling hunt ers
and warriors is a symbol of that spi ri t ual bond.
Since hal fl i ng t ri bes do not claim cont rol over specific
territories, conflict between tribes erupt s only dur i ng times
when resources are scarce. Similarly, it usually requi res a
significant outside t hreat to uni t e t ri bes under the l eader-
ship of a l at hon.
While all halflings i n Khor vai r e can trace t hei r roots back
to the nomadi c t ri bes, many left the Tal ent a Pl ai ns genera-
tions ago and now have al most not hi ng in common with
their di nosaur - r i di ng cousi ns. Havi ng long abandoned the
nomadic life of the pl ai ns, these ur bani zed halflings are as
apt to believe the false stereotypes about tribal life as anyone
else who has not lived in or visited the Tal ent a Pl ai ns.
Halflings can be found in every walk of life, in all the
cities of Khorvai re and on homesteads in the agrari an areas
and frontiers. Some live as hunt ers and trappers i n Aundai r
and the Eldeen Reaches. These halflings conform to the cul-
ture of the land where they reside, typically more si mi l ar to
the races of that land t han to the halflings of the plains.
The halfling dr agonmar ked houses operat e i n all these
disparate cultures, bri dgi ng differences and smoothly nego-
tiating the different customs of Khorvai re' s halflings.
The Mark of Heal i ng first appeared on halflings living
on the Talenta Pl ai ns, but House Jorasco long ago moved its
headquarters to Kar r nat h so that the dr agonmar ked could
share their gift with a great er number of peopl e. The house
manages hospitals, hospices, and herbalist and alchemy shops
across the cont i nent . Though Jorasco continues to mai nt ai n
a st rong presence in the pl ai ns, Tal ent a halflings treat the
members of the house with suspicion and di st rust for having
left the l and where they gai ned t hei r abilities.
Members of House Ghal l anda bear the Mark of Hospi -
tality and wield powers related to food and shelter. The head
of House Ghal l anda keeps his court i n Gat herhol d, while the
majority of the house' s work is done in the mor e popul ous
nat i ons. The house' s Hostelers Gui l d operates i nns, restau-
rant s, spas, and ot her places of comfort and peace.
Fri end of the Tribes
You are deeply familiar with the tribes of the Talenta Plains.
Benefi t: You gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy, Gat her
Information, and Sense Motive checks when the target is
a halfling.
When you meet a halfling, you can at t empt a DC 15
Sense Motive check as a ful l -round action to det er mi ne what
tribe he or she is from. If you fail the check, you can repent
it after 1 mi nut e of i nt eract i on with the halfling. A second
failure allows no f ur t her at t empt s.
Talenta Di nosaur Bond [Racial]
You have under gone gr uel i ng t r a i ni ng on di nos aur back
and are ski l l ed i n t he hal f l i ng t echni ques of f i ght i ng
while mount ed.
Prerequisite: Halfling, Ride 6 ranks, Mounted Combat,
Benefi t: Choose a par t i cul ar di nosaur mount t hat
you are fami l i ar wi t h. You gai n a +4 insight bonus on Ride
checks made in conj unct i on with that mount . In addi t i on, as
long as you are mount ed on that creat ure, both you and your
mount gain a +1 insight bonus to AC and on Reflex saves.
Speci al : If your mount is killed, you can apply this
feat to a new mount after seven days have passed.
Talenta Dri fter [Racial]
Your extensive travels on the Tal ent a Pl ai ns give you an
advantage while in that regi on.
Prerequi si te: Hal fl i ng.
Benef i t : You gai n a +2 bonus on Hi de, Spot , and
Survival checks you make while in the Tal ent a Pl ai ns.
Properl y speaki ng, the hi st ory of moder n Eber r on begi ns some eighty
t housand years before the pr esent . (See Cr eat i on Myths, page 30, for an
account of the creat i on of the world and the eons before the rise of the
giants. ) It was at this t i me that the first civilization of mort al beings arose,
as the pr ogeni t or race of gi ant s bui l t t hei r first cities in Xen' dr i k. The
giants of this age were closer to titans t han to the giants found in Xen' dr i k
todayeven the nobl e and powerful st orm gi ant s are debased and cor-
rupt ed, compared to the pur e forms of t hei r forebears.
The giants effectively rul ed the world (if only with the quiet compl i c-
ity of the dragons) for some forty t housand years. They enslaved the elves
(i ncl udi ng the drow) as they built ki ngdoms encompassi ng all of Xen' dr i k
and occasionally r eachi ng beyond it. They founded at least one colony on
Sarlona, the descendant s of which are the half-giants that still dwell t here,
and mi ght have had out post s in Khor vai r e as well. The gi ant s l earned
arcane magic from the dr agons and used it to create wonders unknown
even now, at the pr esumed height of human civilization.
The gi ant s' ci vi l i zat i on was ul t i mat el y dest royed by the first major
pl anar i nvasi on: the arri val of the quor i t hr ough a pl anar gate connect -
i ng Xen' dr i k to Dal Quor , the Regi on of Dr eams . Aft er years of bat t l e,
the gi ant s cal l ed upon power f ul dr aconi c magi c to dest roy t he pl anar
gate, but t hi s desper at e act had di sast r ous consequences. Xe n' dr i k
was shaken to its cor e. Vast expanses of l and vani shed beneat h t he sea
(bot h Shar gon' s Teet h and t he Phoeni x Basin were once solid gr ound) .
Al t hough the quor i were repel l ed and pr event ed from t aki ng physical
form in the world ( per haps forever), the ci vi l i zat i on of t he gi ant s never
r ecover ed. Hor r i bl e pl agues and curses swept across Xe n' dr i k even as
the elves r ebel l ed agai nst t hei r gi ant mast er s. Fi nal l y, j ust as some
gi ant s were pl anni ng to st ri ke agai nst the elf rebel s usi ng the same great
magics t hat had dr i ven off t he quor i , the dr agons attacked to pr event a
second such devast at i on.
The civilization of the gi ant s was utterly r ui ned. The drow remai ned
in hi di ng in Xen' dr i k while t hei r elf cousins escaped to Aer enal . In the
south of Khor vai r e, the first gobl i noi d ki ngdoms began to rise, a pale
reflection of the spl endor of the gi ant s' cul t ur e. Wi t hi n several t housand
years' t i me, orc ki ngdoms arose in the west, in the shadow of the growi ng
gobl i noi d nat i ons. Over t i me, the gobl i noi ds became increasingly well
organi zed i nt o city-states and small nat i ons, unt i l finally the Dhakaani
uni t ed these di sparat e nat i ons i nt o one gr and empi re that held sway from
the edges of the Shadow Marches to the foothills of the Endworld and
I r onr oot Mount ai ns. At this poi nt , the history of Eber r on is largely the
history of Khorvai re (but see History Beyond Khorvai re on the next page).
The exiled elves of Aer enal formed the basic st r uct ur e of t hei r society
dur i ng this peri od as well, and they came i nt o conflict with the Dhakaani
in present -day Valenar.
After nearly t hi rt y t housand years of domi nance, the great Dhakaani
Empi re fell to the second major pl anar invasionthe i ncursi on of the
dael kyr. Thes e ni ght mar i s h f l esh- shaper s from Xor i at , t he Real m of
Madness, deci mat ed the western part of the Dhakaani Empi r e before the
Gat ekeeper dr ui ds of the orcs managed to seal the port al s that connect ed
Xoriat to Eber r on. Left effectively leaderless, the eastern Dhakaani prov-
inces fell i nt o civil war and the gobl i noi d civilization crumbl ed.
With bot h orcs and gobl i noi ds weakened by the daelkyr, the smaller
races of Khor vai r e (the halflings of the east and the gnomes of the west)
slowly began to come i nt o t hei r own. Some t hr ee t housand years ago,
and two t housand years after the definitive fall of Dhakaan, Lhazaar led
humans from Sarlona to the east ern shores of Khor vai r e. Humans began
to spread over the l ands once held by the decl i ni ng gobl i noi ds. Like the
gnomes, elves, and hal f l i ngs who pr eceded t hem, huma ns devel oped
Knowl edge (history)
DC 10: Th e c ur r e nt year, 998 YK,
marks almost a mi l l enni um since t he
f oundi ng of the Ki ngdom of Galifar.
The past hundr e d years were domi -
nat ed by t he Last War, dur i ng which
t he ki ngdom event ual l y f r act ur ed
i nt o t he or i gi nal Five Nat i ons from
whi ch it was bui l t al t hough one of
t he Five, Cyr e, is now t he bl ast ed
waste of the Mour nl and.
DC 12: Galifar I, bor n in Kar r nat h, was
the second Ka r r n to try to uni t e t he
Five Nat i ons i nt o a single ki ngdom.
DC 15: Th e fi rst huma ns to ar r i ve
i n Khor vai r e were mi gr ant s from
Sar l ona, led by an expl or er named
Lhazaar. Humans quickly spread to
cover the cont i nent i n the wake of the
fall of Dhakaan.
DC 18: The hi st ory of Eber r on is com-
monl y di vi ded i nt o four ages, each
one defined by the rise of an empi r e
and its cataclysmic fall.
DC 22: The s e ages ar e t he Age of
Demons, the Age of Gi ant s, the Age of
Monst ers, and the cur r ent age, which
some call t he Age of t he Dr agon-
marked. The Age of Gi ant s, when the
gi ant empi res of Xen' dr i k domi nat ed
the world, ended with the invasion of
t he quor i . The t hi r d age, mar ked by
t he rise of t he gobl i noi d empi r e of
Dhakaan, was brought to an end by the
invasion of the daelkyr. The cur r ent
age is the fourt h, and some say that the
Last War marks its close.
DC 24: The cur r ent age began between
four and five t hous and years ago,
when t he Dhakaani Empi r e fell i n
t he wake of t he Dael kyr War. The
fi rst dr a gonma r ks appear ed some
t housand years later.
DC 25: Even as t he gobl i noi d ki ng-
doms that grew to form t he Dhakaani
Empi r e wer e gr owi ng, s mal l orc
ki ngdoms fl ouri shed i n t he west of
Khor vai r e. These eventually became
client states of Dhakaan, and the orcs
played an i mpor t ant role i n dr i vi ng
off the daelkyr.
dragonmarks in this new l and (as did the dwarves who had
migrated from the Frostfell). The devel opment of dr agon-
marks among Khorvai re' s races helped to lift t hem to a more
civilized state.
By two t hous and years ago, t her e were five separat e
human civilizations in central Khorvairethe Five Nations,
t hough not yet called by t hei r mode r n names. Ri nged by
goblinoid stragglers, gnome and dwarf cl anhol ds, and half-
ling t ri bes, these real ms struggled against t hei r nei ghbors
and each ot her for supremacy in the regi on.
Nearl y a t hous and years ago, Gal i f ar of Ka r r n a t h
l aunched a new campai gn to uni t e the Five Nat i ons i nt o
a single ki ngdom t hat , for all pract i cal pur pos es , would
span Khor va i r e . Wi t h t he s uppor t of t he dr agonmar ked
houses, he succeeded where his ancest or Ka r r n the Con-
quer or had failed, and the Ki ngdom of Gal i far was bor n.
The mode r n r eckoni ng of years count s t hi s as t he first
Year of t he Ki ngdom (1 YK) . The five c hi l dr e n of Gal i -
far I served as gove r nor - pr i nc e s of t he Five Nat i ons to
hel p t hei r f at her gover n t he l and, and gave t hei r names
to the provi nces of the ki ngdomAundai r, Brel and, Cyre,
Ka r r na t h, and Thr a ne . (Gal i far' s eldest son, Ka r r n, was
named after the Conquer or , and his nat i on kept t he name
of its f ounder . )
The next ni ne cent uri es saw the gradual expansi on of
the Ki ngdom of Galifar, i ncl udi ng an early war against the
sea pri nces of Lhazaar, a slow push i nt o the wilderness areas
at the east ern and western ends of the cont i nent , and some
small i nt erest in overseas possessionsmost notably the city
of St ormreach, which Galifar and the dragonmarked houses
expanded in 802 YK to facilitate access to the rich stores of
dr agonshar ds in Xen' dr i k.
Thi s peri od is now fondly r emember ed as a golden age
of cul t ure and magic. The arts flourished under the pat r on-
age of the monar chs of Galifar, part i cul arl y in the major
cities of the Five Nat i ons. The l i ght ni ng rail connect ed all
of cent ral Khor vai r e by 865 YK. House Sivis message sta-
tions allowed fast communi cat i on between people a cont i -
nent apart . The Five Nat i ons were not wi t hout t hei r strife
and conflict, but open warfare was unknown in the cent ral
part of the cont i nent .
In 894 YK, it all came crashi ng down. See the ent ry
on the Last War (page 92) for more about the fall of Galifar
and the shapi ng of moder n Khor vai r e.
Gal i faran. Schol ar
You have made an exhaustive study of the history of Galifar,
from t he earl i est r oot s of t he Five Nat i ons, t hr ough the
format i on of the uni t ed Ki ngdom of Galifar, and on to the
Last War and the di ssol ut i on of the ki ngdom. The dept h
of your study gives you great insight i nt o the whole field of
knowledge s ur r oundi ng the history of Galifar.
Prerequi si te: Knowledge (history) 4 ranks.
Benefi t: You receive a +4 insight bonus on Knowl -
edge checks per t ai ni ng to events associated with the Last
War or the royal family of the Ki ngdom of Galifar, and you
treat unt r ai ned Knowl edge checks related to these topics as
t rai ned Knowledge checks.
No r ma l : You can a t t e mpt a Knowl edge check
unt r ai ned only if the DC of the check is 10 or lower.
It is t empt i ng to look at t he sweep of hi st ory as a si mpl e
progression from the ancient empires of the giants, t hrough
the gobl i noi ds, to Gal i far and t he Five Nat i ons. Aft er the
Dhakaani uni t ed the gobl i noi d t ri bes, the hi st ory of pr i -
mary i nt erest to schol ars unf ol ded mostly on Khor vai r e.
Thi s view is far too narrow, however, because many events
of i mpor t happened beyond the shores of Khor vai r e after
the fall of the gi ant s. The impact of these events mi ght not
be felt all that strongly in Khor vai r e, but that does not make
t hem less i mpor t ant .
The hi st or y of Aer enal st r et ches back to t he fall of
the gi ant s and oft en i nt er sect s wi t h t hat of Khor va i r e .
The elves of Aer enal had a colony i n sout heast er n Kh o r -
vai re dur i ng t he t i me of t he Dhakaani Empi r e, i n what
is now Val enar . ( Thi s t er r i t or y is t hus consi der ed by t he
Val enar elves to be ancest r al l ands t hat ri ght ful l y bel ong
to t hem. )
The hi st or y of Sar l ona is a gr and tale of r i si ng and
fal l i ng empi r es about whi ch l i t t l e is known out si de t hat
di st ant and myst eri ous cont i nent . The cradl e of huma n
ci vi l i zat i on, Sarl ona was home to dozens of city-states for
t housands of years. Lhazaar, a great expl orer from the Sar-
l onan nat i on of Rhi avhaar, led a gr oup of col oni st s across
the sea to t he "new worl d" of Khor vai r e t hr ee t housand
years ago. Rhi avhaar is l ong f or got t en, but t he legacy of
Lhazaar goes far beyond t he pr i nci pal i t i es t hat bear her
nameal most all of huma n hi st ory in Khor vai r e stems
from t hat first col oni al mi ssi on. The quor i i nvasi on t hat
began some fifteen hundr ed years ago changed the face of
Sarl ona forever, but it also affected the fate of Khor vai r e
as anot her wave of huma n set t l ers set out across t he sea,
this t i me to Khor vai r e' s west ern coast, where they settled
in the Shadow Marches.
Finally, the history of Xen' dr i k by no means ends with
the fall of the giants forty t housand years in the past. Despite
the cataclysms that wracked that cont i nent , civilization sur-
vived in many forms. Whi l e the gi ant s were reduced to sav-
agery (a state that the drow had never ri sen far above while
they were slaves to the gi ant s), ot her races have from t i me
to t i me forged ki ngdoms and even empi res of t hei r own in
the shadows of Xen' dr i k' s cyclopean r ui ns . Archaeological
evidence suggests t hat a ver mi n l ord forged a ki ngdom
among the nomadi c t hr i - kr een of the great gol den desert
Menecht ar un about twelve t housand years ago, conquer i ng
desert t ri bes and small city-states al ong the western coast
before suddenly di sappeari ng. (Vermi n lords are described
in Monster Manual III.) A handf ul of mi not aur warl ords have
erect ed maze-ci t i es and forged tiny ki ngdoms over the
cent uri es. Yuan- t i , fleeing t hei r native Sarlona as the quori
cement ed t hei r r ul e t her e, event ual l y set t l ed i n Xen' dr i k
and est abl i shed t hei r cor r upt ed t empl es i n t he t hi ckest
j ungl es , somet i mes j o i n i n g t oget her to f or m al l i ances
and even smal l empi r es . The r e are said to be a numbe r
of gi t hyanki ci t y-st at es hi dden in t he wilds of Xen' dr i k,
founded by the survivors of the daelkyr i nvasi on. Perhaps
most t r oubl i ng, word is begi nni ng to reach Khor vai r e of a
city of warforged that were not made i n any Canni t h forge,
now expandi ng its i nfl uence in the sout her n mount ai ns of
the cont i nent of secrets.
Humans have i nhabi t ed Khor vai r e for mi l l enni a. They domi nat e the
l and, but i n some ways they are relative newcomers to the cont i nent . Most
humans don' t spend t i me cont empl at i ng t hei r race's ori gi ns, and many do
not even know that they are not native to Khor vai r e, but history does not
lie: Humans came from Sarl ona. The pi oneer Lhazaar is acknowledged
as the leader of t hi s mi gr at i on, but the j our ney was not accomplished in
a single massive exodus from Sarlona to Khor vai r e. Rat her, the mi grant s
came in waves, over the course of perhaps a hundr ed years.
These first waves of human mi gr ant s left Sarlona' s western shore and
arri ved in what is now t he Lhazaar Pr i nci pal i t i es some t hr ee t housand
years ago. Some were expl or er s, seeki ng new vistas. Some were set t l ers,
t i r ed of warfare and hopi ng to cl ai m new l ands and i mpr ove t hei r lives.
Some were oppor t uni s t s , ent r epr eneur s , and conquer or s, l ooki ng for
wealth they could unear t h, trade for, or steal. Lhazaar herself made several
j our neys between Sarlona and Khor vai r e, maki ng enor mous profits off
the exotic goods she brought back to her homel and as well as the Sarl onan
goods she sold to the gobl i noi ds that still held Khor vai r e despite the fall
of the Dhakaani Empi r e.
At first, the settlers were few in number and relied on friendly rela-
tions with the gobl i noi ds to survive in this unf ami l i ar l and. Wi t hi n a
century, however, t hei r number s had grown dramat i cal l y and they began
to expand westward.
Humani t y was a relatively young and versatile race, and the goblinoids
were a shat t ered r e mna nt of empi r e. The hobgobl i ns and bugbear s fled
bel owgr ound, l eavi ng the surface to t he gobl i ns. The gobl i ns were more
pl ent i ful t han t he humans , but they were di sor gani zed and i ndi vi du-
ally weak, still st ruggl i ng to rul e themselves with t hei r empi re gone and
t hei r power st r uct ur e collapsed. Gobl i n chieftains led small clans whose
superi or knowledge of the l and gave t hem early victories over the human
i nvaders. However, humani t y' s s t r engt h, versatility, and adapt abi l i t y
t ur ned the tide in the end. Gobl i n clans fell by the score, t hei r survivors
t aki ng flight or s ur r ender i ng in the face of the humans' mi ght . Numer ous
human heroes arose dur i ng this t i me, and t hei r names can still be found
on statues, on cities, on i nscri pt i ons in anci ent items, and on the lips of
t hei r admi r er s.
Perhaps the best known of these heroes is Ka r r n the Conquer or , the
f ounder of Ka r r na t h. Cr edi t ed with el i mi nat i ng the last st r onghol ds of
gobl i noi d resistance in cent ral Khor vai r e, Ka r r n had visions of empi re,
t ur ni ng from his gobl i noi d foes to ot her groups of humans in his drive to
rul e. By the t i me of his rei gn, five hundr ed years after Lhazaar' s arrival in
Khor vai r e, humans had already formed five i nci pi ent nat i ons, and Kar r n
dreamed of uni t i ng t hem all under his wolf-head banner . Even t hough he
built the greatest army of his age and led it to war with rut hl ess efficiency,
the sheer size of Khor vai r e defeated hi m.
Five cent ur i es aft er Ka r r n' s r ul e, a second maj or wave of huma n
mi gr ant s began to arri ve from Sar l ona. As t he I nspi r ed t i ght ened t hei r
gr i p on Sar l ona, some gr oups and subcul t ur es r ecogni zed t he danger
and fled across t he sea to t he east. In cont r ast to the first set t l ers, these
refugees l anded on Khor vai r e' s west ern coast. Some encount er ed the
orcs of t he Shadow Mar ches and made event ual peace wi t h t hem, set-
t l i ng i n t he i nhospi t abl e swamps. Ot he r s made l andf al l in t he Demon
Wastes and devolved i nt o demon wor shi p and t he bar bar i s m of the
Ca r r i on Tr i bes .
At ar ound the same t i me, the dr agonmar ked houses began to cement
t hei r power, l aunchi ng the War of the Mark to purify t hei r ranks. By this
poi nt , humani t y' s rul e of Khor vai r e was secure.
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 10: Aundai r , Brel and, Kar r nat h,
and Thr anef our of the former Five
Nat i ons of Galifarare t he great est
h u ma n na t i ons . Q' b a r r a and t he
Lhazaar Pr i nci pal i t i es are also pr i -
mari l y huma n.
DC 15: Huma ni t y has a s t r ong pr es -
ence i n t he El de e n Reaches and
t he Shadow Mar ches as well. A few
pr i mi t i ve huma n t r i bes live i n t he
Demon Wastes.
DC 20: Many humans live i n Sar l ona.
Argonnessen, t hough home pr i mar i l y
to dr agons, has a numbe r of huma n
bar bar i an t ri bes al ong its shores.
Knowl edge (history)
DC 10: Humans came to Khorvai re from
Sarl ona t hr ee t housand years ago.
DC 15: Early human mi gr ant s battled
gobl i ns for cont rol of Khor vai r e.
DC 20: The humans enslaved t he gob-
lins after t he wars.
DC 25: The early humans represent ed
vari ous Sar l onan subcul t ur es, and
they arri ved i n a series of mi gr at i ons
t hat lasted ar ound fifteen hundr ed
years. Moder n human cul t ur e bl ends
the hi st ori es and customs of its varied
component s, and some human groups
r emember specific t r adi t i ons from
t hei r t i me on Sarl ona.
Knowl edge (l ocal )
DC 5: Humans are the domi nant race
i n Khor va i r e . They cont r ol mor e
nat i ons and mor e l and t han all ot her
races combi ned.
DC 10: Humani t y' s s t r engt h lies i n
its var i et y. Hu ma n s ar e ver sat i l e
and capabl e.
Knowl edge (nobi l i ty and royalty)
DC 10: Huma ns cont r ol t he Mark of
Maki ng ( House Ca nni t h) , t he Mark
of Passage ( House Or i e n) , t he Mar k
of Sent i nel (House Denei t h) , and the
Mark of Handl i ng (House Vadalis).
DC 15: Most human nat i ons are feudal
monar chi es, r emi nder s of t he great
Ki ngdom of Galifar.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 10: Huma ns t end to wor shi p t he
Sovereign Host and t he Silver Fl ame.
Humans of a c r u d e r or mor e chaot i c
bent pay homage to the Dark Six.
Khorvaire' s humans need little descriptionthey are every-
where, after all. Fewer people know much about the humans
from the cont i nent s of Sarl ona and Ar gonnessen.
Two ki nds of humans live in Sarl ona: those in Ri edra,
who are domi nat ed by t he I nspi r ed, and t hose i n Adar ,
who hi de i n mount a i n sanct uar i es s ur r ounde d by t hei r
kalashtar allies. Ei t her sort might come to Khor vai r e, flee-
ing the I nspi r ed or seeki ng to work against themor sent as
Inspired agents to i nfi l t rat e Khor vai r i an society.
Ri edr ans have l ong been paci f i ed. They serve t he
I nspi r ed, and t he I ns pi r ed cont r ol t hem. Rebel s and
f r eet hi nker s are put to t he sword or ment al l y abused
unt i l they forget t hei r bel i efs. Every so oft en, t hough,
a Ri edr an escapes t he I ns pi r ed' s i nf l uence and flees to
Khor vai r e, br i ngi ng wi t h her val uabl e knowl edge about
her enemi es .
Adar ans are mor e likely to become advent urers. Many
work actively against the I nspi r ed, and t hei r monast i c and
psychic t radi t i ons grant t hem the power to overcome chal -
lenges. Huma n advent ur er s from Adar become monks,
psychic warri ors, psions, or soulknives (the last t hree classes
are found in Expanded Psionics Handbook).
The isles of Ser en lie off Ar gonnes s en' s nor t hwest
coast. Pr i mi t i ve huma ns make t hese i sl ands t hei r home.
They are sea r ai der s, set t i ng out i n l ong, shal l ow shi ps to
challenge t raders and expl orers. The men wear beards and
keep t hei r hai r long, bel i evi ng t hat these traits i nspi re fear
in t hei r enemi es. The women are j ust as fierce as the men,
and fight by t hei r sides.
The Ser en t r i bes worshi p the dr agons of Ar gonne s -
sen. They capt ur e sacrifices for t hem and ens ur e t hat no
i nt erl oper pierces that cont i nent ' s i nt eri or. Though most
Serens attack foreign ships on sight, a few are curi ous about
visitors. They want to know mor e about t he world beyond
t hei r i sl ands, and they mi ght even desert t hei r peopl e to
explore Khor vai r e.
Races of Destiny i nt roduces a number of new human subraces,
i ncl udi ng the i l l umi ans, as well as five races with the human
subt ype. Member s of t hese subraces occasi onal l y possess
aber r ant dr agonmar ks.
Azur i ns : Thi s human subrace appears in Magic of Incarnum.
Azur i ns are bor n spont aneousl y in human communi t i es
and live among humans t hei r whole lives.
I l l u mi a n s : As described in Races of Destiny, i l l umi ans live
in smal l conclaves wi t hi n human cities, and the i l l umi an
city of El i r hondas lies on the Plane of Shadow.
Mongr el f ol k: These hybrid descendant s of many races
live among all t hei r ki n. Onl y i n Da r guun and Dr oaam,
where t hei r ancest ry is weighted heavily t oward gobl i noi d
races, do they form sizable communi t i es , maki ng up an
undercl ass beneat h even the lowest of the gobl i noi ds.
Sea Ki n: Member s of t hi s aquat i c pa r t - huma n race
form small communi t i es off the coasts of Brel and, Q' bar r a,
Aer enal , and Xen' dr i k. The largest communi t y of sea kin
in Eber r on was located off the Cyran coast and vanished on
the Day of Mour ni ng. Refugees from t hi s lost aquat i c city
of Elliavar are now found in every ot her sea ki n set t l ement ,
and many have adopted the nomadi c lives of advent urers.
Sh a r a k i m: Thi s orcl i ke race of accursed humans is
found mainly in Brel and, particularly in the western part of
the count ry. They have some small villages in the foothills
of the Graywall Mount ai ns, and also mi ngl e among humans
in cities such as Wroat and Shar n.
Skul ks: Legend holds that the first skulks were created
when the quori invaded Sarlona some fifteen hundr ed years
ago. Whi l e some humans fled across the sea to Khor vai r e,
others under t ook a ritual that grant ed t hem nat ural abilities
of camouflage to escape the quor i i nvasi on, becomi ng the
skulks. Since that t i me, skulks have mi grat ed to the shadows
of human cities across Eber r on.
Underfol k: Thi s race of subterranean humans lives in the
upper reaches of Khyber across Khorvai re and Xen' dri k.
Valiant heroes arose in the anci ent wars against the gobl i ns,
and t hei r names st i l l r i ng t oday. Lhazaar , Mal l eon t he
Reaver, Gol dr i c Wi ngbur n: Her oes such as t hese wielded
weapons of pr omi ne nc e equal to t hei r names , and some
craftsfolk, t hen and now, seek to r ecr eat e t hei r gl ory.
Advent urers at t empt i ng to follow in t hei r footsteps seek out
such equi pment , and those who discover it in t hei r travels
take it as a good omen.
Twi nbl ade Scourge
A twinblade scourge is a great two-bladed sword, supposedly a
replica of Mal l eon the Reaver' s weapon. It is part i cul arl y
pot ent against his hated foes: gobl i ns. It is the weapon of a
general, and the wielder can incite those nearby to a fury,
Lor e: Malleon the Reaver was a human hero and general
in the wars against the goblins, when humans first arrived in
Khorvaire. If the tales are to be believed, this weapon is similar
to the one that he wielded against t hem. Human wizards seek-
ing to preserve his glory and i nspi re fellow soldiers created
these weapons. (Knowledge [history] DC 30)
Descri pt i on: A twinblade scourge is a t wo-bl aded sword
wi t h a seri es of five r une s carved i nt o each side of each
bl ade. Its bl ades are slightly l onger t han a nor mal t wo-
bl aded sword, and dark l eat her st ri ps are wrapped ar ound
its haft. When you gr i p it, the r unes al ong t he blades blaze
angry or ange.
Acti vati on: The wielder can activate the rage effect as
a swift action by r oar i ng his anger at his opponent s.
Wi el di ng the sword activates its ot her powers.
Effect: A twinblade scourge is a +2 goblinoid barte/+2 keen two-
bladed sword. The gobl i noi d bane blade is composed of steel,
while the keen blade is adamant i ne.
Once per day the wi el der can use a qui ckened rage
effect (as the spell, but the range is 30 feet).
Aur a / Ca s t e r Level : St r ong enchant ment ; CL 5t h.
Co n s t r u c t i o n : Cr af t Magi c Ar ms and Ar mo r ,
Qui c ke n Spel l , keen edge, rage, summon monster I, 29, 400 gp,
2, 080 XP, 52 days.
Weight: 12 lb.
Pri ce: 55,400 gp.
The Last War is over, the Thr onehol d Accords have established peace and
equani mi t y among all nat i ons, and a new age of prosperi t y and harmony
has begun for all residents of Khor vai r e.
Or has it?
None of the nat i ons of Khor vai r e truly believe that the cur r ent peace
will last. In fact, several of t hem actively plot ways to under mi ne the peace.
As a government ' s i nt ri gues grow, so do suspicions that its nei ghbors might
be j ust as dupl i ci t ous. Every nat i on has a cadre of spies spread t hr oughout
the lands of its allies and (especially) its enemi es.
Each real m recrui t s advent urers to serve as spies, playing on nat i onal
loyalty, rel i gi ous ties, hat red of a par t i cul ar gr oup or faction, and simple
greed to convince t hem to accept assi gnment s. Advent ur er s are initially
cont act ed by di pl omat s, mer chant s, or l ow- r anki ng member s of t hei r
nation' s royal family and asked to engage in only the most basic espionage,
r epor t i ng any unusual events they see, uncover, or part i ci pat e i n. For this
i nf or mat i on, they receive gold (up to 100 gp, dependi ng on the value of
the i nf or mat i on and the risk involved i n get t i ng it).
After the advent urers have proven capable and reliable, a spymaster
might provide t hem a deeper glimpse i nt o the world of espionage, offering
riskier assi gnment s. Instead of j ust keepi ng t hei r eyes open for r andom
bits of intelligence, they could be asked to per f or m active feats of skulldug-
gery. They mi ght be requi red to sneak i nt o an embassy and steal a set of
document s, convince a loyal member of a dr agonmar ked house to divulge
trade secrets, or even waylay or kill an enemy agent. These assi gnment s
are more danger ous, but also more lucrative.
Of course, the first rul e of espionage demands that you never say
more t han you have to. Advent ur er s might find that the i nformat i on t hei r
spymaster has given t hem only tells part of the tale, or perhaps is j ust a
t hi nl y veiled cover story that t ur ns out to be completely i naccurat e. Once
in the mi ddl e of an assi gnment , all a gr oup of spies can do is try t hei r best
to keep the t r ut h in sight and escape with t hei r necks.
Spymasters use i ndependent agents for the simple reason that they are
expendable. If a group of adventurer-spies is killed attempting a mission, the
spymaster can simply hi re another batch. Ther e is the matter of deniability, as
well. If adventurers are caught, no official tie connects them to their employer.
Characters who are captured should not expect their spymaster to organize a
rescue missionhe more likely denies having ever heard of them. If the infor-
mation the characters have is particularly damni ng or is a closely guarded secret,
the spymaster might send out a new team to permanent l y silence the failed
group. It is commonly said that there is no honor among thieves, but a lesser
known bit of wisdom points out that there is no compassion among spies.
Servi ng as a spy has its advantages, t hough. If charact ers are loyal and
effective, they receive all ki nds of support from t hei r handl ereveryt hi ng
from gold to opul ent housi ng to mi nor magic items. Spies are grant ed the
equi pment , i nf or mat i on, and support necessary for t hei r assi gnment s,
and anyt hi ng left over when the j ob is done is typically t hei rs to keep.
A spy also gains the often overlooked advantage of access to powerhe or
she has connections to groups, governments, and individuals that are difficult
or even impossible for ordi nary adventurers to reach. A spy might, t hrough
the course of several missions, meet hi gh-ranki ng government officials, the
heads of one or more dr agonmar ked houses, wealthy mer chant s, l eadi ng
scholars, and celebrities from all sorts of backgrounds, not to ment i on other
highly capable advent urers. These connect i ons can prove to be useful for
years after the character stops playing any part in the espionage trade.
The best spies appear to be above suspicion. It is impossible to tell whether
the quiet man sitting by himself in the mi ddl e of a tavern is dr i nki ng alone,
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 20 : Aundai r ' s Royal Eyes, Brel and' s
Ki ng' s Dark Lant er ns (a br anch of
t he Ci t adel ) , and Zi l ar go' s secret
pol i ce ( t he Tr us t ) are a mong t he
vari ous espi onage agencies at work
i n t he worl d. The agenci es of Cyre,
Ka r r na t h, and Th r a n e are less well
known, and it is not cl ear whet her
t he ot her nat i ons have est abl i shed
such or gani zat i ons.
DC 25: I n t he handf ul of ci t i es wher e
mul t i pl e nat i ons have compel l i ng
i nt er est s, t he st reet s have become
hot beds of i nt r i gue and espi onage.
They i ncl ude St or mr each and the city
of Thr one por t . Every met ropol i s i n
Khor vai r e has its share of spies i n its
embassy ward.
Knowl edge (history)
DC 15: Some say t hat t he Last War was
real l y fought by spies and assassi ns,
wi t h t he ar mi es merel y pr ovi di ng a
di st ract i on.
DC 20: Over the course of the Last War,
each of the Five Nat i ons bui l t up its
i nt el l i gence agencies to si gni fi cant
power. The Royal Eyes of Aundai r and
the Ki ng' s Dark Lant er ns of Brel and
are the best known of these organi za-
t i ons, but even Cyre' s spies r e ma i n
active t hr oughout Khor vai r e.
DC 25: Whi l e it mi ght not be t r ue t hat
the real war was fought by spies, it is
cert ai nl y t r ue that some of the most
devastating offensives of the war were
es pi onage- r el at ed. The fall of t he
Glass Tower i n Shar n (9 Ol ar une 918
YK) is t he most famous example, but
ot hers suggest that the Day of Mour n-
i ng t hat destroyed Cyre falls i n t he
same category.
Knowl edge (nobi l i ty and royalty)
DC 25: Though bot h houses engage i n
ot her activities to cover t he i r t r ue
business, espionage is the real work of
House Phiarlan and House Thur a nni .
The Mark of Shadow grant s t he scions
of these houses abi l i t i es r el at ed to
stealth, disguise, and scrying.
DC 30 : House Phi ar l an pr i mar i l y spies
on behal f of Th r a n e , Aunda i r , and
Br el and, while Th u r a n n i sells its
secrets to the Lhazaar Pri nci pal i t i es,
Kar r nat h, Dr oaam, and Q' bar r a.
waiting for friends, or furtively eavesdropping on the soldiers
at the next table. In a world where espionage is a fact of daily
life, you must consider the motives and allegiances of every-
one you meet. In a world in which shapechangi ng magic and
races such as changelings and doppelgangers are so prevalent,
it is rarely possible even to be sure who you are talking to.
Most spies are motivated by a sense of pat ri ot i sm, rel i -
gious devotion, or di st rust of a part i cul ar group (or groups).
While it's certainly possible to gauge a person' s general con-
victions and allegiances to assess the risk that the person is
a spy, how easy is it to recognize ext reme zeal? Ther e is no
simple way to tell the difference between a loyal suppor t er
of Ki ng Boranel and a Brelish spy, and too many pr obi ng
i nqui ri es only br i ng suspicion on you.
Similarly, it is difficult to identify a changel i ng (but see
How to Spot a Changel i ng, page 25), and almost impossible
to assess one' s mot i vat i ons once i dent i fi ed. Is the change-
ling you j ust identified a spy, or simply someone who enjoys
taking on different personas?
In a gr oup of advent ur er s who all come from di ffer-
ent nat i ons, it mi ght even be difficult for you to t r ust your
own al l i es. Aft er all, no mat t er how uni t ed your gr oup,
the fact of the mat t er is t hat only a few years ago you mi ght
well have been on opposi t e sides of the battlefield. Does a
few mont hs of advent ur i ng t oget her count for mor e t han
a cent ur y of nat i onal pr i de? If a member of your royal
family asked you quest i ons about your gr oup, would you
answer t r ut hf ul l y? If t hat same per son asked you to keep
an eye on one of your par t ner s , could you? Now consi der:
How would each of your t eammat es answer those last two
quest i ons t hemsel ves?
A secret' s value depends on how secret it is. The fewer
people who know it, the great er its wort h. The value of
covert i nf or mat i on starts to di mi ni sh as soon as you tell
anyoneeven your closest advent uri ng compani ons. If what
you tell t hem gets passed on accidentally (or secretly sold
before you can sell it yourself), you could be left hol di ng a
secret that everyone knows.
Ninjas (see Complete Adventurer) are practitioners of a tradition
that originated with the elf families that carry the Mark
of Shadow. That tradition has spread beyond the dragon-
marked families and their affiliated guilds, but every ninja
school proudly traces its heritage to one branch of House
Phiarlan or another. Ninjas are used as spies and assas-
sins across Khorvai re. The shaarat'khesh gobl i ns claim
to have a ninja tradition dating back to the Dhakaani
Empire itself.
Speilthieves (also in Complete Adventurer) are trained
in stealth and arcane magic, and have the unique ability
to siphon magical power from other creatures. The Royal
Eyes of Aundair and the King's Dark Lanterns of Breland
discovered and exploited this ability during the Last War.
using speilthieves as spies and assassins with a focus on
spellcasting targets. In the years since the end of the war,
speilthieves have drifted without purpose. Some have ended
up involved in criminal pursuits, whether in Khorvaire
(particularly Sharn, Wroat, and Fairhaven) or beyond.
Adar is said to be a land of hidden wonders. Tales speak of palaces carved from
solid gold and hidden valleys where wine flows like water. Dragons hide in every
storm cloud, and fiends are buried in the bur ni ng depths of volcanoes.
These fanciful tales hold some t r ut h. The history of Adar dates back to
the Age of Demons, and dragons and couatls left t hei r mark on this land.
As time passed, humans rose to domi nat e the cont i nent of Sarlona. When
tyrannical rul ers sought to crush those who sought arcane knowledge and
religious freedom, the persecuted mystics made t hei r way to Adar, bui l di ng
monasteries atop the r ui ns the dragons had left behi nd. The stone wreck-
age held powerpower that could be used for defense. Adar became a place
of refuge. The path t hrough the mount ai ns was long and difficult, but for
those desperate few in need of sanctuary, Adar offered a last hope.
Humans were not the only ones to seek refuge in the mount ai ns. Almost
two thousand years ago, spirits from Dal Quor contacted the monks of Adar.
These quori were bei ng hunt ed by forces of ni ght mar e that sought to ext i n-
guish the last vestiges of light from t hei r pl ane. A gr oup of human mystics
offered their own bodies as a way of providing these rebel quori with an escape
from Dal Quorand the first kalashtar were bor n from this fusion.
Physically, the kalashtar are essentially human, but spiritually, each
carries the legacy of this anci ent pact. Every kal asht ar has a bond to one of
the sixty-seven quori spi ri t s that fled from the Region of Dr eams. Thi s is
a passive l i nk, and the kal asht ar cannot communi cat e directly with t hei r
quori ancestors. However, a kalashtar receives special gifts from his quori
bond: flashes of memori es, st range insights, and psionic powers.
The enemi es of the kalashtar soon found a way to reach Eber r on,
and today the kalashtar are locked in mort al combat with this force, the
Dr eami ng Dark. Adar itself has been under siege for cent uri es. In recent
years, the kalashtar and the humans of Adar have begun to make t hei r way
to Khor vai r e. Her e, they i nt end to use t hei r remarkabl e ment al powers
to st r engt hen the forces of lightand to ensur e that the Dr eami ng Dark
does not conquer anot her real m.
"The wheel of the age is constantly turning. One dream gives way to another. What will the next
dream be, how will the next age emerge? That is in our hands."
Kan' arath, kal asht ar visionary
The kalashtar believe that reality is defined by a force they call Quor Tarai ,
"the Dr eam of the Age. " More powerful t han any god, this force radiates
out from the heart of Dal Quor, shaping bot h Eber r on and the Region of
Dreams. The kalashtar say that the cur r ent Quor Tarai is a nightmareand
that the darkness of this dream inspires all the ills that plague the world. But
Quor Tarai follows a nat ural cycle, and given time, this age of darkness will
nat ural l y give way to i l -Yannah, "the Great Light" that lies ahead.
One probl em r emai ns, howeverthe darkness does not want to let go.
If this evil can seize cont rol of Eber r on and destroy those who worship the
light, it will be able to mai nt ai n the cur r ent age forever.
The humanl i ke xephs live i n t he valleys of a great rift in Adar . Like the
kal asht ar, they resist t he t yranny of the I nspi r ed of Ri edr a. In ages past
they adopt ed psi oni c t r adi t i ons from kal asht ar mi ssi onari es, and they
r emai n closely tied to the kal asht ar of t hei r homel and.
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 10: The kal asht ar come from Adar,
a smal l nat i on l ocat ed i n t he moun-
t ai ns to t he sout h of Sar l ona. Due to
the i nsul ar nat ur e of t he Sarl onans,
little is known of t hi s l and.
DC 15: The bar r en crags of Adar are
said to conceal fertile valleys, anci ent
temples, and vaults of arcane l ore.
DC 20: Adar has eight major cities, each
a vast fortress carved directly i nt o one
of t he great mount ai ns of t he l and.
Some great magi c prevent s access to
Adar by t el epor t at i on.
Knowl edge (history)
DC 15: The Inspi red have laid siege to
Adar for hundr eds of years, but despite
t hei r vast numeri cal superiority, they
have been unabl e to penet r at e Adar' s
nat ural and super nat ur al defenses.
Knowl edge (l ocal )
DC 20: Kal as ht ar t end to be s cr upu-
lously honest . They believe i n mercy
and ki ndness and seek to rehabi l i t at e
cr i mi nal s r at her t han puni s h t hem.
Knowl edge (the pl anes)
DC 15: The kalashtar have a connect i on
to some sort of ext rapl anar spi ri t s.
DC 20: The kal asht ar possess i nnat e
psi oni c abilities.
Knowl edge (psi oni cs)
DC 10: Sarlona is the cent er of psi oni c
knowledge. Many psions i n Khorvai re
l earned the art from a Sar l onan.
DC 15: Psionics plays a vital role in daily
life of Adar. Psionics is used to facili-
tate communi cat i on, t r anspor t at i on,
and defense.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 15: The kal asht ar follow the Path of
Li ght , an ascetic t r adi t i on of medi t a-
t i on and di sci pl i ne focused ar ound
i l -Yannah, "the Great Light. "
DC 20: The Pat h of Light is concerned
wi t h spi r i t ual pur i t y and t he fate of
soul s. Its followers fi ght demons ,
undead, and ot her creat ures they see
as cor r upt i ng pur e souls.
DC 25: The followers of t he Pat h of
Li ght bel i eve t hat t hei r prayers are
movi ng t he worl d cl oser to a new
golden age, more effectively t han any
sort of physical activity.
At the most basic level, the followers of the Path of Light
do not need to take any sort of physical action. By simply medi -
tating on the light and acting with compassion, they believe
that they are helping to t ur n the wheel of the age. But in recent
years, kalashtar have begun to take a more active role in the
world, promot i ng the light by fighting the darkness. Whi l e the
greatest enemy of the kalashtar is the Dr eami ng Dark, t hei r
shadow watchers have fought the Lords of Dust, the Or der of
the Emerald Claw, and ot her villains. In the end, all these are
manifestations of the darkness that afflicts the Quor Tarai.
The Pat h of Li ght i n t he World
"The kalashtar do not dream. Yet we will make their lives nightmare, and the
heart of Dal Quor will never change."
Ultaa Tsavarra, Inspi red Lord of Riedra
The Path of Light is the domi nant rel i gi ous t radi t i on of
the kalashtar, and almost all kalashtar practice at least some
of its medi t at i on t echni ques, even those few who give t hei r
allegiance to some ot her faith. Similarly, the humans, xephs,
and ot her residents of Adar respect the Path of Light even if
they do not fully under st and its t eachi ngs.
The Path of Light has no organizational structure that can
be separated from the society of the kalashtar and the nat i on
of Adar. In Adar, the kalashtar live in fortresses that are also
monasteries dedicated to the Path of Light, and the leaders of
these settlements fill bot h temporal and spiritual roles. These
roles fall into two categories: Li ght bri ngers spend t hei r time
engaged i n the prayer and medi t at i on that they believe will
change the shape of the comi ng age, while shadow watchers
guard the communi t y against i ncursi ons by the Dr eami ng
Dark or other hostile forces. No single lightbringer or shadow
watcher holds a higher position than any other one, and leader-
ship is largely a matter of communi t y consensus.
NPC React i ons
People i n Khor vai r e aren' t quite sure what to make of the
kalashtar. They are beautiful, which can often sway opi n-
ions in t hei r favor (or at least attract at t ent i on), but they
are also clearly foreignersand in the wake of the Last War,
people in Breland have enough trouble t rust i ng people from
Aundai r , let alone people from across the sea. As a result, a
typical NPC i n Khor vai r e has an i ndi fferent st art i ng atti-
tude toward a kalashtar, though that indifference is certainly
t empered by curiosity.
An NPC who l earns that a nonkal asht ar is a follower
of the Path of Light is likely to be dismissive of this strange
behavior, but will again be i ndi fferent as a result.
The Inspi red and the agents of the Dr eami ng Dark are
hostile toward kalashtar and any ot her followers of the Path
of Light they encount er .
As described in the EBERRON Campaign Setting, the Inspi red and
kalashtar races of Sarlona are the most common pract i t i o-
ners of psionics in Eberronbut they are not the only ones.
If your campai gn uses psionics, there' s no reason you can' t
play a shifter psychic warri or from the El deen Reaches or
a warforged wilder from Shar n. Psionics might have ori gi -
nated in Sarlona, but it has since become more widespread,
even in l ands with l i mi t ed Inspi red or kalashtar contact.
The Dr eami ng Dark t rai ns non- I nspi r ed agents in the
psionic arts, but that mysterious organi zat i on is protective
of its secrets. Though a non- I ns pi r ed psi on who tried to
leave the Dr eami ng Dark would quickly become the target of
assassins, someone who managed to flee those i ni t i al attacks
could make a very i nt er est i ng player character, constantly
in hi di ng and on the r un.
In cont rast , the kalashtar generously share the psi oni c
mysteries. Some dedicated Khor vai r i ans have made pi l -
grimages to the hi dden monast eri es of Adar to l earn psi on-
ics and r et ur ned to Khor vai r e to form psi oni c monast eri es
of t hei r own. Kal asht ar do not actively evangelize the Path
of Light, but nei t her do they t ur n away converts, and devo-
tees of the Path of Light are free to study psionics.
Finally, psionic powers sometimes arise spontaneously.
Just as some sor cer er s mani fest magi cal power wi t hout
t r ai ni ng or pri or knowledge, psions and wilders can appear
at r andom among member s of all races.
All kal asht ar are descended from the fusion of humans and
quori spi ri t s. The most common type of quori spirit is the
tsucora, an embodi ment of cunni ng and fear. But t here are
ot her types of quoriin part i cul ar, the du' ul ora and the
hashalaq. These feats allow a kalashtar charact er to show
the effects of his unusual spi ri t ual l i neage.
Du' ul or a Ancest or [Raci al ]
The tsucora are the most common of the quor i , but they are
not the only spirits in Dal Quor . You are descended from
a du' ul ora quoria spi ri t that feeds on human anger and
rage. By drawi ng on your du' ul ora essence, you can ent er a
state of focused fury.
Prerequi si te: Kal asht ar, Con 13, 1st level only.
Benefi t: If you have the rage class feat ure, you can
expend your psionic focus when you ent er a rage to extend
the dur at i on by 5 r ounds .
If you are a multiclass character, your bar bar i an class
level does not count when det er mi ni ng whet her you take an
XP penalty.
Has hal aq Ancest or [Raci al ]
The hashalaq quori essence wi t hi n you allows you to sense
the emot i ons of ot hers.
Prerequi si te: Kal asht ar, Cha 13, 1st level only.
Benef i t : Add the empathy psi oni c power to your list
of 1st-level powers known. If you don' t have the ability to
mani f est psi oni c powers, you can use your raci al power
poi nt s to mani f est empathy as a psi on whose mani f est er
level is equal to one- hal f your char act er level ( mi ni mum
1st l evel ).
Al so, Sense Motive is t r eat ed as a class skill for all
your classes.
Khyber is t he world wi t hi n t he worldthe dar kness t hat l urks deep
beneat h stone and soil. Hundr eds of legends speak of the hor r or s hi dden
in this l and. Gr i ml ocks and anci ent fiends i nhabi t cities filled with dark-
ness so deep that even gobl i n eyes cannot pierce it. Her ds of gorgons graze
on fields of st al agmi t es. Massive dr agons har ds lie scat t ered t hr oughout
s ubt er r anean valleys, each b u r n i n g wi t h t he vile essence of a bound
demon. But t hese r umor s and folk tales cannot be fully conf i r med,
for few who vent ur e down i nt o the dept hs of the Dr agon Below r et ur n
to tell t hei r stories.
It would be i mpossi bl e for any advent ur er to expl ore t he ent i ret y of
Khyber. The under dar k is t he mi r r or of the surface worldlarger t han
all t he cont i nent s combi ned, si nce it st r et ches out beneat h t he oceans
t hemsel ves. Vi r t ual l y any mons t er can be f ound in its dept hs , ei t her
as t he r esul t of nat ur al evol ut i on or t he dark i nf l uences of t he r egi on.
Bot h the dael kyr and rakshasa rajahs are bound i n t hi s dar kness, and
many of the aber r at i ons t hat pl ague Eber r on are the handi wor k of these
shapers of flesh.
A j our ney down i nt o Khyber is a voyage i nt o the deadly unknown,
but j ust as the dangers of the under dar k are impossible to predi ct , so are
the t reasures you mi ght find t her e. What civilizations have taken root in
the darkness? What magic did the daelkyr br i ng from Xori at , and what
t reasures were bound with the rakshasa rajahs? Ther e' s only one way to
find out. . . .
Passages to Khyber can be found across Eber r on. From anci ent r ui ns to
nat ural fissures, any surface openi ng that delves down far enough might
lead to the dept hs of the Dragon Below: An unexpect ed ear t hquake could
suddenly open up a passage to a previously unknown nat i on of gri ml ocks.
Whi l e such unpr edi ct abl e t unnel s mi ght appear i n the bl i nk of an eye,
experi enced advent urers and scholars know of l ong- st andi ng paths i nt o
the darkness.
The west coast of Khor vai r e saw the most i nt ense conflicts with the
daelkyr, and this regi on is ri ddl ed with passages to Khyber. Even t hough
most of these were sealed away by the Gat ekeeper dr ui ds and hi dden from
history and pr yi ng eyes, a few yet r emai n. In Dr oaam, the city of Cazhaak
Draal sits at op a shaft l eadi ng to Khyber . Dur i ng the anci ent war, the
daelkyr unl eashed a horde of pet ri fyi ng monst ers against the gobl i ns, and
today a t ri be of medusas domi nat es the region with the aid of domesticated
gorgons, basilisks, and cockatrices.
In the Demon Wastes, the Lai r of the Keeper is said to cont ai n t hou-
sands of souls t rapped by the god of death and greed. Her oi c songs tell of
those heroes who have fought t hei r way t hr ough the darkness to bargai n
for the souls of fallen fri ends.
In Br el and, the met r opol i s of Shar n is said to sit at op passages to
Khyber. Though the deep t unnel s of that city have been sealed away since
the War of the Mark, the darkness r emai ns, and eventually someoneor
somethingwill breach those anci ent bar r i er s.
The Mr or Hol ds are filled with anci ent chasms. Legends speak of two
passages to Khyber her e. The Gor adr a Gap is a vast canyon mor e t han
one hundr e d mi l es in l engt h s t r et chi ng down i nt o t he dar kness. Tales
cl ai m t hat i mmens e mons t er s l urk i n its dept hscr eat ur es t hat exceed
even dragons in size. Southeast of the Gor adr a Gap lies Nol dr unt hr one,
r ui ned capital of a dwarven cl anhol d that collapsed under mysterious cir-
cumstances. No one knows what happened to the dwarves of Nol dr unhol d,
but some say t hat t hei r descendant s now live in t he dept hs of Khyber as
twisted and i nsane reflections of t hei r race.
Knowl edge ( dungeoneeri ng)
DC 10: Khyber is home to an ast oni sh-
ing array of deadly creat ures. The vast
majority of aber r at i ons come from
Khyber, and the under gr ound world
is also home to monst r ous huma n-
oids, giants, and magical beastsfrom
trolls to medusas and basilisks.
DC 15: Weapons formed from byeshk
ore are effective against aberrat i ons
that shrug off the bite of steel, i ncl ud-
i ng dol gaunt s and dol gr i ms.
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 15: Below the surface of the ear t h,
anot her whole world st ret ches out ,
vast i n its expanse and unchar t ed i n
dept h. Thi s lightless world beneat h
t he wor l d is cal l ed Khybe r , t he
Dr agon Below.
DC 20: Any nat ur al cave or manuf ac-
t ur ed t unnel mi ght be an ent r ance to
Khyber. New gateways to t he Dr agon
Below appear const ant l y and unpr e -
dictably, but const ant ent r ances are
especially common near the west coast
of Khor vai r e.
Knowl edge (the pl anes)
DC 15: A maj or p l a n a r i n c u r s i o n
occur r ed ni ne t housand years ago,
when an army from Xor i at attacked
Eb e r r o n . Ab e r r a t i o n s ar e e i t he r
natives of Xori at or creat ures twisted
by the daelkyrthe lords of madness
who led t he i ncur s i on. The Gat e-
keeper dr ui ds bound t he survi vi ng
daelkyr commander s in the dept hs of
Khyber, but the creations of the flesh-
shapers r emai n a t hreat to this day.
DC 20: You know the names of specific
daelkyr and t he ot her i nf or mat i on
provi ded on the following page.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 10: Khyber was one of t he t hr e e
pr ogeni t or dr agons. Eber r on bound
Khyber in her coils; Eber r on became
the world and Khyber became t he
under dar k. Thi s deep, peri l ous real m
is said to be filled wi t h all ma nne r
of mons t er s .
DC 20: Khyber is said to be t he father
of fiends. The dr agons har ds found
in Khyber have an affinity for bi nd-
i ng spells, and legends say that many
powerful demons are t r apped in the
under wor l d.
Knowl edge ( dungeoneer i ng) encom-
passes knowl edge of a be r r a t i ons . So
what can you expect to f i nd i n t he
darkness? Wi t h a successful check (DC
10 + monst er ' s HD) , you can e nume r -
ate key s t r engt hs and weaknesses of a
specific aber r at i on. Wi t h a successful
DC 10 check, you know t he names and
des cr i pt i ons of a few of t he bet t er -
known aber r at i ons.
Abol eths are huge aquatic t er r or s,
t ent acl ed fish wi t h i mmens e ment al
powers. Some say t hat aboleths were the
cr eat i ons of an aquat i c dael kyr l or d,
while ot hers believe t hat aboleths are an
anci ent race created by Khyber itself.
Behol ders are vast floating heads
st udded with wr i t hi ng eyestalks. Each
eye has a deadly power, and t hese cr ea-
t ur es are among t he most danger ous
monst ers of the under dar k.
Choke r s a r e s ma l l , r u b b e r y
huma noi ds capabl e of s t r i ki ng wi t h
ast oni shi ng speed and reach. Said to be
warped halflings, these creatures lurk i n
dark places where they can surpri se and
t hr ot t l e the unwary.
Dol gaunt s are wiry humanoi ds
with long tentacles spr out i ng from t hei r
s houl der s . Thes e cr eat ur es oft en lead
bands of dol gr i ms .
Dol gri ms were once the pr i mar y
foot soldiers of the daelkyr. They appear
as f our - ar med goblins with two mout hs,
as if two gobl i ns had been merged.
Grel l s are levitating br ai ns float-
i ng over a mass of bar bed t ent acl es.
They are solitary hunt ers, al t hough tales
of large colonies somet i mes reach the
surface. (Grel l s appear in Monster Manual
/ / a n d Lords of Madness.)
Mi nd f l ayers ar e d i s t u r b i n g
huma noi ds wi t h s qui dl i ke f eat ur es.
These creatures possess genius intellects
and powerful ment al abilities, and serve
as the i nt er medi ar i es between the Cul t s
of the Dragon Below and the daelkyr.
Runehounds are hairless wolves.
A r unehound has no head, only a mout h
at t ached to a l ong flexible neck. These
cr eat ur es are f ound i n t he company
of dol gr i ms . ( Rune hounds appear i n
Monster Manual III.)
Umber hul ks are l arge, powerful
humanoi ds combi ni ng t he feat ures of
apes and i nsect s. Umber hul ks possess
awesome physical s t r engt h and were
used as shock t roops by the daelkyr.
Accor di ng to l egend, Eber r on bound Khyber in the dept hs. Whet her
this is t r ut h or myth, ot her creat ures have since been likewise t rapped in
darkness. The rakshasa rajahs are truly boundconfi ned inside Khyber
dr agons har ds where they can do no mor e t han whi sper to vul ner abl e
mi nds and l end fai nt power to t hei r fol l owers. However, t he l ords of
Xoriatthe daelkyrare not so const r ai ned. They have been cut off from
t hei r home pl ane, as the magic of the Gat ekeepers prevents t hem from
r et ur ni ng to the surface of Eber r on. However, they can move freely in the
dept hs, and they have spread across the l engt h of Khyber, each dark lord
creat i ng his own si ni st er domai n.
Unl ess you have r anks i n Knowl edge (t he pl anes) , you probabl y
know not hi ng of t he dael kyr. The shaper s of flesh were t r apped in
Khyber t hous ands of years ago, and most peopl e simply know t hat
monst er s l urk i n t he dar kness. If you are versed i n pl anar l or e, you
know t hat appr oxi mat el y ni ne t hous and years ago, t he dael kyr bur st
t hr ough t he pl anar bar r i er s at t he head of an army of madness. Draw-
i ng di rect l y on t he power of t hei r home pl ane, they t r ansf or med native
cr eat ur es i nt o monst er s. Many of the aber r at i ons of the moder n day are
the resul t of t hi s cor r upt i on. Mi nd flayers led ar mi es of dol gaunt s and
dol gr i ms agai nst t he Dhakaani gobl i noi ds, bol st ered by l i vi ng ar t i l l er y
in t he form of behol der s and r une hounds . Ul t i mat el y, t he Gat ekeeper
dr ui ds were able to sever t he connect i on bet ween Ebe r r on and Xor i at .
