Lecture # 4: Periodic Table and Naming of Compounds

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General Chemistry

Lecture # 4: Periodic Table and Naming of Compounds

Prepared by: Engr. Norman Giovanni Molina Guevarra
Periodic Classification of the Elements
Periodic Table
Is the list of all the no!n elements arranged in order of increasing atomic number in hori"ontal
ro!s of such a length that# elements !hich are chemically alie fall directly beneath one another.
$. %obereiner&s Triad '$($)*
+ohn %obereiner grouped elements that e,hibit very similar characteristics in three or triads. The
atomic !eight of the second element !as found to be the average of the first and third elements.
Calcium '-.*# /trontium '((* and barium '$0)*# !ere the numbers of %obereiner&s 1irst Triad.
%obereiner&s chart !as not a comprehensive classification of the elements but it suggested that
the atomic !eight could be used to correlate the properties of true elements.
2. Ne!lands Table '$(3-*
+ohn Ne!lands developed a periodic table in !hich the elements !ere arranged in order of
increasing atomic !eight. 4e also proposed that any given element is similar to the eighth
element follo!ing it. Ne!lands# therefore arranged the elements at intervals of eight# similar
to the octave of the musical scale. This !as referred to as 5Ne!lands 6a! of 7ctave8.
0. Mendeleevs Table '$(39*
%imitri Mendeleev# a :ussian Chemist# discovered that the atomic !eights of the elements
are related to the periodic variation in their properties. 4ence# he arranged the elements in
order of increasing atomic !eights providing intervals or period !ith !ere not al!ays of the
same length.
-. Meyer&s table '$().*
;n a!are of Mendeleev&s study +ulius Meyer has also been !oring on his Periodic Table that
consists <3 elements.
<. Moseley&s Table '$(9-*
The early periodic tables !ere arranged according to increasingly atomic !eight and this
misspelled several elements such as =r and ># Co and N and 1e and I in the periodic table is
no! related to the atomic number.
;ses of Periodic Table
$. =id to remember and understand chemical data
atomic number
symbol of element
atomic !eight
2. =s guide in chemical prediction and theory
Periodic Table of Elements
Group ? @ertical I A @II
Period ? 4ori"ontal $A)
/ubgroup of 1amily
=. 1amilies
:epresentative or main group elements
B. 1amilies
1ound at the center of the periodic table
Indicates the states of matter
Blac ? solid
:ed ? gas
Blue ? liCuid
Group I D III ? metals
Group I@ ? borderlines 'metalloids*
Group @A @II ? nonmetals
Group @III ? inert gases or noble gas
I= ? alali metals
II= ? alaline earth metals
III= ? Boron 1amily
I@= ? Carbon
@= ? Nitrogen 1amily
@I= ? 7,ygen 1amily
@II= ? 4alogens
@III= ? Inert gases or Noble Gases
Transition Elements: B 1amilies
1ound at the center of periodic table
Inner Transition elements
1 sublevel
Is the process of being filled up
:ules in Naming of Compounds
I. Binary Compound
=re those !hich are composed of t!o elements only
=. Compounds of t!o non metal
$. The name of the less electronegative elements is !ritten first
2. The second term consists of Gree prefi, that indicate the number of atoms of the second
element. The root of the name of the second element ending Eide8
E,ample: P27<
Phosphorus Pento,ide
B. =cids
Compounds !here one element is hydrogen and the other element is non metal
$. The first term consists of the prefi, Ehydro8 the root !ord of the name of the non metal
and the suffi, Eic8
2. The second term is the !ord Eacid8
E,ample: 4Cl
4ydrochloric =cid
C. /alts
Compounds !hich consists of a metal and nonmetal
$. The first term is the name of the metal. The second term consist of the root of the name
of non metal !ith the suffi, Eide8
E,ample: >Br
Potassium Bromide
2. Fhen the metal is of variable valence either of t!o system is used.
a. Classical Method
This uses the suffi,es Eous8 to indicate the lo!er valence and Eic8 to indicate the higher
valence. The root of the 6atin name of the metal is used.
E,ample: 1eCl2
1errous Chloride
E,ample: 1eCl0
1erric Chloride
b. To give the molecular formulas for compounds the symbol of the positive or radical
follo!ed by the negative elements or radical are !ritten together !ith their
respective valences. The algebraic sum of the total positive valence and the total
negative valence is eCuated to "ero so that the compound is electronically neutral
$. Fhen the positive and negative valence of the same value# the formula is correct
as it stands.
G Cl
G /
2. Fhen the positive valence and the negative valence are not of the same value#
the crisscross rules is applied so that the algebraic sum of the positive and
negative valence is eCual to "ero.
G Cl
G 7
0. Fhen a radical in a formula is taen more than once# the symbol of the radical in
enclosed in parenthesis and the correct subscript is placed after the parenthesis.
G P7
-. Fhenever the positive and negative valences are reducible to lo!est terms# the
crisscross rule is applied and the subscript is reduced to the lo!est positive ratio.
G /
Pb2/- Pb/2
/ome Compounds that contains more than t!o are named lie binary compound.
$. Metallic 4ydro,ide
E,ample: Na74 /odium 4ydro,ide
2. =mmonium Compounds of the type N4-H
E,ample: N4-Cl =mmonium Chloride
0. Cyanides
E,ample: 4CN 4ydrocyanic =cid
II. Ternary Compounds
These are compounds !hich consists of three different type of elements# the third element is
=. Ternary =cid
If there are t!o ternary acids that contain the same element# the suffi, Eic8 and Eous8
are used !ith the central element to distinguish them. The suffi, Eic8 is used to denote
the acid !ith the higher number of 7 atoms and the suffi, Eous8 for the one !ith the
lo!er number of 7 atoms
4N70 Nitric =cid
4N72 Nitrous =cid
B. If the same element forms more than t!o ternary acids the suffi, Eic8 is used to denote the
common acid. The suffi, Eous8 denote an acid containing one less o,ygen. The prefi, Eper8
is used to denote t!o additional 7 atoms and the prefi, Ehydro8 to denote t!o less 7 atoms.
4Cl7- is Perchloric acid
4Cl70 is Chloric acid
4Cl72 is Chlorous acid
4Cl7 is hypochlorous acid
2. Bases
These compounds are named as hydro,ide for metals !ith variable o,idation state !ith
the classical and the stoc method is used.
Na74 is /odium 4ydro,ide
Cu74 is Cupros 4ydro,ide or Copper I
Cu'74*2 is Cupric 4ydro,ide or Copper II
0. /alts of 7,y =cids
=n Eous8 acid al!ays forms an Eite8 o,yanion or salts an Eic8 al!ays forms Eate8 ion or
salt. The name of metal or cation is given first follo!ed by the name of nonAmetallic
group or radical.
Na2/7- is sodium /ulfate
Na2/70 is /odium /ulfite
Trends in the Periodic Table
$. /i"e
Fhen electron is removed from the outermost shell# the si"e of the atom !ill decrease
1actors in the trend of si"e
a. Nuclear Charge
1rom left to right
Increasing atomic number decrease in si"e
E,ample: Na
b. Number of energy levels
The more the energy levels# the longer the radius the bigger the atoms.
1rom top to bottom
Increasing number of levels increase in si"e
E,ample: smaller Cl
Bigger I
2. Ioni"ation Potential
Energy that is reCuired to remove one or more electrons from a neutral atom.
Process of losing or gaining an electron by an atom
1rom left to right of the periodic table# the general tendency is to increase the ioni"ation
potential and to decrease its tendency to give up electron
1rom to bottom# decrease in ioni"ation potential.
0. Electro negativity
Measure of the capacity of the atom to attract electron
Electron attracting po!er
The longer the atomic radius# the !eaer the electron attracting po!er the lo!er the electro
1rom top to bottom 'decrease in electro negativity
1rom left to right 'increase in electro negativity.
-. Electron =ffinity
=mount of energy released or e,erted !hen atoms gain electron.
1rom top to bottom 'decrease in electron affinity
1rom left to right increase in electron affinity.
<. Metallic Properties
1rom top to bottom# increasing metallic properties
1rom left to right# decreasing metallic properties.

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