The few dael kyr not sent back were t r apped i n Khyber and depri ved of
a great deal of t hei r power. However, even as deadly as t he dael kyr are,
if Xor i at ever became cot er mi nous agai n, t hei r power woul d i ncrease
beyond measur e.
A daelkyr has the appearance of a handsome humana fact that caused
some al ar m when human col oni st s first arri ved on Khor vai r e. However,
the angel i c appear ance of a dael kyr is typically mar r ed by its t r appi ngs.
In addi t i on to creat i ng new species, the daelkyr are masters of symbionts
and grafts, and a daelkyr typically bears ar mor and weapons formed from
chi t i n and raw muscle. The mere presence of a daelkyr can cause madness,
while its touch can dr ai n away vitality or intellect.
As befits the lords of madness, the goals of the daelkyr ( i ncl udi ng the
motives behi nd t hei r attack on Khorvai re) remai n a mystery. Despite their
vast powers, the dael kyr have made little effort to escape t hei r pr i sons.
They aid t hei r cul t s, but not as di rect l y as they mi ght . Onl y one t hi ng is
certainif you cross the path of a daelkyr lord, be ready for battle.
Sages believe that at least six daelkyr are i mpri soned in Khyber. Whi l e
some of the daelkyr are known only as deadly monst ers, the names of a few
individuals have filtered out t hrough the Cults of the Dragon Below. These
are undoubt edl y among t he most powerful of t hei r ki nd, with abilities
beyond those present ed in the EBERRON Campaign Setting.
Accor di ng to l egend, Dyr r n t he Cor r upt or is t he mi ght i est of the
dael kyr, r esponsi bl e for t he cr eat i on of t he dol gaunt s and dol gr i ms .
Dyr r n is said to be t rapped beneat h the El deen Reaches, and alleged to be
responsible for the hor r or s that lurk in the deep woods.
Bel ashyrra, the Lor d of Eyes (depi ct ed on t he fol l owi ng page), is
known as the creator of behol ders. It is said to have a chamber in its citadel
covered with eyes. By t ouchi ng these walls, the daelkyr can look t hrough
the eyes of any living creat ure.
Orlassk, the master of stone, is said to have made medusas, basilisks,
and ot her pet ri fyi ng cr eat ur es. Medusas are not aber r at i ons, but Gat e-
keeper records describe medusas fighting alongside daelkyr in the battle
for Cazhaak Draal . Orlassk' s citadel is said to be formed of living stonea
giant gargoyle that prowls the dept hs of Khyber.
Kyrzi n is a pr i nce of slime and ooze. It is said to lurk beneat h the
Shadow Marches, spr eadi ng t er r or t hr oughout the swamps. Kyrzi n has
created all manner of oozes. Stories tell of sent i ent slimes, and of oozes
that can ent er human bodies. In some cases these slimes control the actions
of t hei r hosts; in ot her s, they simply wait for the pr oper moment before
boi l i ng out of the victim, bur ni ng t hr ough flesh and bone.
Belashyrra, the Lord of Eyes
If any creat ure can lay claim to bei ng more unnat ur al t han
the undead, it is an aber r at i on. An abberat i on is defined by
its profoundl y unnat ur al characterphysiology that defies
the laws of nat ure and t hought processes that are completely
and utterly al i en to humans . A medusa mi ght be a bi zarre
cr eat ur e with deadly magical powers, but it sees t he world
in much the same way a huma n or elf does. A mi nd flayer
might be humanoi d i n form, but it has not hi ng in common
with humani t y in ei t her mi nd or body.
Thi s al i en nat ur e drives the Gat ekeepers and ot her
dr ui ds to battle aber r at i ons. As st range as a displacer beast
may seem, it belongs on Eber r on. Magic resonates t hr ough
the world, and j ust as a human can develop a dr agonmar k or
the power of sorcery, a creat ure such as the displacer beast
can devel op s uper nat ur al abi l i t i es. An aber r at i on, how-
ever, has no place in nat ur e. The dr ui ds see the presence of
aberrat i ons as an infectiona wound that, if left unt reat ed,
could destroy the world. The Gatekeepers are the staunchest
hunt er s of aber r at i ons, and Gat ekeeper r anger s focus on
aberrat i ons as t hei r favored enemi es. The Wardens of the
Wood also hunt these monst ers, prowl i ng the heart of the
Toweri ng Wood in search of t hei r foulness.
Many aberrat i ons are the creat i ons of the daelkyr, but
not all. The myths say that Khyber itself is opposed to nat ure,
and aberrat i ons might have been shaped by the dark power of
the dept hs. Some say that any creat ure that spends too much
time in the under dar k becomes corrupt ed and unnat ur al . In
the moder n age, the Day of Mour ni ng produced new aberra-
tions as it twisted land and life.
Characters who devote themselves to battling aberrations
have a number of options. In addition to the Gatekeeper Ini t i -
ate, Repel Aber r at i on, and St r ong Mi nd feats i n the EBERRON
Campaign Setting, the feats on this page and the gatekeeper mysta-
gogue prestige class on the following pages can help prepare
a charact er to do battle against the spawn of the daelkyr.
The following feats give characters additional abilites with
which to fight aberrations.
Aber r at i on Banemagi c
You can cast spells that do extra damage to aberrations.
Benefi t: When you cast a spell that damages an aber-
ration, you deal an extra 2d6 points of damage.
A single spell can never gain this extra damage more
than once per casting. For instance, a fireball deals the extra
damage to all aberrations in the area it affects. However, if a
3rd-level wizard casts magic missile and produces two missiles,
only one of them (of the wizard's choice) gains the extra
damage, whether both missiles are directed at the same aber-
ration or two different ones. If a spell deals damage for more
than 1 round, it deals this extra damage in each round.
Scrolls scribed by you and scrolls activated by you do
not gain any benefit from Aberration Banemagic. The same
is true for most other magic items, such as wands and potions.
However, staffs activated by you not only use your caster level
but also gain the benefit of this feat, if applicable.
If the spell allows a saving throw, the DC of the saving
throw increases by 2. The extra damage dealt by this spell
is either halved on a successful saving throw or negated,
dependi ng on how the regular damage dealt by the spell is
affected by a successful save.
I ndomi t abl e Di sci pl i ne
Many aberrations in Khyber possess powers al l owi ng
them to control the mi nds of lesser creatures. Your strict
mental discipline allows you to resist attempts to mani pu-
late your thoughts.
Prerequi s i t e: Regi on of ori gi n Shadow Marches,
Eldeen Reaches, Adar, or Riedra.
Benef i t : You receive a +3 bonus on saving throws
again charm or compulsion effects, or any other effect that
would give another creature control of your thoughts (such
as an aboleth's enslave ability).
Unna t ur a l Enemy
Aberrations are especially common in the Shadow Marches
and the Eldeen Reaches. While only a few people actively
follow the Gatekeeper tradi ti ons, many hunters learn to
fight these terrors. You have been trai ned i n the ways of
aberrations, and you know how to recognize them and spot
their weaknesses.
Prerequi si te: Region of origin Shadow Marches or
Eldeen Reaches, or Gatekeeper Initiate feat.
Benefi t: You receive a +2 bonus on Knowledge (dun-
geoneering) checks made in conjunction with aberrations.
You also gain a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls made
against aberrations.
Speci al : If you have sel ected aberrat i ons as a
favored enemy, the bonus on Knowl edge ( dungeoneer-
i ng) checks instead equals your favored enemy bonus
against aberrations. (The bonus on damage rolls is unaf-
fected, but still stacks with the bonus from the favored
enemy ability.)
"Reveal to us, O Queen with Burning Eyes, the depths of Khyber, and open
to us the glories of the Dragon Below. Accept this offering of blood, and grant
us your favor in return."
Vestan i r ' Si mul , adept of the Dr agon Below
The people of Khor vai r e know of the Cul t s of the Dragon
Belowmad acolytes of the darkness wi t hi n the world who
work to free the fiends bound in the dept hs. Also known as
Khyber cultists, these i nsane creatures are one of the classic
evils used by par ent s to fri ght en chi l dr en. Ther e is t r ut h
behi nd the legends, and the t r ut h can be t erri bl e.
Whi l e the uni ni t i at ed t hi nk of the cults as a monol i t hi c
entity, l i t t l e coul d be f ar t her from the t r ut h. The oldest
forms of t he Cul t s of t he Dr agon Below wor shi p Khyber
itself, seeking to placate the powers of darkness t hrough sac-
rifice. Despite the fact that these are the most literal Cults of
the Dragon Below, they are rarely found among the common
races. Humans and the ot her people of Khor vai r e rarely see
the pr ogeni t or dragons as active forces in the moder n world,
and typically only kobolds and lizardfolk still pay homage
to the great wyrm of the dept hs.
Moder n cultists worship the various entities t rapped
wi t hi n Khyber t he rakshasa raj ahs, or mor e commonl y
the daelkyr. However, these groups have a very clouded view
of t hei r objects of worshi p. The f oundat i on of cult beliefs
emerged from t he dael kyr i nvasi on, s pr out i ng from the
seeds of i nsani t y pl ant ed among survivors and from half-
r emember ed tales of the lords of madness. When humani t y
came to the Shadow Marches and j oi ned with the orc tribes,
they brought t hei r own myths, legends, and racial perspec-
tive to these t radi t i ons, and dozens of uni que sects emerged
from the mi x. Some Cul t s of the Dr agon Below fight the
Gatekeepers. Some fight the ot her cults. Many simply watch
and wait, pr epar i ng for the day t hat the darkness will rise
up from the Dr agon Below to engul f the world.
Many cultists know not hi ng about the daelkyr, t hough
they might know of Belashyrra, the blessed Lord of Eyes (see
page 85), who watches all t hi ngs and grant s the faithful gifts
of new flesh. Cul t i st s revere aber r at i ons as the her al ds of
the world that is to come, and they believe t hat in t i me the
faithful will be grant ed powers to mat ch those of the mi nd
flayers. They see t hi s hor r or as beauty, and embrace the
unnat ur al as t hei r destiny.
Whi l e a member of any class can be a follower of the
Dr agon Below, sor cer er s, warl ocks, and bar bar i ans are
especially common among the cul t i st s. A bar bar i an cul t -
ist embraces the madness of Xori at when he ent ers battle,
and hi s rage is a t er r i bl e t hi ng to behol d. Sor cer er s and
warlocks mi ght draw t hei r magic from a bond to the dark
powers of the Dragon Below or Xoriat itself. Characters with
such abilities are respected by member s of the Cul t s of the
Dragon Below, but the people of the Shadow Marches view
such Spellcasters with suspi ci on.
"Lunatics, the best of them. The worstwell, they're mad as well, but mad with
visions of the annihilation of the world."
Saala Tor r n, elder Gat ekeeper
of the Shadow Marches
Whi l e it is comfortable and conveni ent for people to i mag-
ine that the Cults of the Dragon Below are a phenomenon
pr i mar i l y restricted to the Shadow Marches and such out -
of-the-way places, the t r ut h is that they exist everywhere. At
least t hr ee cults are secretly active i n Shar n, the largest led
by the mi nd flayer Chyrassk, who busily attracts members
from among the desperate refugees of lost Cyre. The Cults
of the Dr agon Below are not a fringe sect that can be easily
i gnor ed, but a pervasive cor r upt i on spr eadi ng i nt o every
part of the world.
Organi zati on: The Cults of the Dragon Below have no
overarchi ng organi zat i on. Cul t s form ar ound part i cul arl y
chari smat i c i ndi vi dual s dri ven by i nsane visions of Khyber,
t hen are quickly dissolved with the death of t hei r leaders. In
some cases, a daelkyr or a lesser aber r at i on acts as sponsor
for a cult and mi ght found a new cult after one dissipates,
but t her e is ot herwi se little uni fi ed t r adi t i on among the
cults and absolutely no cent ral l eadershi p.
Cul t leaders arise in all walks of life, from orc bar bar -
ians in the Shadow Marches to nobles in the City of Towers.
Many l eaders have levels in the adept NPC class, cast i ng
spells powered by t hei r devotion to the dark forces behi nd
t hei r cults. Ot her s, t hanks to the influence of an aberrat i on
pat r on, can call on the powers of a symbiont grafted to t hei r
flesh to suppl ement t hei r spells and ot her abilities.
NPC Reactions
Few sane people would greet a recognizable member of a
Cul t of the Dr agon Below with anyt hi ng war mer t han an
unf r i endl y r eact i on. Even if a cul t i st s affi l i at i on is not
i mmedi at el y obvi ous, devotees of the cults are often obvi-
ously deranged, mani fest i ng t hei r insane nat ure and biasing
NPC reactions against t hem.
Members of the Gat ekeeper sect of dr ui ds, as well as
ot her charact ers associated with that sect (i ncl udi ng tribes
of the Shadow Marches), have a hostile i ni t i al react i on to
the Cul t s of the Dragon Below due to t hei r long history of
opposi t i on to the daelkyr and t hei r mi ni ons.
Different Cults of the Dragon Below grant t hei r clerics
access to varying domai ns, possibly i ncl udi ng domai ns from
s our c e s s uc h as Complete Divine a n d Booh of Vile Darkness. If you
use this opt i on, cults might gr ant access to any of the fol-
lowing domai ns: Cor r upt i on*, Darkness*, Dragon Below,
Ear t h, Evil, Greed*, Madness, Pact*, Pain*, Pestilence*,
Summoner *. Domai ns with an asterisk (*) are from Complete
Divine, while domains marked with a dagger (*) are from Book
of Vile Darkness.
"Nine thousand years ago the daelkyr came. On my life, they will not come again."
Runnar Khur ak, gatekeeper mystagogue
Hei r s to a t r adi t i on over si xt een mi l l enni a ol d, t he gat ekeeper mysta-
gogues stand among the greatest foes of the daelkyr and t hei r aberrat i on
spawn. Char ged with cl eansi ng Khyber of all aber r at i ons and mai nt ai n-
i ng t he di mensi onal seals t hat prot ect Eber r on agai nst anot her i ncur -
sion from Xori at , gatekeeper mystagogues are the highest echel on of the
Gat ekeeper dr ui ds.
All gatekeeper mystagogues are at least 3rd-level dr ui ds, and most have
at least six dr ui d levels. Because the prestige class enhances your ani mal
compani on, you' ll get the most benefit from the class if you maximize your
dr ui d levels. It's possible to ent er the class as a 3rd-level dr ui d/ 2nd- l evel
ranger, but your ani mal compani on will be weaker for it.
You need to be a gat ekeeper before you can become a gat ekeeper
mystagogue. That is, you must be a member of the Gat ekeeper sect, and
you must have ear ned the r ank of gat ekeeper, passi ng t hr ough the aspi -
r ant and i ni t i at e r anks first. Most dr ui ds who meet the ot her r equi r e-
ment s to ent er t hi s class have already ear ned the r ank of gat ekeeper, but
it is possible t hat you mi ght have to per f or m a quest to prove your wort h
before you are per mi t t ed to take your first level in t hi s class. Such a quest
mi ght involve dest royi ng an aber r at i on such as a wi l l -o' -wi sp, a water
naga, a phasm, or an umber hul k, or a couple of gi bber i ng mout her s or a
nest of car r i on crawlers.
Ent r y Requi r ement s
Al i gnme nt : Any non-evi l
Base At t ack Bonus : + 4
Spel l s: Ability to cast 2nd-level divine spells
Ski l l s: Knowledge (the planes) 8 ranks
Feat s: Gat ekeeper Ini t i at e, Repel Aber r at i on
Speci al : Must hold the rank of gatekeeper wi t hi n the Gat ekeeper sect
Dedi cat i ng yoursel f to f i ght i ng aber r at i ons , you l ear n s uper nat ur al
powers that allow you and your ani mal compani on to hamper aberrat i ons
and, ultimately, destroy t hem. Your ani mal compani on gai ns addi t i onal
Knowl edge (nature)
DC 10: The Gat ekeeper s are member s
of a smal l dr ui d sect f ound i n t he
El de e n Reaches and t he Shadow
DC 15: Th e Gat ekeeper s many of
whom are orcsdedi cat e t hemsel ves
to pr ot ect i ng the world from aber r a-
t i ons and out si ders.
DC 20: Th e o r i g i n a l Ga t e ke e pe r s
were t he first dr ui ds of Khor vai r e,
t aught by a dr agon. The sect played a
maj or rol e i n r epel l i ng t he i nvasi on
of t he dael kyr.
DC 22: A few Gat ekeeper s t ake t hei r
dedi cat i on to an ext r eme, wa nde r -
i ng i nt o t he worl d to seek out and
dest r oy a be r r a t i ons and r oot out
Cul t s of t he Dr agon Below. Some
of t hese carry t he t i t l e of gat ekeeper
mys t agogue, and t hey wade i nt o
bat t l e wi t h t hei r a ni ma l c ompa n-
i ons, wi el di ng mi ght y magi c agai nst
aber r at i ons .
DC 25: One of t hese dr ui ds was t he
hal f-orc Runna r Khur ak, who slew a
pai r of behol ders that had enslaved a
remot e village in the western Shadow
Mar ches bef or e di s appear i ng i nt o
the swamp.
DC 30: Some d r u i d s st i l l t el l t he
tales of Havar r i en Ba ne ha mme r , a
mi ght y orc who was solely r e s pon-
sible for t he deat h of no less t ha n
t hr ee dael kyr i n t he t i me of Ka r r n
t he Conque r or .
Attack For t Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spel l cast i ng
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Ani mal companion, repel aberration,
invest byeshk weapon, weapon proficiency
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Aberration Banemagic, purifying arc +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
3rd +2 +1 +1 +3 Venom immunity, +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
animal companion (byeshk)
4th +3 +1 +1 +4 Tort uri ng arc +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
5th +3 +1 +1 +4 Purge aberrations +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
6th +4 +2 +2 +5 Slippery mi nd, animal +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
companion (slippery mind)
7th +5 +2 +2 +5 Disrupting arc +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
8th +6 +2 +2 +6 Temporary seal +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
9th +6 +3 +3 +6 Ani mal companion (bonus damage) +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
10th +7 +3 +3 +7 Wracking arc +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
Class Skills (4 + I nt modi fi er per level): Concentration, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Handle Ani mal , Knowledge (nature),
Knowledge (the planes), Listen, Ride, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Swim.
special abi l i t i es as you advance i n the class, and you
become able to creat e l i nes of power t hat arc bet ween
you and your compani on, devastating aberrat i ons that
are caught in t hei r pat h.
Spel l cast i ng: At each level beyond 1st, you gai n
new spells per day and an i ncrease i n caster level (and
spells known, if appl i cabl e) as if you had also gai ned
a level i n a di vi ne spel l cast i ng class to whi ch you
bel onged bef or e addi ng t he prest i ge class level. You
do not , however, gai n any ot her benefi t a charact er of
that class would have gai ned. If you had mor e t han one
di vi ne spel l cast i ng class before becomi ng a gat ekeeper
myst agogue, you must deci de to whi ch class to add each
level for the pur poses of det er mi ni ng spells per day, caster
level, and spells known.
Ani ma l Compani on: If you have an ani mal com-
pani on, your gatekeeper mystagogue levels stack with your
previous class levels (usually dr ui d or ranger) to det er-
mi ne t he ani mal compani on' s abi l i t i es. If you do not
already have an ani mal compani on, you gai n one at
1st level, and your effective dr ui d level is equal to your
gatekeeper mystagogue level.
At 1st level, your ani mal compani on gai ns a +2 bonus
on saves agai nst t he s uper nat ur al and spel l -l i ke abi l i t i es
of aber r at i ons.
At 3rd level, your ani mal compani on' s nat ur al weap-
ons are consi dered to be made of byeshk (see page 126 of
the EBERRON Campaign Setting) for the pur pose of overcomi ng
damage r educt i on. Thes e attacks do not gai n any ot her
benefi t s of byeshk.
At 6th level, your ani mal compani on gains the slippery
mi nd class feature (see page 50 of the Flayer's Handbook).
At 9th level, if your ani mal compani on hits an aberra-
tion that you also hit with a melee attack in the same r ound,
the ani mal compani on' s attack deals an extra 2d6 poi nt s
of damage. Thi s ability funct i ons only once per r ound (so
mul t i pl e hits by the ani mal compani on don' t deal the extra
damage mor e t han once).
Repel Aberrat i on: Your gatekeeper mystagogue levels
stack with your dr ui d levels for t he pur pos e of t hi s feat
(descri bed on page 58 of the EBERRON Campaign Setting). You
also gai n one addi t i onal daily use of t hi s feat for every two
class levels of gatekeeper mystagogue.
Invest Byeshk Weapon (Su): As a swift action, you
can spend a use of your repel aber r at i on ability to charge
a byeshk weapon with nature's wrath for 1 r ound, enabl i ng it
to overcome any form of damage reduct i on possessed by
an aber r at i on. Addi t i onal l y, any aberrat i on struck by the
weapon is dazed for 1 round unless it succeeds on a Fortitude
save (DC 10 + mystagogue level + Cha modi fi er).
Weapon Proficiency: You gain proficiency with the
light and heavy mace at 1st level. Thi s proficiency allows you
to make best use of byeshk weapons, which are most effective
as bl udgeoni ng weapons.
Abe r r at i on Bane magi c : At 2nd level, you gai n
Abe r r a t i on Banemagi c (see t he si debar on page 86) as a
bonus feat.
Puri f yi ng Arc (Su) : Begi nni ng at 2nd level, as a swift
action you can spend a use of your repel aberrat i on ability
to create a line of puri fyi ng energy between you and your
ani mal compani on (which must be wi t hi n 20 feet of you for
this effect to funct i on). Any aberrat i on along this line takes
a 1 penalty on attack rolls and saving throws for 1 r ound
(no save).
A gatekeeper mystagogue
Venom I mmuni t y (Ex) : At 3rd level, you gain i mmu-
nity to poi son.
Tort uri ng Arc (Su): Begi nni ng at 4t h level, as a swift
action you can spend a use of your repel aberrat i on ability
to create a line of di sr upt i ng energy between you and your
ani mal compani on (which must be wi t hi n 20 feet of you
for this effect to funct i on). Any aber r at i on along this line
takes 2d6 poi nt s of damage and is nauseated for 1 r ound. A
successful Fort i t ude save (DC 10 + mystagogue level + Cha
modifier) negates the nauseated effect.
Purge Aberrat i ons ( Su) : At 5t h level, as a st andar d
act i on, you can spend a use of your r epel aber r at i on abi l -
ity to deal 5d6 poi nt s of damage + l d6 poi nt s per class
level to all aber r at i ons wi t hi n a 30-foot bur st . A success
ful Wi l l save ( DC 10 + myst agogue level + Cha modi f i er )
halves t hi s damage.
Slippery Mi nd ( Ex) : At 6th level, you gain the slippery
mi nd class feature.
Di srupt i ng Arc ( Su) : Begi nni ng at 7th level, as a swift
action, you can spend a use of your repel aber r at i on ability
to create a line of di sr upt i ng energy between you and your
ani mal compani on (which must be wi t hi n 20 feet of you for
this effect to funct i on). Any aberrat i on al ong this line is
incapable of mani fest i ng psionic powers or usi ng psi-like
abilities for 1 r ound unless it succeeds on a Fort i t ude save
(DC 10 + mystagogue level + Cha modi fi er).
Temporary Seal ( Su) : At 8t h level, as a st andar d
action, you can spont aneousl y create an area si mi l ar to a
dimensional seal (see page 272 of t he EBERRON Campaign Setting) by
sacrificing any uncast divine spell (similar to spontaneously
casting summon nature's ally). The caster level of this effect is
equal to your highest divine caster level. You choose a poi nt
wi t hi n close range (25 ft. + 5 feet/2 caster levels), and the
area ext ends in a 20- f oot - r adi us emanat i on cent ered on
t hat poi nt in space. The dur at i on is 2 r ounds per level of
the spell sacrificed. Wi t hi n this area, di mensi onal travel is
impossible (as with the dimensional lock spell), and the effects
of any manifest zone are suppressed.
Wracking Arc (Su): At 10th level, as a swift action, you
can spend a use of your repel aber r at i on ability to create a
line of wracki ng energy between you and your ani mal com-
pani on (which must be wi t hi n 20 feet of you for t hi s effect
to f unct i on) . Any aber r at i on along this l i ne is st unned for
1 r ound unl ess it succeeds on a For t i t ude save ( DC 10 +
mystagogue level + Cha modi fi er).
The world faces a serious t hr eat . As long as aberrat i ons lurk
in the dept hs of Khyber, not only are humanoi ds in per i l ,
but the world itself coul d be dest royed. You must never
take the spawn of the daelkyr and the t hreat they represent
lightly. Some advent ures you under t ake mi ght not involve
aberrat i ons, or the Cults of the Dragon Below, or an ancient
artifact left by the dael kyr t hat has fallen i nt o t he wrong
handsbut it's i mpor t ant to rul e out the possibility that any
t hreat mi ght be connect ed to the daelkyr. If such a connec-
tion is discovered, you stand ready, and your vigilance could
mean the difference between the cont i nued existence of the
world and its ut t er anni hi l at i on.
Not every hi gh- r anki ng dr ui d among the Gat ekeepers
chooses t he pat h of t he myst agogue. Most lack the si ngl e-
mi nded focus on fighting aber r at i ons t hat you possess.
That ' s all rightthere are many different tasks to be done,
and not everyone can follow your hi gh cal l i ng. You are not
super i or to ot her gat ekeepers in t he sect purel y by vi rt ue
of bei ng a mystagogue, but nei t her does your dedi cat i on to
hunt i ng aber r at i ons mar gi nal i ze you in any way. You lack
the time and the desire to rise to a position of high authority
in the sectleave that to the ot her s. You are a vital part of
Eberron' s defense against a new daelkyr invasion.
Combat: You t r ul y shi ne when i n combat agai nst
aber r at i onswhi ch is what you live for, aft er al l . Your
ani mal compani on is your best ally i n t hese s i t uat i ons .
Maneuver it i nt o a position where an arc between your com-
pani on and you will catch as many aber r at i ons as possible,
and let l oose. Si nce you and your compani on must be no
more t han 20 feet apart for you to use one of your arcs,
chances are you will be ri ght up in melee or close to it. You
might choose to hang back and try to use your arc abilities
while bl ast i ng your foes with spells enhanced by your Aber -
rat i on Banemagi c feat. Aft er a few r ounds of t hi s, however,
even a gi bber i ng mout her will get wise and close with you,
so you' d bet t er be ready for meleepreferably with a byeshk
weapon in hand.
Of cour se, not every combat encount er involves an
aber r at i on. You lack the wild shape ability of ot her dr ui ds
of your char act er level, whi ch mi ght r est r i ct your useful -
ness in mel ee agai nst nonaber r at i ons , but you st i l l have a
perfectly capable ani mal compani on and a full compl e-
ment of dr ui d spel l s to br i ng to bear . You shoul d fi nd a
bal ance bet ween usi ng attack spells (call lightning, flame strike,
insect plague) and usi ng spells to assist your al l i es, i ncl ud-
i ng your ani mal compani on (cure wounds, animal growth, mass
bear's endurance).
At t he hi ghest levels i n t hi s class, you gai n t he most
powerful arc abi l i t i es, as well as one uni que ability t hat
might only come i nt o play in cert ai n ci rcumst ances, but can
really t ur n the tide of i mpor t ant battles: your t emporary
seal ability. The Shadow Marches are l i t t ered
zones l i nked to Kyt hr i and Xori at , and aberrat i ons you
encount er wi t hi n those mani fest zones gai n exceptional
power from t hem. Your t empor ar y di mensi onal seal gives
you t hree st rong advantages: It can negate any benefit a
creat ure gains from a manifest zone, it can prevent a foe
from escaping (such as a mi nd flayer usi ng its plane shift abil-
ity), and it can allow you to bani sh an ext r apl anar creat ure
that ot herwi se coul dn' t be forced back to its home plane
while wi t hi n t he manifest zone (see page 122 for more about
manifest zones).
Advancement : Char act er s who become gat ekeeper
myst agogues do so because they come to feel an over-
whel mi ng sense of the wrongness of aberrat i ons, a fevered
awareness that such creat ures are a violation of nat ur e and
all that is ri ght in the world. Oft en, t hi s real i zat i on occurs
while a charact er is usi ng his Repel Aber r at i on feat, and it
is accompani ed by a st rong sense of nat ure' s wrat h flowing
t hr ough his body in an almost tangible form to drive away
the abomi nat i ons. Soon after havi ng t hi s experi ence, the
char act er goes i nt o a per i od of r et r eat and emerges as a
gatekeeper mystagogue.
Once you have donned the mant l e of a mystagogue, you
are largely on your own. You still have the full suppor t and
encour agement of the Gat ekeeper sect, of course, but with
so few mystagogues wi t hi n the sect you can chart your own
course and you need answer to no one except perhaps the
hi ghest -ranki ng gatekeepers of the sect. It is not unusual for
a mystagogue to feel that the only one who truly underst ands
his cal l i ng is his ani mal compani ont he one cr eat ur e that
shares his devotion to bat t l i ng aber r at i ons.
As you advance t hr ough t he levels of the gat ekeeper
mystagogue prest i ge class, you can become a seri ous spe-
cialist, focusing all your abilities on fighting aber r at i ons.
You mi ght consi der addi t i onal feats such as I r on Wi l l ,
I ndomi t abl e Di sci pl i ne, Unna t ur a l Enemy (see page 86),
or Dar kst al ker (from Lords of Madness) to f ur t her i ncr ease
your resistance against the attacks of aberrat i ons and make
yourself more effective against t hem. You could spend skill
poi nt s on Escape Art i st , for escaping the tentacles that all
too often coil ar ound your l i mbs, as well as your usual suite
of survival skills. Thi s approach is great if you know you' re
going to be fighting a lot of aberrat i ons for the rest of your
career, but if you expect to encount er ot her types of mon-
sters as well, you mi ght want to consi der br oadeni ng your
capabilities accordingly.
Resources: The Gat ekeeper s have few r esour ces as
such t hi ngs are meas ur ed by t he wi der worldthey are
not wealthy or i nf l uent i al , except per haps in t he Shadow
Mar ches, where t hei r dr ui ds lead and gui de some t r i bes
of or cs. However, t he Gat ekeeper s possess vast st ores of
knowl edge as hei r s to a s i xt een- t hous and- year - ol d t r a-
di t i on. A gat ekeeper myst agogue who seeks out t he most
l ear ned mast er s of t hi s t r adi t i on can l ear n much about
aber r at i ons , t he dael kyr and t hei r i nvasi on, t he pl ane of
Xoriat, and the dimensional seals that keep Xoriat from spi l l i ng
i nt o t he world agai n. As a gener al r ul e, t hese NPCs can
make a Knowl edge ( dungeoneer i ng) or Knowl edge (the
planes) check with a +15 bonus on behalf of the mystagogue.
Seeki ng out these knowledgeable Gat ekeepers can be an
advent ure in itself; such charact ers are al most exclusively
located in the Shadow Marches.
"There is no denying that Khurak was enthusiastic, dedicated, even inspired.
But would I have entrusted the care of a village to him? That would hardly
have been fairto the village or to him."
Saala Tor r n, hal f-orc Gat ekeeper
The gatekeeper mystagogue is a t r ue advent ur i ng prestige
class. Dedi cat ed to fi ght i ng aber r at i ons, a mystagogue has
no pat i ence for the day- t o- day mai nt enance of c ommuni -
ties i n the Shadow Marches and t he mundane busi ness of
the Gat ekeeper sect. He has a cal l i ng to be out in the world
fighting against the forces of cor r upt i on.
Dai l y Li f e: Daily life for a gat ekeeper myst agogue
involves ve nt ur i ng i nt o t he dept hs of Khyber to ext er -
mi nat e nest s of gr el l s, u n e a r t h i n g a Cul t of t he Dr agon
Below meet i ng i n the sewers of Shar n and slaying its naga
pat r on, and r oot i ng out t he mi nd flayer behi nd all the
strange recent events in the town of Wyr. The r e is no room
in his life for anyt hi ng t hat does not carry t he t ai nt of an
aberrat i on' s touchor at least suggest t hat an aber r at i on
(or a Cul t of the Dr agon Below) mi ght be involved. Since
the Gat ekeeper sect has become an est abl i shed rel i gi on
involved i n offeri ng spi r i t ual gui dance to i ndi vi dual s and
communi t i es, it has an ambi val ent r el at i onshi p with the
mystagogues, who r emai n dedi cat ed to the or i gi nal vision
of the sect.
Notabl es: It seems that every gener at i on produces one
great gat ekeeper myst agogue, a her o dest i ned for mi ght y
deeds i n t he st ruggl e agai nst t he spawn of t he dael kyr.
No such her o is alive today, but every l i vi ng Gat ekeeper
r emember s the deeds of the hal f - or c mystagogue Runna r
Khur ak, who slew a pai r of behol der s t hat had enslaved a
village i n the west ern Shadow Marches before di sappear -
ing i nt o the swamp. Decades ago, the orc Vashkal the Black
vanqui shed an i l l i t hi d t r i umvi r at e in St ari l askur, a br ood
of chuul s in Silver Lake, and a cabal of mad sor cer er s,
along with the gi bber i ng mout her s they revered, in the city
of Met rol .
Organi zati on: By defi ni t i on, gatekeeper mystagogues
are par t of the Gat ekeeper sect, t hough t hei r r el at i onshi p
with t he sect is ambi guous . The myst agogues cont i nual l y
pull t he sect back t oward its or i gi nal vi si on, and away
from the di st r act i ons t hat have bui l t it i nt o an organi zed
rel i gi on and even a pol i t i cal force. They are pr ophet s and
r ef or mer s, i n a way, t hough most do not i dent i fy t hem-
selves as eitherthey simply want the freedom to pur sue
t hei r mi ssi on wi t hout i nt er f er ence from the sect's l eader-
ship or member s . For t he most par t , t he l eaders of the
sect are wi l l i ng to gr ant t hat f r eedom, and so t he t ensi on
between the mystagogues and the sect rarel y develops i nt o
open conflict.
Rel at i ons hi ps bet ween t he myst agogues and t he
ot her Gat ekeeper s are at t hei r best wi t hi n t he Shadow
Mar ches, where t he sect has r esour ces it can pr ovi de to
help a myst agogue face any t hr eat t hat ar i ses. Whe n a
Cul t of t he Dr agon Below or some aber r at i on comes to
light beyond t he Mar ches, however, myst agogues grow
f r ust r at ed wi t h t he sect' s unwi l l i ngnes s or i nabi l i t y to
provi de any concr et e assi st ance. The myst agogues come
to feel t hat t he Gat ekeeper s have l i t t l e i nt er est or con-
cer n for t he world beyond t hei r i mmedi at e car e, t hough
t he real pr obl em is less one of i nt er est and mor e one of
l i mi t ed r esour ces.
For more i nf or mat i on about the Gat ekeeper sect, see
the ent ry on the El deen Reaches, pages 5960.
NPC Reactions
To most peopl e across Khor va i r e , a gat ekeeper myst a-
gogue is j ust anot her advent urerwi t h a big ani mal com-
pa ni on. Th e i r i ni t i al r eact i ons ar e likely to be col or ed
by t he myst agogue' s race and appear ance: Few peopl e
r espond warml y to bar bar i c- l ooki ng orcs i n t hei r t owns,
but nei t her are they bl at ant l y host i l e. I n gener al , NPCs
begi n wi t h an i ndi f f er ent at t i t ude t oward a myst agogue,
and allow the charact er' s deeds and words to change t hei r
at t i t udes appr opr i at el y.
Followers of the Gat ekeeper sect wi t hi n the Shadow
Mar ches and t he El deen Reaches, and el sewhere, have
friendly i ni t i al react i ons to a mystagogue, seei ng such an
i ndi vi dual as a her o who lives the doct r i ne of the sect and
visibly protects t hem against the t hreat of aberrat i ons. Lead-
ers of the Gat ekeeper sect are also initially friendly, even if
the warmt h of t hei r reaction is t empered by t hei r concerns
about the mystagogue' s potentially disruptive i nfl uence.
Aber r at i ons and member s of the Cul t s of the Dragon
Below are i mmedi at el y host i l e to a char act er they can
i dent i fy as a gat ekeeper myst agogueand a myst agogue' s
r eput at i on oft en pr ecedes hi m i n t hese ci r cl es. They go
to great l engt hs to el i mi nat e a mystagogue, ideally without
revealing t hei r presence in the process.
The gatekeeper mystagogues are so few in number that it
would har dl y be s ur pr i s i ng if even hi gh-l evel charact ers
had never encount er ed one in t he course of t hei r pr evi -
ous advent ures. If your charact ers' advent ures br i ng t hem
i nt o conflict with aber r at i ons or the Cul t s of the Dr agon
Below, they mi ght fi nd t hemsel ves wor ki ng al ongsi de a
gatekeeper mystagogue. If your campai gn revolves ar ound
t hese t hr eat s , a gat ekeeper myst agogue can make a great
player character.
A s mar t player r u n n i n g a gat ekeeper myst agogue
makes sur e t hat he has s omet hi ng to do even when he is
f i ght i ng cr eat ur es t hat ar en' t aber r at i ons , but any player
who has a mystagogue PC will be happi est if he has ample
oppor t uni t i es to put his best powers to work. One way to
br i ng about t hi s si t uat i on is for t he DM to make the Cul t s
of t he Dr agon Below a si gni f i cant , ongoi ng opponent in
the campai gn.
Adaptati on: At its hear t , the gat ekeeper mystagogue
class represent s a dr ui d dedicated to fighting a specific kind
of foe. It would be relatively si mpl e to change the type of
creat ure the mystagogue' s powers are most effective against,
t hough you should be careful to stay wi t hi n the established
flavor of the dr ui d class. A vari ant class that gained bonuses
agai nst ani mal s or pl ant s, for exampl e, would make little
sense, but a dr ui d dedicated to ext er mi nat i ng the undead
or outsiders could be quite effective.
The roots of the Last War r un far back i nt o the history of the Galifar ki ng-
dom, if not to the f oundi ng of the Five Nat i ons themselves. The very fact
that the uni t ed ki ngdom cont i nued to be referred to as the Five Nat i ons
poi nt s to the sense of nat i onal pri de that persisted even after Ki ng Galifar
I's successful mi l i t ary campai gn to forge a uni fi ed real m.
Ki ng Jarot , the last ki ng of Galifar, accomplished many great t hi ngs
dur i ng his r ei gn. Wonder s such as t he warforged and the fl oat i ng for-
tresses of Brel and appeared, and the l i ght ni ng rail expanded t hr oughout
cent ral Khor vai r e dur i ng t hi s per i od. But Jar ot was plagued by dark and
di st ur bi ng dreams and visions t hat also led to the largest mi l i t ary bui l dup
in the hi st ory of the ki ngdom. Few out si de his closest ci rcl e under st ood
the dept hs of Jar ot ' s fears. He saw doom comi ng to his beloved ki ngdom
with every sunri se, and disaster edgi ng closer every t i me the dark of night
spread across the l and.
These secret and not - s o- s ecr et pr epar at i ons i ncr eased t ensi ons
t hr oughout the Five Nat i ons. Soon, everyone was seeing t hreat s and dan-
gers in every shadow, and i n this envi r onment of growi ng fear, nat i onal
ties became st ronger t han those bi ndi ng the ki ngdom together. With great
armies at t hei r command, the gover nor - pr i nces were more t han a little
dr unk with power when the spark that i gni t ed the war occur r ed.
That spark was t he unexpect ed deat h of Ki ng Jar ot . The Last War
began i n ear nest when t hr ee of J ar ot ' s chi l dr enThal i n of Th r a n e ,
Kai us of Ka r r n a t h , and Wr oa nn of Brel andrej ect ed t hei r eldest
si bl i ng Mi s hann' s r i ght f ul cl ai m to t he t hr one . I ni t i al l y, Th a l i n and
Kai us want ed to expl or e opt i ons ot her t han t he acci dent of or der of
bi r t h to det er mi ne t he best one of t hem to ascend t he t hr one. Wr oann,
however, knew who was best sui t ed to r ul e. She bel i eved t hat her love
of f r eedom demanded t hat she take t he crown and t hen use t he power
of t he t hr one to r eshape Gal i f ar i nt o a mor e progressi ve and l i ber t y-
i nfused count r y. Mi s ha nn wasn' t about to r el i nqui s h her cl ai m, and
soon each gove r nor - pr i nc e deci ded t hat t he cr own woul d best fit on
his or her own head.
Once begun, the Last War endur ed for a hundr ed years. Of course,
times of relative calm rei gned dur i ng that cent ury of warfare. At times,
battles raged in part s of Khor vai r e while peace (or at least t ruce) held sway
in ot hers. What began as a battle between two relatively uni fi ed alliances
Cyre and Aundai r on one side, and Brel and, Kar r nat h, and Thr a ne on
the otherquickly dissolved i nt o a general melee. Al l i ances were forged
and broken countless times dur i ng the course of the war. Before the war
had ended, the Ki ngdom of Galifar and each of its const i t uent nat i ons,
at least one dr agonmar ked house, and or di nar y families everywhere were
sundered and t ur ned against each ot her.
The Last War wr ought i nest i mabl e har m to por t i ons of Khor vai r e,
but from some perspect i ves it also br ought change for t he bet t er. Eight
recogni zed nat i ons gai ned t hei r i ndependence over t he course of the
confl i ct . From war, a new race was bor n. Magical t echnol ogy, ori gi nal l y
developed for military use, now makes life in peacetime more comfortable,
with the ai rshi p bei ng the most recent such i nnovat i on. Just as the anci ent
and legendary war between dragons and fiends is t hought by some to have
paved the way for the new glory of the gi ant empi res, so many believe that
the tragedy of the Last War created the pot ent i al for a new golden age of
civilization to emerge across Khor vai r e.
Whi l e peace cur r ent l y rei gns, all of the pr obl ems and grievances
that came to the forefront dur i ng the Last War r emai n. Ol d wounds and
l i nger i ng r es ent ment s , ongoi ng st ruggl es and desper at e compet i t i on,
secret deals and double-crossesthese factors and more leave the t hreat of
anot her great war l oomi ng on the hor i zon. Some believe it is only a matter
of t i me before such a conflict erupt s across the l and.
Knowl edge (history)
DC 10: The Last War began i n 8 9 4 YK
when Ki ng Jar ot di ed and hi s chi l -
dr en coul d not agree on who woul d
succeed hi m. Ini t i al l y, Aunda i r and
Cyre stood uni t ed i n suppor t i ng t he
Cyran queen as Jarot' s ri ght ful hei r,
while the ot her t hr ee nat i ons rejected
her cl ai m. The war ended wi t h t he
si gni ng of the Treaty of Thr onehol d
on 11 Ar yt h, 996 YK.
DC 15: The dest ruct i on of Cyre on the
Day of Mour ni ng in 994 YK was the
begi nni ng of the end of the Last War.
No one knows what happened to Cyre,
but it is clear that some magical catas-
t rophe claimed the lives of every living
creat ure i n the count r y and t ur ned it
i nt o a desolate wasteland. With one of
the Five Nat i ons destroyed, it seemed
obvious that t he war had to end soon,
one way or anot her .
DC 20: I n addi t i on to e ndi ng open
hostilities, the Treaty of Thr onehol d
recogni zed the existence of eight new
nationsthe Tal ent a Pl ai ns, Zi l argo,
Q' bar r a, the Lhazaar Pri nci pal i t i es,
the Mr or Hol ds, the El deen Reaches,
Dar guun, and Valenar. It also grant ed
warforged the rights held by all ot her
sentient beings while or der i ng an end
to t hei r creat i on.
Knowl edge (l ocal )
DC 15: Thr one hol d was t he capital of
Gal i far, t he seat of its r ul er s . Al l
t hr ough the Last War, it was guar ded
by warri ors from House Denei t h, and
it was the site of the peace treaty nego-
t i at i ons at the end of t he war.
DC 20: Thr onehol d, the castle, remai ns
neut ral gr ound under the prot ect i on
of House Denei t h to t hi s day. The
s ur r oundi ng city, called Thr onepor t ,
is also neut r al gr ound.
Knowl edge (nobi l i ty and royalty)
DC 15: An elite group of warri ors from
House Denei t h, called t he Th r o n e
War dens, are responsi bl e for guar d-
i ng and ma i nt a i ni ng t he castle of
Thr onehol d.
What happened on 20 Ol ar une, 994 YK? No one can say
for cert ai nat least no one who survived t hat day. Some
catastrophe, cert ai nl y magical in nat ur e, swept t hr ough the
lands of Cyre, and not hi ng was left alive.
Though not all its t er r i t or i es were lost, Cyre ceased
to exist as a nat i on on t hat day. The l ands t hat were not
destroyed were i ncor por at ed i nt o Dar guun, Valenar, and
the Tal ent a Pl ai ns. The rest became the Mour nl and.
The war did not cease on the Day of Mour ni ng, however.
Cyran forces in Breland and Kar r nat h sur r ender ed almost
immediately, but battles cont i nued to rage i n Thr ane, Aun-
dair, and Brel and for at least anot her year. In fact, the war
intensified, with no side knowi ng what had happened and all
fearing that anot her such catastrophe might be unl eashed if
decisive victory was not quickly achieved.
Ther e are as many theories about the nat ure of the Day
of Mour ni ng as t here are people who t hi nk about it. Many
blame House Canni t h, bel i evi ng that some arcane experi -
ments t aki ng place wi t hi n its forgeholds caused the catastro-
phe. Some say that a secretive cabal of Cyran wizards called
on the same forces that the giants had used to stop the quori
invasion forty thousand years before, accidentally unl eashi ng
those forces on t hei r own nat i on. Still others accuse Cyre's
enemies of unl eashi ng those same forces, but intentionally.
Some believe that the Day of Mour ni ng was a nat ural catas-
trophe, while others hold that its ori gi n was divineeither a
deadly war ni ng or a horri fi c puni shment from the gods.
A few people poi nt to the Day of Mour ni ng as evidence
that events long prophesied have begun to take place, signal-
ing the eventual dest ruct i on of the whole world i n a si mi l ar
manner . Some of these prophet s of doom gat her i nt o small
communi t i es on the bor der s of the Mour nl and, living lives
of pious devotion in the hopes of bei ng spared from the
comi ng devastation. Ot her s abandon themselves to lives of
hedonistic luxury, maki ng merry before t hei r lives hasten to
an end. Still ot hers look for ways to mani pul at e the uncer -
tainty in the Day of Mour ni ng' s aft ermat h to achieve t hei r
own mysterious goals. The Chi l dr en of Wi nt er (see page 58)
fall in this last category.
Despite the escalation of hostilities after the dest ruct i on of
Cyre, it was clear that the part i ci pant s in the Last War had
become willing to find a way to end a century of hostilities. Even
before the Day of Mourni ng, Ki ng Kaius III began searching
for a place that could be considered neutral ground to host the
peace talks. He finally settled on Thr onehol d, the castle from
which the kings and queens of Galifar had rul ed. Perched on
an island in the middle of Scions Sound, it was a prize coveted
by all the combatants but which none had been able to claim.
Dur i ng all t he years of the Last War, Thr onehol d
was guarded and mai nt ai ned by an elite gr oup of warri ors
from House Denei t h known as the Thr one Wardens. They
acknowledged no legitimate hei r to the t hr one, and pr o-
tected the castle and all its bel ongi ngs from usur per s.
The peace talks i ncl uded the leaders of the ori gi nal
Five Nat i ons plus representatives from Dar guun, Zilargo,
the Mr or Hol ds, the Eldeen Reaches, Q' bar r a, Valenar, the
Lhazaar Pri nci pal i t i es, and even a hal fl i ng empowered to
speak for all the tribes of the Talenta Pl ai ns. Ot her groups
pet i t i oned to be i ncl uded in the Thr onehol d Accords, but
were refused. The deliberations merely to settle the question
of who would participate occupied the i ni t i al peri od of the
conf er ences. The gr oups t hat were not gr ant ed r ecogni -
t i on and the right to participate included a delegation from
Dr oaam as well as represent at i ves from a number of et hni c
or rel i gi ous mi nor i t i es who hoped to carve t hei r own sliver
of land out of the wreckage of postwar Khor vai r e.
Each gr oup t hat did part i ci pat e i n the treaty process
had its own agenda and demands. At first, some refused to
even sit across from each other, but the desire for peace soon
overcame mut ual di st rust .
Over the course of several weeks, this group hammer ed
out the accords that defined the bor der s as they are seen on
cur r ent maps. Soverei gnt y was gr ant ed to several groups,
nomi nal i ndependence to ot her s , and a bi ndi ng peace
agreement was signed by all.
Two ot her i t ems of busi ness, aside from t he over-
ar chi ng question of nat i onal boundar i es and reparat i ons,
occupi ed t he delegates to Thr one hol d. The first was a
phi l osophi cal di l emma with pr of ound i mpl i cat i ons for
society. The chroni cl es r an articles for mont hs about "the
warforged quest i on, " and how the nat i ons would treat this
new race that had come to exist as a di rect result of the war.
Never before had a political body spent so much time in the
consi derat i on of such metaphysical quest i ons. (It should be
noted that no warforged was allowed to part i ci pat e in any of
these discussions. ) In the end, the new race was given a two-
edged sword. On one hand, House Ca nni t h was or der ed
to halt pr oduct i on of warforged and di smant l e its creation
forges. On the ot her, all exi st i ng warforged were gr ant ed
the full ri ght s of ci t i zenshi p i n the nat i ons of Khor vai r e,
rat her t han bei ng deemed objects to be possessed by ot her
ci t i zens. ( I nt er est i ngl y, t he delegates also negl ect ed to
address the quest i on of whet her el ement al s that had been
bound to service shoul d receive the same rights. )
As a final accord, and at the i nsi st ence of the Thr one
War dens, t he t hr i vi ng city of Thr one por t was decl ared
neut r al gr ound, accessible to all nat i ons but bel ongi ng to
none. The castle and its grounds, on the other hand, remai n
off l i mi t s and under the prot ect i on
of the Thr one Wardens.
On the Day of Mourning, some say
that destructive magic came to life
"War is crazybunch o' people killing each other because some guy said to. But you aren't gonna
make war go away, so you might as well get good at it. And get paid for it."
Toril Macoute, Red Gaunt l et sergeant
A famed mercenary company, the Red Gaunt l et Regi ment has existed for
centuries, its fortunes rising and falling with the governments and churches
it support s. Mi nst rel s everywhere sing folk tales prai si ng the Red Gauntlets
and the code of honor they regard as essential to the soldier' s life.
The Red Gaunt l et Regi ment is choosy about its new recrui t s, but it looks
for evidence of bravery and valor over impeccable skill at ar ms. Once you
wear the red gauntlet, your commander s assume that you' ll quickly become
a casualty of war if you aren' t pr epar ed. Vet erans don' t give new recrui t s
the t i me of day, since those recrui t s have yet to prove they can survive the
rigors of combat. The veterans share a deep bond with each otherthey' ve
seen it all and survived it all t oget her.
J oi ni ng the Red Gaunt l et Regi ment is a st r ai ght f or war d process,
assuming the regi ment is hi ri ng. Historically, hi r i ng has been done toward
the middle or end of a mi l i t ary campaign, when the regiment' s ranks have
been depleted by casualties. Since it was engaged with Cyran forces on the
Day of Mour ni ng, the Red Gaunt l et lost a great many of its members that
day, and it actively recrui t s now even as it searches for meani ngful work.
Ent r y Re q u i r e me n t s : Base attack bonus + 2, non- evi l al i gnment ,
regi ment must be r ecr ui t i ng.
The Red Gaunt l et Regi ment believes in what its commander s call
"task-based organi zat i on. " Squads wi t hi n the regi ment tend to be flexible,
with commander s assembl i ng and reassembl i ng teams based on the needs
of a part i cul ar mission. Thus, it's not uncommon for a Red Gaunt l et squad
to r esembl e a gr oup of advent ur er s , havi ng Spellcasters and speci al i st s
mixed in with t radi t i onal soldiers,
Recrui t s are almost never mixed with vet erans, however. New mem-
bers of the Red Gaunt l et Regiment find themselves placed in recrui t squads
and given less i mpor t ant (but still dangerous) missions unt i l they have
proven themselvesor have died t ryi ng. Onl y gradually are new members
i nt r oduced to the Red Gaunt l et l eadershi p and its elite uni t s.
I ni t i al t r ai ni ng for t he Red Gaunt l et Regi ment t ends to be bri ef
and i nf or mal . New members receive an i nt r oduct i on to t hei r command-
ers, they l earn the uni t ' s her al dr y and si gnal prot ocol s, and t hen they' re
t hr own i nt o the fray. Between mi l i t ar y campai gns, t he Red Gaunt l et
spends a lot of t i me dr i l l i ng (after t he mandat or y few weeks of rest and
r ecr eat i on at t he end of an engagement ) . The grizzled vet erans of the
regi ment have a vast store of knowledge on all mat t ers military, and they
gladly share what they know with t hei r fellow soldiers.
More t han most ot her mer cenar y uni t s , t he Red Gaunt l et Regi ment
emphasizes the possibility of a big score. When you serve in this uni t , you
can become ri ch.
Goods : The Red Gaunt l et Regi ment ' s pay is average for a wel l -
established mercenary company: 50 cp per day, plus an addi t i onal 50 cp for
each poi nt of commander rat i ng. (See Heroes of Battle for more about com-
mander rat i ngs, or consult the sidebar on the next page for the correl at i on
between commander rat i ngs and rank in the regi ment . )
Every new r ecr ui t receives a pai r of t he red gaunt l et s from which
the r egi ment takes its name. The gaunt l et s, made of l eat her and covered
with engraved met al bands, are wor t h 50 sp each. Mer cenar i es i n the
regi ment wear only one gaunt l et at a t i me, usually the one that covers t hei r
weapon hand.
The biggest benefit that the regi ment provides, however, is its reward
st r uct ur e. Hal f of the Red Gaunt l et Regi ment ' s profit from a mercenary
contract and all the pl under seized on the battlefield goes i nt o a pool .
Knowl edge (history)
DC 10: The Red Gaunt l et was a mer ce-
nar y band dur i ng t he Last War. The
r egi ment was composed most l y of
cast-offs from nat i onal ar mi es.
DC 13: The Red Gaunt l et Regi ment
is st i l l a r ound aft er t he war, and
i n fact r ecent l y hel d a r e uni on i n
Sha r n t o c omme mor a t e t he fi ft h
anni ver sar y of a maj or bat t l e. Ki ng
Bor anel made t he sol di er s honor -
ary member s of Br el and' s nat i onal
army, but the status is merely cer emo-
ni al as far as the regi ment ' s leaders
are concer ned.
DC 15: At its peak, t he r egi ment had
around two t housand soldiers, but only
about five hundr ed r emai n because its
member s were engaged with Cyr an
forces on the Day of Mour ni ng.
DC 18: The Red Gaunt l et s are bet t er
t r a i n e d t h a n mos t me r c e n a r i e s .
They' re also known for t hei r loyalty
once you hi r e t hem, they stay hi r ed.
They fought for Br el and dur i ng t he
l at t er years of t he Last War, serv-
i ng wi t h di st i nct i on on t he Cyr an
bor der .
DC 20: The regi ment ' s ranks are full of
experi enced mer cenar i es because t he
leadership gives big monet ary bonuses
for success on the battlefield.
DC 25: Si nce t he end of t he Last War,
t he sur vi vi ng member s of t he Red
Gaunt l et Regi ment have had t roubl e
finding work to do that' s wort h doi ng.
Th e r e gi me nt exi st ed bef or e t he
Last War and survived it, but much
like the warforgedits member s are
havi ng t roubl e finding t hei r place i n
the world ri ght now.
Knowl edge (nobi l i ty and royalty)
DC 25: Al t hough it smiles i n publ i c
and is lavish i n its prai se of t he Red
Gaunt l et r egi ment , Hous e Denei t h
has some mi sgi vi ngs about a me r -
cenary company t hat is so i ndepen-
dent of its cont r ol . Some wi t hi n t he
dr agonmar ked house would like to
own the Red Gauntletsand probably
rewrite much of its history.
DC 30: Kar l er r en i r ' Vor e, t he second
son of a pr omi ne nt nobl e family i n
Kar r nat h, is the cur r ent head of the
Red Gaunt l et Regi ment . He is i n his
seventh decade of life and is expected
to ret i re soon.
When the r egi ment completes a cont ract , its commander s
divide up the accumul at ed t reasure based on meri t , det er -
mi ned by achi evement and valor on the battlefield.
Because the profit mar gi n and value of looted goods
varies widely from battle to battle, the amount of the reward
varies widely. As a general rul e, each PC in the Red Gaunt -
lets receives 5 sp for every victory poi nt he or she earned
t hr oughout the l engt h of the mi l i t ary cont ract . If the PCs
are active t hr oughout a major battle, they' ll probably earn
5 gp or more per level they have.
Every member of the Red Gaunt l et Regi ment therefore
has a tangible reason to fight hard t hr oughout a battleand
a st r ong di si ncent i ve to leave t he r egi ment before the
mer cenar y cont r act ends. Uni t s wi t hi n t he r egi ment are
compet i t i ve with each ot her and vie for t he most cri t i cal ,
lucrative, and danger ous missions.
The Red Gaunt l et Regi ment has existed for cent uri es,
and its members have seen the reward system abused from
time to t i me. In the past, commander s rewarded t hei r cr o-
nies with reward money rat her t han dol i ng it out to the most
effective uni t s. Word travels fast i n a mi l i t ary outfit, how-
ever, and good mercenari es must ered out once they real -
ized the reward system wasn' t recogni zi ng meri t . Today' s
commander s know that soldiers have a keen sense of who
has earned the extra pay, and that they risk a r ecr ui t i ng and
ret ent i on pr obl em if the system isn' t fundament al l y fair.
From t i me to t i me, the Red Gaunt l et has to deal with
unscrupul ous soldiers who refuse to aid wounded comrades to
avoid having to share extra pay with t hem. Thi s probl em was
rampant in the ranks unt i l the regi ment adopted a survivor
benefit policy. Now, members of the regi ment know that if
they fall in battle, the Red Gaunt l et makes every effort to
make sure that t hei r families get t hei r reward money. Thus,
there' s no incentive to eliminate the competitionand in fact
the commander s give extra compensat i on to uni t s that take
risks to aid t hei r fellows.
The Red Gaunt l et Regi ment also ensures that its mem-
bers are equi pped accordi ng to t hei r status and mi ssi on. As
a PC, you' ll have gear accordi ng to the wealth gui del i nes on
page 135 of t he Dungeon Master's Guide.
Informati on: Military intelligence officers attached to
the r egi ment ' s seni or l eader shi p have a st r ong sense of the
Red Gaunt l et Regi ment ' s l ong hi st ory. Because the r egi -
ment has fought its way across Khor vai r e and back agai n
several times, those officers have a +15 bonus on Knowledge
(history) checks, and are wi l l i ng to answer PCs' questions
if they aren' t otherwise occupied.
Those i nt el l i gence officers also guar d access to the
regiment' s archive of old battle-maps, which show the layouts
of large fortresses, historic st ronghol ds, and ot her locations
for si t e-based advent ur es. PCs who i mprove the officers'
at t i t udes from i ndi f f er ent to helpful can acqui re access to
those maps. The maps were compl et e and comprehensi ve
when creat ed, but some are cent ur i es old.
Access: The Red Gaunt l et Regi ment has small barracks
in large cities and met ropol i ses, but these are rarely used by
the r ank- and- f i l e t roops, who are usually out in the field.
The barracks are used more as business offices and r ecr ui t -
ing cent ers, with only a small guard det ai l . Members of the
regi ment on a mission or on detached duty can find austere
but secure accommodat i ons at the barracks.
Status: Because of its st ori ed hi st ory as one of the
oldest cont i nuousl y f unct i oni ng mercenary compani es in
existence, the Red Gaunt l et Regi ment has earned a measure
If you use Heroes of Battle in your campai gn, the Red Gaunt l et s
make an ideal organi zat i on for player charact ers to j oi n in
a mi l i t ary campai gn.
Force St r uct ur e
The Red Gaunt l et Regi ment never fi ni shes a bat t l e wi t h
t he same or gani zat i on it st art s one wi t h, but the basic
out l i ne is si mpl e. Four ei ght - sol di er squads plus a com-
mand sect i on make up a pl at oon led by a l i eut enant . Four
pl at oons (one of whi ch is usual l y speci al i zed in ar cher y,
cavalry, or magi c) make up a company led by a capt ai n.
Thr e e compani es pl us a headquar t er s uni t and vari ous
special t eams make up a bat t al i on led by a major. Four
bat t al i ons pl us a supply sect i on, r egi ment al staff, and a
siege engi ne sect i on make up the Red Gaunt l et Regi ment
i n its ent i r et y.
Infantry El ement : Six 3rd-Ievel fighters, one 3rd-
level cleric, one 3rd-level sorcerer. EL 9.
Inf i l t rat i on El ement: Six 2nd-level fighter/3rd-level
rogues, two 3rd-level wi zard/ 2nd-l evel rogues, EL 11.
Cavalry El ement : Eight 4th-level rangers mount ed
on horse compani ons. EL 10.
Magic Art i l l ery El ement : Six 7th-level fighters,
10th-level sorcerer, 10th-level cleric. EL 14.
Recogni t i on
The r egi ment uses t he rank st r uct ur e out l i ned below.
Commander Rat i ng Rank
1 Sergeant
2 Master Sergeant
3 Lieutenant
4 Captain
5 Major
6 Col onel
The best decorat i on the Red Gaunt l et s receive is the extra
monet ary reward at the end of a mercenary cont ract . The
r egi ment offers a few decor at i ons as well, the effects of
which are detailed in Heroes of Battle,
Silver pi n, engraved with symbol for the t r ai ni ng type
( 2- poi nt t r ai ni ng decorat i on)
Campai gn r i bbon, di f f er ent col or for each mer ce-
nary cont ract compl et ed ( 4- poi nt service decor at i on
[ campai gn] )
Jarek' s Ri ng, a copper r i ng large enough to fit over the
gauntlet' s finger (10-poi nt decorat i on)
Von Harrl a' s Ri ng, a gold r i ng large enough to fit over
the gauntlet' s finger ( 20- poi nt decorat i on)
of respect among professi onal sol di ers. Wear i ng the red
gaunt l et grant s a +2 ci rcumst ance bonus on checks made to
govern social i nt eract i ons with ot her mercenari es and army
commander s, provi ded they aren' t bitter about a previous
battle against the r egi ment .
Professionalism and honor are of par amount i mport ance
to you. You' re in it for the money, to be sure, but you take
pri de i n your work. You are pr oud t hat over the cent ur i es,
the Red Gaunt l et Regi ment has never reneged on a contract
or left its pat r ons in the l urch.
Sur r ounded by l i ke- mi nded professi onal sol di ers,
you have a har d t i me deal i ng with people whose loyalties
are more flexible, or with fanatics who fight for an abstract
cause. You' re most comfortable ar ound your comrades
fellow professionals all. They' re probably the only family
you have, and you dread the day when you' re too old to wield
a weapon and stand shoul der to shoul der with t hem.
Combat: Red Gaunt l et mi l i t ary doct r i ne emphasizes
maneuverability and flexibility. Commander s try to avoid
showing the same tactic to an enemy twice, and mi ght first
pepper the enemy lines with archers, t hen harass the supply
lines with cavalry, t hen use illusions to provide di st ract i ons
before an i nfant ry assault.
Such varied tactics work only because the regi ment is
well t rai ned and good at r eor gani zi ng itself at a moment ' s
not i ce. The regi ment ' s mercenari es are cross-t rai ned in
several aspects of warfareable to wield a hal berd, st r i ng a
bow, l aunch a catapult, ride a horse, or sneak behi nd enemy
lines. And that' s j ust the wizards.
When they can, the Red Gaunt l et Regi ment ' s officers
employ what they call the t hree keys strategy: pr eempt i on,
di sr upt i on, and di sl ocat i on. The r egi ment first endeavors
to preempt a battle by seizing the objective before the enemy
is able to mount a response. If necessary, it t hen moves to
di sr upt i on, el i mi nat i ng the enemy' s ability to wage war by
attacking supplies, dest royi ng moral e, and subvert i ng its
command st r uct ur e. Finally, the regi ment uses subterfuge,
magi c, and compl i cat ed t i med maneuver s to di sl ocat e the
enemy. By t he t i me t he oppos i ng army has been led off
agai nst some nonexi st ent t hr eat , t he Red Gaunt l et Regi -
ment has massed ar ound the battle' s critical poi nt .
Advancement: By and large, the Red Gaunt l et Regi-
ment is a meritocracy, so advancement can occur rapidly if
you prove yourself effective on the battlefield. Recruits chafe
for a while as the veterans get the most lucrative assignments.
Once you have proven yourself, t hough, you' ll be get t i ng
those assignmentsand the extra money they' ll earn you.
The Red Gaunt l et Regi ment officer corps is expected
to lead from the front , so battlefield casualties mean that
t here is almost always r oom in the command st r uct ur e for
new officers. However, while officers draw a slightly hi gher
base pay t han t he r ank and file, they don' t necessari l y get
mor e reward money, so t he r egi ment ' s gri zzl ed vet erans
sometimes t ur n down commi ssi ons.
Dur i ng the Last War, esprit de corps was high in the
Red Gaunt l et Regi ment , so most veterans stayed on unt i l
they died or r et i r ed. Since the end of the war, however, the
regi ment has suffered serious at t r i t i on. The r emai ni ng
members are some of the oldest soldiers from bygone days.
Younger members whose lives were less invested in the war
had an easier t i me dr oppi ng out of the r egi ment and back
i nt o civilian life.
Mi ssi ons: As a member of the Red Gaunt l et Regi ment ,
you can expect to cont i nue fighting the Last War wherever
it persi st s. The Graywal l Mount ai ns bet ween Br el and
and Dr oaam are one of Khorvai re' s cont i nui ng hotspots
of mi l i t ary activity, and the Red Gaunt l et s are t here in
significant number s hel pi ng Brel and defend its bor der s.
Smaller number s of Red Gaunt l et uni t s patrol the Seawall
Mount ai ns at the western edge of Dar guun, prot ect i ng bot h
Breland and Zilargo from goblinoid i ncursi on. In addi t i on,
Kar r nat h has hi red a few compani es to help cont ai n Valenar
attacks in and across the Tal ent a Pl ai ns.
Wherever you are engaged, you' ll likely be called on to
execute one of the three keys of regi ment strategy. You might
make a midnight ride to seize a castle before the enemy can get
out of its barracks, thus preempt i ng a battle. If you' re ordered
to destroy a dam and thereby flood the enemy trenches, you're
executing a disruption strategy. Alternatively, the Red Gaunt -
let mi ght dress you up like general s and have you ride across
the battlefield, drawi ng pursui t from elite enemy uni t s that
t hen won' t be able to j oi n the battle at the real objective.
The Red Gaunt l et Regi ment also sends its member s on
missions away from the battlefield. You might accompany
an officer to assist in negot i at i ons for a f ut ur e mer cenar y
cont ract , or find a fallen comrade' s family and deliver a
survivor benefit.
All that said, t hi ngs are relatively quiet after the fury
of the Last War, and as long as you check in with your com-
mander s peri odi cal l y, you can expect pl ent y of t i me to
engage in your own advent ures while r emai ni ng a member
of the Red Gaunt l et . Such freel anci ng is encouraged, but
the regi ment frowns on i ndependent advent ur i ng dur i ng a
mi l i t ary campai gn. When the war's on, you' re expected to
be all about the regi ment ' s busi ness.
"Things were bad. Catapult stones were raining down on the courtyard, and my
own men were cowering in the catacombs. But the Red Gauntlet guys weren't
even flinching when the stones fell around them. They just mounted their horses
and massed by the front gate, waiting to ride forth."
Duke Hat har ak, survivor of the Siege of Tasselcliff
The Red Gaunt l et Regi ment represent s the qui nt essent i al
band of honorabl e mercenari es. Though they keep t hei r eyes
on the gold rewards, they r emai n skilled art i sans who take
great pri de in t hei r work. Thei r flexible mi l i t ary doct r i ne
offers players a wide variety of experiences on the battlefield,
and if the PCs are in the Red Gaunt l et Regi ment , they' ll
rarely perform the same function in combat twice.
Organi zati on: On paper, the Red Gaunt l et Regi ment
looks like par t of a nat i onal armyor at least it did unt i l the
end of the Last War left only a single bat t al i on among its
ranks. The regi ment ' s commander is a colonel, assisted by a
staff of advisors and four majors that once led the regiment' s
bat t al i ons. As a practical matter, each company wi t hi n the
regi ment reorgani zes itself to meet the needs of the day's
battle. Compani es are simply number ed (1st company of the
3rd bat t al i on, for example), and squads are usually referred
to by the name of the sergeant who commands t hem. Those
squads are moved from one company to anot her with great
rapidity, often because a par t i cul ar commander is closer to
the action or has special expert i se in the squad' s duties.
The colonel' s staff handl es the business aspects of r un-
ni ng the regi ment . Dur i ng a battle, the colonel and a small
ret i nue use one of the battalion' s headquar t er s as a central
command center, or they lead from the saddle, movi ng from
unit to uni t and giving orders directly.
Veterans gr umbl e that the regi ment ' s mot t o is "There' s
always one mor e t hi ng to do. " On the eve of bat t l e, every
member of t he r egi ment keeps busy di ggi ng t r enches,
s t r engt heni ng f or t i f i cat i ons, and scout i ng out near by
t er r ai n. Few l ul l s occur dur i ng t he bat t l e, because the
regiment' s commander s constantly reposi t i on t hei r t roops
to confound t hei r enemi es. A Red Gaunt l et major mi ght say
with a straight face: "Your squad can rest while it marches
to the top of that hill over t her e. The n prepare some field-
expedient fortifications and await f ur t her orders. "
The cur r ent head of the Red Gaunt l et Regi ment is
Karl erren i r' Vore, but almost everyone refers to hi m simply
as "the colonel." The second son of a Kar r nat hi noble family,
he served in Kar r nat h' s nat i onal army unt i l his men deserted
him in the face of a r egi ment of Cyran warforged soldiers.
Surrounded by more t han a hundr ed enemies, ir' Vore held
them off with a clever bluff unt i l the Red Gauntlets arrived
and rescued hi m. He j oi ned the r egi ment on the spot and
worked his way up the ranks over the next two decades.
The colonel is in his sixties and cont empl at i ng r et i r e-
ment to the family manor . When he does, the Red Gaunt l et
Regiment will have to promot e a new colonel. The regi ment
doesn' t have a codified succession policy, so ir' Vore' s r et i r e-
ment will likely lead to a power struggle between t hree can-
didates: Major Hi l l i ar d (a cavalry specialist), Major Gl aur r
(a half-elf ranger), and Capt ai n Sureya (a sorcerer on the
colonel' s staff who handl es the regiment' s business affairs).
NPC React i ons
Folk tales of the Red Gaunt l et s abound, and they all deliver
the same message: The regiment is full of clever professionals
who are loyal to t hei r cont ract , no mat t er how di re the situ-
ation becomes. NPCs who are knowledgeable about mi l i t ary
mat t ers thus have an i ni t i al at t i t ude of friendly to those who
wear the red gauntlet (except those who have recently battled
t he r egi ment ) .
Recent foes of t he Red Gaunt l et don' t r egar d t hem
as ki ndl y, even if they offer gr udgi ng respect for t he
r egi ment ' s skill at ar ms . Most of t he gr udges of t he Last
War are forgot t en now, but some Cyran nat i onal s hold the
Red Gaunt l et somehow responsi bl e for the Day of Mour n-
ing. Dr oaam and Da r guun si mi l arl y have no love for the
r egi ment , t hanks to its cur r ent i nvol vement i n fi ght i ng
t hei r forces. NPCs associated with any of t hose gr oups
have a st ar t i ng at t i t ude of unf r i endl y to member s of the
Red Gaunt l et Regi ment .
For t hei r part , Red Gaunt l et Regi ment members have
an i ni t i al at t i t ude of i ndi fferent toward nearly everyone
they' re not actually at war with. To hold a grudge after war's
end would besmi r ch t hei r professi onal i sm, and today' s
enemy mi ght be t omorrow' s employer.
The r egi ment has a compl i cat ed r el at i onshi p with
House Denei t h, viewed as the cl eari nghouse for mercenary
services in Khor vai r e. On many occasions, House Denei t h
has actually hi r ed t he Red Gaunt l et s , act i ng as a br oker
and i nt er medi ar y bet ween the employer and the r egi ment .
Mostly, t hough, t he r egi ment ' s r eput at i on allows it to
secure work on its own meri t s and leave Denei t h out of the
t ransact i onwhi ch makes the heads of the dr agonmar ked
house unhappy. Publicly, House Denei t h has been respect -
ful of the r egi ment and prai sed its work. Privately, mem-
bers of the r egi ment shoul d not be sur pr i sed to encount er
unf r i endl y react i ons from those i n posi t i ons of power in
the house.
Heal er
Healers, descri bed in Miniatures Handbook, played an i mpor -
tant role dur i ng the Last War. Most healers are member s of
House Jorasco' s Heal ers Gui l d, t hough some are also mem-
bers of one of two very specialized rel i gi ous orders. The
Heal i ng Hand of Ol l adra is a healer or der associated with
the Sovereign Host , while t he Silver Kni ght s Hospi t al l ers
are associated with the Chur ch of the Silver Fl ame, and
include pal adi ns and clerics as well as heal ers. Bot h orders
sent member s to serve as field medics for t he armi es of the
Last War, and bot h organi zat i ons still operat e, focused on
pr ovi di ng heal i ng services to travelers and ot hers in need,
regardless of nat i onal affiliation or ci rcumst ance.
Mar s hal
I nt r oduced in Miniatures Handbook, the marshal commands the
ability to i nspi re his allies, enhanci ng t hei r combat abilities
as they perform specific battlefield maneuvers. Thei r nat u-
ral place is on the fields of war, and every army in the Last
War i ncl uded some marshal s. Most marshal s hol d ranks as
mi nor officers, t hough some have ret i red on mi l i t ary pen-
sions and t ur ned t hei r uni que talents toward i nspi ri ng their
advent ur i ng compani ons rat her t han allied t roops.
Very much like rangers, scouts (described in Complete Adven-
turer) were widely employed dur i ng the Last War, combi ni ng
stealth with combat prowess to har r y opposi ng forces, assess
t r oop number s, and infiltrate enemy lines. Aundai r in par -
t i cul ar is known for its scouts, especially the famous corps
operat i ng out of Tower Valiant and called Valiant scouts. In
all the Five Nat i ons, scouts were pri mari l y recrui t ed from
r ur al areas.
Tr ue to t hei r name, most warmages (detailed in Complete
Arcane and Miniatures Handbook) were t rai ned to serve in the Last
War. Lacki ng the versatility and scholarly bent of wizards
and the mysticism of sorcerers, warmages wield magic as a
tool for a single pur pose: the anni hi l at i on of enemy forces.
Cyre made the most use of warmages dur i ng the Last War,
and the greatest warmage college in Khor vai r e was leveled
on the Day of Mour ni ng, The t radi t i on survives among
Cyran warmages in exile, however, particularly in New Cyre
in east ern Brel and.
The Lhazaar Pri nci pal i t i es is a loose nat i on of sailors, merchant s, pri va-
t eers, and pi r at es. It is made up of a numbe r of separat e ent i t i es, called
pr i nci pal i t i es , each of whi ch has its own r ul er , hol di ngs, ci t i zens, and
ships. Lhazaari t es make t hei r living from the sea, serving ot her nat i ons
as fishers, mer chant s, couri ers, privateers, and mercenari es.
The Pr i nci pal i t i es have existed for cent ur i es. They were the first
lands settled by the human mi gr ant s from Sarl ona, and t hough the famed
pi oneer Lhazaar led her expedi t i on to these shores t hree t housand years
ago, scattered groups of refugees arrived even before her, some as early as
five t housand years ago. These bands were too small and weak to challenge
the gobl i noi ds for cont rol of Khor vai r e, so they r emai ned on the islands
off the cont i nent ' s nort heast shore. Similarly, waves of mi gr ant s arrived
after Lhazaar, addi ng to the popul at i on of this area. At the t i me of these
expedi t i ons, Sarl ona was composed of a dozen di st i nct ki ngdoms, each
constantly at war with the ot her s. Some people, l ooki ng at the history and
the cur r ent state of the Pri nci pal i t i es, would argue that here, at least, little
has changed.
The Seadr agon Pr i nci pal i t y, led by Hi gh Pr i nce Ryger i r ' Wynar n
(LN male human r anger 9), is the nat i on' s largestwhich is to say, Ryger's
personal followers and the twenty ships under t hei r command form the
largest fleet in the Lhazaar Sea, allowing t hem to cont rol the largest swath
of t erri t ory. Ryger claims descent from the kings of Galifar and dreams of
r ebui l di ng a uni t ed ki ngdom. So far, t hough, he has been unabl e to uni t e
the squabbl i ng pri nces to do anyt hi ng more t han present a uni fi ed face
(Ryger's own) to the del i berat i ons at Thr onehol d t hat ended the Last War
and established the Lhazaar Pri nci pal i t i es as a sovereign nat i on. Pri nce
Ryger's flagship, Dragoneye, makes its home por t at Regal port .
The Cl oudr eaver Pr i nci pal i t y is i n some ways t he ant i t hesi s of the
Seadr agons. If Ryger' s r ul e r epr esent s stability for the Lhazaar Pr i nci -
pal i t i es as t he nat i on moves forward to a new f ut ur e, t he Cl oudr eaver s
represent the violent instability of a r et ur n to the old ways of bl oodt hi rst y
piracy. Led by Pri nce Mika Rockface (CE female dwarf bar bar i an 6), the
Cloudreavers are a powerful band of marauders cl ai mi ng six fast ships and
Krag Island, i ncl udi ng Port Krez.
The Di r eshar k Pr i nci pal i t y is led by Pr i nce Kol ber kon (LE male
changel i ng fighter 7), who i magi nes hi msel f Ryger' s greatest rival and
hopes to become the next Hi gh Pr i nce. Kol ber kon has been worki ng to
improve his base in Port Verge so t hat it will rival Regal port , and to that
end has made al l i ances with bot h the Or de r of the Emer al d Claw and
House Lyrandar.
The Gray Ti de Pri nci pal i t y, in addi t i on to bei ng an unexpl ai ned
feature of the sea beyond Last poi nt Island, is led by anot her changel i ng,
Pr i nce Kel (N mal e changel i ng r ogue 6). He dr eams of est abl i shi ng a
homel and for the changel i ng race and has succeeded i n drawi ng a sig-
nificant popul at i on of changelingsmostly followers of the reality seeker
philosophy (see page 24) t ryi ng to create a perfect communi t y. The Gray
Ti de is located on and ar ound Last poi nt , t hough r umor s say that it has a
fleet hi dden in the t endri l s of mist from which it takes its name.
The Bloodsail Pri nci pal i t y, led by Pri nce Shaen Tasil (LE female elf
cleric 7 Blood of Vol), i ncl udes a large number of elves said to be allies of
the line of Vol, who were bani shed from Aerenal when that bl oodl i ne was
ext ermi nat ed. Its base of operat i ons is Port Cai r n, at the sout hern extreme
of Farl nen Isl and.
The Wind Whi sperers Principality is pri mari l y made up of half-elves,
led by Pr i nce Koul t on Br i ght wi nd ( CN male hal f-el f r anger 4/ dr agon-
marked hei r 4), an expat ri at e scion of House Lyr andar with a hi gh price
on his head. Koul t on fled his family in an el ement al galleon twenty years
ago, and has so far managed to evade the house' s efforts to retrieve the ship
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 10: Th e Lhazaar Pr i nci pal i t i es
is a nat i on of fact i ons t hat vie for
supremacy. Its popul at i on is pr i mar -
ily human, with a st rong gnome, half-
elf, and changel i ng presence.
DC 15: Dozens of pri nces cont rol l and
and ships i n the Pri nci pal i t i es. Ryger
i r ' Wynar n is t he best known, si nce
he r epr esent ed t he Pr i nci pal i t i es at
t he Thr one hol d di scussi ons. Ryger
seeks to uni t e the Pri nci pal i t i es i nt o
a t r ue nat i on, but has met with st r ong
resistance from the ot her l ords.
DC 20: Asi de f r om Pr i nc e Ryger' s
Seadr agons, ot her gr oups i ncl ude
t he vi ci ous pi r at es of t he Cl oud-
reavers, t he mer cenar y Di r es har ks ,
the changel i ng Gray Ti de, the Bl ood-
sails of Far l nen, t he hal f - el f Wi nd
Whi sperers, and the wel l -i nt ent i oned
Heavenly Fleet.
Knowl edge (history)
DC 10: Th e Lhazaar Pr i nci pal i t i es
decl ar ed t hei r i ndependence from
Galifar early i n t he Last War.
DC 15: Th e Lhazaar Gal i f ar war
st ar t ed i n 28 YK and l ast ed for a
decade bef or e t he Lhazaar pr i nces
fi nal l y became a s e mi a ut onomous
pr ovi nc e of t he young Ki n g d o m
of Gal i f ar .
DC 20: The Lhazaar Pri nci pal i t i es was
the site of the first human set t l ement
i n Khor vai r e.
Knowl edge (l ocal )
DC 15: Laws are lax i n the Pri nci pal i t i es
and vary i n each pr i nce' s t er r i t or y.
The people are rough and ready; t he
t owns have a f r ont i er feel, full of
oppor t uni t y and danger.
Knowl edge ( nobi l i t y and royalty)
DC 10: House Th u r a n n i is based i n the
Lhazaar Pr i nci pal i t i es . The ot her
houses have a mi ni mal presence.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 10: Lhazaari t es have little i nt erest
in rel i gi on.
DC 15: The Blood of Vol has a di s pr o-
port i onat e number of followers i n the
Lhazaar Pr i nci pal i t i es, part i cul arl y
among the Bloodsails.
DC 30: Vol' s st ronghol d is somewhere
i n the Lhazaar Pr i nci pal i t i es.
and remove hi m. He has used his Mark of St orm to forge a
new pr i nci pal i t y and pul l t oget her a sizable fleet, and t he
ot her pr i nces r esent hi mbot h for sei zi ng t er r i t or y some
of t hem had cl ai med, and for exacer bat i ng t he typically
st rai ned rel at i ons between the Lhazaar Pri nci pal i t i es and
House Lyrandar.
The Heavenly Fleet is the smallest of the Lhazaar Pr i nci -
palities, t hough it is growingin defiance of all predi ct i ons.
Led by Pri nce Lor r i st er (LG male aasimar ranger 4/ pal adi n
4), the Heavenly Fleet is dedicated to br i ngi ng j ust i ce to the
Lhazaar Sea and the rul e of law to all its set t l ement s. The
pr i nce hol ds hi s crews to hi gh ideals and hopes to i mpose
t hose same i deal s on t he peopl e of t he Pr i nci pal i t i es .
Even t hough t he Lhazaar i t es greet Lor r i s t er ' s pr i nci pl es
with scor n, peopl e out si de t he Pr i nci pal i t i es who share
his phi l osophy are at t ract ed to hi s cause, and Lor r i s t er
claims a large number of foreign suppor t er s and suppl i ers.
Thi s influx of aid from such places as Thr a ne , the Mart i al
Templ e of Dol Ar r ah in St ari l askur, and numer ous private
benefactors t ransl at es i nt o the finest gear and supplies for
Lorri st er' s ships and crews.
Pr i nce Lor r i s t er mi ght come to t he aid of player
charact ers facing the per i l s of the Lhazaar Sea, sai l i ng to
the rescue like some celestial cavalry r i di ng over the hi l l .
However, he is likely to ask charact ers who are i ndebt ed to
him to r et ur n the favor by st r i ki ng against one of his many
enemi es. He is on a per pet ual cr usade agai nst evil i n the
Pr i nci pal i t i es, and he r ecogni zes t he Cl oudr eaver s as his
greatest enemi es. He also bears a par t i cul ar grudge against
the Blood of Vol and actively campai gns in opposi t i on to
that cult' s activities.
The ot her pr i nces scoff at Pr i nce Lor r i st er ' s moral s,
but they are leery of hi s s t r engt h. I n the fut ure they mi ght
form an al l i ance to destroy the pal adi n and his crusaders,
but for now they use t hei r wiles to play hi m agai nst t hei r
foes. For his part , Lor r i st er may be idealistic, but he is not
naive, and he r emai ns fully aware of his rivals' pl ans.
A mighty storm rages above Tempest Isle's central mount ai n.
It spits l i ght ni ng and shouts t hunder, and its winds make the
seas t reacherous a mile away from the island' s shores.
Some say that st orm gi ant s, refugees from Xen' dr i k' s
anci ent wars, live on the mount ai n and mai nt ai n the storm
to keep t hei r old foes at bay. Ot her r umor s speak of a pi rat e
wizard who arrived on the island with his captain and crew.
After the pirates hid t hei r t reasure on the mount ai n, they
betrayed and mur der ed the wizard, addi ng his magical pos-
sessions to t hei r hoar d. The wizard r et ur ned as a ghost and
slew t hem all, and now pirate ghosts wage et ernal war in the
sky. Still ot her tales say that a rakshasa rajah, one with great
power over the weather, lies i mpri soned wi t hi n the moun-
t ai n, and the st orm is a sign of his i mmi nent awakening.
What ever t he case, advent ur er s and pi rat es come to
Tempest Isle to seek the t r ut h. Most believe that gold, magic,
or bot h wait in the mount ai n' s caves.
Visitors to Tempest Isle first experi ence rai nfal l and
winds near the shore. A tribe of particularly large and brut al
scrags (8 HD each) lairs t here. These aquatic trolls seem more
i nt el l i gent t han ot hers of t hei r ki nd. They pai nt designs on
t hei r leather ar mor and prefer to ambush and confuse t hei r
prey rat her t han r ush headl ong i nt o bat t l e.
Prince Lorrister of the Heavenly Fleet
The nearby rocky Tr agl or n Isle is home to a large t ri be
of cliffwalk shifters who call themselves the Sun- Ki n. They
claim that t hei r people once i nhabi t ed bot h Tr agl or n and
Tempest Isle, but in years long forgotten one of t hei r kind
lost an ancestral artifact to a hobgobl i n trickster. The storm
set i n after the artifact vanished, and the Sun- Ki n fled to
Tragl orn. Since that time, brave warriors from the tribe have
set out across Eber r on to locate t hei r lost relic, but none
have been successful. Strangely, the Sun- Ki n wear wooden
decorat i ons bear i ng sigils si mi l ar to those the Tempest Isle
scrags pai nt on t hei r armor.
The i sl and of Trebaz Si nara is s ur r ounded by t r each-
er ous reefs and is home to t er r i bl e monst er s, two factors
that combi ne to leave the island uni nhabi t ed. Despite these
dangers, however, the island (at least accordi ng to legend)
has served a number of i mpor t ant purposes over the cent u-
ries. The first Sarl onan settlers of the area built tombs here,
and i ndeed some of the monst ers that attack visitors to the
i sl and, i ncl udi ng bot h undead and const r uct guar di ans ,
seem to be connect ed to those crypts. In addi t i on, countless
pirates are said to have hi dden t hei r t reasures on the island,
but never r et ur ned to retrieve t hem. These tales st rai n the
l i mi t s of credulity, but the number of people who claim to
have r et ur ned from Trebaz Sinara with tangible proof of the
wealth they found t here is enough to ensur e a steady stream
of t r easur e- hunt er s. Most are not heard from again.
Dreadhol d is an island pri son mai nt ai ned by House
Kundarak. First established by Kar r n the Conqueror, Dread-
hold has cont ai ned some of the most danger ous cri mi nal s
the world has ever known. Popul ar belief says that no pr i s-
oner has ever escaped the i sl and, but whi spered r umor s
suggest that the t r ut h mi ght be ot herwi se.
Magic infuses the world of Eber r on. It rages high above i n the Ri ng of
Siberys that encircles the world. It bi nds dark and forebodi ng creat ures
in the deepest caverns of the underworl d of Khyber. It seeps from the land
itself, a source of energy as well as a means of bendi ng the laws of reality.
Magic, and reliance on magic, shapes and defines the societies of Eber r on.
For mi l l enni a, wi zards, sorcerers, clerics, art i fi cers, adept s, and mage-
wrights have brought t hei r talents to bear on the challenges and dangers of
the world ar ound t hem. Thei r solutions helped humanoi d society develop
and thrive on Eberronespecially in Khor vai r e.
The people of Eber r on have developed a variety of means to tap i nt o
the ever - pr esent power of magi c, c ha nne l i ng it to address t hei r needs
t hr ough the ages. These various means are reflected in the great magical
t r adi t i ons of t he worl d, past and pr es ent . Ar cane i nst i t ut es, chur ches,
academies, secret cults and cabalsa vast number of organi zat i ons have
preserved these numer ous t r adi t i ons.
The most f undament al di st i nct i on in the various practices of magic
lies in its source. Ar cane Spellcasters draw on the magical energy that sur-
r ounds t hem, unl ocki ng it t hr ough careful performance of precise rituals
and words of power. Di vi ne Spellcasters draw on magical power accessed
t hr ough faith and devot i on. Art i fi cers work with the magic cont ai ned in
the s t r uct ur es of obj ect s, al t er i ng t he movement of power and f r eei ng
channel s for magi c to flow. Psi oni c mani f est er s are not i ncl i ned to call
t hei r powers magi c, but t he resul t s are much t he same, powered by the
manifester' s mi nd.
The two great est i nst i t ut i ons t hat preserve t r adi t i ons of st udyi ng
arcane magic and artifice, at least in Khor vai r e, are the Twelve and the
Arcane Congress. Founded fifteen hundr ed years ago (before t here were
even twelve r ecogni zed dr agonmar ks ) , the Twelve is a s hi ni ng example
of cooperat i on among the dr agonmar ked housesan arcane foundat i on
i nt ended to study dr agonmar ks, arcane magic, and artifice. The Twelve's
studies emphasize the use of magic to improve daily life and, in part i cul ar,
facilitate the work of the dr agonmar ked houses for economi c gai n. The
invention of airships and message stations can be credited to the research-
ers of the Twelve.
The Ar cane Congr ess mai nt ai ns a somewhat mor e t heor et i cal
research emphasi s. The i nst i t ut i on was founded in 15 YK, at least i n part
because Ki ng Galifar did not fully t rust the Twelve to keep the best i nt er -
ests of the ki ngdom (as opposed to the dr agonmar ked houses) at heart .
Like the Twelve, the Ar cane Congress has an explicit mandat e to i mprove
life t hr ough t he appl i cat i on of magi c. However, t he t wi st i ng hal l s and
ext radi mensi onal spaces of the towers that float above Ar cani x are filled
with all manner of exper i ment s and const ruct s, many of which have no
imaginable practical application. The institute' s scholars have a part i cul ar
interest in the pl anes.
Whi l e t hese two or gani zat i ons are t he most i mpor t ant cent er s of
magical l ear ni ng in Khor vai r e, they are not the only ones. The Passage
Inst i t ut e for the Ar cane Art s (see page 102) is a small academy in Aundai r
dedi cat ed to t r ai ni ng Spellcasters t hr ough field educat i onpr i mar i l y
advent ur i ng. At ur Academy in Ka r r na t h (see page 103) is anot her small
academy, dedicated to what some would call dark art s. Morgrave University
and the University of Wynarn bot h teach magic (or at least its more abstract
t heori es). Rekkenmar k Academy in Kar r nat h t rai ns Spellcasters for war,
pr oduci ng a number of warmages in cont i nuat i on of the t radi t i on begun
in Cyre dur i ng the Last War (see page 97).
Each of the great r el i gi ons of the world mai nt ai ns its own magical
t r adi t i on as well (or i n the case of the Path of Li ght , a psi oni c t r adi t i on) .
Whi l e the Blood of Vol has cont i nued anci ent t r adi t i ons of necr omancy,
the Chur ch of t he Silver Fl ame makes ext ensi ve use of magi c to bani sh
Knowl edge (arcana)
DC 10: The many and varied forms of
magic derive from t hree f undament al
sources: ar cane energy (used by sor -
cerers, wi zards, bar ds, and ot her s) ,
divine power (used by clerics, dr ui ds,
pal adi ns, r anger s, and ot her s) , and
the magic cont ai ned i n t he st ruct ures
of objects (used by art i fi cers).
DC 15: The Ar cane Congress, founded
by Ki n g Gal i f ar , and t he Twelve,
est abl i shed by t he dr a gonma r ke d
houses l ong ago, are the two greatest
i nst i t ut es of magic i n Khor vai r e.
DC 18: Asi de from t he most common
users of magic, a number of i ndi vi du-
als follow t r adi t i ons t hat use magi c
di fferent l y or combi ne it wi t h ot her
ski l l s. Hexbl ades are war r i or s who
wield arcane power derived from some
connect i on to t he Dar k Six. Shu
genjas are divine casters who revere
the dragons of Ar gonnessen. Spi ri t
shamans and wu j en are Spellcasters,
di vi ne and ar cane respectively, who
are drawn to nat ur e and commonl y
found in the Eldeen Reaches. Favored
souls are di vi ne cast ers devot ed to
i ndi vi dual dei t i es of t he Sover ei gn
Host . Warl ocks wield ar cane spel l -
like abi l i t i es r umor e d to be deri ved
from t he rakshasa l or ds i mpr i s oned
i n Khyber . War mages ar e ar cane
casters t r ai ned to bat t l e i n t he Last
War. Spei l t hi eves combi ne ar cane
magi c wi t h st eal t h to serve as spies
and assassins.
DC 20: Dr agons are said to be t he
sour ce of magi c. They supposedl y
t aught t he gi ant s t he secret s of t hei r
magi c, whi ch t he n spr ead t hr ough
t hei r elf slaves to t he ot her races of
t he worl d.
DC 25: Besides the anci ent magic of
the dragons and gi ant s, ot her anci ent
t radi t i ons persist: the daelkyr brought
t hei r own twisted magic from Xori at ,
and the sects of the dr ui ds preserve
the anci ent t r adi t i ons t hat were used
to battle the daelkyr.
DC 30 : A few gr oups , races, and i ndi -
vi dual s know secret s of magi c t hat
derive from anot her source entirely: a
st range soul energy called i ncar num.
Pract i t i oners of t hi s magic are called
i ncarnat es, soul bor ns, or t ot emi st s.
fi ends, exorci se spi r i t s, and cens ur e t he wi cked. The
clerics of Aur e on are as i nt er est ed in ar cane magi c as i n
di vi ne, while t he cl eri cs of Ona t a r are pat r ons of art i fi ce
as well.
According to bot h historical record and legend, the dragons
gr ant ed knowl edge of magi c to t he peopl es of Ebe r r on.
In ages past , dr agon emi ssar i es visited t he empi r es of
the gi ant s and bequeat hed to t hem t he most powerful
arcane secret s t he world has ever known. Th e i r mot i va-
tion for r eveal i ng t hi s knowl edge is uncl ear , but schol ars
pr esume t hat dr aconi c i nt e r pr e t a t i on of t he Pr ophecy
demanded t hat t he gi ant s l ear n t hi s l or e. Sixty t hous and
years bef or e t he bi r t h of Gal i f ar , t he gi ant s st udi ed t he
dr agons' gift, while t hei r elf slaves gl eaned cr umbs from
this feast of knowl edge.
The magi c of t he gi ant s was mi ght y i ndeed. Every
expl orer who penet r at es the wilds of Xen' dr i k to unear t h
the secret s of t he gi ant s r e t ur ns wi t h some new tale of
wonder or art i fact of power. Pl anar por t al s, myst eri ous
relics, weapons and ar mor of t r emendous mightall these
and mor e were crafted by the gi ant art i fi cers of anci ent
times to be di scovered by moder n expl orers and admi r ed
with awe. Some whi sper t hat the gi ant s bui l t the first war-
forged, or at least cr eat ur es very much like the moder n
race creat ed dur i ng t he Last War. Some also claim t hat the
giants or i gi nal l y developed the craft of el ement al bi nd-
ing, the secrets of which are now guar ded by the gnomes
of Zi l argo. The el ement al bi nder s of Zi l argo have begun
a renai ssance of t hi s anci ent pract i ce, devel opi ng ai rshi ps
and el ement al gal l eons as well as weapons and ar mor that
cont ai n bound el ement al s. Nongnome mages woul d pay
dearly to acqui re the secrets of these el ement al bi nders, but
the gnomes guar d t hei r t echni ques closelyfor economi c
reasons above all.
The empi r es of t he gi ant s fell, i n par t due to t hei r
mi suse of what t he dr agons had t aught t hem. Whe n the
quori invaded Xen' dr i k, the giants used t hei r mightiest
magic to close the pl anar port al , but this resulted in a cata-
clysm that shook the foundat i ons of the cont i nent itself,
sendi ng pl agues and curses across Xen' dr i k. When the
giants t ur ned again to t hei r greatest magic in a desperate
at t empt to prevent t he ut t er dest r uct i on of t hei r civiliza-
tion, the dr agons i nt er vened, at t acki ng the gi ant s in a
massive and sudden invasion that dealt the death blow to
the gi ant civilization.
The magic of the gi ant s did not die with t hei r empi res,
however, for the elves had l earned at the feet of t hei r mas-
ters. Bot h the elves who fled to Aer enal and the drow who
remai ned in Xen' dr i k preserved cert ai n elements of it. The
drow are r umor ed to cont i nue the pract i ce of el ement al
bi ndi ng, while the elves of Aer enal have a l ong hi st ory of
necromant i c magic, manifested in two di st i nct t radi t i ons.
One of these st reams is the magic of the deathless (in bot h
arcane and di vi ne f or ms) , dedi cat ed to pr es er vi ng the
spirits of the race's ancestors in corporeal form. The ot her
st r eam, t raced to t he house of Vol, emphasi zes t he dark
magic of t he undead. Thi s l at t er t r adi t i on persi st s in the
necromant i c magic of Kar r nat h and the cult of the Blood
of Vol.
The daelkyr practice anci ent forms of magic that focus
on the warpi ng and cor r upt i on of ot her forms of life to pr o-
duce new aberrat i ons and twisted symbiontsdistant echoes
of the madness of t hei r home pl ane, Xori at . A few mort al s
have dabbled in the magic of the daelkyr, sacrificing t hei r
sanity for the power it offers. These i ndi vi dual s are l i nked
to the Cul t s of the Dragon Below (see page 87).
The dr ui ds of t he Shadow Marches and t he El deen
Reaches practice anot her anci ent t r adi t i on of magi c, also
derived from a draconi c source. Sixteen t housand years ago,
the black dragon Vvaraak came to the orcs of the Shadow
Marches and taught t hem the dr ui di c lore that became the
Gat ekeeper t r adi t i on. Th e magi c of t he ot her dr ui d sects
grew from t hat of the Gat ekeeper s, and it may have been
a Gat ekeeper dr ui d who gifted the gr eat pi ne Oal i an (see
pages 5761) with sent i ence.
Rare types of magic exist that are not arcane or divine,
nei t her psionic nor artifice. These t radi t i ons have not been
fully codified and classified, even by the scholars of the
Twelve. Thei r secrets are not fully pl umbed, t hei r forces are
poorly under st ood, and t hei r sources r emai n mysterious.
Of these t r adi t i ons, the best under s t ood involves the
mani pul at i on of a ki nd of soul energy called i nc a r num
(detailed in Magic of Incarnum). The source of this t r adi t i on is
difficult to pi npoi nt . The duskl i ngs, native to the pl ane of
Thel ani s, use i ncar num as part of t hei r reverence for magi-
cal beastsshaping it i nt o masks, cloaks, and ot her t ot ems
to gr ant t hemsel ves t he powers wi el ded by t hose beast s.
Duskl i ngs are rare on the Mat eri al Pl ane, but they do cross
over from Thel ani s in "t hi n places" such as t hose t hat dot
the El deen Reaches. Ther e, t he duskl i ng t r adi t i ons have
spread, particularly to shifters in the Reaches. The practices
of these totemists seem compatible with the beliefs of the
dr ui ds, and an i nt er est i ng synthesis of the two t radi t i ons
seems to be developing among a few shifter communi t i es in
the eastern Toweri ng Wood.
Similarly, two i ncar num- usi ng races inhabit Kapaeri an
Island, in the northwest of Xen' dri k. The lawful, militaristic
skarns use i ncar num to embody the ideals of a par t i cul ar
alignmentusually law itself, but somet i mes good or evil.
The flighty, chaotic ri l kans, on the ot her hand, most often
become chaos i ncar nat e, with si mi l ar l eani ngs toward good
and evil. These two races are clearly rel at ed (bot h appear
more or less human) , but they claim descent from a common
ancestor race, the mi sht ai , which they say i nhabi t ed t hei r
island dur i ng the t i me of the gi ant empi res. If this claim
is t r ue, t hen this magic of i ncar num is a t radi t i on as old as
the magi c of t he gi ant s, per haps i ndependent of dr aconi c
i nfl uence. On the ot her hand, it mi ght be a legacy of the
quor i i nvasi on, br ought f r om t he dr eam r eal m to t he
Mat eri al Pl ane, or a separat e dr aconi c t r adi t i on, t aught to
the mi sht ai even as t he gi ant s were t aught ot her forms of
magic. A fi nal possi bi l i t y is t hat t he mi sht ai were t hem-
selves gi ant s, and t he r i l kans and skar ns are under si zed
descendant s of t he gi ant race who pract i ce a uni que form
of t hei r anci ent magi c.
I ncar num' s pr esence is not l i mi t ed to t hese races.
Unus ual chi l dr en occasi onal l y bor n to huma n par ent s
display a nat ur al affi ni t y for t hi s magi c. Cal l ed azur i ns ,
they are dr awn to ext r emes of al i gnment and behavi or .
Al so, a t empl e in t he Endwor l d Mount a i ns is dedi cat ed
to t he Sapphi r e Ei dol on, whi ch seems to be pur e i ncar -
num. The or i gi n of t hi s t empl e is s hr ouded in mystery,
but it mi ght hol d t he key to unl oc ki ng t he secret s of t hi s
st r ange magi c.
"Magic is a primal forceit yearns to be wild and free as an eagle or a stag. It is
a mistake to study it only in isolated towers and behind locked doors."
Gallo Edgebrand, headmast er
of the Passage Inst i t ut e
Most ar cane academi es t reat spel l cast i ng and magi cal
r esear ch as subjects best st udi ed unde r i sol at ed, hi ghl y
regul at ed condi t i ons. The Passage I nst i t ut e, on t he ot her
hand, believes that the place to study, research, and practice
magic is out in the world. Rat her t han developing a new gen-
erat i on of aloof, sel f-i mport ant , arcane snobs, the institute
encourages its st udent s to use t hei r skills freely for the good
of alland for personal gai n.
St udent s typically come to the Passage I nst i t ut e for one of
t hree reasons. Many never demonst rat ed the magical apt i -
t ude to be accepted at one of t he mor e pr est i gi ous ar cane
academies. Some began t hei r t r ai ni ng at ot her schools (such
as t he Ar cane Congr ess located i n nearby Ar cani x) , but
after fi ndi ng the academic at mosphere stifling, they sought
out the Passage Inst i t ut e for its great er freedom and more
relaxed air. Finally, a large number of st udent s come to the
Passage Inst i t ut e simply because the t ui t i on is less t han half
that of most ot her schools.
The Passage Inst i t ut e accepts anyone with the i nt erest
to study spellcasting, whether they were bor n with the knack
or not . About half its st udent s come from ot her walks of
life and simply want to augment t hei r abilities with basic
spellcasting skills. Because it emphasizes work i n the field,
the at mosphere on campus is filled with stories of exciting
exploits and fabulous t reasures, r at her t han excruci at i ng
specul at i on about arcane mi nut i ae. Because much of a
student' s advanced t r ai ni ng is in the field (with the school
keeping half of any profits generat ed by these expedi t i ons),
the i nst i t ut e is able to keep fees to a bare mi ni mum.
En t r y Re q u i r e me n t s : Knowl edge ( ar cana) 2 r anks.
Also, a charact er who is accepted i nt o the i nst i t ut e must pay
t ui t i on and fees amount i ng to 50 gp per year.
The staff of t he Passage I nst i t ut e consi st s mai nl y of
mid-level Spellcasters, but also i ncl udes members of ot her
classes who help t r ai n students in the more mundane aspects
of advent uri ng. Roughly t hr ee quart ers of the st udent body
is made up of wizards, and the ot her one quar t er are mem-
bers of ot her classes who want to add low-level spellcasting
to t hei r r eper t oi r e.
I nt r oduct or y classes are s i mi l ar to t hose f ound at
ot her ar cane academi es, but ar e augment ed wi t h l essons
i n el ement ar y dunge one e r i ng. Whe n a st udent reaches a
basic level of profi ci ency, about hal f of hi s or her cour se
load becomes "pr act i cal field exerci ses. " I n ot her words,
t he i ns t i t ut e sends t he s t udent s out on advent ur es ,
even hi r i ng t hem out to advent ur i ng par t i es ( cr eat i ng
anot her r evenue source for the school ) . A st udent gr adu-
ates once hi s or her expl oi t s have net t ed t he i ns t i t ut e a
t ot al of 1,000 gp.
St udent s and faculty are treated as you would i magi ne they
mi ght be at a school t hat is j ust as i nt er est ed (or per haps
more i nt er est ed) i n t ur ni ng a profit as pr ovi di ng a hi gh-
quality educat i on. The housi ng and meals are adequat e, as
are the campus facilities. Advanced st udent s are r equi r ed
to take par t in two or more practical field exercises per year,
ei t her as par t of an i nst i t ut e- sponsor ed expedi t i on or as
support hi r ed out to a private advent ur i ng party.
Goods : St udent s and faculty recei ve access to fully
st ocked ar cane l abor at or i es and basic spel l component s
(but not hi ng t hat has a cost of mor e t han 5 gp per use) .
I n addi t i on, st udent s who take par t i n pr act i cal field
exercises are allowed to keep half of the t reasure or rewards
they ear n.
Ser vi ces: The basic service t he i nst i t ut e provi des is
t r ai ni ng in t he ar cane ar t s. Beyond t hat , all member s of
the faculty are experi enced advent ur er s who are wi l l i ng to
offer advice and even pract i cal hel p wi t h di ffi cul t pr ob-
l ems. In addi t i on, the i nst i t ut e hi r es its st udent s out to
private advent ur i ng gr oups for a fee of 1 00 gp per st udent
per week. The st udent s must get a full shar e of any t r ea-
sure real i zed from the advent ur e, of which t he i nst i t ut e
cl ai ms half.
I nf or ma t i on: St udent s at the i nst i t ut e have access to
spellbooks cont ai ni ng all commonl y known spells, plus a
number of rare or even uni que spells known or created by
faculty members.
Access: Since private groups come to the i nst i t ut e to get
spellcasting hi rel i ngs, all st udent s have access to a variety of
unusual sites, activities, and experi ences. In the end, each
student' s experi ence will be uni que.
St at us: In the general publ i c, st udent s from the i nst i -
tute are afforded the same status as st udent s at any school
of magi c. Wi t hi n the academi c communi t y, t hough, the
i nst i t ut e has the somewhat t ar ni shed r eput at i on of bei ng
mor e of a moneymaki ng scheme t han an or gani zat i on
devot ed to advanced study. Al u mn i of t he i nst i t ut e are
somet i mes t reat ed as s econd- r at e cast ers, r egar dl ess of
act ual ability.
The scholars of the Passage Institute
have little respect . . .
"Evil? Magic is a tool in the wizard's hand, and the wizard must choose whether
to use it for good purposes or ill. But magic is not evil in and of itself."
Or t hi kt he Gr i m, mast er of the At ur Academy
A small arcane i nst i t ut e is located in At ur, Kar r nat h' s City
of Night. Though the city is best known for the Cr i mson
Monastery (its great t empl e to the Blood of Vol), the At ur
Academy has t r ai ned wizards, sorcerers, and ot her arcane
Spellcasters for centuriesit has j ust done so r at her quietly.
Even in Kar r nat h, whose armies were bolstered by ani mat ed
skeletons and zombies dur i ng the Last War, the teachings
of the At ur Academy are not always met with acceptance
and under st andi ng. The masters of the academy are necr o-
mancers and warlocks, and the lessons they pass on to t hei r
students concer n the darkest lorethe magic of the dead,
of negative energy, and of demoni c bi ndi ng.
In cont rast to the Passage I nst i t ut e, the At ur Academy is
quite exclusive. The heads of the academy look for st udent s
they believe have the pot ent i al for t r ue great ness, and
indeed a few of the greatest Spellcasters i n recent history
were graduat es of At ur. The cost of at t endi ng the academy
is a bar r i er to many, t hough a candi dat e who can' t afford to
pay but secures the pat r onage of a respected spellcaster can
hope for a schol arshi p to defray the cost of t ui t i on.
Entry Requi rement s: Knowl edge (arcana) 4 ranks,
Spellcraft (4 ranks). Also, a charact er who is accepted i nt o
the academy must pay t ui t i on and fees amount i ng to 125 gp
per year.
The staff of t he academy feat ures some of Ka r r na t h' s
most p r o mi n e n t Spel l cast er s, i nc l udi ng wi zar ds and
sor cer er s, warl ocks, dr ead necr omancer s and archi vi st s
(from Heroes of Horror), and even a necr ocar nat e (from
Magic of Incarnum). Most of t he wi zards on staff are speci al -
ist necr omancer s or conj ur er s, i ncl udi ng some i ndi vi du-
als with exotic prest i ge classes such as acolyte of t he ski n
or bl ood magus (from Complete Arcane), pal e mast er or t r ue
necr omancer (from Libris Mortis), or t ai nt ed schol ar (from
Heroes of Horror).
For all its si ni st er air and quest i onabl e practices, the
At ur Academy is first and foremost an i nst i t ut i on for the
study of magic, and it takes that mission seriously. At some
level, the heads of the academy seem det er mi ned to prove
that an i nt erest i n the darker side of arcane magic does not
necessarily mean that one is cor r upt of charact er or pos-
sessed of an i nferi or intellect.
Once a st udent has earned a place at the At ur Academy, she
is treated as a valuable member of that communi t y. The
academy mai nt ai ns a spacious bui l di ng i n the City of Night
(not far from the Cr i mson Monastery) that has comfortable
dormi t ori es, an excellent refectory, large classrooms, and
wel l -appoi nt ed l aborat ori es.
Goods: St udent s at the At ur Academy can pur chase
goods t hat can be di ffi cul t to fi nd for sale el sewhere.
. . . for the necromancers of the Atur Academy
Everyt hi ng from covadish and kieros leaves i mpor t ed from
Aer enal to narst one from the Demon Wastes (see pages
9192 of the EBERRON Campaign Setting) to body part s can be
purchased for an appropri at e price.
Services: Fundament al l y, the At ur Academy provides
i nst r uct i on i n the magical art s. If your campai gn uses
t r ai ni ng rul es, a st udent ' s annual t ui t i on payment covers
the t r ai ni ng requi red for advancing levels and l earni ng feats
or skills related to the fields taught at the academy.
I nf or mat i on: Th e At ur Academy is a great r epos i -
tory for what is oft en consi der ed f or bi dden l or e, and its
l i br ar y is one of t he great col l ect i ons of such mat er i al .
St udent s have free access to t he t omes i n t he l i br ar y,
whi ch gr ant a +4 ci r cums t ance bonus on Knowl edge
checks r el at ed to necr omancy, conj ur at i on, evil magi c,
and t he l i ke. Th e faculty of t he academy is l i kewi se an
excellent resource on such t opi cs, and can make a Knowl -
edge check i n any rel evant specialty wi t h a bonus of +12
to +15. The faculty is t he soul of di scr et i on, and st udent s
are encour aged to ask anyt hi ng they need to know wi t hout
fear of r eper cussi ons.
St udent s at t he academy also have access to an ext en-
sive col l ect i on of spel l books. Whenever a wi zard st udent
at t he academy advances a level, she can choose one of
her new spells from any source t he DM allows, i ncl udi ng
s u p p l e me n t s s u c h as Libris Mortis, Book of Vile Darkness, a n d
Heroes of Horror.
Access: Beneat h t he academy bui l di ng sprawls an
extensive network of dungeons, i ncl udi ng passages l eadi ng
to old catacombs and areas designed for pract i ci ng conj ura-
tion in relative i sol at i on.
In addi t i on, the academy mai nt ai ns an extensive net -
work of al umni , f or mer faculty, benefact ors, and ot her
i nt erest ed part i es that extends i nt o every major city of the
Five Nat i ons. If a st udent needs safe shelter in one of these
cities, or access to spellbooks or ot her i nf or mat i on, a suc-
cessful DC 20 Gat her I nf or mat i on check can put her i n
contact with this network.
"I bind fire to scorch my enemies. I bind air to move with the wind. I bind earth to find the secret
places. I bind water to dance with the waves. I am their master, and let my enemies quail."
Zallias the high el ement al bi nder
A few Spellcasters dabble with el ement al bi ndi ng; high el ement al bi nders
(also known simply as hi gh bi nder s) are mast ers of the craft. As a hi gh
bi nder , you can reach i nt o t he pl anes and i mmedi at el y draw el ement al
bei ngs i nt o obj ect scoat i ng your ar mor in st one or your bl ade i n fire.
You can also use el ement al s to power your spells and call t hem to serve
you. You can even bi nd el ement al s to your body, har nessi ng t hei r powers
for your own.
The artificer is the easiest path i nt o the high el ement al bi nder class: You
gain Craft Wondrous Item as a bonus feat, and Concent r at i on, Knowledge
(arcana), and Knowl edge (the planes) are class skills for you. Wizards can
also meet the ent ry r equi r ement s easily, but have less to gai n from the
class. Clerics make good high bi nder s, since they benefit greatly from the
ability to bi nd el ement al s to t hei r weapons and ar mor . Your key spel l -
casting ability ( I nt el l i gence, Wi sdom, or Char i sma) r emai ns your most
i mpor t ant ability. Const i t ut i on is helpful to mai nt ai n your i nst ant bi nds,
while Char i sma helps you bi nd unwi l l i ng el ement al s.
En t r y Re q u i r e me n t s
Spel l s: Ability to cast 3rd-level spells or infusions
Ski l l s: Concent r at i on 8 ranks, Knowl edge (arcana) 4 ranks, Knowledge
(the planes) 8 ranks
Feat s: Bind El ement al , Craft Wondr ous Item
As you advance in level, you gain powers related to bi ndi ng el ement al s to
your equi pment , your spells, and your body. You cont i nue gai ni ng spells
in your pr i mar y spellcasting class, and you gain an el ement al compani on
that improves as you gain levels.
Spel l cast i ng: At every level beyond 1st, you gain new spells per day
and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you
had also gai ned a level in a spellcasting class to which you bel onged before
addi ng the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any ot her benefit
a character of that class would have gai ned. If you had more t han one spell-
casting class before becomi ng a high el ement al bi nder, you must decide to
Knowl edge (arcana)
DC 15: Some Spellcasters can i nst ant l y
reach i nt o t he pl anes and bi nd el e-
ment al s to t hei r equi pment .
DC 20: Hi gh elemental bi nders gain the
services of elemental compani ons and
can bi nd those compani ons to t hei r
weapons, armor, and bodi es.
DC 25: A high el ement al bi nder' s abil-
ity to bi nd his el ement al compan-
i ons to his weapons and ar mor has
t he same gener al effect as cr af t i ng
bound- el ement al weapons and ar mor
usi ng Khyber dr agonshar ds. Bi ndi ng
an el ement al to his body gives hi m
r emar kabl e physical charact eri st i cs
for the dur at i on of the bindwhich
is only about a mi nut e.
DC 30: Legend says t hat t he hal fl i ng
Dar et h Fasco di sgui sed hi msel f as a
gnome and l earned the secrets of the
hi gh el ement al bi nder s i n Zi l ar go,
t hen fled wi t h t hat knowl edge. Sup-
posedly, the Tr ust is still after hi m.
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 15: Zi l argo has a vi rt ual monopol y
on el ement al bi ndi ng.
DC 25: Some of Zi l ar go' s el ement al
bi nder s are masters of the craft and
can do swift, amazi ng t hi ngs wi t h
bound el ement al s.
Knowl edge (the pl anes)
DC 20: Some Spellcasters have a par -
t i cul ar interest i n Ferni a and Laman-
ni a. They har nes s t he el ement al s
found i n those places.
Bas e
At t a c k F o r t Re f Wi l l
Level Bo n u s Save Save Save Spe c i a l Sp e l l c a s t i n g
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 El e me nt a l c o mp a n i o n ( Me d i u m)
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 I ns t a nt bi nd (1/ day, weapon) +1 level of exi s t i ng s pel l cas t i ng class
3r d +2 +1 +1 +3 El e me nt a l c o mp a n i o n s (2) +1 level of exi s t i ng s pel l cas t i ng class
4t h +3 +1 +1 +4 El e me nt a l c o mp a n i o n ( Lar ge) , +1 level of exi s t i ng s pel l cas t i ng class
i ns t a nt bi nd ( 2/ day)
5t h +3 +1 +1 +4 I ns t a nt bi nd ( a r mor ) +1 level of exi s t i ng s pel l cas t i ng class
6t h +4 +2 +2 +5 El e me nt a l c o mp a n i o n s (3), +1 level of exi s t i ng s pel l cas t i ng class
i ns t a nt bi nd ( 3/ day)
7t h +5 +2 +2 +5 I ns t a nt bi nd (swift act i on) +1 level of exi s t i ng s pel l cas t i ng class
8t h +6 +2 +2 +6 El e me nt a l c o mp a n i o n ( Huge ) , +1 level of exi s t i ng s pel l cas t i ng class
i ns t a nt bi nd ( 4/ day) s pel l cas t i ng
9t h +6 +3 +3 +6 El e me nt a l c o mp a n i o n s (4) +1 level of exi s t i ng s pel l cas t i ng class
10th +7 +3 +3 +7 I ns t a nt bi nd (5/ day, body) +1 level of exi s t i ng s pel l cas t i ng class
Cl a s s Ski l l s ( 2 + I n t mo d i f i e r p e r l evel ) : Co n c e n t r a t i o n , Cr af t , Knowl e dge ( ar cana) , Knowl edge ( t he pl anes ) , Spel l cr af t , Use
Magi c Devi ce.
which class to add each level for the pur pose of det er mi ni ng
spells per day, caster level, and spells known.
You can increase your effective artificer level in this
way, even t hough artificers are not technically Spellcasters.
El ement al Compani on (Sp): At 1st level, you gain the
service of a loyal el ement al (your choice of air, eart h, fire,
or water). The el ement al s size is Medi um when you are 1st
level, but it grows larger and more powerful as you gain
levels. At 4t h level, your el ement al compani on is Large, and
at 8th level it is Huge. When you s ummon your compani on,
you can choose for it to appear i n a smaller size (to a mi ni -
mum of Smal l ).
Once per day, as a f ul l - r ound action, you can summon
your el ement al compani on from the pl ane on which it
resides. The el ement al i mmedi at el y appears adjacent to you
and remai ns for 2 hours per class level; it can be dismissed at
any time as a free act i on. The compani on is the same crea-
t ure each time it is s ummoned. Each t i me it is summoned,
it appears i n full heal t h, regardless of any damage it might
have t aken previ ousl y. If your el ement al compani on is
reduced to 0 or fewer hit poi nt s, it di sappears back to its
home pl ane as nor mal for a summoned cr eat ur e. If your
el ement al compani on carri es any gear when it di sappears,
that gear r emai ns behi nd.
At 3rd level, you gain the service of a second el ement al ;
this elemental must be of a different ki nd from your current
el ement al compani on. When you summon your el ement al
compani on, you can choose to s ummon ei t her el ement al .
At 6th level, you gain a t hi r d el ement al , and at 9th level you
gain a f our t h el ement al ; no of these compani ons can be of
the same ki nd.
Thi s ability is t he equi val ent of a 4t h-l evel spel l ;
your caster level is equal to your hi ghest caster level in
any class.
Instant Bi nd (Su): Begi nni ng at 2nd level, you can
t empor ar i l y bi nd a nearby el ement al to your weapon,
armor, or even yoursel f wi t hout the nor mal cost and t i me
r equi r ement s . Bi ndi ng an el ement al i n t hi s fashion is a
st andar d act i on; at 7th level it becomes a swift act i on. It
does not provoke attacks of oppor t uni t y. The bi nd lasts for
a number of r ounds equal to your class level + your Con
modi fi er ( mi ni mum 1 r ound) . Ini t i al l y you can use this
ability only once per day; as you gain levels you can use it
more often, as i ndi cat ed on the table.
An el ement al cr eat ur e of t he appr opr i at e ki nd must
be wi t hi n 30 feet for you to use the ability. (Usually, a high
bi nder uses his el ement al compani on for t hi s pur pos e. )
If the cr eat ur e is unwi l l i ng to be bound in t hi s fashi on,
it receives a Will saving t hrow to avoid the effect (DC 10
+ class level + Cha modi f i er ) . If it succeeds, t he i nst ant
bi nd fails ( t hough it still count s as a daily use) and t hat
el ement al is i mmune to your i nst ant bi nd ability for the
next 24 hour s .
When t he i ns t ant bi nd ends, t he bound el ement al
appears adj acent to you (or i n t he near est open space, if
t here is i nsuf f i ci ent space adjacent to you) and can act
i mmedi at el y. If t he el ement al is a s ummoned cr eat ur e,
time spent in the bi nd count s against the dur at i on of the
s ummoni ng spell or effect; if this dur at i on elapses before
the bi nd ends, the el ement al r emai ns bound for the full
durat i on of the bi nd but di sappears i mmedi at el y after the
bind ends.
At 2nd level, you can use your i nst ant bi nd ability to
bind an el ement al to a weapon you are hol di ng. Thi s grant s
your weapon one of the following weapon special propert i es
(see Chapt er 10 of the EBERRON Campaign Setting), dependi ng
on the ki nd of el ement al you bi nd: burning (fire), earthbound
(eart h), finesse (air), or waterborn (water). You can' t bi nd more
t han one elemental to your weapon at one t i me. If the weapon
is destroyed or leaves your hands, the effect ends.
At 5t h level, you can use your i nst ant bi nd ability
to bi nd an el ement al to a suit of ar mor you are weari ng.
Thi s gr ant s your ar mor one of the following ar mor special
pr oper t i es (see Chapt er 10 of the EBERRON Campaign Setting),
dependi ng on t he ki nd of el ement al you bi nd: burning
(fi re), stonemeld ( ear t h) , underwater action (water), or whirlwind
(ai r). You can' t bi nd mor e t han one el ement al to your
ar mor at one t i me. If the ar mor is dest royed or removed,
the effect ends.
At 10th level, you can use your i nst ant bi nd ability
to bi nd an el ement al
to your own body.
Thi s gr ant s you benefits based on the ki nd of el ement al
bound. You can' t bi nd mor e t han one el ement al to your
body at one t i me.
Air: You gain a + 4 dodge bonus to AC and a fly speed of
100 feet (perfect).
Earth: You gai n a + 4 bonus on melee weapon damage
rolls and a +4 bonus on checks to avoid bei ng bull rushed,
over r un, or t ri pped.
Fire.- You gain a +4 bonus on initiative checks and Reflex
saves. Your unar med attacks and nat ur al weapons deal an
extra 2d6 poi nt s of fire damage.
Water: You gain t emporary hit poi nt s equal to twice your
HD and a swim speed of 60 feet.
You have mast ered a uni que art , and you know it. Ot he r
Spellcasters can creat e magi c i t ems t hat bi nd el ement al s,
and these i ndi vi dual s look up to you. It hel ps to let t hem
know that you are i ndeed a master, for they will give you
the respect and, hopefully, the space in which to work and
develop f ur t her t echni ques.
Hi gh bi nder s l ear n t hei r crafts as member s of the
I nmost , a Zil or gani zat i on dedi cat ed to unde r s t a ndi ng
the myst eri es of el ement al magi c, as well as negot i at i ng
on good t er ms with the el ement al s they bi nd i nt o vessels
and ot her i t ems. They share member shi p i n this organi za-
t i on with el ement al sci ons, member s of a mor e mar t i al l y
or i ent ed pr est i ge class who l ear n to mast er el ement al
grafts to t hei r own bodi es. ( Thi s class and t he el ement al
grafts they use are descr i bed i n Magic of Eberron. The text
below i ncl udes all you need to know about t he I nmost ,
al t hough Magic of Eberron also i ncl udes a map of a typical
I nmos t wor kshop. )
Combat : One of your gr eat est s t r engt hs is your
versat i l i t y. I n addi t i on to a nearl y full compl ement of
spel l s, whi ch serve a vari et y of pur pos es , you can bi nd
di f f er ent el ement al s to accompl i sh di f f er ent t asks. You
can bi nd fi re to your weapon to deal mor e damage, ear t h
to your a r mor for pr ot ect i on, and ai r to your body to
make your sel f fly.
Al t ernat i ve bi ndi ngs are good for corner-case situa-
t i ons. When fighting in water, bi nd water to your ar mor or
weapon, and if you need to swim quickly, bi nd water to your
body. If you encount er a cold creat ure, bi ndi ng fire to your
ar mor can bot h keep you alive and deal extra damage to the
creat ure. When you' re fighting on a precari ous ledge, bi nd
eart h to your body.
Your el ement al compani on provides you with a helpful
combat ant . Even if it cannot take on enemi es al one, it can
get in opponent s' way, aid your attacks and AC, and provide
fl anki ng bonuses to you and your allies.
Advancement : It is difficult to l ear n the Bi nd El e-
ment al feat wi t hout the gnomes of Zi l argo knowi ng about
it, even if they are not di rect l y responsi bl e for your t r ai n-
ing. The I nmos t , i n par t i cul ar , keeps tabs on everyone
who possesses t hi s knowl edge, and somet i mes seeks out
t hose whose expl or at i ons i nt o t he art mi ght lead t hem to
the secrets of ei t her a hi gh bi nder or an el ement al sci on.
Whi l e it mi ght be possible to sel f-t rai n as a hi gh bi nder,
bar gai ni ng and negot i at i ng with el ement al s to secure a
compani on and di scover i ng the pr i nci pl es of t he i nst ant
bi nd t hr ough l ong t ri al and er r or , member s of the I nmost
have already mast ered these t echni ques and prefer t each-
ing t hem to t hei r own member s rat her t han wat chi ng t hem
prol i ferat e out si de the organi zat i on' s member s hi p. So at
some poi nt after you l ear ned the Bi nd El ement al feat,
t he member s of the I nmos t sought you out . They saw your
pot ent i al to do more with t hat ability, and det ect ed some
desire in you, and decided they would r at her have you with
t hem t han against t hem.
Once brought i nt o the I nmost , you received extensive
t r ai ni ngt r ai ni ng that cont i nues for the dur at i on of your
advancement i n this prestige class. Not unt i l you have mas-
tered the power of mer gi ng an el ement al with your body is
your t r ai ni ng consi dered complete.
If you refuse to j oi n the I nmost and pur sue your st ud-
ies i ndependent l y, t hen with each level you gai n i n t hi s
class, t he agent s of t he I nmos t pr esent a gr eat er t hr eat
to you. They do not i ni t i al l y t hr eat en violence, but by the
time you l earn to instantly bi nd elementals i nt o your ar mor
(5th level) you are consi dered an enemy of the Inmost if you
have not yet accepted its per si st ent offers of member s hi p.
The Tr us t of Zi l ar go (see page 68) cooper at es wi t h the
I nmos t to r ei n in t hose who, i n t hei r t er ms , "steal t hei r
secret s" by pr act i ci ng hi gh bi ndi ng wi t hout bel ongi ng to
the or gani zat i on.
As you advance i n level, be sur e to i ncr ease your
Conc e nt r a t i on modi f i er , because odds are you' l l see
mor e mel ee combat t han t he average wi zar d. Cons i der
l ear ni ng fl avorful feats t hat deal wi t h t he el ement s, such
as Ener gy Subs t i t ut i on or El ement al Spel l cast i ng (from
Planar Handbook).
Resources: You share a ki nshi p with ot her high bi nd-
ers, even if you do not work with t hem directly. You know you
are part of an elite gr oup, and you are willing to hel p your
colleagues when they need it. Similarly, they help you. Thi s
aid doesn' t come in any specific form, but high bi nders are
often mi d- to high-level adventurers and can provide money,
magic items, spellcasting, or compani ons. Of course, most
expect somet hi ng i n r et ur n.
"Heh. Those other guys think they're good with the elementals. They haven't
met my buddy here."
Baylock Deadbl ade, advent urer
Hi gh bi nder s offer an excel l ent way to expl ore Eber r on' s
magi cal na t ur e . They take an ar cane sci ence and move
it to t he edges of hi gh fantasy. If you want to emphasi ze
Eber r on' s magi c or i nt r oduc e a char act er wi t h powerful
and unus ual magi c, br i ng a hi gh el ement al bi nder i nt o
the campai gn.
Daily Li fe: Hi gh bi nders occupy themselves with the
const ruct i on of bound- el ement al i t ems. A few work for
House Lyrandar or House Or i en, bui l di ng and mai nt ai n-
ing the galleons, ai rshi ps, and l i ght ni ng rail coaches that
those houses rely on. More work in Zi l argo, fulfilling con-
tracts that come from those houses, as well as engaging in
the creat i on of smal l er-scal e magic weapons, armor, and
ot her items that i ncorporat e el ement al s. But even as many
high bi nders work as artificers and magewrights, nearly as
many live a mor e advent ur ous life. Aft er all, the greatest
st rengt hs of the high bi nder involve combat, and precious
little combat is involved in the manufact ure of el ement al
galleons. These more advent urous high bi nders advent ure
from a variety of motivationssome per f or m missions in
the interests of the Trust , the secret police force of Zi l argo,
while ot hers act only i n t hei r own i nt erest s.
Not abl es : Most hi gh bi nder s oper at e wi t hi n t he
I nmos t , s hr oude d i n t he anonymi t y of me mbe r s hi p
in an or gani zat i on. For t hat r eason, some of t he most
wel l -known hi gh bi nder s are those renegades who refuse
member shi p in t he I nmos t or leave the or gani zat i on after
l ear ni ng its secret s. Somet hi ng of a folk her o i n t hi s cat-
egory is a hal fl i ng named Dar et h Fasco, who
accor di ng to legenddisguised hi msel f as
a gnome to i nfi l t rat e the I nmost and
l ear n t hei r secret s, t hen fled t he
organi zat i on after mast er i ng the
art of t he hi gh bi nder . The
stories say the Tr ust still
pur s ues Fasco across
Khor va i r e . Th e r e is
cer t ai nl y a gr ai n of
t r ut h to t hi s l egend.
However, t he I nmos t
accepts member s of all
races, so Fasco would have
had no need to di sgui se
himself as a gnomethough
he mi ght have done it for
ot her r easons.
Or g a n i z a t i o n : T h e
I nmos t is one of t he most
i mp o r t a n t i nf l ue nc e s i n t he
el ement al -bi ndi ng i ndust ry that is
so i mpor t ant to Zi l argo. It is uni que
in its appr oach to t he el ement al s it
bi nds: The member s of the I nmost believe
that bet t er results are obt ai ned by negot i at i ng with Symbol of
el ement al s rat her t han coerci ng t hem i nt o service. the Inmost
Whi l e t hei r i deas i ni t i al l y met wi t h a great deal
of r esi st ance, t hei r r esul t s are di ffi cul t to ar gue
with, and since the end of the Last War t hei r met hods and
approach have gai ned wider acceptance. The t echni ques of
the high bi nder depend heavily on this philosophy, which is
why member s of the class have el ement al compani onsnot
elemental servants or slaves. The rel at i onshi p between a
high bi nder and his el ement al s is comparabl e to the rel a-
t i onshi p between a dr ui d and her ani mal compani on, and
no one would accuse a dr ui d of subjecting an ani mal to
i nvol unt ary servi t ude.
The leader of the I nmost is Har kr a Loivaerl Lonadar
(N female gnome wizard 14), who founded the group dur i ng
the Last War and cont i nues to st eer it while conduct i ng
her r esear ch in her Kor r a nbe r g wor kshop. Har kr a is not
i ncl i ned t oward bui l di ng el abor at e s t r uct ur es of ri gi d
aut hori t y, so t he I nmos t r et ai ns a very l i mi t ed or gani za-
t i on. The member s defer to Har kr a and at t he same t i me
recognize t hei r most innovative colleagues, respect i ng t hei r
opi ni ons and fol l owi ng t hei r lead because of the proven
quality of t hei r ideas r at her t han because of any vested
aut hori t y they hold.
Illivanik Istravar Lonadar (LN male gnome artificer
5/high el ement al bi nder 7) is the high bi nder closest to
Harkra, and the unofficial leader of all high bi nder s. He
has not mast ered the highest arts t hat his predecessor in
this posi t i on knew, and he is very self-conscious about what
he does not yet know. At the same t i me, some have accused
hi m of bei ng more i nt erest ed i n t racki ng down renegade
high bi nders who have not j oi ned the Inmost t han he is in
actually expandi ng his own knowledge and t hat of the high
bi nders or the I nmost collectively.
NPC Reactions
The sight of a high bi nder accompanied
by an el ement al compani on instills in
most people at least some degree of
respect, so most NPCs rarely greet
a high bi nder with anyt hi ng
worse t han an i ndi f f er -
ent r eact i on, and they
are al most always wi l l -
i ng to l i st en to what t he
hi gh bi nder has to sayif
only out of respect for his
power and the dest ruct i on
even a Small fire el ement al
can cause.
Me mb e r s of d r a g o n -
marked houses ( par t i cul ar l y
House Lyr andar and House
Or i e n) , gnomes of Zi l ar go,
Other members of the Inmost , and
artificers in general hold high bi nd-
ers in high regard and usually have a
friendly i ni t i al reaction to t hem.
Hi gh bi nder s have no i nher -
ent enemi es by vi rt ue of t hei r class. The exception
is high bi nder s who have not j oi ned the I nmost ,
who can be assured of a hostile react i on from any
member of the I nmost .
Like el ement al scions of Zi l argo, high bi nders often travel
by way of ai rshi ps, el ement al galleons, or the l i ght ni ng rail,
and they are r at her distinctiveat least once they have any
reason to summon t hei r el ement al compani ons. Since high
bi nders are extremely rare, it shoul d come as no surpri se
that the charact ers have never encount er ed one before.
If a player charact er adopts this prestige class, it affords
ample oppor t uni t y for an artificer to use his uni que talents
and abilities wi t hout t ur ni ng i nt o a magic item factory. The
high bi nder is most i nt erest i ng to play when situations arise
that make unusual bi ndi ngs i nt o i nt er est i ng choicessuch
as fighting in water, fighting cold creat ures, or fighting in
precari ous posi t i ons. Part i cul arl y if you see a high bi nder
always usi ng the same bi ndi ngs, look for ways to encourage
hi m to try alternatives.
Adaptation: Hi gh bi nders need not be associated with
the Inmost . In fact, they could view t hei r elemental compan-
ions as mi ndl ess slaves and be equally domi nat i ng toward
the people ar ound t hem.
If you are usi ng Magic of Eberron, it is possible that a high
bi nder could l earn to bi nd el ement al s to different objects,
recreat i ng the effects of cert ai n items in that suppl ement .
Monasteries scattered t hr oughout Khor vai r e and Adar serve as places of
refuge for stoic i ndi vi dual s who engage i n study and text t r ans cr i pt i on.
These scholarly monks prefer refl ect i on and qui et work to t he chaos of
worldly life.
Some monast eri es take more active roles in t hei r communi t i es, pr o-
t ect i ng or r ul i ng t hr ough t r adi t i on, wisdom, st r engt h, or a combi nat i on
of all t hr ee. The monks in these monast eri es pursue physical perfect i on
and ment al clarity, seeking to attain divinity t hr ough discipline and mar -
tial t r ai ni ng. These individuals take levels in the monk charact er class and
may leave t hei r cloisters to pur sue advent ure, hone t hei r skills, and seek
worthy chal l enges.
Eber r on monast i c t r adi t i ons are many and vari ed. A great numbe r
of monks follow Dol Dor n, and one of his most popul ar sects is the
Or der of the Broken Blade. Thi s order' s pat r on is Kal an Desh, a devotee
of Dol Dor n who defeated a band of ogres usi ng only her hands , feet,
and shat t ered l ongsword. The Or de r of the Broken Blade is mar t i al and
aggressive, focusi ng on st r ong attacks with sword and feet. It has great
monast er i es i n Ka r r n a t h and Br el and, as well as smal l er monast er i es
spread t hr oughout Khor vai r e. Its pr act i t i oner s tie br i ght st r eamer s to
the hilts of t hei r weapons, usi ng t he swi rl i ng pat t er ns to di st ract t hei r
enemi es. They divide t hei r char act er levels bet ween fighter and monk
(with the Monastic Tr ai ni ng feat) and take Whi r l i ng Steel Strike and ot her
feats focused on the longsword. The or der also places great store in l ear n-
ing, and swordbrot hers and sisters take ranks i n Knowledge (rel i gi on) as
well as physical skills.
The Mockery commands many followers, and his church has a special
place for monks. The Flayed Hand is the most common monast i c or der
among these gruesome individuals, and its disciples rip the skin from t hei r
bodi es as part of t hei r i ni t i at i on. The or der is secretive, and its members
have a grot esque f asci nat i on with ski n, goi ng so far as to save t he ski ns
of t hei r enemi es to const r uct cl ot hi ng and masks from it. The Flayed
Hand' s pr i mar y monast eri es are i n Dar guun and Dr oaam. Its i ni t i at es
take Weapon Focus (kama), Fl ensi ng St ri ke, and ranks i n Hi de and Move
Silently, honi ng t hei r skills to become assassins.
The Brot herhood of the Mystic Fist uses its isolation and camaraderi e
to develop its members' physical skills and arcane pot ent i al . Its members
take levels in bot h monk and sorcerer, usi ng spells such as mage armor, mirror
image, and haste to suppl ement t hei r mel ee ski l l s. They favor usi ng t hei r
fists to deliver t ouch spel l s. To i dent i fy h i m- or herself, a member of
the br ot her hood wears one black and one cr i ms on glove, each bear i ng
the order' s symbol: a clenched fist out l i ned in flame.
Gobl i noi ds have t hei r own monast i c or der s that trace t hei r root s
back to the Dhakaani Empi r e. The shaar at ' khesh ("silent knives") is one
such order. Thi s group of shadowy gobl i ns swears loyalty to the Dhakaani
Th r o n e , but since t he t hr one has st ood empt y for cent ur i es, they sell
t hei r services to the war r i ng gobl i noi d cl ans. They have a r eput at i on for
absolute dedi cat i on, t hough they do not assassinate clan leaders or di rge
si ngers. Its member s divide t hei r levels bet ween monk and r ogue, and
often become assassins.
Two cent ur i es ago, a pe r f or mi ng t r oupe of dancer s and acrobat s
fell unde r per s ecut i on. To pr ot ect t hemsel ves as they t ravel ed, they
developed a uni que br and of combat t hat emphasi zed t hei r at hl et i ci sm
and grew nat ur al l y out of t hei r dances. The form proved effective and
popular, and now t he Long Ar m has schools t hr oughout Khor vai r e' s
major cities. Its pr act i t i oner s favor the quart erst aff and can take Weapon
Focus ( quar t er st af f ) as t hei r bonus feat at 2nd or 6th level. The school' s
tradition of per f or mance persists, and its uni f or m includes bri ght colors
and fl owi ng scarves. Its mar t i al moves are i mpressi ve, i nvol vi ng spi ns,
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 10: Many rel i gi ons i ncl ude monas-
teries t hat t r ai n monks in unar med
combat .
DC 15: Monks commonl y follow Dol
Dor n or t he Mockery. A few worshi p
the Silver Fl ame, and some walk t he
Path of Li ght .
Broken Blade
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 20 : The Or der of the Broken Blade's
pr i mar y monast eri es are i n Kar r nat h
and Brel and.
Knowl edge (nobi l i ty and royalty)
DC 25: Hous e De ne i t h has a close
r el at i onshi p wi t h t he Or de r of t he
Broken Blade and regularly employs
its pr act i t i oner s.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 15: Monks of t he Or d e r of t he
Broken Blade focus on the longsword.
Thei r goal is to obt ai n enl i ght enment
t hr ough conflict.
DC 20: Thr e e r anks exist wi t hi n t he
or de r : i ni t i at e, s wor dbr ot he r (or
sister), and bl ademast er.
DC 25: To at t ai n t he r ank of bl ade-
mast er i n t he or der , a monk must
forge his own sword.
Flayed Hand
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 20 : The Flayed Hand has monast er -
ies i n Droaam and Dar guun.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 15: The Flayed Ha n d is a s ecr e-
tive or der of monks dedi cat ed to
t he Mockery.
DC 20: The or der focuses on causi ng
its enemi es pai n, bot h physical and
ment al . They mar k t hemsel ves by
peel i ng the skin from t hei r bodi es.
DC 25: T h r e e r a n k s exi st wi t h i n
t he or der : i ni t i at e, excor i at e, and
a r c hi ma ndr i t e .
Mystic Fist
Knowl edge ( ar cana)
DC 15: The Br ot her hood of the Mystic
Fist practices a di sci pl i ne that com-
bines unar med combat with sorcery.
DC 25: The br ot her hood' s symbol is a
fist out l i ned i n flame. Its member s
wear black and red gloves.
DC 30: Ranks i n the br ot her hood are
divided i nt o seven circles; member s
must prove themselves bot h mart i al l y
and magically to advance.
Shaar at ' Khes h
Knowl edge (history)
DC 25: Th e s ha a r a t ' khe s h ( "si l ent
knives") is a group of goblinoid monk-
assassins i n Dar guun. The or gani za-
t i on has existed since t he days of t he
Dhakaani Empi r e.
Long Ar m
Knowl edge (history)
DC 20: The Long Ar m school of mart i al
art s evolved from a gr oup of t ravel i ng
per f or mer s.
Knowl edge ( nobi l i t y and royalty)
DC 25: The Long Ar m has close ties to
House Phiarlan and House Thur anni .
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 20: Long Ar m monks wield black
quar t er st af f s. The i r combat style is
flashy and impressive.
Tashal at or a
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 15: Adar boasts bot h psi oni c and
monast i c t r adi t i ons.
Knowl edge (psi oni cs)
DC 20: Th e Ta s ha l a t or a c o mb i n e
una r me d mar t i al skill wi t h psi oni c
di sci pl i ne.
DC 25: The or der has no official ranks
and is loosely st r uct ur ed. Its masters
are eager to take on more disciples.
Sudden Willow St ri ke
Your monastic trai ni ng allows great
precision with your quarterstaff. You
can lash out swiftly and strike foes in
vulnerable areas, stunni ng them.
Thi s feat is taught and practiced
by members of the Long Arm monastic
Prerequi s i t es : Dex 13, Wis 13,
Improved Unarmed Strike, St unni ng
Fist, Weapon Focus (quart erst aff).
Benefi t: You can use your St un-
ni ng Fist feat with quarterstaff attacks.
Nor mal : You can use St unni ng
Fist only with unarmed attacks,
l eaps, and fl i ps. Thos e who follow t he Long Ar m take Weapon Focus
( quar t er st af f ) and Two-Weapon Fi ght i ng, and focus t hei r skill r anks
in Per f or m and Tumbl e.
The Tashal at ora of Adar take st r engt h from the Pat h of Li ght and
at t empt to enhance bot h t hei r nat ur al physi cal and ment al abi l i t i es.
They often take levels in psi on or psychic warri or as well as monk. Thei r
ul t i mat e goal is to meld t hei r bodies and mi nds to such a degree that they
become the most powerful warri ors in the world.
My son,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am wri ti ng because I know of
your scholarly interest in Eberron's monastic orders, and you may
have access to i nformati on that can help me. I have recently uncovered
evidence of an order that I believe most are unaware of. Thi s order is
not the Flayed Hand, though that group of di sfi gured monks is fear-
some. Nor is it the shaarat'khesh; yes, I know of those secret gobl i ns,
though I know little more than the fact that they exist. No, this group
is somet hi ng else.
Allow me to explain. A few days ago, during our exploration of the
jungles of Xen'drik, my companions and I came to a small campsite. All
the explorers in the camp had been slain, but, unfortunate as it is, such
an event is not uncommon on the lost continent. What was remarkable
was their method of death: Each of the seven campers had his or her head
twisted around in a full circle, snapping their necks and tearing the flesh
in a gruesome manner. Each also had a symbol burned into the forehead:
the skull of a threehorn dinosaur pierced by two spears. Even stranger,
though the corpses had obviously been there for a few days, no animals
had touched themnot even flies.
What do you make of it? Undoubtedly the work of intelligent crea-
tures, and they accomplished it unarmed. Yet who are they, and how do
they come by these powers? Some witchery of the drow, perhaps?
In any case, though I am regretful to see good men and women so
mistreated, I must confess I am excited to solve the mystery!
Hope to hear from you soon, son.
Your loving father,
Magorian Thornwhip, Wayfinder
"A beacon of knowledge shi ni ng from the tallest towers of the city, i l l umi -
nat i ng t he forgot t en secrets of t he past. " Lor d Lar et h i r ' Mor gr ave envi-
sioned his university i n this way when it first opened its doors i n 738 YK
in t he city of Shar n. Fr om the begi nni ng, t hough, the uni versi t y faced
suspi ci ons t hat it was mor e a cover for smuggl i ng activities t han a bona
fide i nst i t ut i on of hi gher educat i on. Lord Morgrave had a r eput at i on as a
t reasure hunt er, and r umor s followed of how his fort une had been built
on profits made selling artifacts and t reasures stolen from archeological
digs i n Dar guun, Xen' dr i k, and ot her sites.
Over the years, the st udent s and faculty of Morgrave University have
struggled to help the i nst i t ut i on rise above its reput at i on the way its towers
rise above Ment hi s Pl at eau. The school has the best l i brary i n Br el and,
a museum filled with uni que items from ar ound the globe, and a staff of
recogni zed expert s who spend al most half t hei r t i me i n t he field r at her
t han behi nd t hei r desks. Of course, det ract ors poi nt out t hat the l i brary
is nowhere near the equal of those at Wynar n University and Kor r anber g,
that every year more i t ems are st ol en from t he mus eum t han are put on
display, and that members of the staff are better known as black marketeers
t han scholars.
The fact of the mat t er is t hat most activities at the uni versi t y are
completely legitimate, and a majority of the students and staff are engaged
in honest academi c work ( t hough many do so i n t he hopes of e a r ni ng
a posi t i on at a mor e r eput abl e school ) . The c ur r e nt Mast er, La r r i a n
i r' Morgrave, has made a career of publ i c promi ses to eradi cat e all illegal
and unet hi cal activities done in t he uni versi t y' s name. St i l l , i t ems from
the archives are r out i nel y sold to pri vat e col l ect ors, and the museum' s
vaults fill to near overflowing with unopened crates from past uni versi t y-
sponsored expedi t i ons while new crates of unspeci fi ed "artifacts" arrive
nearly every week. Morgrave University, it seems, is a long way from shak-
ing its di sreput abl e past.
All t hat said, a numbe r of professors at Morgrave Uni versi t y have
wel l -deserved r eput at i ons as schol ars and advent ur er s of r enown. J ani k
Mart el l , for exampl e, is an exper t on Xen' dr i k' s earl i est hi st ory, best
known for his discovery of Mel -Aqat at t he east ern end of Xen' dr i k' s
Knowl edge (arcana)
DC 20: Morgrave University has a resi -
dent gynosphi nx named Fl amewi nd.
Thi s cr eat ur e was di scovered on an
expedi t i on to Xen' dr i k i n 996 YK,
and she is somet hi ng of an oracle.
Knowl edge (history)
DC 15: Mor gr a ve Uni ve r s i t y was
founded i n 738 YK by Lor d Lar et h
i r' Morgrave.
DC 18: Lor d Morgrave was well known
as a t reasure hunt er , a fact t hat left its
st amp on the university as a whole.
DC 20: Morgrave University has a r epu-
t at i on for smuggl i ng art i fact s from
Xe n' dr i k and sel l i ng t hem on t he
black market r at her t han di spl ayi ng
t hem i n the museum.
Knowl edge (l ocal )
DC 10: Morgrave Uni versi t y, wi t h its
mai n campus i n Shar n, is known as a
place to study Xen' dr i k.
DC 15 : The university is situated i n t he
t opmost towers of t he University Di s-
trict i n the Ment hi s Plateau in Shar n.
It has a quest i onabl e r eput at i on as a
place t hat puts profits above academ-
ics. Besides t he uni versi t y, t he Uni -
versity District holds four well-known
t heat ers, a famous concert hal l , and
the Shar n Oper a House.
DC 18: The Commons is a plaza at op
one of t he spires s ur r oundi ng Mor -
grave. It' s a great place to grab a bite
to eat and engage i n long, t hought f ul
conversation, and it offers a ni ce view
of the city.
DC 20: Scandal s r egul ar l y sur f ace
about t he faculty of Morgrave Un i -
versity sel l i ng art i fact s on t he bl ack
mar ket i nst ead of di spl ayi ng t hem
i n t he mus eum. Even so, t he col l ec-
t i on of t he Dezi na Mus eum is qui t e
i mpr essi ve.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 15: Des pi t e t he Gr eat Ha l l of
Aur eon located on the campus of t he
university, few people associated with
Morgrave are known as part i cul arl y
devout fol l owers of t he Sover ei gn
Lord of Knowl edge. Even so, peopl e
r egul ar l y sl eep on t he f l oor of t he
Gr eat Hal l i n hopes of r ecei vi ng
i nspi r at i on in t hei r dr eams.
great desert Me ne c ht a r un (see page 155). Dala Ar and is a
young schol ar with a di st i ngui shed r ecor d of expedi t i ons
to Xen' dr i k, i ncl udi ng a possible lead on the l ocat i on of
the Scepter of Fell Khadash (see page 31). Davi Mor dat h is also
young, but par t i cul ar l y di s t i ngui s hed by hi s r esear ch
( under the tutelage of Professor Mart el l ) i nt o the ser pent
cults of Xen' dr i k (also described on page 31). Sana Dhuma,
an aged hal f-orc, is known for her extensive work among
the benevol ent yuan- t i of Kr ezent (in t he Tal ent a Pl ai ns),
as well as a few br i ef forays i nt o t er r i t or y hel d by yuan-
ti i n Xen' dr i k. As t he cur r ent Mast er of t he uni versi t y,
Lar r i an is no academi c sl ouch, ei t herhe has publ i shed
more papers on gi ant pot t er y t han any ot her schol ar, past
or pr esent .
Though in some sense Morgrave Uni versi t y is a single
or gani zat i on, it mi ght be mor e accurat e (at least from a
gami ng perspect i ve) to descr i be t he many or gani zat i ons
that i nt ersect at Morgrave. Several member s of the faculty
have connect i ons wi t h t he Li br ar y of Kor r a nbe r g (see
page 69), t he Wayf i nder Foundat i on (see t he EBERRON
Campaign Setting a n d Explorer's Handbook), a n d t h e Twel ve (see
page 47). Beyond t hese f undament al l y collegial associ a-
t i ons, some faculty are known or suspect ed to have ties to
the Or de r of t he Emer al d Claw, t he Au r u m, t he Dr e a m-
ing Dar k, t he Lor ds of Dust , t he Cul t s of t he Dr agon
Below, and even t he Chamber i n shor t , wi t h j ust about
every or gani zat i on of any si gni fi cance in Khor vai r e and
beyond. All who care about power have an i nt erest in the
study of Xen' dr i k, and nowhere is that interest more focused
t han at Morgrave.
Morgrave University is pr omi nent l y situated i n the upper -
most levels of the towers of the Ment hi s Plateau in Shar n,
the City of Towers. The uni versi t y owns the bui l di ngs in
the University Di st ri ct that s ur r ounds the campus proper,
r ent i ng resi dences to st udent s and faculty. The uni versi t y
also leases busi ness space to the t rades and services t hat
keep the university going, from booksellers and st at i oners
to scri bes and car t ogr apher s . The uni ver si t y itself fills
Dal annan Tower, which is crowned by the enor mous dome
of Laret h Hal l . Five slender spires (represent i ng and named
after the Five Nat i ons) r i ng Dal annan Tower and house the
university' s st udent s.
At t he bot t om levels of t he uni versi t y, several large
court yards stretch among the towers, filled with soil car-
ried up from below and seeded with grass and small trees.
These court yards are commonl y called the "gr ound floor"
of the campus, despite t hei r bei ng high above the gr ound of
the Ment hi s Plateau, and they are popul ar sites for st udent
gat heri ngs, and even class meet i ngs, on the rare occasions
that Sharn' s not ori ousl y rainy weather lets up.
Beyond t he cour t yar ds, t he "gr ound f l oor " cont ai ns
most of the l ect ure halls on campus as well as study halls,
sub-l i brari es (mostly focused on books assigned for st udent
readi ng), di ni ng halls, and some faculty offices.
Like most educat i onal i nst i t ut i ons, Morgrave is a con-
stant bustle of activity while classes are in session but can
seem pract i cal l y deser t ed in t he eveni ngs, on weekends,
and bet ween t er ms . Even for nons t udent s , t he uni versi t y
cont ai ns resources and i nf or mat i on helpful to nearly any
pur sui t , if you know where to look and whom to ask. The
following locations represent some of the most popul ar and
versatile resources on the campus.
The Bri dge: A long, ar ci ng, covered br i dge connect s
Brel and Spire and the Commons to Dal annan Tower, where
the university' s busi ness occur s. One side of the bri dge is
lined with shops focused on the needs of Morgrave' s students
(bookst ores, paper makers, cl ot hi ng and equi pment ven-
dors). The ot her side is an open wall where announcement s
and notices are posted (job oppor t uni t i es, campus events,
items for sale, and so fort h).
The Co mmo ns : Thi s l ar ge o p e n - a i r plaza at op
Br el and Spi r e is a popul a r gat her i ng spot for st udent s
and staff. Food vendor s set up cart s t her e every mor ni ng
and sell a wide vari et y of di shes t hr oughout t he day. I n
the eveni ng, t he Commons is much qui et er, and a favorite
spot for i ndi vi dual s who want to read, medi t at e, or have a
private conversat i on.
Dezina Museum of Ant i qui t i es: Home to Khorvai re' s
most extensive col l ect i on of art i fact s from Xen' dr i k, the
museum' s displays fill the mi ddl e levels of Dal annan Tower.
In addi t i on, its vaults span several mor e levels below the
museum' s publ i c spaces, and they cont ai n hundr e ds , if
not t housands, of unopened crat es. All hol d uncat al oged
t reasures, some of which have been t here for decades.
Great Hal l of Aureon: Thi s temple to Aur eon, deity of
knowledge, is r umor ed to be a source of divine i nspi r at i on.
Accor di ng to some, a ni ght spent sl eepi ng on t he Hal l ' s
marble floor provides insight i nt o any probl em or di l emma
one is cur r ent l y facing. The t empl e staff is composed of
scholars and expert s from practically every academic field
and di sci pl i ne.
Hadri l l Gardens: Aunda i r Spi r e is cr owned by the
magni f i cent Hadr i l l Gar dens , an ext r aor di nar y display
of exotic pl ant s, flowers, and even pl ant cr eat ur es from
ar ound the world. Access to t he mor e danger ous pl ant s is
restricted to st udent s in the bot any depar t ment who have
permi ssi on from a faculty member. Ther e are ni ne gr een-
houses ( i ncl udi ng one devoted to or chi ds from Xen' dr i k
and Q' bar r a) and a large open- ai r garden that is a popul ar
site for romant i c walks and medi t at i on among bot h students
and staff.
Lareth Hal l : Thi s large domed st r uct ur e atop Dal an-
nan Tower is the center of campus and holds the university' s
admi ni st rat i ve and faculty offices. It is also home to a gyno-
sphi nx named Flamewindan unexpect ed find on a recent
expedi t i on to Xen' dr i k. Fl amewi nd claimed that she was
waiting for the scholars to find her, and she r et ur ned with
t hem to Khor vai r e of her own free will.
Morgrave University Library: Located j ust below the
dome of Lar et h Hal l , Morgrave University Li brary has the
most extensive collection of books in Br el and. It does not
match the l i brary at Kor r anber g in br eadt h, but the Mor -
grave l i brary specializes i n the hi st ory of Khor vai r e and
is r un by gnome expat ri at es from Zi l ar go. St udent s and
faculty can use the library for free; all ot hers must pay 1 gp
per day for access to its resources.
Val dai n Museum of Natural Hi story: Under f unded
and unappr eci at ed at a uni versi t y so focused on anci ent
r ui ns and rel i cs, the Val dai n Museum is nevert hel ess a
fasci nat i ng col l ect i on of carefully stuffed and mount ed
ani mal s from across Khor vai r e and beyond. The exhi bi t s
go far beyond mundane ani mal s to i ncl ude a wide variety
of magical beasts, from bl i nk dogs and di spl acer beasts to
a great bul et t e, and an enor mous dr agon skeleton hangs
from the ceiling above the museum ent r ance. The Valdain
Museum is located near the top of Kar r nat h Spi re.
"Sure, you get to travel to exciting locales and uncover lost treasure. Sure, sometimes some of that
treasure winds up in y o u r saddlebag. But really it's all about helping the kids."
Engar "Flat Nose" Tr umbel l , seni or adjunct regi onal i nst ruct or,
Morgrave Out r each Association
Morgrave University constantly sends expedi t i ons to the four corners of
the world to dig up anci ent t reasure, but its faculty members are j ust a
bunch of weak-kneed scholars. They don' t know how to get along in the
world. That ' s why they br i ng along peopl e with what they call "experience
in the field." They br i ng the maps and do the diggingyou j ust make sure
they don' t get killed, t hen take your cut. But it's tough to make the right
contacts to get those gigs. It's a mean old world out t here, and they only
want people they can t rust . That ' s why they come to the Morgrave Out reach
Association whenever they can. Once you' re in here, you' ll never lack for
good-payi ng work again.
The Morgrave Out r each Associ at i on is a guild for advent urers who are
i nt erest ed in act i ng as gui des, guar ds , and field exper t s for academi c
expeditions sponsored by Morgrave University. Thei r mai n gui l dhal l is in
the University District of Shar n near the Morgrave campus. (The bui l di ng
is owned by the university, but is leased to the association for a reasonable
fee.) Large gui l dhal l s stand in St or mr each, Regal port , and St or mhome,
with smal l er regi onal gui l dhal l s found in virtually any town or por t from
which a Morgrave expedi t i on is likely to depart .
Becomi ng a member is relatively easy. The association isn' t par t i cu-
lar about ability, nationality, political persuasi on, or even i nt er per sonal
skills. They only care about two thingswhether or not you can hold your
own in the wild, and whether or not you can be trusted to lead a group. The
university pays to get expert advisors, and it will stop paying if association
members prove to be less compet ent t han the st udent s they' re gui di ng.
Li kewi se, t he uni ver si t y will take its busi ness el sewhere if associ at i on
gui des abandon t hei r gr oups at t he first sign of t roubl eor worse, lead
t hem into the wild only to kill t hem, steal t hei r equi pment , and leave t hei r
bodies to rot.
Once you've convinced the captain of the master gui l dhal l to take you
into the association, you must pay 100 gp in dues. (The association assumes
that if you can' t afford the fee, you likely aren' t much of an advent urer. )
For this sum, you receive a small medal l i on that identifies you as a member
of the association for one year. The medal l i on changes from year to year
(one year it mi ght be an eagle cast from br onze; the next, a silver coi n),
and you must pay 100 gp to replace it each year. Possession of a cur r ent
medal l i on is consi dered proof of member shi p.
Ent r y Re qui r e me nt s : 6th level in any class.
The Morgrave Out r each Association funct i ons much like an adven-
t urers gui l d. In ot her words, each class fills exactly the same ni che it does
when the characters are advent uri ng on t hei r own, with the only difference
bei ng that i n addi t i on to t hei r own welfare, they are also responsi bl e for
a group of st udent s and faculty from Morgrave University.
The associ at i on does not pr ovi de any special t r a i ni ng to its mem-
bers, si nce it expect s t hem to have enough exper i ence to take care of
t hemsel ves. It does, however, pr ovi de i nf or mat i on about t he nat ur e of
its associ at i on with Morgrave Uni versi t y and what s t andar ds of behav-
ior and pr of essi onal i sm t he associ at i on expect s of its r epr esent at i ves
while in t he field. Basically, t hi s behavi or amount s to pr ot ect i ng the
faculty and st udent s from ani mal s , mons t er s , nat ur al di sast er s, and
compet i ng academi c par t i es . It does not , however, i ncl ude pr ot ect i ng
t hose academi cs from t hei r own f ool har di nes s . Associ at i on member s
are expect ed to be civil to uni ver si t y per sonnel except if they prove
really annoyi ng, when it' s okay to scare t hem a l i t t l e. If anyt hi ng does
Knowl edge ( dungeoneeri ng)
DC 15: The Morgrave Out r each Asso-
ci at i on is an advent ur er s gui l d wi t h
ties to Morgrave University.
DC 25: The Out r each Associ at i on pr o-
vides advent urers with lucrative uni -
versity cont ract s involving escort i ng
schol ars and st udent s on danger ous
j our ne ys . If you want t o work as a
gui de or bodyguard, and don' t mi nd
coddl i ng some weak-kneed academics,
it's good work.
Knowl edge (l ocal )
DC 10: Morgrave University has a r epu-
t at i on as a place to study t he hi st ory
of Xen' dr i k, and it sponsor s a l arge
n u mb e r of academi c e xpe di t i ons
to Xe n' dr i k and ot her danger ous
locales. The university often employs
advent urers as bodyguards and guides
on such expedi t i ons.
DC 15: The Morgrave Out r each Asso-
ci at i on is an or gani zat i on t i ed to
Morgrave Uni versi t y. It is a gener al
i nt er ns hi p or appr ent i ceshi p p r o -
gr am connect i ng st udent s with non-
academic ment or s.
DC 20: More accurately, the Out r each
Associ at i on is basically an advent ur -
ers gui l d t hat receives r egul ar con-
tracts to escort university expedi t i ons
of scholars and students on dangerous
expedi t i onsoft en to Xen' dr i k, but
somet i mes closer to home. The u n i -
versity pays the association to provi de
what are essentially guides and body-
guards to these expedi t i ons.
DC 25: The Morgrave Out r each Asso-
ci at i on' s ma i n gui l dhal l is i n t he
Uni ver si t y Di st r i ct of Sha r n, near
campus . It also ma i nt a i ns gui l d-
hal l s i n St or mr each, Regal port , and
St or mhome, as well as smal l er hal l s
in ot her towns and port s near sites of
i nt erest to Morgrave schol ars.
Knowl edge (nobi l i ty and royalty)
DC 30: The Morgrave Out r each Asso-
ciation fell on bad times shortly after
the end of t he Last War, when it was
blamed for the di sappearance of one
of Ki ng Boranel ' s nephews, Lujaad
i r ' Wynar n, i n the wilds of Xen' dr i k.
The association seems to have recov-
ered from t hat scandal , and it is said
t hat Lujaad is none ot her t han t he
i nf amous sky pi r at e whose expl oi t s
r un i n several chroni cl es.
go cat ast r ophi cal l y wr ong, the associ at i on member must
r epor t t he i nci dent to t he near est gui l dhal l . Fai l ur e to
do so is consi der ed der el i ct i on of duty and is gr ounds for
expul si on from the associ at i on. The cat ast r ophe will also
be bl amed on t he member in quest i on when r epor t ed to
the pr oper aut hor i t i es .
Being a member of the Morgrave Out r each Associ at i on is,
in many ways, its own reward. That is, you do not get any-
t hi ng in par t i cul ar from your member shi p ot her t han the
chance to part i ci pat e in expedi t i ons that have a high l i ke-
l i hood of bei ng exciting and profitable. What you make of
those oppor t uni t i es is up to you. At the university' s expense,
the association provides you with equi pment , i nf or mat i on,
and ot her necessities for the successful compl et i on of each
assi gnment . Beyond that, t hough, you are left very much to
your own devices.
Goods: The only i t em t hat every member of the asso-
ciation receives ( upon payment of t he associ at i on dues) is
the member s hi p medal l i on, which allows t hem to take on
as s i gnment s . Beyond t hat , a me mbe r receives what ever
gear Morgrave Uni ver si t y deems necessary for a par t i cu-
lar assi gnment , plus a weekly st i pend (also deci ded by the
university). Members have very little r oom for negot i at i ng
better rates or more equi pment , but bet t er access (see below)
can often be ar r anged.
Servi ces: Each gui l dhal l has connect i ons to local
l aborers who are wi l l i ng to hi r e on for an expedi t i on. The
association takes care of t hei r salaries. Ar r angement s can
be made for more highly skilled hel p (Spellcasters or ot her
t r ai ned char act er s) , but payi ng for t hose services coul d
reduce the st i pend paid to association member s.
I nf ormat i on: The associ at i on gives its member s all
available i nf or mat i on about t he par t i cul ar sites, r egi ons,
and count ri es they are sent to. However, this i nformat i on
is sometimes compromi sed, since it is provided by Morgrave
University, and the university guards its secrets jealously.
The association makes every effort to confi rm the i nf or ma-
tion before pr esent i ng the details to its member s.
Access: Most i mpor t ant , member shi p in the the asso-
ci at i on provi des valuable access to hi st or i c sites, anci ent
r ui ns, and newly discovered nat ural or magical phenomena.
Because t he expedi t i ons approve of a reasonabl e level of
profit shar i ng, a member of the associ at i on can walk away
from every assi gnment with a significant bonus, whet her in
the form of t reasure, ant i qui t i es, or magic equi pment .
Ther e are as many reasons to j oi n the Morgrave Out r each
Association as t here are reasons to live the life of an adven-
t ur er . Member s of t he or gani zat i on have pr oven t hei r
capability under fire and have a broad range of experi ence
in t he wi l der part s of the world. They are mor e likely to
t rust t hei r i nst i nct s t han the book knowledge of academics,
and that' s exactly the expert i se that the Morgrave expedi -
tions look for (even if faculty member s somet i mes rankl e at
bei ng told what to do by "undereducat ed, gr i me- encr ust ed
thugs with no sense of hi st ory or t he i mpor t ance of the
uni versi t y' s work").
A member will have very little cont act with t he asso-
ci at i on except to pick up new assi gnment s and r epor t the
results of completed ones. The association exists as a ki nd
of broker, al l owi ng academi c gr oups to meet i ndi vi dual s
with pract i cal exper t i se. It has no par t i cul ar agenda, nor
any i nt erest i n hel pi ng its member s do anyt hi ng ot her
t han make a steady living. Member s of the associ at i on are
compet ent and t rust wort hy, and an assi gnment taken from
the association is likely to be straightforward and unencum-
bered by political machi nat i ons or hi dden dangers (ot her
t han those found in the wild).
Combat: The Morgrave Out r each association does not
have any par t i cul ar style of fighting. I n fact, each i ndi vi dual
or gr oup is expected to have its own developed t echni ques,
proven by success i n earl i er advent ures.
Advancement: In most i nst ances, the association does
not actively r ecr ui t new member s . Its r eput at i on for pr o-
vi di ng hi gh- payi ng, relatively low-risk assi gnment s is well
known among the advent ur i ng communi t y (as is Morgrave
University' s r eput at i on for al l owi ng member s of its expe-
di t i ons to pocket the occasi onal valuable i t em). Al t hough
the associ at i on is always wi l l i ng to accept new member s,
the fact is that it has enough cur r ent member s to fill most
available assi gnment s. The only t i me this might not be the
case is if an expedi t i on shows up unexpect edl y at one of
the smal l er gui l dhal l s. The local gui l dmast er mi ght t hen
actively recrui t the most compet ent , reliable help current l y
available i n the area.
Once you have paid your member shi p dues, what you
get out of the Morgrave Out r each Associ at i on is up to you.
Expeditions leave from most gui l dhal l s at least once a mont h
(and several times per week at the larger sites such as St orm-
reach). Assi gnment s can vary in l engt h from a week or two
(if the gr oup is simply doi ng a survey of a hi st ori c site) to
several mont hs (for an ext ended excavation or renovat i on
of a large site). Occasionally, ext ended assi gnment s might
last for a year or more. These j ourneys focus on exploration,
mappi ng, or the study of a par t i cul ar cul t ure.
The associ at i on encour ages member s to be selective
when choosi ng assi gnment s. Once an expedi t i on is under
way, an associ at i on member is expect ed to see it t hr ough
to compl et i on no mat t er what ci r cumst ances mi ght ari se.
It is unaccept abl e to abandon faculty and st udent s for any
reason, so choosi ng a mission and gr oup that you will find
palatable is i mpor t ant .
Because all assi gnment s are per f or med for teams from
Morgrave University, faculty and st udent s r e t ur ni ng to
Shar n will carry word of how easy or difficult an association
member is to work wi t h. Aft er compl et i ng a few successful
mi ssi ons, a member (or gr oup of member s) mi ght develop
a reput at i on among the university staff. Thi s could result
in fut ure expedi t i ons specifically request i ng to work with
par t i cul ar members of the association.
Mi ssi ons: Assi gnment s usually fall i nt o one of t hr ee
cat egori esexpl orat i on, cul t i vat i on, or communi cat i on.
Expl orat i on assi gnment s are those in which an academic
group is visiting a site for the first time or traveling t hrough
unc ha r t e d t er r i t or y to i dent i fy sites sui t abl e for f ut ur e
expl or at i on. Cul t i vat i on mi ssi ons involve t aki ng a t eam
of faculty and st udent s to t hor oughl y exami ne a site and
collect i nt er es t i ng s peci mens , ar t i f act s, and ar t obj ect s.
Thi s is t he most common type of assi gnment , and the
most l ucrat i ve as well. A mi ssi on of communi cat i on is
one in whi ch t he uni ver si t y t eam meet s wi t h r epr es ent a-
tives of a f or ei gn cul t ur e. Thi s mi ght mean l i vi ng with a
r emot e t r i be, or coul d involve negot i at i ng wi t h forei gn
gover nment s or warl ords for the ri ght to send fut ure expe-
di t i ons i nt o t hei r t er r i t or i es.
"No matter how many treatises a student reads on a subject or a site, the most
important information comes from spending time with someone who has actu-
ally been there and returned to tell the tale. Our expeditions are always more
rewarding thanks to the Outreach Association. Sometimes experience really is
the best teacher."
Larri an i r' Morgrave,
Master of Morgrave University
The Morgrave Out r each Associ at i on is a conveni ent way to
give player charact ers access to a wide range of adventures
and l ocat i ons. Practically any advent ure can be framed as
part of a uni versi t y-sponsored expedi t i on, and the PCs will
always know where to go when they find themselves with idle
t i me. The promi se of pay over and above a share of any t reasure
found gives the PCs incentive to take part in adventures they
might ot herwi se have no reason to accept. The association
also provides a way to i nt r oduce new PCs and suppor t i ng
characters so that existing PCs have a l egi t i mat e reason to
accept and t rust t hem.
Organi zati on: The Morgrave Out r each Association is,
at best, a loose affiliation. Members do not have any need to
gather in great number s, nor are they expected to make any
special commi t ment to the gr oup. They pay t hei r dues and
take assi gnment s whenever it suits t hei r taste. The PCs can
funct i on as a whole uni t , or can team up with ot her associa-
tion members when an assi gnment requi res a specific skill
set they do not possess.
The associ at i on is r un from t he mai n gui l dhal l i n
Sharn' s University Di st ri ct . Assi gnment s are handed out
from t here or sent to regi onal gui l dhal l s to be filled locally.
Many member s never visit t he mai n gui l dhal l , t aki ng
assi gnment s only t hr ough t hei r local br anch. More widely
traveled members, however, mi ght visit dozens of different
gui l dhal l sst oppi ng in whenever t hei r wanderi ngs br i ng
t hem to a town that houses one, per f or mi ng an assi gnment
or two, t hen movi ng on to t hei r next dest i nat i on.
NPC Reactions
The general popul ace knows very little about the Morgrave
Out r each Associ at i on, and most people simply assume that
it has somet hi ng to do with Morgrave University. Scholars
from ot her universities and i nst i t ut i ons likely treat associa-
tion members with the same di sdai n they feel for Morgrave
itself. Advent urers might ei t her be interested in finding out
how to become member s, or show cont empt for anyone who
takes on such mer cenar y work.
The associ at i on does not have any enemi es per se,
but various scholarly groups hold it in very poor regard. If
the university representatives at a local site are seen to be
removing, defacing, or trespassing on propert y held in high
regard by the local popul ace, they and t hei r associates could
become targets of deri si on, ostracism, or even violence.
The Morgrave Out r e a c h Associ at i on is not t he sort of
organi zat i on that draws a lot of at t ent i on to itself. As such,
the association can easily funct i on in the backgr ound of a
campai gn, with the heroes not even hear i ng about it unt i l
they meet an expedi t i on in t he field or a local gui l dhal l
master offers t hem an assi gnment . The DM can i nt r oduce
the opt i on of member shi p only when the PCs are ready for
it, or make it (and its lucrative assi gnment s) somet hi ng that
lower-level PCs aspire to.
Once the PCs have j oi ned the association, the best way
to keep t hem happy is to provi de a steady st ream of assign-
ment s for t hem to take. If these assi gnment s offer i ncreas-
ingly bet t er pay, provide the chance to explore i nt erest i ng
and uni que l ocat i ons, and i nt r oduce i mpor t ant NPCs, the
characters will feel t hei r member shi p is wort hwhi l e.
Adaptati on: If your campai gn does not feature Mor -
grave University, simply change the association i nt o a more
generic advent urers gui l d. Rat her t han focusing entirely on
academic expedi t i ons, the gui l d would be an organi zat i on
that any gr oup or person could approach to hi r e a gr oup of
seasoned advent urers for any sort of mi ssi on.
Encount ers: Encount er s can vary widely from assign-
ment to as s i gnment , cover i ng a wide r ange of possi bl e
expedi t i ons. Common mi ssi ons i ncl ude expl ori ng a newly
di scovered anci ent t empl e, c a pt ur i ng a r ar e speci es of
ani mal or mons t er , i nvest i gat i ng a myst er i ous nat ur al
or magi cal phe nome non, and s ear chi ng for a pr evi ous
expedi t i on t hat has gone mi ssi ng.
Typical Association Guildhall
Gui l dhal l s are usually t wo- or t hr ee- st or y bui l di ngs that
resemble i nns or private resi dences. They have a small staff
(sometimes consi st i ng solely of the hall' s master) and are
not long on comfort. They do, however, provide access to the
bare essent i al s. Associ at i on member s , uni versi t y faculty,
and t hei r guests can gat her comfort abl y i n t he common
r oom. Members can stay in the upst ai rs r ooms for one or
two days at a t i me for no fee (extended stays cost the same as
r ent i ng a r oom at an i nn) . The hall is decorated with pai nt -
ings and t rophi es from association expedi t i ons.
Every gui l dhal l has maps of the local regi on, descri p-
tions of known dangers, basic medical supplies, and a supply
of master work weapons. A well-stocked gui l dhal l might have
such ameni t i es as a ki t chen and cook, ale, wine, and ot her
spi r i t s, a heal er, and local gui des. Most gui l dhal l s have
connect i ons to local smi t hs, heal er s, and mer chant s who
provide association members with di scount ed services.
An association gui l dhal l can make a good base of oper -
ations for a group of PCs. They will always be welcome, they
always have a source of work, and they can meet t rust wort hy
NPCs who will carry news of ot her advent ures and events
in the world. Indeed, if the PCs decide to settle in a specific
town or regi on, they might be able to become the masters of
the local gui l dhal l , or open a new hall of t hei r own.
The professors of Mor gr ave Uni ver si t y mi ght not st and
as s hi ni ng exempl ar s at t he t op of t hei r fi el ds, but many
of t hem are at least col or f ul char act er s . I n addi t i on
to t hose ment i oned on pages 110 and 111, advent ur er s
mi ght come i nt o cont act wi t h any of t hese faculty mem-
bers from t i me to t i me.
Ghash Duurkat: Though he has not yet been awarded
a pr of essor shi p (he car r i es t he t i t l e of Lect ur er ) , Ghash
Duurkat is somet hi ng of a popul ar sensation at Morgrave.
A hobgobl i n who wears t r adi t i onal bat t l e ar mor to every
class, Duur kat is a boi st rous l ect urer, but behi nd the t he-
atrics is a solid knowledge of Dhakaani history that rivals
that of Professor Vi eran (see below). It is possible that more
r umor s spread ar ound the university every year concer ni ng
the exploits of Ghash Duurkat t han about any ot her member
of the Morgrave communi t y.
Kona Erran: Professor Er r an is the head of the botany
depar t ment and mast er of t he Hadr i l l Gar dens (see page
111). A dr ui d and a f or mer advent ur er , she is known to
have ties with the Gr eensi nger sect andlike that sect as a
wholeshe is regarded as a figure of mystery.
Fl amewi nd: Not technically a member of the uni ver-
sity faculty, the gynosphi nx called Fl amewi nd is certainly
one of the most i nt er est i ng charact ers on the campus. She
accompani ed a recent expedi t i on back from Xen' dr i k, and
has t aken up r esi dence at the t op of Lar et h Hal l ' s great
dome. She frequently summons advent urers to her cham-
ber and sends t hem on cryptic mi ssi ons, and she is said to
have oracul ar powers. She is also known to have studied the
draconi c Prophecy.
Al ai n Gourt han: Professor Gour t han has yet to make
any dramat i c discoveries, and that fact seems to grate on his
nerves. Hi s academic knowledge is superi or to that of many
of his colleagues, and he is known as an excellent lecturer,
but his lack of si gni fi cant field exper i ence has held hi m
back. Word is ci r cul at i ng t hat he pl ans a t rul y ambi t i ous
expedi t i on to the far south of Xen' dr i k, which will almost
certainly ei t her make or break his career.
Sendor Reddick: Professor Reddi ck is a t axi dermi st
as well as a not ed schol ar i n the field of ani mal biology. As
curat or of the Valdain Museum of Nat ural History, Reddick
pays handsomel y for well-preserved speci mens of unusual
creat ures, t hough he prefers to stuff t hem himself. Some
whisper that he dabbles i n necromancy.
Dani d Vi eran: One of t he worl d' s l eadi ng exper t s
on t he anci ent Dhakaani Empi r e, and par t i cul ar l y t he
s hi ni ng city of Ja' shaar at (which now lies bur i ed beneat h
t he deepest levels of Shar n) , Pr of essor Vi er an is a bi t t er
man. Though he views his work as pr of oundl y si gni fi cant
to t he mode r n city, and it is easily accessible even to t he
common popul ace, his r esear ch is const ant l y over shad-
owed by t he mor e flashy and popul ar work bei ng done in
Xen' dr i k. Hi s popul ar i t y among t he st udent s of the uni -
versity cer t ai nl y suffers because he is a t er r i bl e l ect ur er
and general l y a bor e.
Zophi k: Widely r egar ded as mad, Professor Zophi k
(she no l onger uses her first name) has ear ned the right to
some eccentricity. Her field is the Age of Demons, and she
has supposedly traveled to anci ent Ashtakala and survived,
t hough not unscar r ed.
The Mour nl and was once the human nat i on of Cyre, but on the Day of
Mour ni ng in 994 YK a cataclysm of unknown or i gi n wiped out its people
and ravaged the cities and count rysi de. Now the once-nobl e nat i on is dead,
its l and fused and bar r en. Li nger i ng magic effects strew chaos across the
jagged landscape and living spells, twisted monst ers, and st ranger t hi ngs
roam its crags. Nat ur e is suppressed wi t hi n its bor der s; nei t her magical
nor nat ur al heal i ng funct i ons, and dead bodi es r emai n fresh and undi s -
t ur bed. The Lor d of Blades gat hers mi l i t ant warforged in some hi dden
st r onghol d. Despi t e these danger s, t he Mour nl a nd has much to offer:
Relics lie wi t hi n its r ui ns, and many seek an answer to the mystery of the
Mour nl and' s creat i on.
The first obst acl e t hat any vi si t or to t he Mour nl a nd faces is t he
dead-gray mi st t hat s ur r ounds it. The mi st is di s or i ent i ng, and t ravel -
ers wi t hi n it grow weary and depr essed. Some areas of t he mi st display
t hi s pr oper t y mor e st rongl y t han ot her s . Thes e areas are a dar ker gray
t han t he s u r r o u n d i n g mista char act er can not e t he di f f er ence wi t h a
DC 10 Spot check and i dent i fy its si gni f i cance wi t h a DC 20 Knowl -
edge (geography) check. Tr avel i ng wi t hi n t hese areas forces char act er s
to make Will saves each hour ( DC 15, + 1 per hour ) . Fai l ur e i ndi cat es
t hat a char act er becomes fat i gued, and r emai ns t hat way unt i l he leaves
t he mi st .
Aft er penet r at i ng t he dead-gray mi st , advent ur er s face numer ous
ot her obstacles.
The Lor d of Blades, a char i smat i c warforged pr ophet , hol ds cour t
somewhere in the Mour nl and. Though no one knows where he makes his
base, hi s pat rol s scour the l and. Warforged oper at e mor e freely i n the
Mour nl and t han do living creat ures, because t hei r repai r spells funct i on
normally. Those who follow the Lord of Blades have no pity or mercy for
t hei r living count er par t s, and encount er s with these warforged usually
end in drawn blades.
Warped monst ers wander the Mour nl and. These creat ures take many
forms. Some are amal gamat i ons of several different creat ures, spor t i ng
numer ous limbs and bul gi ng with muscle. Ot her s have features not nor -
mally seen in t hei r ki nd, such as wings or st i ngi ng tails. Perhaps the most
dangerous are those whose ment al faculties have i mproved, allowing t hem
to gat her less able creat ures about t hem and carve t emporary t erri t ori es
in the shat t ered land.
Advent urers who overcome the Mour nl and' s dangers are privy to its
mysteries. Two of the Mour nl and' s most unusual features are the Glowing
Chasm and the Glass Plateau. Between these two areas is the St agnat i on,
a flat and mor i bund lake t hat gives off a faint blue i ri descence. Skeletons
lie half submerged along its shore, t hei r bones causing not a ripple in the
syr up- t hi ck water. The water smells of dyi ng t hi ngs but tastes, so some
cl ai m, of honeysuckl e and l avender wi t h a hi nt of s omet hi ng sweeter.
Some say t hat t hose who i mbi be t he stuff wi t hout r et chi ng can take the
Mour nl and' s magic i nt o themselves, changi ng i nt o somet hi ng st r onger
t han they were before.
Al so wi t hi n the Mour nl a nd is the Mi l e- Mar k St at i on. Thi s r ui n
was once a l i ght ni ng rail st at i on at the j unc t i on of two t racks; now, it is
half fallen i nt o rubbl e, t hough the great clock in its tower still funct i ons
properl y. A l i ght ni ng rai l coach, bodi es spi l l i ng from its at t ached cart s,
is cr ashed i nt o t he st at i on' s si de. The bui l di ng' s i nt er i or is scor ched,
and t he bodi es of hundr e ds of ci vi l i ansmost l y chi l dr en and the
elderlyare heaped i nsi de, t hei r wounds still fresh. Onl y a handf ul of
t hem appear to have bur ne d to deat h, l eavi ng expl or er s to guess how
the corpses ended up her e. Rumor s say t hat t he ghosts of t he l i ght ni ng
rail coach passengers appear every ni ght , r aci ng away i nt o the darkness
with mad cackles.
Knowl edge (arcana)
DC 10: Mysterious l i nger i ng magical
effects make the Mour nl and hazar d-
ous and unpr edi ct abl e.
DC 15: The Day of Mour ni ng had many
strange repercussi ons. It gave life and
a degree of sent i ence to some spells,
which wander the Mour nl and today.
It changed and twisted its native mon-
sters, which also pose a danger.
DC 20: Rumor has it that the secrets of
t he Day of Mour ni ng can be f ound
beneat h the Glass Pl at eau, an area of
fused and j agged glass where l i vi ng
spells congregat e.
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 5: The Mour nl and was once Cyre.
DC 10: A disaster on the Day of Mour n-
i ng killed all i nt el l i gent life i n Cyre.
Knowl edge (history)
DC 10: Cyre was destroyed by an arcane
cataclysm i n 994 YK, on what is now
called the Day of Mour ni ng.
DC 15: Cyran r ui ns cover the landscape
of the Mour nl and.
Knowl edge (l ocal )
DC 15: The Mour nl a nd is uncl ai med
and, for t he most par t , uncont est ed.
A colony of mi l i t ant warforged and a
few t r easur e- seeki ng expedi t i ons are
its only nods toward civilization.
Knowl edge (nature)
DC 10: Travel ers are easily lost i n t he
dead-gray mi st t hat s ur r ounds t he
Mour nl and.
DC 15: Nat ural heal i ng does not func-
tion in the Mour nl and, nor does nat -
ural decay. The dead lie where they fell
years ago, l ooki ng as they did t hen.
Knowl edge (nobi l i ty and royalty)
DC 10: Cyre was t he headquar t er s of
House Canni t h. The Day of Mour n-
i ng devastated the house and split it
i nt o factions.
DC 20: House Phi ar l ann was also based
in Cyre. Its leaders were conspicuously
absent on the Day of Mour ni ng.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 15: Spells of the heal i ng subschool
do not funct i on in the Mour nl and.
DC 18: Many warforged see the Lord of
Blades as a rel i gi ous figure. They take
his words as doct r i ne.
So You Wa nt t o En t e r t he Mo u r n l a n d ?
By Hat hi us Rote
Excerpted from the Korranberg Chronicle, Zolday, Dravago 4th
Greet i ngs, good reader! If you are per usi ng this article,
you are probably consi deri ng ent er i ng the Mour nl and in
search of treasure and fame. You must already know the dan-
gers you' ll faceliving spells, becomi ng lost in the dead-gray
mist, encount er i ng warped monst ers and l i nger i ng magic
effects, and r unni ng afoul of rogue warforged, to name a
fewand I don' t i magi ne that I will be able to dissuade you.
Instead, take heed, for I will tell you what you need to know
if you are to r et ur n from your expedi t i on.
The most i mpor t ant t hi ng that you must under st and
is that you will be unabl e to heal in the Mour nl and. Nei -
t her nat ur al nor magical heal i ng funct i ons in that blasted
place. However, the dr ui d spell goodberry seems unaffected in
the Mour nl and. Also, a pal adi n' s ability to heal wounds by
laying on hands is not affected. Magic that allows ext radi -
mensi onal travel is valuable, because you can heal (and be
healed) while in that ot herworl dl y space. If your expedi t i on
includes warforged, they shoul d have little t roubl e; spells
that repai r const ruct s do funct i on in the Mour nl and.
After properly outfitting yourself, the first obstacle you will
encounter is the dead-gray mist that surrounds the Mournl and.
You might find that you become saddened and listless within
the mistdo not doubt your heroism, my friend, for the mist is
magical, and these feelings come from outside forces! Certain
patches of the mist carry this enchant ment heavilywatch out
for the dark gray areas and avoid them. The mist is also disori-
enting. Thi s report er has heard many tales of expeditions that
got lost in the mist and were never seen again.
That ' s pretty much all the help I can give you for now.
Good luck, brave advent urer, and watch for my next essay:
"So You Want to Ent er the Demon Wastes?"
Cyre was home to House Cannith, the humans who possess the
Mark of Making. The warforged are their most famous creation,
but these living constructs are not Cannith's only accomplish-
ment. Cannith mines and forges dotted Cyre, and workers
constantly unearthed ore, refined it, and shaped it into the
latest Cannith masterpieces. When the Day of Mourning came,
the metals that were in the process of being refined absorbed
the catastrophe's arcane power. Now, ingots and chunks of
this magically imbued substance lie scattered throughout the
Mournland. Scholars have termed this material cyrite.
Cyrite resembles steel but is slightly darker. Multicol-
ored lines run over its surface and pulse with strange light.
It is as heavy as steel, holds an edge just as well, and retains
some magic essence from its odd genesis.
Smiths and adventurers value cyrite for its use in
weapons and armor. Weapons fashioned from cyrite count
as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage
reduction. Armor made from cyrite absorbs magical energy
and grants its wearer a +1 resistance bonus on saving throws
against spells and spell-like abilities. Cyrite shields provide
no special benefit,
Items without metal parts, such as clubs, cannot be
made from cyrite.
Cyrite loses all its special properties in an antimagic field
or similar area.
Weapons, armor and shields that are made of cyrite
have the same hit points and hardness as they do when made
from metal of a normal sort (typically steel).
Type of Cyrite Item Item Cost Modifier
Ammunition +5 gp
Armor +500 gp
Weapon +250 gp
Raw cyrite 10 gp per pound
The above features apply to most examples of cyrite that
explorers have discovered. Rumors speak of other forms of
cyrite with different properties.
Hi dde n be hi nd Dr oaam, t he r egi on known as t he Shadow Mar ches
has been i sol at ed from t he event s t hat shaped Khor va i r e . The War
of t he Mark and t he ri se of t he dr a gonma r ke d houses, t he f or mat i on
of Gal i fareven t he Last War itselfhad l i t t l e di r ect i mpact on t he
di st ant Mar ches. Today, the Shadow Mar ches are not r ecogni zed as a
nat i on by t he Treat y of Thr one hol d, and no cent r al gover nment exists
t her e. The deni zens of the Shadow Mar ches are split i nt o two pr i mar y
gr oups: t hose who are member s of t r i bes, and t hose who are member s
of cl ans.
The t r i bes are pr i mi t i ve, and largely composed of orcs. The i r t r a-
di t i ons dat e back t housands of years before t he arri val of humani t y in
Khor vai r e, and many of the tribesfolk believe that humans and member s
of the ot her races can never under st and t hei r ways. As a result, they prefer
to be left in solitudeand those who follow the Dragon Below can be quite
dangerous if t hei r privacy is violated.
The cl ans are t he mor e civilized i nhabi t ant s of t he r egi on. When
human refugees arri ved from Sarl ona fifteen hundr e d years ago, they
br ought Ri edr an cust oms with t hem. Whi l e a numbe r of t he orc t ri bes
fought against these st rangers (as some still do), many embraced the new-
comers, f or mi ng an i nt r i gui ng bl end of huma n and orc cul t ur es. Whi l e
a few cl ans r emai n ent i rel y huma n, t he maj ori t y i ncl ude humans , orcs,
and t hei r hal f-ore offspring. The Marchers are a proud folk, and they take
bonds of blood seriously. Forei gners must be careful i n deal i ng with the
clans, for any i nsul t to a family member will likely be taken as an affront
against the ent i re clan.
The orcs are one of the oldest races in Khor vai r e, with a history st ret ch-
ing back some t hi rt y t housand years. Whi l e they are not as cunni ng or as
wise as humans , the orcs of the west ern coast have always been a deeply
spi ri t ual peopl e. Even among the clans, where the t radi t i ons of humani t y
have had a st rong i nfl uence on t hei r cul t ure, the orcs r emai n st rong and
unswervi ng in t hei r faith. The majority of the clerics, adepts, and dr ui ds
found in the Shadow Marches are orcs or hal f-ores.
Today, the faith of the orcs is split between the path of the Gatekeepers
and t hat of the Dr agon Below. Those who follow the Gat ekeepers do not
necessarily know of the dael kyr or the anci ent wars, but they believe i n
the power of nat ur e and the duty of t he orcs to r emai n close to t hei r wild
root s. The Gat ekeeper bar bar i ans celebrate this bond, and t hei r rage is a
mani fest at i on of this pr i mal connect i on. The Dragon Below cultists are
all too often touched by madness, or believe that all power and glory flows
from Khyber and Xori at . The rage of a cultist bar bar i an is a t erri fyi ng
thingpure madness concent rat ed i nt o mart i al fury.
Orcs of the isolationist t ri bes believe that humans and orcs have no
common gr ound because orcs were the first i nhabi t ant s of the l and, and
only an orc can t rul y bond to Khor vai r e. However, the orcs of the clans
see humans as t hei r br ot her s and sisterssmaller and weaker, per haps,
but valued for t hei r cunni ng and quick wits.
The Shadow Marches have a l arger human popul at i on t han Dr oaam, and
considerable wealth can be found in this landfrom vast fields of Eber r on
dragonshards to anci ent treasures hi dden in the r ui ns of the daelkyr. Fur -
t her mor e, it is far from the reach of the laws of ot her nat i ons. A fugitive
on the r un from t he Ki ng' s Ci t adel can find securi t y i n the shadows of
Zarasha' ak wi t hout giving up human company. The Shadow Marches have
never been bound by the Code of Galifar, and even the sent i nel marshal s
have no aut hori t y in this regi on.
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 10: The r egi on called t he Shadow
Marches cont ai ns areas of fetid swamp
and deep j ungl e, with little civiliza-
t i on to speak of. The i nhabi t ant s are
huma ns and orcs, and t ravel ers are
not always wel come.
DC 15: One major city is i n the Marches:
Zarasha' ak, which can be reached by
water al ong t he sout her n coast l i ne.
Knowl edge (history)
DC 10: The huma n i nhabi t ant s of t he
Shadow Marches came from Sarl ona
approximately 1,500 years ago. Whi l e
some orcs and humans still fear and
hate one anot her, most Marcher clans
i ncl ude bot h humans and orcs.
DC 15: The Shadow Marches suffered
terribly i n an ext r apl anar i ncur si on
t hat occur r ed t housands of years ago,
and t hi s is said to be the source of the
monst ers that haunt the l and.
Knowl edge (nature)
DC 10: The Shadow Marches hold many
deposits of Eber r on dr agonshar ds.
DC 15: St r ange pl ant s grow i n t he
marshes. Hat hi l root , for exampl e, is
said to be good for enhanci ng spells
of t r ansmut at i on.
Knowl edge (nobi l i ty and royalty)
DC 10: The city of Zarasha' ak is the seat
of House Thar as hk.
DC 15: House Thar as hk is the youngest
dr agonmar ked house, and it is not a
family as such; it is an alliance formed
from a number of di fferent Mar cher
clans, all of whom share t he mark.
Knowl edge (the pl anes)
DC 15: The Shadow Marches were one
of the beachheads dur i ng the anci ent
daelkyr i ncursi on. Rui ns dot the area,
as well as a large number of manifest
zones l i nked to Kyt hri and Xori at .
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 15: Whi l e the Marchers have some
anal ogues for t he Soverei gn Host ,
the mai n rel i gi ons of the area are the
Cul t s of t he Dr agon Below and t he
dr ui di c t r adi t i on of the Gat ekeepers.
The Khyber cults scattered across the
Marches are foes of one anot her ; as a
result, Marcher cultists initially con-
ceal t hei r t r ue beliefs from visitors.
Even as this isolation provides security for the fugitive,
however, it can be danger ous for the advent urer. Ther e is
no uni fi ed law i n t he l and, and each cl an or t r i be rul es its
t erri t ory as it chooses. Most Mar cher villages have a sheriff
who holds the full aut hori t y of law. If advent urers challenge
or kill a sheriff, they have commi t t ed a mort al cri me against
his peoplea cr i me t hat calls for bl ood vengeance from
t hem and any of t hei r allies.
The Shadow Mar ches are not the only place i n Khor vai r e
where orcs are f ound, al t hough t he orcs of t he Mar ches
(as well as t hose i n t he El deen Reaches, who are essen-
tially an offshoot of t he Mar ches cul t ur e) are by far t he
most civilized of t hei r ki nd. The orc t r i bes of t he Demon
Wastes are nobl e bar bar i ans , who unde r t a ke a sacred
char ge to pr event any evil from l eavi ng t hei r homel and
(see The Demon Wastes on page 34). The orcs of Dr oaam
have been r educed to a state s i mi l ar to t hat of t he ot her
natives of t he mons t er nat i ont hey hol d gobl i ns as slaves
and are br ut al and cor r upt . Th e J hor a s h' t a r orcs of t he
Mr or Hol ds are savage and vi ol ent , r ai di ng t he dwarves
at every oppor t uni t y in r et al i at i on for anci ent wr ongs.
The J hor a s h' t a r are t ypi cal of t he orcs of East er n Kh o r -
vai re, i n t he few pl aces where r e mna nt s of t hei r anci ent
t r i bes st i l l exist.
Many of t he peopl e of t he Five Nat i ons are uncomf or t -
able a r o u n d hal f - or es and f i nd t he idea of h u ma n s
and orcs cr os s br eedi ng to be vile and di st ast ef ul . Such
beliefs have never f ound r oot i n t he Shadow Mar ches,
t hough, and t hose orcs who chose to wel come h u ma n -
ity to t hei r l and were qui ck to mat e wi t h t he new-
comer s. Thos e who followed t he dr ui di c pat hs knew
t hat hybr i ds are oft en t he st r ongest pl ant s, while t he
Khyber cul t i st s have always seen change as a pat h to
power. In t he Mar ches, hal f - or es are cel ebr at ed; they
are called j hor gun' t a a l , " chi l dr en of two bl oods. " Bl ood
is ever yt hi ng to t he cl ans, and t he j hor gun' t a a l are t he
pr oof t hat orc and huma n are ki n. They have t he s t r ong
spi r i t ual i t y of t hei r orc f or ebear s and t he wi sdom of
humani t y, and as such many of t he gr eat est dr ui ds and
pri est s are hal f - or es .
The j hor gun' t aal per f or m i mpor t a nt tasks in the
Mar ches, for while they are not as clever or c ha r mi ng
as t hei r huma n ki n, they have t he t r ust of bot h races.
As a resul t , t he sheri ff of a muc k- mi ni ng town is mor e
likely to be a hal f - or e t han a member of ei t her of t he
pur e races. Li kewi se, when t he cl ans send ambassador s
to negot i at e feuds or t r adi ng r i ght s, they oft en send a
j hor gun' t aal , even if a mor e char i smat i c huma n comes
al ong as an advisor.
Whi l e hal f-ores are a t r ue- br eedi ng race i n t hei r
own ri ght , the j hor gun' t aal are j ust as likely to mat e with
humans or orcs as with t hei r own ki nd. The hal f-orcs of
the Shadow Marches don' t see themselves as a separat e
race; rat her, they consi der themselves to be the bri dge
that makes humans and ores one race.
Perhaps you' re a bodyguar d from House Thar as hk who
has come east to serve the i nt erest s of your house, or
perhaps you follow the t radi t i ons of the Gat ekeepers,
bel i evi ng i n t he ri se of dar k powers t hat only you can
st op. An ore' s sensi t i vi t y to l i ght can be overcome wi t h
t he Dayl i ght Adapt at i on feat from Races of Eberron, and t he
race' s lack of a level adj ust ment makes it easy to use as
a pl ayer char act er . Orc raci al t r ai t s are det ai l ed in t he
Monster Manual.
Chi l d of t he Swamps
You have spent years i n the swamps of the Shadow Marches.
You can find food and shelter in the deep swamps, and you
can move more freely t hr ough the difficult t er r ai n.
Prerequi si te: Region of ori gi n Shadow Marches.
Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on Spot and
Survival checks while i n marsh t er r ai n.
In addi t i on, you can take a 5-foot
step while in the shallow bog or light
under gr owt h of a marsh, i gnor -
i ng t he us ual move me nt
penal t i es of t he t er r ai n
for t hi s pur pose.
orc and human
Ot her real ms lie beyond the mundane worl ddomi ni ons of fire and ice,
of et ernal forests and boundl ess sky, of r adi ant light and i mpenet rabl e
darkness. These real ms are di fferent planes of existence: sel f-cont ai ned
worlds beyond the world of Eber r on. They have t hei r own physical and
magical laws, t hei r own flow of t i me, and t hei r own races and cul t ur es.
No one knows the full extent of these pl anes. Some speculate that each is
i nfi ni t e, st r et chi ng endlessly t hr ough its own space; ot hers declare that
such worlds are only roughly the size of Eber r on itself. In any event, each
pl ane is cert ai nl y large enough to accommodat e years of expl orat i on for
anyone pr epar ed to face hostile condi t i ons and danger ous natives.
Thr ee of these pl anes are always close to the Mat eri al Pl ane, existing
si mul t aneousl y with it in the same physical space: the Et hereal Pl ane, the
Plane of Shadow, and the Ast ral Pl ane.
The Et hereal Plane is a ghostly ot herworl d, like a spi ri t real m per -
vading the corporeal world and exi st i ng i mmedi at el y beside it. Ent er i ng
the Et hereal Plane is a relatively simple mat t er for Spellcasters, who find
that they can still see the creat ures and objects of the Mat eri al Plane from
the ghostly et her. They can move about unhi nder ed by mat eri al objects,
enabl i ng t hem to (in effect) pass t hr ough walls and ot her bar r i er s.
The Pl ane of Shadow is like a dark mi r r or of the mat eri al world.
All objects (t hough not creat ures) in the Mat eri al Pl ane have a shadowy
analog. Ti me and di st ance have little meani ng i n the shadow real m, and
Spellcasters who ent er the Plane of Shadow can easily travel great distances
across it, reemergi ng in the cor r espondi ng location on the Mat eri al Plane
in a bri ef t i me. However, the Pl ane of Shadow is haunt ed by undead and
ot her hor r or s, maki ng it a peri l ous place.
The Ast ral Pl ane is a great silvery void, somet i mes described as a sea
or a starry sky t hrough which travelers, objects, and even ot her planes float
freely. Travelers move t hr ough the Astral Pl ane at the speed of t hought
(t hough such movement mi ght simply be an illusion in the mi nd of the
traveler). The Astral Plane is the space behi nd spacethe nonpl ace that
connects all places. It allows Spellcasters to t el eport from place to place on
the Material Pl ane, and it serves as a condui t when s ummoni ng creat ures
from ot her pl anes.
Thi r t een ot her planes float in the Ast ral Pl ane. Pl anar scholars
describe them moving t hrough the Astral Plane in complex orbits that bri ng
t hem variously closer to and fart her from the Material Planesometimes
even comi ng close enough to touch the Mat eri al Plane and allow some of
t hei r essence to cross over i nt o the world.
Daanvi, the Perfect Or der , is a pl ane where law rei gns supreme. Here
all t hi ngs live i n har mony bor n of order. Its pol ar opposite is Kyt hri , the
Chur ni ng Chaos, an ever - changi ng soup of r oi l i ng ent ropy. Accor di ng
to popul ar super st i t i on, t i mes of hi st or i cal stability are l i nked to the
proximity of Daanvi, while times of unr est and conflict are associated with
Kyt hri ' s nearness, but no evidence support s these claims.
Dal Quor , the Region of Dr eams, is the plane where dreams play out.
When mort al s dr eam, they psychically project t hei r mi nds to Dal Quor .
Behi nd the dreams and ni ght mar es t hat mort al s experi ence lie the cities
of the quorimonsters of ni ght mar e that feed on psychic energy. Thr ough
t hei r I nspi r ed hosts, the quori rule the nat i on of Ri edra and pursue t hei r
mysterious aims t hr ough the work of the Dr eami ng Dark.
Dol ur r h is the Realm of the Dead. A place of hopelessness and despair,
this is where mort al spirits pass when life has reached its end. Accordi ng to
the faith of the Sovereign Host, no great reward lies beyond life's bounds,
so life must be lived to its fullest and dr unk to the dregs. I mmor t al i t y is
achieved t hr ough heroi c deeds that leave a lasting mark on the world of
the living, for the shades t hat persist in Dol ur r h bear little mark of t hei r
former i dent i t i es.
Knowl edge (history)
DC 20: At two separat e t i mes i n Eber -
ron' s hi st ory, a pl ane dr awi ng close
to the world has di scharged an army
of i nvaders. At the end of the Age of
Gi ant s, quor i came to Eber r on from
Dal Quor , t he Regi on of Dr eams .
The fall of the Dhakaani Empi r e was
preci pi t at ed by a si mi l ar invasion of
daelkyr from Xori at . Bot h pl anes are
now very far from the Mat eri al Pl ane
as a resul t of act i ons t aken by t he
world' s defenders.
Knowl edge (the pl anes)
DC 10: Beyond t he Mat er i al Pl ane are
t hi r t een ot her pl anes of exi st ence
where st range creat ures live and dif-
ferent rul es hold sway.
DC 12: Thr e e "t r ansi t i ve" pl anest he
Et hereal , Shadow, and Ast ral Planes
exist in addi t i on to the t hi r t een orbi t -
i ng pl anes.
DC 15: The t hi r t een orbi t i ng planes fall
i nt o t hree opposi t i onal pairsDaanvi
and Kyt hr i (law and chaos), Fer ni a
and Risia (fire and ice), and Iri an and
Mabar (l i ght and dar k) and seven
unpa i r e d planes.- Dal Quor , Dol -
ur r h, Lamanni a, Shavarath, Syrania,
Thel ani s, and Xori at .
Use this DC for a check to recall the
basic characteristics of each pl ane and
the ki nds of creat ures found t her e.
DC 20: The t hi r t een or bi t i ng pl anes
somet i mes draw so close to the Mat e-
rial Plane that they "touch" it and allow
some of t hei r qualities to seep over into
Eber r on. Thi s is called a cot ermi nous
phase. At ot her t i mes, the pl anes are
remot e, and t hei r i nfl uence fades on
the Mat eri al Pl ane.
DC 25 : The planes have different magi -
cal and physical laws. On some planes,
gravity is lighter or st ronger, or com-
pletely absent (Xori at )or it shifts
frequent l y ( Kyt hr i ) . On some, t i me
flows more or less rapidly, or it doesn' t
flow at all ( Dol ur r h) . Some pl anes
enhance t he f unct i oni ng of cer t ai n
types of spells and i mpede ot her s,
while some t hr ow t he rules of magic
ent i rel y away (Xori at agai n).
Use t hi s DC for a check to recal l t he
pl anar traits of a given pl ane and how
those t rai t s affect travelers.
Ferni a, the Sea of Fi re, and Risia, the Plain of Ice, are
the homes of powerful elemental forces. Every five years, the
mi dsummer is especially hot and the mi dwi nt er particularly
cold as these planes draw close to the Mat eri al Pl ane.
Iri an, the Et ernal Day, is awash in the radi ance of posi-
tive energy, while its opposite, the Endless Night of Mabar,
is a starless void that devours life and light.
Lamanni a, the Twilight Forest, is a realm of unbounded
nat ure. Plants and ani mal s, magical beasts and el ement al s,
and wild outsiders of bestial and el ement al aspect r un free
in its verdant forests, rol l i ng pl ai ns, and soari ng moun-
tains. Farmers say that crops grow more quickly dur i ng the
one week every year when Lamanni a draws close.
Shavarat h, the Bat t l egr ound, is i nhabi t ed by races of
celestials and fiends locked in eternal war with each other
archons, devils, and demons. Some say that Shavarath drew
near to Eber r on in the year the Last War started and came
close at least twice more dur i ng the course of the war, each
time presaging an outbreak of particularly bitter violence.
Syrani a, t he Azur e Sky, is t he home gl i t t er i ng cities
floating in endless blue, each rul ed by the wisest of angels.
Good' s power grows when Syrani a draws near, and flying
becomes easier i n places where its i nf l uence is strong
i ncl udi ng the great city of Shar n.
Thel ani s , the Faerie Cour t , is t he myst eri ous home
of the fey. Tales speak of travelers drawn i nt o its et er nal
twilight, emer gi ng after what feels to t hem like mere days,
only to discover that weeks or even mont hs have passed on
the Mat eri al Pl ane. The i nfl uence of Thel ani s is said to be
st rong near faerie ri ngs and faerie mounds.
Xori at is t he Real m of Madness, home to t he dael kyr
and the aber r at i ons they spawn. Ten t housand years ago,
Xori at drew close and the daelkyr invaded Eber r on, unt i l
the Gat ekeeper s fi nal l y sealed all connect i ons to t hei r
i nsane r eal m.
Some i magi ne t hat the Ast r al Pl ane is bounded in
its most di st ant reaches by an enci r cl i ng real m of ut t er
dark, the end of all t hi ngs. They call this regi on the Out er
Dar kness. Some claim t hat the s hi ni ng r eal m of the Sov-
er ei gn Host lies somewhere beyond t hi s Out e r Darkness,
and t hat the Out er Darkness is t he home- i n- exi l e of the
Dark Six. No mor t al has ever visited t hi s place, let al one
any di vi ne real m beyond it, so its exi st ence is a mat t er of
pur e specul at i on.
In places, the boundaries between the planes are t hi n. Cert ai n
locations in Eberron have close affinities or connections to the
ot her planes, allowing characteristics of those planes to spill
over into the world. These areas are called manifest zones, since
in these places the power of the planes is made manifest.
Mani fest zones appear everywhere i n Eber r on, and
zones exist that link to all the planes except Dal Quor . The
effects of a manifest zone are sometimes related to the effects
of a pl ane becomi ng cot er mi nous with the Mat eri al Pl ane,
but this is not always the case. In fact, the most well-known
manifest zone in the world, the zone l i nked to Syrania in
which the city of Shar n is bui l t , has qualities completely
unr el at ed to the effects of Syrania' s cot er mi nous state and
only tangentially related to the qualities of the pl ane itself.
Manifest zones are, above all, unpredi ct abl e.
That said, all mani f est zones have two pr oper t i es in
common. Fi rst , a mani f est zone is consi der ed a par t of
bot h the Mat eri al Pl ane and the pl ane to which the zone is
l i nked. An out si der is not consi dered ext rapl anar while in
a manifest zone l i nked to its home pl ane, so it is impossible
to use dismissal or holy word to bani sh an angel from the city of
Shar n, for example.
Second, it is always easier to pass bet ween t he Mat e-
rial Plane and the l i nked pl ane in a mani fest zone. I n most
cases, magic is still r equi r ed to move a cr eat ur e from one
pl ane to t he ot her (whet her t hat magic is summon monster I or
a plane shift spel l ). However, a charact er in a mani fest zone
can always use plane shift to travel to the pl ane l i nked to that
manifest zone, even wi t hout the pr oper focus for the spell.
When a charact er in a manifest zone uses a planar bindingspell
to call a creat ure from the pl ane l i nked to that manifest
zone, the spell' s saving t hrow DC is increased by 2.
Besides t he mani f est zone i n whi ch Shar n is bui l t ,
i mpor t ant mani fest zones i ncl ude the Lai r of the Keeper
i n the Demon Wastes and Lake Dark i n Ka r r na t h (bot h
l i nked to Dol ur r h) , the City of the Dead in Aer enal (linked
to I r i an) , and t hree manifest zones in the El deen Reaches:
Gr eenhear t (l i nked to Lamanni a) , the Gl oami ng (l i nked
to Mabar), and the Twilight Demesne (l i nked to Thel ani s) .
Several known manifest zones l i nked to Kyt hr i and Xoriat
exist in the Shadow Marches. Some sages speculate that the
Fist of Ona t a r i n t he Mr or Hol ds is a mani fest zone tied
to Ferni a, and zones l i nked to Risia almost cert ai nl y exist
i n t he Frost fel l . The Mour nl a nd is believed to cont ai n at
least one manifest zone tied to Shavarath, created as a result
of t he events of t he Day of Mour ni ngor per haps havi ng
caused that cataclysm.
Powerful magic can create or suppress manifest zones.
The powerful wondrous item called an orrery of the planes cre-
ates a t emporary, localized manifest zone l i nked to a plane
of the user' s choosi ng. It is even capable of creat i ng zones
l i nked to Dal Quor , and usi ng an orrery in this way mi ght
create an oppor t uni t y for t he quor i to ent er t he Mat eri al
Pl ane in physical form once mor e. A dimensional seal, a ki nd
of mi nor art i fact , negates t he effects of a mani fest zone in
a l i mi t ed area. It seems likely t hat f ur t her mani f est zones
linked to Xori at r emai n undi scovered because t hei r effects
are suppressed by a hi dden dimensional seal.
Characters wise to the ways of the planes can take advan-
tage of manifest zones in a variety of ways. Those who spend a
great deal of t i me in the City of Towers can adopt the Sharn
skymage prestige class or l earn feats such as Improved Flight
It em, Mani fest Fl i ght , and Mani fest Leapabilities that
reflect t hei r i nt i mat e under s t andi ng of Shar n' s mani fest
zone. (These opt i ons are descri bed in Sharn: City of Towers.)
Any spel l cast er can l ear n the t echni ques of t he mani fest
spel l shapers (see page 124) to channel pl anar power i nt o
t hei r spells. The sidebar below describes a few more opt i ons
for characters who wish to enhance their capabilities t hrough
knowledge of the pl anes.
Bat t l ebr ed
Due to t raumat i c experi ences in past battles, the pl ane of
Shavarath with its endless war seems never far from you.
Prerequi si te: Base attack bonus +6.
Benef i t : When you are subject to an effect that
gr ant s a mor al e bonus , t he dur a t i on is ext ended by 2
r ounds .
If you have the rage class feature, the dur at i on of your
rage is ext ended by 2 r ounds .
Chosen of t he Deat hl ess
You were raised in Shae Mordai to serve as a squi re to the
Undyi ng Cour t . Though your service has ended, you carry
with you an i nt i mat e familiarity with the positive energy
that suffuses the City of the Dead.
Prerequi si te: Elf, regi on of or i gi n Aer enal , ability
to t ur n undead.
Benefi t: Whenever you cast a conj urat i on (heal i ng)
spell that heals damage, you cure an addi t i onal 1 poi nt of
damage per level of the spell.
When you t ur n undead, you gain a +2 bonus on your
t ur ni ng check and your t ur ni ng damage rol l .
These benefits are cumulative with any effects of a
manifest zone l i nked to I r i an and with the effects of Iri an' s
cot er mi nous state.
Mani fest Dr ui d
Your years of wander i ng the Eldeen Reaches have given you
a familiarity with its t hr ee manifest zones and the powers
of the pl anes they are l i nked to.
Prerequi si te: Region of ori gi n Eldeen Reaches, abil-
ity to cast summon nature's ally I.
Benefi t: Whenever you cast a summon nature's ally spell,
the dur at i on is increased by 1 r ound.
When you cast a spell or use an ability t hat causes di s-
ease or involves poi son, the saving t hrow DC of the effect
increases by 1.
Once per day, you can empower any 1st level arcane
spell as you cast it without adjusting the spell' s level or cast-
i ng t i me.
The pl anes t eem wi t h life, i n some cases even mi r r o r -
ing t he soci et i es, ki ngdoms , and conf l i ct s of Eber r on' s
Mat eri al Pl ane. Many races are nat i ve to t he pl anes, or
can at least t race t hei r ancest r y to pl anar i nf l uences .
These r aces ar e des cr i bed i n Planar Handbook, Races of
Destiny, Races of the Wild, Expanded Psionics Handbook, a n d Magic
of Incarnum. Whi l e t he pl anar or i gi ns of t hese races are
uni que to Eber r on' s cosmology, most ot her details r emai n
unchanged from t hei r pr esent at i on i n ot her books. (In
the following descri pt i ons, the abbrevi at i on of a book title
after a race' s name i ndi cat es t he sour ce to consul t for
more i nf or mat i on. )
Aa s i ma r ( RD) : These descendant s of huma n and
celestial bl oodl i nes live among human communi t i es. The
term "celestial" has a somewhat looser defi ni t i on in Eber -
ron t han it does in settings that have clearly identified celes-
tial pl anes. In Ebe r r on, cr eat ur es i dent i f i ed as cel est i al s
in the D&D rul es come from such widely varyi ng planes as
Fernia (firre el adri ns), I r i an (l ant ern archons), Lamanni a
(guardi nal s), Shavarat h (most archons), Syrania (angels),
and Thel ani s (el adri ns). As such, aasi mar often have traits
and personal i t i es that differ wildly from each other, based
on the part i cul ars of t hei r celestial ancestry.
Bari aur ( PH) : Bari aurs are cent aurl i ke creat ures with
the hor ns and lower bodi es of r ams. They are native to the
plane of Lamanni a, the Twilight Forest.
Buomman ( PH) : These ext rapl anar humanoi ds are
somet i mes called " moani ng monks . " They dwell on t he
Astral Pl ane.
Dus kl i ng ( MI) : These wild and feral fey have a nat u-
ral affinity for t he magic of t ot ems, channel i ng t he soul
energy of magi cal beasts i nt o t ot emi c objects l aden with
magical power. They hai l from the pl ane of Thel ani s , the
Faerie Cour t .
Gi thyanki and Gi thzerai ( EPH) : Mi nd flayers from
Xoriat created the gi t hyanki and gi t hzerai to serve as t hei r
slaves some ni ne t housand years ago. Some say t he mi nd
flayers creat ed each race fully f or med, while ot her s con-
tend t hat the i l l i t hi ds twisted humans or hobgobl i ns i nt o
the gi t h. The mi nd flayers bred t he gi t hyanki to be slave
laborers and expendabl e soldiers, while the gi t hzerai were
destined to be personal servants and scribes for the mi nd
flayers and t hei r daelkyr overlords.
Whe n t he Gat ekeeper s severed t he connect i on to
Xori at , the gi t hyanki and gi t hzer ai took the oppor t uni t y
to t ur n on t hei r mi nd flayer mast ers, escaping t hei r slavery
en masse. The two gi t h races were par t of di f f er ent slave
castes, however, and came i nt o conflict once they had won
t hei r freedom. The gi t hyanki ret reat ed to the Ast ral Plane,
l ured by its timeless qual i t i es, while t he gi t hzerai went to
Kyt hri to get as far away from t he mi nd flayers as possi bl e.
A few gi t hyanki and gi t hzerai stayed on the Mat eri al Plane,
t hough, f or mi ng smal l communi t i es i n widely scat t ered
locations across Eber r on.
The gi t hyanki and gi t hzerai are bi t t er rivals who aren' t
above r ai di ng each ot her' s communi t i es, but they r emai n
uni t ed i n t hei r hat red of the mi nd flayers and anyt hi ng else
that hails from Xori at . Even rival gith communi t i es some-
t i mes band t oget her to ent er Khyber and ensur e t hat the
magic seals i mpr i s oni ng powerful r emnant s of the Xori at
i nt erl opers r emai n strong. Ot her gith communi t i es uni t e
simply to kill as many mi nd flayers as they can.
Unl i ke t he gi t hyanki descr i bed i n t he Monster Manual,
gi t hyanki i n Ebe r r on have no special connect i on to red
dr agons.
Ki l l oran (RW): Native to the Faerie Cour t of Thel ani s,
this ext rapl anar fey race is common i n the Eldeen Reaches.
Mephl i ng ( PH) : These cr eat ur es are si mi l ar to the
mephits of Lamanni a, Ferni a, and Risia, but more human-
like and less powerful . They come from t he same pl anes
as mephi t s.
Neraphi m ( PH) : The slaadlike ner aphi m hai l from
the pl ane of Kyt hr i , the Chur ni ng Chaos.
Shadowswyft ( PH) : These pl anet ouched bei ngs are
descended from creat ures of the Plane of Shadow.
Spiker ( PH) : Thought to be related to the bladelings
described in Monst er Manual II, spikers likewise hai l from
the pl ane of Shavarath, the Bat t l eground.
Stonechi l d (RS): St onechi l dren are native to the plane
of Lamanni a, the Twilight Forest. They have been known to
wander ont o the Mat eri al Plane when Lamanni a becomes
cot er mi nous, and appear frequently in the El deen Reaches
dur i ng such times. Those who r emai n on the Material Plane
for an ext ended peri od suffer bouts of depressi on dur i ng
the Twilight Forest' s remot e phase.
Ti ef l i ng ( RD) : Like aasi mar, tieflings live among
human and ot her communi t i es around the world. Descended
from fiendish stock, they are particularly common in the city
of Graywall (in Droaam) and Q' bar r a. Fiends in Eber r on
come from at least six di fferent pl anes ( Dol ur r h, Ferni a,
Lamanni a, Mabar, Risia, and Shavarat h), so tieflingslike
aasimardisplay a wide range of appearance and character
traits dependi ng in par t on t hei r fiendish heri t age.
Wi l dren ( PH) : These bestial, badgerlike outsiders are
native to the pl ane of Lamanni a, the Twilight Forest.
"Let's see . . . Fernia is in the ninth realm, so if I want fire, I simply have to do . . . THIS!"
Shevia i r ' Gal l i an, manifest spel l shaper
The pl anes of Eber r on whirl in endless mot i on t hr ough the Ast ral Plane,
drawi ng near and movi ng far from the Mat eri al Pl ane and sendi ng t hei r
influence like tides upon the world. To one who under st ands the mot i ons
of the pl anes, near and far mean not hi ngi f you know exactly where to
reach, you can tap i nt o the power of the pl anes wherever they are in t hei r
cyclical wanderi ngs. Once you have l earned t hi s t echni que, you are on the
pat h to becomi ng a manifest spellshaper.
Mani fest spel l shaper s are pr i mar i l y ar cane Spellcasters, but also
i ncl ude di vi ne cast ers and psi oni c mani f est er s among t hei r number s .
The i r secret s are not encapsul at ed i n a pr est i ge class, but r at her i n a
col l ect i on of feats from whi ch t hei r member s can choose (descri bed
under "Manifest Spel l shaper Benefi t s, " below). By t hi s means, manifest
spellshapers cont i nue t hei r advancement in t hei r chosen spellcasting class
while applying the secrets of the or der to the basic spells and t echni ques
they l earn.
The hardest step in becomi ng a mani fest spel l shaper is finding a ment or
to t r ai n you in the secrets of the di sci pl i ne. Whi l e Spellcasters are rarely
pr one to whi sper i ng about t hei r "secrets, " few cl i ng to t hei r spel l cast i ng
t echni ques qui t e as tightly as mani fest spel l shapers do. Since the pr act i -
t i oners of these t echni ques have been hunt ed by the Arcane Congress for
over a century, they are skilled at r emai ni ng hi dden and slow to t rust any
who do manage to find t hem.
New st udent s come to the at t ent i on of exi st i ng mani fest spel l shapers
by dabbl i ng in t he magi c of t he pl anes i ndependent l y. You mi ght have
l ear ned feats (from Planar Handbook) such as El ement al Spel l cast i ng or
Celestial Summoni ng Speci al i st t hr ough your own i ngenui t y. Al t er na-
tively, per haps you st umbl ed across a lost j our na l of one of t he or i gi nal
di sci pl es of Jef an i r ' Ga nni k. In any case, you have begun to taste t he
ki nd of power t hat t he exi st i ng mani fest spel l shaper s want desperat el y
to keep wi t hi n t hei r own r anks and out of t he hands of t he Ar cane
Congr es s . For t hat r eason, a mani fest spel l shaper sought you out and
offered to teach you deeper secret s i n exchange for your sol emn vow
of secrecy. Not cont ent with a mer e verbal pr omi se, the exi st i ng di s-
ciples r equi r e t hat prospect i ve st udent s submi t to a mark of justice spell
t hat activates if they reveal t he secret s to anyone who has not sworn a
si mi l ar vow. The mark of justice-takes t he form of a smal l t at t oo on the left
shoul der bl ade.
Entry Requi rement s : Knowl edge (the pl anes) 2 r anks, Spellcraft
4 r anks.
Once your new ment or is convinced of your sincerity and t rust wor-
t hi ness, you begin to l earn the t echni ques of manifest spellshaping. You
work i ndi vi dual l y wi t h your ment or , and you mi ght never meet anot her
manifest spel l shaper unless you decide to take on a st udent of your own.
Your ment or allows you to pur sue your own i nt erest s and discover the
pl anar secrets that are most in keepi ng with your own affinities. You can
learn pl anar secrets that your ment or does not know; the ment or simply
shows you the door, rat her t han l eadi ng you t hr ough it.
The most i mpor t ant benefit the manifest spel l shapers have to offer you is
knowledgeboth general knowledge of pl anar lore and the very specific
pl anar secrets taught by Jefan i r ' Ganni k to his first disciples.
I nf ormat i on: The knowl edge of the mani fest spel l shaper s is per -
soni fi ed i n your ment or . Because t he di sci pl es of Jef an i r ' Ga nni k are
less an organi zat i on t han a conspiracy of fugitives, t here is not hi ng like a
central l i brary where you can study the collected lore of an or der or any-
t hi ng of the sort. You mi ght gain permi ssi on to study your own ment or' s
Knowl edge (arcana)
DC 15: The positions of the planes rel a-
tive to each ot her can have an impact
on t he power of spel l s cast on t he
Mat eri al Pl ane.
DC 20: Before t he Last War, a gr oup of
Spellcasters left the Ar cane Congress,
t aki ng some t r emendous secret with
t hem. Agent s of the Ar cane Congress
still hunt those who have kept those
secrets all this t i me.
DC 25: It is possi bl e, if a spel l cast er
knows t he l ocat i ons of t he pl anes
relative to each ot her, to mani pul at e
spel l s accor di ngl y, i ncr eas i ng t he
power of cert ai n types of magic.
DC 30: It is said t hat a wi zard named
Jefan i r ' Ganni k discovered the t ech-
ni ques of ma n i p u l a t i n g spel l s i n
accor dance wi t h pl anar posi t i ons to
enhance t hei r effects. Before the Last
War, he fled t he towers of Ar cani x
wi t h hi s knowl edge, and t he agent s
of t he Ar cane Congr ess have hunt ed
hi m and hi s di sci pl es ever si nce.
Thi s t echni que, called manifest spell-
shaping, allows a caster to s pont ane-
ously enhance her spells as if t hr ough
met amagi c, and possibly create mor e
unusual effects as well.
Knowl edge (the pl anes)
DC 10: The movement s of t he pl anes,
and whet her a given pl ane is close to
or di st ant from t he Mat eri al Pl ane,
can al t er the effects of spells cast on
t he Mat eri al Pl ane.
DC 20: It is possi bl e, if a spel l cast er
knows t he l ocat i ons of t he pl anes
relative to each ot her, to mani pul at e
spel l s accor di ngl y, i ncr eas i ng t he
power of cert ai n types of magi c.
DC 30: Before t he Last War, J ef an
i r ' Ganni k split with the Ar cane Con-
gress, fleeing the towers of Ar cani x
wi t h t he secret s of what he cal l ed
mani f es t s pel l s hapi ngt he t ech-
ni ques of t appi ng i nt o t he Out e r
Pl anes to channel t hei r power i nt o
spel l cast i ng. He and hi s di sci pl es
were hunt ed like cr i mi nal s, but t hei r
descendant s r emai n at l arge.
DC 35: Legend says t hat t he h u ma n
Jef an i r ' Ga n n i k is st i l l alive, pr e -
served by some mast er y of t he flow
of t i me and st i l l h u n t e d by t he
Ar cane Congr es s .
personal col l ect i on of pl anar l or e, whi ch can gr ant you a
+2 ci rcumst ance bonus on a Knowl edge (the planes) check.
Ot her wi se, you must provi de for your own needs, seeki ng
lost collections of arcane knowledge and mystical artifacts
to expand your knowledge.
The pl anar secret s of the spel l shaper s are t he most
i mpor t ant knowl edge they possess and t he most closely
guar ded. Thes e secret s are embodi ed i n t he fol l owi ng
t hi r t een feats.
Mast ery of t he Azur e Sky
You have l earned to calculate the precise location of Syrania
at any given t i me, and to use t hat knowl edge to enhance
spells you cast to grant flight.
Pr er equi s i t e: Knowledge (the planes) 2 ranks, Spel l -
craft 6 ranks, Extend Spell.
Benef i t : Any t i me you cast a spell that grant s its target
a fly speed or i mproves its fly speed (wi t hout al t er i ng its
form), you can spont aneousl y apply the effect of the Ext end
Spell met amagi c feat to that spell. Doi ng t hi s has no effect
on the spell' s level or casting t i me.
Exampl es of such spel l s from t he Player's Handbook
include fly, overland flight, and haste (if cast on a cr eat ur e with
a fly speed). It does not apply to spells that gr ant a fly speed
by al t eri ng the creat ure' s form, such as gaseous form, polymorph,
and wind walk, nor would it work on air walk, ethereal jaunt, levitate,
or reverse gravity (since these spells, while they allow movement
t hrough the air, do not grant a fly speed).
Mast ery of t he Bat t l egr ound
You have l earned to calculate the precise location of Sha-
varat h at any given t i me, and to use t hat knowl edge to
enhance spells of battle that you cast.
Pr er equi s i t e: Knowledge (the planes) 2 ranks, Spel l -
craft 6 ranks, Ext end Spell.
Be ne f i t ; Any t i me you cast a spel l t hat cr eat es,
enhances , or mi mi cs a weapon (such as flame blade, keen
edge, or Mordenkainen's sword) or excites host i l e emot i ons
(such as rage, heroism, or antipathy), you can s pont aneous l y
apply t he effect of t he Ext end Spel l met amagi c feat to
that spel l . Doi ng t hi s has no effect on t he spel l ' s level
or cast i ng t i me.
Mast ery of Chaos and Or de r
You have l earned to calculate the precise locations of Daanvi
and Kyt hr i at any given t i me, and to use t hat knowl edge
to i mbue your spel l s wi t h unus ual r egul ar i t y or s t r i ki ng
unpredi ct abi l i t yor bot h.
Pr er equi s i t e: Knowledge (the planes) 2 ranks, Spel l -
craft 6 r anks.
Benef i t : When you cast a spel l , you can choose to
apply one or bot h of t he fol l owi ng effects to t he spel l .
The deci si on to add t he effect(s) must be made dur i ng
cast i ng.
By channel i ng t he c hur ni ng chaos of Kyt hr i , you
can add ld63 to the spel l ' s save DC. Unl i ke with damage
rolls, the mi ni mum result is not 1; for example, if you roll
a 2 on the 1d6, the DC is reduced by 1. Thi s choice is made
at the t i me of casting, and has no effect on a spell that does
not allow a save. The adjusted save DC is the same for all
cr eat ur es t hat must save agai nst t he spell (you don' t rol l
separately for each affected cr eat ur e) .
By focusi ng t he perfect or der of Daanvi , you can
choose to set the result of any spell' s variable, numeri c effect
as one- hal f the maxi mum possible resul t . For example, a
9th-level wizard who casts fireball normal l y deals 9d6 poi nt s
of damage; choosi ng to use t hi s ability means the fireball
deals 27 poi nt s of damage (half of 54, which is the maxi mum
result of 9d6). The spell can still be affected by Empower
Spell and ot her such feats and effects that r equi r e it to have
a variable, numer i c effect (usi ng the previ ous example,
empower i ng the fireball would cause it to deal 150% of 27
poi nt s of damage, or 40 poi nt s of damage, as if the result
of t he variable, numer i c effect were 27).
Mast ery of Day and Ni ght
You have l e a r ne d t o cal cul at e t he pr eci s e l ocat i ons
of I r i an and Mabar at any given t i me, and to use t hat
knowl edge to enhance your mani pul at i on of posi t i ve and
negative energy,
Pr er equi s i t e: Knowledge (the planes) 2 ranks, Spell-
craft 6 ranks, Maximize Spell.
Benef i t : You can spont aneousl y apply t he effect of
t he Maxi mi ze Spell met amagi c feat to any cure or inflict spell
you cast. Doi ng t hi s has no effect on t he spel l ' s level or
cast i ng t i me.
Mast ery of t he Dead
You have l earned to calculate t he precise location of Dol -
ur r h at any given t i me, and to use that knowledge to capt ure
the souls of creat ures slain with your death spells.
Pr er equi s i t e: Knowledge (the planes) 6 ranks, Spel l -
craft 12 ranks, Spell Focus (necromancy).
Benef i t ; Whenever you slay a cr eat ur e wi t h a spel l
t hat has t he deat h descr i pt or , you can at t empt a cast er
level check ( DC 10 + sl ai n cr eat ur e' s HD) as a free act i on
to t r ansf or m t he slain cr eat ur e' s spi ri t i nt o a ghost under
your cont r ol . (See t he ghost t empl at e in t he Monster Manual
for det ai l s. )
If the check succeeds, the ghost appears in the slain
creat ure' s space at the begi nni ng of your next t ur n and acts
immediately. It follows your spoken commands (even if you
don' t share a l anguage), even at t acki ng its former allies if
you so choose. It r emai ns present for a number of r ounds
equal to your caster level (or unt i l you are slain, whichever
comes first). Whi l e the ghost is present , the corpse can' t be
r et ur ned to life by any means.
You can' t have mor e t han one ghost pr esent s i mul -
t aneousl y with t hi s feat. If you creat e a second ghost while
your first ghost is st i l l pr es ent , you can choose whi ch
one r e ma i ns ( t he ot he r di s appear s , its soul freed from
your cont r ol ) .
Mast ery of Dr eams
By psychically expl ori ng the real m of Dal Quor , you have
l earned to instill your spells with the stuff of dr eams . . .
and ni ght mar es,
Pr er equi s i t e: Knowledge (the planes) 4 ranks, Spel l -
craft or Psicraft 9 r anks,
Benef i t : Add +1 to the save DC of any illusion spell or
spell with the fear descri pt or that you cast.
Mast ery of Faeri e Enc ha nt me nt
You have l earned to calculate the precise location of Thel a-
nis at any given t i me, and to use that knowledge to i mprove
your ability to cont rol the mi nds of ot her creat ures.
Pr er equi s i t e: Knowledge (the planes) 2 ranks, Spel l -
craft 6 ranks, Extend Spell.
Benefi t: You can spont aneousl y apply the effect of
t he Ext end Spell met amagi c feat to any enchant ment spell
you cast. Doi ng t hi s has no effect on t he spel l ' s level or
cast i ng t i me.
Mastery of Ice and Fire
You have l earned to calculate the precise locations of Ferni a
and Risia at any given t i me, and to use that knowledge to
enhance cold and fire spells that you cast.
Prerequi si te: Knowledge (the planes) 2 ranks, Spel l -
craft 4 ranks, Enl arge Spell.
Benefit: You can spont aneousl y apply the effect of the
Enl arge Spell met amagi c feat to any spell you cast that has
t he cold descri pt or or the fire descri pt or. Doi ng t hi s has no
effect on the spell' s level or casting t i me.
Mastery of Madness
You have l ear ned to reach magi cal l y to t he ever - di st ant
pl ane of Xori at and draw some element of its madness i nt o
t he worldbut these t echni ques come with some risk.
Prerequi si te: Knowledge (the planes) 2 ranks, Spel l -
craft 9 ranks, I r on Will.
Benefit: Whenever you summon a celestial or fiendish
cr eat ur e with a spell, spel l -l i ke ability, or magic item, you
can choose instead to s ummon a pseudonat ur al version of
t hat cr eat ur e (see t he ps eudonat ur al t empl at e i n Complete
Arcane, r epr oduced i n abbreviated form below). When you
use this ability, you must succeed on a caster level check (DC
15 + spell level) to avoid openi ng a smal l t empor ar y rift to
Xori at , which affects the spell as if it were cast on a pl ane
with the wild magic t rai t (roll d% on the table on page 150
in the Dungeon Master's Guide to det er mi ne the effect).
Pseudonat ural Creature: Change type to out si der.
SA t r ue st ri ke 1/day, S Q al t er nat e f or m, damage r educ-
t i on, resistance to acid and electricity, spell resi st ance; Int
mi ni mum 3.
Alternate Form (Su): Take form of gr ot esque t ent acl ed
mass as st andar d act i on; statistics r emai n as nor mal but
attacks take 1 moral e penalty.
Damage Reduction (Su): DR 5/magic ( HD 4-11) or DR
10/ magi c( HD 12+).
Resistance to Acid and Electricity (Ex): Resistance 5 ( HD 17),
10 ( HD 8-11), or 15 ( HD 12+).
Spell Resistance (Ex): SR 10 + HD ( maxi mum 25).
Mastery of the Mists
By l ear ni ng of the i nt ri cat e r el at i onshi p between the Et he-
real Plane and the Mat eri al Pl ane, you gain the ability to
see and somet i mes reach t hr ough the bar r i er between these
two pl anes.
Prerequi si te: Knowledge (the planes) 6 ranks, Spel l -
craft 12 r anks.
Benef i t : As a move act i on, you can see et her eal
creat ures and objects as if you were under the effect of a see
invisibility spell for 1 r ound. ( Thi s ability doesn' t let you see
ot her invisible creat ures or objects.)
When you cast a spell on the Material Pl ane, you can
at t empt a caster level check (DC 15 + spell level) to target
an et hereal creat ure or object you can see as if it weren' t
et hereal . Spells wi t hout a target ent ry (such as fireball) can' t
benefit from this ability. No mor e t han one et hereal crea-
t ure or object can be t arget ed with a spell i n t hi s manner ,
and you can' t target et hereal and mat eri al creat ures or
objects with the same spell when usi ng this ability.
Mastery of the Silver Void
You have gai ned a deeper under st andi ng of the Ast ral Plane
and its rel at i onshi p to the ot her planes of the cosmos. You
can use that knowledge to mor e quickly access that pl ane.
Prerequi si te; Knowledge (the planes) 6 ranks, Spell-
craft 12 ranks, Qui cken Spell.
Benefi t: Thr ee times per day, you can spontaneously
apply the Qui cken Spell met amagi c feat to any conj urat i on
(t el eport at i on) spell you cast. Doi ng this has no effect on
the spell' s level and can be done even by spont aneous Spell-
casters; however, it reduces your caster level for the spell by
9 (which likely reduces the number of ot her creat ures you
can affect with the spell).
Mastery of Twilight Deni zens
You have l earned to calculate the precise location of Laman-
nia at any given t i me, and to use that knowledge to summon
more powerful creat ures from that pl ane.
Prerequi si te: Knowledge (the planes) 2 ranks, Spell-
craft 4 ranks, Ext end Spell.
Benefi t: When you cast a spell t hat s ummons one or
mor e cr eat ur es not ed as an i nhabi t ant of Lamanni a (see
page 97 of the EBERRON Campaign Setting), you can s pont ane-
ously apply the effect of t he Ext end Spell met amagi c feat
to t hat spel l . Doi ng t hi s has no effect on the spell' s level
or cast i ng t i me.
Mastery of Twisted Shadow
You gain the ability to reach i nt o the Plane of Shadow when
casting an i l l usi on, conceal i ng yourself in the raw shadow-
stuff drawn fort h.
Prerequi si te: Knowledge (the planes) 2 ranks, Spel l -
craft 4 ranks.
Benefi t: Whenever you cast an illusion spell, you can
choose as a free action to gr ant yourself conceal ment for 1
r ound per level of the spell. Multiple uses of this feat don' t
stack; only the longest dur at i on applies.
You expl or e ar cane myst eri es t hat most peopl e rarel y
consi der. If or di nar y peopl e t hi nk about t he pl anes at all,
it's only to ut t er a col orful curse ("Sea of Fi r e! ") or to
bl ame the weat her on a cot er mi nous pl ane t hat mi ght not
have anyt hi ng at all to do with it. You, on t he ot her hand,
under st and the courses of the pl anes hur t l i ng t hr ough the
astral void, you compr ehend the subtle i nfl uences each
pl ane has on the Mat eri al Pl ane as it follows its or dai ned
pat h, and you hope to l ear n how to channel t hat i nfl uence
i nt o your own spel l s. You mut t er , somet i mes i ncompr e-
hensibly, about t hi ngs far beyond most peopl e' s l i mi t ed
exper i ence, and you feel a cer t ai n amount of t r i umphant
glee when you successfully draw pl anar energy i nt o your
own magi c. You are unl ocki ng t he secrets of t he uni verse!
You are pr yi ng i nt o mysteries hi dden from the mundane
mi nd! In t i me, the ul t i mat e knowledge of t he cosmos will
be yours!
Combat : How you funct i on in combat depends in large
part on two factors: your charact er class, and which pl anar
secrets you l earn as you advance. Fundament al l y, your role
in the party r emai ns unchanged by your new i nsi ght s i nt o
pl anar movement s. For the most par t , you choose pl anar
secrets that enhance abilities you already possess, so that in
combat you do j ust what you have always doneonly bet t er.
If you are a wizard, you cont i nue to blast foes with fireball
s pe l l s onl y l a r g e r o n e s , o n c e you l e a r n t h e Ma s t e r y of Ice
a n d F i r e . I f you a r e a c l e r i c , you cast b e t t e r h e a l i n g s pel l s
wi t h t he Ma s t e r y of Day a n d Ni g h t .
Ad v a n c e me n t : As d i s c u s s e d a bove , y o u r c h o i c e of
p l a n a r s e c r e t s d e p e n d s on t he t ypes of s pel l s you mos t of t e n
t o cast . Ch o o s e s ecr et s t ha t i mp r o v e y o u r e xi s t i ng s t r e n g t h s
r a t h e r t h a n s e c r e t s you r a r e l y us e .
Mi s s i o n s : I n e s s e n c e , t h e ma n i f e s t s p e l l s h a p e r is
a s c h o l a r , p r y i n g i n t o t h e s e c r e t s of t h e c o s mo s . Mo s t
ma n i f e s t s p e l l s h a p e r s s p e n d t h e ma j o r i t y of t h e i r t i me
p o r i n g t h r o u g h a n c i e n t t e x t s a n d s e a r c h i n g f or l os t
t o me s of p l a n a r l o r e . T h e l i f e of s u c h a s c h o l a r is r a r e l y
a q u i e t o n e , h o we v e r . Wh a t s e c r e t s c a n be d i s c o v e r e d by
e x p l o r i n g t h e p l a n a r s eal s e s t a bl i s he d by t he Ga t e k e e p e r s ?
Wh a t r e mn a n t s of t h e q u o r i i n v a s i o n c a n s t i l l be f o u n d
i n X e n ' d r i k ? Wh a t mi g h t be l e a r n e d a b o u t T h e l a n i s by
e x p l o r i n g t h e p a r t of t h e El d e e n Re a c h e s k n o wn as t he
Twi l i g h t De me s n e ? Wh e r e i n F e r n i a is t h e f abl ed Ci t y of
Br a s s ? Ma n i f e s t s p e l l s h a p e r s mu s t ask t he s e k i n d s of q u e s -
t i o n s t o p u r s u e t h e i r l o r e , a n d t h e s e q u e s t i o n s do n o t l ead
t o a l i f e of q u i e t s t udy l o c k e d i n s o me h i d d e n t o we r away
f r o m a ny d a n g e r or e x c i t e me n t . C o mb i n e d wi t h t h e fact
t ha t t h e Ar c a n e Co n g r e s s c o n s i d e r s ma n i f e s t s p e l l s h a p e r s
t o be t hi e ve s a n d f ugi t i ve s , few of t h e m l i ve p e a c e f u l l y i n
o n e pl a c e f or l ong.
"Most people aren't willing to stand against the resources of the Arcane
Congress for over a century to protect a secret. Whatever the disciples
of Jefan ir'Gannik have, it must really be somethingor else why would
they bother?"
Ba r on El a r d ' T h u r a n n i , Ho u s e T h u r a n n i
T h e ma n i f e s t s p e l l s h a p e r s a r e n o t j u s t a n o t h e r o r g a n i z a -
t i o n f or pl ayer c h a r a c t e r s t o j o i n . Th e y a r e a gat eway t o t he
my s t e r i o u s c o s mo s of p l a n e s s u r r o u n d i n g E b e r r o n , a way
t o ma k e t he p l a n e s a n i mp o r t a n t f act or i n y o u r c a mp a i g n ,
a n d a t e e mi n g hi ve of a d v e n t u r e h o o k s c l oa ke d i n secr ecy,
r o o t e d i n be t r a ya l , a n d r i f e wi t h i n t r i g u e .
No t a b l e s : T h e f i r s t ma n i f e s t s p e l l s h a p e r was J e f a n
i r ' G a n n i k , a r e s p e c t e d me mb e r of t h e A r c a n e Co n g r e s s
wh o s e e x p l o r a t i o n s of t h e p l a n e s a n d t h e i r mo v e me n t s
e a r n e d h i m a we l l - d e s e r v e d r e p u t a t i o n as o n e of t he C o n -
gr ess' s t op s c hol a r s i n t he year s b e f o r e t he Las t Wa r . Ho w-
ever, as J ef an l e a r n e d f u r t h e r p l a n a r s ecr et s , he de c i de d t ha t
what he ha d l e a r n e d was t oo i mp o r t a n t or t oo d a n g e r o u s t o
r e ma i n wi t h i n t he Ar c a n e Co n g r e s s . Ta k i n g hi s di s ci pl es
wi t h h i m, he f l ed t h e F l o a t i n g To we r s . T h e r e ma i n i n g
s p e l l s h a p e r s t el l v a r i o u s s t or i e s a b o u t t he exact r e a s o n s f or
hi s d e p a r t u r e . S o me say t ha t he l e a r n e d of a pl ot o n hi s l i f e.
Ot h e r s c l a i m t ha t he u n c o v e r e d a pl ot t o as s as s i nat e Ki n g
J a r o t a n d p l u n g e t he wor l d i n t o war , a n d a few wh i s p e r t hat
hi s ps yc hi c e x p l o r a t i o n s of Da l Q u o r l eft h i m ut t e r l y ma d .
Wh a t e v e r t h e c a u s e , J e f a n ' s
b r e a k wi t h t h e A r c a n e
C o n g r e s s was c o mp l e t e
a n d i r r e v o c a b l e . O v e r
t h e n e x t t wo d e c a d e s ,
as t h e d i s c i p l e s of J e f a n
s c a t t e r e d a c r o s s K h o r -
v a i r e , t h e a g e n t s of t h e
Ar c a n e Co n g r e s s h u n t e d
d o wn ever y o n e , k i l l i n g or
i mp r i s o n i n g t h e m al l . J e f a n
i r ' G a n n i k was n e v e r c a u g h t .
I f he is s t i l l a l i ve , he is a ve r y
a n c i e n t h u m a n , f or h e was
a l r e a d y ol d wh e n he l ef t t h e
F l o a t i n g To we r s . Yet l e g e n d s
t ol d a mo n g t h e r e ma i n i n g
ma n i f e s t s p e l l s h a p e r s a l l
of wh o m a r e s t u d e n t s of t h e
o r i g i n a l c a ba l me mb e r s , o r
of t h e i r s t u d e n t s c l a i m t ha t
h e r e ma i n s a l i ve , t h a n k s t o
s o me d e e p ma s t e r y of t h e
s ecr et s of T h e l a n i s .
Or g a n i z a t i o n : T h e
ma ni f e s t s pe l l s ha pe r s ar e
an u n u s u a l o r g a n i z a t i o n
i n t ha t t hey a r e d e f i n e d
n o t so mu c h by t h e i r
uni t y as a n o r g a n i z a t i o n
as by t he i r excl us i on f r om
a n o t h e r o r g a n i z a t i o n .
T h e f i r s t ma n i f e s t
s pel l s haper s d e p a r t e d
t he Ar c a n e Co n g r e s s
bef or e t he s t ar t of t he
Last War , a n d t he l ead-
er s of t h e Co n g r e s s s t i l l
h u n t ma n i f e s t s p e l l s h a p e r s as if
t hey we r e t hi eves i n t he ma r k e t p l a c e .
T h e s p e l l s h a p e r s who ha ve so f ar e l u d e d t h e Ar c a n e
Co n g r e s s p e r p e t u a t e t h e i r t r a d i t i o n s a n d pa s s o n t h e i r
s ecr et s by t a k i n g o n i n d i v i d u a l s t u d e n t s . Wi t h t he e x c e p -
t i on of t h e i r own me n t o r s a n d any s t u d e n t s t hey mi g h t t ake
o n l at e i n t h e i r c a r e e r s , t he l a t e r g e n e r a t i o n s of ma n i f e s t
s pe l l s ha pe r s have ne ve r me t a n o t h e r me mb e r of t h e i r or de r .
T h e r i s ks of g a t h e r i n g i n g r o u p s a r e s i mpl y t oo gr e a t .
NPC Reactions
Si n c e t h e e x i s t e n c e of ma n i f e s t s p e l l s h a p e r s is a s e c r e t ,
NP C s r eact t o t h e m exact l y as t hey woul d o t h e r Spel l cas t er s .
T h e onl y e x c e p t i o n a r e t hos e few me mb e r s of t he Ar c a n e
Co n g r e s s who a r e awar e of t he h i s t o r y of t he s pe l l s ha pe r s ,
who u n i f o r ml y r e s p o n d t o t h e d i s c o v e r y of a p r a c t i c i n g
s p e l l s h a p e r wi t h a hos t i l e r e a c t i o n .
The secrets of the
manifest spellshapers
are coveted by many and
acquired by few
Seventy years ago, gr oups of di spar at e set t l ers from across Khor vai r e
gat her ed to f or m an i mmens e flotilla of shi ps. They traveled al ong the
cont i nent ' s east coast, sear chi ng for an appr opr i at e spot to set t l e. They
were sick of war, of greed and ambitionand of the Five Nations as a whole.
They sought to create a l and that revived the spirit of old Galifar, where
they could live i n peace. Thi s land became Q' bar r a.
Q' bar r a is a young nat i on still in its bi r t h t hr oes. Wi l derness and
hostile forces s ur r ound its few cities and t owns. Nevert hel ess, it draws
refugees who seek to escape t hei r pasts, mi gr ant s hopi ng to grasp Gal -
ifar' s lost great ness, and advent ur er s hopi ng to l i berat e the deep j ungl e
of its secrets.
The young nat i on is not wi t hout power players. Q' bar r a was founded
upon the ideals of old Galifar, and the Fi nders of the Lost organi zat i on
takes t hat concept to an active ext r eme. The Fi nder s are composed of
humans and ot her common races, and they believe t hat a great par t
of Galifar' s glory came from the works of art , archi t ect ure, and magic it
created. They form small, versatile bands that range out i nt o Khor vai r e,
searchi ng for r emnant s of the old kingdomcoins, jewelry, artistry, magic
i t ems, books, and t he likethat they r e t ur n to t hei r mus eum i n New
Gal i far. Newt hr one suppor t s t he or gani zat i on' s mi ssi on and officially
sanct i ons its oper at i ons . The gr oup embr aces raci al uni t y, seei ng it as
one of Galifar' s t r i umphs, and it welcomes a varied member shi p. A few
lizardfolk seeking to experi ence life beyond the j ungl es have even been
accepted i nt o the organi zat i on' s ranks.
Political i nt r i gue is rife i n Q' bar r a. Ki ng Sebastes i r' Kessl an claims
r ul er shi p from Newt hr one, but his rei gn is unst abl e. Lhazaari t es, refu-
gees from Hope, the I nspi r ed, and various dr agonmar ked houses all have
designs on Q' ba r r a . Sebastes' s sister and first mi ni s t er Alzia i r ' Kessl an
(female human rogue 4/ r anger 3) is tasked with uncover i ng plots and
identifying t hreat s. She needs all the help she can get.
Out si de the new cities, Q' barra' s i nt er i or conceals mysteries. It is one
of the only l ands that cont ai ns intact r ui ns from the Age of Demons. The
largest and most i mpor t ant of these are Haka' t orvhak and Ka' rhashan, but
ot hers lie scattered t hr oughout the j ungl es and swamps, such as Mar' saval
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 10: Long a wild area of jungle, Q' barra
is now home to refugees from Khor -
vaire and those who seek to recl ai m
the ideals of old Galifar.
DC 15: Two civilized areas exist wi t hi n
Q' bar r a. New Galifar, with its capital
of Newt hr one and sizable t r a di ng
town of Adder por t , is home to t he
nat i on' s or i gi nal settlers. It at t empt s
to revitalize old Galifar' s glory. Hope,
whi ch cont ai ns smal l , bel eaguer ed
towns and villages, is home to refu-
gees who fled to Q' bar r a to avoid legal
recri mi nat i ons or similarly unpleasant
si t uat i ons i n t hei r homel ands . They
don' t care about Gal i f ar . Q' bar r a' s
onl y val uabl e nat ur al r esour ces are
Eber r on dr agonshar ds.
DC 20: Lizardfolk have a st rong pr es-
ence i n Q' b a r r a . Th r e e pr i ma r y
groups of lizardfolk exist. The black-
scale lizardfolk are large and host i l e.
They guar d r ui ns of holy significance
to t hei r ki nd. The poi son dusk pygmy
l i zardfol k are st eal t hy and vi ci ous.
They see t he i mmi gr ant s as defi l -
er s. The Col d Sun l i zar df ol k are a
conf eder at i on of t r i bes i n t he nor t h
and east. Most are fearful and sus-
pi ci ous of set t l ers, but t he Twi l i ght
Walker t ri be is wi l l i ng to work toward
a peaceful coexistence.
Knowl edge (l ocal )
DC 10: In New Galifar, laws are typical
of those in the Five Nat i ons; i n Hope,
laws are vi r t ual l y nonexi st ent and
change from place to place.
DC 15: Thous ands of lizardfolk live i n
Q' bar r a' s wild places.
DC 20: Most of t he l i zardfol k are neu-
t r al t oward Q' bar r a' s new set t l er s,
want i ng the newcomers to leave t hem
and t hei r sacred places in peace. Some
lizardfolk t rade with the Q' bar r ans ,
while ot hers seek to destroy t hem.
Knowl edge ( nobi l i t y and royalty)
DC 10: Ki ng Sebastes i r' Kessl an rul es
New Galifar from Newt hr one. Hope
has no single leader.
DC 15: House Tha r a s hk works wi t h
t he Q' ba r r a ns to gai n a stake i n t he
dr agonshar d t r ade. Houses Jorasco
and Ghal l andr a have good r el at i on-
ships with Q' bar r a.
in the nor t he r n Basura Swamp. Thi s great t empl e of brass
and gr ani t e once t owered above t he l andscape, unt i l at
the end of a great battle it cr umbl ed. The gr ound t ur ned
sodden as the sea sat urat ed it, but t hough t he t empl e sank,
powerful enchant ment s kept the water and muck from fill-
ing it. Its mi nar et s still poke above the wat erl i ne in places,
and the l i zardfol k leave offeri ngs her e for t hei r dr aconi c
gods. Onl y one ent r ance to Mar' saval exists above gr ound:
a tower top with a small balcony. The l i zardfol k revere the
site but never ent er it. They cl ai m t hat one of t hei r t ri bes,
the Fallen Bones lizardfolk, took up residence in it decades
ago and have si nce devolved i nt o decr epi t ude. The ot her
lizardfolk believe they worshi p a power t hat still dwells in
the t empl e.
Ni ght bi t , a smal l town in Hope, houses secret s of its
own. The town st ands at t he base of t he Endworl d Moun-
t ai ns bet ween Whi t ecl i f f and Wyrmwat ch, s ur r ounde d by
f or bi ddi ng cliffs and t eemi ng j ungl e. Despi t e its r emot e
l ocat i on, only smal l , weak monst er s and r ai di ng bands
have ever attacked Ni ght bi t . The town' s gover nment and
religious leader, Salmus Hake (NE male changel i ng rogue
3/ cl eri c 4 Dr agon Below), tells of how he di scovered t un-
nels in the nearby mount ai ns t hat lead to the r ui ns of an
anci ent dwarf ki ngdom. Ni ght bi t ' s ci t i zens do not allow
visitors to view these r ui ns, and the wilderness discourages
most expl orers anyway. Accor di ng to stories, Salmus found
an old altar wi t hi n the r ui ns, cleaned it off, and rest ored it.
Now, many claim t hat his people' s worshi p of the entity to
which the altar is dedicated keeps t hei r town safe.
Lizardfolk have lived in Q' barra' s jungles for mi l l enni a, ever
since the Empi r e of Dhakaan forced t hem from the Tal ent a
Pl ai ns. With newcomers in t hei r l and, the lizardfolk must
adapt or wage war. Most choose the former rout e, and some
tribes have opened di al ogue and trade with the Q' bar r ans .
The majority of lizardfolk are mi red in t r adi t i on and hold
to t hei r old lands and ways, but some look at the settlers and
see new oppor t uni t i es. The newcomers have superi or arms
and armor. They speak of distant, i nt r i gui ng lands and mys-
terious dragons. They believe that the lizardfolk' s relics and
j ungl e lore hold value. Some lizardfolk look to the Q' bar r ans
and want to know more about the world.
Li zardfol k out si de Q' bar r a are r ar e. They are usually
expl orers, desi r i ng to see new sights, seeki ng the history of
t hei r forebears i n the Tal ent a Pl ai ns, or possessi ng any of
the ot her motivations that i nspi re advent urers. The settlers'
arri val provi ded a j ol t to t he st agnat i ng l i zardfol k cul t ur e,
and the l i zardfol k have r emember ed t hat t here is a wide,
i nt er est i ng world beyond t hei r swamps.
Several subraces of l i zardfol k exist wi t hi n Q' bar r a,
and all have the pot ent i al to be advent urers. The common
lizardfolk of the Cold Sun Tri bes are the most likely to take
up advent ur i ng careers, since they are the most numer ous
and are typically neut ral or friendly toward the Q' bar r ans .
The poi son dusk and blackscale lizardfolk are less likely to
advent ure, because of t hei r hostility toward the settlers and
t hei r dedi cat i on to Rhashaak, t he f i endi sh black dr agon
guar di an of Haka' t orvhak. Renegades among t hei r number
do exist, however, and the settlers' arri val has nudged t hem
i nt o new lives as it has t hei r kinfolk.
Lizardfolk possess di fferent customs and spi ri t ual and
mart i al t radi t i ons t han the common races. Playing a l i zard-
folk offers a good oppor t uni t y to try out an exotic class, such
as a spirit shaman (from Complete Divine) or dr ui di c avenger
(from Unearthed Arcana).
The di f f er ent l i zardfol k subraces have di fferent Hi t
Dice and racial t r ai t s. Consul t t he fol l owi ng table for the
favored class, racial Hi t Dice, level adjustment, and st art i ng
effective charact er level (ECL) of each subrace. Savage Species
offers suggestions for playing any monst er race as a player
character from 1st level.
Favored Raci al Level St ar t i ng
Subrace Class HD Adj. ECL
Cold Sun Drui d 2d8 +1 3
(common lizardfolk)
Barbarian 4d8 +3 7
Poison dusk
Ranger +1 1
See Monster Manual III.
Q' bar r a' s j ungl es and swamps support uni que varieties of
plant life for which al chemi st s, herbal i st s, and ot hers have
discovered par t i cul ar uses. The following items are a few of
those that can be made from Q' bar r a' s resources.
Grayflower Perf ume: The grayflower' s scent is faint,
but it possesses the pecul i ar trait of maski ng ot her scents.
Weari ng grayflower perfume disguises your scent; creat ures
with the scent ability have a difficult t i me t r acki ng you or
ot herwi se di scer ni ng your presence (+5 to the appropri at e
DCs). One vial cont ai ns enough per f ume to funct i on for 2
hour s. Cr eat i ng a vial of grayflower per f ume r equi r es a DC
25 Craft (alchemy) check. You must be a spellcaster to craft
grayflower per f ume.
Lodret Leaf: When treated with an alchemical mix-
t ur e, the leaves of t he l odret pl ant provi de a pot ent defense
against disease. Chewi ng on a leaf grant s you a +5 al chemi -
cal bonus on Fort i t ude saving throws against nat ural di s-
eases. Each leaf is tough enough to be chewed for 1 hour .
Pr epar i ng a lodret leaf requi res a DC 25 Craft (alchemy)
check. You must be a spellcaster to prepare a l odret leaf.
Spotted Toadstool Venom: The poi son dusk l i zar d-
folk brew a poi son from t he caps of t he spot t ed t oadst ool ,
a violet f ungus wi t h sickly white spl ot ches. Inj ury, For -
t i t ude DC 16, i ni t i al damage 1d6 Str, secondar y damage
1 d.6 Con.
Item Cost Weight
Grayflower perfume (vial) 100 gp
Lodret leaf 75 gp
Spotted toadstool venom 350 gp
Fol k of Khor vai r e know l i t t l e about Ri edr a. The over l or ds of t he l and
closed t he bor der s of t hei r ki ngdom l ong ago, and f or ei gner s are not
welcome i n t hi s r eal m. Ri edr a is a nat i on t hat encompasses the bet t er
par t of t he cont i nent , r a ngi ng from mount a i n peaks to deep canyons
and harsh desert s. Most people have only what they need to survive. The
cont i nent ' s rulersthe Inspiredprovide the basic necessities for life and
livelihood, but do not endorse ideas of l uxury or l ei sure. Life in Ri edra
is one of const ant toil.
That said, most Ri edr ans are cont ent with t hei r lot. I n the eyes of
a Ri edr an, the people of Khor vai r e are soft and cor r upt . Khor vai r e is a
ni ght mar e of instability and dest ruct i on, as proved by the Last War and
the Day of Mour ni ng. The peopl e of Khor vai r e lack di rect i on, still rul ed
as they are by fallible mort al kings as opposed to the divine gui dance of the
Inspi red. Ri edr ans are pr oud of t hei r cul t ure, and they treat forei gners
with a combi nat i on of pity and di sdai n.
The humanoi d popul at i on of Sarlona is overwhelmingly human.
Gnomes, elves, dwarves, halflings, orcs, and goblinoids are all but unknown
in Ri edra. As a result, Ri edrans view these races with even more suspicion
than human foreignersan elf is not only a potentially dangerous i nt ruder,
but also somet hi ng less t han human. The Inspi red have devoted consi d-
erable effort to hunt i ng down and dest royi ng the monst ers and magical
beasts of t hei r l and, and Ri edr ans see the presence of such creat ures in
Khor vai r e as yet anot her sign of that cont i nent ' s peri l s.
Ri edr ans can be classified i nt o t hr ee social or der s. The common
folk are l aborers and soldiers. Compar ed to the people of Khor vai r e, the
Ri edrans value cooperat i on over i ndependence, and as a result, a Ri edr an
is likely to specialize in a specific task instead of acqui r i ng several skills.
Social skills are also uncommon among the peasantry, who do not expect
to ever see the great cour t s. Member s of the mi ddl e classes of Ri edra are
known as the Chosen, or empty vessels. At t he top of the pyr ami d are the
Inspi red, who serve as governors, generals, ambassadors, and pri nces. The
Ri edrans believe that the Inspi red possess divine wisdom and supernat ural
power. The Inspi red brought peace after long ages of war, and the Ri edrans
see t hem as the wall that stands between Ri edra and chaos.
The common folk of Khorvai re rarely encount er Ri edrans, but recent
decades have brought an increase in economic and political traffic between
the cont i nent s. Ri edra pr i mar i l y export s textiles and spices, but it is also
said to be the source of a variety of less savory subst ances, i ncl udi ng the
addictive narcot i c known as dreaml i l y.
On bot h Ri edra and Khor vai r e alike, the average person knows little of
Dal Quor and its i nhabi t ant s. Mortal souls are said to drift into the Region
of Dr eams as they sleep, and many know t hat monst er s in t hi s r eal m can
cause ni ght mar es. But these creat ures have little i mpact on the daily life
of the average ci t i zen, and are known mai nl y t hr ough chi l dhood stories
and folk tales.
Anyone bor n i n Sar l ona knows of t he I ns pi r ed, and peopl e who
have i nt eract ed with Ri edr an ambassadors recall these handsome nobles.
Any Ri edr an can explain how the Inspi red are selected from among the
Chosentouched by the divine force of the nation and empowered to guide
and pr ot ect its peopl e. To the casual eye, the Chosen (like the I nspi r ed)
appear to be human, but closer i nspect i on reveals t hat these vessels are a
di st i nct subrace, with a hi nt of bot h elf t rai t s and t he unna t ur a l beauty
of the kalashtar. The Inspi red are remarkably chari smat i c, and most find
t hei r company quite pleasant. Not hi ng about t hem suggests any connec-
t i on to the alien hor r or s of Dal Quor .
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 10: Ri edra is the largest nat i on on
the cont i nent of Sarl ona, a sprawling
real m t hat has all types of t er r ai n.
DC 15: The Ri edr ans are xenophobes
who avoi d cont act wi t h t he out -
side worl d. Ri edr a has r ecent l y sent
ambassadors to Khor vai r e, but f or -
ei gners are still unwel come t her e.
DC 20: The r ul er s of Ri edr a are t he
Inspi redt reat ed as living gods and
said to be gui ded by divine powers.
Knowl edge (history)
DC 25: Many ki ngdoms and empi r es
once covered Sarl ona, often war r i ng
with each other. Fifteen hundr ed years
ago, the Inspi red unified t hem.
Knowl edge (l ocal )
DC 20: The I nspi r ed of Ri edra enforce
strict laws with har sh penal t i es. Fr ee-
dom is l i mi t ed, but cri me is r ar e.
DC 25: Most rel i gi ons are outlawed i n
Ri edra. Laws are enforced by a secret
police force called the Thousand Eyes.
Knowl edge (the pl anes)
DC 15: The quor i are the natives of Dal
Quor , t he Region of Dr eams. Quor i
spirits cannot manifest physically on
the Mat eri al Pl ane.
DC 20: Quor i spi ri t s typically possess
ment al powers r el at i ng to a specific
emot i on, such as fear or rage. They
can i nt erfere with the dreams of mor -
tals, creat i ng hor r i bl e ni ght mar es.
DC 25: The Inspi red have a st rong tie to
Dal Quor . Some believe that they deal
regularly wi t h Quor i spiritsor even
allow t hese spi ri t s to possess t hei r
bodi es i n exchange for power.
DC 25: Whi l e quor i spi r i t s c a nnot
physically manifest on Eber r on, they
can possess wi l l i ng humans .
DC 30: The "divine spirits" gui di ng the
Inspi red mi ght actually be quor i .
Knowl edge (psi oni cs)
DC 10: The cont i nent of Sarl ona is the
cent er of psi oni c knowl edge. The
races native to Sarlona are nat ural l y
psi oni c.
DC 20: Sar l onans use l i t t l e magi c i n
everyday life, but psi oni cs accom-
pl i shes many of t he same tasks t hat
magic per f or ms i n Khor vai r e.
The Inspi red rely on psi oni c power as opposed to arcane or
divine magic. Most of the spi ri t ual leaders of Ri edra (bot h
among the Inspi red and the Chosen) are psi ons. However, a
few clerics scattered among t hei r number suppl ement t hei r
mental abilities with heal i ng magic.
Ri edran clerics can draw on one of two forces. The first
is Riedra itselfnot as a sent i ent ant hr opomor phi c deity but
rat her the pr i mal force of the nat i on, which the Ri edr ans
believe gui des t hem t hr ough t he I ns pi r ed. As a deity, the
spirit of Ri edra is lawful neut ral and provides access to the
domai ns of Communi t y, Law, and Medi t at i on. Its favored
weapon is the flail.
A small sect of priests among the Chosen worships the
darkness at the hear t of Dal Quor itself, embodi ed i n the
quori and manifested in the world t hr ough the Dr eami ng
Dark. The Dr eami ng Dark is lawful evil and provides access
to the domai ns of Law, Evil, and Shadow. Its favored weapon
is the mi nd blade.
Riedra is an unusual choice for a regi on of or i gi n. The
Inspi red are masters of propaganda and mani pul at i on, and
most Ri edr ans are fanatically loyal to t hei r divine r ul er s. If
you wish to play a Ri edr an, you mi ght be one of those rare
few who has come to see the Inspi red as false gods. Al t er na-
tively, you could play a loyal servant of the Inspi red who has
come to Khor vai r e to study the ways of a less enl i ght ened
cul t urehopi ng to show the people of t hi s beni ght ed real m
the futility of cl i ngi ng to ki ngs and queens r at her t han
embrace the divine gui dance of the I nspi r ed.
Anot her possibility, whi ch r equi r es your DM' s coop-
erat i on, is to play a Ri edr an char act er who is an unwi t t i ng
spy for t he Dr e a mi ng Dar k. You mi ght have a hypnot i c
command i mpl ant ed i n your mi nd or even a symbi ot i c
To the lords of the Inspired, humans are
little more than cattle
cr eat ur e l i vi ng i n your br ai n t hat forces you to make
per i odi c r epor t s to your mast ers among the I nspi r ed. You
might have gapi ng holes in your memory of cer t ai n peri ods
of t i me, or you mi ght be pl agued by what you t hi nk are
st r ange ni ght mar es . In gener al , t he I ns pi r ed don' t con-
t rol your actionsthey are simply i nt erest ed i n col l ect i ng
whatever i nf or mat i on you gat her in t he course of your
advent ures. However, if your part y ever comes i nt o conflict
with t he Dr e a mi ng Dark, you mi ght find t hat t he Dark' s
appar ent l y presci ent knowl edge of your wher eabout s and
activities draws the suspicion of your fellow part y members
ont o you.
Four of t he psi oni c races descr i bed in Expanded Psionics
Handbook can be f ound in Ri edr a. Except as rioted below,
their charact eri st i cs and customs are the same as out l i ned
in that book.
Dr omi t e s : Thi s insectlike race lives in city-hives scat-
tered beneat h the surface of Sarlona, many of which can be
reached only t hr ough psi oni c por t al s. The I nspi r ed have
shown t hem not hi ng but cont empt and violence, so dr om-
ites avoid t hem whenever possi bl e. They gat her Khyber
dragonshards and trade t hem with the kalashtar of Adar and
the sea-pri nces of Lhazaar.
El ans: When a quori commits a hei nous cri me against
its own ki nd, it receives a t erri bl e puni s hment : It is bound
into a human vessel against its will. Unl i ke the nor mal pr o-
cess by which the I nspi r ed are creat ed, the bound spirit has
no power or i nfl uence over its host. Condemned to et ernal
powerlessness i n its l i vi ng pr i s on, t he quor i ' s energy sus-
t ai ns and empowers the host as it becomes an el an. The r e
is no el an counci l i n Eber r on, and no one under goes t he
t ransformat i on vol unt ari l y.
Hal f - Gi ant s : I n t he di st ant past , gi ant expl or er s
from Xen' dr i k visited sout hern Sarl ona. Thei r descendant s
are the hal f-gi ant s descri bed i n the Expanded Psionics Handbook.
It is uncl ear whet her hal f - gi ant s actually have huma n
ancestry or are simply degenerat e descendant s of the t i t ans
of Xen' dr i k (as most gi ant ki nds are believed to be). They
live i n the deserts and savannahs of Syrkarn in western Sar-
l ona, and wander the frigid pl ai ns of the Tashana Tundr a
i n the nort hwest .
Maenads : Two t housand years ago, one of the islands
of t he Lhazaar Pr i nci pal i t i es sank beneat h the sea in a
magical cataclysm of unknown or i gi n. Most of its peopl e
drowned as the ocean boi l ed, except those who were at sea
when t he cataclysm occur r ed. When t hese folk r et ur ned
from t hei r r ai di ng and fishing, they found only open water
where t hei r home had been. The survivors banded t oget her
and sought a new home, which they found on the Tashyvar
Islands at the nort hwest end of Sarl ona. Whet her from the
l i nger i ng effects of t he magic t hat destroyed t hei r home or
due to some pr oper t y of this new land, t hei r physical nat ur e
was altered, t ransformi ng them into maenads. Thei r grief at
the dest ruct i on of t hei r homel and is the most likely source
of t hei r racial anger, t hough some suspect that anger to have
an earl i er root that might be l i nked to the cataclysm.
The vast world ocean that covers Eber r on is divided i nt o ten di st i nct
bodi es of water, defined by the boundar i es of the l andmasses they encom-
pass. The lines between seas are often difficult to draw, and a mat t er of
par t i cul ar di sput e involves det er mi ni ng where the Lhazaar Sea ends and
the Sea of Rage begi ns. ( Common wisdom holds that when storms erupt
and unexpl ai nabl e events start happeni ng, a ship has left the Lhazaar and
ent ered the Sea of Rage.)
The Bar r en Sea lies to the west of Khor vai r e, nort hwest of Xen' dr i k
and east of Sar l ona. It encompasses war m, t r opi cal wat ers and cold
expanses in t he nor t h. It flows i nt o t he Sea of Lost Soul s to the sout h
and the Whi t e Sea to t he nor t hwest . Zarash Bay and Crescent Bay in the
Shadow Marches are par t of the same body of water. The Phoeni x Basin,
bet ween Xe n' dr i k and Kapaer i an I sl and, is par t of t he Bar r en Sea.
Varuz Bay, at t he east er n end of Sar l ona, mar ks its edge. The Bar r en
Sea is so called because it is poor for f i shi ng and devoid of appar ent
life. Hi deous monst er s are said to i nhabi t its dept hsbut sailors make
t hat cl ai m about all t en seas. I n fact, sai l ors have mor e to fear from
st or ms, i cebergs i n t he nor t h, and unpr edi ct abl e wi nds t han they do
from any l i vi ng t hi ng i n t he Bar r en Sea. I n addi t i on to t he munda ne
ri sks of st or m and cal m, t he Bar r en Sea is known for scat t ered areas
of dead cal mareas of perfect l y st i l l water, somet i mes suffused wi t h
negative ener gy t hat at t ract s undead. (Dead cal m areas are det ai l ed
in Stormwrack.)
The Bitter Sea is nor t h of Khor vai r e, between that cont i nent and
the Frostfell. It includes El deen Bay and Ka r r n Bay cut i nt o the nor t her n
coast of Khor vai r e, and two major channel s: Icewhite Channel between
the Demon Wastes and the islands to the nort heast , and Icegaunt Chan-
nel between Icewhite Island and the Frostfell. Fl oat i ng icebergs are a
serious hazard in these waters, part i cul arl y i n t he s ummer mont hs when
they shear off the Frostfell and drift sout h i nt o i mpor t ant shi ppi ng lanes
j ust off Khor vai r e. Despite its i nl and l ocat i on, Thr a ne has always made
an effort to mai nt ai n a presence in the Bitter Sea alongside ships from
Aundai r and Ka r r na t h.
The Dark Sea lies in the virtually unexpl or ed sout h, beyond Ar gon-
nessen. Its boundar i es and dangers are little known, and the "dark" of its
name refers less to its lack of sunl i ght in the wi nt er mont hs t han to the
cloud of i gnorance s ur r oundi ng it. Icebergs and dragon t urt l es are said
to be roughly equivalent t hreat s in the Dark Sea. Sailors also claim that
Among the colorful phrases and expressions used by sailors are several
that refer to one or mor e of the ten seas of Eber r on.
"Ten Seas!"A common excl amat i on of surpri se or disgust.
"Gone down to the Dark"Used to describe a ship lost at sea. The
expression ori gi nal l y referred to the Dark Sea, but is now under st ood to
mean the lightless dept hs of any sea.
"Like sailing the Teeth"Used to describe a very difficult task, refer-
r i ng to the risks of navi gat i ng the straits of Shargon' s Teet h.
"Halfway across the Sea of Rage"Used to describe one whose gri p
on sani t y is not st r ong, or simply a per son wi t h crazy i deas. Sarl ona is
commonl y port rayed as the land of madness.
"Crossi ng the Thunder"Sai d of someone who is absent mi nded or
daydreami ng.
Knowl edge (arcana)
DC 20: Dr agon t ur t l es and dr agon
eels swim t hr oughout some of t he
seaspart i cul arl y t he Th u n d e r Sea
and the Dragonreach.
DC 25: The Thunder Sea covers a number
of s unken r ui ns from t he anci ent
gi ant empi r es of Xen' dr i k, as does
t he Phoeni x Basi n. The compl i cat ed
nat ur e of underwat er exploration has
caused these r ui ns to r emai n largely
unexpl or ed, except per haps by t he
sahuagi n and ot her aquatic races.
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 10: Khor vai r e is bounded by t he
Bi t t er Sea to the nor t h, t he Lhazaar
Sea to t he east, the Thunde r Sea to
t he sout h, and the Bar r en Sea to the
west. The straits of Shargon' s Teeth lie
al ong the most common rout e from
Sharn to St ormreach in Xen' dr i k, but
they are infested with sea devils.
DC 15: Eber r on has ten seas: the Barren
Sea, t he Bi t t er Sea, t he Dar k Sea,
t he Dr agonr each, t he Icemaw Sea,
t he Lhazaar Sea, t he Sea of Lost
Soul s, t he Sea of Rage, t he Th u n d e r
Sea, and the Whi t e Sea.
Knowl edge (history)
DC 20: Some historical records, virtually
indistinguishable from ancient legends,
claim that, in addition to the Aer eni
and the drow, a t hi rd race of elves lives
under the waters of the Thunde r Sea.
These aquatic elves are said to have
been slaves to sea-dwelling giantsthe
ancestors, perhaps, of st orm giants.
DC 35 : One of the many ki ngdoms that
r ul ed Sarl ona before t he arri val of
t he I nspi r ed is now called Avent us,
t hough its anci ent name flows less
comf or t abl y off mo d e r n t ongues .
Th i s k i n g d o m was power f ul and
might have expanded to domi nat e the
cont i nent , except that some great cat-
aclysm sunk it beneat h the waves. The
degenerat e survivors of this ki ngdom
are an aquatic race called the aventi,
i nhabi t i ng the Sea of Rage.
Knowl edge (nature)
DC 15 : St orms are the greatest t hr eat to
ships at sail i n any sea, but the Sea of
Rage and the Whi t e Sea are known for
supernat ural l y deadly st orms.
cer t ai n r egi ons of t he Dark Sea have dr amat i c t i des t hat
create st rong cur r ent s near the coasts, drawi ng ships in to
be smashed on reefs or rocks near l and.
The Icemaw Sea is a nar r ow body of water that lies
between Xen' dr i k and Everice. It is st udded with i sl ands
and icebergs. (See the Frostfell ent ry on page 66 for more
i nf or mat i on about the Icemaw Sea.)
The Dr agonr each stretches between Ar gonnessen and
Aer enal , bl endi ng i nt o the Thunde r Sea at the western end
and the Lhazaar Sea and the Sea of Rage i n the nor t h. It is a
favorite haunt of dr agon t urt l es, and wat er-l ovi ng dragons
(particularly bronze dragons) frequently swim i n its waters.
Most sailors are rel uct ant to sail t hr ough it as a result, and
when they do, they hug the Aer enal coast.
The Lhazaar Sea lies east of Khor vai r e and west of
Sar l ona, wi t h no cl ear bounda r y bet ween it and t he Sea
of Rage. Sai l ors agree t hat t he Lhazaar Sea t ouches the
Tashyvar I sl ands at t he nor t hwes t er n end of Sar l ona,
while the Sea of Rage begi ns f ar t her sout h al ong the Sar-
l onan coast. Adder Bay in Q' ba r r a is par t of t he Lhazaar
Sea, as are the count l ess channel s t hat divide the i sl ands
of t he Lhazaar Pr i nci pal i t i es from each ot her and from
the ma i nl a nd. Whal es make t hei r homes i n t he Lhazaar
Sea, whi ch means whal i ng is a pr of i t abl e i ndus t r y i n the
area. However, large orcas somet i mes attack ships, and the
huge fey known as ocean st ri ders (detailed in Monster Manual
II) seem to view themselves as pr ot ect or s of t he whales i n
the area.
The Sea of Lost Souls extends from the southwest part
of Xen' dr i k to the southeast par t of Sarlona and the east
coast of Ar gonnessen. It is known as a peri l ous sea for sail-
ing, and its reput at i on for bei ng haunt ed by numer ous ghost
ships gives it its name. Though its sout her nmost reaches are
covered by the unmel t i ng Everice, it extends all the way to
the equator, which is consi dered the di vi di ng l i ne between
it and the Bar r en Sea (in t he east) and the Whi t e Sea (in
the west, near Sar l ona) . The Sea of Lost Soul s is also said
to be the deepest of Eber r on' s oceanssome legends speak
of a t rench ext endi ng miles beneat h the surface, a region
so dark that the darkness itself is alive.
The Sea of Rage is bounded by Sarl ona to the nor t h
and east and Ar gonnes s en to t he sout h. To t he west it
meet s t he Lhazaar Sea. It is known for freak st or ms and
bi zar r e happeni ngs , from gi ant wat erspout s to super nat -
ur al mael st r oms and st or mf i r e. (See Stormwrack for det ai l s
of these hazards. )
The Th u n d e r Sea lies bet ween Khor vai r e, Aer enal ,
and Xen' dr i k. Shar gon' s Teet h mark its west ern ext ent ,
and to the east it flows i nt o t he Dr agonr each (via the Aer -
enal Channel ) and the Dark Sea. Beneat h its surface lie
sunken r ui ns from t he Age of Gi ant s, par t i cul ar l y in the
area ar ound Shar gon' s Teet h. Besides the sahuagi n t hat
infest the st rai t s, dr agon eels, dr agon t ur t l es, kraken, and
numerous other creatures prey on ships sailing the Thunder
Sea. Thi ck kelp beds frequently slow the progress of ships
plying these waters, even those that stay close to Khorvai re' s
coast. Kr aken Bay, once the home to Cyre' s fleets, is part
of the Thunde r Sea, and is home to nearly as many bizarre
monst ers as the Mour nl and itself.
The Whi t e Sea ext ends nor t h from Sarl ona' s coast to
the edge of the Frost fel l . It combi nes t he worst qual i t i es of
the Bitter Sea and the Sea of Rageoften frozen or choked
with icebergs, even as it is pr one to freaki sh weat her and
bi zarre happeni ngs. The sailors of Khor vai r e avoid it at all
costs, pr ef er r i ng to chart a course for Varuz Bay on the rare
occasions they sail to Sarl ona.
The seas of Eber r on are home to a variety of life, i ncl udi ng
groups of sentient creatures, nomadic tribes, and even ent i re
civilizations. The most fami l i ar of these are the sahuagi n,
or sea devils, which are part i cul arl y common in the straits
of Shargon' s Teet h between Shar n and St or mr each. Sahua-
gin are relatively common in the cliffside areas of Shar n,
negot i at i ng with sailors for safe passage t hr ough the straits.
A knowledge of the Sahuagi n l anguage is consi dered a key
quality for success as a sea capt ai n.
The four races ment i oned below are described in detail
i n Stormwrack.
The aventi are humanl i ke descendant s of a sunken
ci vi l i zat i on. They are pr i mar i l y found i n the Sea of Rage
between Sarl ona and Ar gonnessen, and t hei r racial myths
say that t hei r anci ent empi re was once part of Sarl ona.
Darfellans are a race of br oodi ng humanoi ds found in
the western Bitter Sea, part i cul arl y ar ound Icewhite Island.
Once far more widespread, they were nearly ext ermi nat ed
by the sahuagi n.
Aquatic elves (originally described in the Monster Manual)
are said to be a t hi r d survi vi ng offshoot of the anci ent elf
cul t ures of Xen' drika wayward sibling to the elves of Aer -
enal and the drow t hat r emai n in Xen' dr i k. They live in
small, isolated communi t i es in the Thunde r Sea al ong the
coast of Xen' dr i k, where they are cont i nual l y hunt ed by
the sahuagi n.
The si mi anl i ke, humanoi d hadozees are most com-
monly encount er ed aboard ships capt ai ned by members of
other races. They are very rare, and t hei r ori gi nal homeland
is unknown, t hough Xen' dr i k is most commonl y advanced
as a plausible location.
Shifters are descendant s of humans and nat ur al l ycant hropes. They are
lithe, agile folk who look basically human, but with long, shaggy hair, side-
bur ns (in bot h sexes), poi nt ed ears, large eyes, heavy eyebrows, and wide,
flat noses. Thei r forearms and lower legs are densely muscled, and they
grow hai r so thick that it is sometimes mistaken for fur. Shifters frequently
adopt a hunched post ur e, pr ef er r i ng to crouch or perch on a tree l i mb,
ledge, or piece of f ur ni t ur e r at her t han st andi ng or sitting.
Somet i mes called "t he wer et ouched, " shi ft ers i nher i t from t hei r
l ycant hr ope ancest ors a l i mi t ed ability to t r ansf or m i nt o a semi best i al
state. Shi f t i ng is a nat ur al ability r at her t han a curse or a disease, and
it cannot be cur ed or ot herwi se removed. Nei t her can it be passed to a
nonshi ft er t hr ough bi t i ng, claw attacks, or any ot her met hod.
When she is shifting, a shifter' s features take on an even mor e bestial
appearance, al t hough she does not actually assume a fully ani mal form.
Her eyes have a feral glint, she snarls and growls when angered, and she is
able to tap i nt o her l ycant hropi c nat ur e to access ext r aor di nar y physical
abilities. These changes and the abilities gai ned are related to the ki nd
of l ycant hrope the shifter descends from. Some shifters display features
distinctly r emi ni scent of one ki nd of ani mal , while ot hers exhibit a mix-
t ure of influences.
The act of shi f t i ng makes some shi f t er s s t r onger or t ougher .
Ot her s fi nd t hemsel ves able to move faster, cl i mb near - ver t i cal sur -
faces, or fly. The most danger ous shifters become so lost i n t hei r t r ans -
f or mat i on t hat they begi n to fight like ani mal s , bi t i ng and cl awi ng i n
a br ut i s h rage.
Ther e are ten mai n shifters bl oodl i nes (or t rai t s). Indi vi dual shifters
usually manifest only a single shifter t rai t , but after generat i ons of bl ood-
lines commi ngl i ng, some display two of the following t rai t s: beast hi de,
cliffwalk, dreamsi ght , gorebrut e, l ongst ri de, l ongt oot h, razorclaw, swift-
wing, t r uedi ve, and wi l dhunt . ( The dr eamsi ght , gor ebr ut e, swiftwing,
and truedive traits are i nt r oduced i n Races of Eberron.)
Like any ot her race, shifters cannot be said to share a single personal -
ity type or a universal preference for one lifestyle over anot her. However,
due to t hei r l ycant hropi c ancestry, many shifters do have quick t empers.
Members of ot her races consi der t hem rude and even boor i sh, and it is
t rue that shifters have little patience for bei ng treated like ani mal s or
idiots and don' t hesitate to set aside social convent i ons when they feel the
situation warrant s it. Shifters with a common trait also tend to share pat-
t erns of behavi or as wellcliffwalk shifters are often shy and i nt rovert ed,
for example, while gorebrut es are the opposi t e.
Shi ft ers do not have a homel and, si nce t hei r hybri d l i neage devel-
oped where huma ns and nat ur al l ycant hr opes shar ed t he same l ands.
Lycant hropes were brought to near ext i nct i on i n Khor vai r e more t han a
cent ury ago, so the only places left for shifters were in human l ands. They
have always been victims of prej udi ce and di st rust , t hough, and are often
unable to find acceptance even i n the lands of t hei r bi r t h.
Because they are so regularly made to feel like outcasts, shifters gather
in communi t i es of t hei r own. They have a fiercely i ndependent streak, and
use t hei r feral abilities to hunt for food and scrounge for shelter rat her
t han give money to the very people whose i l l -formed opi ni ons force t hem
to live this way. Raised in these communi t i es, shifters come to view t hei r
lives in t erms of hunt i ng and a const ant fight for survival.
Ot he r shi ft ers deci de to give up on ci vi l i zat i on and its prej udi ces
ent i rel y. The El deen Reaches is t he most popul ar dest i nat i on for shift-
ers who want to live as close to t he l and as possi bl e. The r e , they become
t rappers, hunt er s, or somet i mes guidesand visiting city-dwellers pay a
substantial fee to reap the benefits of the shifters' nat ural abilities.
Knowl edge (l ocal )
DC 10: Shi ft ers are member s of a t r ue
race t hat traces its ori gi ns from bot h
humans and nat ur al l ycant hr opes.
They do not change i nt o ani mal form,
but can t ransform themselves to gain
some bestial characteristics.
A check against this DC is also sufficient
to l ear n whet her t her e is a shi ft er
communi t y i n or near a local set t l e-
ment and whet her t her e have been
any not abl e r ecent i nci dent s involv-
i ng shifters.
DC 15: The t en mai n types of shifters
have di fferent charact eri st i cs while
shi f t i ng. They i ncl ude l ongs t r i de
shifters (who move faster while shift-
i ng), l ongt oot h and razorclaw (who
gai n nat ur al weapons), and wi l dhunt
(who have keen senses).
A check against this DC is also sufficient
to l ear n roughl y how many shi ft ers
live in or near a local communi t y and
where they can be found.
DC 20: The ot her types of shifters are
beast hi de (who gai n t hi ck hi des) ,
cliffwalk (who can climb), dreamsi ght
(who have an affinity with ani mal s) ,
gor ebr ut e (who gai n hor ns ) , swift-
wing (who can fly like bats), and t r ue-
dive (who can swim like dol phi ns) .
DC 22: Shi ft ers place a great deal of
emphasi s on sel f - r el i ance and f r ee-
dom, bel i evi ng that t he latter is t he
reward for the former.
DC 25: Ragewild shifters are berserker
warri ors sworn to defend all shift-
ers, regardless of t ri be or affiliation,
from outside attack.
DC 30 : A very small number of shifters
are t r ai ned to i nt eract with member s
of ot her races to prevent mi s under -
s t andi ng and t r agedi es such as t he
Chur ch of t he Silver Fl ame' s i nqui -
sition from ever t ar get i ng t he shi ft er
race agai n. These shifters are called
l or eguar ds.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 20: Wi t hi n shifter communi t i es, the
moonspeaker dr ui ds gui de the shift-
ers' rel i gi ous life. Travel i ng often to
different enclaves, the moonspeakers
carry news and mai nt ai n bonds among
these far-fl ung communi t i es.
Many peopl e claim t hat shifters are difficult to get al ong
with, but the vast majority of these people have never actually
taken the t i me to try to get to know a shifter, let alone put
in a good-fai t h effort at fri endshi p. Ot her folk hold prej u-
dices and preconcept i ons about shifters, but the t r ut h of the
matter is that they are no more a homogenous group t han
elves or dwarves are. Despite the commonl y stated pr econ-
ceptions about shifters, as you travel across the l engt h and
breadt h of Khor vai r e, you meet as many shifters who break
the stereotypes as confi rm t hem.
Shi f t er s Ar e Rude : Shifters are i ndi vi dual s with the
same r ange of per sonal i t i es as any ot her race. Some are
predi sposed to havi ng quick t emperspart i cul arl y gore-
brut e and l ongt oot h shiftersand beast hi de shifters have
a wel l -earned r eput at i on for bei ng bl unt , speaki ng loudly,
and i nt e r r upt i ng ot her s. Consi der , however, t hat havi ng
people const ant l y accuse your ent i r e race of bei ng r ude can
cert ai nl y grate on anyone' s nerves.
Shifters Ar e Bl oodt hi rst y: Shifters are carnivorous, and
so are as bloodthirsty as any meat -eat i ng race. Thi s stereotype
probably grows out of the fact that shifters have a strong sense
of self-reliance and prefer to hunt their own food.
Shi f t er s Ar e Devi ous : It is t r ue t hat shifters have the
ability to move ext r aor di nar i l y quietly, but most have no
devious motives for doi ng so. Rather, a great many shifters
are hunt er s (by choice or necessity), and so moving as unob-
trusively as possible has become second nat ur e to t hem.
Shi f t er s Ar e St upi d: Shi ft ers have the same capacity
for t hought and intelligence as any race. They are sometimes
deni ed the advantages of formal educat i on (either because
of prej udi ce or the fact that many live i n remot e areas), but
shifters are employed on the faculties at the finest uni versi -
ties i n Khor vai r e.
Shi f t er s Have One - Tr a c k Mi nds : Thi s pr econcep-
t i on is anot her refl ect i on of t he shi ft ers' nat ur al hunt i ng
ability. When i n stressful si t uat i ons, they focus on the most
i mpor t ant mat t er at hand to the exclusion of all else. Thi s
is a di st i nct benefit in l i f e- or - deat h encount er s, but can
somet i mes make a shi ft er seem i ncapabl e of spl i t t i ng her
at t ent i on when the stakes are less di r e.
For t hei r part , shifters are suspi ci ous of ot her races.
They have never fit i n with the established political order of
Khor vai r e, and t hei r emphasis on self-reliance makes them
rel uct ant to seek compani onshi p or support from members
of ot her races. Thei r history of prej udi ce and persecut i on
has left t hem a legacy of fear. In part i cul ar, shifters di st rust
any rel i gi on brought to t hem by mi ssi onari es or crusaders,
pr ef er r i ng to follow the anci ent t eachi ngs of t hei r dr ui ds,
the moonspeakers (see Races of Eber r on) .
Bo t h t he EBERRON Campaign Setting and Races of Eberron i n c l u d e
a numbe r of shi ft er feats. The t hr ee feats pr esent ed her e
are addi t i onal shi ft er feats. As with all shi ft er feats, t aki ng
these feats i ncreases t he dur at i on of shi f t i ng and mi ght
i ncr ease t he numbe r of t i mes per day a shi ft er can use
her ability.
Shifter Acrobatics [Shifter]
Your heri t age makes you agile and light-footed.
Prerequi si te: Shifter with the cliffwalk, l ongst ri de,
or swiftwing t rai t . Balance 4 ranks, J ump 4 ranks, Tumbl e
4 r anks.
Benefit: When shifting, you gain a bonus on Balance,
J ump, and Tumbl e checks equal to twice the number of
shifter feats you have.
Shifter Magnetism [Shifter]
Your heritage gives you a st rong ani mal presence.
Prerequi si te: Shifter.
Benef i t : You gai n a bonus on Handl e Ani ma l ,
I nt i mi dat e, and wild empathy checks equal to the number
of shifter feats you have. Thi s bonus applies even when you
are not shifting.
Shifter Stealth [Shifter]
You can call upon your bestial heritage to increase your stealth.
Prerequi si te: Shifter with l ongst ri de, swiftwing, or
wi l dhunt t rai t , Hi de 4 ranks, Move Silently 4 r anks.
Benefit: When shifting, you gain a bonus on Hi de and
Move Silently checks equal to twice the number of shifter
feats you have.
The social st r uct ur e of Khor vai r e is often described as a great pyrami d.
Bui l t on a wide base r epr es ent i ng t he common l abor er s, the pyr ami d
tapers quickly to the pi nnacl e: the r ul i ng families of the Five Nat i ons and
ot her figures of equivalent political, economi c, and social power.
As described in the EBERRON Campaign Setting (page 132), six out of t en
people i n the Five Nations belong to the common classfarmers, laborers,
and poor er t raders. Thr ee oft en belong to the mi ddl e class, a relatively new
innovation in the social order, dominated by people who have earned enough
money t hrough trade and artifice to put themselves on a level with the nobles
of older times. One person in ten belongs to the class of the truly wealthy,
which includes merchant barons and dragonmarked lords who rule empires
of trade and commerce, as well as the kings and queens who rule nations.
Life for the common class is not much altered by the passage of centuries
or the change of regimes. The people of Valenar experienced little change
when rul ershi p of t hei r land passed from Cyre to the Valaes Tai r n; they
continued to work their farms, pay their taxes, and live and die very much as
they had since the begi nni ng of human settlement. Advances in both magical
and mundane technology can make life easier for the common folk, but only
after those advances become so widespread that people can afford to make
use of them. The first humans to arrive in Khorvai re from Sarlona brought
iron tools with t hem, so even the fundament al technology of metalworking
has changed little for the common folk in all the centuries since.
In contrast, the mi ddl e class might be the locus oft he greatest change
in society, technology, and economi cs in the history of Eber r on. Its very
existence dates back only as far as the creat i on of Galifar. By t hei r nat ur e,
the dr agonmar ked houses exerted a great deal of power in trade and com-
merce from the moment t hei r powers arose, and they brought that power
to bear in the political real m by l aunchi ng the War of the Mark fully five
cent uri es before the rei gn of Galifar I. By the time of Galifar, the power
of the dragonmarked houses was such that the king was forced to recognize
itand i ndeed to court it in order to accomplish his bid to uni t e the Five
Nat i ons. In some ways, the story of the format i on of Galifar and the bi r t h
of the mi ddl e class r un parallel, for with the emergence of a uni fi ed ki ng-
dom, the wealth of the houses grew enormousl y, and an ever-i ncreasi ng
number of people associated with the houses gai ned a significant share
of that wealth. By the early ni nt h century, the dr agonmar ked houses had
grown to such i mpor t ance that they had eclipsed the heredi t ary nobility
of the Five Nat i ons in all but name.
Naturally, the dragonmarked houses were not the only ones to profit
from the growing i mport ance of trade and commerce. Merchant lords not
associated with the houses have been slower to arrive in the halls of power,
but by the middle of the Last War, such i ndependent s were solidly ensconced
t here alongside the dr agonmar ked hei rs and lesser nobles. Today, while
nobles retain status and power by virtue of t hei r class, they must share that
power with those who have earned it by virtue of t hei r economic might.
The middle class has risen to its elevated position in society by ri di ng
on the back of magical and technological i nnovat i on. The manifold use of
magic in the everyday life of Khorvai re pri mari l y benefits those who can
afford to make use of it, or those who have near-exclusive command over the
uni que powers of the dragonmarks. Though only a rare few members of the
dragonmarked houses carry the actual marks that hold the magical power of
the house, every member benefits from the use of that powerparticularly
through innovations such as message stations, lightning rails, and elemental
galleons. Such advances allow the houses not only to put their magical power
to novel uses, but to create steady sources of new i ncome.
The her edi t ar y nobl es r et ai n t hei r st at us i n t he upper par t of the
mi ddl e class by r e ma i ni ng useful . They hol d gr ant s of l and bestowed
by t he r ul er s of t he Five Nat i ons, and repay t hem by gover ni ng and
Knowl edge (arcana)
DC 10: Wi zards, sorcerers, and ar t i f i -
cers command respect wherever they
go. Knowl edge of mi nor magic, such
as t hat possessed by magewri ght s, is
sure to i ncrease one' s st at us.
Knowl edge (l ocal )
DC 10 : Society and status varies greatly
by regi on. The Five Nat i ons are open
and cosmopol i t an. In civilized soci-
ety, laws prot ect member s of all races
and social classes equally.
DC 12: Mor e t han hal f t he peopl e of
Khor va i r e ar e c ommon f ar mer s ,
unski l l ed l abor er s, and t radesfol k
who form the poor economi c class.
DC 13: The large mi ddl e class of Khor -
vaire includes skilled l aborers, pros-
pe r ous t r ader s and shop owner s ,
skilled ar t i sans, most nobi l i t y, low-
level advent urers, and some members
of the dr agonmar ked houses.
Knowl edge (nobi l i ty and royalty)
DC 10: The royal l i ne of Ki ng Gal i far I
is the Wynar n family.
DC 12: The dragonmarked houses com-
mand great pr est i ge. Th e i r l eaders
are on par wi t h ki ngs and queens,
while ot her member s are solidly i n
the mi ddl e class.
DC 15: The three remai ni ng monarchs
Aurala of Aundair, Boranel of Breland,
and Kaius of Karrnat hare all mem-
bers of the Wynarn family, as are Di ani
of Th r a n e and Oargev, t he l eader
of New Cyr e. The families of these
monar chs make up a large par t of the
upper class of Khor vai r e' s society,
and all of t hem are i mpor t ant pol i t i -
cal forces.
DC 25: The i nfamous sky pi rat e Cap-
t ai n Lujaad, whose exploits are pub-
l i shed i n t he cheaper chr oni cl es, is
actually a nephew of Br el and' s Ki ng
Boranelmuch to the embarrassment
of the royal family.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 10: Chur c h l eaders are member s
of the mi ddl e class or upper class. In
some areas, part i cul arl y Thr a ne , the
chur ch has great political power, and
its members and leaders claim hi gher
status as a resul t .
pr ot ect i ng the common folk who live on t hei r l ands, paying
taxes to the heads of state, and suppl yi ng t roops to serve i n
t hei r lord' s armi es.
If the gui l dmast ers of Khorvairethose associated with
the dr agonmar ked houses and t hose who are notforced
t hei r way i nt o t he mi ddl e class al ongsi de t he her edi t ar y
nobi l i t y, t he heads of t he dr agonmar ked houses rode t hat
crest i ng wave to the highest posi t i ons, maki ng the dr agon-
marked bar ons nearly equal to the rul ers of the l and.
Those rul ers live wi t hi n a web of court i nt r i gue and
i nt er nat i onal espi onage. The royal families of Khorvai re' s
nationseven the r emnant s of Cyreare a major political
force, t hei r homel ands as well as beyond t hei r bor der s. The
siblings, chi l dr en, nieces, and nephews of the actual rul ers
hold i mpor t ant posts in the government s of Khor vai r e,
and many of t hem are heavily involved in t ryi ng to secure
the t hr one for themselves or someone closer to t hem t han
the cur r ent rul er. Even i n Thr ane, where the monarchy has
been replaced by the Chur ch of the Silver Fl ame, Queen
Di ani ret ai ns her title as a fi gurehead. She schemes behi nd
the scenes to overt hrow the theocracy and regai n her place
of powerif not for herself, t hen for her chi l dr en.
Advent ur er s possess a great deal mor e wealth t han most of
society. Low-level advent urers are mi ddl e class, while those
of mi d- l evel and hi gher fall i nt o t he upper class. The i r
wealth and prowess can grant t hem political weight if they
care to use it, and advent ur i ng puts one in touch with the
i ndi vi dual s and organi zat i ons that shape the world. Society
sees advent uri ng as phenomenal l y dangerous but potentially
rewardi ng in equal measure. Advent ur er s have a mystique
that ot hers find exhi l arat i ng, and t hei r high mort al i t y rate
only makes those who survive seem more heroi c.
Personal politics can play a large role in an adventurer' s
life. The many nat i ons of moder n Khor vai r e jostle in close
proximity, vying for political, economic, and military supe-
riority. An advent urer can make powerful allies over the
course of his career. However, maki ng an ally of someone
usually involves maki ng an enemy of someone else, and
advent urers inevitably wind up on the wrong side of cert ai n
i ndi vi dual s and organi zat i ons. Shrewd advent urers mi ni -
mize t hei r political risks and maxi mi ze t hei r gai ns.
Not all nobles are stuffy court i ers who spend all day playing
politics i n the noble court s. Some rankl e at such dull lives
and long for exci t ement . If they are lucky enough not to be
too far up the l i ne of succession, a few of t hem even manage
to obt ai n it. Such was t he case for Lujaad i r ' Wynar n,
t went y-ei ght h in l i ne for the crown of Brel and.
Lujaad is the fifth child of Ki ng Boranel ' s youngest
sister. He was raised as part of the extended royal family in
the court at Brokenbl ade Castle. A bri ght lad, he attended
all the same classes and t r ai ni ng sessions as the king' s chi l -
dr en. In fact, he proved more capable t han most of t hem
when it came to l eadershi p skills and mi l i t ar y strategy. As
he came of age, Lujaad was gr oomed to take a posi t i on in
the upper ranks of Brel and' s army, l eadi ng forces i nt o what
he hoped would be the decisive battles that brought the Last
War to an end with his Uncle Boranel on the t hr one.
Whe n word of t he Th r o n e h o l d Accor ds came to
Brokenbladealong with word that Ki ng Boranel had been
pivotal in br oker i ng the peaceLujaad became despondent .
Wi t hout the war, he lost every hope and dr eam he had ever
known. With no enemy to battle, he t ur ned to advent uri ng,
spendi ng more and more time in the wilds of Xen' dr i k unt i l
one day his expedi t i on r et ur ned without hi m.
The royal family of Brel and i ni t i al l y believed that
Lujaad peri shed in the j ungl es of the wild cont i nent , but in
fact he snuck away from his ent ourage, maki ng his way to a
tiny coastal town popul at ed almost entirely by mercenari es
and pirates. Lujaad signed on with the crew of a pi rat e ai r-
ship and began working his way up the ranks.
Now, just a fewyears later, Lujaad has secured a Lyrandar
airship of his own, with as loyal and skilled a crew as any in
the skies or on the sea. They obey the laws of honorable war-
fare, only t arget i ng rich merchant ships or noble ships, and
never kill unless absolutely necessary. In fact, "The Exploits
of Capt ai n Lujaad and His Valiant Crew" are developing
quite a following among the readers of the several chronicles
pr i nt i ng themto the embarrassment of Ki ng Boranel .
Swashbucklers (described i n Complete Warrior) are quite
common in Khorvaire, particularly in the major cities of
the former Five Nations. The swashbuckler's emphasis on
quick swordplay and light armor perfectly suits Khorvaire's
sophisticated culture, although combatants in the Last War
practiced heavier combat styles. Swashbucklers served as offi-
cers in the Last War, or else avoided the peril of war on the
front lines by serving in home guard units in major cities.
The people of Khor vai r e acknowledge an ext ended pant heon of gods, all
of whom are connect ed or related in some fashion. Some gods are loving
and benefi cent , some di st ant and unappr oachabl e, and still ot hers mal i -
cious and deceptive. Most people offer prayers to different gods dependi ng
on the si t uat i on and what sort of reply (if any) they hope for.
The Sovereign Host is a collection of the deities most commonl y
worshiped by the majority of the popul ace. On a daily basis, Khor var i ans
pray to the Sovereign Host as a gr oup rat her t han to any one god.
The text below expands the domai ns available to clerics of the Sover-
eign Host by i ncl udi ng domai ns from Complete Divine. Domai ns from that
book are marked with an asterisk.
God of Agri cul t ure Neutral Good
Arawai is the sister of Bal i nor and the Devourer, and the mot her of the
Fury (see page 33). She is most often pi ct ured as a female half-elf. Arawai
is consi dered the deity of fertility, pl ant life, and abundance. She is espe-
cially worshiped by dr ui ds, rangers, farmers, sailors, people who wish to
have chi l dr en, and anyone who is concerned with weather or fertility.
Domai ns : Good, Life, Pl ant , Weather.
Favored Weapon: Mor ni ngst ar .
God of Law and Knowl edge Lawful Neutral
Aur eon is the br ot her of Onat ar , the husband of Bol drei , and somehow
related to the Shadow. He is usually described as a gnome or human
wizard. Aur eon is the pat r on of wizards, sorcerers, and ot her arcane cast-
ers, and is worshiped by scholars, sages, l i br ar i ans, and scribes.
Domai ns : Force*, Knowl edge, Law, Magic, Mind*, Oracle*.
Favored Weapon: Quart erst aff.
God of Beasts and the Hunt Neutral
Bal i nor is the br ot her of Arawai and the Devourer. He is port rayed as
ei t her a burly human or a crude yet good- nat ur ed hal f-orc. Hunt er s,
drui ds, barbari ans, and rangers worship Balinor, and he is associated with
hunt i ng and anyt hi ng havi ng to do with ani mal life.
Domai ns : Ai r, Ani mal , Celerity*, Ear t h.
Favored Weapon: Battleaxe.
God of Communi t y and Heart h Lawful Good
Boldrei is the wife of Aur eon, and is usually depicted as a commoner of
any race. Bol drei is consi dered the prot ect or of villages and homes, and
prayers to her are carved i nt o the cornerst ones or rafters dur i ng the con-
st ruct i on of any new bui l di ngs. Her name is invoked to bless marri ages
and newly appoi nt ed gover nment officials.
Domai ns : Communi t y, Good, Law, Prot ect i on.
Favored Weapon: Spear.
God of Honor and Sacrifice Lawful Good
Dol Ar r ah is the sister of Dol Dor n and the Mockery. She is most often
pi ct ured as a human or hal f-el f kni ght shi ni ng with holy radi ance. Dol
Ar r ah is the deity of honorabl e combat, self-sacrifice, and sunl i ght . She is
consi dered to be the pat r on deity of pal adi ns, general s, and di pl omat s.
Domai ns : Glory*, Good, Law, Sun, War.
Favored Weapon: Hal ber d.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 5: The fai t h of t he Sover ei gn Host
is t he domi na nt r el i gi on of Kh o r -
vai r e, pr a c t i c e d i n every n a t i o n
and by member s of every r ace. It is
devoted to a pant heon of ni ne deities:
Ar awai , Aur e on, Bal i nor , Bol dr ei ,
Dol Ar r ah, Dol Dor n, Kol Kor r an,
Ol l adr a, and Onat ar .
DC 10: Most peopl e revere t he Sover -
eign Host as a whole, not j ust a single
deity, al t hough they nat ural l y address
prayers about cert ai n topics to differ-
ent deities.
DC 12: The gods of the Sovereign Host
are well disposed toward mort al s, and
are said to be the source of all eart hl y
blessings. Nat ur al disasters, disease,
monst ers, ver mi n, and ot her plagues
of mor t al life come from the Dark
Six, the gods who were cast out of the
pant heon for t hei r wrongdoi ng.
DC 15: A successful check agai nst t hi s
DC gr ant s det ai l s about t he al i gn-
ment , por t f ol i o, symbol , r epr es en-
t at i on, and family r el at i ons hi ps of
each deity.
DC 20: Devotees of the Sovereign Host
have no expect at i on of a gl or i ous
afterlifethey know t hat t hei r souls
will be consi gned to Dol ur r h after
t hei r deat h. They believe, however,
t hat faithful service to the Sovereign
Host bri ngs ample reward in this life,
while disloyalty br i ngs swift j ust i ce.
DC 25 : As humans spread across Khor -
vaire, they assimilated the religions of
ot her races and cul t ures i nt o the faith
of the Sovereign Host . Whi l e the faith
of the Silver Flame and the bi zarre
t radi t i ons of the elves r emai n unas
similated, many say it is j ust a mat t er
of t i me. Thi s process of assi mi l at i on
is one expl anat i on for why each deity
is depicted i n a variety of di fferent
forms, and even as a member of dif-
ferent races. These various depictions
are a legacy of the deities assimilated
from ot her cul t ures.
DC 30: Each deity is sometimes depicted
as a dr agon. Some schol ars believe
these represent at i ons of the Sovereign
Host are t hei r oldest forms, and claim
that the deities are actually dragons
that have ascended to godhood.
God of Strength at Arms Chaotic Good
Dol Dorn is the brother of Dol Arrah and the Mockery,
and is most often depicted as a heavily muscled human.
He promotes bodily strength and martial training, and
is considered to be the paragon of physical perfection.
He is worshiped by soldiers, monks, athletes, and
anyone whose life is devoted to building physical
strength and resilience.
Domains: Chaos, Competition*, Good,
Liberation*, Strength, War.
Favored Weapon: Longsword.
God of Trade and Wealth Neutral
Kol Korran is the son of Olladra and Onatar,
and the twin brother of the Keeper. He is
described as a fat, cheerful human or dwarf in
fine clothes. Kol Korran oversees all financial
transactions, businesses, and places where great
wealth is stored. His most devoted worshipers are mer-
chants, moneylenders, landowners, thieves, and
members of wealthy families.
Domains: Charm, Commerce, Pact*, Travel.
Favored Weapon: Mace.
God of Feast and Good Fortune Neutral Good
Olladra is the wife of Onatar, and the mother of Kol Korran
and the Keeper. She is pictured as a young halfling or an
elderly human. Olladra is said to bestow luck and good
health on those she favors. She is the patron deity of rogues,
bards, entertainers, and gamblers, and is also venerated by
innkeepers and hosts of large gatherings.
Domains: Feast, Good, Healing, Luck.
Favored Weapon: Sickle.
God of Artifice and the Forge Neutral Good
Onatar is the husband of Olladra and the father of Kol
Korran and the Keeper. He is usually depicted as a dwarf
smith. Not surprisingly, Onatar is revered by artisans,
artificers, smiths, smelters, and anyone who makes things
especially dwarves and gnomes.
Domains: Artifice, Creation*, Fire, Good.
Favored Weapon: Warhammer.
The religion of the Sovereign Host is the dominant faith of
Khorvaire for one very good reason: It conquered almost all
competing religions by embracing them. The theologians of
the Sovereign Host do not restrict their conceptualizations
of the deities to a single image, but accept that Dol Dorn (for
Symbol of the
Sovereign Host
example) has revealed himself to different people in different
times and places in very different ways. Rather than sending
missionaries to convince the orcs of the Shadow Marches
that Dol Dorn is superior to their war god, the church of
the Sovereign Host simply accepts that both deities are the
same god, and allows the orcs to call Dol Dorn whatever
they wish. As a result, while orcs still appeal to their
ancient god Garu-Umesh the One-Eyed in a few
places in the Shadow Marches, among most orcs
that ancient name has fallen into disusealong
with the primitive rite of putting out one eye of
any orc who sought to become a priest.
Ancient inscriptions suggest that
Khorvaire once had a diverse reli-
gious landscape. The Ghaal'dar gobli-
noids who succeeded ancient Dhakaan had
their own pantheon of sixteen deities, all but one
of whom is now easily identified with a deity of the
Sovereign Host or the Dark Six. At the same time,
the ore nations of the west revered their own deities,
the dwarves of the north held to their own traditions,
and the primitive halflings of the Talenta Plains
worshiped the nature spirits of earth and sky.
The first humans to come to Khorvaire brought
their own pantheon of nine godsthe clear precur-
sor to the Sovereign Host. As humans spread across Khorvaire,
they identified their own deities with the more beneficent of
the existing goblinoid deities. They also incorporated the
malevolent deities into their myths, casting them as relatives
of the Sovereign Host but renegades against their divine
familiesthe Dark Six. This policy of faith-based inclusion
seems to have had a limit, however, for one goblinoid deity
found no place among either the Sovereign Host or the Dark
Six. The name of this deity is lostthe humans apparently
waged a relentless campaign to strike its name and visage from
any written record they could find. A number of ruins dating
from the period between the fall of the Dhakaani Empire
and the triumph of humanity depict sixteen gods in orderly
arrangement, but the face of one is always chiseled away.
There have always been some who question this theol-
ogy of inclusion and appropriation, holding as objective
truth the fact that Dol Dorn and Garu-Umesh are two dis-
tinct entities. They believe that the old gods supplanted by
or incorporated into the Sovereign Host have died or gone
dormant with the ascendance of the Host.
The inclusiveness of the Sovereign Host has made it
Khorvaire's most successful religion, but it has never been
the only religion. As much as the followers of the Host would
like to believe that the Silver Flame is just an emanation of
Dol Arrah, devotees of the Silver Flame don't care to hear
it. Perhaps after several more centuries, the Silver Flame,
too, will be assimilatedalong with the Path of Light and
even the Undying Court.
While clerics are frequently devoted to the entire pantheon of
the Sovereign Host, favored souls (described in Complete Divine)
devote themselves to specific deities of the Sovereign Host (or
the Dark Six). Some favored souls are associated with other
faiths, but the majority choose a single deity of the Host to
emulate. Like clerics in Eberron, a favored soul need not have
an alignment within one step of her deity's alignment, and
she can be neutral regardless of her deity's alignment.
The elves of Val enar are among the most fearsome warri ors on Eber r on.
Thei r society is dedicated to mar t i al perfect i on. They idolize the military
heroes of ant i qui t y, bel i evi ng t hat the great est war r i or s of t hi s age will
become vessels for the champi ons of the past. Ten t housand years ago, elf
warri ors watered the sands of the Blade Desert with gobl i n bl ood, unt i l
overwhel mi ng opposi t i on and dragonfi re forced t hem to r et ur n to Aer -
enal . Today, they have come again to Khor vai r e and claimed a ki ngdom,
but the Val enar are not cont ent with this newborn nat i on. Seeki ng glory
in battle, Valenar warbands push deep i nt o the Talenta Plains and Q' bar r a
in search of worthy foes.
Whi l e most peopl e refer to bot h the elves and the l and they i nhabi t
as Val enar, the elves are pr oper l y called the Valaes Tai r n ("warri ors of
gl ory"). They are the largest sect of the Tai r nadal , an elven cul t ur e that
follows a mor e mi l i t ant pat h t han t he Ae r e ni . Unt i l the Last War, the
Tai r nadal lived in t he nor t he r n st eppes of Aer enal , and much of the
cul t ur e and social i nf r as t r uct ur e of t he Valaes Tai r n r emai ns t her e.
Val enar is a l and at war, and t he elves of mai nl and Khor vai r e are a
mobile army, ready for act i on. Every year, mor e Tai r nadal ar t i sans and
suppor t folk travel from Aer enal to settle in the new network of taers (elf
fort resses), but elves still l ear ni ng t he art s of war, t hose t oo i nf i r m to
fight, and the br eedi ng her ds of the wondr ous elf horses r emai n secure
on the i sl and.
Dur i ng the age of Galifar, this t erri t ory was claimed by the nat i on of
Cyre. Few people chose to make t hei r homes in the land beyond the Blade
Desert, however, and these settlers received little support from the crown.
When the Valaes Tai r n mercenari es i mpor t ed to fight for Cyre in the Last
War broke ties to t hei r mast ers and laid claim to t hi s l and, t he common
folk were cont ent to accept the elves' rul e. For t hem, life has changed little;
if anyt hi ng, the elves tax the commoners less t han the kings of Galifar once
did, since the Val enar soldiers are expert s at living off the l and. The elves
t reat t hei r new vassals fairly, and the peasant s have come to take pr i de in
the mi l i t ary mi ght of t hei r new l or ds. They mi ght not be free, but few of
the commoner s of Val enar see themselves as slavesno more so t han the
commoner s of Brel and or Kar r nat h.
The cul t ure of the Valaes Tai r n is based ar ound the heroes of Xen' drik
the champi ons who fought back against an empi r e of giants and freed the
elves. When a chi l d is bor n among the Valaes Tai r n, the pri est s of the
Valenarthe Keepers of the Pastread the signs to det er mi ne the pat ron
ancest or t hat will gui de hi m t hr ough life. It is each chi l d' s duty to honor
and emul at e his pat r on ancest or, even as he strives to br i ng glory to his
family. Many elves can share the same pat ron ancestor, leading to compet i -
tion among t hem as each strives to be the perfect embodi ment of his or her
pat r on. Most of these pat r ons are mighty warri ors, but a Val enar might
just as easily follow the path of a weaponsmi t h, a siege engi neer, or a war
wizard. Ther e are even elves whose pat r on ancestors are civil engi neers or
l aborers, and while they are rarely the subject of song or story, they play a
significant role in Val enar society.
The Valenar t radi t i on of war is one of speed and stealth. Most Valenar
soldiers are rangersdeadly stalkers who can live off the land, and who
have an al most mystical connect i on to t hei r remarkabl e horses (usually
t hei r ani mal compani ons ) . Some Val enar suppl ement t hese skills with
levels in wizard or fighter. The Keepers of the Past can be clerics or bards,
and a Val enar bar d following t hi s faith can take spirit steed as a 4th-level
spell. A cleric of the Keepers of the Past can choose from the Dest ruct i on,
Pr ot ect i on, and War domai ns. As a pant heon, the Spi ri t s of the Past are
neut ral in al i gnment , and t hei r favored weapon is the double scimitar.
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 10: Val enar is a regi on of desert and
pl ai ns i n the southwest of Khor vai r e.
An army of elf mercenari es annexed
it from Cyre dur i ng the Last War.
DC 15: Val enar' s popul at i on is made
up of former Cyran citizens of many
races. They are general l y cont ent to
serve the new Valenar overlords, living
much as they did before the war.
Knowl edge (history)
DC 20: Elves of Aer enal fought wi t h
Dhakaani goblins over this region long
before humans came to Khor vai r e.
Rui ned elf fortresses, abandoned for
mi l l enni a, dot the l andscape.
Knowl edge (l ocal )
DC 15: Battle is par t of life among t he
Val enar elves. Vi ol ent cr i mes ar e
often overlooked, but theft is a serious
cri me puni shed by mai mi ng or even
execut i on. Onl y elves are prot ect ed
under the law, t hough most Val enar
treat non- el f citizens fairly.
Knowl edge (nature)
DC 10: The Val enar elves breed horses
of amazi ng speed and agility. They are
protective of t hei r horses and offended
at the sight of a non- el f r i di ng one.
The horses are bred in nor t her n Aer -
enal and gelded, so they cannot be
stolen and used for br eedi ng.
Knowl edge (nobi l i ty and royalty)
DC 10: House Vadalis is banned out -
ri ght from t he bor der s of Val enar,
while Thur a nni and Phi ar l an are not
wel come. House Lyr andar has been
gr ant ed l and i n exchange for r ai n-
cal l i ng and has a gr owi ng i nfl uence
in Val enar.
DC 15: The forty-five Valenar warclans
all owe fealty to Hi gh Ki ng Shaeras
Vadallia, but only twenty are under the
command of the ki ng at one t i me. The
king grants titles and land to warriors
who per f or m services for hi m, but
these elves don' t live on t hei r l ands,
pr ef er r i ng to r emai n i n mot i on.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 20: The Val enar elves worshi p t hei r
war r i or ancest ors. By emul at i ng t he
deeds of t hei r ancestors, they believe
the spirits can live agai n.
Whi l e they are best known for t hei r cavalry, the Valenar
take great pride in their skill with the weapons of their people.
A Val enar elf receives the Mart i al Weapon Proficiency feats
for the shortbow ( i ncl udi ng composite shortbow), scimitar,
and Val enar double sci mi t ar. Thi s replaces the elf weapon
proficiency racial trait described in the Player's Handbook.
Whi l e much of Val enar is pl ai ns and steppes, the realm has a
variety of more hostile envi r onment s. The j ungl e of Sci mi -
tars hol ds many danger s for the unwary, and anyone who
seeks to approach by l and must cross the bitter sands of the
Blade Desert . The elves themselves rarely t roubl e travelers,
provided that t here is no hi nt of horse-t hi every and that the
party present s no chal l enge to the real m. Advent ur er s who
are ant agoni st i c or overly flamboyant draw the at t ent i on of
elf warbands and gl ory-seeki ng warri ors, but a gr oup that
conceals its weapons and keeps its eyes on the eart h is left
alone as an unwort hy chal l enge.
Val enar is sparsely popul at ed, with a handful of ham-
lets and villages scattered across the pl ai ns ami d decrepit
elf and gobl i n r ui ns . In the last forty years, the elves have
refurbi shed a number of t hei r anci ent fort resses, which
now provi de sanct uary to the r ovi ng war bands. Travelers
are never allowed i nt o the heart of an elf fortress, but local
crafters mai nt ai n t empor ar y t rade villages outside t hei r
walls, cat eri ng to the needs of st rangers.
Bladebearer of the Valenar [Racial]
You have trained extensively with scimitars, including the
Valenar double scimitar. You are adept at striking from
horseback with the curved blades of the Valenar.
Prerequi si te: Elf, region of origin Valenar, profi-
ciency with scimitar or falchion.
Benefi t: You treat the Valenar double scimitar as a
martial weapon. Also, you deal an extra I point of damage
when making a melee attack with a scimitar, a falchion, or
a Valenar double scimitar while mounted.
If you have any of the following feats for the scimitar,
falchion, or Valenar double scimitar, you can apply the feat's
effects to all three weapons: Improved Critical, Greater
Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Speci al i zati on, Weapon
Focus, or Weapon Specialization.
When you spend an action point to influence an attack
roll made with a scimitar, a falchion, or a Valenar double
scimitar, you also add the result of the action point die to
your damage for that attack.
Shield of Blades [Style]
As a master of the double scimitar, you can weave a web of
steel to protect yourself from attack.
Prerequi s i t e: Combat Experti se, Dodge, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency (Valenar double scimitar), Two-Weapon
Fighting, Weapon Focus (Valenar double scimitar).
Benefi t: If you wield a Valenar double scimitar and
use Combat Expertise to add at least I point to your AC , you
receive an additional +1 dodge bonus to AC.
A weapon style feat (i ntroduced in Complete Warrior)
provides a benefit that draws upon a number of specific
feats, and often requires the use of specific weapons,
Spirit of the Stal l i on
Your patron ancestor was a legendary cavalry soldier, and
her spirit guides you and your mount.
Prerequi si te: Elf, region of origin Valenar, Mounted
Benef i t : Whi l e mounted on a Valenar horse, you
receive a +1 circumstance bonus on melee attack rolls and
melee weapon damage rolls.
Valenar Trample
You are trained in Valenar cavalry techniques emphasizing
trampling your opponents into the ground.
Prerequi si te: Elf, region of origin Valenar, Mounted
Benefit: When you attempt to overrun an opponent
while mounted on a Valenar horse, your target cannot
choose to avoid you. Both you and your mount can make one
attack (your mount with a hoof and you with a melee weapon)
against any target you knock down, gai ni ng the standard +4
bonus on attack rolls against prone targets.
Special: A fighter can select Valenar Trample as one
of his fighter bonus feats.
Thi s feat counts as Trample for the purpose of meet-
ing any requirements or prerequisites.
' 7 am the blade that strikes unseen, the steel within the shadow. Let the enemies of my people fear
the coming of night."
War pr a ye r of Ci a s J h a e l i a n
T h e r e v e n a n t bl a de is a Va l e n a r el f who c a n d r a w o n t he s ki l l s of a n c i e n t
h e r o e s , t h e g i a n t - s l a y e r s of Xe n ' d r i k . Gu i d e d by t h e s e a n c e s t r a l s p i r -
i t s , t h e r e v e n a n t b l a d e is a d e a d l y wa r r i o r t r a i n e d i n t h e a r t s of s t e a l t h
a n d s u r v i v a l .
Ma ny t he s ol di e r s of Va l e n a r f ol l ow t he p a t h of t he r a n g e r , a n d t hi s is a n
e xc e l l e nt r o a d f or t he r e v e n a n t bl a de . T h e a n c i e n t Va l e n a r wer e g u e r r i l l a
wa r r i o r s , a n d a d e s c e n d a n t who h o n o r s h e r a n c e s t o r s mu s t be s ki l l e d
i n s t e a l t h as wel l as b a t t l e . Ba r b a r i a n s a n d f i ght e r s c a n qua l i f y f or t he
cl ass, t h o u g h t he s ki l l r e q u i r e me n t s a r e mo r e o n e r o u s f or s u c h c h a r a c -
t er s ( pos s i bl y r e q u i r i n g a l evel of r a n g e r or r o g u e t o g a i n q u i c k access
t o t he cl as s ) .
Ent r y Requi r ement s
Race: Elf
Bas e At t ac k Bo n u s : +5
Ski l l s : Hi d e 5 r a n k s , Kn o wl e d g e ( hi s t or y) 2 r a n k s , Move Si l ent l y 5 r a nks
Feat s : Bl a d e b e a r e r of t he Va l e n a r (see page 141), Two - We a p o n Fi g h t i n g ,
We a p o n Foc us ( Va l e n a r d o u b l e s c i mi t a r )
Re g i o n of Or i g i n : Va l e n a r
As a r e v e n a n t bl a de , you dr a w o n your s p i r i t u a l b o n d wi t h your a n c e s t o r t o
e n h a n c e y o u r c o mb a t pr owe s s a n d s t e a l t h c a pa bi l i t i e s . You al s o ga i n gr e a t
r e s pe c t f r o m y o u r p e o p l e .
An c e s t r a l Gu i d a n c e ( S u ) : O n c e p e r day, you c a n cal l u p o n y o u r
ances t or s t o g r a n t you knowl e dge a n d t a l e nt be yond your n o r ma l a pt i t ude s .
To a c c o mp l i s h t hi s , you mus t s p e n d 1 h o u r i n q u i e t me d i t a t i o n , s t a r t i n g
at d a wn . At t he e n d of t hi s h o u r , you ga i n a b o n u s feat s el ect ed f r o m t he
l i st bel ow; you n e e d not me e t t he n o r ma l r e q u i r e me n t s f or t he f eat . T h e
feat l ast s u n t i l da wn of t he ne xt day.
Al e r t n e s s , Bl i n d - F i g h t , C o mb a t E x p e r t i s e , Do d g e , Gr e a t Cl e a ve ,
I mp r o v e d Cr i t i c a l ( Va l e na r doubl e s c i mi t a r ) , I mp r o v e d Su n d e r , I mp r o v e d
Tr i p , Powe r At t a c k, Ski l l Foc us ( Kn o wl e d g e [ hi s t or y] ) , S p r i n g At t a c k,
St eal t hy, We a p o n Spe c i a l i z a t i on ( Va l e n a r d o u b l e s c i mi t a r ) .
At 3r d l evel , you c a n c hoos e t wo feat s f r o m t hi s l i st u p o n c o mp l e t i n g
y o u r me d i t a t i o n . At 5t h l evel , you c a n c h o o s e t h r e e f eat s f r o m t h i s l i s t .
You can' t use t hi s b o n u s feat t o me e t any r e q u i r e me n t s or p r e r e q u i s i t e s
( s uch as f or a n o t h e r feat o r a pr e s t i ge cl ass) .
He r o of t he Val ae s Ta i r n ( Ex ) : T h e Va l e n a r have i mme n s e r e s pe c t
f or t hos e who b o n d wi t h t he s pi r i t s of t he pas t . You ga i n a +5 c i r c u ms t a n c e
b o n u s o n Di p l o ma c y checks ma d e t o i n f l u e n c e t he a t t i t ude of a Va l e n a r
Kn o wl e d g e ( a r c a na )
DC 20: So me Val enar el ves carry rel i cs
of t hei r ancest orsa t oot h or a sl i ver
of bone e nc as e d i n an amul e t that
grant s t he m s upernat ural power. Thi s
rel i c creat es a cl ose bo nd be t we e n t he
e l f and t he anc e s t or , a l l o wi ng t he
l i vi ng el f easi er access to t he ski l l s and
abi l i t i es of t he ancest or. Th i s amul et
is cal l ed a zaelshin tu.
Kn o wl e d g e ( ge ogr aphy)
D C 15: T h e el ves of Va l e na r b e l o n g
t o an e l f c ul t ur e c al l e d t he Ta i r n a -
dal , whi c h reveres t he s pi ri t s of t he
a nc i e nt e l f he r o e s who bat t l e d t he
gi ant s of Xe n ' d r i k . Ta i r na da l el ves
l i ve i n n o r t h e r n Ae r e n a l as wel l as
Val e nar .
DC 20: Each Tai r nadal el f has a pat r on
anc e s t or gi ve n at bi r t h, and s eeks
to ho no r t hi s ances t or t hr ough her
deeds i n l i f e.
Kn o wl e d g e ( r e l i g i o n )
DC 10: Val enar warri ors seek to c hanne l
t he spi ri t s of t hei r heroi c ances t ors .
DC 15: Revenant s bl ades are Val enar el f
warri ors gui de d by t he he r oe s of t he
past. The y are mast ers of st eal t h and
t he doubl e s ci mi t ar.
DC 20: A revenant bl ade can adapt hi s
tacti cs to mat ch al mos t any f oe, and
st ri kes wi t h unc a nny f orce.
DC 25: A revenant ' s adapt abi l i t y c ome s
f r o m h i s a bi l i t y t o c h a n n e l t he
kno wl e dg e a nd t al e nt of hi s a n c e s -
t or s . Th i s abi l i t y gi ves h i m acces s
t o t he s ki l l s of great warri ors of t he
past abi l i t i es mos t fighters st udy f or
years t o l e ar n.
T H E R E V E N A N T B L A D E H I T DI E : D 8
At t ack Fort Ref Wi l l
Level Bo nus Save Save Save Speci al
1st +1 +0 +0 +2 Anc e s t r a l gui da nc e (1), he r o of t he Val aes Ta i r n , r a nge r class f eat ur es
2nd +2 +0 +0 +3 Shadow of t he past
3r d +3 +1 +1 +3 Anc e s t r a l gui da nc e (2)
4t h +4 +1 +1 +4 Gi a nt slayer
5t h +5 +1 +1 +4 Anc e s t r a l gui da nc e ( 3) , l egendar y force
Cl ass Ski l l s ( 4 + I nt modi f i e r per l evel ) : Cl i mb, Cr af t , Ha n d l e An i ma l , Heal , Hi de , I nt i mi da t e , J u mp , Knowl edge ( geogr aphy) ,
Knowl edge ( hi s t or y) , Knowl e dge ( na t ur e ) , Li s t en, Move Si l ent l y, Pr of es s i on, Ri de, Sear ch, Spot , Sur vi val , Swi m, Use Rope.
elf, as well as on Gat her I nf or mat i on checks made when
i nt eract i ng with Val enar elves.
Ranger Class Features: If you have ranger levels, your
revenant blade levels stack for purposes of det er mi ni ng the
abilities of your ani mal compani on. Your r evenant blade
levels also stack when de t e r mi ni ng t he caster level of your
r anger spel l s, but not when de t e r mi ni ng spells per day or
any ot her r anger class feature.
Shadow of the Past (Ex): At 2nd level and higher, you
add your class level as a compet ence bonus on Hi de and
Move Silently checks.
Gi ant Slayer ( Ex) : Though the elves of Val enar no
longer war with the giants of Xen' dr i k, the ancestral memo-
ries of the champi ons of the past bur n strongly in you. At
4th level, you gai n a +4 bonus on Bluff, Li st en, Sense
Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when usi ng these skills
against gi ant s. You also gain a +4 bonus on weapon damage
rolls against gi ant s. You gain the ability to speak Gi ant (and
read and write it, if you are literate) as if you had spent skill
points to l earn the l anguage.
Legendary Force ( Ex) : At 5th level, you become a t rue
master of the doubl e scimitar. Thr ough skill and art, you
learn to strike with ast oni shi ng st r engt h. Thi s ability allows
you to treat bot h ends of the Val enar double scimitar as two-
handed weapons, even when you use it as a doubl e weapon.
For example, you add 1-1/2 times your St r engt h bonus on
damage rolls with each end of the weapon, and any damage
bonus from the Power Attack feat is doubled when used with
the weapon.
You are one of the deadliest warri ors of a mi l i t ary cul t ure.
Your blade is the focus of your life, and from the moment
you could walk you were t aught t he art s of st eal t h. You are
cool, wary, always wat chi ng for t he next t hreat i n par t
because of your mi l i t ant t r ai ni ng, in part because you feel
most truly alive in battle.
Beyond t hi s gener al at t i t ude, your per sonal i t y is
shaped by that of your ancestor, whom you idolize and seek
to emul at e i n all the ways you can. Since you are a revenant
blade, your ancest or must have been a mast er swor dsman
and deadl y st al ker. But what was he l i ke? Was he a gr i m
ki l l er who rarel y spoke and only smi l ed when hunt i ng a
foe? A t or t ur ed poet whose skill at bl oodshed was mat ched
only by his hat r ed of vi ol ence? A f or mer slave, a war r i or
pri ncess, a r omant i c expl or er ? Det er mi ne t he nat ur e of
your ancestor, and as you rise in level consi der ways you can
mi mi c hi m. Dress, speech, manner i s ms , hobbiesas t i me
goes by, you slowly become your ancestor, so look for ways to
represent t hi s.
The host of the Valaes Ta i r n is an army, organi zed
into warcl ans and war bands. The r evenant or der st ret ches
across t he bounds of clan and bands. Your status is i ndi -
cated by the zael shi n t hat you weara special br ooch t hat
i ndi cat es t he i dent i t y of your ancest or and your rol e as a
revenant . At the moment the revenant s are a loose society,
always sear chi ng for glory and awai t i ng t he word of the
Hi gh Ki ng.
Combat : Your ancestors fought an empi re of i mmea-
surable power. You have i nher i t ed the skills of your pat ron,
but also his wisdomand t he knowledge t hat stealth and
c unni ng are j ust as i mpor t ant as st r engt h and steel. Take
your t i me in bat t l e. Stalk your enemy and l ear n his weak-
nesses. When you st ri ke, do so on your t erms.
As a r evenant bl ade, your gr eat est s t r engt h is your
versat i l i t y. Ances t r al gui dance allows you to adapt your
tactics to suit the needs of t he day. Thi s versatility helps
you most if you have ext ensi ve knowl edge of your foes
before you ent er combat . Try to evaluate your enemy and
the skills of your opponent l ong before you ever close i n
combat , and adapt your strategy to exploit these st r engt hs
and weaknesses.
Advancement : Al l Tai r nadal elves are assi gned a
pat r on ancest or at t he moment of bi r t h, and all seek to
honor t hi s ancest or. Thos e with t he pot ent i al to become
revenants feel a closer bond t han most. From chi l dhood,
your pat ron ancestor was more t han j ust a name in song and
story. You've had visions of the battles t hat she fought, seen
the lost wonders of Xen' dr i k and smelt the bur ni ng flesh of
gi ant s. Somet i mes you have found yourself spont aneousl y
quot i ng your pat r on, ast oni shi ng your elders by repeat i ng
anci ent speeches you've never read before.
The Keeper s of t he Past watch t hose who show such
promi se. As you advent ure, you grow closer to your ances-
tor. When the moment strikes and you are ready to touch
the spirits of legend, you must make your way to one of the
great fortresses of the TairnadalTaer Valaestas in Val enar
or Taer Senadal in Aer enal . The r e t he el der r evenant s
gui de you down the pat h, t eachi ng you to submerge your
t hought s in the memor i es of the past, and to let t he spi ri t
of your pat r on gui de your hands.
Once you have been set upon the pat h, it is up to you
to find your way closer to your ancestor. Consi der his per-
sonality and choose your skills and feats accordingly. If he
was renowned as a hunt er , seek the deadliest game you can
find. If he was a soldier first and foremost, find your way to
the battlefield!
Resources: The revenant order provides few resources
for member s. You have your blade and ancestral gui dance:
You shoul d be out br i ngi ng glory to your ancest or' s name,
not beggi ng for scraps! However, the or der s do have a few
relics of the ancestorszaelshin tu and si mi l ar itemsand if
you br i ng honor to your ancestor and warclan or perform a
great service to the Valaes Tai r n, you mi ght be given one of
these items.
The great est t r easur es of t he r evenant s are the act ual
swords of t he ancest ors. These mi ght y art i fact s were all
lost in Xen' dr i k. Fi ndi ng your pat r on ancest or' s doubl e
scimitaror recoveri ng it from looters or grave-robbersis
a worthy quest for a revenant blade.
"The revenants are the treasures of our past and the shapers of the future."
Ilaen Coel i ras, Keeper of the Past
The elf her oes of Xen' dr i k are t he stuff of l egends, pos-
sibly the most deadly war r i or s of hi st ory. In t he r evenant s
of Val enar, these fearsome sol di ers live agai n. It took the
dest r uct i on of Xen' dr i k to defeat t hese elf heroes in the
past: What impact will the revenant warri ors have on this
cur r ent age?
Dai l y Li f e: A r evenant bl ade is called to become a
herot o glorify her ancest ors and br i ng honor to t hei r
names t hr ough her own deeds of bravery. Revenant blades
are never sedentary. Anyone who walks the path of the rev-
enant ei t her fights on the front lines of battle or wanders
the world seeking an oppor t uni t y to prove her worthand
her ancest or' s. Revenants lead raids out from Val enar i nt o
the Tal ent a Pl ai ns, Q' bar r a, and the Mour nl and, even up
i nt o Ka r r na t h. Ot her s make t hei r way to Xen' dr i k, to fight
the descendant s of the anci ent gi ant s or unear t h some lost
ancest ral artifact. Every day bri ngs a new oppor t uni t y for
glory and honor .
Not abl es: Taer dr a J e nna r i s (N femal e elf r anger
7/ revenant bl ade 5) is one of the most respect ed revenant s
in Val enar today. She is t he chi ef of a large and powerful
warclan that frequently raids i nt o Q' bar r a at her command.
Some suspect Taerdra of resistance to the rul e of Hi gh Ki ng
Vadallia, and t hi s si t uat i on is expected to come to a head
wi t hi n the next year, when her cl an is due to be called up
for service to the Hi gh Ki ng.
Jumal l Thr enel l ( CG male elf ranger 5/wizard 3/rev-
enant blade 3) leads a small band of revenant s i n exploring
Xen' dr i k. Jumal l is part i cul arl y well known in St ormreach,
al t hough his r eput at i on t her e is mi xed: All acknowledge
his band' s heroi c deeds, but Jumal l hi msel f has st i r r ed up
t roubl e with hill giants who were visiting the city peacefully
or even worki ng as par t of the city watch.
Haver r a Phasha ( CE femal e elf r anger 3/ fi ght er
5/ r evenant bl ade 3) has br ought a measur e of disgrace
to t he r evenant bl ades' nascent or gani zat i on by maki ng
an at t empt on Hi gh Ki ng Vadal l i a' s life. She escaped the
angry Hi gh Ki ng and hi s bodyguar ds , whi ch cert ai nl y
hel ped her not or i et y, but peopl e seem to bl ame t he rev-
enant bl ades as a whole for t he act i ons of t hi s r enegade.
Ot her revenant blades have sworn to br i ng Haverra to j us-
tice, but she r emai ns a fugitive, supposedly l ur ki ng inside
the Mour nl and.
Organi zat i on: Th e r evenant or der is a evolving
f r at er ni t y. The ar t of r evenant c ha nne l i ng is a recent
devel opment among t he elves. Some bel i eve t hat t hi s is a
resul t of the mi l l enni a of devot i on of t he Tai r nadal , and
t hat the spi ri t s are gai ni ng st r engt h from t hi s reverence.
Ot her s say t hat it is destinythat t hi s is the age of the
elves, and t hat the heroes are r e t ur ni ng to lead the
Val enar to glory.
The Keeper s of the Past t r ai n new revenant s
and hel p t hem find the way ont o the pat h. As part
of t hi s t r ai ni ng, a r evenant must swear an oath
of loyalty to Val enar and
t he Hi gh Ki ng, pr omi s -
i ng to answer any call that
comes from t he Darkwood
Cr own. As such, t he reve-
nant s are an elite uni t waiting
to be called t oget her. As a revenant ,
you could receive t hi s call at any timea
summons to r et ur n to Taer Valaestas, or a call
to a di st ant bat t l e.
At t he moment t he r evenant s receive t hei r
or der s from t he Hi gh Ki ng. But some wonder if
the revenant s actually represent a t hreat to Vadallia,
part i cul arl y i n light of the recent at t empt on the Hi gh
Ki ng' s life. As the revenant s regai n the memo-
ries and skills of the great heroes of the
past, will they be cont ent to follow
the ki ng? What if t he ancest ors
have old feuds never r ecor ded
in legendor ambi t i ons to rul e
empi res of t hei r own?
NPC React i ons
The r evenant s channel the greatest
her oes of t he elves, and Val enar or
Tai r nadal warri ors have a friendly attitude
toward revenant s. Typically, the ot her i nhab-
i t ant s of Khor vai r e don' t have t he knowl edge
r equi r ed to recogni ze a revenant . The key feature that
identifies a revenant is the zaelshin amul et , and humans
rarely under s t and the meani ng of the br ooch. However,
the Darguul s have come to despise these Val enar warri ors,
and gobl i noi ds from Dar guun typically have an unfri endl y
attitude toward revenant s.
Ther e is also the chance that a revenant will encoun-
ter an elfrevenant or notwhose pat r on ancest or holds
A revenant blade
embodies the heroic
spirit of her ancestors
a deadly gr udge agai nst t he pat r on of t he r evenant . Thi s
could resul t in a di rect chal l enge or a more subtle form of
attack, and at the least an unfri endl y react i on.
Val enar is an aggressive, expansi oni st nat i on, and Val enar
warbands constantly raid nei ghbor i ng regi ons. A revenant
blade can be f ound as t he l eader of a war band, i ns pi r i ng
his soldiers with his bond to the past. Advent ur er s expl or-
ing Xen' dr i k mi ght encount er a warband ent i rel y formed
of revenant blades, an elite force sent to recl ai m lost relics
of t he elf age of glory. Of cour se, t he Val enar st i l l sell
t hei r services as mer cenar i est he Au r u m (see page 146)
coul d hi r e a r evenant bl ade to stalk a t r oubl es ome gr oup
of advent ur er s .
In an advent ur i ng part y, a r evenant bl ade provi des
a DM wi t h two pat hs to expl or e. The char act er ' s anci ent
vi si ons coul d draw t he part y to Xen' dr i k, s ear chi ng for
anci ent rel i cs or f or got t en secret s of t he el f - gi ant war.
Al t ernat i vel y, t he r evenant and hi s allies coul d be drawn
into the evolving politics of Valenar: Perhaps the character' s
ancestor wants her to lead the elves down a different path
from the one Hi gh Ki ng Vadallia has chosen.
Adapt at i on: The revenant bl ade is merely one of the
revenant s found in Val enar. By adj ust i ng the class pr er eq-
uisites and the feats the charact er can mi mi c usi ng ancestral
gui dance, this prestige class can be adapted to reflect ot her
elf ancest or s. Revenant bowmen gai n access to ar cher y
feats, while revenant ri ders have access to mount ed combat
feats. Revenant scouts emphasize the stealthy surveillance
of enemi es and guer r i l l a tactics.
Encount ers : Whe n encount er ed wi t h a war band,
a r evenant bl ade mi ght conf r ont her enemi es i n open
bat t l e. Gi ven t he choi ce, she pr ef er s to stalk her foes,
t aki ng t he t i me to careful l y eval uat e t hei r s t r engt hs and
The Tr appi ngs of t he War r i or
Tai r nadal warri ors typically wear loose silk cl ot hi ng and
light armor, and favor elaborate engravi ng and embroi dery.
They make use of red or brown pat t er ns mi mi cki ng bl ood
spat t ers or st ai ns, so t hat the gore of bat t l e bl ends with
the elf' s cl ot hi ng. Beyond t hi s, two cri t i cal accout r ement s
define a Valenar warri or: the zaelta and the zaelshin.
The zael shi n ("spi ri t bond" ) is an amul et t hat bear s
the seal of an elf' s pat r on ancest or . It is usual l y wor n as
a br ooch but can be pl aced i n a war r i or ' s hel met , at the
cent er of t he forehead. A zael shi n is usual l y f or med from
silver and i nl ai d with j et . A r evenant ' s zael shi n is formed
of pl at i num and i nl ai d with pr eci ous st ones t hat have a
specific tie to t he war r i or ' s pat r on ancest or ; t hi s pi ece of
j ewel ry costs 150 gp.
The zaelta ("spirit mask") is a veil that covers the lower
face. Whi l e this item is useful i n the har sh envi r onment of
the Blade Desert, it is i nt ended to help the wearer submerge
his i dent i t y wi t hi n t hat of his ancest or. Wi t h the wearer' s
face hi dden, an observer views only the zaelshin, t hus seeing
the ancestor instead of the descendant .
Every Val enar war r i or reveres his ancest ors and carri es a
zael shi n amul et bear i ng t he sigil of hi s pat r on ancest or
with hi m at all t i mes. Wi t h a zaelshin tu. you do mor e t han
t hat : You carry a physical relic of your pat r on ancestora
t oot h or sliver of bone br ought from Xen' dr i k to Aer enal
and encased i n your zael shi n amul et .
Descri pti on: A zaelshin tu looks much like a mundane
zael shi n. It is an amul et , formed of platinum and i nl ai d
with preci ous stones that carry spi ri t ual significance to the
ancest or whose sigil is embl azoned on it. It can be worn as
a br ooch or at t ached to your hel met at t he cent er of your
forehead. No mat t er how you display t he i t em, it takes up
space on your body as an amulet, which means you can' t gain
the benefit of any ot her amulet at t he same time (or even
anot her zaelshin tu, if you have more t han one).
If you use the revenant blade' s ancestral gui dance abil-
ity while weari ng a zaelshin tu, the gemstones set i n the amulet
flare briefly with a di m light.
Prerequi si t e: Only a Tai r nadal elf descended from
t he elf whose sigil ador ns the amul et can gai n any benefi t
from a zoehhin tu, and any ot her char act er who wears one
t r i gger s a host i l e r eact i on from any Tai r nadal he mi ght
encount er . Onl y a r evenant bl ade can use all t he i t em' s
f unct i ons .
Act i vat i on: Usi ng a zaelshin tu r equi r es no speci al
act i vat i on. The skill bonuses always apply, and usi ng your
ancest r al gui dance abi l i t y (if you are a r evenant bl ade)
does not r equi r e you to call on t he amul et ' s powerjust
your own.
Effect: If you meet the prerequi si t e for usi ng a par -
t i cul ar zaelshin tu, you gain a + 2 compet ence bonus on Hi de
and Move Silently checks, and a +2 ci rcumst ance bonus on
Diplomacy checks made to influence the reaction of anot her
Tai r nadal elf.
If you are also a r evenant blade, when you use your
ancestral gui dance class feature, you gai n one extra bonus
feat. (A 1st-level revenant blade would t hen have access to
two bonus feats, a 3rd-l evel char act er to t hr ee, and a 4t h-
level charact er to four. )
Aur a / Ca s t e r Level : Faint t r ansmut at i on and necr o-
mancy; CL 5t h.
Const ruct i on: Craft Wondr ous It em, speak with dead, a
relic of the par t i cul ar elf her o, 900 gp, 72 XP, 18 days.
Vari ant s: A zaelshin tu t i ed to a par t i cul ar ancest or
mi ght grant a compet ence bonus on di fferent skills r at her
t han Hi de and Move Silently.
Weight: 1 lb.
Pri ce: 1,800 gp.
Conspi raci es and cabals fill the world of Eber r on, driven by greed, lust for
power, or far more si ni st er goals. Whi l e advent urers may never j oi n any of
these organi zat i ons, member s of these groups are not always encount er ed
as enemi es. The Dr eami ng Dark mi ght have si ni st er plans for Khor vai r e,
but these schemes are completely different from the goals of the Lords of
Dust . As a result, a party of advent urers mi ght occasionally receive assis-
tance from an unexpect ed source. Such aid often has strings attached, and
a cautious advent urer might want to consider carefully before deal i ng with
the darkness.
The lords of the Aurum are
not demons or liches, and
few among them have
interest in military con-
ques t . Th e me mb e r s
of t he Au r u m emer ge
from among t he r i ch-
est and most i nfl uent i al
ci t i zens of Khor vai r e
power, i nf l uence, and above
The Au r u m is not a t i ght l y
bound organi zat i on. It is a society cr e- Symbol of
ated to advance the mut ual i nt er est s the Aurum
of its member s, and a place where the
wealthy can enjoy the company of those they consi der to be t hei r equals.
When you deal with a member of the Aur um, you deal with hi m alone as he
advances his own agenda and not the goals of the Aur um. For this reason,
you never know what to expect from the organi zat i on. One Aur um lord
might take a l i ki ng to you, frequently cal l i ng upon your services to recover
a new Dhakaani relic for his collection, or to deal with an upst art rival.
The next t i me you set foot in a dungeon, however, you could find yourself
opposed by the agents of anot her coin lordand your pri or service to the
society won' t help you or serve as a shield.
The mor e you deal with t he Aur um, the mor e r umor s you mi ght
hear. Some say t hat t her e is a shadow cabi net wi t hi n t hi s society of t he
wealthyan i nner circle t hat use the or gani zat i on' s i nfl uence for more
si ni st er and significant pur poses. So, keep bot h eyes open when deal i ng
with the Aur um. Thei r coin is goodbut t here are likely to be secrets
hi dden behi nd the purse st ri ngs.
You might be deal i ng with agents of the Aur um if your enemi es seem
part i cul arl y well funded, if they somet i mes seem to be working at cross
purposes to each other, or if they seem able to br i ng political and legal
forces to bear against you.
Few people in Khor vai r e have even heard of the Dr eami ng Dark. Thi s
force is the bi t t er enemy of the kalashtar, but the kal asht ar are extremely
rel uct ant to speak of this conflict with member s of ot her races. As a result,
unless you are a kalashtar or have close dealings with t hem, it is highly
unlikely that you know anyt hi ng about the Dr eami ng Dark.
If you do have allies among t he kal asht ar, you soon come to know of
t he Dr e a mi ng Dark, for t he or gani zat i on seeks to dest roy t he kal asht ar
The Aurum
Knowl edge (nobi l i ty and royalty)
DC 20: The Au r u m is a secret i ve fra-
t er nal or der . It is based i n t he Mr or
Hol ds , but i t s me mb e r s i nc l ude
wealthy and i nfl uent i al peopl e of all
races from across Khor vai r e. Many of
its member s are devoted to the study
of history, and they expend vast sums
out f i t t i ng e xpe di t i ons t o r ecover
relics of bygone civilizations.
DC 25: The Mr or epic Sol dorak Saga
cont ai ns a passage t hat some believe
rel at es to t he Au r u m. Dur l us Sol -
dor a k saw t he gol d b e n e a t h t he
mo u n t a i n s as a key t o power i n
Khor va i r e . Accor di ng to t he saga,
he called t oget her t he most c unni ng
and wealthy cl an l or ds, pr opos i ng
t he cr eat i on of a "cabi net t hat will
r ul e from t he shadows, bi ndi ng ki ng
and peasant al i ke i n chai ns of gold
and pl at i num. " The out come of t he
meet i ng is uncl ear , but i n a few of
t he l at er verses of t he saga a Sol dorak
is r ef er r ed to as "Lor d of Gol d and
Shadows. " Some bar ds bel i eve t hat
these passages descri be the f oundi ng
of the Aur um, and t hat t hi s frat ernal
or der is a front for t hose who seek to
cont r ol Khor vai r e t hr ough gold and
economi c means.
The Dreami ng Dark
Knowl edge (the pl anes)
DC 20: The Dr eami ng Dark is the force
t hat cont r ol s Dal Quor , t he r egi on
of dr eams .
DC 25 : The kal asht ar bel i eve t hat t he
Dr e a mi ng Dar k is t r yi ng to i nf l u-
ence Ebe r r on.
DC 30: Accor di ng to these stories, t he
Dr e a mi ng Dar k has pl aced agent s
across Eber r on; these are pr i ma r -
ily huma ns wi l l i ngl y possessed by
quor i spi ri t s, but also i ncl ude i n n o -
cent peopl e i nfl uenced by the ment al
powers of the quor i .
Knowl edge (psi oni cs)
DC 20: Over the last few years, you have
heard r umor s of the conspiracy known
as the Dr eami ng Dark. Its motives are
unclear, but its agents are among the
most powerful psi ons i n Ebe r r on.
(continued on page 148)
by any means possi bl e. If an oppor t uni t y pr esent s itself,
an agent of t he Dark acts directlya kal asht ar al one in the
wilds mi ght j ust as well be aski ng for an assassin to t el e-
por t i n and st ri ke hi m down. However, t he l ords of t he
Dr e a mi ng Dar k are also mast ers of subt l e mani pul at i on,
and they never act overtly if t her e is any risk of r eveal i ng
t hei r pl ans. Agent s of t he Dark mi ght use t el epat hi cal l y
cont r ol l ed proxi es to do t hei r di r t y workat t acki ng you
directly but l eavi ng you with no l i nks or leads back to your
t r ue foe. The Dr e a mi ng Dark also takes great pl easur e in
usi ng social mani pul at i on to br i ng down its enemi es. If
you oppose t he Dark, you mi ght fi nd yoursel f f r amed for
a cr i me you di dn' t commi t . Al t ernat i vel y, an agent of t he
Dr eami ng Dark mi ght st i r up par anoi a ar ound advent ur -
ers i n gener al , or f oment fear and di st r ust agai nst t hose
who bear dr agonmar ks , or agai nst warforged, or whatever
else mi ght di r ect t he hat r ed of good peopl e i n your di r ec-
t i on. They mi ght even fi nd ways to t r i ck you i nt o doi ng
t hei r di r t y workfor exampl e, by convi nci ng you t hat an
i nnocent kal asht ar is an evil warlock responsi bl e for your
r ecent woes.
If you cross paths with the Dr eami ng Dark, the only
good advice is to watch your back. Take not hi ng for grant ed,
and keep a close and careful eye on your allies. In the long
r un, any i ndi vi dual s can be t ur ned to the Dark, whether
they are tricked i nt o servi ng the cause or have t hei r mi nds
i nfl uenced from wi t hi n.
You might be deal i ng with agents of the Dr eami ng Dark
if your enemi es manifest psi oni c powers, if they are obvi-
ously (or subtly) foreign in dress or dialect, or if formerly
t rust ed allies t ur n against you.
Every follower of the Silver Fl ame has heard the tale of the
Ser pent and the Demon. In 299 YK, a t erri bl e force was
unl eashed i n Th r a n e , and all ma nne r of fi ends flocked
from t he shadows to vener at e t hi s dark l or d. However,
before the mighty demon could completely free itself from
its bonds, the pal adi n Ti r a Mi r on appeared, accompani ed
by a feathered ser pent with rai nbow pl um-
age. The mi ght y fiend, as it t ur ned out,
could not be sl ai n. The best t hat could
be hoped was to put it in secure bonds
agai n, and t hi s Ti r a did at the cost
of her own l i fe. Th r o u g h her
sacri fi ce, huma ni t y l ear ned
of the Silver Flamethe force
that has held the fiend lords
at bay since the most anci ent
of days.
Few peopl e know the
f ul l h i s t o r y of t hes e
de mons , however. I n
t he first age, Khyber
gave bi r t h to a host of
fi ends. The rakshasas
were the least of these,
whi l e t he mi ght i es t
were demon lords with
uni que powers and abil-
ities that made t hem like
gods. Thes e ar chf i ends
Symbol of the rul ed over the lesser spi r-
Lords of Dust its and became known as
the rakshasa rajahs. In t i me, a combi ned force of dragons
and couatls defeated t hese demons, wi t h the mi ght i est
among t hem bound by the Silver Fl ame. The weaker spirits
slipped t hr ough the net, however. I mmor t al and cunni ng,
they have had tens of t housands of years to plot and scheme.
Some seek to free t hei r anci ent masters from i mpr i sonment
(this was how t he fiend lord held beneat h the Tamor Hi l l s
in Thr a ne escaped his bonds) . Ot her s seek to seize the
power of the i mpri soned rajahs for t hei r own. Finally, some
simply take pl easure in spr eadi ng chaos and pai n, playing
with mor t al civilizations like a child plays with dolls. These
are t he Lor ds of Dust .
The Lor ds of Dust are c unni ng shapeshi ft ers, and
t hei r pl ans (often unf ol di ng over cent ur i es) are difficult
for mort al s to fat hom. The best advice one can take when
deal i ng with the Lor ds of Dust is to be wary and t rust
not hi ng: These anci ent fiends favor illusion and decept i on
above all.
It is par t i cul ar l y difficult to det er mi ne whet her the
Lor ds of Dust are involved i n a given i nt r i gue or adven-
t ur e, si nce t hei r mot i vat i ons are so obscur e and t hei r
met hods so subt l e. However, if anci ent and powerful
magic is involved, if your enemi es seem ut t erl y rut hl ess or
wildly chaot i c, or if you find yoursel f lost i n an endlessly
t angl ed web of subt erfuge, you mi ght be deal i ng with the
Lor ds of Dust .
In the beginning of the Last War, the agents of
the Order of the Emerald Claw were the heroes
of Karrnath. Their devotion to their
nation was matched only by their cun-
ning and skill at arms. The knights of the
order were instrumental in Karrnath's
military success, and it is now believed that
certain acts of espionage and sabotage
that occurred in other nations were their
secret handiwork.
As time passed, though, the King of
Karrnath began to have his doubts about
the order. The knights of the Emerald
Claw were fiercely devoted to Karrnath,
but few outside the order's highest levels
knew that their devotion masked service to
another masterthe Blood of Vol. Ultimately,
edicts were passed condemning the order for
its violent activities, and by 980 YK it was for-
mally disbanded and outlawed by Moranna, the
regent of Karrnath. But while the Emerald
Claw no longer has any ties to the government
of Karrnath, it continues to operate in the Symbol of the Order
shadows across Khorvaire. The order claims of the Emerald Claw
to still be dedicated to Karrnath, but makes
known its belief that Kaius III is weak and that he betrayed the country
when he sought peace.
Few outside the most high-ranking members of the order under-
stand and appreciate the true connection between the order and
the Blood of Vol. Most assume that since the order consists of loyal
Karrnathi, it is understandable that some of its members follow the
teachings of the Blood. The truth is, however, that Vol created the
order not to help Karrnath, but to help herself. The Emerald Claw
represents the claw of a green dragon, a connection to Vol's heritage
as a half-dragon. It has members, both recognized and hidden, oper-
ating throughout the Five Nations and beyond. These members serve
as Vol's eyes and ears, her devoted army, and her trusted hunters of
arcane relics of power.
When dealing with the Order of the Emerald Claw, it is easy to dis-
miss them as zealots and extremists. Of all the villains in Eberron, they
are perhaps the most straightforwardwhere you find the order, you can
usually assume that evil is afoot. Never underestimate the Order of the
Emerald Claw, though, for it can attract skilled wizards and warriors to
its banner, and the organization's combination of patriotism and (secret)
religious fervor wins it many allies among the common folk. The order
might invariably be dedicated to evil, but it can still dupe good people into
serving its ends.
You might be dealing with the Order of the Emerald Claw if your foes
include intelligent undead such as vampires or liches, if they reveal Karr-
nathi accents, or if they display high levels of military or magical train-
ing. Naturally, if you see the symbol of the order displayed on shields or
helmets, it's a dead giveaway that the order is involved. Outside Karrnath
and particularly beyond Khorvaire, members of the order do not always
take pains to conceal their affiliation.
Some stories say that they are invaders
from Sarlona, others that they come
from another plane, while some claim
that the Dreaming Dark is one mono-
lithic spirit that uses mindseed to claim
followers of all races and nations.
The Lords of Dust
Knowledge (religion)
DC 15: In ancient times, mighty fiends
ruled the land. These were the chil-
dren of the dark dragon Khyber.
The universe could not stand to
see such evil roaming free, and the
Silver Flame took form to bind this
terrible darkness in the depths of
the world.
DC 18 : While the greatest fiends were
trapped by the Silver Flame, their
weaker servants were able to slip
through the bonds, like small fish
slipping through nets made to catch
krakens. These treacherous fiends
remain in the world, and the tem-
plars of the Silver Flame must be ever
vigilant to prevent these demons from
freeing their bound masters. Some of
the fiends have joined together in an
alliance called the Lords of Dust, a
name that refers to the ancient powers
they have lost.
DC 22: The most common order of
fiend among these Lords of Dust is
the rakshasa. A rakshasa is a clever
shapeshifting demon that can assume
any humanoid form and possesses
considerable magic powers of its own.
Rakshasas are resistant to most magic,
and neither sword nor mace can harm
themonly a spear or arrow blessed
by the forces of good can penetrate
such a demon's hide.
The Order of the
Emerald Claw
Knowledge (History)
Karrns receive a +5 bonus on this check.
DC 15: The Order of the Emerald Claw
was a chivalric order that served King
Kaius I and his successors during the
Last War. The order was outlawed
in 980 YK for extremist activities,
and King Kaius III has gone to great
lengths in an attempt to stamp it
out. The order continues to remain
active in the shadows of Karrnath
and beyond, but it is now seen as a
terrorist organization.
The following two spells, two psi oni c powers, and one feat
represent only a few of the powers developed by the forces
of darkness or by those who oppose t hem.
Pr i ce of Loyalty
Enchant ment ( Char m) [Mi nd-Affect i ng]
Level: Sorcerer/ wi zard 2
Component s: F
Casti ng Ti me: 1 st andard action
Range: Touch
Target: One humanoi d
Durat i on: One hour/ l evel
Savi ng Thr ow: Will negates
Spel l Resi stance: Yes
Gold and greed are t he two tools of the Aur um, and t hi s
subtle char m uses one to harness the ot her. The effects of
price of loyalty are i dent i cal to charm person. The drawbacks are
the l i mi t ed range and the fact that t he target must accept
your offer of a pl at i num piece (the spell' s focus) for the
spell to take effect. The advantage is the subtle nat ur e of the
enchant ment . Price of loyalty r equi r es no gestures or i ncant a-
t i ons, and t here are no signs of magic; whet her or not the
target succeeds on his saving throw, he will never know that
a spell was cast. However, the effect can still be di scerned
by detect magic and si mi l ar spells.
Focus: One pl at i num piece.
Sent i nel ' s Watch
Di vi nat i on
Level : Sorcerer/ wi zard 2
Component s: V, S, M
Casti ng Ti me: 1 st andar d action
Range: Touch
Target: One humanoi d
Durat i on: One hour/ l evel
Savi ng Throw: Will negates (harml ess)
Spel l Resi stance: Yes
Subt l e danger s hi de t hr oughout t he world of Ebe r r on.
Changel i ngs and doppel ganger s work the whi ms of the
Travel er. Anci ent spi ri t s scheme to dest roy huma n ci vi l i -
zation. In these dark times, little is exactly what it appears
to be.
Pr ot ect i on is t he duty of House Denei t h, and i n 756
YK Jol as d' Denei t h, a mage of t he Twelve, devel oped t hi s
ri t ual to st r engt hen the eyes of those who served his house.
Sentinel's watch wards the subject against decept i on, allowing
hi m to pierce falsehoods of all forms.
Whi l e prot ect ed by sentinel 'swatch, the subject receives a
+ 5 compet ence bonus on the following checks and saves.
Spot checks to penet r at e any form of di sgui se or
i l l usi on.
Sense Motive checks made to oppose Bluff checks.
Will saves to resist enchant ment or i l l usi on effects.
If the subject bears the Mark of Sent i nel or t he Mark of
Det ect i on, these bonuses are i ncreased to +6.
Material Component: A piece of quart z, which is t ouched
to the eyes of the subject.
Blade of Light
Psychoport at i on
Level: Psychic warri or 4
Display; Material
Mani f est i ng Ti me: 1 swift action
Range: Touch
Target: Weapon t ouched
Durat i on: 1 r ound/ l evel
Savi ng Throw: None
Power Resi stance: No
Power Poi nts: 7
The psychic warri ors of the kalashtar, dedicated to bat t l i ng
t he Dr eami ng Dark, developed t hi s power to hel p i n t hi s
struggle, but it's equally effective when deal i ng with crea-
t ur es of Xor i at or demons from Shavar at h. Thi s power
s ur r ounds one weapon wi t h a softly gl owi ng ener gy field
t hat is anat hema to f i ends. When t he weapon st ri kes an
evil ext r apl anar cr eat ur e, it deals an ext ra 2d6 poi nt s of
damage. Thi s power has a weaker effect on cr eat ur es t hat
are merel y possessed by out si der s (such as t he I ns pi r ed) ;
i n such cases, the weapon deals an extra 2d6 poi nt s of non-
lethal damage.
Di ssonant Touch
Telepathy [Mi nd-Affect i ng]
Level : Psychic war r i or 2, telepath 2
Display: Visual
Mani f est i ng Ti me: 1 st andard action
Range: Touch
Target: Cr eat ur e t ouched
Durat i on: 1 mi nut e/ l evel
Savi ng Throw: None
Power Resi stance: No
Power Poi nts: 3
The assassins of the Dr eami ng Dark enjoy toying with t hei r
prey. Thi s psionic attack di srupt s the nervous system of the
victim, causing i nt ense weakness or di sori ent at i on for the
dur at i on of the effect.
When you use dissonant touch, a successful melee t ouch
attack causes your vi ct i m to take a penal t y of l d6 poi nt s
to ei t her St r engt h or Dext eri t y; you choose which before
you make t he attack. The affected ability score cannot be
reduced below 0, and if you use t hi s ability mor e t han once
on t he same victim, only t he greatest penal t y is appl i ed.
Augment : For every 2 addi t i onal power poi nt s you
spend, the penalty is i ncreased by 1 poi nt .
If you spend an addi t i onal 6 power poi nt s, the penalty
applies to bot h St r engt h and Dexterity.
Feat: Deat h' s Bl ood
Th e Mark of Deat h has passed from t he worl d. But whi l e
t he l i ne of Vol was el i mi nat ed by t he elves t hous ands of
years ago, t he Que e n of t he Dead has conduct ed e xpe r i -
ment s desi gned to r e t ur n t he mar k to t he worl d. One of
your ancest or s was involved in t hese exper i ment s , and
t hi s her i t age gives you a nat ur al r esi st ance to ne c r o-
mant i c effects.
Prerequi si te: Elf or half-elf.
Benefi t: You gain a +4 bonus on saves against necr o-
mancy spells or spell-like abilities.
The warforged are living const ruct smachi nes made to serve as soldiers
duri ng the Last War. They are massive, powerful creatures built in a generally
humanoid shape from materials such as iron, stone, obsidian, and darkwood.
Warforged are genderless (although the personalities of individual warforged
can seem masculine or femi ni ne). Thei r bodies are made up of flexible plates
connected by fibrous bundl es somewhat resembl i ng muscle. The head of a
warforged is mostly featureless, t hough an i ndi vi dual sometimes decorates
or augment s itself to create a recognizable face. Every warforged has one
distinctive feature: the uni que symbol carved on its forehead.
As a gener al r ul e, warforged do not have par t i cul ar l y expressive
personal i t i es. In fact, the emot i on most often at t ri but ed to t hem is vague
di si nt erest or l i nger i ng r esent ment . Thi s si t uat i on is only exacerbated by
the fact t hat many don' t even have names. Warforged were made for the
sole pur pose of fighting i n the Last War, so not a lot of effort was devoted
to i nst i l l i ng t hem with i nt er est i ng personal i t i es, ani mat ed expressions,
or the need for a par t i cul ar sense of identity.
That is not to say that warforged have no opi ni ons or feelings. Despite
their ori gi ns, they are sent i ent creatures, each possessing a complex array
of likes, dislikes, preferences, and even hates. They simply are not naturally
good at expressing those feelings. Warforged may spend years t ryi ng to find
a name they t hi nk adequately sums up t hei r tastes, personality, and goals.
People who have spent time with different members of the race compare
them to snowflakes or flowersfrom a distance they seem uni form, but
looking closely reveals myriad complexities and great individual beauty.
The warforged were created by House Canni t h under commi ssi on
from Ki ng Jarot of Galifar dur i ng his final years. Jar ot wanted const ruct
warri ors that could prot ect the ki ngdom from attacks by monst er hordes
and invasions from overseas. However, with Jarot ' s death and the start of
the Last War, the warforged went i mmedi at el y to the front lines of the
i nt er nal battle that would soon consume the Five Nat i ons.
The first few versi ons of t he warforged were si mpl e const ruct s
aut omat ons that followed t hei r owners' commands and had no ability to
t hi nk for themselves. As House Canni t h i mproved the creat i on process,
t hough, the warforged became more and more aut onomous, gai ni ng the
ability to make decisions, i mprovi se, and eventually t hi nk for themselves.
The first sent i ent warforged were created in 965 YK.
For the r emai nder of the Last War, House Canni t h sold warforged
soldiers to anyone who could afford t hem. Brel and, Thr ane, and Cyre had
the largest contingents of warforged troops, and their highly visible presence
among the armies of the Last War inextricably linked them with that conflict
in the popul ar i magi nat i on. Virtually every front-page story about events in
the last decade of the war featured l uri d illustrations of warforged soldiers
marchi ng, drenched in bl ood. Thi s accounts for much of the difficulty
faced by the warforged i n this time of peace: They have come to symbolize
the Last War, and all that was pai nful and destructive about the conflict.
Dur i ng t he war, warforged were consi dered to be the pr oper t y of
whatever army paid for t hei r cr eat i on. The warforged did not object to
thisit was, after all, the reason they had been made. But when the Treaty
of Thr onehol d ended the Last War, it was decided that the warforged would
be treated as sentient beings, possessed (according to some) of living souls.
With free will and i nt el l i gent t hought , they would be regarded as citizens
of t hei r respective nat i ons, not as propert y.
However, wri t i ng this emanci pat i on i nt o the Thr onehol d Accords was
one t hi ng; put t i ng it i nt o practice has proven to be quite anot her. In every
nation, the warforged face some degree of prejudice, much of it fed by war-
time images from the chroni cl es. The expressionless faces of the warforged
reveal no remorse, compoundi ng this animosity and maki ng the warforged
seem more like objects t han peopl e. Worse, the gover nment s of Thr a ne
Knowl edge (arcana)
DC 10: Warforged are living const ruct s
made dur i ng t he Last War. Whi l e
they shar e many of t he qual i t i es of
const ruct s, they are alive, with mi nds
and met abol i sms.
DC 15: War f or ged are unaf f ect ed by
poi son, di sease, and ener gy dr a i n.
They never t i r e or sl eep, and they
nei t her eat nor br eat he. The i r con-
st ruct i on i ncl udes pl at i ng t hat serves
as armor, and some i ndi vi dual s have
heavier pl at i ng made of adamant i ne.
DC 20: Convent i onal met hods of magi -
cal heal i ng are not as effective when
used upon war f or ged, but ar cane
Spellcasters and artificers can r epai r
damage suffered by a warforged. War-
forged do not heal nat ural l y, but nei -
t her do they die as a result of critical
i nj uryt hey st abi l i ze and r e ma i n
i ner t but alive unt i l r epai r ed.
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 20: Some war f or ged live i n t he
Mour nl a nd, i n a communi t y gat h-
ered ar ound a messianic figure called
the Lord of Blades.
Knowl edge (history)
DC 15: The warforged were created by
House Canni t h to serve as soldiers i n
the Last War. The Treaty of Th r o n e -
hol d gr ant ed t hem t he same freedom
and rights held by member s of ot her
sent i ent races, t hough t her e is st i l l
debat e about t he appr opr i at eness of
t hi s deci si on.
Knowl edge (l ocal )
DC 10: You can l ear n whet her t her e
is a warforged communi t y i n a local
set t l ement and whet her t her e have
been any not abl e r ecent i nci dent s
involving warforged.
DC 15: You can l earn roughly how many
warforged live i n a local communi t y
and where they can be found.
Knowl edge ( rel i gi on)
DC 15: Few warforged are part i cul arl y
drawn to rel i gi on. A significant debate
occurred dur i ng the talks l eadi ng up
to the Treaty of Thr onehol d r egar d-
ing whet her warforged possess souls.
Thi s issue was never resolved.
DC 20: A few warforged revere the Lor d
of Blades as a deity or messiah.
and Kar r nat h use the application of i ndent ur ed servitude
to effectively keep t hei r warforged enslavedinsisting that
all warforged pay back the costs i ncur r ed in t hei r creat i on
before citizenship is grant ed to t hem, t hen maki ng sure that
they never can.
The tragic aspect of the warforged is that they were cr e-
ated as social creat ures. The tactics of a successful soldier
rely as much on cooperat i on and teamwork as they do
on br ut e st r engt h and i nhuman endur ance,
and the warforged excelled at teamwork
as they did all aspects of combat
Warforged now find t hemsel ves
cut off from t hei r past mi l i t ar y
lives, sear chi ng for a gr oup to
bel ong to.
Some war f or ged have
chosen to gat her i n com-
muni t i e s of t he i r own,
particularly in the Mour n-
land under the banner of
the Lord of Blades. The
ext reme phi l osophy of the
Lord of Blades does not
appeal to many warforged,
however, and the majority
seeks compani onshi p among
h u ma n o i d s . Some f i nd it
working i n cities, often i n j obs
involving heavy lifting, danger -
ous work condi t i ons, or deal i ng
with unpl easant mat er i al s. Ot her s
discover the camaraderi e of an advent ur -
ing party, fi ndi ng t hei r sense of bel ongi ng
in the pur pose for which they were made
fighting shoul der to shoul der or back to back
with an ally.
Ther e is no denyi ng that warforged are l i vi ng creat ures,
but t he fact r emai ns t hat they are constructsassembled
and t hen i mbued with life t hr ough a mechani cal process.
As such, they are not capable of bear i ng chi l dr en, nor can
Some say that life is best
defined by its cessation
they simply create offspri ng for themselves. The const r uc-
t i on process is a compl ex one, and it r equi r es a cr eat i on
forgea device t hat only House Ca nni t h knows how to
make and use.
When the Treaty of Thr onehol d grant ed the warforged
status as citizens of t hei r various nat i ons, it also specified
that no mor e warforged would be made. House Ca nni t h
was to deactivate and di smant l e all t hei r creat i on
forges, and so the number of warforged in
the world would never increase from
the last day of the war. Thi s was not
especi al l y bot he r s ome to most
warforged, since few had any
desire or need to procreate
they had enough difficulty
simply fitting i nt o society.
However, r umor s per -
sist t hat new warforged
are bei ng creat ed. One
such r umor centers on an
eni gmat i c figure known
as t he Lor d of Bl ades.
It is said that t hi s r en-
egade warforged is gat h-
er i ng the most disaffected
and vi ol ent me mbe r s of
his ki nd somewhere i n the
r ui ns of t he Mour nl a nd, and
t hat they have f ound a bat -
tered creat i on forge and nursed
it back to wo r k i n g c o n d i t i o n .
However, t he r esul t i ng warforged are
said to have s t r ange mut at i ons and
defect s. An o t h e r r umor speaks of new
war f or ged s uddenl y a p p e a r i n g on t he
st reet s of Shar n wi t h no memor y of how
they got t her e or who creat ed t hem. These
i ndi vi dual s mi ght be sufferi ng from some
ki nd of damage done to t hem dur i ng the war, or may simply
have defective par t s , but t he fact t hat t hi s phe nome non
is oc c ur r i ng onl y i n Shar n makes t hose possi bi l i t i es
less likely.
Shocking Fist [Warforged]
Your slam attack can deal a shock.
Prerequi si te: Warforged, base attack bonus +3.
Benefi t: As a free action, you can channel some of
your life force i nt o a slam attack. You must declare that you
are using this feat before you make your attack rol l . When
you use this feat, you deal damage to yourself (any amount
equal to or less t han your base attack bonus) . If the attack
hi t s, you deal l d4 poi nt s of electricity damage to t he target
per poi nt of damage you dealt to yourself. For example, if
you dealt 3 poi nt s of damage to yourself, a successful attack
would deal an extra 3d4 poi nt s of electricity damage.
If the attack misses, the attempt is wasted (but you still
take the damage you dealt to yourself).
You can at t empt a shocki ng fist attack any number of
t i mes per day, but only once per r ound.
Overload Metabolism [Warforged]
You can heal damage at a cost to your ot her physi cal
at t r i but es .
Prerequi si te: Warforged, Str 13, Con 13.
Benefi t: Once per day as a st andar d action, you can
excite your warforged met abol i sm to heal a number of hit
poi nt s equal to 5 + your HD. Doi ng t hi s i ncur s a 2 penalty
to your St r engt h and Dexterity scores for 10 mi nut es.
If you are uncons ci ous and have not yet used t hi s
abi l i t y, any i nf usi on t hat t arget s you aut omat i cal l y act i -
vates it,
Home to the first civilizations i n history ( di scount i ng legends of a peri od
when fiends had domi ni on over t he worl d), Xen' dr i k r emai ns largely
unknown to t he rest of t he worl d. Its t hi ck j ungl es, bar r en desert s, and
soar i ng mount a i ns seem to conspi r e to hi de its secrets from out si de
expl orers, as if the relics of the Age of Gi ant s were not meant for the eyes
of pr yi ng relic hunt er s and advent urous schol ars. All manner of strange
creat ures i nhabi t its vast expanses, some boast i ng civilizations of t hei r
own. Xen' dr i k is the cont i nent of mysteriesa place where expectations,
social rul es, and somet i mes even the laws of magic and reality are t ur ned
on t hei r heads.
The empi r e of the gi ant s appear ed some eighty t housand years ago,
emer gi ng i nt o a world t hat seemed pr epar ed for its ar r i val . If l egends
are to be bel i eved, t he powerful fiends t hat once r ul ed Eber r on had
been conquer edi mpr i soned wi t hi n Khyber by the spi r i t ual coils of the
couat l s, angel i c allies of t he dr agons i n t hei r eons- l ong war agai nst the
f i ends. Fr om t he ashes of t hi s unspeakabl y l ong war, t he gi ant s ar ose.
As wi t h l at er ci vi l i zat i ons, it appear s t hat t he gi ant ci vi l i zat i on grew
slowly from humbl e be gi nni ngs : Bands j oi ned i nt o t r i bes, war l or ds
uni t ed t r i bes i nt o ki ngdoms , and ki ngdoms made war and j ockeyed
for power.
Some schol ars believe t hat t hese ki ngdoms were uni f i ed at some
poi nt i nt o a single empi r e, while ot her s di sput e t hat cl ai m, speaki ng of
mul t i pl e empi r es or ki ngdoms when descr i bi ng t he gi ant ci vi l i zat i on.
Still ot her s say that t her e was never a monol i t hi c civilization at all, and
that the t r adi t i ons of the vari ous gi ant nat i ons were completely di st i nct
from each ot her. These scholars believe t hat the gi ant s' civilization arose
i ndependent l y in di fferent areas of the huge cont i nent , used di fferent
l anguages, and mi ght even have been domi nat ed by di fferent species of
gi ant . These scholars also hold the unpopul ar opi ni on t hat the divisions
now observed among di fferent varieties of giantshill gi ant s, fire gi ant s,
frost gi ant s, st orm gi ant s, and so onhave always existed, or at least had
al ready ar i sen by the t i me t he gi ant s left any physical r ecor d of t hei r
presence in Xen' dr i k. Thi s t heory flies in the face of the common belief
that the f r agment at i on of the gi ant race i nt o mul t i pl e subraces occur r ed
after t he fall of t hei r ci vi l i zat i on, and mi ght have been di rect l y caused
by t hat fall.
What ever t he t r ut h, t he mi ght of t he gi ant ki ngdoms was clearly
founded on two i mpor t ant factors: t hei r use of elf and drow slaves, and
t hei r use of arcane magic l earned from the dragons. The gi ant s wielded
powerful magic, the like of which has not been seen since t hei r fall. As a
result, many expl orers ent er the r ui ns of t hei r civilization not out of hi s-
torical curiosity, but pri mari l y to pillage what artifacts can still be found
t here. Dur i ng the Last War in part i cul ar, several of Khorvai re' s nat i ons
sent agents and scholars to Xen' dr i k, hopi ng to find magical secrets that
could aid t hei r cause in the conflict. It is said that the warforged and the
secrets of el ement al bi ndi ng bot h arose from such expedi t i ons, and ar t i -
facts such as the Ramethene Sword, uncovered dur i ng the war and put to use
by Kar r nat h, cert ai nl y had some impact on the war.
Aside from hi st ori cal i nt erest and the lust for magical power, one
addi t i onal factor draws explorers to Xen' dr i k from Khor vai r e and distant
Sarl ona al i kedr agonshar ds. Siberys shar ds fal l i ng from t he Ri ng of
Siberys land pri mari l y in Xen' dr i k. Since these shards are valuable both
to the dr agonmar ked houses of Khor vai r e and to the Inspi red of Sarlona,
t hei r presence gives the cont i nent of mysteries great i mpor t ance.
The r ui ns of the gi ant ci vi l i zat i on (and t he drow who still l urk in
those r ui ns ) are by no means t he only secrets locked away i n Xen' dr i k,
nor do its glories all bel ong to the past. Expl or er s r et ur n to Shar n every
mont h with some new tale of a t hr i vi ng ci vi l i zat i on j ust di scovered, a
Knowl edge (arcana)
DC 15: Xe n' dr i k is l i t t er ed wi t h t he
r ui ns of an anci ent gi ant civilization.
Those r ui ns hol d countless anci ent
artifacts, i nscri pt i ons car r yi ng pow-
erful arcane spells, st range magical
effects, and ot her items of arcane sig-
nificance. The cont i nent is also home
to great fields of dr agonshar ds, fallen
from t he Ri ng of Siberys.
DC 20: I n Xen' dr i k' s anci ent past, the
gi ant s l earned t he secrets of arcane
magic from the dragons of Ar gonnes-
sen. They used that magic to const ruct
wonders unequal ed i n t he pr esent .
DC 25: The gi ant s also used t hei r pow-
erful magic to destroy the pl anar gate
t hr ough which the quor i invaded the
worl d. Th e r esul t was a t r emendous
cataclysm even l ar ger i n scale t ha n
t he devast at i on of t he Mour nl a nd.
The regi ons now known as Shargon' s
Teet h and t he Phoeni x Basi n were
sunk beneat h the sea, and the cities of
the giantseven the eart h itselfwere
r ent asunder.
Knowl edge (geography)
DC 10: The cont i nent of Xen' dr i k lies
to the sout h of Khor vai r e, across the
Th u n d e r Sea. Its mai n huma noi d
set t l ement is t he city of St or mr each,
once a pi rat e base, bui l t among t he
r ui ns of an anci ent gi ant city.
DC 15: The most common r out e from
Shar n to St or mr each leads t hr ough
Shargon' s Teet h, a strait st udded with
islands and sharp reefs and i nhabi t ed
by sahuagi n. It is common practice to
offer t r i but e to a sahuagi n chi eft ai n
to secure passage t hr ough the st rai t .
DC 20: Xen' dr i k is a vast cont i nent ,
considerably l arger t han Khor vai r e.
Fr om t he Skyfall Peni nsul a i n t he
t ropi cal nor t h, closest to Khor vai r e,
it ext ends al most all the way to the
sout her n end of the world, known as
Everice. I n bet ween, j ungl e gives way
to temperate forest and t hen to taiga,
mount ai n ranges stretch for thousands
of miles, and the great gol den desert
Menecht arun covers an area the size of
Breland and Zilargo combi ned.
DC 25: Xen' dr i k is home to a number of
super nat ur al envi r onment s as well as
a wide variety of nat ur al ones.
pl ant or ani mal wi t h heal i ng or magi cal pr oper t i es , or
some ot her wonder uncover ed i n t he wilds of t he myst er i -
ous cont i nent . Clearly, decades of expl orat i on of Xen' dr i k
have only scrat ched the surface of t he mysteries still wait-
i ng to be revealed t her e.
The peopl e of Khor va i r e oft en speak of "t he j ungl es of
Xe n' dr i k" as t hough t he cont i nent were densel y forest ed
over its ent i r e ext ent . Most expl or at i on of Xe n' dr i k has
been l i mi t ed to t he great n o r t h e r n pe ni ns ul a closest to
Khor vai r e, and given that this t erri t ory is mostly covered in
dense tropical forest, the mi spercept i on is under st andabl e.
In reality, Xen' dr i k is a vast cont i nent st ret chi ng far beyond
the t ropi cal j ungl e of the nor t h, encompassi ng nearly every
type of landscape and t er r ai n.
The great desert Menecht ar un domi nat es the western
part of the cont i nent . The desert is bounded on the east by
the Fangs of Ar gar ak, an enor mous mount ai n r ange t hat
feat ures t he hi ghest peaks out si de Ar gonnes s en. Far t her
south, the j ungl es al ong the east coast t ur n gradually i nt o
t emperat e forest and taiga, with the l and eventually giving
way to the frigid waters of t he yawni ng Icemaw Sea and
Everice beyond.
Simply by vi r t ue of its size and geographi cal feat ures,
Xen' dr i k encompasses every type of t er r ai n and envi r on-
ment descr i bed in t he Dungeon Master's Guide, from cold
desert to warm forest. Its hi st or i cal posi t i on as t he site of
one of t he great est ci vi l i zat i ons of t he anci ent world also
ensures that the cont i nent possesses more exotic regions
as well as regi ons t hat make no cl i mat i c or geographi cal
sense. Ther e is said to be a regi on of bi t t er cold somewhere
wi t hi n the ot herwi se bl i st er i ng sands of Menecht ar un,
for exampl e. The Mar sh of Desol at i on, f est er i ng at the
base of the Skyfall Peni ns ul a, is said to carry t he t ai nt
of some great evil t hat lies at its hear t , sappi ng the will
of those who ent er and cons umi ng t hei r mi nds like fire.
Even wi t hi n the vast j ungl es of the t ropi cal nor t h, st range
areas aboundplaces where the hangi ng moss reaches out
to grasp t ravel ers, regi ons where a const ant sense of move-
ment lurks at the edge of one' s field of vision, and manifest
zones where t he fires of Fer ni a or the darkness of Mabar
seep i nt o the world.
Drawi ng maps of Xen' dr i k has proven to be difficult,
and not just because of the dangerous creat ures that i nhabi t
the cont i nent . Di st ance somet i mes seems to ebb and flow
with a blatant di sregard for nat ur al law, so t hat di f f er -
ent car t ogr apher s can measur e t he same expanses and
pr oduce wildly vari ed r esul t s. A j our ne y t hat takes one
expedi t i on a week mi ght take t hr ee weeks for t he next ,
with no appr eci abl e di f f er ence i n ci r cums t ances . These
phe nome na ar e commonl y at t r i but ed to t he u n c o n -
t r ol l ed magi cal ener gi es t hat r an wild at t he fall of the
gi ant ki ngdoms , but no one has been able to offer a mor e
concr et e expl anat i on.
Beyond t he nat ur al world and its s uper nat ur al al t er -
at i ons, Xe n' dr i k has much to offer advent ur er s i n t he
form of cons t r uct ed e nvi r onme nt s . Li ke t he j ungl es of
the nor t h, t he cycl opean r ui ns of t he gi ant s readi l y come
to mi nd when peopl e t hi nk of t he dungeons of Xen' dr i k,
but they are not t he only such sites on t he cont i nent . The
gi ant r ui ns are i ncr edi bl y anci ent , but t he cont i nent
hol ds some t hat are ol der st i l l , dat i ng as far back as t he
end of t he Age of De mons . Xe n' dr i k has had a l ong and
vari ed hi st or y si nce t he fall of t he gi ant ki ngdoms , and
i n t he past forty t hous and years, count l ess smal l r eal ms
have ar i sen, bui l t monument s to t hei r achi evement s, and
faded i nt o t he mi st s of hi st oryl eavi ng r ui ns to expl ore
and ri ches to u n e a r t h .
St or mr each is t he gateway to Xe n' dr i k. A t hr i vi ng city
popul at ed by expatriates from every nat i on of Khor vai r e,
it is the cent er of t rade and travel between the two cont i -
nent s, and even a st oppi ng poi nt for t hose Sar l onans who
come to Xen' dr i k seeki ng dr agonshar ds. Though nowhere
near as large as Shar n or t he ot her maj or met r opol i ses of
Khor vai r e, it is quite possibly the most diverse city in the
world in t erms of the different races and nat i onal i t i es that
crowd its streets.
St ormreach began as a pirate haven when explorers first
began to come to Xen' dr i k in search of dr agonshar ds and
ant i qui t i es. Ther e were no regul ar trade rout es, but pirates
found it profitable to lurk near the tip of the Skyfall Peni n-
sula and attack ships as they made t hei r way back to Shar n,
Tr ol anpor t , or t he Cyr an por t of Mar dai n (now Pylas
Mar adal , i n Val enar ) . Several di f f er ent bands of pi rat es
bui l t l ai rs i n t he r ui ns of an enor mous gi ant met r opol i s
in t he area.
Ar ound 800 YK, the dr agonmar ked houses demanded
that the Ki ngdom of Gal i far put a stop to t hi s pi rat e activ-
ity. The houses cert ai nl y had t hei r own i nt erest s at heart ,
but at t he same t i me, bot h Morgrave Uni versi t y and the
Uni versi t y of Wynar n were pl a nni ng maj or expedi t i ons
to Xen' dr i k. The dr agonmar ked houses successfully made
the case to the ki ng t hat endi ng piracy on the Thunde r Sea
was beneficial to his r ul e as well as to the houses and the
uni versi t i es, and a long naval crusade ensued. By 802 YK,
the pi rat es were mostly rout ed from the Thunde r Sea, and
t hei r dens on the Skyfall Peni nsul a became St or mr each.
Backed by the dr agonmar ked houses, the set t l ement grew
steadily, and it r emai ns a pr osper ous (if somewhat wild)
front i er city to this day.
The archi t ect ure of St ormreach is ast oni shi ng to those
maki ng t hei r first visit to Xen' dr i k. The anci ent gi ant city
has crumbl ed away to rubble, which in t ur n has been used in
newer const ruct i on, particularly for the impressive enclaves
of House Kundar ak and House Thar ashk.
The dozen or so nei ghbor hoods of the moder n city are
widely spaced among t he gi ant r ui ns , connect ed by l ong
roads and (in many places) magi cal t el epor t at i on devices.
The r egi ons bet ween t hese nei ghbor hoods are nearl y as
danger ous as t he wilds of Xen' dr i kpr edat or s from the
s ur r oundi ng j ungl e frequently haunt the r ui ns , magically
created const ruct s still guard part s of the anci ent city, and
small bands of drow hunt in search of bot h t reasure and
prey. The city is somet i mes called the City of Dungeons
partly as a mocki ng compar i son to the City of Towers, but
partly due to the vast expanse of its under gr ound chambers
and aboveground r ui ns , all hol di ng danger ous foes and
ri ch rewards.
St or mr each is alive with magi c, and arcane obelisks
and f ount ai ns dot the r ui ns of the anci ent city. The pi rat e
bands t hat first settled the area bui l t t hei r resi dences
ar ound these features, and they r emai n cent ral to the city's
moder n nei ghbor hoods.
Xen' dr i k is popul at ed by count l ess bi zar r e and unusual
creat ures, and its more civilized humanoi d and monst r ous
humanoi d i nhabi t ant s are no except i on. Rangi ng from the
debased r emnant s of the anci ent gi ant s' civilization to the
st r ange beel i ke abei l s ( descr i bed i n Monster Manual II) t hat
are said to i nhabi t at least one hive-city i n the foot hi l l s of
the Fangs of Argarak, the races of Xen' dr i k are monst r ous,
bestial, bar bar i c, and often highly xenophobi c.
The gi ant s are the most i mpor t ant race in Xen' dr i k,
at least hi st ori cal l y speaki ng. Descended from the titans
who bui l t Eber r on' s first civilization, the gi ant s of moder n
Xen' dr i k are but a shadow of the race' s former glory. They
have spl i nt ered i nt o numer ous ki nds and spread to i nhabi t
a wide r ange of e nvi r onme nt s . Hi l l gi ant s are t he most
commonl y encount er ed ar ound St or mr each, engagi ng
in t r ade wi t h t he peopl e of t he city. Forest gi ant s (from
Monster Manual II) hunt i n the forests of the nor t h, but they
are rarely seen. St one gi ant s are also relatively common,
t hough they avoid the j ungl e i n favor of rocki er t er r ai n in
the mount ai ns and caves to the sout h. Ot her ki nds of giants
est abl i shed t hemsel ves i n mor e ext r eme envi r onment s :
frost gi ant s in the frozen sout h (as well as t he far nor t h) ,
fire gi ant s in the volcanic mount ai ns , and cloud and st orm
giants i n the hei ght s of the sky and the dept hs of the sea.
Some gi ant s dwell i n the desert Menecht ar un, i ncl udi ng
sun gi ant s (from Monster Manual II) and sand gi ant s (from
Monster Manual III).
The f or mer slaves of t he gi ant st he droware t he
ot her i mpor t a nt race on t he cont i nent . When t hei r elf
cousi ns fled to Aer enal , the drow r emai ned in the shadow
of t he gi ant r ui ns , and t hei r ci vi l i zat i on has under gone
little change in nearl y forty t housand years. They believe
t hat they al one preserve t he di gni t y and valor of t he elf
race, di smi ssi ng t he rebel s who fled to Aer enal and t hei r
Val enar hei r s . They wander t he forest s i n smal l bands ,
campi ng u n d e r g r o u n d at t i mes, and have l i t t l e i nt er ac-
t i on with ot her s of t hei r ki nd, let al one ot her races. ( The
drow of Xe n' dr i k are descr i bed in mor e det ai l i n Races
of Eberron.)
The bi r dl i ke race known as r apt or ans (descri bed in
Races of the Wild) lives in cliffs and canyons all over Xen' dr i k.
A few have emigrated to Khor vai r e, t hei r curiosity about the
common races aroused by contact in St or mr each or in the
wilds. They are common in the Ti t an' s Teeth mount ai ns but
extend far beyond that area, from far nor t h of the Skyfall
Peni nsul a to the Skyraker Claws west of Menecht ar un.
In addi t i on to the sand gi ant s and sun gi ant s, four sig-
nificant races are native to the great desert of Menecht ar un.
The asheratis live in t i ght -kni t family uni t s under gr ound,
swi mmi ng t hr ough sand it as if it were water. The gobl i noi d
bhukas dwell in canyons and cliffsides, particularly where
the desert abuts the Fangs of Angarak. The insectoid hunt ers
and trackers known as t hr i - kr een wander the wastes, t hough
they are hardl y numer ous . Finally, the gregari ous nomadi c
ar mands i nhabi t the desert, t r adi ng with all the ot her races
of Menecht ar un. (Asherat i s and bhukas are descri bed in
Sandstorm, t h r i - k r e e n a r e de t a i l e d i n Expanded Psionics Handbook,
and ar mands appear in Monster Manual III.)
The race of catfolk (described in Races of the Wild) is native
to the j ungl es of the Skyfall Peni nsul a. Over years of i nt er -
action with the people of St ormreach, catfolk have migrated
to various part s of Khor vai r e, congregat i ng part i cul arl y in
the Eldeen Reaches and Q' bar r a.
Th e race of yuan- t i is act ual l y nat i ve to Sar l ona,
havi ng or i gi nat ed as an offshoot of huma ns . Whe n the
I ns pi r ed t ook cont r ol of t hat cont i nent , they began to
ext er mi nat e t he yuan- t i , and t hose t hat coul d escape
fled to Ar gonne s s e n. Many of t he dr agons were unwi l l -
i ng to open t hei r l and to these refugees, but a handf ul of
Chamber agents who saw the arri val of the yuan- t i as part
of t he unf ol di ng of the Prophecy offered t hem sanct uary.
As t he numbe r s of yuan- t i grew, dr aconi c r esi st ance to
t hei r presence i ncreased as well, and most were eventually
bani shed to Xen' dr i k. Accor di ng to some schol ars, it was
only upon t hei r set t l i ng i n Xen' dr i k t hat the race of yuan-
ti became cor r upt ed and hat eful , and those schol ars poi nt
to t he benevol ent yuan- t i of the Tal ent a city of Kr ezent
as evidence that the race was or i gi nal l y no mor e evil t han
its huma n ancest or s. What ever t hei r or i gi n, t he yuan- t i
of Xe n' dr i k are mor e uni f or ml y evil t han most races of
Eber r on. Though except i onal i ndi vi dual s exist, most are
t hor oughl y vile and depraved. For t he most par t , they are
isolated in t hei r t empl e- st at es deep i n t he j ungl es , but
some have taken up resi dence in the gi ant r ui ns s ur r ound-
ing St or mr each. From t her e, they send t hei r most human-
like agents among the popul ace to pur sue t hei r nefari ous
ends. Supposedl y, these yuan- t i seek to t r ansf or m all of
humani t y i nt o t hei r own ser pent i ne i mage.
Two races with a common ancest or have spread to
domi nat e isolated Kapaer i an Isl and, west of t he Skyfall
Peni nsul a. The or der ed cities of the skarns and the mor e
casual communi t i es of t he r i l kans t hr i ve si de- by- si de,
t r adi ng mostly with each ot her but slowly st ar t i ng to expand
to the Xen' dr i k mai nl and. These races are humanl i ke i n
appear ance, but they are di st i ngui shed bot h physically
(the r i l kans have bands of scales; t he skar ns, di st i nct i ve
spines) and in t hei r use of the magic of i ncar numst r ange
soul energy they shape i nt o t angi bl e spel l -obj ect s called
soul mel ds. (Skarns and r i l kans are fully det ai l ed in Magic
of Incarnum.)
Count l ess ot her races, from the humanoi d to the truly
mons t r ous , i nhabi t t he wi l der r egi ons of Xe n' dr i k. The
highest, coldest peaks of the Fangs of Argarak are said to
be home to a race of si ni st er yak folk (described in Monster
Manual II) who prey on drow, gi ant s, and travelers alike who
stray too near t hei r mount ai n homes. Accor di ng to tales of
the asheratis, the deepest recesses of Menecht ar un are the
abode of scorpi onfol k (also from Monster Manual II). Ophi d-
i ans, sar kr i t hs, and cr uci ans are all found i n Xen' dr i k, as
are many of t he monst r ous races also found in Khor vai r e:
ogres, mi not aur s , har pi es, gargoyles, and so on. ( Ophi d-
ians and sar kr i t hs are descri bed i n Fiend Folio; cr uci ans
a p p e a r i n Miniatures Handbook.)
Seemingly, every expl or er who delves i nt o the j ungl e
or crosses a mount ai n range r et ur ns with a r epor t of some
never - bef or e- encount er ed race bui l di ng its i nsul ar civi-
l i zat i on in some lost valley or sequest ered pl ai n. The most
recent tall tales to spread t hr ough St ormreach involve a race
of const ruct s much like warforged, supposedl y bor n from
creat i on forges built before humans ever set foot on Khor -
vaire. Popul ar i magi nat i on l i nks these "dark warforged" to
the drow, and i magi nes a r el at i onshi p bet ween t hem and
the Canni t h- bui l t warforged somehow parallel to the rela-
t i onshi p between the drow and the elves of Aer enal . In all
l i kel i hood, these taleslike so many explorers' reportsare
pure fancy, ei t her having no basis in reality or so di st or t i ng
the t r ut h as to make it unrecogni zabl e.
Huge expanses of Xen' dr i k r emai n completely unexpl ored,
and even the Skyfall Peni nsul a outside the relatively civi-
lized St ormreach is still unt amed wi l derness. The majority
of the r ui ns and i mpor t ant sites that have been located in
Xen' dr i k are i n t hat nor t her n regi on; the location of most
sites beyond t he peni ns ul a is l i t t l e mor e t han specul a-
t i on. Of course, St or mr each itself is bui l t in the midst of a
r ui ned gi ant city, so these are among the best -known r ui ns
in Xen' dr i k.
For many years, Mel -Aqat was t hought to be mer e l egend.
Ment i oned i n a variety of anci ent texts, t hi s site was sup-
posedly the pr i son for a mighty rakshasa rajah. Unt i l only
a few years ago, most scholars had abandoned hope of ever
fi ndi ng it, but t hen it was unear t hed by a gr oup of adven-
t ur er s led by the scholar Jani k Mart el l . Good and evil are
bot h st rong in Mel -Aqat . (Thi s site is featured in the novel
Legacy of Ruin.)
The Temple of Sondar Thaj lies in the heart of the Marsh
of Desol at i on. I n fact, some cor r upt ed artifact or cursed
entity wi t hi n the temple is said to be responsi bl e for the l i n-
geri ng malaise that seems to hang over that swamp. Legends
say that it is the rest i ng place of the Cr own of Sondar Thaj ,
one of the draconi c artifacts used in the anci ent war against
the fiend-spawn of Khyber.
The Obsi di an City is anot her r ui ned giant city, now i nhab-
ited by a t ri be of drow called the Sul at ar ("fi rebi nders"). It
lies at least 800 miles upri ver from St or mr each. (Thi s site
is featured i n the novel The Shattered Land.)
Pra'xirek and Tharkgun Dhak are gi ant r ui ns . Pra' xirek
lies near one of the heads (sources) of the Hydrathe great
sound that divides the Skyfall Peni nsul a from the rest of
the cont i nent . Two tribes of giants still i nhabi t the r ui ns,
as well as a gr oup of drow and a l ocat hah clan.
Thar kgun Dhak is a cliffside fortress located in the
nor t her n Fangs of Ar gar ak. Ogres now cont rol the r ui ns,
but it is a gateway to the dept hs of Khyber and infested with
creat ures of madness. (Both of these sites are fully detailed
i n Explorer's Handbook.)
The Ri ng of Storms is considered to be an idle myth, and its
location has never been conclusively i dent i fi ed. Accor di ng
to legend, it was the mount ai n refuge of a sect of magically
powerful drow dur i ng the Age of Gi ant s, but this sect was
destroyed by the fall of an enor mous dr agonshar d from the
Ri ng of Siberys. (Thi s site is the set t i ng for the el ect roni c
g a me Dragonshard.)
Aside from the r ui ns on which the city is bui l t , the Throne
Gate Rui ns are probably the closest r ui ns to St ormreach,
lying about 400 miles up the Rachi River. Thi s site served
as a temple and arcane laboratory at the height of the giant
empi r e. (It is featured in the EBERRON advent ure Grasp of the
Emerald Claw.)
Note: In most cases when an
index entry contains more
than one page number, the
first number given is the
main entry for that topic
(where the most informa-
tion about it is found).
aasimars 123
aberrant dragonmarks 48
aberrations 86
aboleths 85
Adar 82, 79, 109
Aerenal 18, 22, 42, 50, 72,
76, 77, 79, 98, 101, 140
aquatic elves 133
Arawai 138, 31, 33
Arcane Congress, the 100, 47,
124, 127
arcane signet ring 38
Argonnessen 42, 30, 79, 154
armands 154
artificer (class) 63, 100, 104
asheratis 154
Ashbound, the 57, 60
Ashtakala 36
Atur Academy 103
Aundair 64, 16, 22, 23, 57,
81, 92, 93, 97
Aureon 138, 31, 33, 42, 101
Aurum, the 146, 55, 111, 149
aventi 133
azurins 79
Balinor 138, 33
bariaurs 123
beholders 85
bhukas 154
Blood of Vol, the 22, 20, 57,
99, 103, 148
Bloodtouched rite 23
Boldrei 138
brand of the binding flame 36
Breland 64, 16, 22, 23, 38, 40,
54,79, 81, 92, 93, 108, 150
Broken Blade (monk order)
buomman 123
business license 38
Cannith, House 150, 47, 48,
93, 117
Carrion Tribes 34, 37
catfolk 154
centaurs 56
Chamber, the 44, 42, 154
changelings 24, 98
chaos gnomes 69
Children of Winter 58, 57, 60
chokers 85
Church of the Silver Flame
26, 31, 36, 37, 139, 147
City of the Dead 122
couatls 30, 31, 147, 152
creation myths 30
crucians 154
Cults of the Dragon Below 87,
57, 59, 85, 91, 101
Cyre 65, 16, 64, 92, 93, 97,
116, 140
daelkyr, the 85, 57, 59, 60, 69,
70, 76, 84, 87, 88, 101, 121
darfellans 133
Darguun 70, 16, 32, 65, 71,
79, 93, 97, 108, 144
Dark Six, the 32, 31, 121, 139
Day of Mourning, the 93, 59,
79, 86, 94, 97, 116, 117, 122
Deathguard, the 20
deathless21, 18, 19,72, 101, 122
deep gnomes 69
Demon Wastes 34, 16, 31, 78,
84, 119
Deneith, House 41, 47, 48, 53,
93, 97, 149
Devourer, the 33, 31, 32, 138
Dhakaani clans 70, 71
Dhakaani Empire 70, 76, 108,
documents 38
Dol Arrah 138, 32, 33, 139
Dol Dorn 139, 32, 33, 108
dolgaunts 85
dolgrims 85
doppelgangers 25, 24, 31, 33
draconic creatures 45
dragonmarked houses 46, 38,
41, 44, 47, 50, 78, 107, 136
dragonmarks 46, 43, 44
dragons 42, 30, 34, 67, 76, 79,
82, 101, 133, 152
dragonshards 50, 43, 47, 77,
84, 85, 152
Dreadhold 99
dream dwarves 54
Dreaming Dark, the 146, 82,
83, 120, 131
Droaam 52, 16, 22, 32, 33,
64, 79, 84, 93, 97, 108
dromites 131
drow 154. 33, 76,77, 101, 152,
druid sects 57
duergar 54
dungeons of Droaam 53
dungeons of Eberron 16
dusklings 123
dwarves 54, 64, 66, 67
edicts of Korth 47
elans 131
Eldeen Reaches 56, 16, 85,
101, 122, 123, 134, 154
elf lines 19
Emerald Claw, Order of the
148, 20, 22, 31, 57, 98
epic-level adventures 17
espionage 80
everyday magic 62
Everice 66
Fairhaven 64
family names 48
favored soul (class) 139
feral garguns 56
Five Nations, the 64, 38, 47,
72, 74,77, 92, 93, 136, 150
Flamekeep 65
Flayed Hand (monk order) 108
Frostfell, the 66, 56, 122, 132
Fury, the 33, 138
Galifar, Kingdom of 64, 47,
65,77, 92,98, 128, 136, 153
Gatekeepers, the 59, 70, 85,
86, 88, 101, 118
Ghaal' dar tribe 32, 70
Ghaash' kala, the 36, 34, 37
Ghallanda, House 74, 75
giants 154, 16, 18, 31, 76, 101,
githyanki and githzerai 123
gnolls 52
gnome subraces 69
gnomes 68, 67, 76, 101
goblinoids 70, 76, 78, 108
goblins 52
goliaths 56, 31
Graywall 53
Greensingers, the 61
grells 85
hadozees 133
half-dragons 44
half-elven wine 73
half-elves 72, 61, 98
half-giants 131
half-living 21
half-ogres 52
half-orcs 119
halflings 74, 67
harpies 52
healer (class) 97
Heavenly Fleet, the 99
hexblade (class) 33
hill giants 52
history 76
humans 78
identification papers 38
illumians 79
incarnum 101
Inmost, the 107
Inspired, the 130, 50, 78, 79,
83, 152, 154
intrigue 80
jhorgun' taal, the 119
Jorasco, House 47, 75
kalashtar 82, 146
Kalok Shash 36
Karrnath 65, 22, 74, 75, 77,
78, 93, 96, 103, 148, 152
Kech Shaarat 7 1
KechVolaar 53
Keeper, the 33, 84, 122, 139
Khyber 84, 16, 30, 45
killorans 123
Kol Korran 139, 33
Krezent 154
Kundarak, House 39, 47, 55,
99, 153
Labyrinth, the 37, 34, 36
Last War, the 92, 16, 22, 39,40,
56, 65, 74, 96, 97, 100, 103,
121, 137, 140, 148, 150, 152
letter of credit 39
letter of dispensation 39
letter of marque 39
letter of proxy 40
Lhazaar Principalities 98, 66,
67, 78, 131
Library of Korranberg 69
Long Arm (monk order) 108
Lord of Blades, the 116, 151
Lords of Dust, the 147, 34, 35
Lyrandar, House 41, 47, 72
maenads 131
magic in Eberron 62
magic of the giants 101
magical traditions 100
manifest zones 122, 19, 20,
56, 57, 58, 61, 66, 153
Marguul tribe 70
marshal (class) 97
Medani, House 72
medusas 52
mephlings 123
mind flayers 85
minotaurs 52
Mockery, the 33, 108, 138, 139
monastic traditions 108
mongrelfolk 79
Morgrave University 110
Mournland, the 116, 16, 60,
93, 122, 151
Mror Holds 54, 28, 39, 64,
84, 119, 122
Mystic Fist (monk order) 108
neraphim 123
Newthrone 128
Nightclaw, t he 22
ninja (class) 81
Olladra 139
Onatar 139, 31, 42, 101, 138
ophidians 154
orcs 118, 36, 52, 54, 59, 139
Order of the Emerald Claw
148, 20, 22, 31, 57, 98
Orien, House 41, 47, 53
pardon (document) 40
Path of Light, the 82
Phiarlan, House 47, 48, 72, 81
planes of existence 120
Prophecy, the 42, 30, 44, 101,
psionic races 131
psionics 83, 50, 54
Q' barra 128, 16, 65
quori 130, 50, 76, 77, 82, 101,
120, 122
rakshasa rajahs 34, 84, 147
raptorans 154
Riedra 130, 79
rilkans 101, 154
royal decree (document) 40
runehounds 85
sakah 35
samurai (class) 64
sarkriths 154
Sarlona 77, 16, 66, 76, 78, 79,
98, 130, 154
scorpionfolk 154
scout (class) 97
sea kin 79
seas of Eberron 132
Seren 44, 79
serpent cults of Xen' drik 31
shaarat'khesh (monk order) 108
Shadow, the 33, 31, 138
shadowswyfts 123
Shae Mordai 20, 21
sharakim 79
Sharn 84, 87, 110, 122
shifters 134, 56, 58, 101
shugenja 45
Silver Flame, sects of 29
Sivis, House 38, 39, 40, 41,
47, 53, 77
skarns 101, 154
skulks 79
society and status 136
Sovereign Host, the 138, 31,
32, 33
spellthief (class) 81
spikers 123
spirit shaman (class) 61
stonechildren 123
Stormreach 153, 52, 77, 154,
swashbuckler (class) 137
Tairnadal elves 140, 18
Talenta Plains, the 74, 67,
75, 111
Tashalatora (monk order) 109
Tempest Isle 99
templars of the Silver Flame 26
Thaliost 65
Tharashk, House 52, 53, 153
Thrane 65, 23, 26, 27, 28, 93,
147, 150
thri-kreen 154
Thronehold 93
Thur anni , House 47, 72
tieflings 123
title deed (document) 40
Traglorn Isle 99
Traveler, the 33, 31, 32, 42
traveling papers 41
Trebaz Sinara 99
Trolanport 153
trolls 53
Trust, the 68
Twelve, the 47, 100
uldras 67
umber hulks 85
underfolk 79
Undying Court 19, 21
urban elves 72
Valenar 140, 16, 64, 76, 77, 136
Wardens of the Wood 57, 86
warforged 150
warlock (class) 35
warmage (class) 97
warrant (document) 41
Wayfinder Foundation 66
whisper gnomes 69
wildren 123
Wroat 65
wu jen 59
Xen' drik 152, 16, 18, 22, 31,
40, 42, 50, 63, 76, 77, 101
xephs 82
yak folk 154
yuan-ti 154, 77
Zilargo 68, 16, 38, 39
Aberrant Dragonmark Gift
(feat) 49
Aberrant Dragonmark
Mystery (feat) 49
Aberrant Dragonmark Vigor
(feat) 49
Aberration Banemagic (feat) 86
Aerenal Arcanist (feat) 20
Aerenal Half-Life (feat) 20
Aereni Focus (feat) 20
Arawai (deity) 138
artificer, epic 17
artificer's monocle (magic item) 63
Atur Academy (organization)
Aureon (deity) 138
Balinor (deity) 138
Battlebred (feat) 122
Binding Brand (Ghaash' kala
feat) 36
blade of light (psionic power) 149
Bladebearer of the Valenar
(feat) 141
Bloodtouched rite 23
bloodstone blade (dragonshard
item) 51
Boldrei (deity) 138
Child of the Swamps (feat) 119
Chosen of the Deathless (feat)
create spirit idol (cleric spell) 21
cults and domains 87
cyrite (special substance) 117
Death's Blood (feat) 149
Devourer, the (deity) 33
dissonant touch (psionic power) 149
Dol Arrah (deity) 138
Dol Dorn (deity) 139
dragon's insight (dragonmark
talent) 48
Dreaming Dark (deity) 131
Du' ulora Ancestor (feat) 83
epic artificer 17
Friend of the Tribes (feat) 75
Fury, the (deity) 33
Galifaran Scholar (feat) 77
gatekeeper mystagogue
(prestige class) 88
goblinoid PCs 71
grayflower perfume (special
substance) 129
Hashalaq Ancestor (feat) 83
Heroes of Horror rules in the
Demon Wastes 37
high elemental binder
(prestige class) 104
Indomitable Discipline (feat)
Kalok Shash (deity) 36
Keeper, the (deity) 33
Kol Korran (deity) 139
lizardfolk PCs 129
lodret leaf (special substance)
Manifest Druid (feat) 122
manifest spellshapers
(organization) 124
manifest spellshapers feats
Mockery, the (deity) 33
Morgrave Outreach Associa-
tion (organization) 112
Nightclaw, the (artifact) 23
nightshard maul (dragonshard
item) 51
Olladra (deity) 139
Onatar (deity) 139
orcs as player characters 119
Overload Metabolism (feat) 151
Passage Institute for the Arcane
Arts (organization) 102
Perfect Reflection
(changeling feat) 25
price of loyalty (sorcerer/wizard
spell) 149
races of Droaam 53
Red Gauntlet Regiment
(organization) 94
revenant blade (prestige
class) 142
Ritual of Arcane Opposition 60
Ritual of Blight's Embrace 60
Ritual of the Timeless Soul 60
Ritual of the Woodland Bond 60
sentinel's watch (sorcerer/wizard
spell) 149
Shadow, the (deity) 33
Shield of Blades (feat) 141
shield of Deneith
(dragonmark talent) 48
Shifter Acrobatics (feat) 135
Shifter Magnetism (feat) 135
Shifter Stealth (feat) 135
Shocking Fist (feat) 151
shugenjas and dragons 45
Skai Sharrat (artifact) 71
spotted toadstool venom
(poison) 129
subraces and dragonmarks 47
Sudden Willow Strike (feat) 109
swiftness of Orien
(dragonmark talent) 48
Talenta Dinosaur Bond (feat) 75
Talenta Drifter (feat) 75
templars of the Silver Flame
(organization) 26
Touch of Captivation (sakah
feat) 35
Touch of Deception (sakah
feat) 35
Touch of Summoning (sakah
feat) 35
Traveler, the (deity) 33
twinblade scourge (magic item) 79
unity wine (cleric spell) 73
Unnatural Enemy (feat) 86
Valenar Trample (feat) 141
zaelshin tu (magic item) 145
Argonnessen 45
Church of the Silver Flame 29
Five Nations, the (circa 500
YK) 65
Frostfell, the 67
Labyrinth, the 37
lizardfolk encampment 128
magic item shop 63
monastery 109
Morgrave University 110
Mror Holds 55
planes of existence 121
Xen' drik 155
About t he Aut hor s
JAMES WYATT won an Ori gi ns award for City of the Spider
Queen. He also wrote Oriental Adventures and is the coauthor
of numerous roleplaying game products, i ncl udi ng the
EBERRON Campaign Setting, Sharn: City of Towers, Heroes of Horror, and
Draconomicon: The Book of Dragons. He lives i n Washi ngt on State
with his wife, Amy, and their son, Carter.
KEITH BAKER has been an avid fan of the DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS game since grade school. His life took a dramatic
turn in 2002 when his world, Eberron, was selected as
Wizards of the Coast's new D&D game setting. He is the
coaut hor of the EBERRON Campaign Setting and Sharn: City of Towers,
and he has written a trilogy of Eberron novels called The
Dreaming Dark.
LUKE J OHNSON is a freelance game desi gner who has
written several articles and adventures for Dragon Magazine
and Dungeon Magazine.
STEVEN "STAN!" BROWN worked at Wizards of the Coast
as a creative director and is one of the founding members
of The Game Mechanics, a d20 game publisher. His recent
writing credits include Planar Handbook and a novel, titled
Dragon Day, for Mirrorstone Books.

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